1989-05-01 RM Exhibits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . .. .. ~ . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . ~~ ,:.' .:" .:.; '\:',..; "'f"".. ..,~';. '. . ~;~ .-" . ...., .t".... t. ,.\:-; "~4"-"'~' .... ',4, '.." ~If " '. '~'. 'J; . : ,:' " ;~ tUtJhi~~ut~~~untt! :.: ..'; . . ,_ ~ -:' . ""..:.'." '.. .:;...._:t...:.".'........,,... t ',~ ,0' '.~r ".><,.. . . C.... .~;..'.; ..'~ . ~...; .' . : ' ' , . ..' . ,'i .'. J:'!" . ,"':". :~. " . '. ,(;. : :::.I~~:: iBnarr.' nf Qtnmmht6innerll':,'.:.: '..:, ":" '. . i ", .,i....,I .:~' , 1...\ . . , ........;.,; -;::".;:.;;}~ m~~n'\'lu' 't"t~n'.';~n:;;" /,'. ;.,,: . . '. . ',".,., . 4::...:.';.;_.'~r.~..:j:.:;._ .~' ~~'I':i';e.,.,.. ...~#-;... .:~: ~ :Ii;,.'" , . .... :._ ,;r:..:~~: '. .-", ;;:,': ;. . I' . .' .' '. '. . . ". - . . .' .. .. ,: . ,,<:,;' "): .~. ..;':r~.. Ff'\'!' ;',i . '. '.;:''',., i";'- <(." 'V' . . "'- _.' ';.. . . " . .... 1,. . ~,,', ... i-' .:'< .~':.'/ ~',' ': ",;'; . . ,'.:'" /:':>,~. ,.,.; .. .... . C:": ,,. :J~;;}~;:i~.J;:.<>A~r!c:.;r:;'.,.\ . " :~~,::,.::, ". '. . .^ .' '. .,":. 'WHEREAS,' th~Highway,:Study corrunissionhas' recorrunended to the . ;--'. General Assembly,that a majorJ..highway'.funding program be added to '):.~e:e~isting program;' Cind'.:;. !.,.:~ " ,;,. L<, " ;'. ,.... '. .: ',' ....' '.~ f':"'~.J.:: .~,.:...:-r.l(; ...~~~..l..t.::. ...., ......... . ." WHEREAS,'this" program is.' called the North :Carolina . Highway >:,: Trust Fund with distribution':of, monies for:~:.;'" <, :~, :.'/; ".:" ;.-.:',,:..,. ~:..~" '. .;'/ '-:: . .''.' 'f:-~;'. ;;; ":: :;. \\,:~ ';:: ;:>:'.; 'i-'-.'" i";' .' f:' "-';': .<:. ',:'. '.\, ..;',::-The' North': Carolina Intrastate System' /"," ','; '>-UrbanLoop'Projects'.. "':;:,.,", '.: " >".: .... ".' - :'-Secondary-Road:.construction '," ,..... '" .... ..: . .,;\-A Supplement .to.'::<t}:le.:.Transportation Improvement '. . '....:. ',.:.::....,:;.~:.:program """i;,. ..-:;'..:'.',',;. ':':h'.'.!~' .... - .,'. . .} . :. <-.Increasesin' ~owe.ll",Bill' Funding;. and' ~; , .;: < ~ .... . . ..",..~ ". ~ ':' i'. ~ .': ' '.; :.' :1 :" .~. :': .... '~l -..~~: .' ;.,' .; ~ . . , '.:.'. WHEREAS, ':.this' "program- will:: greatly ';improve. access to New'~', . Hanover' County,: from the .north"and1 west. . via ;., U ~ S. Highway 17,' . U. S..: Highway',76 ,and N. \.c. Highway 87;', and, will' construct : the.' . '. Northern Outer Loop' and".," ~. L' ,.,. . ". " :': / .::. .~:'..'. . . ~..,.' .,..: .)" -. ~, ~\ .'1 .~. ... >#>, '. .:. WHEREAS~'.:this 'program wiLl,' assist New .Hanover County in : attra,ctin~ .in..d}lstry:'~n~ :v,i.sit~r~ "t.pour ~rea; .~, l-'/:,}.J~. '.,;)-'=,~-.t.,....t "'~"....~.' ."/. ._.......) ".,'~,' .~: NOW 'THEREFORE' BE' IT" RESOLVED,:; that. the' New Hanover County. '. Board' of. Corrunissioners; hereby ,supports" and endorses the' recorrunendationof, the ,Hi ghway;' study Corruniss~on.'" . :.,. :;',,:,,:.. ". . ~'.~,..:~.i~...~::~;.~t,~ . ~\,"" :" ....;.~l.~... :;.",..' '. . ,,:.~,;,,~ :~':.'~'~"',,:"''':.< - ~dopted the ~ 1st 'day,".of.: May,' 1989. ":', '. . , : "',"~.:;.[" '''''. '>;."....' ,':,.~,.;..~. r.' ;"'ttL"'! ' ~~,;;\~ .~; '('.";' . :,./.:'-..,:' . '. . ~ ,.' .' .':. Fred Retchin . ..' . '< Chairman . ~'. .& ? I> ; '''... oil.. . ,:'i' ..:' ':'. '. '::.. "i':tL:=.:} .::(;~~,.:.. ~ :.' . . .. '~', ~'r. r'. . ~ b l I; ~ :.:. '.;- -"i; . ~, . , .' f' :'~ .. '; ''': ~. \:, .":" ".~ ,. .... . ~ ~..~. 1: . ~. .' ~-, ;,' . .... ," . ',' '. . ...... . , , . . ~' i .f .... , ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: " Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New I Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is ./ hereby amended as follows: Modify Section 65-1(3) as follows: (3) Building lots having access over a private driveway or easement at least thirty (30) feet in width to a road as defined in section 23-86, provided the driveway or easement is an easement appurtenant to three (3) or fewer lots and the easement is solely owned by a lot owner or in common by three (3) or fewer lot owners. section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabi tants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 1st day of May 1989. ~?#t;an Attest: "",'''111''''''/ ", OV'"R ttl ~~' "-~ ~ C III ..~ , '1..1" 0 '-" .... ~ ~~ ........ '/ a " ... .- .~.. ' ,: L~: .. e. _y ~ : ~ ... ... ~ ~ ... ..- .. . . .. : : ~ = : . . ;: :.. : : = - . . ~ :... ,~.~ ..". S ;.. ~'l.-. ":. -. IUFO::tT'~".):~,' ~ .."", .. H.ouS).,." ." ~ ..... A. '. .. ~ ~ ,,"1'0 .......... ~'-~",. ""I 'Rl"J-/ C;.:v.O\; ~~....~ "," .tt' 1111",.de". (~d~ CI rk to the Board ~ .:. I ................... II.............. 11.11 II.......... II" . ... II" Ii. .,... . II' ...... II...... . . . ... .... ....... 1.1. .. . .. .. . .. . 1~~--tt3 0~ ' ~ I ~~ ~~~1'l {~V \. "' . ~I N.em JIannucf Qtnuntl1 ., ., ., ., .j " :1 .1 :/ " ~i ., ./ "' :1 ~I ~I :1 " Ii .j '1 :1 " :1 .j ., '1 of .1 ., '1 " ., ./ ., '1 ., ./ ., ., ., of ., ., ., ., .r :! " .' ., ., ., :1 ., ., :! ., ., '1 ., ., :1 :1 ., .1 :1 ~I :1 ~I :/ ., ., ., ., :l .i ./ ., '1 ., ., .1 ., :i ., ., ., ., iBoarll of Qtommillll ionerll " . . . . . . :/ ~roclamation WHEREAS, The National Association of Governors' Councils on Physical Fitness and Sports and the Association for Fitness and Business are presenting the first National Employee Health and Fitness Day on Friday , May 19 with the corporate, sponsorship of The NutraSweet Company and Converse; and I ~I '1 :1 WHEREAS, the North Carolina Governor's Council on Physical Fitness in support of North Carolina Employee Health and Fitness Day on May 19; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this event is to encourage North Carolina employers to offer exercise opportunities to their employees for a healthier, more productive work force; and WHEREAS, data indicates that employee fitness programs reduce absenteeism, reduce turnover and increase productivity; and WHEREAS, thousands of public and private sector employees are expected to participate in the National Employee Health and Fitness Day events being held across the country, NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims May 19, 1989, as NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY and urge all employers and employees to participate in this event to dramatize the lifelong benefits of healthy exercise. q'~~ Fred Retchin, Chairman . . . .. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE LOY S RECOMMENDED THAT THE CONTRACT BE AYARDED TO DATE SCHEDULE 3A. APRON LIGHTING TOTAL UN IT PR I CE I I AIRPORT BID PROPOSALS REAGAN ELECTRIC BARNES & POYELL TOTAL UN IT PR I CE TOTAL 4,405.00 6.575.00 4,050.00 2,640.20 * 19,264 00 475 475.00 875.00 10.560.00 640.00 2 9.600.00 .' 2,912.00 728.00 2.200.00 ------------- -------------~ 16.960.00 I 029.35 * 6,195.00 00 3.780.00 00 875 2.400.00 550.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ONAL NTERNAT HANOVER COUNTY NEY NAL APRON TERM NEY UN IT PR I CE 4,405.00 4.25 210.00 LS LS EA 4 EA 4 I I I I. IMOBI LIZAT ION ICABLE TRENCH 1#8, 5KV CABLE INSTALLED IN ITRENCH, DUCT, OR CONDUIT 1#6 BARE COPPER COUNTERPOISE IINSTALLED IN TRENCH, INCLUD IGROUND RODS AND GROUND CON- INECTORS ITWO-YAY ELECTRICAL DUCT 12-INCH E.P.V.C. CONDUIT 12-INCH STEEL CONDUIT IM.I. TIY LIGHTS, BASE-MOUNTED I IN PLACE IM.I. TIY LIGHTS, STAKE-MOUNTED I IN PLACE IREMOVAL OF EXISTING T/W LIGHTS lAND CABLE ITAXIWAY GUIDANCE SIGNS I PLACE IRELOCATE EXISTING IGUIDANCE SIGN 1-- --- 1 TOTAL QUANTITIES SCHEDULE OF 0.59 0.54 12.28 5.30 12.11 448.00 TOTAL 4,000.00 2.340.00 2.970.00 N YAY TAX ITABULAT I IDATE RECE I IFOR: 1----- I 1----- I I ITEM I & 1--- 11. I 2. I 3. I I 4. I I I I 5. I 6. I 7. I 8. I I 9. I 110 I 111 I 112 I I I T S CORRECT ON S TO CERT THIS BI BY BIDS 3/1/89 OF VED ON NO SPEC 5.250.00 3,375.00 4,300.00 16,000.00 1,870.0U 13.545.00 CE 000.00 0.60 65 50 0.45 20.00 5.00 22.00 00 00 O. PR 315 T 4, UN T UN LS LF EA LF LF LF LF EA LF QUANTITY LS 3.900 3 10.500 500 215 200 85 43 18 7, NG TEM P-150 L-108 L-108 L-108 L-110 L-110 L-110 L-125 L-125 L-125 L-125 L-125 845.55 * 89 325.00 66 *MATHEMATICALLY CORRECTED SCHEDULE 3A BID BASE I I I V, ,1'1',(" ?:/{) 800~, PAGE J45~1 (] 382' .' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF NAMING A PRIVATE DRIVE/EASEMENT ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the naming of a private road, located in Cape Fear Township approximately 600 feet east of Marathon Landing Subdivision, extending north 725 feet to its termination and recorded as part of Deed Book '97 6, Page 187 and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, May 1, 1989, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in a t least two (2) locations along said roacf~ and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said road in New Hanover County should be named and the naming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, ,THEREFORE, IT I S ORDAINED AND DECREED tha t the above described road is hereby named CHIPPEWA TRAIL. IT IS FURTHER ,ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road ip accordance with N.C. General Statute 153A-240. This the 1st day of May, 1989. CJ;{~ 1?~ Fred Retchin, Chairman, Attest: ~", ,1 tI't II.., "III ....... ~~OVER C "'" ..' , \" 0 ".. ..",," ~ "C.. ............ U ";~ :" .!i A1'" ~ ". 1:-, ~ ....""C'". ~-, .,1-.,. .... ~ - . .",. : . . /~.- . ~ : : '~~N,~1-' - ~ :: : . J;zs...., t::"4.~1t . ;: :.. ~ ~'Nr':f;\.4~~"" : :: ~ . ".;_ ' \',.,,;; a. ~ .. ..' ~\"!~.'.:. .~j;..~..~ . ".. :: ~ -. " ~~~.:::>/.. ~ -:. "_ ""r::;'PT,.r;tf.'oRTJ o. t: ..... .. ttIDUS;.AY .0. ~ "" .A, ." . b... ~ ", '1'0 #.0...... \~,-" "'''''' 'RrJ-I CAfj).,O'v ......'....'... '" 1\' """11111111 RECORDED ,HI [) YE f\ I F I ED REBECCA P, ';UCi\ER REG1STEF GF C;;:C'S HE\'! HP~Tl;--,'~G, ~iC MdY 23 10 33 AM '89 RnUHNEDTO~~ 01. U::fNClfll.:H::-" : \ I ;") l~~ i"AGf EASEMENT NAMING CHIPPEWA TRAIL Scale: I": 400. SN 48 5/89 I ;.y(":, /i'\)\'.f ",r:; "/C ::.~ + ,145 ", I 'b I' U383 :'/( /3 \ + \, ./ ~ l RUSSELL COOK iSUZANNE WILSON 4, MADALYNNE JONES 3. THOMAS LENNON ~ , ".;-.i,"-: ~': ", ..-:,'. '. .... . /. . EXfHl1lNNATION S~J\1ltMENT TO CORRECT OBVIOUS IN AN INSTRUME~~~AS ORIGINALL~ RECORDED 145/ 0384 MINOR ERROR(S) MADE RE: BOOK 1455 PAGE 981, 982 RECORDED IN THE New Hanover COUNTY REGISTRY NAMES OF ALL PARTIES TO THE ORIGINAL INSTRUHENT: GRANTORS: Thomas Lennon (Petitioner) New Hanover County GRANTEES: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF New Hanover I/WE, The Undersigned, hereby certify that the following corrections are made in the above named recorded instrument in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 47-36.1 ratified June 30, 1986. DESCRIPTION OF CORRECTION(S): Book 1455, Page 981 located in Cae Fear Township approximately 600 feet east (not west) of Marathon Landing Book 1455, page 982 (map) - M. Jones property fronts Marathon Avenue, T. Lennon owns near portion. THIS, THE 23rd DAY OF May 19 89 S, Q, l~ l.t.J, ('I Q/>LJ (SEAL) .S. A. Burqess (Staff Planner) (SEAL) ( SEAL) ( SEAL) This explanation statement together with the attached instrument duly rerecorded at lO:l3 0 I <?lock A. H this the 23 day of May , 19 89 in the Book and page shown on the first page hereof. REBECCA P. TUCKER Register of Deeds \ By Q ~ tt;, ~__ De p u t'y / A i::; 0. n t Reg i s t 0 f Dee d s (JD :"\ ~ f S !'i\;~ i.d~~ , ,~'-oJ ..~./' :~ ~ RECORDE,:~ M, Dy,;:i=, i FlED REBEC-Cf\ P. ~UC~ CR R >= C I <:. F' ," I, C' " S H \€w 'f~'.'; .; ~I,.' . ~:~: ~~'.;. He , , ,,,) 0 ;:i iJ j (,) "'-, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~FORE .THE BOARD OF, Hny 8 I 30 Pi, t~UNTY cOMMtssION~S IN THE MATTER OF RENAMING DICK AVENUE ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the renaming of a public road (Dick Avenue) to Pavilion Place, located in Harnett Township approximately 250 feet west of the Burke AvenuejWrightsville Avenue intersection, extending north 575 feet to its intersection with Eastwood Road and recorded as part of Deed Book 52, Page 563 and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, May 1, 1989, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the renaming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is ofthe opinion that said road in New Hanover County should be renamed and the renaming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT I S ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby named Pavilion Place. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County ,North Carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statute 153A-240. ;jU This the 1st day of May, 1989. ~~, Fred Retchin, Chairman RETURNED TO ~Ni/ it/i... (;v H (' ~~~""" ""," '" ~,~ oVER '" ..' h."\ C " .... ,'l.r'\' 0 ..... ,...' ...\ "(' .......... V'" .... ~ ._ a. ~ ~ ~ ~ It" ~..\ J '. :A -:. .. ""- ~.~. ',I.. ~ : .:. ,. - ~.' 7j: a.. ~ ::; . d~, \."~. YJ. ::. - . " ' '" " \. - _ . ,", ..-....::......_...1,'.. .(,. ko - . -\.; ~:~~: .. - : * ~ _:i""',' G",(S,: , ,. . .-II~\f~:_// . ~;: :. .. ~//.. ,~ ~ . IIoIPOAT,'EXNnTS. ... ~ .,. tHDVS;nr .e ~ ~ A-io.. .' ~ ........ ;''''' ""-;0 .......... \~ " ','f') ~, " '" "1'1-/ Cf'..'iJ-O "" tt" \\\\ ",,,,,,,'1\\\ '~/~ to the Board (J Idl717/ns ) /- /~ ROAD RENAMING . ---~ .'... L) ~~j (~i lJ /' '''''- / / From: Dick Avenue to Pavi liqn Place Scale: /": 4001 ~ I UN ITED CAROLINA BANK 2',GEORGE THOMPSON JR, 3 HOWARD HESS . " 4 'RUBY BRISSON 5' JAMES TAYl,.OR JR, ~ ' ANDREWS SR, " ~~~~HM:~L MANAGEMENT co 10 '.............. .~ ~'-'~ p ---------- ~ "'~~._---- <:~0 r'\ "to, , " \J t f..: f - :\ :., ~ '! 4 ~ 0 ( nor" U:Ju-J RECORDED AIW VEPiFIED Pi:.'Bt:'CC> " "'U. . ' .t,,- ..... In, r. r :c:~ '~R R Eel S T :- [) ,^ c' r,', - ~ u ~\Jf f~\' ":':,:,',, l/,:,..,,'j~ n.... r: 1,1. "; ".' . . .": G ~..:. ,l.{C CAROLINA HAT B jj I 30 PH '89 HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF 'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , STATE OF NORTH COUNTY OF NEW IN THE MATTER OF NAMING A PRIVATE DRIVE/EASEMENT ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners bf New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the naming of a private road, located in Cape Fear Township approximately 600 feet west of Marathon Landing Subdivision, extending north 725 feet to its termination and recorded as part of Deed Book 522, Page 482 and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on Monday, May 1, 1989 at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said road in New Hanover County should be named and the naming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT I S ORDAINED AND DECREED tha t the above described road is hereby named John Grady Road IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of Transportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statute 153A-240. 4>.' ......\ tJ ~-~ ...'1_"J This the 1st day of May, 1989. ,~ttL Fred Retchin, Chairman Attest: ~d~ CI k to the Board ' RETURNEO/O Ifti~J 1/rJiLOv Ii c (0 \ q n'l i n ~ 1 r-: r ' ~ nn~ ':" ;l l;; :~~~; :J ,~.j~':; ~;~ /i EASEMENT NAMING John Grady Road II 0 I Scale: I = 4 0 SN- 49 5189 / ~ J ~r-----.. . -, .. -,.._,.... . ---....-., "_u_.. '---'--"--Tr-- 8 ~6 . 16 --- 9 ..____1--'" 22 . I V - " V 10 17 / ill---j - 15 II '---- 10,1 + I--- ~ I cq . D . II "r-- I~ 20 . . ~ 0 . 1 i /9 -' ... I E!] , 20,3 7 . 1/ . I a 13 14 <:l: a f-- i?:....... <:l: 0 --- .. ------ , Q: '---- 1.1 - t---r I~.I f- 21 -- iiJ >- 12 -- Q , 20,2 ' FL 1) m . UJ I ~ 12.2 20.1 cD . 2 2 I UJ " I I :x: 9- , ROCKHILL ROAn I J .. I I 1 -1 ~ "- -" 10.... - ~ 2 @ b::: I (' " CDI.<<- ' '. ~ I 4 3 JOHN GRADY ROAD 1rG' 5 ~ . 8 ~ 6 \ I I .........lIlII! 1 ~-- 'y ~'. .~: . - I - I~ I.ANNIE SIMPSON 2.SARA BONEY 3.HARRY DORSEY 4. JAMES PENDER 5, R.E,aUCK 6, JOHN GRADY D " \ - , % . \ \ . I 2/75 .~ " . . . ! '" \ \ - - vV V . :'.' ~! l,\- 10' .. . .......'..................................................................................................... "''''h, ,.,...;.t'" '" ~ ~,.,. ~\ ~-..'Y""-:-....::.f~"1. "',y .", V"..,.... ~'I' ";,;"'1;., '"'~'~ l:/).oP" r: J:,';'~'" -;:;:~~y,,\..,:,;l\,t4i.~l~~~:::;~$ ~: t;:f;4!:\~;r."f\~" ~,l~",~.:tl~' .I~\~l' ",~ ,L . " ,., "' ' " ~.. ".' , 'l- ~ 'N , , , , ~ )""~'T'';.' 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'of". ~~.0"'.i' JlJI Uti ~ ~.z;I Ir '-'''''''4"~~".1 \.~,. .."~ <'/) INOUSTRY ~ ~ ," ,I ~~I!"I"'w,.: .,1 '.'.. ,\".1,\ 'rl'Y''':;':,,\i:'1''iI\ ,. 1ts.:~' '~..; :1.... -{'li,<,,~""<.'t.I.""~i)\; .;,.;......':. ... c./t: N \,~ ,':.,'~::,:;;~~;ii:1~,jl~k'itlt;}:::W~,: 'N~~~, ~r~ ".,i~~,;~~~:;i~:~:~t~\~,;:';~!,t;O,Rl\\ .,' ',\',;"l'.'i"'.';-',. ,',.,.,.F., '..~, ell nIu ; ,.,'.. "'<,', ,'" 'n, ",'.,i .hii;l,~.... .....t"H i ~'t, l\o.. ...... ' t ~ ;~~" ", . l . . 1 >:,,' tcJ>'.~''''?:.,:~WHEREAS, '~,the'1;Smi th.~,Lever~Act";,off,~1May:',8 ,.1::19l4~: fostered "theff'>t.,;~\, ~ , t 'T';' ~" '1'],&.;.' . . . "'" . .... ',;,.deyelopment --; of ';~,~::,systemo'='o:Etf. St;at~:~'l~,griqul tural : Extension '..Services', ,:,;~!~:~ ': ::,;'~ i n:,t,par:1=:!3er s h i p~:, w i tl}.j~tour.!~N.a t' {<?n~~ s~~Jila,nd~ g:r: an t 1,uni ve r sit i e s ':'and:~t:~J;(~0;t i:: \;'C oun t y.:,~;,: gov~ r n Irl~ nt s;l~'f 0 r:~,~ ~ i. sse ~ i:n~,~ in g >'~'an d''}i! ~n co u;r: a gin g!:' t he ';'~/;,; ~;, \.-t:.: a pp 1 i cat i o~;' '0 0 e~.lj,r e s e ~ r c h ,-; g en eJ;',!l t ~9,,?(kno wI ed ge ,ra nd 1 e a d e:r; e; hi P ~':~::'~:~1: <';techniques:;\t,Of.tso 'r.oblems,,;"',of "'. di v:iduals '""'Ji,ami lies ,'ll and:,,;;~~;;::, f~;mljti,rfiit~~{'4"'" '., ",l~l~li~it:~l:.;i::,':'.?':,;,('~rf~), :;I<'!'i' 'A~l::'t~l WHEREAS/(',the .:North,: Carolina,.>::AgriculturaL.-Extension- Service, ;>'!;~!7:: 1\;,; as "Jpart" of:"the.'~,national'" extension;:' system; has"contributed greatly ';)~~i~ :.~, in,';':' as s istingt~~fami lies r;~and~Ji,ndi.vid.ual s ~'~/,.w i th~~'.ther,': eff icient:{;~'i~~ri: production;? of ~~a~{['eliable:~"~supply:.r.of~~~foo,d' andi:;fiber~'~ for~ consumers,",.'i~I:~,;~ . wi ~h~:the';:im?roverqentlof,?:;thel' qual~ty~i~f~l~fe/~:;\ti thi.: the . develop~ent':;A:.P,; of (!.lead:rshl.p ': ap,:d;-: qpmmun~,ty,;;ser,xl.ce ,I~, an?fw i t~ thl,'!,;~~.~;l.eve~1~X\>.c}f19::::;:,;}":>f acc.ompll.,shment "qf~l'young~'pepple 'thf.oU h:1Z4-:::.II .'~ ,.t~t;'{!i~ ;,"l~,Y,,5t,::~;,{<::'r~:" }j~;;:;(::<t;'ii~" !,.<.,'1~it~~r~~l'PJ~, ~ft> ~i~~'5~'q,!~~: ", "':~,:;;~:~~:l} }~:..i' "",;-,:?{!"w, HEREAS I':':;~~ the" reI a t i on s hip l' e xi s ti ng$jhet ween the~' Fed er a 1 ,'~;;~Y. ~~~~, State,~: and:;;County{.,~xte~sion'~Servi'c,~sir.'has':: provided ~or ei ti zenff:.S~i, :,'~ input':,to resea;rch:t'and~e9-uca,tionaJ,,$~:progra~s;'of~;the ,: land. grap:~:'t~\~~-!~". }!,:univ:er,sities:<of'-:,pur';';:state >~f "eej', uarters,\of '; a century: and :..""'::l;)\', i.,~~:~\~;'l~[~ '~:~;4/;,J~l~J '. ' .,,' "~~t::':;~l~t';t,,:,a#~i~~~ ";'. ,:::,,<'i;;'5r~WHEREAS; 'i;the'::;ei tizens?:9f/.'New;rHanoVeE;:;.~C.ounty.have benefi tted".';,/ ',', . , and ::~';e 0 n tin u e :"~t 0:.(';'" b en e f i t:':~,f ~9 m ~ft~.N o,r,th;,t~' C p.,~ C? 1 i ~,.a'i<( A gr i eu 1 t u r a ~::' ~p{," ""~~Y~~l{f~~;?~~r~i{~~i~~,~ '\~~~:;';;'i:,,' ,;';':'ir0~ .~ . ~', " ., " .'" "", ,." ~,": ,\'"< ,I' " '. .'~, ,;::-~~ ............................................................................................................~ . .. ',:, " . ': ;;:~ff~~(rt:!.$~i ~~,i!~~(~!f;;'t!3}~;' ' , , ,j: . ". . ".~ . t:~.. 'i -. ;::,~ , ':l~_ . ' , i- . ". " .. .,' . " ( r'- F ~. ,.' ~ .' " , ., ','" ."~, , ' , I '. '. ,.;;,' ..... .' \;. . ".~',,>.,' ..:<' ,:;~~,' <, "?1~~':~. ~': ~~ . iv',;:,'\c~<:;' ',:: .~;{,~., : ,.. N ew.:~a~~iu.tr:,:"qrnU11tl1 : ' " " ~:~)/:-:~";' ,.:. ' <~,;,"': ~;:.~::~'i::; ::;):/.:;'4::,~:",: ';~". . //(;~'.:' ,'_, , ',~'~,?::/,~" "::. ,", ~ . q: ,: "':::;i:'.;;',;'ilf~~(l)gf,~~~~!!~er5;',,\y':~ ',: o;:~~ ' ,." ,:' '~',~';t~:i",< "t ,:" :,; -:' ,<',::',: :" fIlellnIutinn';'! "'; :,i ,.;:\:;,'.'> :,' . '~:,?;;\';' , "t:::,~r:?:~:::: ~'}v(,::~:~~">::..,;,,,,~,:::, , :,:';~ {~/~lF>;~~~~~,~" ':: ~ ~ '.' -~ '~,". ",~, '''''WHEREAS,.-,'transportation facilities"must be constructed ':,' ''":' . to'keep 'pace with 'land development i~,~s~~io~s,congestion and , ':,'.:,;" ,.travel: delays axe,::to'.be a.yoided; 'and~__}~,;"";~;i';', "" .;, ",;' ',' ~'" :' ~,~ : . . ~I ;''t':-''; ;"1,..' . .~/. tr ". ~....:~,. ':,~ ::::; '.~-~' ,::~'i.~.' ?~:' '.~: ',\(. .~~:~:(" ~r..~ ~..:," .~: . . ~>,...' . .,:";:~~:; .'~ ~:~:'~ \':; ,;'~. ~. , .. " ,,' , ' , :'; , .', ';" WHEREAS'~'.': the ': Wilmington "Urban ': Area ,; has "a' duly adopted' ~ :,,:;{' Thoroughfare'~ Plan' which ',' sets: out 'highway. facilities' that" ,:.", .t~;;;:,e ' will: .': handle;',:' traffic ~".:genera.ted: ";,l?Y~""anticipated land" " . development. 'and',:,:,>" ,:".;. ': ,,:,'::;:'; '.,',', ", '/"-:,',:, ,. ",,:' ":" "I.:~ ",' '..".~;:~,','\.:' '>~' " " ,<' " ::",.,:..~,;,,~,., WHEREAs/anticipat~ddevelopment. is taking place, ,or :' ' ';' :'t''';> ': has ;', alr:e,ady;,'teakE:I1~ plaqe,: l~adiIlg':to ! congestion;, ,and " ." '~'.'..,::-_:..f ~ :', . ...;~ ".. ~\ ..' ,.-.;,-.,,~:':,.;;'r' .. :.~ .~ . '''t,' . '._ ' " ".;',' , ' . ';. \ "..>;' ' ,"," ,,"WHEREAS/;'the: Wilmington' area,' Transportation' Advisory' : , ' 'n. Committee' is:'responsible . for setting priorities of proj ects , "'" ';~'" on the ,Thoroughfare, Plan' and did adopt, the following list of",' >;: ',,':prioriti~s:on',March,14,'1989:, ,',:L', ':.'-:'" .>': "" ,:'i,,':" , :':; ,..::3,' !~~~~;,:~/'.,~., ;,-, '~~,,~3~ :,'~ \ shiP~~rd' B~ule~a~d ~o us 421 l,',.. '.' ,1, < Number 2A: ,:US 17 by-pass, Northern Outer Loop , , , , ,", , ""!'. ' , ' -from, us 17 Market Street t9 us 17 in " ' ,\, , " :,.- Brunswick County ,:': ',',:~;i , ." Number 2B :,:.' ,,';, Southern Outer Loop ,'- 'US '17 Market , . ""J,. ,',' "Street to NC 132 at Seventeenth Street ". " ';'::':"',;;" Number' 3:' " Oleander Drive and South College Road,' , ., ,,' Intersection Improvements ,'r" Number' 4:" ',", , Kerr Avenue widening' from, Market Street .,<,.',',.::::,:.';:::' ~"<"";'N~~~/:i5 ::.- :'/'-';~o~~i~~~~~~li~p~~~~~:n~s - Cape Fear ' " .; . ',:; .. ,;;,..". ,,' '," Memorial Bridge to' Burnett Boulevard ," :.:\\;. ,,;'.':' Number' 6 : :';',:, Independence Boulevard North - South ",..,' . ; ,,';:'>~'<:'~~;3.t~.~,;:"" ': "':":"~: ::,:""::' '~. t~~~~~~~~~,r~;:':',,<-,::' :'~"'" : '" .'".., ' .:: ;,: ..',:t~,::~:,~;7',:'::.' 'NOW, ,THEREFORE," BE: IT' ~ESOLV~D by' the New Hanover' ',: ;', . :..<;,) County :Board;: of': Commissioners I '~that' the ,highway priorities, '.,:".,: :'listed above :are, hereby. adopted."':" , ,.', ,,' ,:' , " ~ '" ' ' , ,\ ", ~ ~:. -. ". :' ,>,.oJ r ,:... " ;: ;~..' <~ '.: .~ ,', '; -1. ., .:' l. " ,.".~dJ1?dL , . .; ',' ;~-tfe&chin, Chairman ; ',;" ,'." , " ',',' ,,' '..'., ' '" " ,,' ~A ,;.sa.. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ~' ",.," ". , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF ASSIGNING STREET HOUSE NUMBERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the assignment of house numbers on Blossom Street, located from its intersection Vine Street south to its termination with Ash Street, block range 5300 to 6200 and Fork Drive, located from its intersection with Oakley Loop Road west to its termination, numerical range 1400 - 1499. WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of developed property is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operation of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, a comprehensive and systematic property numbering system is an efficient means of identifying property within the County; and WHEREAS, such a system will promote the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. THEREFORE, it further appearing that a public hearing was held on the 1st day of May, 1989, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not assigning house numbers would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said street, that notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing was prominently posted at the County Courthouse, and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County. NOW, THEREFORE, it is ordained and decreed that the above House Number Assignment be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this ordinance be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, Sheriff's 911 dispatcher and to any city within five miles of said road in accordance with N.C. General Statutes 153A-240. Adopted this the 1st day of May, 1989. ~,..n..u.,." ~ ~ ......-:;~'t\OVER C~"",,~ ~., ~. 'C" "'....... '/", ." ,. .. v~ :$ / (;' ""', . ..... ~'r\ed Retchin, Chairman .. . ~ . . .. Attest: : ~ :: : 'IL m: E . .."" 't ',"".- ../ Y."/~ - . # ~ \- I~ .fj'!1~?./ "'1 v. /' V~J'1L....---C./~ 'I ,"iftJ~lI1 o. ~ , A, I ." :t- ~ to the Board '1!j'" '1'6", ,.1....... \~ ,," ~1"!.I.-.c'W',.14 p,..~O\; "", '~~f' '" \" THHHtI,,\\\\ ). ~ i RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PUBLIC ROAD WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to N.C.G.S~ ~153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Han9ver County to close the following described public road: BEGINNING AT A POINT in the eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 117 that is the southwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 7, Castle Hayne as shown on the map of Castle Hayne, recorded in Deed Book 48 at Page 150 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point eastwardly along the southern boundary line of Lot 1 and Lot 11, Block 7, Castle Hayne; 305 feet more or less to a point at the southwestern corner of Lot 11, Block 7, Castle Hayne; thence southwardly along the western right-of-way line of Blossom Street 50 feet to a point that is the northwestern corner of Lot 20, Block 11, Castle Hayne; thence westwardly along the northern boundary line of Lot 20 and Lot 10, Block 11, Castle Hayne, 305 feet more or less to a point in the eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 117, thence northwardly with the eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 117, 50 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The same being that portion of what was sometimes known as Holly Street, never opened, 50 feet by 305 feet and running from U.S. Highway 117 to Blossom Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 5th day of June, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, wilmington, North Carolina, at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the unopened road shall be closed. :. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 1st day of May, 1989. ~litL Fred Retchin, Chairman Attest: ~~, ,,~/~~ 1 rk to the Board ,,11'"'"'" , "" "" ....'I' ,,-~OVER C "" ..... y..r 0 ;; " ~\ ......... t/', ! ~~~....~..... 1--:.--)'-::. .. ,~ . . .",. ...--:" ... ~/_ II .... S : 'i~7tr' ~~~1 o. -::. : · ~,...'.. ~"..!:jC ~ - - · ,...,~t;.'~..;'.~, :: :,..: . !.~~_.;.~..~~~ : : ... t ,_...~-,~. . ... .. · " .r,'\~~;.iI,~ . . - ; a. ..-~;;:.:~: ~ ~ ee lMfORTjI'OI'ORr8.' t: .-:, .. UIOUS;R't .. ..... ~ A" e.. ... b.. ...... ,~..yo~ ....... \~'- .....' t't" 7'/-1 CAr;.O\;' \,\' 'I, 1'\\ t"'/lIIIIIIII ~ CJ:l ITD z <C ) a:: I 0 CHEERY Sf." 'I .~ @l' , ,~ f 4.2 4 -j .'-.:.,.... 4./ 3 I-" (/) o 2 2.(@ , I ~- ..) 3 PROPOSED ROA CLOSING q'" 1 : 1 " r j ), , I I..J //, \ -J CDI I ' (g)1 '" I !, G) @) l?iYDNJ!WJillf.'%1G@'HOLLYSTo G~/rn~,' luO S! , a::i H (/)/ ) , ' . HICKORY ST. I . I - " , . . @, ~' i- ;---- 8 ~ POPLAR D .@!l '~ ~ @)I I 'IV,V0LU i'\VMV vLV.:)II~\.J Portion of Holly Street " I Scale: I =400 c -B '@ u 1 ~ ,... " I- r. ,~ I ~ " '0 a <C [Ej, ,[E e ~ 0.. I- ~ <J.. <C -J CD ,I.K,E,AUSTIN CORP. 2,E,R,JONES HRS, 3. PATRICIA ROOKS 4,GREGORY JAMIESON 5, JOH N Me CASE I, ./ , -----,