1990-09-04 RM Exhibits ; ". ,'-~~'/I1l!"""""''l''''''''''~-'- NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ( '\:~ MEMO :,~'":::~,::,:,~",~;;j<o,,::;;:"::~,,,~.;;;;,~,~;:\;:,::;;;::;:::iN~:::::::(::::,::::!<:::!::::::: :!(,::::%i!,::,:::::::::i:::::::::::::::ni:::~:i::::::i::::;:::,:(::::::~Y:::\;~\~;;:::~::::\""~~'i:~~:m'\<:~.,"~1~:~~~~'::~~ August 14, 1990 TO: Board of County Commissioners Andrew J. Atkinson If\ Finance Director , Disposals of Personal Property FROM: RE: In accordance with GS 160A-266(c), I hereby submit my report to you detailing sales under this procedure for the period beginning January 1, 1990 and ending June 30, 1990. Item Disposed Of Sold/Donated Estimated Sold To Value For - Edward Young, Jr. $100.00 Donated Town of Carolina Beach N/A Donated (Less than) Shaw University $500.00 Donated Seagate Volunteer Fire Department $400.00 Donated (Less than) Guardian Ad Litem $150.00 Donated Guardian Ad Litem $75.00 Donated Eastman Kodak Co. $500.00 $494.00 1979 Dodge Pickup Truck VIN#9JL4U91109780 1962 Dodge Truck Legal Volumes Light Bar 2 Desks & 1 Typewriter 4 Chairs & 1 Panel Divider Trade in of Eastman Kodak Reader-Printer on new Starview II Reader-Printer 1978 Monroe Calculator A.J. De Simeone $50.00 $50.00 If you should have any questions, please let me know. AJAjct cc: Allen O'Neal County Manager RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County Museum owns items that have been deaccessioned from the collection and other surplus items; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned collection items are not in conformance with the museum's collection policy and, accordingly, have been deaccessioned by the Board of Trustees of New Hanover County Museum; and WHEREAS, the other items will not be needed in the expanded facility; and WHEREAS, the Museum Board of Trustees has recommended that this material be offered for sale and/or transfer; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that, pursuant to N.C.G.S. Article 12, Chapter 160A, said items shall be sold or transferred, the type of sales and dates and times of sald sales to be determined by the museum dil-ector. Proceeds of the sale are to be deposited with the County Finance Director in County Museum's Artifact Acquisition Account (553-BS-Acct 2241). The County may at any time reject any and all offers. f:icloptE.d tl"',if:::. _.-f!~_...... dc:\Y of SE'2ptE~mbt::"I-, 1990. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~tt~L___ Chairman, Board of Commissioners E{"/ ~ .. I TEI'1f3 TO BE SOLD Deaccessioned from Collection~ 9 6c~ . 1 . c.~ 962.1.3 1")1"" j , Ml<::>C.:n . n4' 9C:l(0~ . 1 . '7 962.1.9 96(~ . 1 . 10 962. 1 . 1f.~ 96L~ . 1 . 1. 'I' 962. 1. . '+ 1 96E!. 1 . Li07 962.1.50 9cS2u 1 u~::;l 962.1.65 962. 1 . c:l6 962.1.67 (:tt:>2 u 1 u ~7() '-ic:lc2.1. . ?:l. 962.1.72 96,;2 . 1 .73 9f.:>2. 1 . 7L~ 9(:>E~ u 1 u 75 96(:~ . 1 . 76 962. 1 . i'70 Ci(~(::! n 1 n ('12 962.281.1 96(:~ " 3 . 10 '"7'66. 17. 1 966.66. co~ Ci(s6 u 9~5 u 1 967 . c~ 1 . 1 972.1B.1 Ct~i'2 n II {~n 1. .....? 9'/5. 11 . :I. 9~7~=3 n 3E~ a ~:3B 973. '7r:: . 1. Clr?~~i n "'1~'5 II :l 976.51.27 976.51.57 976. 5t., II 2 efTl . 1 . 1 ::", c:. 977 . 1 .3 t: L~ 977 . 11 . :l 9'77.35.1 C/7"7 n 58 II 1 978.1.1 981.1.31 9El1 " 1 . 3c.:~ 981.1.33 9!:32 . 93. :1007 986.38.1 987.70.1 Dagger wI scabbard, India (7) Collection of bracelets, India E,,~r.l"inqs, Indii::t Leather & metal purse, India Metal torch holder, India Domed copper box, India (7) Carved wood box, India Orrv:~ml':?nt, E~~ypt Turquoise & metal ornament, Tibet Wood & pearl inlay trivet, India Turquoise ornaments, Tibet Wood spoon, India Metal angel, Italy Metal statue of St. Peter, Italy Small urn, Italy Carved stone portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, Italy Small mosaic vase, Italy Small bust of Pascal, Paris CastanE~tf:S, Spa i rOj Clay lamp, Greece Metal plaque, Greece Small metal windmill, Holland Small stone shoes, India Pl':?ndant, IncjiEI Walking cane Piece of shotgun Small pot, Mexico Toy piano 2 book covers, Paris School desk Cane gun, Germany Wood block prints, Tibet Buddha statue, Vietnam Sugar bowl or goblet SE'~\li ng m2\ch i nf~ oTro.unk