1990-08-20 RM Exhibits August 1990 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover .-). To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Wit~my hand and official seal, thisc7at0 day of ~ 1990. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~!fl!i. Attest: Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This 2.41'n day of ~~~4- 1990. y-lr--.-/ ew Hanover County l;- - ~ WILMPUBL.HRG EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, met in regular session in Room 301, Old County Courthouse Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting, at 9:00 o'clock, A.M., on August 20, 1990. The following Commissioners were: Present: Fred Retchin, Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sr., Robert G. Greer and E.L. Mathews, Jr. Absent: Nolan O'Neal '- * * * * * * The Chairman stated that The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority had adopted a resolution expressing its intention to issue revenue bonds and authorizing the execution and delivery of a memorandum of inducement and intent pertaining to the financing of an industrial project for Wilmington Machinery Incorporated. The Chairman submitted copies of the resolution and the inducement agreement to the Board. The Chairman then stated that a notice had been published on August 5, 1990 that the Board would hold a public hearing on August 20, 1990 on the proposed project and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the project. . Commissioner Barfield moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the project and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathews and was unanimously adopted. At 9:10 o'clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear anyone who wished to be heard on the advisability of the proposed project and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the project and that a representative of the Authority was present and was prepared to discuss the details concerning the proposed project and bond issue. The names and addresses of the persons who were present, summaries of their oral comments and copies of their written comments are set forth below: Wallace C.Murchison of Wilmington, North Carolina, attorney for the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, stated that the bond issue of the Authority was for the benefit of Wilmington Machinery Incorporated in the amount of $3,500,000, to acquire land, building and machinery for a manufacturing plant in the NorthChase Industrial Park. The plant was for the manufacture of primary plastics processing machinery. He introduced Mr. Russell LaBelle, president of the corporation. Mr. LaBelle, of Greensboro, North Carolina, explained his personal background, including his beginnings in the industry in Wilmington and his subsequent move to Greensboro. His company has a volume of about $6,000,000 and makes machinery for blow molding of plastics, such as squeeze type packaging, bottles, etc., for the consumer market, and fuel tanks, furniture pieces, etc., for the industrial market. The company decided the prudent course was to establish a facility that can do the heavier kind of work at a location with a greater stability in its work force, a location which has fewer jobs in the manu- facturing sector than the present location. Commissioner Greer asked if the facility could possibly use plastics that had been recycled. Mr. LaBelle responded that his machinery was being designed to use recycled plastic and that there was a massive effort in this direction. -2- After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Commissioner Barfield moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathews and was unanimously adopted. commissioner Barfield then introduced the following resolution which was read at length: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any industrial project for industry, to acquire, construct and equip any such project, and to make and execute financing agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to issue its revenue bonds in the principal amount of not more than $3,500,000 to pay all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, construction and installation of an industrial facility for the manufacture of primary plastics processing machinery, including