1990-07-02 RM Exhibits -~. . '. !. .,; F ACT SHE E T: Franchising~pd Mandato~Collections for the Unincorporated Area of New Hanover County 'The folloHing explains (a) some of t.he reasons 'Why the County is pursuing a franchised refuse collections system and the inst.i t.ution of rnandat.ory collection::; nne! (b) ,vhdt the prc'f-,::,sl::,r) refuse collections system will mean for residents of the unincor~orated area. Why Franchise and Mandate Refuse Collections? 1. Rapid urbanization. New Hanover County1s unincorporated area lS becoming increas ingl V urbanized3.nd 'lery much 1 ike a mUGicipality. The opening of IIlterstate40 will accelerate this process. Most rnllnicipalities mandate refuse collections. ~ Possible mandatory recycling. It may eventually be nece~sary to manda~e recycling in order to comply with NC Senate Bill ill which hdS a goal of 25% waste reduction through recycling by 1993. I.t Hould be difficult:. to ir.lplement mandatorv recycling without mandatory refuse collections. 3. Efficiency. Franchi5~ng or the design~tion of zones fer each refuse colle0tion firm will mean the elimination of inefficient overlapping routes and thus lower collection fees for most resi.dents of the ~mincr)rporated area. It may also set the st..=:::se for a more efficient recycling program by allowing for a more (? f f icient. integrat.ion of reeyel ing v1i t.h t.he resc,urces of the refuse collection firms. i". Environmental lssues. Iv'landatory COLlections should help abate fut.ure and existing heal th and environmental problems. In par~icular, they should result in a partial reduction in open Jumping, and backyard burning and buryin~ of refuse. What Will the Franchising and Mandating of Refuse Collections Mean to Residents of the Unincorporated Area? 1. Franchise zones. The u~incorporatedarea will be divided into five 20nes. each of ~~1~ch will be serviced exclusively by a franchised refuse collection firm. Franchise agreements will be f')l~ five years Hith the op-:::.io::1 fc,r an ad,::1itional two yea.l~:3. -, Who will be affected? E,:3.ch l'.(Y\..1:::eh(<1.d or f~ommerci2,l (:,r,tity Hi t.lle unincor~or,=tc:.ed area. C~.ll.'l'entl~' 2..~ece i ving cart ,::,r 1jS (? - ~l:~ll.lr -- 0,\";[1 - C,3.1l. ~=, e~rv 1. r~ e t ..:.: r .:ill ~/ P 11 t. it y l~ ~_;1 '\J in g 112 S;:. t.}-~ '=:.~ 1'1 :"'..L '. 1_-: ."_'"F:' :.) i fie f'. t i~"3..L tlll i. -C~:-, ,~lr f) r r 2_ :.>.:<:-:. :~! (-i ~~- '_~' 'Jl-'~:-e n r:. ~ \1 .'ce eel \T ~_l ': r::.: :-t ~j:7't ;=<:: -....:~. .:~. ~ service, Hill be mandated by ordinance to contract with a franchisee for refuse collections. 3. Collection frequency. Collections shall be made at a curbside or roadway point of collection once-a-week on a year-round basis. Any services provided by the franchisees in adJi.tion to t.he mininmm levels of service (such as t.,'-liCe-d-W"'e): or backyard services) Hill be considered contractual matte:.:-::' betHeen the franc~lisees and their customers. 4 Year-round collections. All 1101Jsel1o1ds and conunex'(~i(:tl entities effected by the mandatory ordinance will be requirecl to pay far year-round collections. 5. Collection hours. (~ollections l<Till take place bet,\reen ;): lJO AM and 7:30 PM on weekdays. 