1990-04-16 RM Exhibits ~ ~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGARDING AUDITS OF NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS' OR ORGANIZATIONS RECEIVING COUNTY. FUNDS WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners annually grant or appropriate public. funds to approximately forty (40) outside agencies in New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, The Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act provides that if a county provides public funds in an amount of One Thousand ($1,000) Dol.lars or more in any fiscal year to a non-profit corporation or organization the county may require the recipient have an audit performed and a copy of the audit report filed with the county, and WHEREAS, such an audi.t requirement may create a financial hardship for a recipient of a small grant; ie: incurring possible, substantial expenses for an audit, leaving only a small amount of funds avai.labl.e for the intended public purpose, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to maintain appropriate management and fiscal control over public funds granted to outside agencies, but wishes to also be sensi t'i ve to the limited financial resources of some outside agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in the event New Hanover County grants or appropriates One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars or more, in any fiscal year, to an outside agency, that agency shall have an audit performed in accordance with generally .~ .' ~ accepted auditing standards and shall file a copy of' the audi,t report with the County. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, in the event New Hanover County grants or appropriates public funds of at least One Thousand ($1 rOOO) Dollars and no more than Twenty Five Hundred ($2,500.00) Dollars, in any fiscal year, to an outside agency, the County may waive the audit requirement one time, but would require t.he recipient t.O have an audit performed for any future appropriation of more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars. ADOPTED, this,-:,/~__~day of ~) , 1990. [SEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY FtfI!gg4!ii; Board of Commissioners ~~/ xt~ Cl~k to the Board 2 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover' Description: Roads in River Oaks Subdivision River Oaks Drive, Marsh View Trail and Maypop Lane (Division File #637-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on the /IAtday /;2 ' this the /tI"/J:.- day of ~ ,1990. C Luc'e F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc , . . .";: , ' .... , " QI .J 0;:) '3 ~ Ii) UJ Ci N '/ l- r-- ~ '. ; co c rO -Sl (\J :r <j) ';Z: Vl '" ~ 0 \J) 2. <. ~ " ' 84-48.l7"' 70,51< '23/0 ',' . ' :~t1$ "~ '~\ \ . . ~\ "\':11' ':(1~~ I '~1\1 \::'~"~' f~ ::-.:.:..- ,,"'\\..--...../'\ . l[ . 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Ji~clam~tio~""i).: NOR1." . ....l~;~i;r' WHER,EAS""" the ' opportunity. for ~ fair,~.; :housing for "'~ll :~':'~>:~:fi.' ~!~;(~;' persons. within. :New Hanover.: County' is'. an' ',important goal' of:\;~;1!':"' :(;~,'>' the New' ~anover '!3oard " o.f,~ count,y Co~iss~on7rs' ~ho alor:g wi th'::$t~~::.: :~;)t~$'\f;,'. . the, New Hanover Human Relat10ns . Comm1ss10n, I,. the C1 ty ~ of,:,{;~,~~i":~'~: ~,..~J~'r ':.. Wilmington~. concer~ed citizenf? and,.the. housing industry' is",,}:J~:.'~\n'~~t.t~\ . " working '1:;0' realize ,:the .,dream; of' fair. ~ousing opportuni tiesJ;i\1f.~:~': ;;;'{.',~;: ,. and ava;lab' le "hous ;ng . for all'ca' nd' < """'-7~~':' - - , " ~ :..,..t,~{ t;:.;,~,. : ,:,l1r,~',.: _ ~..L. . ..... . ... 'i ,!:l,.'~'~l. \ -~ ....."...f..;,.J.:::.}~\..:::.,~~-'..l1{.;~ ,"~":::',. '~'. .' ". ".". '" . :.' ',":;:;"':'."""',':-. ':, ,... ':.~'~:>~.t(: " '..;ld:~:ff~!~~:~r'. . , WHEREAS,' the" Fa1r' Hous1ng 'Ord1nance/"of New. Hanover4;jj.",~'[:t:r: "i~;>;;'..'" ,'County and. Title' VIII 'of: the' 1968 "Civil"Rig~ts Act,';"as ~~;::~t~~::i.r.~S:' d d ' h' b ' \ d' ,. , .0., . 'h 'b f .~ '\tofu '1.'1'" , .' ': amen ~ ' l' pro ;.1 1 ts 11~c: 1m~n~ht~odn. 1n ;~. . fous,11n,g 1 ecause, ::0 /::~J;.iI?i~;:: :t~f/t.' : race, co or,' sex, 're 191~m, ,.an 1cap",': am~ 1a status:.of)r\'i{~;W:::~;'J.:(':::. ;. national' origin and .'C, " ,';', .c,' '. . <'~., ", . '. .,tt'Joi',,::<,~, 0 .,}4';.;!,,' , ," "'~ ,:,...\,',:;:,:' .' ,,:' "', :~:. :; ;: ...... ':}~-i!:~;0 L~'f: :.' , WHEREAS,' 1990 willcmar:kthe' twenty-second' anni versary.i'f.::'r!:~';: ::i{{:'- of the Federal Fair HOusir;g. Act <;tnd' the. ninth;anniversary., o~;~:tt;i'~Z:~:', 1~~~,;~: the New Hanover County Fa1;:, Hous1ng Ord1nance, and; :;'~.; .-;..:ft\.:t~~< ;'.",;.':'" . ' . . : ',:-<.? ',.'. ". ":''';'; . ',1" '~~;j{~~?{,~ t.,;;~:,\::" WHEREAS, by supporting. and promoting'" fair. housing,and;}1! 's' "~ . :,:' . ,... ~~y.. ~~~~~~, equal opportun1ty, we ar~,contr1but1ng to 'tlfe health. of oUr'~1')~~{;";~ ~~lr." community and our nation.- We must encourage' others to abide::\:1?~~:, j, ,;;1,:: by the letter and the spirit of the Federal Fair HOusing,Act~~i~~ ,._..::..."~.,~...~.~.~:.',:.,',,,~,"'.:.~','~',:.:.;.~",'.'....".,:,' and the Fair Housing Ordinance of New Hanover County. " .;... :~~~j~ft.., <~':> NOW, THEREFORE, the' New . Hanove; Coun ty Board .Jo~.~~' <iiiiiT Commissioners hereby proclaims the month' of April, 1990 as ;,~:~~r~~. ~~;~< .~ ; '11. . . ...~ ~~, 4 ,~ ~.~;~:r.r-<! . . . FAIR; HOUSING MONTIl.,. ':;. . . . . ,";litl~ :'i~~,' '. in New Hanover County" North caroli'na': and' calls upon; ~l(j!;~~~~~' ~ ~~~'~/':' citizens to rededicate themselves ,to ensuring that fair'k'f~~:;~'~:: E;.f,~i ;" '. housing laws are always upheld and '. ci tizens are protected~'f~'~"'{: '~~'lf ,: . .... .".' , . '. . ~,' ~ ~', ;~:t L.;.J~i....:::: : ~(;lJ. .:" aga1nst d1scr~m1nat10n.. ,i"I' ,e" ' .. , '!.t':'::~:i:.'},W':"'~i:f.':;:, .... Signed this the day of Apri~~1990. .. " '. . .' i, ,,~'-' :;;. !~~.., ! ;~. Fred,Retchin, Chairman .". . . . .:; ;;;;j), ~~ -.:;-. 0.... 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 . '0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ',0 . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 0 ~ ""~ :~',: ." .~ f-~ ~ .~. .~. . >, . ., . . ~, .,- '\ ,I . .,;', . .: .....,'~ . ".;" ;:..'-<:)'~- .', '.~ . ,'/ :',