1990-05-07 RM Exhibits ..",.:;.'1 '0' . a. a a a. a a a a. a aa a II a Daa allla aaaa aa a aa III aD aa aa aD aD a a aD a a a aa Dill aD a a a a aD'll a a aa aD C1. a a a au II aDD a a a D aa a aaaa aaaaa aaDOODaa a a. New. D D D D D D . D . D D 1: Do ~ . . ~-.. ~o ~~~. . II iii a a a a a a a iii. II a a III a a a a If a a II a CI CI a a a a CI a D a a a a aD" . D a II a"a D 1111 U a II DaD a D a a a D a a a D II a a II a a a lit a D lit a a a a a a III Ill. a a a III a DaD a a 1:1 a a a a a a 11" D" G a If _ 1:1 arlttU01U ff (!J:I0100ty iSi01ar~ lUff QllUfmmu~~ilUfrnfli~ jprot tarnation WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., chartered in 1913, is an international organization of more than 100,000 graduate and undergraduate women; and WHEREAS, six women of this area on May 10, 1940, after earning approval by the national organization, met at the home of Augusta Cooper in Wilmington, North Carolina, to organize a local chapter of Delta sigma Theta Sorority; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Alumnae Chapter currently is composed of forty dedicated, conscientious,' hard-working women of New Hanover County and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the mis,sion of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is to design and to participate in programs that benefit society in the area of Educational Development, Community Services and International Understapding, Economic Development, Housing and Urban Development, Mental Health, Social Action, Arts and Letters; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorori ty promotes leadership through voter registration, after school programs for elementary school . children, Teen Lift, oratorical contests, health fairs, concerts, the School America reading program, and financial contributions to other non-profit organizations in the community; and WHEREAS, the women of the wilmington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority through its Jabberwock has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for scholarships to send local young people to college; and WHEREAS, the women of the Wilmington Alumna~. Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., are celebra'ting Fifty Years of Service: A Challenge to Pursue witH plans to continue to provide public service programming designed to improve the overall quality of life for all people and particularly for women and for African-Americans. 1ft NOW THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board o~. commissioners does hereby proclaim the week of May 14-20, 1990, as DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY WEEK in New Hanover County, the State of North Carolina. Signed this 7th day of May, 1990. q{{jJf1L- Fr Retc ~n, Cha~rman II" .1 .j I! II II 1 : ,. I :. ',I';Ii, I ' I' , . ",',1,',,1 ,II 'I..... I :, I,ll ill ..... I: I: I, Ilil i i ~ B!"'" NEW hANO\7ER COUNTY MUSEUM e OF'ThE.lOWER'CAPE'FEAR (919) 341.4350 814 Market Street. lVi!rnil'l9tonj North CaroCina Z8401 I\le~'J Hanovel- County 1'1useum of the Leo\--JE'I- CD,pe Fecl,\- 8 D "J. I':' d 0 f T 1'- II S t r-2 e <:; ~1".!.L:X':"~:?jl.t B Y .",- L () l~ ~) ARTICLE IV MEETINGS OF TRUSTEES ~. Regular Meetings. Regular ffi0etings of the Board of Trustees shall be' held the thil-d Thur'sday Clf each month at 4:30 P.M. at the principal office of the Board of "r I" u, 'j I: ('? E' <,3 0 'f t h (::? N (=? ~'J H -'\ n Co 'V (=? 1- C (I U 11 t Y l'iLI,::E\LlfTl at 01/.+ f'1,::ll-ket Str'eet~ ,H Ifflington~ ",Jor-'l;h Ccwol ina 28!+01. e1kct Lee of timE' ,~nd place [d7 the )-c?qu!er" fTlE'i':?tingc,,; ~:;h-,\JJ. bE' mail('~Li tc. e':\ch'!'\-I.l'..:; tE'E- no 1 a ter- than seven (7) Jays before each meeting. C. Quo r um. A simp 1 e m,':I.j 0 roo i t Y [0 f I~ II f::' B 0 .'), roo d of T \- U ~; teE.' ':3 ~; h i.'\ 1 1 c Co n s tit ute a q u (I 1- U m f 0 )- the t ,- " n s ,?:\ c t .i. Co n [I F b U !-.'; i n E.'!::;~; . Eve 1- y c"\ c 't Dr decision done or made by a majority of the Board of Trustees present at a duly held meeting at Hll i c h .OJ. quo I" u m i ~,; p roo f:.' ~5 (2 n t s h all h E~ regarded as an act of the Board of 'f r- ~,l~; t 0::"(;: s . ARTICLE X Ai'-1ENDMENTS f':rny CJ.i1lendment 5 upon \--Jh i ch th e bo al-d may be cCJ.lled to vote~ shall have bE-en pr-esE:ntecl to the b6.=rr'd CJ. t the prior meeting 0'1' the board and t ,3 k p nun d Eo)" c: c. n s i cI e ,- a t ion b y the e h 0::1 r" ,J r Co r" a t J E~ ,,:\ : t t h i. )' t Y .(:30) calendar days prIor teo veotlng eon ..::\ n)/ sue h .::\ffll.:?nd mr.::~n t . E~~_f,~PQ,~gQ ARTICLE IV MEETINGS OF TRUSTEES A. Regular Meetings. Regular rTH~etings o"f th{::> Bo,u'cj of T'''usb'?,o>s shall be held the thi,"d Thu)"sclay of each month at 5 P.M. at the principal office of the Beoard of Tl"I,\<3tl::>es of the') t'k~l'J Ihrrc)\'c'j" CC'lHlty Museum at 814 Market Street~ l.JiliningtClll~ NDI-th CiY'''oli.n.::r. 2\3/+01. N D tic p [. f t i rn e ,:::\ rl d p 1 EI C e [, f the 1''' ('? qui c-r 1''' In C'? f,' tin q "3 <::: h'1 1 1 b E: m ;:', i 1 E? d t Co each Tr"u::; tee nD 1 a tel' than seven ( 7) d a )is b f-2 f 0 r- f,o cO' ,3 r..: h in i:? [~\; i n g . \ - C. Quorum. Fifty pCI"Cent (!:iOY.) of till::? cl..tr-r-'l~llt fm"iIlbc'r-~,; cof thL" Boar"i:J [. f T r- us tee 5 s h CJ. lie C' n ;::" tit ul; E' <"\ qtlor"'ufIl for" 1;1'1(:> tr-c"'l,n<::;o:lction clf bus i 11 E' ~; ~'" " E .... e j' Y i'\ c: t Co 1- cI E' c: i '3 ion d C< 11 co> Co I" m .,\(:1 r::> b y t h i? fll ,::> m IJ f..: ,- ,,_, [. f t h to' Board of Trustees present at a duly 11E'ld ml:~('~I'in'J <~t VJhi,'h oj qIJf)l'\',rn i:,; p j' p <::; c, I I t <:; I) c:\ 1 1 b (c' )" c: C) D I" cl E' cI .:'1 S ;3 n act cof tll('? 8eoal-d of TI-U':3tC2E':.;. AFn I CLE X AMENDMENTS ()ny amc'ndrnents UPC,)-, v"hich thE' bC'cl)"d may be called to vote. shc-rll have been presented to the board at 1 e a 5 t 30 d a, y ~5 P f' i c. ,- I; Co t h (::? V Co t 0? ~ either at a previous boarrl meeting or by priDr written notice. NEW hANO\7ER C 0 U N T Y MUSEUM . OF'ThE.lOWER'CApE.FEAR (919) 341.4350 814 Market Street. lVi!rnil'l9ton, North CaroCina -28401 ~Q!::'!::' ~~ II Qri EQ!::.1 ~y Current Policy Proposed Amendment: I. Acquisition Policy !4. Type3 of Acquisition: The New Hanover County Museum (NHCM) accept materials in three categories: accessioned collection Istudy collection); unaccessioned; e;:pE'ndab 1 e. 1. Accessioned Collection 2. Unaccessioned Collection: . il. Contains items which will ~ot be accessioned into the collection of the museum or in the educational and exhibition programs. These may include items ~'J h i c h en- e : (1) reproductions Dr not of museum quality; (2) useful in the exhibition and education program (e.g. ~ manikins, graphics, books;) (3) Useful in the administration and maintenance of the museum (e.g., office and other equipment) . 3. Expendable Materials: a. Itpms that t'ln~ inconsistent with the NHCM's Statement of Purpose that may be . donated with the understanding that the items will be disposed of by the NHC/'l. I. Acquisition Policy ,!'1, Types of Acquisi hon: The New Hanover County Museum (NHCM) vJill accept matedctl:;; in hJO categcq-ies: accessie,ned ce,llection Istudy coI1ectie,n) ,1nd dE'moilshatioil (unaccessioned) collection. I. No Chcmg~~ 2. Demonstration Collection: a. Contains items which will not be accessioned into the collection, but ~o,Jhich may be useful in the education and exhibition programs. These may include items vJh i eh al-e: II) reproductions; (2) 1'ICot of museum qual i ty; (3) incompatible with the institutional statement of purpose; (it) d u P I i cat e s 0 f the accessioned collection. b. Contains items which will be useful in the administration and maintenance of the museum. These may include items which are: (1) (2 ) equipment. e::hibi t pr-ops; office and e,thel- 3. Delete entire section h. E::pf:ncl,lhlf: nh1tel-icll:; milY i n c I '_I deb uta I' E' n [< t 1 i III i t e cI to: ."nu sc,- i P ts (un 1 ess per't i nent to he documentation of collection items)~ books (unless for research pUq:)O<::E'~.): )-eco)-dings (I-eco\-ding d i ':3 k3 ), C'\l- t i fa c t 5 i n con 5 i s ten t I'J i t h the Statement of Purpose. . . '::) c.. " " NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: State Road 1630 in Masonboro State Park (Division File #641-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 1~ day and official seal this the J':'z.t- day of J?"~/ ,1990. ~). d;1~ Luc'e F. Harrell, Clerk New\Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc .... " .' ' ~v.n <:c> '~~~ ~o" ~>o .,.,c ~z If 0 ~F~ olt'" ~I t"'= Sr- ~~ ' () o t'" o lI:l n o o Z n ~ o " ~ :t l"'l >-l ~ ~ ,~ \'~,~ ~ ~ ~ f' o o .~ :.: o > o '\ ~ ~ , /" l"'l V. - o l"'l , Z an ,..., t-' t> ~ - . v~ V 0 v. ... "or- ~ \. - rt . ~ ~ :x ~ N .. ..~ ~ ! ~~~ . ~,.,,~ ~- ' ~ ~ .' '/,M,<'> \ , 'i~ ~ It,.~,\\'r\fry\~ "z .>,,,,,,,,-.-lIt; ~/l111" ~ = ;g '" ,I'V" ( ~ ~ ,v> r', . , ~.\\~ ~ ~ ~ c ' , ,...,. ,1f,ttA'''' n ,,': ,. ..t ... .., ~ ' , " ~ l" ~/~I1c . ~ ~ 5 \ "J(,\. ~ , ' ~ > ' "-1 A '.. , .,.,' ~' - '46 ,,' '(" .. / _'. . ,..__.' 0'1 " _ ' n~ .'.It-, .' > n~ ' "e t'..--.' ..." 3:",0 "". or:: 6.0:0 ..oc :C' :z~ _.__.__r:z> :zc"" ~: o ' 0 V> "",:: r-, \ Vl 0 I , ", ,",,,-:J ..- - -' ,\\'I1I1- a w'l^" 5 .: . '" ')~. ...' - - - .' .--' ..r;.O .'-.'/.. " ,.,.,' ,,'t' ,'- ..- ----'c' ' - . ...." , , " \ r- , \ r- I " : co(' ;!:: '. : 0 --l ' > '~ "tl ~ : c: "tl ,2 > ~ o o o l , I , \ \ I , ) I I I . ~ I tr1 I ." C) V) Pi )> -l ." ::t " > )> - Z ~ -l " z: " ,..., ~ z 0 0 " = n > 0 0 -l 0 '. > c v: 0 Z ~ ./ U'l 0 r- .----~-------~- - ~ .......-...'--...... "-~~ - ~-----/----,tj----' ,G l' ; ~2: a CJ -l::-~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G, MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-343-0440 April 05, 1990 THOMAS J, HARRELSON SECRET ARY GEORGE E, WELLS, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR District 3 - New Hanover County New Hanover county Board of Commissioners 320 chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Resolution Request SR1630 Extension Masonboro State Park (Div. File No. 641-N) Gentlemen: This office is considering the Masonboro State Park (Div. File system. After your consideration our recommendation, please furnish resolution for our further handling. addition of road(s) in # 641-N) to state if you concur with this office with your Very truly yours, J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer :JUUr ,\ (: ~" riO'\) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HE()(,h~;;.,,;.. <, " ril~IEO REU[r)C~ ro. "'ucr:Efl f, E G i (~'r '::~ ','~ [I E' :~:; ~J i"~ ';"/ . ~ '"<, ,,;,~ '537 " AIi F; lJ'i'it COUN~I OF NEW HANOVER II ,,' I.""" 'I' '." ./~, i 0 U:: ~ ," 1 0 I i'!gij (i:) i '<1 i,i: 1 J BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS In the Matter of Closing A Portion of PLYMOUTH DRIVE ORDER It appearing to the Board of Cou'nty Commissioners of NevI Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portibn of PLYMOUTH DRIVE was adopted by the County. Commissioners on the 26th day of March, 1990 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 7th day of May, 1990, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published In the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of Plymouth Drive Street in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follbws: 43 Beginning at a point in the southern right-of-way line of Lord Tennyson Road that is the northwestern corner of Lot 36 and Lot 1 as shown on the plat of Crestwood Subdivision Section 5, recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry for a distance of 300 feet more or less to a point at the southwestern corner of Lot 1, thence westerly 60 feet to a point at the southeastern corner of Lot 27, Crestwood Subdivision Section 5, thence northerly 300 feet more or less to a point at the northeastern corner of Lot 35, Kings Grant Subdivision Section 2; thence easterly 60 feet to the point of beginning. It is therefore ordered that the above described road be closed, subject to and excepting a sixty (60) foot utility easement for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this May, 1990. ~~n RETURNED TO S ~ W,l<.DC Co, r .e..;'1' ,(' ,/' ",""''''-./ L"t~~_:..m'\ ijzj" tGtJ' '~: I ,,' / / ", '- , I . I .:,' "., , .. " I , 'l- "--.. I ...' , -j -\ ,~.' ,/ '- , ' ~-----.J L " ' : .' I , I '" _/' ,.' '-,. '" ,,:, ,"', -" ,"?~ - ',M ..... ....:;- :', ~~~~: '- NORTH -- - - - COLLEGE r--.-.-- - M - - - - _ _ r--. ROAD '_: -. . 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(t) 0 ~ ::J --- o II = (J) -t\ -C>("')...... o ' v o~3 o c - :::r ::u o )> o ("') I o (J) z C) ;Il; n1 -i, -l n1 ::0 ~ U1 ....... 1.0 o '0 ., < (t) ~ . ~ :'~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . !....!....!...!.~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ ~~~ ...... . .... ..... . .... ...... . . .. ...... . . ....... . .. .. ...... . ~=-- i.V (, ~." ~I~ l~' ~~ New Jlanouer QJountn 11loarb of QIolulninn ionern \. 1!\esolution WHEREAS, the Congress of the united States, the General Assembly of North Carolina, and the Board of Commissioners in New Hanover County have established, authorized, and funded programs of public assistance for the purpose of ensuring that eligible and needy citizens receive essential benefits; . WHEREAS, over the past two decades the primary programs of public assistance, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Medicaid, and Food Stamps have become increasingly complex, complicated, confusing, and incomprehensible to commissioners, boards, administrators, social services staff, clients, and the community-at-large; WHEREAS, over 15 years ago, litigation was commenced by the Legal Services Corporation in the federal court at Charlotte, against the Director of the North Carolina Division of Social Services to force the state through the several county departments of social services to provide public assistance benefits to eligible citizens in a timely and expeditious manner consistent with the purpose of those programs; WHEREAS, the worthy goal of this litigation, Alexander vs. Hill, has long been lost in legal and bureaucratic battles between the State and Legal Services who both lack basic understanding of the process from the perspective of either the client or a county department of social services; .1 ~~\I' ~~............................................................. ........ .......... ...... ................. ...... WHEREAS, a Consent Order and Settlement Agreement in Alexander vs. Hill, executed on December 14, 1989, calls for even more complicated regulations, more monitoring of staff and creates an almost certainty of substantial financial sanction to the various counties with the inevitable result that the goal of the litigation and the interest of the people of North Carolina will be subsumed to the bureaucracy; . . . . I. '. .,,V ',~ ;:' J, ~ " ~~, ~ . . . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Corrunissioners affirms to the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources; the Governor of North Carolina; the county's representatives to the North Carolina General Assembly; and the county's representatives in the Congress of the United States, that the constitutional purpose of these programs of public assistance and the purpose of the Alexander vs. Hill court order is the timely and appropriate provision of benefits to the eligible citizens of North Carolina. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that David T. Flaherty~ Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources be informed that it is the sincere and serious request of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that he renegotiate the most recent Settlement Agreement and Consent Order in Alexander vs. Hill involving the counties in a meaningful and substantial manner using the suggestions contained in "People vs. Paper Revisited." BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Corrunissioners requests the North Carolina of Human Resources to immediately institute presumptive eligibility. FURTHER Board of Department research on FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Corrunissioners affirms to the North Carolina Association of County corrunissioners, the North Carolina General Assembly and the Congress of the United States the desperate need to seriously pursue drastic simplification of these essential programs so that the focus can return to people in need rather than the paperwork. /: Signed this the /?fiu day Of~ 1990. -,';.-'\t . ....1" 1....-. '. .....~"Vf'"..oC?''''''''!:ITi''! ~,~,i7" , , .. . . .; . ;~...:" j~' : ;''\"' . ~l ;.~:, . ;.: . ..:....; ...... , ... ~ p " . . "..... ';". . , , ..~:,...:;~~ .,~,; " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."," . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ~ . . . . .. .. . ~ ~ . .': ,.; , , .: " ~:;.< ' \~.':;'''''..'.. ;~ .c, _ '. . '. ,~;;.>.,,:,<:.:~:..\. ~ ~t>-~ VER CO<z':.. :).';!!~.'~~;~:~i,~~;~?'. New jlanll1:ler.,.~llU1lttl.^':>;":;~;\"':;' ~ ~ ;:~.. ::.:>/:,'.;j.: : : . ". '. ,~~';' '~'~"'~;1;~:~~.".:>:~~~~t~,:~::, ~ ." .; .:,:;:;:~;i'4i.'~:) fBnarb nf Qlnmmt1l6tnn.ern'~'" ......... ,,\.:~,.p,~ r"PORTS'EX~~ ".$'''''~.:;:"~I' j roc 1 a~'a'i'i~~~;~:,;:~'f~~~,:W,!~tf,l:,.,~'.{~~~~C~~';l;"~;;,:s'~,:::., " . ';,1,/;::~./..:>,>>::..;..~':~1~> ::.::.:,?~~:~,:;...:,., . :.:;f;~"':>';';'~:'~l',;;:'~' WHEREAS, . The ,National"."'"Associati.on ':~'::'of .. Governors ':i'YF~~:. Councils on physical Fitness and sports:~and'!:~the . Associationiy:r>~ . .. . >/;.. ..j. . j. IJo. I' 1" . ~ for Fitness and.Bus1.ness arepresent1.ng..the"second ~at1.onal~~t<:. ~ . -' 'J. . r~ . 1 Employee Health and Fitness Day.>o~)Wed:q.esday,"May l6,1990.:':;~:,,' wi th the corporate sponsqrsh~p;~~'.of;::ittl?-~.}:}.J,l~~?te ~.: Insuranc.e.'{\' Company; , and ,", . . ,: ,;t: ",:' ~;'i<;.:'"?~~'> if:f~~~f:\~:~,:,<~~!tAt~i.p~'; ;,:.. :';, ". :,,' "::; '.'~:M'~'(>~;:;~:/ WHEREAS, Governor . James', Martin '~!'h'as >'proclaimed' MaY:16NF:~~~' . '.. "';';.~-:" ~~""''''f~ r"~'~:'.~'}'~' Employee Health and F1.tnes.s.Da.!.i:: and.:.;,~:~,../ ')ft~:-:.. .':::. . . ~"~'>;;':"~:;' , . ': ...' "J;~ ". ."~.';.\. . -": ~'" i>. . . . ~..;~. ". WHEREAS, the purpose"'. of:' this '. event "; is :. to ' encourage!~:<: North Carolina employers to offer,' ex~rcise '., opportuni ties 'f ,to{(:;~I~-:' their employees for a. heal.t:.hier ,\m~:H::e prod~9~ive..wor~. forGe i.i;:~~f~~~'> and ' .,' ..; ';~i;;/:::~i':':..ft::~:~:?~,;,';~a}\t;!l!.~~;:i?(':.::::~ '.' '\':('~~.,/;J~r~.~f'~~;: WHEREAS, data indicates that employee ;'fitness reduce absenteeism, . . reduce. turnover:"<':: and . productivity;' and' ".:. .' ,.... ". ';:"" ".. ' programs..,':'.'. . , .' l.ncrease, "...r' , ":.~~:A}'.~{':~':~.' WHEREAS , employees are Employee Health country. thousands of' public. and ::' private sector..,:', expected to participate" in. the . National '>,\.:' and Fitness, Day',~v~~ts being, held, across the~'/.!.,'.. .. " ~:. "~.//..:",,::~, .. .' NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Corrunissioners hereby proclaim .May 16.,'. 1~90, . as . '. , Board .... O{~,I,:':'.; ,.; ~;.;-;::<~;': :. '. . .. . \ .~r,~ ;.~~Il;', . NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMPLO~~ HEALTH' AND FITNESS DAY. ":'.;~.;'~~::;r'~;f.- and urge all employers and employees' to participate in; this:.)~2}:.. event to dramatize the' lifelong" benefits of., heal~hy\i},~:, exerc::::ed this the1 ~ay of May . 1990 . P,"q;);j:~" . .~ i.. . _'. . 'I ,.'~ "'-. ;... :' '-f":;" ~ ' .... .. 4:.: . , " J....J. 'r " ".: ~. ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department, at 10:00 a.m. on the 1st day of May, 1990, at the County Administration Building, 320 Che~tnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for the purchase of Used Mainframe Computer Equipment and the sale of an IBM 4381-P22 Processor as a Trade-In, Bid # FIN 90 - 0110-0111: Gross Price Trade-In Net Price CLG, Inc. IBM Corp. Comdisco, Inc. $134,000.00 $135,541.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 86,000.00 $110,541.00 $129,410.00* AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director recommends that the IBM 4381-P22 Processor be disposed of by means of trade-in on the purchase of an IBM 4381-R14 Processor; AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to CLG, Inc. of Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Eighty-Six Thousand Dollars and no cents ($86,000.00); AND and are budget in contract; WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated now in or will be available in subsequent year's Account No. 110-410-4132-1000-5940 to cover this NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the purchase of Used Mainframe computer Equipment and the sale as trade-in of an IBM 4381-P22 Processor, Bid # FIN 90 0110-0111 be awarded to CLG, Inc. in the amount of Eight-Six Thousand Dollars and no cents ($86,000.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED hereby authorized to return unsucce~sful bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is the bid deposits to the This 7th day of May, 1990. chai~r~- commissioners *Bidder did not list gross price and trade-in price separately on bid proposal form. :J.H' '.':~~ "",:1,-,., ~ .~:'l":~ '~"'.11'.. ....................... ..... ... .............. Ii. .alil........... ....................................... .11...... , , . . 'iilf~i New JlannQ~r'.,.:QIguntu~:?.:~;~,:,:., , "'. " . " . ., "', . ;\', \, ',\~~;::,/',,>~:: " .; >1~..;:',;t~~ moar" of f1tommt.l%l%t.on~rl% ';'7" 1,;,:e,\;,~S~"~",,(,$.>: '=//)~ ::,;,l; , 'U,lI .u,. \U.- ,r;J,r;J... ,r;J ':,' "".)1' " "r;: __~~'., ',: '!' '"PO"T"EXpQ"iS...~ ~ ;:.,-.; "'" " '. ,c', ,.: ': ~.:'," ,~ " ",I "': .. \'..~, '1"> ~>.~ (;;'.;.:~.'"':> ~.<;~ -:,. ~ " , 0,. INDUSTRY ('''-~ '.< ....,::~ '1.~J.JJ~',' '.. ., ' " t, .. , . '.. """ ,.."}..,,,,<...; '" r NOR1\\ vr. ..,' .c. ~1;',' ~ r 0 cl am a tion'J;{r~~"'~"~A . . .. ~;:t1';~i",'i:' ~,. >:,:~~~t" ~t';!~1 .':\<;jv:;~1~~~~~;; WHEREAS, New Hanover', County:~cont~nues to, make' progress :~!:,/< in the education,' employment;; hOU9ing;'\l~;and~(transportat,tqn,~~~;Y':' of handicapped,' ~nd disap+.ed pe:t;"~ons};l j,Y:ing~L~t.h~reink'iand,,\W:;':'s,:~j~:::.~J " ' ,...' :. I ~~; ;i';;~:;\!:~\;;;':~1t.rL~:;t~~!:?tf f',~'Y:'lfl$i~~~fl:~~:~'~,,:. ) ',;;-;~ f '-:':,:':"(:'::,~.\tii~~::; WHEREAS, public awareness:\i;~of"""tQe' 't!~'capabili ties . andi./t'\~;!:;:' employability of . such persons ':ha,s; grown),th:rough the,'"effort~;~ ',;MY:' of individuals and agencies.; and;";'f;;'-":: ' }t,':'I;;J(' , ,:;; '., :,;,:,\'.!iA;', ,1.' ; , "'. ': .".:;" ~~.:' ~'~"':':~;::;;;~; ,~~~,M{'" ::":" r,';'<\::l:'i'~~, WHEREAS,: continuing. efforts :'~1,:?are;,~;,";:;heeded ;,,' to ' clraw'~;;,~rljt,i.' t~e attention of Y' the gener a,lt public "~land ::~pf.fh~n~i,?aI?ped,' and:'):~~~':;",i:' d~sabled persons to' the>,ach~evements;!and:.,poss~b~l~t~es;i rnade!~~:,:;",' possible by legislative,: bodies /"!'indul:;,}..ry, :':' tecqnology,-,,'...;and it ',- interested individ\l,als _,and,:;aqencie~ .~'f.:';~:~i~trl'J;:;;:\'~';" ' ,-,' '; ,,:/,,;'" , " ',' ';'~::y:.:", +~?/ "::;')~~: ';" . ,;,:"'j"t-:;r::'J,;:;~:!;~{;:'r~:.#'/ F NOW, THEREFORE, '~:.the'~:;XNew',' Hanov~r;.i:~~;,county 'Board ,:of Commissioners her,eby',proclaims:i the w~ek~'of:~:May, 6:-12, 1990 ',,;,. ,..':, '\ '.- ,,- ';- '..~ "," !;~, {' i :>d~~;::",: ; DISABILITY AWARENESS'.WEEK~':!,:- , , " ' , ,,:: ,": . - ' "";':;'/'~:....'.:.i:"::::.'; ~:'-(t<" urge the peopl~ of New Hanqver:- County: to be aware"of participate-in ;\the-:special i.,eventsscheduled, for 'that, , . ': ~;:;+;~:;r~ :\?:?~t-' ",:~,:;:~:"~i7:~::~:~ '1::;"~~:f;.~{~l~~(;i~1,t~>?,~:: . :.~ ';:',~, }'~';}0: "'" Signed this the ~day::of May" 1990 '!~:!~:".:~\;:,',:\: '><~.i: , t ," '. :;;;'::; ,- '. -':' .,:'::": ,}':,(/ " '", . .. ,~t,i:i' .~ 1M: ' ~ .~"' ~ 1 .;'.<1.,' ,\ , \f' ~:.~ ~..: .' ;,.1' , ~ j , " 0,' - ~ 11 ."--.j 1 ,i"O.J l. ," .' I' and do and to week. ''1',i, .;,.~= '.j '.. ,i. .....' ':.. 1 ~ , , ';Ofr. :, q !~rs~~;i :::1/"" ~, . )0 :r ("J:. ., . . ,'~ , ... .,. ";':.; " "".' .':.. , , "::'.. ."'" '. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . ... . ... .... . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ~.. ~~ ~!!ti,. {S,~~ . 'f : I,' -.,.,.... ..~:.)1'. ",:-. .-"7:"~~~~"J~7..~~~.,...--:, -~"'~:"r~"~~ '-'" ;", .;t''1 ,j' <]. N em llanlluer"~qr.nunttl . i ~;' '.' ,,' - ~"1;"'~~;(:' ':'J~~~~:'::~~j1\~{; ~1;;N\ ~ '" J i iBnarb nf (!tn,mt11t.6.6tn:ntr.6'L:~~:f ,'" ,\';\ ;..t,~;:;t 1- o."POI~~~'g~~<S' , ~ roc I ~ U) di i.~?~~l'jjt~f~~fitl~!:j~NOR1~ ~~.. WHEREAS, the public 'health/ facilities;{in . New: Hanover County protect the health,' ~t',;~.the:(p~op;L~:~"bY:;.f;a1?suring ,; a healthy and safe enviro.~en~; ::'an~~~;,.'~,'~~:!t~;:~1fJ~~~;~;,~~:1,i,i:{:'~::'~:';,,~::",':'" WHEREAS, proper handwashing ': is ':-. th~'s,implest,: means . . . ...."'" .,:'- ',j';;"j'.'\- '''',' controlling the spread of dJ.sease ;.: and ":':f,',/:;;~'~:~(~~'f;;";:' .. ,'. .". '~>:; '.'~}:~,z:~~:". ::.~:?~.:: ,.' .::~t~<>:;tj~~~;,!~~~~.~~~~.r . >~" '"6 ~:- " .' .'.~,". WHEREAS, a public that: is educated',' and~;~informed' about',.'S:':? handwashing techniques wilL' ensure ,a healthy) future for New,!'::;. . C'~:'''''''\~'l..''-_;,:~' ',' ~"{>~."._.,~.,';..-i'~~:'.\.~~ ,.!,.'" ',~'., ,~~:i.',N-: Hanover County. ~ .., .; ,','. ",'}:f;,\Ji,,i,;; .' ''',~ ,....'::~,:\~ ::i :';.:r::):;'f~:{:"" NOW, THEREFORE," the New,.';'Hanover,:"';':County Board'; of ,,' , . .", :' ,..; ."'!',,fc/'.;,' Commissioners hereby proclaJ.ms,,~,the', month:,ot'~May, ,1990, as, ;'h:'it..:, :r~" ~w~~~~~.,i.M~~;:~t~:~~k~,r:~~:~\!::: > ';' i ,,', ::>::i;"', " in New Hanover County." ' '" , . ' ,::;,:. Signed this the :7.zc,da.~ of M~Y~,"'i/J. ~/J /,,_';'~~~.~; .,",:,,~' "~,',':, , "Fr,ed R~;tChin,l Chairman :',h::';' ,:>:~~ t ' ,,~:,~'/: :.i~,:;,:,~~~':F:; "'", , ":;'\':::~'1":~~~);. ,i .' '.' ~. i " ':. ,~..~ , ~. , .'~ ,. <,.,;' ''r''. ./ ," \ + ", r . .{" :;\ ~;." . ,f ~- '," . . . . . ".' . , ': . ;.', ., ~ . (. ;.~ l: : .;; '.. :.., . . " . ~: :;,~:"/'~'~~'~j .............................................................................. ....... .................... ~.. ~ I ,. !' J :.t ' " . . -, ;r. ", ;,. '.':;)I":.....;,;,.-:a~~'If!I'l':......... ~5~~lfl,i:t}; '{;rifJ!\ii'.~ ,;,::~\}~/:: ' ": ". t - .. ..'.',;, 'f'. ...: " . .. . . .. .,....... ........................... .. ~.......... ..~".. ~ ~ . ~..... .. ~ . .,iI ~... ................ .............. . ~~ . . . ~;~~:..:t~:,,'''~\:'~.::~'i:t~:j ~":;~~i:~~~~~.",f.="j/'t.~'ft.< .... :.....:.. ."r' ::- ':; t,.{...~~.~. .... pV . :. . I'l .. ......~..'$' ......... ..{....l~ ,'"l<~'5.:;"'~'~; ., ~ :!I~: "(',:, . . .. ~ ". fO\. ..~.. ~ "~"'" , '" : ?"~~ ' ':',~':'.:}7~;~::"::;::;:~~r%:;";~;2 ;'.:l;{.~ti::?j-:' VER '~':f.'~4':,'~;')':.'\~b,it' . ~lJ ',l"" ',',' .i"~{f<1.'':!~i;-:;;:'<~'-' ~~ Co. ',",~<., {', ;,,:,:..:~ -lLlannuer' Qtnunttf'~:cl;~:,~~~~~~~::'?: ~ ~: ..,~: ", :':\':;. . " ....., .;c/ ';?:~i~J;~~;~~~ :~ .; .';~l( m ,. f {1t .. ,',," ,'...,.',;.-'< ~ ~ ..")~?,,. '" w~ar.u n ~nmmtn1iJpn(rn:~.~,? ~.. -;' ~~~r ~ IMP~:1~lTXSAT~~~.;: ~'~:r~<::~:1~~~r.~ '. , , ""'.j.."f,,!...,,.,~,,~I"'"H' ., ,.,.,~ Or r....~ " -, ~ 11,--,,', .- .. .:. ."'. <(' ,__:;;- ;..~j.i'i'.fjt..~.fj.,/'f':A~if.'r'~ ~.,,:~~r.. r NORTl\ \)Y". ;-,s t <It :..i..~ '~r'-'{' '~ '". 1 .... .....~ t:"~ ;....~i:; ,j;;; tt:,~, .l, : ~\i1}~~1~[:: :", ..:-~~~t{t:~';t;)i~~ft~" ~roc a~a, to.lJ :.:~(~,. ~ ~f<~:~:.:'.:" ' r(::",;;":.;,~""~:,.'.':;.:;f;,< '. '.. . ' , ':' ,'.: J' '/;~'.~;t:~~~~lf~1{i,:~'~:;1i~.:."r~1~;~~,r;~t~~~~;' ".',:,..:/'..?j~>'>:~f;i~( WHEREAS,' educat~on and "awar,~,n,e~,l?,;::{.~cV,::,~i\~I:'.u,IY:t: the key,.~.t~;;;~~rii;'y';...; our ch~ Idren' s safety',' and ,-" "~ '... ~';!.'" '>:" '-')tl,:;"t~tJ;~:1.;.'S,;tiJful!~I:'~>.'<f.-<::~::'.;": " ; ,,'1.;': ';' c<;',~;'f;';~,:.~: .... ,. .:.'..t;}'. ,"./1r';J<'),,;'~-~.l''''!''~~f.,'''~'f:!l+~~';'i...-.:.\~'~t.....,'~.1. ....,......:).;.!~~......;.:.-: j~...!: L;, '. . . : ". .. . ~ .. ~-.~ :::' ;: .~)},:,:, .'.:~:t~K:.);..:;.:~~~~t?l;;'~l(~~~-?<..:~'?:'f~},~...:~f:.;,:;. I. \ 4~'l ':::,-/.;. , ~'. i1;t~~~:.~:,~:'~:'.~, ~~{~:';t. WHEREAS, our 'children',: are :,' 'n~t\'':;nJy~~..o.ur'~most'~, precioJ.ls~j~Ff:~t,:: d' b 1 f 1 d~\.~f-1i~"~i.~\!~,-"'-",""~;~";;,'J:,j;{'.'J..r;ijt':'r' j"'. ./;.;'....':~I:..;;~,~;;y~.7d~.;..~..<:. commo ~ty, ut a so our uturei .an ~i>.v~l"'"~:,<~,,,:,.,,,~.~:'n',,:. . " ;"',,<,,~'''''''\:'l'''''' ,'.' ",.:;,(!<,..:., q' .?,:'::.~!\~..~?l.i~';\.~~'" ,/.;\\ ' ~'~r~::' .>I,':~:::z:.//, WHEREAS, the Wilmington-Board~o~~Realtors:sponsors,th~~r'~ program "Safety Through' Songs'" which:'provides'song-coloring ',"',,' books and cassettes to, all public-scp.ool~ kindergarteners;' andJ.~'. . .' ':::i~.'l.'. t' ..:/" .~...\i~..~.", ."::.:);-:8' ,:.,,-.\ .d. : ~"':~ ".~ WHEREAS, our children 'will benefit, by:' increasing,'theirh:,:;;) awarenes s of indi vidual saf ety; ," .through:Y~this, >,educa tional';"'~~:~,X proj ect; and ;::..:.?{.;}~"r~}:~;,:",',~,;::>:; :~f,9;1;~:~j::~:~f,}~~.;':', " d:'~' ',', ,,:: '.:, '?;~:'''::(':. WHEREAS, the "Safety Through Songs" 'program will held /.:.-::t assure a bright and safe, future for New.:Hanover ,County, ", ':-';:,.r . ~ .', ..:,_:.~:,'t'. ,,' -,:>,.'1 "~!'S I;~::'.\,-' ~"'" /,.;,';!:'.:~'.i::'> THEREFORE, the.'." New."; Hanover' County.. Board ..:: of. ',~f;,! < does hereby proclaim',I'1ay;'~":1990./';a,s,~'.." '.. ,.",.,;,~~,:",.:"': . ',,' 1'">,.'.,:. . .;"'. . .){:,t~,i::-::)'~\>~ ':\, SAFETY THROUGH SONGS MONTH ~ ~':.~~'<" .... ~ ~ :':. ~:.! .,... New, NOW, Commissioners " . I signed this the day of - .~.t May;"': 1990>\~;~:<:' ',. ,. ..- I" i "l' . '. ~: ,'. ~ . .. "., "', - '~ . ~,",T lj!: " j.\.: , i",~, . . . . .:. . . ... . ~ '."~ ~ . ; j ? :.e "flJ,. . . 'i" " t ,~,:. . : I' , \, ".: -:. . '. ., .;., ~;":',~ . .. , .' .'. .' -. " ':,/~. -"'" "., 'r~ . . ' ' ' . :, ':' , ;. ;:., ,:.>;'~;~~:~".), /,'::':~');'d;:' ,: .' " ~ "~Ai,i'~',::, :~~ , " , , ", ,;. , " ,..: ~ :~ '; . ~ '; . " . " ' ~ f~ ~ ... ...... .......... .... ......... ......... ... .... ... ...............~.....~....................... ..... ....... .; ~ , , . ", ~ ~ , ,--~~"~ i. " ,.'<~~~~~.c~~PbA ~.~ ,,;:,;,' at "'~' ." ,~., ..~~ ' . . 0 ~'~ 1,'-.;;:'~" ~ - G4 ' , 'I :J; '''7' ~fr'~' ,....: ,II ~ ,<l~~i':1-'~"cJ . .". .I.:, ~'I.-;:':~l~'i'r&I~'~:I:.pr:....G , ,'~ ' .:'. ~XA'I'" ~ll'r~" ~,... ;' ~'i~~~,f~,~~.~.- , ,ar{';)\~~~_ " .... '.;t..: . ... '. r~ ~ ,'i' ~. ~,' i'" ..:'.;.~ ~::.~ .f. ~':'~,~;;: .. "" .,'~" . . ~ . :.t' ~ I ':~ . . l .,. ,'. ~....'" ;~: l, . ,t;. ..... ...... -' ~J . ," ~ ' , .'" ~ ';" ~ . .....". -: \ I .~.:.. :', ..t >".., . ., ., . . . ~ ENGINEERING & FACILITIES NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7139 C, ED HILTON, JR" P,E, Director WY A'IT E, BLANCHARD, P ,E. County Engineer April 18, 1990 r -- ~~-~...,'. r---.---. ...--: ~":.-:-' MEMORANDUM C~PR -. r. '-: \ TO: \_n.. ': ---, t~'J ~ u~.~; / ~ =- ~;, ,.~ i. -,.' '; ., -\ '.~,.;{).... =-:,,--- C.G~ T : ,:\': i FROM: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P. E., Director C.E::P Engineering and Facilities - , RE: Change Order Report #13 Period Ending April 17, 1990 AIRPORT Southern Roadbuilders Change Order No. 7 Apron Paving Schedule 1B in the amount of $27,379.02 - This change order covers an item that was originally included in the Terminal Building Phase II project. Due to the phasing of the project, the Apron Paving project is presently under construction and this item needs to be constructed now, in conjunction with the apron paving project. The additional item is a 15 inch portland cement concrete pavement at the Drive-Thru Area under the Terminal Building. This item includes all necessary backfill material in accordance with the contract specifications. Southern Roadbuilders Change Order No. 8 Apron Paving Schedule 1B in the amount of $25,824.60 - This change order covers the quantity increase in the apron and taxiway painting, addi tional item of 6 inch concrete sidewalk around the apron level of the terminal building and an 6 inch diameter steel pipe bollards. Barnes and Powell Electrical Company - Change Order E-2 in the amount of $2,968.75 - This change order covers the addition of three apron edge lights and associated work on the northeast corner of the apron per direction of FAA. Leader Construction - Change order 4A in the amount of $29,191.96 - This change order covers items such as electric hand dryers, elevator hoist beams, changes in the commuter holdroom, changes in the baggage claim service, storm piping at commuter holdroom and changes in the administration level. . . . County ,commissioners Page Number Two April 18, 1990 Leader Construction - Change Order 5A in the amount of $31,377.25 - This change order covers changes such as providing fireproofing of the roof vault trusses, changes in the security room, concession storage room, and storage room and necessary provisions for a new 20 Ton Roof Top unit and curb. Leader Construction - Change Order 6A in the amount of $20,708..00 This change order covers items such as providing interior expansion joints to conform to existing conditions, making changes to the rated ceilings in mechanical rooms and per owner's request, make changes to the baggage service room. Sneeden - Change Order 1M in the amount of a decrease of $1,730.00 - This change order covers a credit to contract due to change in duct insulation to 1 lb. per cubic foot insulation. Sneeden - Change Order 2M in the amount of $41,178.00 - This. change order covers a new 20 ton Roof Top Unit with curb, per; code requirement, provide additional smoke evacuation equipment at the Inbound/Outbound Baggage Rooms, and per owner's request, makes changes in the Security Room and Building Management Room. Sneeden - Change Order 3P in the amount of $3,046.00 This change order covers providing floor cleanouts and floor drains which were deleted in the Phase I, and additional floor drains the men's and women's locker rooms. Reagan Electrical - Change Order 5E in the amount of $32,652.57 - This change order covers items such as changes in the administration level offices, wiring for the new 20 Ton Roof Top Unit, upgrade feeders to the gates at the Holdroom Building and the feeders to the Engine Generator, provide additional combination starter with fused disconnect for the additional smoke evacuation equipment at the inbound and outbound baggage rooms, changes in the Security Room and Building Management Room, and changing the incoming primary services from 2 way 6" concrete encased to a 4 way 6" concrete encased. REFUSE FIRED STEAM GENERATING FACILITY Basco Div. API - Change Order No.1 in the amount of $31,815.00 - This change order covers the revised size of dump condenser and changed control system. Sam English, Inc. - Change Order No.1 in the amount of $3,150.00 - This change order covers the adjustment for additional steel work. ~ '-. . . .' County.Comm~ssioners Page Number Three April 18, 1990 MUSEUM Clancy and Theys Construction - Change Order G-2 in the amount of $5,144.00 - This change orders covers providing drywall items, providing hardware revisions and raise roof over freight elevator shaft. J. J. Barnes, Inc. Change Order HVAC-1 in the amount of $1,994.00 - This change order covers providing seven additional fire dampers. J. J. Barnes, Ine. Change Order HVAC- 2 in the amount of $2,321.00 - This change order covers the rerouting of pipe from new boiler room, across existing wood shop, into new building and down to new mechanical room. SEWER - , W.E. Blackmon Construction - Change Order No. 9 in the amount of a decrease of $181,275.14 This change order covers final installed quantities of the Phase I Area 4 pipe installation. Dave's Tree Removal - Change Order No.4 in the amount of $700.00 - This change order covers the removal of several dead trees from the Eastwood and Head Road area. This was due to the sewer line construction causing several trees to die in the sewer area. CEHjr/nrb 747.doc . " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to Hanover County that assignment of house 7200-7399 and Dunbar Harnett Township. the Board of County Commissioners of New consideration has been given to the numbers on Darden Road, numerical range Road, numerical range 7200-7599 located in WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of corrunercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public' safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 7th day of May, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently poste,d at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It lS further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted this the 7th day Attest: ,/c-;",/J ' / / \ 01/' A --/~ '. " (/~11.e../ '-:.__7 ,/ Jt.'tP-ru.-IL Cl~rk to the Board 7~ HOUSE NUMBERING ,Darden Road Blocks 7200 -7300 Scale: 1"=400' 5/90 . ./"/@7' .~ 13 .~ ) , HOUSE' Dunbar Blocks Scale: NUMBERING Road 7200-7500 I" =400' 5/90 PAGES eRE. EfT r ~~ 'D ~~;i1 ~f11,."" I, - '~1 ~~ I \ I "" rill' l' . ......~_, ~:. ~;" ;~~ ' . ~~ 'kl~, 'J~ '~~i,:'$;."'" '" 1 v~ ~!;~,' ~ 1';.(; ~~~ '~5 c~ \Ac.! ~,;, 1 '. !" '!:ltl f:f:i "'-:1., le~\ ",: " .:n foe'! 1 ".~ J" r O;"dZ ~ -~:!:. .J;- 1;':1 ~1! 'll'jl t "" ~ - ....'~ 7200-7399 Block Paschall, A, H. Green, L31-irence Green, Jifllmy Clay, Laura Clay, George Wood, William Wood, William ADDRESS MASTER LIST DARDEN ROAD 7200-7399 BLOCK RANGES Wilmington, NC 28405 Old Address New Address R t. 4 Box 08 - P (Parcel 14) (ParcellS) Rt. 4 Box 419 (Parcell) Rt, 4 Box 420 (Parcel 10) Rt, 4 Box 420-.'\ Rt, 4 Box 420-.'\ (ParcelS) 7200 Darden Road 7301 7305 7300 Call Off ice 7342 7335 ." ~;, ~,m~ ~' i"", tw1 ~ 1''''- . l!'~ ..,~,"t, . ~', · '''i'''}!~ \'" "~:ll, ',' ~:~ '~~L~, r >. tJ?, '.10.... ~ .~ ~~ . !(.'~., J ~~~,' If~~,l' ~''- 1~, h,~ -~','I Jll"'" , . IJ~ ,ello;\' , , .'1\:> . . . ,ill, '..., , .A.. 0,' ADDRESS MASTER LIST DUNBAR ROAD 7200-7599 BLOCK RANGES Wilmington, NC 28405 7200-7599 Block Old Address New Address Spencer, Cindy Rt, 4 Box 515-P 7221 Dunbar Road Blake, Eugene P2.rcel 3 7413 Smith, Pauline Rt, 4, Box 515 7417 Gurganus, Manford P2.rcel 4,2 7501 LeGwin, John H, Rt. 4 Box 515-,l\AA 7515 Gurganus, J, (P, View MHP) 7308 Dunbar Rd. 7308 Dunbar Road Batson, Allie Rt, 4 Box 515-l\ (Parcel 1) 7528 Peterson, Lila Rt, 4 Box 517 Call Office Canady, Hayne P2.rcel 8, Lot 2 7440 Baston, JUlie P2.rcel 7, Lot 1 7444 Batson, Issac P2.rcel 9, Lot 3 7435