Lamp, Rome Leather picture frame wI several tintypes Christmas stocking, Mexico Carved wood masks, Haiti Carved wood figures, Martinique Black net apron, Sicilian (7) Vest & belt, Switzerland Skir-t, Colombia Page from book, Tibet Postcard booklet, Venice Souvenir booklet, Natural Bridge, VA Souvenir booklet, Colorado Springs, CD Reproduction Cannon BarTe I 20' Simmons Sea-Skiff Unaccessioned Items~ Simmons ~3ea--Skii:'i~ "hulk" red velvet doll furniture (large chair, 2 sofas wi black fringe; 2 chairs wi black fringe; table wi black fringe) gurne''i side board or buffet 2 iron bed frames, twin Slze ~.Ja r- d r- 0 b E? wardrobe, disassembled ringer washer or roll press 2 oversized, unframed prints small matted print booklet of Edward S. Curtis prints portfolio of 7 prints miniature portfolio 1:3 'fr- aml;?d p i f!:~C: E~~:; 2 small porcelain dogs wi broken tails piece of tapestry, Oriental (7) pair of wood shoes for doll, Holland leather luggage tag, India stone ornament (broken), Mexico knife & scabbard, Japanese scabbard, Indict knife & scabbard, India CGhurka) vase, Greek or Roman (broken) pistol, metal part only piece of modern rifle E? r-iflE2 buttf:5 box of various decrepit gun parts various ammunition (does not match any arms in collectlon or duplicates of what we already have) butte'llf~;, Gf:.~l-man buttons, Belgian POl-'j-ingl;?r lr,11 I ici g'('E'€~t i ng car'd':; expense record books f a tn" i c tT i inS; boo k s ; Itl.~~ ~:::.),..:t~. g,.:. t}Pl~.g:f.;.t!.g:.f~: !.;.'.f. Lb_~~.!.r:....L~.?2. ay._\;..!:"".L!,:;J',:~ ~~;.!J.g..L.~..~t!. ~@~Dfl@ 1- ~1J;,.~~!.!.tt~~:?_ 1:.n E;g_~~.~~.jJJ.9. I!:l~_ e!l!.fl. !If.~~~ ID.9...t.S\l."!. !::tQ.l.":j:_C;.~.L. ~2,.:t.o ~=_L~2_ E.~~..!;~:,\~.J;~C...t.D...t2. ~;~f. !::~<;~_ldj'::" h:g.n.t~.\Lli:.?l movie handbills - Bijou 1927-'-19~30 Re'ya 1 1928'-1930 Carolina 1928-1930 Clinton & Roseboro, NC areas 1929-1930 black bench (broken) door painted blue wood door dl-<':\'fting t<:":\blc-2 box of slide mounts box of paper negative sleeves " 4' '~ Unaccessioned Items, cont'd. bamboCi shi:3.dE?~-=. red and green felt banners part of a hose cart curtEti'(', r'odf:5 cur- t.::\ i ns display stands/boxes p i (:?c F.0~5 cd-- f ab r- i c si<;:.Ij-', bOO:lr'ds exhibit props/forms/mannequins p}ctur-p fr'cliflE\f:5 'rF~{)t\lbFEF~ TO PP..2N.G Bt'~T'rL.F_:;:BH I P 11EI"IOn I {~!L.. 2 20mm automatic canon cartridges, WWII STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Mason Landing Road, . numerical range 7300-7699 and Turner Nursery Road, numerical range 1900-2099 located in Harnett Township. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the' convenience of the general publici and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the CountYi and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 4th day of September, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. the 4th day of s~~_ Fred Retchin, Chairman AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF . NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Add under Section 93-3(6) the following: Off-premise real estate signs calling attention to a project or real estate for sale or lease mey be permitted provided they do not exceed one sign per lot or premise, 3 square feet in area and 4 feet in height. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. 4th day of September, 1990. ~eRL- Frea Retchin, Chairman ~'c/~ Cl rk to the Board CA~ . ~ 3!)Ur :, t. ~ ~ I-\CUJ.~eQ 1548 800:: H!; ifD r: ~;l i{ E L (j dL~.. '\ - l.1 RE8[::;C~, p '~:i HfJ'C ~ " ',',c'" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ,;; :~ 'v t!