1989-04-17 RM Exhibits .. .f NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover 4 Road Description: Eagles Nest Drive and Bethal Road and all of Marsh Hawk Court, Sea Eagle Court, and Duck Haven Court, located in Sections 4A and 4B of Eagles Nest Subdivision - Division File #595-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover ~equesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transpor,tation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of co~~~oners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the/~day Of~ ,1989. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ".1"4. day of ~,1989. Luc'e Harrell, Clerk New nover County Board of Commissioners Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description: Shadow Branch Lane in Beyond the Branch Subdivision - Division File #597-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described roads, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commiss~oners is of the opinion that the above described roads should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the roads meet minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described roads, and to take over the road for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of comm~f~ners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the/~ay of ~ ,1989. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the ItA 'day of ~,1989. ~>< Luc e F. Harrell, Clerk New anover County Board of Commissioners Form Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Div. of Highways. stateres.doc ! - -' :.:;- RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ;". WHEREAS, by Lease Agreement dated June 15, 1987, New Hanover County, as Lessee, leased from Associated Builders corporation, or its Assignee, as Lessor, the improved real property known and designated as Department of Social Services, 1650 Greenfield Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, said premises I bounded on the north by 17th Street, on the South by 16th Street, on the east by Willard Street and on the west by Greenfield Street; and WHEREAS, said Lease provides the County with a Right of First Refusal to purchase said premises at the same price and upon same terms contained in a bona fide written offer submitted to Lessor by a prospective purchaser; and WHEREAS, Lessor, on March 30, 1989, received an offer to purchase said premises for the sum of $3,800,000.00, accepted said offer on April 6, 1989 and furnished County a copy of the offer to purchase on April 14, 1989; and WHEREAS, County has thirty (30) days from date Lessor submits offer to County to either accept or reject the offer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, after reviewing the offer to purchase, hearing comments from members of staff, considering all appropriate facts and figures and discussing the matter in detail, the Board of County Commissioners does hereby exercise its Right of First Refusal, pursuant to Paragraph 29 of said Lease and accepts the offer to purchase the Department of It ::, Social Service Building, consisting of the improved ~eal property conveyed by deed recorded in Book 1376 Page 0533, and fixtures! described in UCC filing 88B-1390 all in New Hanover County Registry, for the sum of $3,800,000.00, AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that this purchase of real and personal property be made by installment contract pursuant to and authorized bY,North Carolina General Statutes ~160A-20, and staff is authorized to retain the services of an investment advisor to. assist in arranging such financing. This 17th day of April, 1989. NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: ~L ~ Fred Retchin, Chairman- Board of Commissioners ~~/~ ucie F. Harre 1 - C erk to the Board . . Name Domoney, John Nelson Karp, Kenneth Brian Marbry, Larry Boyd Malonee, William Michael Schillmoller, Anthony Frederick Spencer, Brenda Jones & Edward Everette :sw Receipt Number 97142 98353 & 98354 98783 98763 & 98764 100045 100346 & 100348 F-1l! ~- t~C4 /. 01 - Id. r.1 . . . . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... ...... ...... .... .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .... ..... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .... . ~~.r:- .. ,- II l3roclatnation Nrw 3J{unnurr(!LUutltu iloar~ of Qtotlltllil1l1 ion,Crl1 WHEREAS, The National Association of Governors' Councils on Physical Fitness and Spo~ts and the Association for Fitness and Business are presenting the first National Employee Health and Fitness Day on Friday, May 19 with the corporate sponsorship of The NutraSweet Company and Converse; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Governor's Council on Physical Fitness in support of North Carolina Employee Health and Fitness Day on May 19; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this event is to encourage North Carolina employers to offer exercise opportunities to their employees for a healthier, more productive work force; and WHEREAS, data indicates that employee fitness programs reduce absenteeism, reduce turnover and increase productivity; and WHEREAS, thousands of public and private sector employees are expected to participate in the National Employee Health and Fitness Day events being held across the country, NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims May 19, 1989, as NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY and urge all employers and employees to participate in this event to dramatize the lifelong benefits of healthy exercise. o/J?L- Fred Retchin, Chairman .~~~ ............................................. ............ ........................ d APRIL 4, 1989 BID BASE BID AL TERNA TE G-1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR LI CENSE BOND ACOUSTICAL WALL FABRIC' DONALD C. NEAL POB 3793 4228 5% $108,824.00 + $880.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 HARNETT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY POB 3867 DI D NOT BI D WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 WALDKI RCH & SAUNDERS COMPANY 13792 , PO B 1 1 67 5% $119,440.00 + $980.00 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 JACOBS BUI LDERS, INC. POB 1399 13267 5% $129,116.00 +$1,116.00 JACKSONVI LLE, NC 28541 SMITH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF WHITEVI L E PO B 1 00 DID NOT BI D WHITEVI LLE, NC 28472 INSIGHT BUI LDERS $5,500 314 QUEEN STREET 21800 tERTI FI ED $105,640.00 + $850.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28401 CHECKS GRAKA BUI LDERS, INC. 19457 5% POB 1343 $119,608.00 + $800.00 WHITEVI LLE, NC 28472 LUTHER T. ROGERS, I NC 5% $119,500.00 +$1,100.00 POB 3575 962 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 ""R E N 0'" ON FOR THE CFCC NURSING PROGRAM, NHC E.GENCY MED I CAL SERV ICES SLDG w LM I NGTON,. '" APRIL 4, 1989 l -. BID PLUMB I NG CONTRACTOR LICENSE BOND BASE BID KELL Y PLUMBI NG COMPANY 6797 8137 MARKET STREET 5% $12,735.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28405 S NEE DEN, I NC . POB 3548 480 5% $26,800.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 JAMES L. CAYTON & ASSOCIATES PO B 3 1 98 1697 5% $30,342.00 NEW BERN, NC 28560 RENO. ONS FOR CFCC NURS I NG PROGRAM, NHC EMEACY MEDICAL SERVICES BUILDING, w LMINGTor.C -. APRIL 4, 1989 BID MECHAN I CAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE BOND BASE BID BLANTON & COMPANY PO B 2 1 1 3 6924 5% $38,759.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28402 CANNON HEATI NG & AI R 3062 POB 3221 5% $31,330.00 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28405 SNEEDEN INC. POB 3548 DID NOT BID WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 SOUTHEASTERN HEATING & AIR POB 3837 6934 5% $22,743.00. WILMINGTON, NC 28406 , - - RENO. ONS FOR CFCC NURSING PROGRAM, NHC EMER.CY MEDICAL SERVICES BLDG., w LM I NGTON, NC. WATSON ELECTRICAL CON. CO PO B 3 1 05 WI LSON, NC 27895 DIDNOTBID REAGAN ELECTRICAL CON POB 4066 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 NC DID NOT BID UNITED ELECTRIC CO/CARV PO B 732 APEX, NC 27502 NC DID NOT BID HODGES ELECTRIC COMPANY 3911 WRIGHTSVI LLE AVE WI LMI NGTON, NC 28403 3276U 5% $45, 400.00 HARRIS ELECTRIC COMPANY POB 4487 WI LMI NGTON, NC 28406 7877U 5% $42 AO O. 0 0 CAPE FEAR ELECTRIC POB 3095 WllMI NGTON, NC 28406 4470U 5% $4 1,830.00 NC ELECTR I CAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE BID BOND BASE BID APR RENDe L 4, 989 ON FOR CFCC NURS I NG PROGRAM, NHC EMERa v MED I CAL SERV I CES BLDG., w LMINGTON. NC. " .~ - .. ............................................................... ~'..................................... . ~~ ~~ - l . N em ){unuutr QLnuntl1 l' 1JJoar~ of QtOtUtttil1l1 ionerl1 1!\tsulutiun WHEREAS, state law (GS 7A-542) requires that the county director of social services shall establish protective services for juveniles alleged to be abused, neglected or dependent; and WHEREAS, state law (GS 7A-542) requires that these protective services must include the investigation of complaints, casework or other counseling to parents or other caretakers as provided by the Director to help the parents or the caretakers and the court to prevent child abuse and neglect, to improve the quality of child care, to be more adequate parents or caretakers, and to preserve and stabilize family life; and WHEREAS, state law (GS 7A-544) requires that the county director of social services shall make a prompt and thorough investigation of all reports of suspected abuse or neglect; and WHEREAS, the number of children reported as abused and neglected has dramatically increased in New Hanover County from 766 in 1985 to 1714 in 1988 and continues to rise in 1989 with 690 children reported in the first three months of 1989; and WHEREAS, all federal funding available to the county for all social services including Children's Protective Services has been reduced since 1981; and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina provides only $1 million to the 100 counties for Children's .Protective Services; and " m ~ . ~ ,~I-t. ~t' ( ~f!~-=5~~. . _, ~J.t ~ ~'-~ ~. ............................................................................................................. . ~ , ., WHEREAS, New Hanover County receives only $13,000 in state funding to provide- this essential, state-mandated service; and WHEREAS, consideration approximately Services, House by $12 Bill 401 and Senate Bill 327 under the General Assembly will provide million for Children's Protective NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does strongly support and endorse passage of House Bill 401 and Senate Bill 327 and full funding for the Children's Protective Services appropriation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be made available to the New Hanover County Board of Social Services, the' New Hanover County Legislative Delegation; Senator Frank Block, Representative Harry Payne, Representative Alex Hall, Representative David Redwine, and to Speaker of the House, Joe Mavretic, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Henson Barnes, Governor James Martin and Lieutenant Governor Jim Gardner. ~J?tL=- F d Retchin, Chairman r I . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru March 31, 1989 1988 1987 Charged Per Scroll $ 29,424,869.54 $ 29,857,277.53 Discoveries Added 3,181,181.98 2,811,668.07 $ 32,606,051. 52 $ 32,668,945.60 Less Abatements 256,615.16 303,202.83 Total Taxes Due $ 32,349,436.36 $ 32,365,742.77 Collections to Date - 30,649,889.06 - 31,003,083.54 Outstanding Balance $ 1,699,547.30 $ 1,362,659.23 Percentage Collected 94.75% 95.79% Back Taxes -- Real Estate Taxes $ 657,096.13 $ 656,037.34 Less Abatements 3,061.08 712.44 Collections to Date 401,869.75 388,998.38 Outstanding Balance $ 252,165.30 $ 266,326.52 Percentage Collected 61. 45% 59.36% Personal Property $ 1,421,461.54 $ 1,359,550.21 . Less Abatements 57,307.40 72,990.02 Collections to Date 165,118.98 151,943.62 Outstanding Balance $ 1,199,035.16 $ 1,134,616.57 Percentage Collected 12.10% 11. 81% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - March - $40,851.36 - YTD - $822,859.88 Privilege License Collections - March - $653.75 - YTD - $17,911.43 EMS Collections - March - $150.00 - YTD - $1,446.72 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $48,210,042.32. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988. Respectfully submitted, rv Cl.-~C l't;l,. <:;';\, r2.al~ Q\..., Patricia J. Rayrlot U Collector of Revenue P JR: sw . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Collections thru March 31, 1989 1988 1987 Charged Per Scroll $ 804,179.15 $ 795,449.65 Discoveries Added 53,919.47 93,414.63 $ 858,098.62 $ 888,864.28 Less Abatements 6,289.94 51,823.38 Total Taxes Due $ 851,808.68 $ 837,040.90 Collections to Date - 820,599,64 - 805,305.81 Outstanding Balance $ 31,209.04 $ 31,735.09 Percentage Collected 96.34% 96.21% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 14,623.45 $ 9,020.63 Less Abatements 425.63 5.24 Collections to Date 8,342.05 5,271.91 Outstanding Balance $ 5,855. 77 $ 3,743.48 Percentage Collected 58.76% 58.48% Personal Property Taxes $ 14,582.52 $ 9,334.52 Less Abatements 237.18 420.93 Collections to Date 2,656.06 2,100.05 . Outstanding Balance $ 11,689.28 $ 6,813.54 Percentage Collected 18.52% 23.56% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988. Respectfully submitted, 'Vc...ty-) c.; t~ 9\, 1~V)''1 ""-" Patricia J. Ra~or 0 Collector of Revenue PJR: sw . . . . t CONSENT AGENDA Abatements and Refunds April 7, 1989 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: Agil, Musa A. Austin & Son Garage Barnwell, Donna Leigh Barnwell, William Lawrence Beacham, Edward Forrest Beasley, Joseph Gulley Jr. Benton, Lonnie Steven Benton, Lonnie William Bishop, Raymond Eugene & Reva Diane Boney, Leslie Norwood III Bridgers, Alvin Dart Brown, Carol Marie Brown, John Carter Brown, Michael Wayne Buckhanan, Gwendolyn B. Chafin, Shelley Leigh Cribb, Jimmy Dozier Corbett, David Monro II Curtiss, Hobert Harry Desantis. Bobbie Rae Drose, Samuel Arden Ellers, Lois Holland Faircloth, Robert Wayne Forsythe, Debora Kay Gilmore, Charles William Gornto, Laura Deanes -Greene, Harold Venard Hendren, John Herron Jr. Hetu, Ronald Paul Jackson, Ruby Neeley John, Joe Robert Jr. Joye, Brenda Lee Kaikaka, Gary Wayne Kehrley, Doreen Kerr Leasing, Inc. Kharrat, Fawzia Latham, Dorothy Olivia Lennon, Rena Singleton- Life Center of Wilmington Long, William Ardell Lyons, Joanne Marie Moore, Lewis Newsbank, Inc. Nielander, Mark Edward Pecora, Martha Ruth Peterson, Curtis Wayne Pitts, Michael Todd Po~ter, Edgar Lennox $ 6.35 (Refund) 48.01 218.96 96.23 28.85 24.40 29.46 43.77 75.99 99.09 80.00 39.34 125.95 45.71 10.28 (.55 Refund) 84.16 69.84 (1985 Refund) 27.41 2.02 (1983) 9.50 (Refund) 32.51 12.38 69.44 111.43 (Refund) 17.82 128.98 98.30 118.41 (1986) 104.59 29.46 45.22 22,80 124.53 49.04 66.20 9.34 48.01 55.06 (1983) 5,361.29 11.40 (1986) 58.91 (Refund) 48.57 (1986) 242.32 64.35 54.28 14.68 149.81 (Refund) 79.59 (1983) . . . Consent Agenda Page 2 April 7, 1989 Purdy, Nathaniel Jr. Robertson, William Gemmell III Robinson, Joyce Dowless Russ, Vernita Grady Sidbury, George Timothy Agnes Spicer Siebold, David Penn Stricker, Jerome Lee Strickland, Jennifer Ann Sullivan, Scott Robert Tinsley, Theodore Waddell, Clifford Earl Jr. Wallace, John Wilson, David Sanderson Wilson, Richard Alfred 12.38 169.35 43.77 69.72 (1987) 36.32 99.09 48.49 (1985) 34.07 24.70 98.70 160.30 2.53 (Refund) 24.06 (1987) 18.23 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: Bowden, Ethel Mae Harvin Colony Club at Landfall Combo, Charles Ray Faircloth, Tate Jr. Foley, Jeffrey T. Candy B. Foy, Sheila Renee Gurganus, Cyrus Daniel Jr. Gurganus, Lisa Burger House, Fernand Duane Kharrat, Fawzia King, Karen Lee Jimmy Douglas McGee, David Mintz, Rodney Henry Jr. Northcott, Frances Delee Rivenbark Olson, Janet A. Q'Sheilds, Claud Jr. Pender, Franklin Pender, James Jr. Pernell Price, Ralph M. Susan S. Price, Robert Jr. Prince, David C. Realty, James Holland Rogers, Hubert F. Slade, Ulysses Marvin Jr. Summerlin, Frances JoAnne Thornton, George Stephen Todd, Jerry Andrew Wald-Jacobsen, Delores Faye Wallace, Joseph G. 25.07 (1980) 3,600.00 11.02 (1986) 34.07 (1987) 86.92 (Refund) 23.59 (1984-1988 14.59 Refund) 72 .11 (Refund) 31. 02 (Refund) 52.21 (1983) 177 . 39 81.93 (Refund) 92.98 242.42 149.81 95.89 (Refund) 7.74 (1986) 107.87 (1985) 69.23 (1986) 91. 65 (Refund) 18.87 (1983) 77.55 (Refund) 97.51 (Refund) 92.98 59.77 (1983) 7.76 (Refund) 16.93 10.86 (1986) 85.30 30.36 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: Chahoc, Mary Ethel B. 17.42 . . . Consent Agenda Page 3 April 7, 1989 Cherry Nancy D. Cougar, Mary Ann Computerized Power Mgmt. Inc. Devane, Dora J. Dumouchel, George L. Foley, Candy Grosardt, Edward Walter Grosardt, Sandy Lee Key, Paul Page, Timothy Wayne Pridgen, Robin Ruth Pulley, Gene Arthur Jr. Rader, Patricia Faye Rogers, Luther Thomas III Russ, Vernita Grady Slaughter, Martin Troy Todd, Timothy Lloyd Wilson, David Sanderson Zibelin, Gary Williams 47.78 47.78 86.09 186.51 (1987 & 1988 Refund) 107.59 (Refund) 129.85 (1987 Refund) 33.97 47.68 185.08 4.11 (1984) 48.51 (Refund) 105.89 6.46 (1985) 21. 01 .14 (1986 Refund) 45.98 44.04 (1986) 10.26 106.79 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayers certify they made their listings during the regular listing period or were confused by the wording on the abstract: Batts, Alton Franklin Etux. Buckhanan, Roy Burris, James Robert Callan, James William Corbett, Patricia Ellis Fox, Martha Darnell Hendren, John Herron Jr. Insley, James Markie Jones, Mildred Stanbro Koonce, Maury Walton Murphy, Delores Sweat Rodden, Kenneth Scott Russ, Vernita Grady Stukes, Joseph Dionne Stukes, Mary Jefferson Thomas, Callie Floyd Tuttle, Mary Louise 9.94 .77 (Refund) 15.16 (Refund) 26.62 (Refund) 19.15 (Refund) 11. 95 4.62 1. 54 (Refund) 1. 82 (Refund) 5.01 (Refund) 1. 49 (Refund) 3.40 (Refund) 5.70 3.63 (Refund) 4.03 (3.32 Refund) .96 (Refund) 2.60 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispriced vehicles and boats, parcel and building charged incorrectly, 'additional charge charged in error; and DMV transferred title in wrong name: Anderson, Stewart Thomas Andree, Stephan Petper Barclays Bank of N.C. 37.66 (Refund) 21.11 (Refund) 165.33 . . . Consent Agenda Page 4 April 4, 1989 Electric Repair Filippini, Nello A, Gurganus, Cyrus D. Jr. Lisa Kroeker, Dcrothy Sutton, IVey James Swartz, James Randall Sandra Jean Teal, Larry D. Thompson, Dallas Thornton, George Stephen Vass, Karl D. Sr. Patricia R. 81. 90 1,228.83 (1,153.98 Refund) 4.95 (Refund) 3.68 25.11 93.95 108.89 6.19 (Refund) 39.75 156.04 (Refund) Recommend release and/or refund of DMV civil penalty due to certification of January listing, confusion of listing requirement if good record in prior years, penalty charged in error, penalty charged in error due to plate expiration date, vehicle double charged, vehicle listed in another county; taxpayer military, and penalty relief for first offense: Affemann, Michael Barnwell, William Lawrence Barnwell, Donna Leigh Beasley, Joseph Gulley Jr. Benton, Lonnie Steven Bishop, Reva Dian Boney, Leslie Norwood III Bridgers, Alvin Dart Brooks, Michael Ernest Brown, Michael Wayne Bryant, Jo Ann Buckhanan, Roy Burris, Sarah McCauley Chafin, Shelley Leigh Coley, James Davidson Combo, Charles Ray Cook, William Douglas Corbett, Patricia Ellis Deboever, Harold Lee Jr. Devane, Daniel Drose, Samuel Arden Faison, Ernest Frederick Fox, Martha Darnell Gurganus, Cyrus Daniel Jr. Haskell, David Arseni Hendren, John Herron Jr. Insley, James Markie Jarrett, Robert Mark Joye, Brenda Lee Kaikaka, Gary Wayne Kelley, Cornelius Martin Livingston, Sidney Lanier Long, Patricia Garber 100.00 (Refund) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (Refund) 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 102.75 (Refund) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 (Refund) ~;. . . . Consent Agenda Page 5 April 7, 1989 Lyons, Joanne Marie Marshall, John Michael McDonough, Patrick Henry Jr. McNeil, Henry Porter Jr. Mintz, Rodney Henry Jr. Murphy, Delores Sweat Nielander, Mark Edward Northcott, Frances Delee Pecora, Martha Ruth Pitts, Michael Todd Rayburn, Linda Margene Realty James Holland Redfearn, Christy Michele Robinson, Joyce Dowless Rodden, Kenneth Scott Schroeder Roofing Co., Inc. Slaughter, Martin Troy Smith, Jerry Wayne Smith, Mark Stephen Starling, Chester Orlando Jr. Stukes, Joseph Dionne Stukes, Mary Ruth Thomas, Callie Floyd Thompson, Teresa Lynett Tuttle, Mary Louise Waddell, Clifford Earl Jr. Weaver, Mary Legwin 100.00 100.00 200.00 (10.00 Refund) 200.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (Refund) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 102.75 (Refund) :sw Copy: E. Wells Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue B. Shell Internal Auditor .CONSENT AGENDA DATE: L{ - / 7 ITEM No.1 <{ .J-/\' MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Lucie Harrell Clerk to the Board FROM: Roland G. Register Tax Administrator p&tL\PJ SUBJECT: Addition to Abatement/Refund Report DATE: April 14, 1989 Please add the following items to the abatement/refund report for the April 17, 1989 meeting: Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayer was confused by the abstract: Broome, Elizabeth Ann Broome, John 3.67 (Refund) 4.93 (Refund) Recommend release and/or refund of DMV civil penalty due to confusion of listing requirement if good record in prior years: Broome, Elizabeth Ann 100.00 (Refund) :sw Copy: E. Wells Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue B. Shell Internal Auditor