1990-11-05 RM Exhibits Vi. ~roclamation New lIannuer <!rnuntl1 ~ mnarll of (!tnmmillllinntrll WHEREAS, New Hanover County citizens - of all ages and economic levels are concerned about high-quality, affordable, long-term health care. Home care provides a wide range of these needed health and supportive services to the ill, elderly~ disabled and infirm to their own homes. The concept of home care is the oldest and most enduring tradition of health service delivery in the United States of America, and WHEREAS, surveys show that most people prefer to receive medical care and related supportive services in their own homes. There is also a significant and growing body of evidence that home care services stimulate quicker and fuller recoveries and improvements than comparable services within institutions, and WHEREAS, home care allows our disabled and chronically ill citizens of all ages to remain with their loved ones in surroundings that are familiar and comfortable. In so doing, home care helps preserve one of the country's most important social values, keeping families together, and WHEREAS, as our citizens require more in-home care, New Hanover County home care agencies are meeting that challenge.- Home care agencies are providing services ranging from assistance with personal care to high-tech intravenous drug therapies, and WHEREAS, with rapidly rising health care costs, home care offers a practical means of providing health care and related services to those who desperately need them. By offering these services in the home, we can treat our elderly, disabled, and chronically ill population comfortably, cost-effectively, and with high-quality, individualized health care and supportive services. NOW, THEREFORE, the Commissioners does hereby December 1, 1990, as New Hanover County Board of proclaim November 25 through HOME CARE WEEK .. I. ~f~_~~_~__~e~ Hanover County ~nd urge our citizens to recognize the, ~.~ f~..' ....... II........ II... II ..... .... 11.11.. 11.11.............. 11.11 II.. ...... ... .......... ..... .~;'~~.~_. . ~ . .~ , .~;~ .. <, ..,i,'it 1 ',1 l,~ : r~ eforts of home care providers, and the families and friends of the elderly and disabled, who provide such iimportant services in the home. Adopted this the 5th day of November, 1990. Fred Retchin, Chairman ,,' .., . , ' ":. , 'I . .~ ".i' ~ .f, ~;'.' '. , .... '" :~ ~~ '4' : .' ,-t' , -' ~ :', J'\ .,' .;. ~ , ,'1 ,. ,. / J1 I'Z ..( " ~\~ ~ ~:.'r~~- il!' ............................ -~~-~------_. - ..--... .............. .. .... .. . '-~=~.~~-"-" ... .... . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . ... .. . .... .. ..~ l' ~rocla111atiotl New )tanouer (!lnuttttl moarll of (!totnmilllliotttrll WHEREAS, the vast majority of the youth are concerned, knowledgeable and responsible citizens; and WHEREAS, the accomplishments and achievements of these young citizens deserve recognition and praise of their elders; and WHEREAS, Optimist International has since 1954 developed and promoted a program entitled Youth Appreciation Week. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims the week of November 10-17, 1990, as YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK in New Hanover County and encourages all citizens to join with the optimists in expressing appreciation and approval of the contribution of the youth. By this action, let it be known that we have faith in the ability of today's youth as they assume responsible roles in the future of mankind. Adopted this 5th day of November, 1990. . . . . ....; !: ~........' , . .........._....~...__..n................'J~ ~i~ .. .............................. _. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. ._. . ... . . . ~ . .~"~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~_._~~~__~_~_~~!::~ ~dd? '~>h.~h'/ - Fre Rete ~ri. C a~rman .....":', ," STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Castle Heights Drive, numerical range 4500-4599 located in Cape Fear Township. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 5th day of November, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General st~tut~s 153A-240. Adopted this the 5th Attest: ~ Ie;:' ~~( / C ~rk to the Board 1\0: ~... ~u.c.V&.. \-\.evJ.I!.U B:)U~ ~.: ;~ :~: ~ 115 ~ S I 7 18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF RENAMING CENTRAL AVENUE (Middle Sound Area) . ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the renaming of Central Avenue, located in Harnett Township approximately 600 east from the Turner Nursery/Mason Landing Road intersection extending east and southeast 800 feet; thence, 800 feet northwest to its intersection with Mason Landing Road and recorded as part of Plat Book 4, Page 4 of the New Hanover County Registry and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, November 5, 1990, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the renaming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said Central Avenue in New Hanover County should be renamed and the renaming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby renamed BUENA VISTA CIRCLE. ~ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statute 153A-240. This the 5th 1990. F~~:an RE C0~LI;:: J A~iD V tiU FI ED ~EB~CCi\ P.;UCKER REGISTER OF' DEEDS NEW H,\HO'/ER CO, riC Noy 9 8 so AM '90 RETURNED TO v (I__~., , _v"1 . s. S) 4),'1 Q.d) / / / ~_f rl QJ U .... a.>U <..9>0 0 Z <1 +-- ,!aOQ) ~ >0........ ~o ~= <1:....0 ,Z C ~" W QJ:J: Q) lrUCD..Lf) 0" QJ I <1:E"8z o ~ 1-0 (I) (I) 0::lJ... ~ ..., ~.~ i'it; f ~o:::a..~_..--.~......;.n."'."...~ ..J U a:: U ,..~<( .tJ; > <( Z W :J lD 5 I ~. .71 . '. . . "'8 " ., .,1 ,i.I" "- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY " WHEREAS, an offer to purchase the identified parcel of real property owned by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington has been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the identified parcels of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners do hereby accept the offer to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by offeror as liquidated damages if the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offeror as deS:~~~:~ers AdOP~~ on ~ '" meeting , 19 9 0 ATTEST: ~r~/ ~AU-tL . . ~..\ 9/04/90 TAX RECORD INQUIRY 9:20:41 PARCEL # TOWNSHIP SQ FEET 048-18-016-014.000 6001 DEED BOOK 1173 ST ADDRESS 107 ELEVENTH ST N 0000 DEED PAGE 1162 LEGAL DESC PT LT 4 BLK 187 WILM OWNER NAME NEW HANOVER CO/CITY WILM ADDRESS 320 CHESTNUT ST CITY/ST WILM N C ZIP 28401 VALUE OF: BLDG UNIMPROVED LAND 2000 TOTAL 2000 REPLACEMENT DEPRECIATION DEED DATE SALE DATE SALE PRICE 0981 YEAR BUILT TYPE CONST # STORIES LAND USE 67 CLASSIF GRADE EXISTING ZONE CS PROPOSED ZONE ROOMS BEDROOlYlS BATHROOMS FIXTURES ROOF GARAGE FLOOR PORCH BASEMENT FIREPLACE AIR COND UTILITY BLDG DETACHED BLDG CK1-MENU CK2-PREVIOUS SCREEN ~,' , - ---_.._----~-':"'-"-_..._....~-'-~~,.~ ..... '~. ,j!" -,., ," '., "~' ",..~.,- ItIV~~.,~. .~ ~ ','I, ~J NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Rabbit Run in Rabbit Run Subdivision (Division File #660-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads' meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of comm~si?ne~s of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the~day ofT~ ' 1990. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ,~ day of ~990. Board of Form SR-2 Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc' ,,~:~ \ '. ' . ';:.~; ~'t , P, ..:-,,( ,:: , I t', r <: f-OII! .,'~ , ,:;:,: re: ..J If ,', , ~. , '. I i~~: 1 ~ ',. . . .' , {;:t" . , . !.!ll ":{~~<<~:<(.::~,:.,.:..:..".,.._,..,. _ ~illl '. __ t: ~ '.",' " '. .' ~ . .". ... ...-- I I ...._ . , I ..., .... .-,., -......- ~ ~~. . .~.::J' , : .. , ',- .. ~ \ . -:(;- '; -"'-~.....' . , -,.. I I " . ~ " -,=,r~"- --.l!::O. ItA 0'-:' t " t I " :,', , . .~, .~~'i~~~~_~ I i \~; -- ',f -- " t, ..u, ---=---~p II' ~~JI'~...,. " __ .~ ,..:, 'W'i~ '/Sv~.. ~" Ilu~..,l . -_ -~u .~~.. ~/ /I""(\' . I!':r ..- t,.\~,." ~l' ---r:::--__-----r:::-.-~...() -r."."ott'. i I \'-' ~, ,...- ..-, 1 - '. '. C"'f~' r I \I t, _ I , 1 __ ~. 1 I '\. ....,~~'t:..~ , 1 I. ,;$' ! ' ~\r '! Af':- =-.----.. . 't ,0 _ ~ =.-:=:.::..--- ...-...J... ,I" .. ~~ e~J-'":"-t...::-...t" .r...... t .------ ~~f:',. -~...- ..::;,::;.:;;:.;.. ~.....- . "! " . " I ~_. -~ _._~ ....~--- -.