~ y " ;:; NJ ~ 'I '3 1 f J ". .,. I"', ,',11 BEFORE THE BoARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of an Unnamed Road ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of an unnamed road was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 23rd day of July, 1990 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 4th day of September, 1990, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of the unnamed road in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the puplic interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: 4 Beginning at an old iron pipe where the western line of Carolina Beach Road (U~S; ,Highway No. 421, a 160 foot right-of-way) is intersected by the northern line of Grand Champion Road (a 60 foot right-of-way) and the eastern line of a forty (40) foot unnamed road that leads northwardly from Carolina Beach Road; said intersection being shown on the map of Section 1, Equestrian Estates, dated December, 1977, recorded in Map Book 18 at Page 66 of the New Hanover County Registry; said pipe also being the southern corner of the tract conveyed to Arnold L. Sobol and wife by Deed recorded in Book 842 at Page 697 of said registry; running thence from said beginning point north 14 degrees 02 1/2 minutes east along the eastern line of said forty (40) foot road and the western line of said Sobol tract 909.30 feet to an iron pipe that is south 14 degrees 2 1/2 minutes west along said line 46.24 feet from an old stone, the southwestern corner of Tract 4, of the Thomas Whitfield tract, said stone also being the northwestern corner of said Sobol tract; thence north 62 degrees 38 minutes west and parallel with the northern line of said Sobol tract 41.1 feet, more or less, to a point in the western line of said forty {40) foot r6ad; thence south 14 degrees 02 1/2 minutes west along the western line of said road about 909 feet to its intersection with the northern line of Grand Champion Road; thence eastwardly along the northern line of Grand Champion Road as it curves to RETURNED TO _~ ' () v.J''1 ~C> Ce, ~~, ;'. i i\ r 154b .' u' f! F '-' v '- the south to the point of beginning; the same being a portion of the forty (40) foot road as shown on the map of the J.H. Mcdonald Division recorded in Book 285 at Page 304 1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry. . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the' above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 4th day of September, 1990. ~RitL- Fr Retchin, Chairman Attest: .. , '7 CLOSING 5 Li b ' u i; - ROAD '_. . Li I Portion of Unnamed Road - SC-50 Scale: I" = 400' 9/90 2/.2 \ I 2/ 19 '.6 17 * r. WILLIAM GORE 2. ARNOLD SOBOL 3. LOREAN NIXON 4 DOROTHY NIXON :* PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED CD ROAD CLOSING 45 ; ..--- / I " NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .; fe':~~**'~l MEMO ~~'t'tt."%.-%'...\$:t~'m.%W:ii<i:l::tl~tii%\t?::::::::i:::::i:i'::::fii+tf"::::i~:!;:!:::::':f}j~:il~':i:iW:g;::jJW:~i:~M~:1,~:i~;::l~W:WW:~%Pl~\;m<:~~Th.--~ $.,~ August 23, 1990 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: SEP 0 4 1990 ITEM No. 11 MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mary M. Gornto Assistant County Manager RE: Change Order Report #16 Period Ending August 23, 1990 AIRPORT e Leader Construction - Change Order llA - in the amount of $5,933.18 This change order covers provide door signs indicated at various locations, provide and relocate toilet room soap dispensers, addition of one exterior momentary contact key switch, conform to County fire codes and to have an operable baggage conveyor, and provide (2) 2-Hour fire rated access doors at elevators. Leader Construction - Change Order 12A - in the amount of $7,823.00 - This change order covers to provide and install plastic laminate counter tops at the BMS room at the apron level, and paint cable delivery system. Leader Construction - Change Order 13A - in the amount of $9,900.73 - This change order covers to provide epoxy enamel to the concourse level in public areas, paint walls, handrail and exposed steel for stairways, and to provide two access doors in breezeway soffit. Leader Construction - Change Order No. 14A - in the amount of $889.79 - This change order covers replacing one gift shop sign in Atrium with "Lounge" and International Drink Symbol. Leader Construction - Change Order No. 15A - in the amount of $616.96 - This change order covers the installation of two cheek walls at the end of car rental ticket counters to be 3/4" plaster laminate with brackets to floor. e .' . County Commissioners Page Number Two August 23, 1990 AIRPORT Sneeden, Inc. - Change Order No. 7M in the amount of -0- - This change orders covers extension of mechanical contract from August 31, 1990 to September 7, 1990. Sneeden, $1,980.00 heads in sprinkler Inc. Change Order No. 8M in the amount of - This change orders covers providing sprinkler baggage conveyor dog house and revisions to heads in BMS room. Sneeden, Inc. Change Order No. 6P in the $ -0- This change order covers extension of contract from July 21, 1990 to September 7, 1990. amount of plumbing . Reagan Electric - Change Order No. 8E - in the amount of $21,991.00 - This change order covers providing specified modifications to the microphone systems, providing lighting fixtures and fire-rated access door to fire-rated ceiling in ATM room, providing and installing wall mounted cable delivery system for BMS room, and providing and installing three "E" light fixtures and wiring wall mounted type D5 finish to match existing. Reagan Electric - Change Order No. 9E - in the amount of $5,092.00 - This change order covers providing installation of modular console for T.V. security monitors and controls to be placed on BMS counter top, and providing dedicated 100 VAC outlet for national security service contract. Reagan Electric - Change Order No. 10E - in the amount of $22,720.00 This change order covers providing four additional light fixtures at canopy, providing power for the fuel oil leak detector from the nearest circuit, providing power for the air purifiers in the hold room, providing telephone conduit from ECR to Administration Level, providing telephone conduit to one electrical room to another, providing a 100 volt dedicated outlet in spare electrical room for executone system, and providing seven three pole 30 AMP breakers for mechanical room equipment. McCarter Electric - Change Order No. Two - -0- - This change order covers extension of August 31, 1990, due to unknown delays installation, D.O.T. area awaiting encroachment agreement. in the amount of contract time to to street light completion of . . . . " ~- County Commissioners Page Number Three August 23, 1990 AIRPORT Dickerson Carolina - Change Order No. One - in the amount of $71,003.00 This change order covers addition to the contract due to error in the execution of contract and contract time is to be extended to August 14, 1990. Dickerson Carolina - Change Order No. Two - in the amount of $41,415.59 - This change order covers FAA requested that centerline taxiway reflector markers be added to apron edge taxiline, FAA required this additional work protect their underground cables serving this RTR facility, fire hydrants scheduled to be removed was relocated at the request of the Airport Engineer, storm drainage at service road "C" intersection with Hewlett Drive, and security fences to be relocated. Dickerson Carolina - Change Order No. Three - in the amount of a decrease of ($71,003.00) - The previous change order ( # 1) was done in error except for the time frame. This change order cancels change order #1. Dickerson Carolina - Change Order No. Four - in the amount of $202,458.91 - This change order covers the landscaping at the airport. Barnes and Powell Electrical - Change Order No. Three - in the amount of $834.30 This change order covers installation of conduits and taxiway lights. Stearns Airpor-t Equipment - Change Order No. One - in the amount of $250.00 - This change order covers supplying and installing one "lockout" devise, and changing the proposed installation of your loading bridges from gate B-3 to gate B-1. This change shall not cause any cost increase, schedule impact or installation impacts. STEAM PLANT .J Sam English Change Order No. Two in the amount of $127,290.00 - This change order covers the cost of increase scope of supply. MMG/nrb .~1 . :'~ . . .: ~. .... .~~"', ~,:~:~~ . ;i~'. ~~~ii\~:} Jt~tf:~~~~<;~:~~,)Ji~t};~i:t~~:':"'i" :, ~~:..,' ,. ~~~.~. "'~,~~/:,~~ ;~\~~.,~f.;;'~';:r.';.i<4'~JI,~~~~~~.t,:; 1;:~:f<:'.1 " .,. I. :.ft. . .-'_ -.". ,. ,t. . ,: .' '..1 f"""- .'. and call upon '. conservationists'in property manag~~e~~ t. , '" .\1.., .. "\ ' genera .lons,. - . ';1"i7.': ,";<,' " '. .t.:St ~,' . ,""" ;,' :-)~ ;~' . ~ '- '~ . . . . .. . . . ~ Sec. 19. Leave Without Pay - Retention and Continuation of Benefits The retention and continuation of benefits for .employees in a leave without pay status will be administered in the following manner: A. Except for medical and dental premium payments, an employee in a leave without pay status shall be responsible for contacting the appropriate agent in regards to other insurance premiums paid through payroll deduction. B. Medical and dental premium payments will be handled as described below: a) An employee transferring from an active pay status to leave without pay shall become ineligible to accrue leave credits and benefit from County paid insurance premiums, beginning the first full pay period of the leave without pay status. During the interim, the employee will continue to pay any employee insurance premiums at the group rate. At the expiration of the above stated interim, the employee may continue to participate in the County's group insurance plans, provided that the employee pays the total premium during the time the employee is on leave without pay. b) An employee transferring from an active pay status to a leave without pay status due to a Worker's Compensation case shall become ineligible to accrue leave credits beginning the first full pay period of the leave without pay, but may continue to pay any individual insurance premiums at the group rate for the duration of the leave without pay. c) An employee serving in the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard, who is ordered to active duty, shall become ineligible to accrue leave credits, beginning the first full pay period of the leave without pay, but may continue to pay parent/child or family insurance premiums at the group rate until such time that military coverage of the benefits become effective. d) In all cases, an employee on leave without pay will retain all unused personal and sick leave. County paid insurance premiums and accrual of leave credits will not be restored until the employee returns to an active status for a minimum of forty (40) hours per pay period. . . . ~ Sec. 26. Military Leave In additio~ to reinstatement rights for veterans re~urning from actiye d~ty (Article V Sec. 5), the Veterans.'. Ree~ployment Rights Statute provides military leave to members of the National Guard or Armed Forces Reserve who leave an other than temporary position to enter a period of initial active duty for training, tours of training duty (including summer camp, field training, unannounced practice alerts, and attendance at service schools), or are ordered into an active status for defense purposes. The following guidelines outline the county's pay practice for individuals utilizing Military Leave: a) For the first ten (10) work days of military leave for training purposes, the employee may receive differential pay, provided that the military pay is less than the regular county pay. For training periods in excess of ten (10) work days in any year, employees may, but are not required to, use any accumulated personal leave or, be placed in a leave without pay status, subject to the provisions of Article VII Sec. 19 and 20. b) For periods of active duty, other than for the purpose of determining physical fitness or training, employees may receive differential pay, for a maximum period of six (6) consecutive months, provided that the military pay is less than the regular county pay. For periods in excess of six (6) months, employees may, but are not required to, use any accumulated personal leave or, be placed in a leave without pay status, subject to the provisions of Article VII Sec. 19 and 20. c) Where pay is involved, the employer may. require the employee to submit a copy of his orders or other appropriate documentation evidencing performance and compensation pertinent to the military duty. d) An employee returning from a Military Leave of Absence, is entitled to return to his position with such seniority, status, pay, and personal leave (provided he did not voluntarily take such leave), as he would have had if he had not been absent for such purposes, and shall be entitled to participate in insurance and other benefits offered by the county pursuant to established rules and practices pertinent to other types of leaves of absence.