the acquisition of an approximately 5- acre site located in the Northchase Industrial Park, New Hanover County, the construction of an approximately 40,000 square foot building and the acquisition and installation of new machinery and equipment and ancillary facilities (the "Project") to be owned and operated by Wilmington Machinery Incorporated; and WHEREAS, the Authority intends to file an application for approval of the Project with the Secretary of the Department of Economic and Community Development "(formerly the Department of Commerce) (the "Department"), as required by the Act; and -3- r ' / WHEREAS, the Department has, by regulation, provided that no application for approval of a project will be officially received until the elected board of county commissioners of the county from which the application is made has, by resolution after a public hearing, approved the issue of revenue bonds and approved in principle the proposed project and a certified copy of such resolution has been provided to the Department; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to - public notice duly given, has held a public hearing on the advisability of the Project and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Project and has considered the comments of persons who requested to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Authority has applied on behalf of the Project for an allocation of the private activity bonds volume limitation for the State of North Carolina for the calendar year 1990 pursuant to Section 146 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Authority and the Board of County Commissioners understand that such allocation may be used only for the Project and that, to the extent that the face amount of the revenue bonds issued by the Authority to finance the Project is less than said allocation, such excess allocation shall revert to the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to approve the Project in principle and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The Project is hereby approved in principle. (2) The issuance of revenue bonds by the Authority in an aggregate principal amount of not more than $3,500,000 to finance the Project is hereby approved. (3) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of this resolution to the Department. (4) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. -4- Commissioner Barfield moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Commissioner Mathews seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Retchin, Barfield, Greer and Mathews NAYS: none * * * * * * -5- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) : ss.: ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on August 20, 1990, proper notice of said meeting having been given as required by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this oP/~ day of August, 1990. .... , .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1989 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Advertising Fees Charged Interest Collected Cost Collected $ 31,922,769.25 3,948,671.96 1,417 ,088.38 $ 34,454,352.83 61,532.52 7,312.50 91,520.05 3,013.28 $ 34,617,731.18 ~~ Real Estate Liens Delinquent Personal Property Deposited - Wachovia Bank ~~ $524,485.42 329,571. 24 33,763,674.52 -34,617,731.18 $ .00 ><Uncollected amounts include $104,966.49 owed by known bankrupt accounts. R~ectf~ll~ submitted, 'j)cvmCA-~ 54 ~.---._rJ Patricia J. Ray~ v -~r. Collector of Revenue PJR:sw NCO-.::t 00 0 COC'")M C'") C'") 0 . . . . . ><: -.::t CO -.::t NN CO \D (J\ (J\ I"- l"- E-< CO CO \D NN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M If) If) If) -.::t -.::t CO I"- \D I"- C'") C'") .j...J C'")1f) I"- I"- a E-< N MM ~ ~ ~ M (J\ (J\ C'") C'") 0 ~ (J\C'")CO \D \D 0 . . . COIf)\D \D \D I"-COI"- MM H C'")NCO NN ]e;f W a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r-! -.::t (J\ C'") MM H 0) If) \D I"- I"- p... (J\ coco en I .j...J ;::i ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r-! H J::: ~ S a Q) <X:: .0 (f:.r:;; >- E-< ;::i ~Q) (J) COP::: :>-< E-< ~~ E-< Z :>, 4-1 Z ~ M a ~ ~ M I ~ 'J 0 C1 ;::i H U Z 4-IIEcoa H \DOC'") C'") C'") 0 .j...J 'r-! .j...J P::: .....:l I"- If) C'") (J\ (J\ 0 u u u ~ ~ . . . . . Q) ~'r-! Q) :> ~ (J\ co N co co ~HM 0 N-.::tC'") -.::t -.::t (J) .j...JM Z J:L. ~I C'")I"-\D (J\ (J\ Q) CO a <X:: 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P::: p...u ::r: If) If) M I"- l"- E-< I"-CO co co ;3 z ~ ~ C'") NN Z :2::: ~ ~ ~ ~ .....:l E-< E-< ~ en If) (J\ N -.::t -.::t 0 M -.::t (J\ I"- I"- 0 \D -.::t -.::t \D \D If) ~I If) \D co 00 N MCOM MM . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 \DOO If) If) If) ONM I"- I"- -.::t O-.::t If) If) ~ -.::t M co ~ ~ ~ ~ '"d M Q) M CO .j...J CO Q) M (J) (J) M U Q) P::: a J::: .j...J a Q) P::: H a J::: H M '"d .j...J 'r-! Q) .j...J M '"d J::: J::: .j...J S J::: a J::: CO a u Q) a u CO U Q) .j...J U M M CO .j...J M CO (J\ M .0 0 (J) CO J::: co a<:e: (J\ Q) J::: a _U - H a (J) 0 (J\ Q) (J) H C'") N .j...J H Q) - - J::: Q) p... \D \D H p... NEW HANOVER COUNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1989 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Interest Collected $ 878,774.72 196,508.74 - 140,901.16 $ 934,382.30 1,562.45 2,101.62 $ 938,046.37 ~~ Real Estate Liens Delinquent Personal Property Deposited - Wachovia Bank {~ $ .13,444.32 9,016.06 915,585.99 - 938,046.37 $ .00 ~~ Uncollected amounts include $2,257.08 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, ~wh1 ~t- 9'1' ,(2 o._~d'J Patricia J. R&yno~ -~Jr' Collector of Revenue PJR:sw C'")oco If) If) 0 ><: -.::t1f)1f) C'") C'") 0 CO . . . . E-< M\D\D COCO \D 0 l"- I"- I"- M C'") \D M If) If) CO .j...J -.::tM INN a C'") M NN E-< J I ~ ~ ~ C'")-.::t(J\ 00 0 L 0\ -.::t l"- I"- I"- 0 . . ]~ Q) \D C'") I"- If) If) H COIf)M MM a I"- I"- 00 en 'r-! .j...J ;::i H If) If) If) 'r-! 6]1::: ~ p... S \~~ ~ .0 <:e: ~ ~ ~ ;::i E-< (J) ) co p:: E-< ~p:: :>-< :>, ,) 4-1 E-< Z M .J a ZE-< ~ M <~'J ~U ~ ;::i H OH C1 4-1 co a Up:: Z .j...J or-! .j...J p::E-< H U \$ U U .....:l If) M \D coco 0 Q)~'r-! Q) ~en ~ \D If) \D -.::t -.::t 0 A HM :>H ~ . (J) .j...JM O~ O(J\C'") I"- I"- Q) co a Z>x:I J:L. ~I \D -.::t I"- C'") C'") p:: p...U <X::p:: 0 I"- M If) If) :I:H E-< I"- I"- ;3J:L. Z 0\ N ~ ~ Z eE ~ ~ ~ .....:l E-< E-< ~ en 1f)1f)C'") I"- I"- 0 COIf)M MM 0 . . . . C'")C'")1f) If) If) -.::t MOCO NN N ~I COI"- 00 ~ ~ I"- coco 00 (J\ M MM -.::t I M ~ ~ ~ ~ '"d M Q) M co .j...J co Q) M (J) (J) M U Q) ~ a c .j...J a Q) p:: H a I::: H M '"d .j...J 'r-! Q) .j...J M "CI I::: I::: .j...J S I::: a I::: co a U Q) a U co U Q) .j...J U r-I M co .j...J M co O\M.o 0 (J) co I::: co a<:e: (J\ Q) I::: a _U - H a (J) 0 (J\ Q) (J) H C'") CN .j...J H Q) - - I::: Q) p... \D \D H p... August 1990 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Wit~nd and official seal, this~t0 day of 1990. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~f(I!i. Attest: Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This day of 1990. Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County '-.. ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1990-91 BUDGET RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990 and ending June 30, 1991: LOCAL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Instructional Programs Regular Special Co-Curricular Other 3,705,138 682,912 452,705 830,195 Supporting Services Pupil Instructional Staff Administrative School Administrative Business Central Other community Non-programmed Charges 466,840 903,166 280,289 1,425,356 6,915,636 551,172 1,734,476 84,460 80,000 Total Local Current Expense Fund $ 18,112,345 STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND Instructional Programs Regular Special other 27,380,595 3,664,724 5,892,596 Supporting Services Pupil Instructional staff Administrative School Administrative Business Central Other Community 1,960,184 1,491,356 228,043 3,163,105 3,562,535 38,786 3,689,432 32,706 Total State Public School Fund $ 51,104,062 FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Program 48 Drug Free Schools Program 49 EHA Preschool Program 50 ESEA Chapter I Program 51 Chapter I Migrant Program 52 ESEA Chapter I - Handicapped Program 59 ESEA Chapter 2 - Formula Program 60 EHA VI-B - Handicapped Program 67 Eisenhower Math/science Act Total Federal Grants Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY Category I (Land, Buildings, etc.) Project 1. Additions - Noble Project 2. Upgrading Total Category I Category II (Furniture and Equipment) Project 1. Equipment for