1982-02-01 Regular Meeting 991 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS BOY SCOUT PROCLAMATION , i' these leaders have been selected because of their interest in youth by community organizati~~~:that'are chartered to use the Scouting program; and , r' , I :; ~ : I) L.i WHEREAS, " , ' WHEREAS, their service to youth represents a great contribution to our community; Therefore be it o J I', RESOLVED, that ,the New Hanover County'Board '~f:C~~i~si~ner~, ~sk our citizens to extend their appreciation to these dedicated men and women during Scouting Anniversary Week, February 4, 'th,r"tig1114, 198_2. ___~____.. . . , -- . :)' . REPLY' TO.FUNDERBURG LETTER ' , " " Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to approve the 'County Manager's letter of reply to Mr. ,William S.:Funderburg. Upon vote,; the MOTION ,CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. " '.J. 1 -:.. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session for the County Attorney to report on a litigation matter,'. "Upon-vote, the MOTION ,C!,RR:IED 'UNANU10USLY. Chm.' Blake recessed'the meeting to'Exectitive Session at 12:27 o'clock p. m. Chm. Blake reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 12:45 o'clock p. m. ro-" .,; ADJOURNMENT Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon,~ote~: the MOTION CARRIED ,UNANIMOUSLY. ':' ) o Chm. Blake 'adjourned,:the meeting at 12:45, !'i'c1oC;:,k:p,.,Dl,' ' , Respectively submitted, ~,6,l(~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk ,,'. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 1, 1982 ,:J ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, February 1, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock p;'~. 'in the, Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington,' North Carolina. o. r 1 . . " Members present were Commissioners'Howard L. ~rmistead..Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Karen E. Gottovi; Claud O'Shields" Jr;; Chairman, Donald P. 'Blake; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; ,and Clerk to:the'Board; Alyce B. Rusmfsel1."-'No members were absent. Chm. Blake called the meeting to order. o Rev. B. H. Baskerville of Chestnut Street Presbyterian Churcb offered the invocation. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING. JANUARY 13. 1982 AND REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 18,1982 I _ ._, ,_, . ","", . Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the Minutes of the'Speciai Meeting 'of Januari 13,. 1982; 'were APPROVED As FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Comm. BarfieldJ Gottovi and Chm. Blake Abstaining:, COIlIIn; Armistea4 and O'Shields ,r " Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Chm. Blake, Commissioners Armistead and O'Shields were UNANIMOUSLY excused from voting on approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 13, 1982, as they were not present at the meeting. 992 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 1, 1982 Cont. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (CONTINUED) Upon MOTION by Comm. Barfield, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January l8,1c}82 were UNANIMOUSLY approved as presented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon 'MOTION by 'Comm. Barfield, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, the following items on the Consent Agenda were UNANIMOUSLY approved: o CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT WITH. SOUTHEASTERN COMPUTER CORPORA'fION As recommended by the Tax Administrator, authorization was given to cancel, the agreement with So'Litheastern Computer Corporation with the funds to be used for 'an additional employee on the Tax Office Staff to make some of the modifications and absorb some of the duties placed on the systems Analyst position. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE AUTHORIZED IN TAX DEPARTMENT Authorization was given for-the addition of an operator/programmer position in the Tax Department at a salary grade of 67. AZALEA FESTIVAL FIREWORKS PERMIT Authorization was given for the Azalea Festival committee to have a fireworks display at Legion Stadium on the evening of April 15, 1982, or April 16, in case of rain. A c,opy of the proper insurance certificate was furnished. ADDITION OF BRETONSHIRE RD. AND BECKENHAM RD. TO STATE SYSTEM - - - - The SR-2 Resolution was adopted requesting the addition of the f9,llowing roads to the State Secondary Road System as recommended by the Department of Transportation: o Bretonshire Rd. and Beckenham Rd., Windemere Subdivision (Div. File fi445-N) A copy of the Resolution is on file in the Clerk's Office. BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY The .following amendment was approved in the Library budget to transfer copying and duplica~ing funds to the print'ing.account and to appropriate additional funds received for N. C. State Aid Grant: . Debit Acct. #11 6110 412 Copy & Duplicating Acct. #11 3611 332 N.C. State Aid Grant (additional 10% inflation grant from State Lib. ) Credit Acct. fill 6110 411 printing Acct. fill 6110 421 Supplies & Materials Acct. #11 6110 423 Books & Materials $ 800. 5,271. $ 800 1,000. 4,271. o BUDGET AMENDMENT - ADMINISTRATION The fo'llowing amendment in the Administration budget was approved to reimburse the County Manager's budget for travel expenses on the Airport project: Debit - Acct. Ul 9800 911, Contingencies $1,000., Credit -Acct. #11 4121 520, Travel, Meetings and Schools .$1,000. "."" ~'i: 993 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING; FEBRUARY 1,1982 (CONTINUED) . ", " , . ,";<.- '<~ .; ( APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) , EARLYCIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD SUNSET LEG'iSLATION, '_____n As requested by the AIrport Commission, authorization was given to w'rite letters to the County's senators and representative in Washington endorsing the Airport Commission's letter concer,ning the Early Civil Aeronautics Board Sunset Legislation. ' o AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS FOR SECOND WELL AT FLEMINGTON The Cha-rrmanwas authorized 'to execute the contracts with Poquoson, Inc. and Pleasant, Inc. for the second well at F1emington. The Contracts were awarded at the meeting on December 21, 1981. REMOVAL OF ITEM FROM AGENDA Chm. Bla1<'e reported that the petitioners had requested that Item 15, Appeal from Planning Board Denial of Amendment to plat of pine Valley Estates, Section' 25, be removed from the agenda as they ,were trying to resolve the matter without appearing before the C'omlli-iJss'ione'rs". ' --',,' ':,,' ,-' --' .; " ' , " : " , '.', DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR FORCE MAIN' ,-,- " I ' Director of Erigiriee'ring Ed 'Hilton 'anCd' 'Mr., ,Henry von Oesen, of Henry von Oesen and Associates, Consulting Engineers, appeared before the Board to explain the proposed route for the Northeast Interceptor Force Main and answered questions from concerned residents on ~hj' impact the proposed constiuction would have on . .' ." ..... _ ..-J their property. " o The following comments: residents of ~tonewall Jackson Drive offered Mr~ Claude 'Blanton . -'-'" Mr. 'Warren Tucker" -' ~ , , , " , . .-. , Mr. Rowe .Green o. ' , ',,-- Mr. Jerry Whitlock Mr~ Dick Bensinger Mr. Larry Johnston " Mr. W. F. Cox Mr. Clayton Burlsford ", .., BREAK Chm. Blake recessed ,the meeting for ~ break from 7:55 o'clock p. m. until' 8:05 o'clock p. m. '., " AWARD OF 'BIDS FOR NORTHEAST'iNTER.CEPTOR Director otEngineering Ed Hilton explained 'the for construction of the Northeast Interceptor. _, '.. ~ . . - . r \ 1. I . j . bids received A copy ~f the' tabulation of-:bi'ds''-receivEid is contained in Exhibit Book IX, Page, 4. " o..... ' " ,. o Upon MOTION by Comm. O'Shields, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, the following' Re~olution a~~rdirig the bids' ~as UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: :' "".. r' '," ,," :,' -- " I . ~ > . . WHEREAS, New Harlover County, North'Carolina, desires to expand' its '~eweragesystem' in the inte'rest of the pUblic'S health;' and',,' " I:,." ",'''' , " ' I WHEREAS, competitive bids have been solicited and received from contractors for Project No, C370426-033.0, the Northeast inter'c'eptor;' and,' , ' .J:--"\'!'lr, OJ, ,',' WHEREAS, by Henry von responsible: the following low bidders have been reviewed Oesen' and Associates, and found to be 994' MINUTES OF REGULAR: M;EETING, FEBRUARY 1" 1982 (CONTINUEP), AWARD OF BIDS FOR NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION (CONTINUED) Section I:, T. A. Loving Co~pany P.O. Bo'x' 929 Goldsboro, 'N'orth, Caro,lina '27530 $1,898,209."'0- Section II and III: Hall Contracting Corporation 918 Grade" Lane Louisville, Kentucky 40213 $1,411,037.00 , ". ,I,. "I, o Section ,';' "'G~~ves Elect~ic Comp~ny 3414 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina , $301,502;00' ' _"', ~. . ". ' .. . , ~ J , ,.