6. Roll-out carts. E.3.ch household or ,::ommercial ent.i i.:y receiving service will be provided with a properly maintained 90 g,"',l. rcll-':Jut: cart. Carts shall be set. out only on those day:::: designated for collection and removed from pick-up points witll reasonable promptness. Limits on volume collected at a single pass. Households ')l' c0mme.T-cial entitie:::; will be all,)wed t.o dispose of refuse fi.~lin:;; '.lne JO gal. l")ll-out ::-art and five 30 gal. bags on edch col 1 e':-.ti,)n day. I ~3 . Inclement \veather. v.Jhile the franchisees 'viII be e~,:pl::-cL.ed to make a good fdith effert. under all circ1.:mstance:3 to '~I~,lle'.::t t.~le refuse generated in their zones. it is understood that under cerL.ain weather conditions roads may not be passable and tt~s collecT.ions 'vill not be pCI5E,ible. 0, Limits on road size. Th~ franchisees will not be required to use any road that is less thant.Ho lanes Hid.e, lacks an associated turnaround area, and has a vertical clearance of less t.han 1 ~3 I 6" . HC1..lseholds or commerc idl entities on such rl.)ads ',oJill be required to transport their carts to servicedble areas. The franchisees 'vill mal:e every ef fort to cooperate with these households and cOITUTle-r'cia 1 enti t.ies . 10. Assistance to the elderly, disabled, etc. In the case of cu~t0mer5 who have difficulty using carts due to age, infirmity, topographical limitations, etc., the franchisees will make good faith efforL.5 to assist these individuals as needed. Also. staff recomrrends the follov!ing reduced rate toJ.:' the eiderly and the disabled poor, using similar guidelines as used LV the C:i t'.l of hiilmingte,n: For households ",hose annual incl~'m8 1.:3 eleven thousand dollars or less, and whose head is either (a) .sizL.i'-f.ive year:::. e,f age ol.')lder. ,)r (b' '0,hose head is (':'[.cl11y ,,,'.n':l permanentl. y disabled as def ined in NCGS 10:, - 2. 77 . 1, th,::~ l:'2xe ::]',2.1.l i:::e)ne-half i)f th.-? 85"tabll.she':1 monthly J.'ate. ." "",. '. 11. Bulky item collections. The franchisees will either (a) make available dt an additional fee t,) their customers the collection of bulky items such as mattresses, furniture, appliances, etc., or they will (b) provide information to their CU31:.0merS about hauling firms that \<1i11 collect these materi;::,ls. 12. Fees. Fees have been negotiated a1:. a County-wide uniform raT.e of $12.50 per household or commercial entity receivirlg service. These fees will be collected by the franchisees. HOllSeh(llds and c,.)nmlercial enti t.ies ma":l be billed quarterly an,:: thirty days in advance of the beginning of a quarter. 13. Penalties for noncompliance with the mandatory ordinance. H,::,useholds and commercial enti ties ~vh,.J fail to comply wi tl: tl-.::. mandatory ordinance will face civil action which may reslllt in fines of up to $50.00 per day and/or up to thirty days in jai:. 1~. Evaluations. Fees and services will be evaluated annual~Y by the County Corrunissicners tel ensure thdt the", are fair anci ,:,f the highest quality possible. 15. Inspections. Vehicles an,} other e'1uipment. used by the franchised refuse collection firms will be inspected on a yearly basis either by the Director of Solid Waste Pldnning or l1lS des ignee in Ol"Jer to ensur,? the protec1.::.ion of human heal t.h. .t". " NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Ferndale Road in Smithcreek Estates (Division File #636-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved' by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing Commissioners of the of 0.