2007-04-16 RM Exhibits X B 30. ~ D, I NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Wild Rice Way, Valeria Lane, Bellflower Lane, in River Oaks Subdivision (Div. File No: 1095-N) and Aquarius Drive between Marymount Subdivision and Bayshore Estates (Div. File No: 1096-N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, {f the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 16h day of April, 2007. ~ 'YlTNESS \\.) \ my hand and ,2007. official seal this the \ \.a V- day of ~~\o- l.~~\\ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute. doc X'B30.20.~ AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-155 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-155 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff/Patrol Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Safe Summer Program $2,000 Total $2,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Good Shepherd Grant $2,000 Total $2,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget funds received from Good Shepherd Fund, Inc., for the Safe Summer Program. These funds are used for drug abuse prevention, intervention, and education. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-155 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. W~QCLti-. William A. Caster, Chairman ~T: L\ '-. ~lll~\. Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 'X B 30. ZO. .3a.. AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-173 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-173 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Supplies $6,240 Total $6,240 Revenue: Decrease Increase Contributions from Escrow $6,240 Total $6 240 Section 2: Explanation To transfer funds from the Co-Location Shelter Escrow account to the General Fund to purchase supplies, such as cages, plastic rolls, fans, etc., for needs of animals during emergency situations. Approval was given for the Co-Location Shelter on the December 12,2006, Agenda. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-173 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. Adopted, this 16th day of April, 2007. 0~Q~ William A. Caster, Chairman ATT~ ~ :\~ ~..~~~~\ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board X f> 30~ 20. 3b AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-175 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-175 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/Safe Schools Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Salaries and Wages $27,830 Social Security Taxes $2,122 Retirement - Local Government $1,349 Medical Insurance Expense $7,913 Long Term Disabilitv $59 Printing $150 Supplies $3,296 Employee Reimbursement $600 Training and Travel $456 Total $43.775 Revenue: Decrease Increase Safe Schools - United for Youth $43,775 Total $43.775 Section 2: Explanation Budget is being adjusted because Safe Schools awarded Health Department $13,225 for the period 2/1/07 through 6/30/07, which is $43,775 less than what was originally budgeted. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-175 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. tJ~Q. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~: ~~\l~ ,,-. ~~\I~~ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board )( 13 3D. ~O, .3 e.. AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-176 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-176 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Juvenile Day Treatment/Schools Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Salaries and Wages $6,000 Total $6,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase NHC Schools Contribution $6,000 Total $6.000 Section 2: Explanation To budget for additional funds received from New Hanover County Schools. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-l76 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. 'l}~a. ~ William A. Caster, Chairman X 630, /(.;0. 3d. AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-178 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-178 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/Epidemiology Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Salaries and Wages $20,000 Supplies $13,000 Total $33.000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Health Fees $33,000 Total $33.000 Section 2: Explanation The Travel Shot Clinic opening was delayed due to operational issues with regard to Physician's Standing Orders and other administrative details that took additional time to ensure operating procedures satisfied all necessary requirements for compliance. As a result, the hiring of the nurse was delayed and operating expenses were reduced for the current fiscal year. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-178 amending the annuaf budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. Adopted, this 16th day of April, 2007. tJ~d~ ~ William A. Caster, Chairman ~~~~ "-- ~~\\ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board X63o.~D. 3.e.. AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-179 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-179 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health/Mobile Dental Unit Exoenditure: Decrease Increase Salaries and Wages $30,000 Contracted Services $40,000 Supplies $55,000 Total $125,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Title XIX Fees $l25,000 Total $125,000 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department's Mobile Dental Unit Program has contracted with a new Dentist to provide professional services on the unit. The recruiting effort spanned a several month period during which temporary Dentists were used to staff the Unit. As a result, revenue generation and the associated operating expenditures have been reduced for the current fiscal year. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-179 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. Adopted, this 16th day of April, 2007. t)~Q ~ William A. Caster, Chairman X 1030.:La. 315' AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-180 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-180 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: HealthlWomen's Preventive Health Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Supplies $33,370 Total $33.370 Revenue: Decrease Increase Women's Preventive Health Grant $33,370 . Total $33.370 Section 2: Explanation To budget additional funds received from Women's Preventive Health grant. Funds will be used for any family planning (Title X) approved expense. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-180 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. 1.;)~ Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman X 13 30. :zoo 3~ AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-181 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-181 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Health Department: Animal Control Exnenditure: Decrease Increase M & R Buildings & Grounds $2,500 Total $2 500 Revenue: Decrease Increase Contribution from Escrow Account $2,500 Total $2 500 Section 2: Explanation Escrow funds are being transferred from the Animal Control Fundraising Account for landscaping costs for Animal Control's Spay/Neuter Facility. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-18l amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. dopted, this 16th day of April, 2007. W~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman X83D,:LO,,3~ AGENDA: April 16, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2007-82 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that" the following Budget Amendment 2007-82 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff/Controlled Substance Tax Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Supplies $7,748 Total $7.748 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax $7,748 Total $7.748 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax funds received on 3/23/07. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New. Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007-82 amending the annual bud et ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. pted, this 16th day of April, 2007. \ ; c \ 1J~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman )< B 30. ~o,tf NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A RESOLUTION ALLOWING RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA TO JOIN THE SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Counties of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland joined together to mutually assist one another in the various endeavors of these Counties in their economic development; and WHEREAS, the County of Richmond has officially submitted a resolution to join the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, with said resolution being adopted on February 5, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission has recommended the membership of Richmond County in the Commission as beneficial to the Commission and its existing membership; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the membership of the Commission to approve the membership of new members, and the Commissioners of New Hanover County accept and congratulate Richmond County on its request for membership. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Commissioners of New Hanover County, sitting in the Regular Session of this date, do invite and hereby allow the membership of Richmond County into the Southeastern Economic Development Commission as a member County with all the rights and appurtenances thereof. ADOPTED the 16th day of April 2007. U~Q- ~ William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~\~\rA "--~~\1A-\~ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board o~ ~~ \:r...A..... o~ ~~ ]l!:. c~> '$::~~> ~> Z Ot~ ~ ~~ ~. :::l1. ~ <O~ 11- E 0J~ \I#'~ ~.~ ~~ I Q)~~ dJ~\~ ~.~...~ J . 7. . . "" ~~r7 G\s;:U?i> ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ C>~ <O~ ~~ oiff!;;: ~~ G~ '81~ THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Smart Start of New Hanover County, in conjunction with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, is celebrating The Week of the Young Child April 22-28, 2007; and WHEREAS, since 1997, Smart Start of New Hanover County has provided health care, family support, and access to quality and affordable child care to the 11,500+ children under age six that live in the county; and WHEREAS, 25% of children ages birth to five in New Hanover County live in single parent homes, 19% of children ages birth to five in New Hanover County live in poverty and 6% of children in New Hanover County who receive child care subsidy are enrolled in non-licensed care situations; and WHEREAS, the future of our community depends on the quality of early childhood experiences provided to young children today; and WHEREAS, high quality early childhood services represent a worthy commitment to our children's future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the week of April 22-28, 2007 be recognized as "THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD" in New Hanover County. All citizens are urged to recognize and support the needs of our young children. ADOPTED the 16th day of April 2007. 1J~D.~ William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: ~ \u.~~ "-. ~~\ \- Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board ~ U U "A -ZJt\l" ~V@lJ ~ :t r1:. ~~.~ ,,(( ~ f :gJ::~ < .{e <~~ ~.~p ~~ ~o r:;:,,'lfZ/ \~-'!."~~7: ( ~". ,-- (jJ r~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I X830.'LO.fc- ~~ \/)1)1 ~ i~ \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the nation's 3,066 counties provide a variety of essential public services to communities serving 300 million Americans; and WHEREAS, counties take seriously their responsibility to protect and enhance the health, welfare and safety of its citizens in sensible and cost-effective ways; and WHEREAS, many county government initiatives involve the protection of valuable and vulnerable environmental resources in communities; and WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties is the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States, provides essential services to the nation's counties, advances issues with a unified voice before the federal government, improves the public's understanding of county government, assists counties in finding and sharing innovative solutions through education and research, and provides value-added services to save counties and taxpayers money; and I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~) '>C., ~, (S(S~ WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties first celebrated National County Government Week in 1991 to raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of the nation's counties to meet the needs of the community; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the leadership, innovation and valuable service provided by the nation's counties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the week of April 22-28, 2007 be recognized as "NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT WEEK" in New Hanover County, and that all citizens are encouraged to participate in planned activities scheduled throughout the week including Open House at the New Hanover County Government Center on Friday, April 27, 2007. ADOPTED the 16th day of April 2007. 1J~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: I I ! , I $, iffij)r:,3~ JZ7-C~~) ":::J ~\~\~ ~.~~I1\\- Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board )(8.3 0,26. '1 ,- ~: Ql :~ ~' :~~ \11. : I~.'..~"~." " I " ! " [;~ p RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the proposed House Bill 1233 and Senate Bill 1492, "The Solid Waste Management Act of 2007," contains measures that would cost New Hanover County residents in excess of $575,000 annually; and WHEREAS, House Bill 1233 and Senate Bill 1492 contains measures such as the proposed $2.00 per ton surcharge tax as well as permitted solid waste management fees which would greatly increase solid waste disposal fees; and WHEREAS, House Bill 1233 and Senate Bill 1492 requires that all construction and demolition debris be placed in a sanitary landfill, which is excessive and costly, and gives no credit for recycling; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners believes state taxes and fees should not be imposed on "enterprise" funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recommends to the New Hanover County Legislative Delegates that they oppose the proposed measures of the Bills as detrimental to the financial stability of counties. Adopted the 16th day of April 2007. 1)~().~ William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: ~~\" '- ~'~" \1.- Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board l!J~ In . [.HI ~. .' '.IJ' - &;.I !~i If I,' I !- ,1 I; , ~ X t3 30. ;20,8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH PROCLAMATION and WHEREAS, child abuse continues at near record levels across our Nation and our State; WHEREAS, in Fiscal Year 2005-2006, there were 3,003 child abuse and neglect reports resulting in 2,172 investigations involving 3,333 children in New Hanover County; and and WHEREAS, 459 children in New Hanover County were found to be abused or neglected; WHEREAS, April 2007 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in North Carolina by Governor Michael F. Easley; and - WHEREAS, beyond the family unit, the effects of child abuse are most immediately felt in neighborhoods and communities; and WHEREAS, child abuse, like other crimes and social problems, destroys the tranquility of families, neighborhoods and communities and robs children of their childhoods and neighborhoods of their vitality; and WHEREAS, the family unit is the building block of the community, and healthy families make healthy communities; and WHEREAS, the most effective solutions are local solutions and there are within our community, professionals of all disciplines and volunteers from all walks of life dedicated to the amelioration of the effects of child abuse. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that April 2007 be recognized as "CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH" in New Hanover County. The Board of County Commissioners pledges themselves and asks our citizens, public and private, professional and volunteer, to redouble their efforts to obliterate the social problem of child abuse from our families, our neighborhoods and our community. ADOPTED the 16th day of April 2007. AT~ \\. '\_ \. . ~ll~\ \ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board v~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman X B 3D,20.9 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County (County) desires to efficiently promote and provide health services through construction of facilities mutually beneficial to both the County and Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Disability and Substance Abuse Services (Southeastern); WHEREAS, Southeastern IS agreeable to participating III the cost of such construction; WHEREAS, Southeastern shall make available to the County a sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) from its unreserved fund balance to be used by County, together with County funds, for construction of a health facility to be occupied by Southeastern; WHEREAS, Brunswick County and Pender County concur that Southeastern utilize the above referenced fund balance to construct a new facility; WHEREAS, Southeastern shall provide County a parcel upon which to construct the referenced facility. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that County staff draft a proposed agreement with Southeastern, whereby Southeastern shall convey a five million dollar ($5,000,000) fund balance and a 12.7 acre property for construction of the referenced facility, and New Hanover County shall build said facility for lease to Southeastern for one dollar ($1.00) annual rent, subject to County appropriation. This the 16th day of April, 2007. 0~Q.~ William A. Caster, Chairman. Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board ATTEST: ~~~J~" \.. ~ S\~\~IA\\- -,\. J