~, , 2840,3 IV: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 'RESOLVED: , ,~ . : .". '.. ~ .. .' . The Board of County Commissionersof'the County of New, Hanover, North Carolina to award said contracts to said low bidders. pending North Carolina Department of Natural Resources 'and'-Community Development and United' States Environmental Protection Agency approval; and, , . . BE ITFURTH~R RESOLVED: ' " , To pledge the required local ftinds as, outlined .in the Interlocal Agreement between the County of New Hanover and the City of Wilmington dated June 11, 1981; and, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: . :,: To authorize Mr. Donald P. Blake, Chairman" Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,' to execute all contracts and documents relating to this project on behalf of the County of New Hanover. o ,l RESOLVED, "'!....,.. This 1st day of February, 1982. ." _~ . I'. " PUBLIC HEARING Notice had, been given that a publi~ hea~ing would ,be held 'by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on Monday, February 1, 1982, at 7:00 PM in the Assembly Room of the County Administration, Building, 320 Chestnut Street" Wilmington" North Carol ina, to consider the following:' ---' , '.. "} ''',' PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY .35 OF AN ACRE) LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WRIGHTSVILLE AVE. (SR T41~ APPROXIMATELY 25" FEET EAST OF MACMILLAN STREET FROM ANIl= 15 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO AN 0 &1 (OFFICE AND INSTITii'i'iOiiAL) DISTRICT - - - - - - , Planning Diredtor Hayes gave the ba6kground information and reported that the Planning Board had considered this rezoning at its meeting in January and recommended approval. Chm. Bl'ake.'~sked if' there' was anyone present to speak in favor of the r'ezoning,' and Dr. Daniel Mottola, the petitioner, appeared before the Board to request approval and answer questions. o Chm. Blake asked if there was anyon~ present to speak in opposition and no one appeared. .. J" " 995 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY. 1, .1982 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING (CONTINUED) 'Coiitin.Bar'fi'eldMOVED, SECONDED- by' Conini~--Gottovi, to approve the rezoning and adopt the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the. Zoning Map of Zoning Area 9-B of New Hanover County, North Carolin~".Adopted July 1, 1972." Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o A copy of the Ordinance as adopted and signed is contained in Zoning. Ordinance ,Book I, Section 9.,.B, Page 45. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION,FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE 'PROPERTY'. (APPROXIMATELY 3.2 ACREsr-LOCATED ON THE EAST. SYD'EOF OLEANDER DRIVE (U.S. HWY:', 76) IMMEDIATELY'SffifTH OF BRADLEY'CREEK' BRIDGE AND ADJACENT TO THE BRADLEY CREEK MARINA FOR A MULTI-FAMILY CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT IN AN R-15 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT., ,..:..~,- ~ Planning Director Hayes ,gave ,the backgrpund on this Special Use Permit and ,reported that the Planning Board had considered the application at its meeting ,in ,January and recommended approval. He stated that the County Commissioners had approved a permit for virtually this same project in November of 1980. Chm. Blake ,asked if there waa,anyone present to speak in, favor 'of this' 'Special. Use Permit,;, and ,Mr. J. B. 'Gerald, President'of'Ch~risma, Inc., was duly sworn to testify in favor' of the application and answer questions from ,his attorney, George, Rountree III, the .Commissioners and Planning ,Director. Chm'. Blake asked if the,re ,was ~nyone"present to speak in opposition to: the 'Special Use, Permit..and;:Mr. Eric. Eberhardt commented. No one spoke in opposition.,': ,.. ,_ o Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. O'Shields, the' following Order Granting the 'Special Use Permit was UNANIMOUSLY. adopted: ". . " he, . The, County Commissioners for ;New Hanover County having held a..pubHc hearing' on ,February ,1,.. 