~(" /" ,1990. (J /T WITNE~ my hand and resolution was duly adopted by the Board of County of New Hanover at a meeting on thec<~oI day /r-; ~ official seal this the co?.nvi. day ofM/-,1990. I. . ~ ~~. Luc'e F. Harrell, Clerk. New Banover County Board of Commissioners Form Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc ioo '1" ". ~I ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~, t i '( g \ \. \ ~ :;::-:::::::.:;:}:: >.:\<. ~ fr' :') ~.. . ~I ;'1 ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive wilmington, NC 28401 919-343-0440 June 20, 1990 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3,District 3 New Hanover County Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street wilmington, NC 28402 Re: Resolution Request Ferndale Road - smith Creek Estates (Div. File No. 636-N Dear Ms. Alexander: This office is considering the addition of road (s) in Smith Creek Estates (Div. File No. 636-N) to state system. After your consideration if you concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer ~ ...............' ~! \~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title and perform all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, July 28, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 2nd day of July, 1990. New Hanover County ~ fLL- Fre Retchin, Chairman Board of County Commissioners , . AUCTXQN ", , \"-~-.'.. J I~ORY' SHEET' "!: . 10/YR ~:..\' .' . , INVENTORY NJ ~]., " ". . .....1(.: " (DEn) fAG "'RR & 6UANTrTY '.cONTROL NUMBER '" MAKE .....- S ER.I.AL I 'FROM DESCRIPTION #? , I U.LCIWL:.L -l~ . . !~ . .. . . . ....- '.. -. . .. . .. Ti1Spec t:f,ons , Telephone Answel 2 . -..... "0... .. 1 -. .. ......... , 0" .. "Cohra' ..... - ""84011310 .. - 'Tnsp'ec tions System , ., 3 t~2~n'" . \; 1 .. . 719219 . .. In'spections Calculator J 4 1 .., OlivE:! t ti: A7J.979'44 Inspections Calculator " :!.'!-<.';".J.UIU' 5 '" . .. 1 "'.. .. "' Gus t.o' -' " f22-46661 Inspections C€l:lcuJCltor ; 6 " 1 .. . . - Hi. c'tb's ., 6'210 " . Register Deec Cnsh Rl?(dst~r. 7 l' M:l.cros' 1703 RCP:ister ,.. Decc Cash RCP:ister' 8 . - ", . 1 . . ,,' ... .. .. Ta.b .... ._.~9LI4 , , MIS . Burs ter Nachine Human ReI Double PedestaT 9 .." -. ....., . . 1 .. . . '" .. " " '" " Desk t.if 10' p),<" , ... ., \~-.it. '. - . ... , , . " " J.udicial Trash Lids . .J' - ^ , ... \\.v-YI'l/."lW, ". J..2 '13 '. ;,Y I .. . .... " Register,Deec Desks ., , , .., K.' k;}. ~, 17",18 . . " " .. ,. " . Register Dee( Filing Cabinets 19.20 - .. 2 . . Regi.s ter Deec Microfiche V i ewe r 21,22': 2 Register Deec Microfiche Viewer: ~ - '. - ~. ".' . -- --r ....~o. .;> "'''"';;- "--=' . 24 1 -. Register Dec( Chair w/o Arms 25 "0' .. 1 Register Deec Hicrofiche Viewer - 26 '" 1 , . . . . Register Deec Microfiche Viewl;r ,. 27;28...... ... .... .. 2 1791LI59 ... "2 (,"':)"5.1'2 118 - 0 Henlth Dent IBM . ()13l0 -. 29.30' 2 .. 07131 I.C1nier ..' , .. Health Dept Tele Ans M.,'lchine " 31 3T.'..... "-.. . ". - . .. . .. -- . -. . Inspcct:l.ons Blinds '. 33 . .-.~.. '"'' 1 -l.. , '. - - . Admin Chair wi A nns 34, 35 ,," . " 2 . .... . . ". '. ., " .. Admin Smoking lJ tOn s 36 ,.. 1. Admin Chair w/o Arms 37 .,r(\ f{\ 1 .. ..