- - - ---~--- ." ------ ,~ .;.., NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Buck Drive in White Oak Plantation Subdivision (Division File #647-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Bo~rd of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that i the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the B~ of Co~~sio~er~ of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the day of ~ ' 1990. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ~~day of ~~1990. . F. Harrell, Clerk New over County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc .,'i-,"'" o j' v ~' ~, ~ ) , 10 WtllTl'VUU Y' ,', 1- +~ << . -- ~ W' tiAStC.~ . --...,........., ''is ': ,....'~~.....v ,0"- ." ., ..... ';": T.,~:~~." ." :=.J. 1.:,1.1 '. I~ ..' ., . " 'CJ.,1~{..~ "- '....-ll~ ~.A.r,;. ;')0 .,J" "l." -t: :,..:J.:.r~1 14.... ", .' ~r." .ff.. '. 1" ~ -OJ;, .. . to. " , 't., ~" ' " .' 0" . . ~ i' . . ~. ';", . ... " ;.. 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NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Description: Durbin Court and Hampshire Drive Section 1, Stratford Place Subdivision Totterham Court and Hampshire Drive Section 2, Stratford Place Subdivision Glastonbury Court and Scarborough Drive Section 3, Stratford Place Subdivision Hampshire Drive and Scarborough Drive Section 4, Stratford Place Subdivision Scarborough Drive Section 5, Stratford Place Subdivision (Division File No. 651-N and 654-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of comm~si~ners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the~day ofY~ ' 1990. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ~ZL day Of~1990. . Luc e F. Harrell, Clerk New anover County Board of Commissioners Forward direct to the District Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc '37 " :. ~ :.... .. .~ . /~iGt~j:i;l\'*' .. !~it~~~ HJt~:r:{:t::r:r:f~t::ft}.~~~ ~ f '- '-, ''-.. " "It ~ <! NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE . . ."i~:~s"""''%::m MEMO, x:: X"""" ~'':;::$''x x,,~ ',S"'~':;'*WiM*i:?li:::i:i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::fWK:::::::i\~t::i:i~::::@::::~:,,::ii::%'W:::K:)x'''', ~;':W"':.,*'i;, ,,:;:'ii:~, ~:-' x,'::,,,::: 'ii"', i!:'j; , October 11, 1990 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: IOY 5 1990 ITEM No. 4 MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mary M. Gornto Deputy County Manager RE: Change Order Report #17 Period Ending October 11, 1990 AIRPORT 'e Leader Construction - Change Order 16A - in the amount of $7,445.94 This change order covers additions to the conduits for existing sliding doors, toilet rooms additions, replacing some dry wall and providing partitions braces in some of the rooms. Leader Construction - Change Order 17A - Ln the amount of $6,789.65 This change order covers providing and installing the necessary components to modify the existing exist devices for card key doors, and providing and installing door bottom seals at exterior doors. Leader Construction - Change Order 18A - in the amount of $8,431.00 - This change order covers running conduit and wire from back flow preventer tamper switch to basement alarm system and installing access door and repair masonry in order to install a new fire line to the hold room. Leader Construction - Change Order No. 19A - in the amount of $2,311.15 - This change order covers sealing off the tops of the elevators number one and two equipment rooms. Sneeden, Inc. - Change Order No. 9M - in the amount of $6,500.00 This change order covers trimming grills to correct depth for all window sills, repair gasket leak, testing fire line from back flow preventer to fire pump, test fire line from equipment room to hold room and flush line from equipment room to hold room. e ~ . County Commissioners Page Number Two October 11, 1990 AIRPORT Sneeden, Inc. Change Order No. 10M in the amount of $3,523.00 - This change orders covers providing and run a 2-inch drain line from the back flow preventers. Sneeden, Inc. Change Order No. 11M in the amount of $11,990.00 - This change orders covers replacing the 4-inch fire line main in the supply connector area. Sneeden, Inc. - Change Order No, 12M in the amount of $ 5,816.00 - This change order covers installing back flow preventer on the anti-freeze line, installing two vacuum relief valves on the 2 hot water heaters and insulate 250 feet of relocate fire protection pipe with 1 1/2" fiberglass. McCarter Electric - Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $20,798.00 - This change order covers to furnish and install two each standard 4' x 4' x 4' deep electrical manholes. . McCarter Electric - Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $-0- - This change order covers the extending of the contract time for 30 days due to undetermined delays to street light installation in the DOT area awaiting completion of encroachment agreement. Dickerson Carolina - Change Order No. 5 in the amount of ($110,000.00) - This change order covers the deletion of the parking equipment. Southern Roadbuilders - Change Order No. 9 - in the amount of ($11,552.63) - This change order covers the adjustment of estimated quantities of material to actual work accomplished. Carolina Office Equipment Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,862.00 - This change order covers additional draperies. MUSEUM . Clancy and Theys Construction - Change Order G-6 in the amount of $7,143.00 - This change order covers the painting of acoustical tile ceiling and grid, modifying wall and rail at main stair and installing drywall along existing brick wall of East Gallery and Doll Exhibit. ; . County Commissioners Page Number Three October 11, 1990 SEWER Dave's Tree Removal - Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $500.00 - This change order covers the removal of several dead trees on a as need basis as the sewer line is being laid. Rabon and Sons Inc. - Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $4,500.00 This change order covers asphalt repairs, and construction equipment and labor on sewer system. STEAM PLANT Sam English, Inc. - Change Order No. 3 $15,916.44 This change order covers welding of the steam drum on #2 boiler. in the amount of the cost of pod MMG/nrb . . ~"'"\;-.,..\~" !' ' .' EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, November 5, 1990 at 7:30 PM in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Fred Retchin, Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr., Vice-Chairman E.L. .Mathews, Jr. Nolan O'Neal Robert G. Greer * * * * * Fred Retchin moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of commissioners of the county of New Hanover that it has sold in the manner prescribed by law the County's $5,000,000 Parks and Recreational Facilities Bonds, after provided; NOW, THEREFORE, '1.' . .~t'~"-~-"'-r'l1~~.V~'ff.'(' "I' -. ~ . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Ne~ Hanover (the "Issuer"), as follows: 1. The Bonds shall bear interest as follows: bonds payable in the year 1992, 6.70% per annum; bonds payable in each of the years 1993 to 2005, inclusive, 6.75% per annum; and bonds payable in each of the years 2006 and 2007; 6.80% per annum. 2. The Official Statement dated October 12, 1990 setting forth financial and statistical data in connection with. the offering of the Bonds, which was circulated with the Notice of Sale thereof, and the Final Official Statement dated October 30, 1990 are hereby approved. In connection with this approval, the Board of Commissioners of the Issuer has examined copies of the Official Statement and the Final Official Statement and has, to the extent and in the manner it has deemed necessary, dis- cussed the contents thereof with officers of the administration of the Issuer. The Board of Commissioners of the Issuer does hereby recite that, upon its examination and discussions, nothing has come to its attention which would lead it to believe that said Official Statement or said Final Official Statement contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, provided that the Board makes no recitation with respect to consideration of information supplied by, or which -2- , " ~. ""1'<":."~i"1:1Il>.V~jl~~ should have been supplied by, the successful bidder for the Bonds. 3. This resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. E.L. Mathews, Jr. seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. The vote on the adoption of the resolution was as follows: AYES: Fred Retchin, Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr., Vice-Chairman E.L. Mathews, Jr. Nolan O'Neal Robert G. Greer NAYS: None . . * . . -3-