1982 ito consider application number S-189, 11/81 submitted by J.. B. Gerald of Charisma, Inc." a request for a special use permit .to ,uselthe property located at East "side, of Oleander Dr., 'south of" Bradley Creek Bridge & adjacent to the Bradley Creek Marina for a multi-family development ,and, having heard all, the ,evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, makes ,the ,f.ollowing FINDINGS OF FACT and draws the: following CONCLUSIONSr ", 1~ .~i " I _ L , - c '., . '.j , 1. The County Commissioners FIND as a FACT that all of the specific requirements set forth in Section 72-5 of the County Zoning. Ordinance will be satisfied if .the property is developed in ac cor d anc e ",W Lt,h . t'h e . pI an s . s,ub m'i t.ted"'oto " th e Co un t y Commissioners.; ":,' '.., o -- ,...,,.. - . ~- --, .~ I '. . ,_ _ : t " 2. It is the. County..Commissioners! .CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the fi,rst general requirement listed in the 'Ordinance; namely that th~use will not' materially endanger the public ,health ,or"safety. if located':"where proposed and developed :according to ,the plan as submitted and approved. In support of this :conclusion" theLCommissioners 'make the following FINDINGS OF FACT; ._'1.' " 1. Fire'..p'rotection is prov,ided by the Seagate ;,':Volunteer Fire Department., Sewage, disposal will be treated by a State approved .'pri v,ate, terti'ary: wastewater treatment facility. Drinking water will be supp:l.ied by, a State ",approved', communi ty welL" , .r " " . I, An approved garbage:"contr'act., wi th Trash Removal Service has been obtained." 5. ,Preliminary, drainagec, plans have been approved by the County. 'j ': , .. 2. 3. :" . 4. ;~ : ," 996 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 1, 1982 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC'HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT (CONTINUED) 16~ A CAMA'permit has been issued for developm~n~'in an. area,of environmental concern~ , 7. No adverse traffic impact wil~ result on Oleander Drive. 3. It is the County Cominisslone'rs' CONCLUSION tnat the proposed use does satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ord.in~l}c:e; namely that the use meets all required con(:Htions "and 'specifications. In support of this conclusion; the Commj.ssioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: , 1. Multi-family developments are a permitted special use in the R-15 district. 2. Ail 'dimensional and 'park'ing requirements. are satisfied. 3. Open space requirements are satisfied only with the addition of an on-site swimming pool and recreation bu~lding. ' , ., ,. o 4. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the third general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will' riot substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a pUblic necessity. In support of this conclusion the Commissioners make the folowing FINDINGS' OF FACT: 1. The proposed use in conjunction with the existing marina facilities should increase the value of surrounding property. ,,' 2." The proposed use should co'nform to the existing commercial and residential character of the area. 5. ,It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed 'use, does satisfy the fourth, general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely that the location and character' of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which 'it is to be located and in general'corrform~ty with the plan of development for New Hanover County.' .In support of this conclusion', the' Commissioners make the following 'FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The proposed use will' be ,adjacent to an existing 'marina. 2. 'There, are commercial and' resi'dential uses located near the property. 3. The property is designated as' Conservation and Transitional on the County's 1976 Land Classification Map. o '6. Therefore, because the' County"Commissioners conclude that all of ,the general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: a)' That, the applicant shall fully comply wi th all of the specific requirements stated in the ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions hereinafter stated. o b) If any of the conditions imposed by this special use permit shall ,be ,held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent, jurisdiction then this permit snaIl become void and of no effect. c), Other:' 1. Compliance with all applicable Federal, St~te and local codes. 2. Connection to Northeast Interceptor within 180 days 'when services become,available. '''? 997, ,rl r \"-' ,MI!'lUTES OF, REGULAR MEETING, 'FEBRUARY .1,: 1982 (CONTINUED) .. . , ~." _ _. . h ~, .: .~! u. , , o PUBLIC ,HEARING 'TO CONSIDER, AN APPLICATION FOR 'SPECIAL USE, PERMIT - TO' USE"--PROPERTY --"(APPROXIMATEr:.y, 8.91--ACRESFLoCATED ONTRE SOUTH SIDE OF GREENVILLE LOOP ROAD (SR 1421) APPROXIMATELY 528 FEET WEST OF DARBY ROAD FOR A MULTI-FAMILY TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT IN AN R-28 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT - - - Mr. Haywood Newkirk and Mr. Warren Hughes', 'Architects, and Mr. David Barefoot, Attorney, were duly sworn to testify in favor of this Special Use Permit and answer questions pertaining to the development. .' ,','.' - , ' , Planning Director Hayes and Jack Munn of the Planning Staff gave the background on this Special Use Permit and reported that the Planning Board had considered the application ,at its meeting in January and -recommended approval. Attorney David Barefoot introduced the archi tects for the project, Mr. ~?ywood Newkirk and M~. Warren Hughes, and stated that the.., owner: of,,,:the 'property", Mr,s.":'Josephine, Rusher,' was also" pr~sent to a~swer questions. ., . .... f r .,,. ,.., . , Mr~' Barefo'ot' r'equested ,that- the 'comments of the Planning Director' regarding' the description, of the ,property and location and the first. 'sl'ides he introduced be entered into the record as eviderice for the petitioner. Messrs. Barefoot, Newkirk and : Hughes.,outIin,ed the plans for the proposed development. I,. _. Attorney Barefoot presented the following exhibits for the record on 'behalf .'ofthe Petitioners:." :' - , '.. ,,",, . . ~ , ..~ Exhibit 1 - Letter from Cape Fear Utilities agreeing to furnish water and sewer 'service 2'''':' Letter from Waste' Industries, ,Inc. agreeing to provide trash, service ,- ~ ',." 3 _- Letter from N. C. Dept;', of ,Natural Reources & Communi ty Development', approving connection to pirates Cove wastewater treatment system. 4 - Letter bearing signature of W. F. Alford with statement saying that was not his signature. Exhibit o Exhibit Exhibit The , .. persons: petitfoners an'swered ,questions f,rom, the following . , ..,' _ -'-.' . . I ' :,.' ~ . . . . ! ,. _ ", ) Mr. Monty Talley Mr. Eric Eberhardt Mr. Peter Smi th 'Mr'.' Claude McAllister -. Mr ~ Ed Spence r Mrs. Mona Smalley Mr. R.: patdck Doyle Attorney William Hill Mr. Gary Henderson ' Mr. M. H. Vaughan Mr. Ed"Lowe~ -' .~. '. .-" . . ~,'" .. , C',.' \ \ -" ; , o Chin. L 'BLike aske'd"the'" p'ersons'who': wished to speak in opposition to come forward'to'be',sworn: ..,,'.. ,'-'L:C:.! BREAK ' ,,," , Chm. ~lake, reces~.ed! th,e until,9:55 o'clock p. m.", ~ - ,~~ - - ., _. ,_ .. _ .: I. _ meeti!'9 from 9:35 o'clock p. m. . ,'.' r { SPECIAL USE PERMIT - GREENVILLE LOOP ROAD (CONTINUED) Attorney Barefoot present~t~ecord of the Planning Board's consideration as: evidence arid' pointed' out that the Planning Board and Planning Staff recommended"approval of the Special Use Permit. The following persons were duly sworn to'ctestify in opposition to the application for Special UsefPermit:, 998 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 1, 1982 (CONTINUED} ~,,-,....~, ',-....~.'.l' -.....__ __ SPECIAL USE PERMIT = GREENVILLE LOO!? ROAD,.. (CONTINUED) Attorney:iillia~ Hill :Mrs., Peggy Huggins Mrs.- Margaret 'Shannon' Mr~ cEd ;Spel\cer , ,Mr. George, E. .Nelson Mr. Eric Eberhrdt ", Mr. Ciaude McAllister Mr. T. H. Shannon 'Mr! M.,H~ ;Vatighan '," ,Mr. Lloyd Dobkin , ,Mr. W.' Clark, James" Mr. R. E.' Doyr'e ' . Mrs. Elizabeth James Mr. Gary M., Henderson" . - - - ~.- ~ '. --,,-',.- - -, _.~:-._- ',.' -.-- --.;--" -- "',-1- -;-~.. ,'I' ,.. :, " ' . - - r.., __,' '" o :'!.: .