- . Admin Hetal Rack J'-~ ~~/ . ~Q'";l9, 40~ . LI2,./ If , . .... .. Judicial Chair w/o Arms ~~,44 . RhlkPedeSLal LIS 1 . . .Judicial .t2s' 116,1'7 .2 - ", . Maint Fac 6' Wood Ladders .l/~ 1/89 1/89 1/89 LI89 ~/89 ./89 '90 190 , (:/1.1\::/ II~ .:;J::':l. . ~ " ",. .. . . Auction INVENTORY SHEET INVENTORY' 1/'l :? }~ R TAG NUMBER & QUANTITY CONTROL NUMBER' MAKE SERIAL (/ FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION bU/:ibd41 IBM Electric 9 48,49 2 . 21421/+6 Typewriter~, ." ~~ , ~ .1 ~ 4 '..J "" 51 1 Scars f.lcctric Typc.....ri ter . 52 1 Processor "Parts ~unL~ Blinds 53.154 2 ,nag. 'r' s j"'>"" .. l()! , ~, / . J - ~..~. ~ .. I") M~ r- ~, . .L -. ~4~"'~"'''b -~ It , ....,. 1 / 4 .,,~~ ....-- ~ .. .- "" 58 1. Taxes Hood Cabinet 90 59 1. Taxes Drafting Hachine 60 1. 01.504 AB Dick LEC Copying Hachine 61 1. 08004 IBM MaJot Pac Elec Typc~,rLitcr ;'~ I ". l' "". "", n ~ ~- 63 1 Jail Annex Kero .Htr 65 1. Ex Museum Light Fixture Di 66 1. Maint l~ac Ramset Gt1l1 ~ , T , ~, n/ . [,'-'" v..~.. ~ .n......., 68 1 Human ReI COmptltcr Pr'inter 69 I. T3x HIS Telephones 70 ..--' 2 Human 'ReI Computers ~ W\. f. . ~~ ., r" ~, , ~~ . u, ~~ ,,- ~. ". ..:> . , <'I. .,..,. .... ., ., "' .L u..~ ~. -~. . 73 1/3 Pc Xerox Admin Printcr/Proeesso 74 1 Se Admin Blinds 75 .1 Roard Elee Calcu13Lor 76 J 00503 Board Elee Elec TypcHriter 77 .r I) 1 Board Elec Rolex File !)?y~.: ,/~? , ."., . , , !, ",. " J...,J.CC '- ..1..1 It ~. \ ."1. " ,.. .' ~ - ) / " INVENTORY SHEET :o/Y. /90 INVENTORY r TAG NUMBER & QUANTITY CONTROL NUMBER. MAKE SERIAL I! FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION . 79 3 ., Board E1ec Chai r Hlo Arms 80 1 BOCird Elec Chair \.J /Arms 81 1 Board Elec 6' He.t<11 Box - 82 1 Board Elec Table C.P. 83 . 1 Board Elee Wooden Didvider 86 1 Board Elec \vooden Counter 87 1 00532 . Bonrd Elec Wooden Counter 88 1 00531 Board Elec Hooden Counter 89 1 Env Health Counter Top - 90 3 }-fai.nt fa.c 'Gauges VA.cuum 91 1 Mn.int Pac 3/8" Drill VSR 92 1. Haint Pac 1/2" Drill VSR 93 1 APF 180 A.dmin. Calulator 94 1 Haint Fae Wood Plane ~ , -. - - MereJ:"IT UE..>K _ ,I' . ~6 1 D.S.S. 5 Drm.;rcl- Fil/Cab 97 1 Huscum Hood Fil/Cab 98 ./ 1 67!l.36159 Personnel 10 Key Calculator ~ , 'In"", ~ , .. , ~~ - _-L .J r. .LTn,. ,,= = ')'!-'CW.l. 100 .1 ~.'~e Admin Parti tion h'hi /Brn 101 6 }l~llway 208 Chair w/Arms cm:Ln 102 1. 120P Finance C1Jiculator Ad1~r 103 1 GE~~P.O Pinance Ca.lcu18tor 104 1. Haint Fac 2-4000 CUmmerlong 10S' 1 M,1.5. Brov.'11 \,Tood Chair 106 1. 67973128 ~f.I,S. Calculator 107 1 050141114 H.T.S. Calculator 1')8 1 67967q H. 1. S. (a 1 C \!.l :1 t z' r '- - . '. ~ :,' .': . '. INVENTORY Sl-IEET !Yr 90 1 HVENTORY TAG NUMBER 6. QUANTITY rCONTROL mIMBER . MAKE SERIAL () FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION 109 1. M.1.8. Blk. Exe Chair WI .'. , . 110 1 /~0319393 M. 1.5. Printer! : III 1 Library Rolli.ng Table - 112 2 Libt'nry Paper Back Racks 113 2 Library Foot Stools 114 5 Library See Chair wlo Ar: 115 2 Library Wood Tables 116 1 Library Chaise Lounge 117 1 Library Chaise Lounge 118 1 02993 Library Vie\vcr Hicrofi1m 119 1 05766 Dukl1ne U.brary Viewer Hicrofilm 120 S0 Li.brnry Six Line Equity . 121 1 01/,60 698 Li.brary Micrufilm .) 122 1 12569 Library Hie H) hIm _. - 123 :1 HH1~ Libr.ary . Microfilm 124 ] 8753587 Li bnny 19" Color T.V. - 125 1 6.'3007994 Library ~i hns t [-i r rOJcc '0 . 126 1 73P3J2261P Libr.ary Adding l'lach"ine 127 I b:umi g Library Filmvic\ver 128 1 05878 Be ll/HO\,Jell 05875 Library Hicrovie\.Jer 129' :I ll.")"'ll"~) Underwood 119927199 Library. Manual Typewriter 130 2 Re.mington j~H~j~$ Library Manual Typewriter 131 ] OM)62 Dukane 9(;5]J 1. Librar.y A-V 1'Ia tie 132 1. Shar.p 41101074 Library Compact Disc P1aY4 133 1 IlJtachj 590209/177 Library Cassette P1 ayer /R( 134 1 Library Glove Sofa -- 135 1 05879 2600t,064'71 Library' Copier 136 1 Li br;'l ry H.D. S t;.j r 1 ex .. - INVENTORY SHEET )/y /9 INVENTORY r TAG NUMBER 6. QUANTITY CONTROL NUMBER . MAKE SERIAL U FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION . Bel1/HO\vell 0 137 1 03LI3203 Li.brary Projector , . , 138 1 Library Rolex File 139 1 05755 25055 Library Posti1ge H~ t e'r Ma 140 1 Be11/lIo~.,ell Library. Tnpe Cassette 1l.i1 1. Library 2 ~ier File Cai rawer 142 1 05789 IllH Sol II. 26.1917631 Library Elec Typewriter 143 1 IBM Se1 II 261099495 Li:brary Elec Typewriter 144 1 Library' Comp Pri.nt Tb1 145 1 Liorary Projector Screen 146 1 05838 Library Comp Terminal 147 6 box0.~ [)retford L:l.hrary RC 70 TV VCR Stand 1/~8 16 pes Library Sorting T'tays ~ , n , -,. - .~- ... ~ 150 1 t)urroughs IB64086 M. 1.S. Keyboard"Comp 151 1 3urroughs B6!J395 M.1.S. Keyboard Comp' 152 I \urrollghs ^30J2l 1-1. 1. S . KeyboClrd Computer 153 1 ~llrroughs' 309382372 H,m,s. Keyboard Computer 154 1. \ llrrollg h8 180621138 M. I.S. Keybo3J7d Computer 155 1 iurroughs 3093205LI7 M. 1.S. Keyboard Computer 156 1 )urroughs 140649658 M.I.S. Printer 157 1 )urroughs 140Lf33863 M. 1.S. Printer 158 1 ~urroughs lL,0823089 M.I.S. Printer 159 1 lurroughs 14087.3022 M. 1.S. Prinre t- 160 1 )kidn ta 377363 H.1.8. Printer 161 1 JlabIo 157J 63 M, I.S. Printer. 162 1 :erox 35280 H, I.S. Printer 163 1 ':ri 0 ion 020526 M. 1.8. Printer - 16L. ] :c!rox 0059;Vf M, 1.S. 973 .. - r I .. - . . ", ,'.,'.. INVENTORY SHEET o/Yr /90 HNENTORY T-AG NUMBER & QUANTITY CONTROL NUMBER' MAKE SERIAL II FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION 165 1 Okidata 377367 M.1. 5. Printer . . , lr-,() 1 "' Burrour.hs 111 0/.38581 M.I.S. Printer 167 1. Burroughs 3 094 7 /, 85 6 M.I.S., Keyb()<lrd Comput 168 1 Burroughs 1/,0438763 M. 1.S. Printer 169 1 Sykes 14981 H. t. 8. Prin ter 170 1 0.1.659 001047 M. 1.8. Backup Drive 171 1 Okic1ata 377368 i~1. 1. S . Printer 172 1 Okidata '377369 }f. I. S. 82A 173 1 Xerox 017360 M.T.S. Monjtor 174 1 J1urroll!)hs 18160/103/. ~. I.S. Terminal - 175 1 309392074 }f,I,8. MT 983 176 1 Burr.ouglls 309392058 f. I.8. Honitor 177 1 00775 TnH 93638 M. 1. 8.. Terminn1 178 1 09823 13urroughs 23708399 L I. 8. Office Hriter 179 1 02/141 J)\l1;:roughs 1.314710029 L 1.8. B2l, \ 180 1 062/',7 r~urr.o\lghs 320982671 M; 1. 8. B21 181 1 088/,2 !',url"oughs 3181L. G 5 3 7 [,1.5. B21. 182 1 0990 BurrougFls 320978836 K. 1. 8. B2l 183 1 Xe'rox. 01217/, M. I. 8. Keyboard Compute 184 1 09822 /jurrou~hs 182718817 1.1.8. Keyboard Compute 185 1. 09821 Burroughs 182647826 K. I. 8. Printer' 186 1 ":spi d t IT. 234LI6BS M. 1.8. Espirit 187 1 Majnt'Fac Fosball T:Jb1c ,. " 188 1 se ~Id Court Hse Cdlin.r.: Fan Pl1rt~ 189 1 )R454883 -\nimal "Con tro 1. ~Hnclo\,r Alc Unit 190 Assc.rtm {ea1th Smob [1 \; Prns 191 5 Hd Court Hse Bookshe1vcs 192 1 DId Court Bee Chai.r \..' / C> .'\rms ---- I - . . INVENTORY SHEET IYr INVENTORY 90' TAG NUMBER & QUANTITY CONTROL NUMB EIt . MAKE SERIAL (/ FROM (DEPT) DESCRIPTION 193 1 '. 2{f20S1 Haint Fac A/C' Windo\./ IDnit ., 194 1. Maint Fac Chair w/o Arms 195 1 Maint Fac E1ec Bowling Ga'll 196 1. Maint Fac Wood Work Bench 197 1 Maint Fac Metnl SgJ./p Desk 198 1 Mnint Fac iV'ood Table 199 Assort! ent Maint Fac Assortment i.J'ood 200 ^ssortn ent Mai.n t Pac Elec Equipment 201 ^I:;sortn 0.n t Maint Pac Office Equipment 202 ^~, sortn ent Maint Fac Mise Chairs 203 A;~l~ohh e!tit Maint Fac Mi.se Desks - I I " " . ..f::.... . ".\ U C;--" 1m" O'/;:;)Fl90 F{.~H IvWlf:T S;I\I:I1: I"IILE:F; ~:.LO I.f o 1 .~+ l:~ I:.~ J 9Cf7 [;1.1[:::\i IG1BL5:1.6XHX223156 1. 0:1. <:;'00 ~6S 031.:?Bf3 1 <:'/132 C'iE~'v' 2G1AL69L5C1248287 1. EjI..,.71 l+ ;;.oCLJ OL~998 1986 FDFi:D LTD 2FABP43G6GX166299 13c.~::'l:l. ~; Dlo7 o u+ 1E3 1987 CI-.IE....) lGlB15164HX223122 1. ~:3 E~ ~::) ~3 E~ :;20 ~ 07158 19E1::l GI'1C F'/I...I :l.GTCC14D3DF70751.0 :I.~371 1 ;::~ <::209 Oi~L~Ol1' 1. 9i3c~ FDhD L.TD 2FABP33D8CB210682 90'781 ;;;2.. )0 07560 :1.979 [!--lEV P /Ull'X!." Cf:::L 11..,.9F37:S95LI' 189':I.;:j5 Q. \ I 0'7!.,.29 19En F[)r~D F~:{~)I\Ir::;FF~ lFTBR10A8DUA42282 100816 ;X I '.2. 03:389 11:;B~5 CHE'.,) lG1BL6969FY154221. lL~91Cj'1.+ d. ."',:) 033f..1';:?' 170L,. CHE:\) lG1AL6964EX:1.51579 11.1.5961 c;;2 \4- 06030 1S'77 PDNT 1... r.:::M AI\I~; c?DE~9Z7B 1. 0'783~3 1 0570~) c2/5 0273<1 :1.9'79 CHEV IV! Pd.... I B U :I. T;::'7H9 D 1..,.'7:::; 079 157671 ~I<C 03i:-~87 1 C'D':) [:HE~',) 2G1AK69LOC1248181 1 2i :::11.+ ,+ l+ 7 \~.jl._ . -------"-,--:-~-~~~~- ..'- -~+'~-...--.-----~... " N em JIannuer OJnunty,'. iJJnarb of QInmmi.66ioner.6" ..' '. r men n Lutton ' '~\:.~'~,' '.~ '.~~':."\' .' " " ~ I ....-'.~; . ." - ~ . I. ,; '._. 1 ".: ! '," . . . . " , . " WHEREAS, New Hanover County.and the City of Wilmington have entered into a joint inter local agreement to develop a Management ,and Planning System (MAPS) to' automate our land records system and; WHEREAS, MAPS will be financed '.over' a period of five years with a lease purchase arrangement; ~ . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ,': that. the Board of County Commissioners hereby gives its unanimous approval of New Hanover County's 1990-1991 Land Records"Management Grant Application for $90,986 in matching funds to assistin..~he auto~ation of our land records system. }.. Signed this the 2nd day of July, 1990. atftML ;:~~Chin, Chairman Attest: 'K/ to the , I. i""~I'", ... ~... . ". ~f, fV ~ _ 0 I~. \" ~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. :..~) p~'..::::. . ~,.."~,r\"':..,1 '. a II . . . . . . II. .. . . ~ II . III ... .. .. . ..... a .... . . a a a. II II II . . a a. a II a II II ... II. ... .. . . . .. . II . a a II. .. . .. . . . . .. . . II. a a lit.. . II a a II . . . II. II .. . . . 'II . ~~..r-1 iBnarllllf (!!nmmis.6innefS N em. Jlannuer QTnuntu fRt5 n lutinn WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina recently legislated a one percent surcharge on the retail sale of each motor vehicle tire sold to be used for the disposal of scrap tires or for the abatement of tire nuisance sites; and WHEREAS, the revenue, minus 10% administrative costs, generated from the surcharges will be returned to each county based on population ratios. WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover charges a disposal fee for scrap tires; and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has legislated disposal fees for scrap tires shall be assessed only to the extent that the fees shall not exceed true operational costs adjusted by any surcharge revenues returned by the State; and WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover has a one year period to evaluate the true operational costs for scrap tire disposal; and WHEREAS, during the one year evaluation period, tire retailers may be overcharged on the disposal fees for scrap tires. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that, upon completion of the one year evaluation period and an analysis of the true costs for tire disposal, a one-time rebate will be made to the tire retailers and others for any overcharge which m~y have been generated by the disposal fee. Signed this t July, 1990. ~tt4- Fr Retchin, Chairman Board '"" ~ ~.. a a........ II............. II... Ill........ _.1I1l11 a a a 11'1111 a a a a 1111111.. all... a..... g............... II....... 11....11:1..... Ill..... . . New Hanover'County Landfill Scrap Tire Disposal Cost Estimates June 15, 1990 - Qualifications: New Hanover County serves as a retail hub to surrounding counties. In doing so,' the number of scrap tiroes generated in this county will likely be higher than normal projections for scrap tire generation per capita. Additionally, the State Port has caused numerous trucking firms to locate here to move goods and products. The large number of trucking firms will generate additional truck tires. Assumptions 100 passenger tires per ton 20 truck tires per ton 700 tons or 70,000 scrap passenger tires per year 105 tons or 10,500 scrap truck tires per year @ 15% of above $36,000.00 State reimbursement @ $6,000.00 for 1st 2 months $78.20 per ton ARS contract price $55.00 per ton current tip fee Estimated Disposal Cost A. Contract Expenses 700 tons/year passenger x $78.20/ton 105 tons/year truck x $78.20/ton $54,740.00 $8,211.00 Total contract price = $62,951.00 B. Tip Fee Collected 700 tons/year passenger x $55.00/ton $38,500.00/year 105 tons/year truck x $55.00/ton $5,775.00/year Total tip fees = $44,275.00 C. Difference (Contract less Tip Fee) A - B = $18,676.00 D. Site Development & Maintenance $10,000 amortized over 5 years = $2,000.00/year E. Net Loss (Contract and Site Development) C + D = $20,676 F. state ~eimbursement - $36,000.00 Minus Net Loss = $20,676.00 Net Gain = $15,324.00 G. Affect on Tipping Fee $15,324.000 805 total tons = $19.04/ton $55.00/ton -$19.00/ton $36.00/ton Current tip fee Net gain from state tire tax New tip fee NOTE: These estimated figures do not include labor costs for loading tires, retailers are requested to load ARS trucks. If County .has to load trucks labor ,cost are $13.00/ton addition. II I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Emerson Drive, numerical range 3500-3699 and Meadowview Avenue, numerical range 7000-7099, located in Harnett Township. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hear ing was held on the 2nd day of July, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. I, It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted this the 2nd day of JU~~~_ Frea Retchin, Chairman Attest: