1989-05-30 SpM Exhibits .r' . i It ...;, . , . ~ " .J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .;;:;;:--...~. , \t. ':' .:;;~,; .' '.: t ":i . r t.' '.'. ., .' . ..~ .:i~il . 1.. . ,. ,~ :' , ,..", . ~ r '; i.. "'~ ; ,~ I, ' "'" '-"'-' ,. . ~, ". .; .." . Ntw..){a~l1~tr{-;QIn~tl1"~" , ,;" " , . """) ," " -~. ". '~i' , ' I" , ".... , ~ 11lt!i~lutinn,~:.~ , ,:,~;;,"i:'~t)~;t;, ", ,'\' , WHEREAS, 1 in North,' Carolina;J the'.: Lead. Regional Organizations,. asvolu~taryorganizations:serving municipal and county' . governments, have "', established;:.:,~: productive working J;elationshi~s'wi th:,t.heci t,ies.' and "~ounties.; ~cross 'tl"lis state; and "t:'~...~..~ ~,," " ','- '..~.' '~.'.!'..i.':~~".:. . ':\,~:',' ':~""'\~', -~.~.:~., Of' . t,~~","~,:" t,' ~-- ;.': 'f >;;,..... . ~ ,~' ~, '. '" , .,,< , ; WHEREAS, ,',' many' counties' and: 'cities i need assistance in pursuing economic 'and community, development 'opportunities, but' federal' assistance in the<form of intergovernmental revenues has been} ~everely, .curt;ailed ,in :recent years ;?-nd ..' .., ~ ..-....: 'f" ;'.. . '~'."f. ",," "'!"" ~I ".' ,'I' -.' .:~';.~.' " "- WHEREAS," the' 1987.. General Assembly :'recognized this need through'the appropriation ,of' $990,000 .to ..help the Lead Regional Organizations assist local' governments with. grant applications, economic development, community development, and to support local' industrial' development activities and' other activities as deemed appropriate bY.'tl:1eir local governments; and, ,. _':'.~"::" "'," ~'. ," '..,..:..." """", "'~'.~..;":"_f~''"'',.I': <' ......,,, ," \ ',. . j.; '. WHEREAS, these funds' are' not intended: to be used for' payment of member, dues or assessments toa. Lead Regional Organization or: to supplant funds.> appropriated' by the member. governments ~ .,and ; . ~. ,.' . ';.i' " .-," , '\ . iinarll nfQtnmmi55h~ntr5" '" , ~ .~ '''~'S~;i .. ~ ~.l , ;,. t;-;- "......' " ~, i, , ' . , '.,~ " WHEREAS, in the event that a request is County of New Hanover' for release of these' funds, Council, the available: funds~ill revert t~ the. . Fund; and., ....: ".". '. not made by the " to' our'regional state's General. . , WHEREAS" .' in Region .','0"'" funds in' the amount of $55,000 will be used for economic. and'community development planning and grants' administration,' regional '~data center activitie13, local technical assistance,;: and ' otfler~.::'f)J.nctions" approved ,by' our Executive Committee ',' .' ',J<'..,; ,,".',' , " " ,:.t $ ,- ' ...=' ";L :~;',,' ',~,:,.".l', .. . . ".. 'f". : . : ' : " ..... ,', " 'JJJ . ' , ' . . t. / <,J:~ "" . . .............................:.............................................................................. . ; ~;,;~ ~ }.:J',=, '-=' " -# .; .. ., ,~ ): " ,', ;j l; . " " \".... }. .. ,:,-i,' '.'1 .' ." ."".......'. NOW, THEREFORE" BE' IT RESOLVED, ,that the New Hanover County. Board 'of "Commissioners requests' the release, of its share of' these funds /;,;' $19,794.45" to . the ,I, Region "0" Council of Governments at' the ',earliest possible ',time in' accordance with the provisions of Chapter ,830 of'~,the '1,987 Session Laws (HB 1515). ".,; '~ .'i';, '~.':., ',:'; .~, ' ~""." 'f;~""":";"'~~;?_'~) .-,.~,-""'.-~:" ..'.....:. .' ' Signed this 30th'day of May; '1989.':' '. , " 'r \". ~..:... _ ~" ' .... 'to ~ . ~/7~ "'CZ~hi~' Chai:man , .'.~):~,,~ \::"~ <. J;'" ,J., , .:. f : ~: !; . ; ~r ( , ",..V .,', ,'- . . " .8.....-~ ~ , , tJ' ., ,. . ~ " , ; ......'" '-!' , '~ ;'. .( " ~,'.... ;'i' ' , 1: ,"j \. . ',-, " "....,. c...... 1, . ,~ .'t ',' ':~' , . ' ,,' " : '-\ ~ " " ~.;f;' ,