-...' CONTINUANCE OF AGENDA ITEMS UNTIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1982 Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED ,by, .Comm. O'ShieTds" that after the Board finished with item 8,' which was currently 'being" considered, t~at items 9, l~, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16 be continued until,7:~~ ,o'clo~k_nextMonday night and ,that ,items 17 and ,19, b~ taken up at~he conclusion, of i~em,8., ppon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . ,',. <l ,." SPECIAL USE PERMIT -GREENVILLE LOOP ROAD (CONTINUED) The-r.Jllowing persons commented ~pposition to the Special Use Permit: ' , Attorney William Hill presented the following' exhibi ts for the record on behalf of the Respondents: , , -.., ," : - ;.. I : ~,' . ~. ~ . ,. ,. ,. R-l - 1976 Wi'lmington/New Hanover. Comprehensive Planning , Pol,icies' for Growth and 'Development and Land ... . . \ ' . . -- Classlflcatlon Map., ,." _' ,,' " R-2 ~, 1981' proposed Update to Wilmington/New Hanover Land ," ,Use Plan, ~olicies for Growth and Development. R-,3 - Lette~s.from, neighbori"J?,9, ,p,ro,~erty owners in "opposltlon.,_, _, ,''',,' . . .. r, R-4_.~ Copy:ofDeedof, Proper~y be~pg,d~veloped. Mr.. .T. H. ,Shannon answered questions presented to him by Atty. Hill and explained the following additional exhibits which were presented'on behalf of the Respondents: o R-5 - Letter signed by Mr. W. F. Alford which Mr. Shannon helped him compose. R~6 - Drawing showing neighboring.property owners in opposition to the development and where their property was located. : , ' R-7 - Aerial photograph of the Hewlett~s Creek area dated , July 1976. . ' , R-8- ,Composite photographs of prope,rty from across' the creek and looking up the creek. R-9 (a), (b), (c), and (d) Other photographs of the' surround- ing, properties. ' R-l~~ Map of ,Pirates Cove area and letters of opposition of property owners in,that"area., Attorney Barefoot cross-examined Mr. Shannon. o Mr. R. H. Tate was duly sworn to testify in opposition to the Special Use Permit and answered questions presented to him by Attorneys Hill and Barefoot. ,I! n,' The ,following persons testified in opposition: who had previously been sworn rl. ""':' , Mr. W. Clark James Mr. ,Lloyd Dobkin Mrs. Margaret, Shannon , , '.' - - I - --.. ~ 999 MINUTES OF REGULAR-MEETING" FEBRUARY 1,,1:982' (CONTINUED) ~' ': SPECIAL USE PERMIT - GREENVILLE LOOP ROAD:XCONTINUED) , 'j .- Mr. GeorgeH,Nelson, President"o.fPir:a,te!s:Cov.e ,Ho,meowners' . ' , ...' . ,., ~ . -. . As~n. . ' Mr. Ed Spencer presented addi'tional exhibi ts on' behalf of the respondents,marked as follo,ws: , ..' . ,: ' .~ ' , , : . ; . " .} , . " R-li--:::,'p't,~'i~'re;s'of se'w:a'g'~' ~;ver'fi;;w ';ip'~ p:ira,te's Cove Subd~visiorl: " " , H' ,;' " -- o BREAK" ,'"'' "', -- "" Chm. Blake recessed the m'e'etTrig for a break from 11:53 o'clock p. m. until 12:00 ~idnight. r , ... . ,:: , r ! ; ~..... . . . -. : ~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT - GREENVILLE LOOP ROAD (CONTINUED) Planning Director Hayes was duly sworn and testified to questions preseJ;lted.:,to_ him by ,the_following_,persons,:,,', __ :, __,'' ",. . ". '." -,. J ,.". , ' :; ,~ ~ '". --.. . '( - i. . . . ~ .- . Mr.',M,.' H. ,vaughan'" ','" Mr';Cfaude' McAllister.' " Attorney Barefoot Attorney Hill , r ' " :c. \, . 'Attar'ney"Barefoot submitted "aerial' photographs of property a~Pe't'i'tioner's Exhibits' '5 (af,'"(b)';' (cf, '(d), . (e), (g), (h), (i) , (j), (k), (1) and, (m). ., , : ~ " . ". . . ~ '" . \ : - - . '._-.- --, ,- -. ,.. -- .-.- -. ..- - - - -' - .-. ; Mr. Ed Mitchell was duly sworn to "te'stify; in favor of the app1 ic:iati()rl and" answered question~ froin ,the' following: the (f) , Attorney Hill -; , " Attorney Barefoot o ,Comm. Gottovi: MOVED, SECONDED" by Camm. ,Barfield, 't'o continue this public" he:ilr'ing to' next Monday night, 'and in the meantime arrangements" be made to visit the' ~ite"and tha't the drainage plan be'subinitted for the Board to look', at. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ' , Voting Aye: Comm. Barfield, Gottovf"and ,O'Shields Votin9.'