Support Areas Total Category II Category III Project 1. Vehicles Total Category III Total Capital Outlay Fund SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE Business Support Services Total School Food Service TRUST FUND Miscellaneous Expense Total Trust Fund PUBLIC SCHOOL PENSION FUND other Community Services Employee Benefits Total Public School Pension Fund GRAND TOTAL 143,449 18,900 2,274,093 14,248 9,775 165,445 477,120 34,964 875,000 1,365,000 425,729 211,500 5,388,000 60,000 300,000 ..,', "...t.,\,:"". $ 3,137,994 $ 2,240,000 $ 425,729 $ 211,500 $ 2,877,229 $ 5,388,000 $ 60,000 $ 300,000 $ 80,979,630 Section 2. The following revenues are estimated to be available for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990 and ending June 30, 1991: LOCAL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Local Revenues Other Than Taxes and county Appropriations County Appropriations Federal Allocations - Restricted Fund Balance Appropriated 1,364,301 14,661,016 237,040 1,849,988 Total Local Current Expense Fund Revenues STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND state Public School Fund Allocations FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Federal Allocations CAPITAL OUTLAY State ADM Monies 1/2 cent Sales Tax County Appropriations Total Capital Outlay Revenues SCHOOL FOOD SERVICES Federal Allocations Local Revenues Fund Balance Appropriated Total School Food Services Revenues TRUST FUND Interest and Donations PUBLIC SCHOOL PENSION FUND County Appropriations Interest Income Total Public School Pension Fund GRAND TOTAL 875,000 1,702,229 300,000 2,198,650 2,759,350 430,000 200,000 100,000 $ 18,112,345 $ 51,104,062 $ 3,137,994 $ 2,877,229 $ 5,388,000 $ 60,000 $ 300,000 $ 80,979,630 Section 3. restricted revenues. All appropriations shall firstly be paid from revenues' as to use and secondly from general unrestricted' Section 4. The Superintendent is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations under the following conditions: With respect to Local Current Expense, Capital Outlay, Food Service, Trust Fund and Pension Fundi a. He may transfer amounts between sub functions and objects of expendi ture wi thin a function wi thout limitations and wi thout a report to the Board of Education being required. b. He may transfer amounts not to exceed $1,000 between functions of the same fund with a report on such trans fers being required at the next meeting of the Board of Education. c. He may not transfer any amounts between funds nor from any contingency appropriation within a fund. With respect to the state Public School Fundi a. He may transfer amounts within program report codes with a report to the Board. With respect to the Federal Grants Fundi ' a. He may transfer amounts within program grants with a report to the Board. Section 5. Copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately furnished to the Superintendent and School Finance Officer for out their duties. Adopted this &1 Chairman New Hanover 'r4 L day of ~ ' 1990 f2'~ County Board of Education Passed on: ~~ .:zo" Iff() N~~~~isSioners Board. of Commissioners .-.---.-.-.-----.-- .__o_~._______ \'.j .,0' ......~"""'";=.., NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Lordship Lane, Ramgate Road, and Barrow Street in section 5, Runnymeade Subdivision (Division File #650-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of. County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of comm~~~~o~~s of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the~day of I~~~ , 1990. WITNESS my hand and official seal this th~ day Of~1990. F. Harrel , Clerk New nover County Board of Commissioners Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc . . . ~ .- STATE OF NORTH CAROL! NA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 24: [;.:.. \/- J. :::, J. (){lD:' ...:. - "e t^J.: .:. ::-~.: :::G t U.:': J ~'\C 284:]1 JAMES G MARTIN GOVERNOR 919'-343-CJ\';~C ,l','..:.a~st ('~, '-:>' \.,.-' L , 19 gr) THOMAS J HARRELSON SECRET ARY ..J.~~;':_S~O~ 3.J.ist:-~ct 3 :.iev-1 :-:2~~D~-f-e':~ :=r:.)~_::--~ t-- ~v: s. ~_ ~...:. c :... '? ~_. .:-:: a r ~ e 2.1 ~:ew ~a~O~TP~ COll~tv CO~~~sslo~ers 320 C~es~~~~ St~eet ~q .... ,~T..".... _--:c;~ t I:) r , 2~34:0=' "'I-,~-. ':"1'~' ~e: ~esc~~.t~.o~ Req~est 3ec~':o::--~ ,5, ?1_:!:::\,;seade S-;,.:bc.~-:,-'._~3'::'(Jr.. :,o:-ds~-~r) =-.a!~e. ?a:7.cate ?oa.d, a:ld .::~a~Y':'o~;.~ St:."eet. f -.. ...; ~_ i .._' _ <'. ]"~ ~e :.To. 550--N,: ~ea~ Xs. ~a~~e~.i,' ':- .:': ..::.. -3 0 ~ ~ ~ c::: e co~s~der2~G the add~t~o~ o.~ road ::.s DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GEORGE E WELLS, PE STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR (S) 111 Sect.:.o':. ,:;, .::,....:.':.:'s:::eade S:.:bdlvls:on I~:'c, P.1le No. 6'50-;-Jl to s.tate systes. A~te~ YOll~ co~siderat~o~ If ~lOU (:onc~r \~Tith o~r =ecomme~da~~o~, p~ease furnis~ t~lS o~flce wlth vour ~eso~~t~o~ to~ O~,l~ tur~~er ha~dlinc. '} e r ~-t t :C"Lll ":7 -::':0 "i..'L.t (3- . T .~ . P. Cool:.v Distrlct Encineer ~:?C . ~JS-; cc: ~~G"h~Tav ~a~~~e~a~ce Enc~~~eer An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer ''4t '\ NY4 lill .11)4 II' '\ '\ " '\ '\ .~~ ..,..,..~. ~' ~.,...-. W.,....,~f...........'~ ...,- '" ""'Jl'-_.~"""~"I4"..r...P.'~"-: ,~ ~-=:,:'~:..:,.. .:.~..~'...~.~- \" ;:;;".,: ,c.rIfi:f i, ~~{~~~ ...........". ,:, < ~ \/ ( .., \" \ !l€C.T~;~ _~l.4.J...,"('....'-ovt. Ij ... .,.p -rl r ~ .' """", ___~l..-?--1 L__-'-":'~-- -T--C-~-==~ . ^ \ \ ~. \ \ I ) - o ,- I ~ '.rtt n.o I ~ f--- j.-fY/ "f'/ J I.... i---- l"; ~ /"'A ,iJ J'U I I 1-. ....~,...~ .;.::J....rr. t../OItZ1..(.M.I~ 1,. ~...I~ Q.~.( fJI.~~JCDf~~'" ~ I- ~.A..:......~~~~'..~I!lIIiIER""',~' :.~~~~~~~o-~~~~-~..: ti~ ~ .~,(~ I, ~- r/ ~.~...O/ .... ~ Qia'I-.:.a OJ ~.. -..un... ~ ~. a. t.MI ~~~~.d.1?L~~~o. ~~ .LL. a.:.=-..__ .....~IiO-'......~. ..... (f-<ftJ%z. C ~~.>ft) New Hanovor County Airpof (j) , ~:'r-::~;-------- 410 C 100 0 _0 C A. ..... ~ :'" ~, @ . ; 8 . . ~, , , -/ qc \ . ~ Tl~ ~; &- v, 119 i C '- \ \ \ ,~ ~" .-----. ../ \ ../ OV....1. t~.'" 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CONSENT AGENDA DATE: AU6 2 0 ,g90 ,;1> ITEM No. 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS l' ~:'"., Collections thru July 31, 1990 Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1990 $ 2,588,328.96 3,163.33 $ 2,585,165.63 102,723.44 $ 2,482,442.19 3.97% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - July - $174,127.81 Privilege License Collections - July - $10,101.40 EMS Collections - July -0- Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $375,753.83. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, , ) ") \ I': ~. . C'\.!'~:,; ~. ' -I. ,~ _, , Patricia J. Raynor . Collector of Revenue PJR:s"" ,:1.~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Collections thru July 31, 199G~~ Back Taxes 1990 $ 45,038.73 109.80 $ 44,928.93 1,843.18 $ 43,085.75 4.10% Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Resp~ctfully submitted, " '- ", " -..( . ! /"' '- - Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue CONSENT AGENDA DATE: AUG 2 0 1990 ITEM No. 8 "'---~ ~ --... / 0,.." NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Cardiff Road, Heather Lane, Cotton Wood Lane and stoney Road in Walnut Hills subdivision (Division File ~642-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road Systemt if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted ,by the Bo~rQ of CommjJSioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the~daY of ~ ' 1990. WITNESS my hand and official seal this th~ day Of~,1990. Luc'e F. Harrell, Clerk New anover County Board of Commissioners Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc ~ . . . J ;,~ . :::(r;:~:;7 '58'~' ;:~ :;~ fi~ ' vL. '- ((I ~ ...... , "~Y'~~, ~ "~:'f)t~ ,of I"'."r . '" ..\ A ~-~.? /:'\. ~ ~. -#'. -/~. ".' f~' <1'.,y "'.... . " it ~.~ ~' , vJ~\i : \~.<i ~ ~: : '-1) ('0: t!,;loo'." . 1 . ': <n\..... ''9; (..;, i ~ '. cg - 0) '. . . '.~ "'v. - .,~ JAMES G MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-343-0440 July 2'7, 1990 DIVISION OF.HIGHWAYS THOMAS J HARRELSON SECRET ARY GEORGE E WELLS, PE . STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County New Hanover Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Cardiff Road, Heather Lane, Cotton Wood Lane and Stoney Road - Walnut Hills Subdivision CDiv, File No, 642-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of these road (8) in Walnut Hills Subdivision (Div. File n 842-B) to state system. After your consideration if yOU concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly your:3, ~ ...1. p, Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer -fI'f" I ...-- -' . ./ ." , u' / ~~ . J.AOUOH ..N ----1 \ \, \ \. \ 4/)0 ~ D6 1007 AD\ D ,.... . \[Ot ~ ~ ~" ,,:1,f ...1"" ,-~.- . --, - .._-.,-- -.-.----.. -..--.- -_.,-- " .. ;'~,I:~~ '; ~' ~ . ,. ". ;'. r; / Sandra Barone Commissioner (Jl){fice af ~aara af dInnnnissinners ~em ~er OIauntw 320 OIlyestnut ~trm, ~ 305 ~ilmin1Jlnn ~1lrllr aIarlTliua 28401-4093 'IDeleplllTue (919) 341-7149 JJfax (919) 341-4130 Robert G. Greer Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr. Vice Chairman William A. Caster Commissioner Wanda M. Copley County Attorney Allen O'Neal County Manager Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board William E. Sisson, Jr. Commissioner April 7, 1993 The Honorable John Codington 624 Forest Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 . Dear John: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting on April 5th, 1993, by a majority vote supported or opposed the following proposed legislation: 1. -SUPPORT- House version of House Bill 120 - Senate Bill 417 2. -SUPPORT- Senate Bill 51 Local Solid Waste Fees No House Companion "TO AUTHORIZE COUNTIES AND CITIES TO EXPAND THE FEE ON OWNERS OF IMPROVED PROPERTY FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT, TO AUTHORIZE COUNTIES TO IMPOSE A FRANCHISE FEE, AND TO ESTABLISH THE BASIS FOR SETTING THE AMOUNT OF CERTAIN LOCAL FEES FOR COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES" 3. -OPPOSE- Senate Bill 418 House Bill 121 Public Records Law Changes Public Records Law Changes "TO AMEND PUBLIC RECORDS LAW" 4. -SUPPORT- Senate Bill 48 House Bill 34 Local Financial Security Local Financial Security "TO GIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS MORE FINANCIAL SECURITY AND RESTORE GROWTH TO STATE-COLLECTED LOCAL REVENUES AND TAX SHARING FUNDS" The Honorable John Codington April 7, 1993 Page 2 5. -SUPPORT- House Bill 433 Unfunded Mandates Prohibited "TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA TO PROHIBIT CERTAIN UNFUNDED MANDATES TO COUNTIES AND CITIES BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TQ AMEND THE GENERAL STATUTES TO MAKE MANDATORY THE PREPARATION OF FISCAL NOTES FOR PROPOSED LEGISLATION THAT WOULD REQUIRE COUNTIES AND CITIES TO SPEND FUNDS" 6. -SUPPORT- House Bill 434 Regulatory Mandates Limited "TO AMEND THE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA TO LIMIT CERTAIN UNFUNDED REGULATORY MANDATES TO COUNTIES AND CITIES BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO AMEND THE GENERAL STATUTES TO MAKE MANDATORY THE PREPARATION OF FISCAL NOTES FOR PROPOSED REGULATIONS THAT COULD REQUIRE COUNTIES AND CITIES TO SPEND FUNDS" 7. -SUPPORT- House Bill 38 1993 Lottery Bill - 2 "TO PROVIDE FOR A BINDING REFERENDUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NORTH CAROLINA STATE LOTTERY COMMISSION" 8. -SUPPORT- House Bill 59 1993 Lottery Bill - 2 "TO PROVIDE FOR A BINDING REFERENDUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NORTH CAROLINA STATE LOTTERY COMMISSION" -NOTE- From a county perspective, both House Bills would be of benefit to counties and our need for revenue from sources other than the ad-valorem tax. 9. -OPPOSE- Senate Bill 11 1993 Lottery With Referendum "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A BINDING REFERENDUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NORTH CAROLINA STATE LOTTERY" 10. -OPPOSE- House Bill 136 Local Sales Tax for Schools "TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE YEARS THE REQUIREMENT THAT COUNTIES USE PART OF THE FIRST HALF-CENT LOCAL SALES TAX PROCEEDS ONLY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS" The Honorable John Codington April 7, 1993 Page 3 11. -OPPOSE- House Bill 529 Crop Allotments Tax Exempt "TO PROVIDE THAT CROP ALLOTMENTS ARE INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY NOT SUBJECT TO PROPERTY TAX" On behalf bf the Board of Commissioners, I thank you for your support of counties and our needs. If you desire additional information or have questions relative to the Board's position, please feel free to call Allen O'Neal, County Manager, or me. Sincerely, RJ!!!;{ Greer Chairman RRG/dal Attachment cc: Board of Commissioners Allen O'Neal Wanda Copley