1990-06-04 RM Exhibits .: RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain parcels of real property owned by New Hanover County have been offered for sale pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offer to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by an offeror when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offeror to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer as required by N.C.G.S. 160A-269. Commissioners Adopted at ;f!gUlar meeting on -51~ 11 f , 19f'O Attest: t/ /~v?-L- County Clerk ~ SPECIFICATIONS - SURPLUS PROPERTY Address: 99 Hillsdale Avenue Description: Vacant Lot 25 x 127.5 Parcel No: Deed Book: 0564 Page: 0116 106 Section % City Owned: 0 % County Owned: 100 Tax Amount of Offer: $1,675.00 Zoning: R20 Offeror: Jerry F. and Ann B. Hollifield Address: 54 Cardinal Drive, Wilmington, N. C. R0050-17-003-036.000 3 Hillsdale Value: $1,000.00 ~v / ",. f~., c;. .J /,.... .. 'a 4 - . o ID DRIVE 10S.1 110 IZl& /40 ~ CLLEGE 1 .. 6 ~ .. A .. . A -: . r . p. 8.8 Ai 79l /.141 (.~, ,.,/ - (.'1 I ~ ."UI ... ., .1 n" ~ . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilminqton. NC 28401 May 15. 1990 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMASJ.HARRELSON SECRET ARY GEORGE E. WELLS, PE. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR District 3. Division 3 . Mr. Fred ~etchin. Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 chestnut Street wilmington.North Carolina 28401 RE: Secondary Road Cor-struction Program Dear Mr. Retchin: As required by General Statute 136-44.5. before July 1 each calendar year. the Department of Transportation shall make a study of all state maintair-ed unpaved roads in order to determine the unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the state. These mileages are required to determine the secondary construction allocations to each of the counties. The allocation for the secondary construction funds are determined by dividing the total number of miles in the state times the statewide allocation as approved by the legislature. Secor-dary road construction allocatior-s are based upon the amount of revenue generated by the gasoline tax and the final total will not be known until the end of the current fiscal year, ending June 30, 1990. Should there be a significant charige in the county allocation, we will inform you of ar-y adjustment in the county improvement program for 1990-1991. . Based on an unpave~ mileage of approximate 11.5 miles :n New Hanover County, compared to unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allocation is estimated at 82,000, which is expected to be approved at the July Board Meeting. . RE: Secondary Road Construction Program - 2 - May 15, 1990 The North Carolina Board of Transportation has approved a paving priority rating system having two paving priorities- in each county, one for rural roads and one for residential/subdivision roads. A copy of the paving priorities is attached for your reference. In compliance with our Board's directives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 1991. This proposal will be presented at your regularly scheduled public hearing on June 4, 1990 at 7:30 PM as follows: Estimated July 1, 1990 Secondary Construction Allocation 82,000 . Additional Funding Needed Work order 6.252001T SR1728, Myrtle Gardens Grade, Drain, Base, Pave, and Erosion control From SR1492 to Dead End. Length 0.54 mile (Original w.o. 29,845) To fund paving Priority IS Sub Total * 25.000 57,000 SR1413A AlIens lane Grade, Drain, Base, Pave, and Erosion Control From US76 to SR1409 Length 0.38 mile Priority 2R Sub Total 40,000 17,000 SR1709M, Tennessee Avenue Grade, Drain, Base, Pave, and Erosion Control All roads Length 0.14 mile Priority No. 2S Sub Total :~ 7,000 10,000 . Fire Department and Rescue Squad Drives~ Spot Stabilization and Road additions 10,000 -0- . . . RE: Secondary Road Construction Program - 3 - May 15, 1990 A copy of this proposed program is posted on the -public bulletin board at the courthouse for public review. We wish each of these variations due changes, and so to point out priorities is to inflation, forth. the amounts used an estimate and cost of materials, in the cost is subject equipment of to rate We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the board and the public, to present this program. Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must be in compliance with General Statute 136-44.8. In the above is not next priority expended. event right of available, it is until right of DJB/JPC:psj cc: Mr. J. P. Cook Highway maintenance Engineer way for any of the our plan to proceed way 'is acquired and proposals with the funds are v~~ B. T. Pollard Board Member D~ ffA~~ P.E. Division Engineer .RI(~ Ht,TING UNF'(IVED ~:;[C()NDAR Y FUJAD:3 ..- SUBDIVISION/RESIDENTIAL F'(,c.;E 'I COUNTY: NEW HANClVEH j ? B 7 .... i 7 ('i i 'R F'RTY NAME I...ENG TI--I HOM F'/H ~3CH CH DS IN HF ::J:[l [VR TRI~F T/F T/PT~) ., "'{'2El i"IYH TI."E Gf~HDEN . :;4 77 Y ~:> B 2 N it)!.)?",?, i 709rl :~ TENNESEE 1~\iE . . i 4 1 -1 B y 146 r~ i 091 . ;" 1334 3 SONDEY ROAD .40 3D ~, N :~4f.l .. N tl43 . 0 ." 14?0 4 DUNBt,R R()I~ID .40 35 3 y :~34 N (304.0 '1 (~)""1 2 ~i I'" ()CEf~N HE I GHT~; .3'1 31 Y Hl6 N 7'16.0 :> 1 ~52<t . ~:;C()UT CAMP HA .05 6 N 36 N 7~>f.). 0 <J 1722 7 ~;OUTH CAROI...IN . O~) 6 N 3/) N )'~56 A I':) 1701 8 HEATHCLIFF no .34 2:~ 4 Y 212 N (;)(:)9.0 1 4 8 8 ~'1 9 l..1:)NCA~;TER ~;TH .32 26 N 1 ,... . i'~ 643. ~:} .:>0 200:~ 9 .)Eo W()ODHAVEN DR. .80 35 3 Y ') 1:- C\ N 54(j.2 ^-..> ..~ 1 47BB 1 o~(. CHARTER DRIVE . ~n ::'~2 Y 132 N 490.7 18B3 'j 0 FnENCH I~ () A D .20 .,6 N 1 1 1 N 61\~.O j 670 1 1 VICTClRY GARDE "')1:" 1 C" ;~ N '120 N :>!.)f:j.O . .... ..) ..> i 7:~5 i 2 RICE ROAD .18 1 ? N 72 N 47'2 A 0 ... 1001i"1 13 NI:)~;H DRIVE .43 19 Y' .\ 14 N 3tl9. '1 1 478A 14 HI L.I."SDALE DIU . 4~5 .,8 1 Y 123 N :.3B4" i 14'138 i ~) AL.I...EN I ~.; L.I~NE .27 B '1 N 63 N ::'~59.. 2 1 ;'554 16 HORNE PLACE D "")1::- 8 y 48 N 2~:)0" 1~ . .'-::> 'j ~.~32 i 7 ~lI GMf~N FWAD .08 3 N Hl N 243.0 2182 18 NIXON I...ANE . 18 6 N 36 N :!36.0 'j 407 'j 9 DARDEN FWAD . 3~) 9 N ~54 N 200.2 .~.- 20 r~ES I DE EMlTWO . 'j 8 3 N "')'-1 (./ t::>~5. "(' .:.,..f. ,,:.. (J {"f 2'j MCCU~1Br::H ~;Tf~. . 2~5 3 N itl (/ 90.0 .,~ ~.~2 SPHING ROAD . 't 6 Y '; 0 N ;:::0.0 \,:> NUr'lBEH RC)I~DS : :24 T()TI~l.. t'l I I...E::; : <!) . ?~) .~ I ND I CI~I rE~-3 PREVIOUS TOP 10 PRIORITY ~ '"' RE(~UIED BY C,... 136'-44.",:'(B) 1-1.;;) .r.;;) . .10 Rt.TING UNPAVED SE::CClNDt,R Y RCl(~lD!:; .-. R U F~ tl L. COUNTY: NEI'" !.MNOVER I:~ F'RTY N(:':jME L.ENGTH HOrl F'/H ~)CH CH E(~1 1351 j ..:~ 1 3,:~ 1 D94 1 D27 1~516 2'169 1408 '1 3(-3:> 1318 ? 3 4 ~5 6 7 a 9 HlJ~1BER RAILROAD ROAD .80 47 ALLEN'S L.ANE .38 42 ANACA POINT R .49 21 ROGERS AVE. .32 12 WHI!31<EY CIL L 1.50 10 FREDRICKSON R .39 PROSPECT CEME .30 SAMPSON STREE .43 BLUE CLAY ROA .11 ROADS: 9 TClTAL. MIL.ES: r) 2 II:.. 2 4 3 '1 4 -"") '" (4.. P(lGE 1989-,,1 '?(?1 IN RF OB B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS Y 317 :)tl7 126 108 90 40 30 i 0 6 '..,' Y N Y N N N N * INDICATES PREVIOUS TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIED BY GS 136-44.7(B) . . N F N N F N N i'! N .~S24.0 574.,0 '2 () 2 ^ () jSJc).O 1 ~5 6. (> 60.0 -4 ~5. 0 'j ~:> . 0 (S .0 .:{ I (~ RI'~ T I NG UNF'I~VED !:;ECClNDt,H Y ROAD!:; .... SUBDIVISION/RESIDENTIAl... F't,GE: 'j CClI...INTY: NE:l.J H(~N()VER 19(39....1 '791 H PHTY NAjV1E I...ENGTH HClM F'/H t;CH CH [<!:; IN HF :::B B/R TF{I'~F T/F' T/F'T~:; 1 ;.~32 i '7 ~JIGMAN RO(~D .08 3 N i 8 N 243... () j 334 :3 SONDEY FW,~D .40 38 2 N 248 H fl43.0 i TS:4 i 6 HORNE PLACE D ''') "- 8 Y 48 N :~.~ ~~~ 0 "' )::) A ,,"_:> i ':'~07 1 9 Dt,RDEN ROp,D . 3~) 9 N 54 N ;.' 0 El. ;.~ 14i3B I. f- ALLEN'S I...(~NE '1 '7 8 N 63 N 2 ~:> 9 .. ::.: I.) ,,~I 'j 471 2'j t'jCCUi"jBER t;T f~. "')1:" 3 N itl N 90.0 '" if......> 14'78A 14 HILL.SDALE DIU . 4~5 i 8 y 123 N ::5D4. i 1 478B 10.)(. CH(~RTEH DRIVE .37 ~.~ ;.~ Y 'f 32 N 49B.7 i4B8M 9 1...{.:-INCA~3TER f3TR . :32 26 N 1 ~56 N 643.~) i 490 4 DUNBp,H HOf~D .40 3~:) 3 y 234 N tj04.(=) i ~'5:~9 /.> ~JCOUT CAMP HA .05 6 N .,,, L N 'l~:56,. () ,~o 1 6 '70 'j 1 VICTClRY G(~RDE r) C" 1 ".. r) N 12D N ~)6El. 0 A"':.. ..> ..> ..:.. 16'72M ,.- OCEAN HEIGHTS .31 31 Y 186 N 796.0 .) 1 701 B H[(~THCI...IFF RCl .34 ~~2 4 Y 212 N b6?0 i '709M 2 TENNE~JEE (~VE . . i 4 i '7 8 i Y i 46 N i 09 i . ( i 722 '"1 SOUTH Cf~FWI... I N . 0~5 6 N 3c, N '7~)6.(~ i '725 1 ') RICE ROAD . i 8 1 ') N 72 N 472.() .- .- 1728 'j r1YRTLE GM-WEN . ~)4 97 y 582 N 16c,'1.7 i801M L~ NA~3H DRIVE .43 i 9 y i i 4 N 389. 1 1 B;.~2 20 BESIDE EASTWCl . itl 3 1 N 2El N 15~:).7 i 8(:l3 10 FRENCH ROrlD .20 16 1 N 1 1 1 N 61,-:'.0 .~) 9')~ 1...J()ClDHAVEN DR. .80 35 3 Y r)c".:" N 5'4(,;. :2 ~. ......) ..> :2 'i B NIXON I...f~)NE . i 8 6 N "l ' N ~?,:'5..~ to () ,:>0 3 22 t;PRING R Cl (~ D . 1 C, Y '10 N ;'::0 A (-) NUMDEH HO,~DS : 24 TOTAL MILES: 6.95 .p:. INDIc(~n::s F'HEV I ClU~, TOP 10 PHIClHITY f~S HEqUIED BY GS 'l36--44.7(B) . .:<IQ F~ RATING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROADS - RURAL PAGE 1 COUNTY: NEW HANOVER 1989-1991 PRTY NAME LENGTH HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF ~B B/R TRAF TIF TIPTS 1318 ,-, BLUE CI..i:':tY ROA . 1 1 N b N .s 4 (-) 'J 1 351 P,A I LRClr~D RClI~D .El0 47 i "{ 31 (' N 524.,{.) 1 3B~> 8 ~3(.1MP~30N ~3TREE .43 1 N 10 N i ~5, 0 1 408 "( P F:: () f:; F' E C T .[EME .30 3 N 30 N 4~) . 0 1 413r:':t ~~ r~Ll...EN I ~3 LANE .38 42 1 Y 287 r ~574. 0 .0 '1 ~51 6 tOO l.o.JHI~;I(EY CI( . L. 1 . ::>0 10 ::.~ Y '90 F 15(S.6 ::> 1821 4 ROGER~3 AVE. A :32 1 ';l '") 2 N 108 N 1O:N).O A. ". 'j D94 3 r~NACA F'ClINT R .49 ::: 1 " 'j 2(~) N ~~6::'>.O r 21()9 6 FOR.E DR I CI( ~30N R .39 4 N 40 N 60.0 NUMBER RClrd)S: 9 TOTAL MILE~;: 4.72 * INDICATES PREVIOUS TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIED BY GS 136-44.7(B) . . .~ , J ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Creekwood Road, numerical range 100-799 and Canady Road, numerical range 1600-1700, located in Harnett Township.. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 4th day of June, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted of June, 1990. F~~6:n Attest: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Creekwood Road, numerical range 100-799 and Canady Road, numerical range 1600-1700, located in Harnett Township.. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 4th day of June, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted of June, 1990. F~t~~n ('~' :' ( /. \, ~.tt.o..u' ],erk RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been issued a MasterCard by Wachovia Bank; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to establish procedures for the use of such card; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The MasterCard shall be paid in full each month. 2. The office of the Clerk to the Board and the County Finance Office shall be the only departments authorized to possess the MasterCard account number. The MasterCard shall remain in the custody of the Finance Office. 3. The MasterCard shall be used to reserve hotel rooms or any other charges that require a credit card to cover a deposit or advance payment. The MasterCard will be used only when a personal card is not available. 4. When a charge is made to the card, a copy of the receipt and an explanation for the expense must be immediately submitted to the Finance Office. ADOPTED this 4th day of June, 1990. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~4:man Board of Commissioners .. ""~~"-.~------;-r.--.-n;7'7'--":"l:!;;--:-'--";:-T- ~:- -';'.'-li;'_~~~::?,r\_V;:;",::"':"':"~-----,--'- ~ ~~ : ...........................................0...........................................~.................... .:>~ -"; ((. /I , " " ", . " l' :. New 1lfan~uer.~uup~l1. ,', iBnarb nf Q!nmminninnern .1.' "'. ,- r- ~ /,r 1Jlen n lutiun . : ' . WHEREAS, the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers advised that, the Carolina Beach RenourishmentProject bids are scheduled: for November 1990, for renourishment of'the,beach beginning in January 1991; and .' WHEREAS, the total cost of the 1990-91 Carolina Beach Renourishment Project is $2,5'06,000; and, "',' ' WHEREAS, the federal government and the local share of' funds have been budgeted and approved; and WHEREAS, the balance of '$1,033,000 from state funds is necessary or the federal fundswill.be cut; and , " ~ ,.' !:". 'i . ....-... WHEREAS, future costs could escalate from five to ten, million dollars in two to th~ee years; and , . ~"" . , " WHEREAS, the Town." of Carolina Beach attracts tourists ,and shares in the tourism -industr~~revenues to the State, which were five billion dolla,rs ':last year:: ,.' NOW, THEREFORE,. ,BE IT RESOLVED 'that: the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners requests the Governor of North' Carolina to commit state funds in-the amount of $1,033,000, towards the.1990-91 Carolina Beach Renourishment Project. . 'r. ' .', I,' .~. Signed this (4- day of June,1~90. ~f(B. Fred.Retchin, Chairman , i . " ,'"\ , ~', ,,'.,"" "., '-" ' ' ~,1'" ~~~. ..... I I ....... I . I' .. I I . . . .. I... I I...... ...... I'....... ....................................................... ~t .~ ;;,J ~ ~~ J,~