~oe::) (. Comm. Armi stead and' Blake ' ,~ . ; . -,J :. " .J ,-' , o NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAIL MODIFICATIONS Sheriff Radewicz and Capt. Spell' appeared before the Board to explain the modifications in the jail that they felt were necessary in o~der to maintain adequate security.,,' ,_,~::: .)1 ': : _ j'.. ). " . J > ' '. . .." , , . ~: > Comm. Armistead MOVED,' SECONtlED by ~omin. Barfield, th~t Ballard, McKim ahd Sawyer be hired as"architects on this project to de~elop plans and specifications t~atrcan be put out to bids to do the project. Upon vote, the MOTION'CARRr'ED UNANIMOUSLY. AWARD'OF Bltl'FOR'AIRPORT TERMINAL COMPLEX ENGINEERING SERVICES County Manager Cooper had furnished the Commissioners his recommendations concerning the award of the engineering contract for the Airport Terminal project--along: with a copy of the agreement between Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff and Talbert, Cox & Ass9c~ates for:thedivision of the work. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield; to accept the contract with HNTB and endorse the contents of the Agreement between HNTB and TCA. Upon. 'Vo,t'e, ,.the, MOTION CARRIED, AS' FOLLOWS:' , ' '( - ' , , Voting Aye: Comm. BarfIeld,' 'Gottovi, O'Shie1ds and Chm. Blake i Voting- Noe': 'Camm. Armistead . I, ; I ADDITIONALL ITEMS- CONTRACT FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL STUDY : Comm. ,Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by County Manager's recommendation and Comm. award " Gottovi, to take the Contract to .... 'J t"" l' onn : ..L "'" ,_ . .--- __J MINUTES OF'REGULAR,MEETING, FEBRUARY 1, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) CONTRACT FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL STUDY (CONTINUED) D'AppolonTa Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the septage study. Upon'vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BARRIER ISLANDS FLOOD INSURANCE PROPOSED REGULATIONS County Manager Cooper advised the Commissioners that the Department of Interior would be receiving pUblic comment on ~he Barrier Islands Flood Insurance Proposed Regulations through March 22, 1982, and the County could gather public 'comments 'if -the, Commissioners so desired., It was agreed to advertise that written ~om~ent~ 'wo~ld be received,onthese proposed regulations. ... -...._.-. o ~ I (1 . DISCUSSION ON CHANGES IN JUDICIAL, BUILDING PLANS County Manager Cooper reported that the Registrar of Deeds had requested some changes in the plans for the Judicial Building which would delay the requ,estfor bids and increase costs for engineering and architect~ral'~ervices. ' , Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. 'Barfield; not to consider any changes in the planS as they were currently drawn. \:upop"yote, the MOTION CARRiED UNANIMOUSLY. ..,',' COMM.GOTTOVI TO SERVE ON FORT FISHER' PARK TASK FORCE Comm. Gottovi requested~at someone from tne<eommission be appointed to serve on the Fort' Fisher Park Task Force. By acclamation Comm. Gottovi was appointed to serve on that committee. DISCUSSION ON PLANS FOR LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE The countYl1anager and Commissioners discussed the plans that had been made for the Legislative Conference in Washington and, the retreat the Commiss,ioners, were planning at that time. I DISCUSSION ON AIRPORT MANAGER , , Mr. William S. Funderburg appeared 'before the 'Board to request that the County Attorney investigate Airport Manager Rudy Shackelford to determine whether' he or any member of his family had any interest in'the-'Talbert-Cox firm. o EXECUTIVE SESSION " ' Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED' by Com~. O'Shields, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session and that Mr. Funderburg be invited to discuss his concern about the Airport Manager and his relationship with Talbert'-Cox. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. Blake recessed the meeting ~o Executive Session at 1:20 o'clock a. m." ...., " MR. FUNDERBURG,WAS EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING AT 1:38 O'CLOCK A. M. Chm. Bi~ke reconvened the meeti~g to Public Session at 1:45 o'clock a. mi "" RECESS UNTIL FEBRUARY 8, 1982 Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistea~, that the meeting be recessed until 7:00 p. m. on February 8, 1982. Upon vote, ',the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o Chm. Blake recessed the meeting at 1:45,o~cloc~ a. m. .. i 1 Respectfully submitted, ~~,/?~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk