Agenda 2007 06-18 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Hurnan Resources Training Center, New Hano<ver County Go<vernment Center 230 Go<vernment Center Dri<ve, Suite 135, Room 401 Wi [mington, NC WilLIAM A. CASTER, CHAIRMAN, ROBERT G, GREER, VICE-CHAIRMAN TED DAVIS, JR" COMMISSIONER, WilLIAM A. KOPP, JR" COMMISSIONER, NANCY H, PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD June 18, 2007 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION (Carl A. Byrd, Sr., Human Relations Director) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Vice-Chairman Robeli G. Greer) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9: 10 a.m. 1. Presentation of Community Council Leadership A ward to Commissioner 43 Nancy Pritchett 9: 15 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques 45 9:25 a.m. .., Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 47 J. 9:35 a.m. 4. Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees 49 9:40 a.m. 5. Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of SuppOli 51 9:50 a.m. 6. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover 57 County and the Fire Service District 10:20 a.m. 7. Consideration of Lease Agreement 59 10:25 a.m. 8. Public Hearing to Receive Comments on Documents for the Consolidation of 67 Water and Sewer Utilities with the City of Wilmington 10:45 a.m. 9. Public Hearing 107 NOlih Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program 2007 Scattered Site Housing Program 10:50 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. 10. Update on Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement 111 11:15 a.m. 11. Committee Appointments 113 11:30 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 213 12:00 p.m. 13. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 1 12:05 p.m. 14. Additional Items County Manager Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 12: 15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Notice of Temporary Meeting Location Change The Board of Commissioners will conduct their meetings in June, July and August 2007 at the New Hanover County Government Center so that renovations may be completed at the Historic Courthouse. The meeting location details are: New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135 Human Resources Training Center Room 401 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBL Y ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 11:30 a.m. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:35 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 215 11:40 a.m. ^> Consideration of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance for the New 217 J. Hanover County Water and Sewer District 11:55 a.m. 4. Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007-104 219 This page intentionally left blank. 4 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 7 2. Adoption of "National Clean Beaches Week" Proclamation 9 .., Approval of Request to Designate the Depmtment of Aging as Lead Agency for 11 J. Aging Services in New Hanover County for 2008: the Receipt of Home and Community Care Block Grant Funds in the Amount of$90l.583: Senior Center Outreach Funds of$1,471: Title III-D Health Promotion/Medication Management Funds of$12,222 and Family Caregiver Funds in the Amount of$28,500 4. Acceptance of Recycling Drop-off Expansion Grant and Approval of the 15 Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07-265 5. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Contract 07-0495 for Disaster Debris Removal 17 6. Approval of Grant Application to the Landfall Foundation for the School Health 21 Program 7. Approval to Submit an Application for a $41,761 Grant by the Bureau of Justice 23 Assistance Project Safe Neighborhood Anti-Gang Initiative through the Governor's Crime Commission 8. Adoption of Resolution Awarding Request for Proposals # 07-0440 and Contract 27 # 07-0440 to Correct Care Solutions to Provide Comprehensive Healthcare Services for the Detention Facility 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 31 Collection RepOlts 10. Approval of Tax Exemption - Love Center Church, Inc. 35 11. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments 37 07-258 Comts 2007-105 Sheriffs Office 2007-106 Sheriffs Office 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila L. Schult Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the Agenda Review meeting held on May 31, 2007 and Regular Session meeting held on June 4, 2007, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 7 This page intentionally left blank. 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Bruce Shell Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Adoption of "National Clean Beaches Week" Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: Ariel White with the Clean Beaches Council submitted the attached proclamation for consideration, The Clean Beaches Council is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization headquartered in Washington, DC, The mission of the Council is to promote clean and healthy beaches through public awareness and voluntary programs, Thirteen coastal states and many coastal cities and counties have issued proclamations recognizing this week, and events are planned all over the country to celebrate, They hope New Hanover County will join them, National Clean Beaches Week is part of a broader effort to recognize Great Outdoors Month during the month of June, Beaches are a great way for the public to experience the splendor of the outdoors, Each year Americans make over 2 billion visits to ocean, gulf and inland beaches, Beach recreation and tourism are estimated to contribute over $640 billion annually to the U,S, economy, During National Clean Beaches Week, we will highlight four (4) major themes of importance to beachgoers: environment, travel, dining, and recreation, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt proclamation, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . national Ciean Beaches VVeek.doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL CLEAN BEACHES WEEK PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Clean Beaches Council, as part of Great Outdoors Month has designated the week beginning June 29, 2007 as National Clean Beaches Week; and WHEREAS, beaches represent a critical part of our natural heritage and a beautiful part of the American landscape; and WHEREAS, beaches are sensitive ecosystems, susceptible to degradation and alteration from pollution, sea level rise, natural forces, untreated sewage, and improper use; and WHEREAS, communities and government have undertaken significant measures to keep beaches clean and healthy; and WHEREAS, Americans make over 2 billion annual trips to the ocean, gult~ and inland beaches and contribute significant resources to the local, state and national economies; and WHEREAS, 75% of all recreational activity occurs within a half mile corridor around the shorelines of our beaches, rivers, and lakes; and WHEREAS, coastal tourism and healthy, fresh seafood fuels robust economies - sustaining communities and supporting jobs along the coastal V.S, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that June 29 to July 5, 2007 be recognized as "NATIONAL CLEAN BEACHES WEEK" in New Hanover County and that our citizens are encouraged to visit, enjoy,. and protect our greatest natural resource, ADOPTED the 18th day of June 2007. William A Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Request Commissioners Designate the Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Aging Services in New Hanover County for 2008; Approve the Receipt of Home and Community Care Block Grant Funds in the Amount of $901,583; Senior Center Outreach Funds of $1,471; Title III-D Health Promotion/Medication Management Funds of $12,222 and Family Caregiver Funds in the Amount of $28,500 BRIEF SUMMARY: 1, Commissioners are requested to designate the NHC Department of Aging as Lead Agency for aging services in New Hanover County for FY 2007-08, 2, New Hanover County is eligible for Home and Community Care Block Grant funds (HCCBG) in the amount of $901 ,583 for FY 2007-08, These funds will be used to provide services to older adult residents age 60+, Funding from HCCBG 2008 reflects a $45, 291 increase over FY 2006-07, 3, The Department of Aging is eligible for Senior Center Outreach funds in the amount of $1 ,471, These funds are used to purchase medical equipment and incontinence supplies for persons 60+, The required match of $490 is included in the Recommended FY 2007- 08 Department of Aging budget. 4, The Department of Aging is eligible for Title-III D Health Promotion/Medication Management funds in the amount of $12,222, These funds are used to support health promotion and medication management activities at the Senior Center. The required match of $1 ,358 is included in the FY 2007-08 Recommended Department of Aging budget. 5, The Department of Aging is eligible for Family Caregiver Support Services (FCS) funding in the amount of $28, 500, The funds are used to purchase respite services for caregivers who need relief from their daily caregiving duties, There is no match requirement for the FCS funds, Grant documentation is available in the County Manger's Office, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approve the request to designate the NHC Department of Aging as Lead Agency for aging services 2008; Accept the HCCBG funds of $901 ,583 and the HCCBG Advisory Committee's recommended distribution of funds and providers; Accept Senior Center Outreach funds of $1 ,471; Accept Title III-D Health Promotion/Medication Management funds of $12,222; Accept the Family Caregiver Support funds $28,500, 11 FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Position(s) Modification Or Change Number of Positions: Explanation: The Department of Aging is receiving $45, 291 additional funds 2008, The HCCBG Advisory Board recommends $28,380 of the additional funds be used to increase the current part-time permanent Social Worker (Home Delivered Meals Program) to a full-time status, The remainder of the additional funding to be used for Volunteer Mileage Reimbursement and purchase of meals for homebound elderly, The FY 2007-08 Recommended Budget will be amended to reflect the exact amounts prior to adoption, ATTACHMENTS: ~ . . ~:.; ........ . ~.~....... back up.:Js REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 12 FY07-0a HCCBG Advisory Committee Recommendations for Distribution of Funds and Service Providers Amount Service Provider $123,492 T ransportalion $225.785 Home Delivered Meals $131.668 Congregate Meals $66,877 Case Assisted/Information and Referral $27,231 Senior Center Operations $226,468 In Home Aide Services dMs Services Inc $60,770 Adult Day Care Elderhaus Inc. $33,362 Adult Day Health Elderhaus Inc. $5,930 Respite Elderhaus lnc, $901 ,583 The required match for services provided by NHC Dept of Aging is included in the FY07-08 Recommended Budget. Elderhause, Inc, and dMs Services, Inc, are responsible for the match for services provided by their respective agencies, 13 This page intentionally left blank. 14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: John Hubbard Contact: John Hubbard SUBJECT: Acceptance of Recycling Drop-off Expansion Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Environmental Management has been awarded a grant in the amount of $25,000 from the N,C, Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance, The grant will be used to add a recycling center in the southern part of New Hanover County to support the the overload of the existing site at the Moose Lodge, The grant requires a cash match of $10,600, which is available in the current budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request ratification of the contract and approval of the ordinance for budget amendment 07-265, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ , .. 07-2656-5-07.doc The contract is available for review in the County Manager's office, REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 15 AGENDA: June 18,2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-265 BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of COlmnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07-265 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Environmental Management Department: Recycling Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Recvcling Contract Services $25JJOO Total $25,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Recvcling Waste Reduction Grant $25JJOO Total $25,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget grant funds in the amount of $25JJOO awarded to Environmental Management for an additional recycling center in the southern part of New Hanover County, Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count v Commissioners of New Hanover County, NOlih Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07 -265 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted, Adopted, this dav of ,2007, (SEAL) William A Castec Chairman ATTEST Sheila L SchulL Clerk to the Board 16 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: John Hubbard Contact: John Hubbard SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Awarding Contract 07-0495 for Disaster Debris Removal BRIEF SUMMARY: In an effort to provide the timely recovery from a natural or man-made disaster, the Department of Environmental Management has requested bids to have a preposition contract in place to remove debris in the event such a disaster occurs, A Scope of Service and bid package was prepared by Johnson Environmental & Disaster Consulting Services and duly advertised on April 15, 2007, The Scope of Services, upon activation of the contract by New Hanover County, requires the contractor to remove vegetative and construction & demolition debris from the public right-of-way, to designated permitted disposal facilities, The advantage of having a preposition contract in place is to provide for the rapid response and recovery in the event of a disaster. The contractor is required to begin work within 24 hours of issuance of the Notice to Proceed, The preposition contract will be active from the date of execution until June 30, 2008, This is a dormant contract until activated, The County is not obligated to pay the contractor for any service unless a Notice to Proceed is issued, The County has successfully used the preposition contract process to recover from past storms, A bid opening was held on Thursday, May 3, 2007, The apparent low bidder, when considering the majority of debris is normally vegetative, is Omni Pinnacle, DRC Emergency Services also submitted a bid; however, it was not evaluated since DRC was not qualified because the company was not represented at the mandatory pre-bid conference, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adopting the resolution awarding contract 07-0495 to Omni Pinnacle, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ , .. H urricanedebrisresol07. doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: 17 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 18 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a coastal community lying between the Atlantic Ocean, the Cape Fear River, and the Northeast Cape Fear River; AND WHEREAS, coastal communities are subject to be struck by natural disasters including, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and ice storms; AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a recent history of being struck by numerous named hurricanes since 1996; AND WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners are responsible for the safety and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County; AND WHEREAS, debris from natural disasters may jeopardize the safety and \velfare of the citizens and negatively effect the economy of New Hanover County; AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management has been delegated the responsibility of solid waste management to include the removal of debris caused by natural disasters; AND WHEREAS, to expedite the recovery from a natural disaster by removing debris in as timely a manner as is feasible, the Department of Environmental Management has requested that a preposition contract be in place to secure contracted services for debris removal; AND WHEREAS, in accordance with normal purchasing procedures, a Request for Bids was duly advertised and bids were received and read on Monday, May 3, 2007, for debris removal in the event of a natural disaster; AND WHEREAS, bids were received as follows: Bidder Construction/Demolition Debris Vegetative Debris Ceres Environmental $17,49/cubic yard $16.24/cubic yard TFR, Inc. $14,25/cubic yard $11 ,75/cubic yard Crowder Gulf $17.00/cubic yard . $ 14,OO/cubic yard D&J Enterprises $14.75/cubic yard $12.63/cubic yard Omni Pinnacle $14.50/cubic yard $10,OO/cubic yard SRS, Inc. $19,95/cubic yard · $16.45/cubic yard 19 AND WHEREAS, Omni Pinnacle, is the apparent low bidder when considering the majority of the debris to be vegetative; AND WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Commissioners and the Department of Environmental Management to have a preposition contract in place to activate in the event that a natural disaster should strike New Hanover County; AND WHEREAS, no funds will be expended for this contractual arrangement until such time as a Notice to Proceed is authorized by the Board of Commissioners in response to a natural disaster; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that preposition contract Number 07-0495 for the removal of debris caused by a natural disaster be awarded to Omni Pinnacle, and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 18th day of June, 2007. NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager Contacts: Rob Neilson, Business Officer and Carla Turner, School Health Nurse Supervisor SUBJECT: Approval of Grant Application to the Landfall Foundation for the School Health Program BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) is requesting funds in the amount of $2,700 from the Landfall Foundation to purchase sixteen (16) wheelchairs for the NHCHD School Health Nursing Program for the nursing offices that do not presently have one, These wheelchairs will be used in the event of injury and inability to ambulate, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve submission of grant application to the Landfall Foundation for $2,700, Funding Source: Landfall Foundation FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: No County match required, ATTACHMENTS: The grant application is available for review in the County Manager's office, ~ ........ , .. GA - Landfall Foundation - Wheelchairs. doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 21 This page intentionally left blank. 22 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff's Office Presenter: Sidney A, Causey, Sheriff Contact: Sidney A, Causey, Sheriff SUBJECT: Approval to Submit an Application for a $41,761 Grant by the Bureau of Justice Assistance Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) Anti-Gang Initiative through the Governor's Crime Commission (GCC) BRIEF SUMMARY: In January 2007, the Sheriffs Office submitted a proposal for funding to the North Carolina Eastern District PSN Anti-Gang Task Force in the amount of $81 ,522, By letter of March 7, 2007, the Task Force Committee advised that the proposal was recommended for funding in the amount of $41 ,761 and forwarded to the Governor's Crime Commission for consideration, The next step in the process would be submittal of a full grant application to GCC, The Project Safe Neighborhood component of the grant supports new and expanded anti-gang prevention and enforcement efforts, The Sheriffs Office would use these funds to hire a Community Resource Coordinator (Case Manager) for New Hanover County, The position will provide support to the Gang Task Force by providing life skills training to at-risk youth and complete weekly reports on clients' behavior, attitudes, achievement, program compliance, and overall progress, The following would be covered by the grant if awarded: $33,832 yearly salary, $2,684 in fringes, and $5,245 in operating costs, No match is required, but the grant does not fund County cost for the position's medical insurance expense, $8,013 and local governmental retirement expense, $1,654, This would result in a total cost of $9,667 for the County, The Sheriff requests that these costs be funded from General Fund Contingency Funds, At the end of the grant term, (one year) the expanded portion of the Gang Task Force would be evaluated to determine if it should be recommended for continuation based on outcomes as outlined in the grant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval to apply for the PSN grant with the Governor's Crime Commission and for the County Manager to sign the grant application, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: New Position(s) Number of Positions: 1 Explanation: $41,761 Federal $9,667 County, General Fund Contingency Funds ATTACHMENTS: Anti Gang Grant Proposal Review Committee letter Page 1 of the Grant Application NOTE: Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant Application (available for review in the Manager's Office), 23 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 24 City of Henderson W'NW.hendersoo .nc.us Office of P. O. Box 1434 Weed & Seed Coordinator 180 S. Beckford Drive Rosa Bullock Henderson, NC 27536 rbullock@ci.henderson.nc.us Phone: 252/431-6012 Fax: 252/492-4322 To: Michelle H. Guarino, MSW, Gang Counselor New Hanover County Sheriffs Office 104 North 4lb Street Wilmington, NC 28401 From: 2007 EDNC PSN and Anti Gang Grant Proposal Review Committee Rosa Bullock, BDNC PSN / Anti Gang Task Force Member and Weed and Seed Coordinator for Henderson Site Date: March 7, 2007 Re: Status of Your Proposal On February 15, 2007, eight members of the EDNC PSN Anti Gang Task Force, three members of the Governor's Crime Commission and three U.S. Attorney's Office employees met to review and approve ( the proposal for funding for PSN and Anti Gang initiatives in the Eastern District of North Carolina. [Note: The only voting members of this committee are the eight task force members. GCC l1l1d USAO employees cannot vote. GCC was present for guidance on regulations and polices and the USAO was there to facilitate the meeting only.] The committee voted as follows: Original request: $ 86,522.00 Adjustment made: $ 44,761.00 Committee vote to fund: $ 41,761.00 Final Award Amount: $ 41,761.00 Explanation: Adjustment made to accommodate as many as possible district proposals with funding available. This fInal amount has been sent to the Governor's Crime Commission and they will inform you of your next obligation to secure these funds in a timely manner so that you may begin to fund your program, Acceptance of this grant award requires strict adherence to all Governor's Crime Commission reporting requirements, attendance by at least one representative from the receiving agency at aU monthly PSN! Anti~Gang District meetings which are held the second Thursday of each month, quarterly updates and status reports to the PSN Coordinator which will be due on the first day of each quarter (July, October, January, and April); continued and resulted support of the PSN Anti-Gang program as described in your original Grant proposal, 25 :ant Application Information Page 1 of H Governor's Crime Commission Grant Number: 1218 1201 Front Street, S u ita 200 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 733-4564 Fax: (919) 733-4625 (Official Gee Use Oniy) Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant Application 1, Name of Project: 2. Commiltee Assignment: Project Safe Neighborhoods. Crime Victims' Services ( ) Juvenile Justice Planning ( ) Criminal Justice Improvement ( ) Gang Violence Prevention ( ) Anti Gang lnitative Project Safe Neighborhoods ( X ) 3. Applicant Agency: (name, address, phone, fax) 4, Program Priority: County of New Hanover [Eil B C D E F G H I J K 230 Government Center Drive Suite 165 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-7184 New Hanover County 5, Project Starling and Endincg Dates: Federal Tax 10: 56-6000324 Fiscal Year End Date: June 30 07/0112007 . 06/3012008 Slate Agency?: No 6. Authorizing Official: (name and title) 7, Type of Aclion:(select one) Bru ce Shell [ X J First Application County Manager [ I Continuation of Grant /2nd Year Grant 8. Financial Officer; (name. tille, teiephone) 9. U.S, CongJessional Distnct(s): 7 N,C, LegiSJative DiSlrict(s): Avril Pinder House: 13 Finance Director Senate: 7 (910) 798.7187 Population of Project Area: 110,000 10. Implementing Agency: (name, address, telephone, fax) 11. Project Director: (name,Utie, telephone, e-mail) New Hanover County Sheriff's Office Timothy Fuss 3950 Juvenile Center Road Sergeant (910) 798-4156 CasUe Hayne, NC 28429 TFuss@nhegov,com Phone: (910) 798-4161 Fax: (910) 798-4177 12, Implementing Agency Profile: 14, Requested Budget Totals: a. Non-profit, nongovemmental agencies, 1st Year 2nd Year please attach a copy of your current years line Personnel: $36,515.15 $0.00 item operating budget and describe the Contractual: $0.,00 $0.00 sources of those funds, Travel: $0.00 $0.00 b. Allach a copy of what other funding sources Supplies: $5.24$,00 $0.00 and amounts, If any. have been committed for Equ.ipment: $0.00 $0,00 this project or have been applied for or are anlicipated for the project. Total Budg.!!\: $41,760,15 $0,00 c, Number of Sworn Officers: ~ Subtract Match: -$0.00 -$0,00 Federal Request: $41,760.15 $0.00 13, Project Summary: This project will provide our agency with a Resource Coordinator to assist the Gang Coordinator in pneparing strategies related to group counseling, service plans, and recreational activities. The Resource Coordinator will monilor neoos, progress, and implement behavioral modification techniques. Project Cou n ties: This project will operate In the following counlles:New Hanover Page 1 26 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff's Office Presenter: Sheriff Causey Contact: Captain Rhonda Smith SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Awarding Request for Proposals (RFP) # 07-0440 and Contract # 07-0440 to Correct Care Solutions to Provide Comprehensive Healthcare Services for the Detention Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: A Request for Proposals was published in the Star News on Sunday, April 29, 2007, soliciting proposals to provide healthcare services for the Detention Facility, On Wednesday, May 30, 2007, proposals were received by the Purchasing Agent. Respondents to the RFP were publicly identified; however, no other information was disclosed, The evaluation committee met on Tuesday, June 5th to review the proposals, Following is a recap of the companies submitting proposals with their cost for providing the service for the first year: Southern Health Partners $1,698,000 Prison Health Services $1,781,671 Correct Care Solutions $1,947,000 NaphCare $2,200,973 The committee reviewed and evaluated all proposals according to the evaluation criteria contained in the RFP, Correct Care Solutions, although not the lowest cost, offered the best overall package and received the highest evaluation points, The committee's decision recommending the award to Correct Care Solutions was based primarily on: The company's outstanding litigation history since inception Management's involvement in the project Strong recommendations from Durham County, NC, Charleston County, SC and Norfolk, VA The company's strong financial position RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution awarding RFP # 07-0440 and Contract # 07-0440 to Correct Care Solutions in the amount of $1 ,947,000 and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ 07-0440 resolution for award. doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: 27 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 28 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, proposals were received and recorded by the Purchasing Agenl at 2:00 PM EST., on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 and the following companies submitted propos.als for Healthcare Services for the Detention Facility RFP # 07~0440; and Southern Health Partners $1,698,000 Prison Health Services $1,781,671 Correct Care Solutions $1,947,000 NaphCare $2,200,973 WHEREAS, the bids were evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives from Ihe Finance Office, the Sheriffs Office, and Risk Management; and WHEREAS, the committee's unanimous recommendation was 10 recommend award to Correct Care Solutions, LLC; although nol the lowest cost proposal received, offered the best overall package and received the highest evaluation poinls; and WHEREAS,lbe committee's decision recommending the award to Correct Care Solutions was based primarily on the company's outstanding litigation history since inception, management's involvement in the project, strong recommendations from Durham County, NC, Charleston County, SC and Norfolk, V A., and the company's strong financial position; and WHEREAS, Sheriff Causey is in agreement to award the contract to Correct Care Solutions, LLC; and WHEREAS, funds to cover this contract is within the recommended medical funding for the Detention Facility for fiscal year 2007/2008; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Healthcare Services for the Detention Facility, RFP #07-0440 be awarded to Correct Care Solutions,. LLC in the amount of$1 ,947,000, contract period to begin August I, 2007; and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 07~0440, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney, This 18th day of June, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila 1. Schult, Clerk to the Board 29 This page intentionally left blank. 30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: Michelle Harrell Contact: Michelle Harrell Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of May 31,2007, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ N H CColrptMA YO? wpd NHCFDMayO?tif ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 31 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO, NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 05!31107 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2006 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 119,404,026,20 $ 11,468,460.49 DISCOVERIES ADDED 3,313,076.99 14,387,68 LESS ABATEMENTS 320.203.40 - 165,333.25 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 122,396,899.79 $ 11.,317,514,92 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 14,525,50 .00 LISTING PENAL TIES CHARGED 100,194,90 ,00 CLEANING LIENS CHARGED 12,050,00 .00 TOT AI. LEVY $ 122,523,670.19 $ 11,317,514,92 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 121,410,972.74 - 9,204,879.11 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1,112,697.45 $ 2,112,635.81 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 99,09%* 81.33%* BACK TAXES REAL EST A TE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 4,590,639,95 CHARGES ADDED 93,293.18 LESS ABATEMENTS - 29J..512,18 TOT AI. TAXES DUE $ 4,392,420,95 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - I ,601 ,880, 18 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 2,790,540.77 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 36.47% MAY 2007 FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS $ 628,189.61 $ 6,736,374.45 RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS 33,732.52 309,082.44 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 6,533,75 29,030.39 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OfFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE. $196,114,295.65, THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2006, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 97.59% 32 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ,,~ ITEM NO, NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 05/31/07 CURRENT TAX YEAR 2006 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEH 1 CLE ----------------------- _._----~=-~-,--'-- - - - "" ~-~--'--- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 3,887,203.33 $ 478,674.,59 DISCOVERIES ADDED 171,045.24 746,29 LESS ABATEMENTS 37,116.51- 6,696.95- .....----.;--.-.--.-- --- ----- -- -- _._~"~ TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 4,021,132.06 $ 472,723.93 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 4,106.15 .00 -------.-------.- _._~".,~ --.-------- TOTAL LEVY $ 4,025,238.21 $ 472,723.93 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 3.,990,074.08- 389,963.19- ----------,-_._-- - - = = ~~~------ OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 35,164.13 $ 82,760.74 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 99.13%* 82.49%* BACK TAXES ~,--------- REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 147,266.41 CHARGES ADDED 6,651.02 LESS ABATEMENTS 9,036.,64- -----_._------- TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 144,880.79 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 64,849.02- ....------_._------ OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 80,031,77 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 44.76% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2006, MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE " COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 97.38'/; . 33 This page intentionally left blank. 34 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: R. C, Glasgow Contact: R. C, Glasgow Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Approval of Tax Exemption - Love Center Church, Inc. 614 S. 16th Street (R05410-011-002-000) BRIEF SUMMARY: The above referenced parcel is an abandoned Quonset building purchased by the church in December 2005, The request for exemption was not approved in 2006 because the land nor building were used for religious activities, The church requested exemption in 2006, but the property taxes had not been paid for 2005, therefore eliminating the possibility of the exemption for 2007, The taxes were paid on May 16, 2007, At that time a request for exemption was made by the church, The Tax Administrator cannot approve tax exemptions after the Board of Equalization and Review has met, which was on May 7, 2007, The Tax Administrator has visited the location and observed that the land is used for overflow parking on Sundays for the church located adjacent to the property, Although the building is not in use, NCGS states the if any portion of the property is used for the intended tax exempt purpose the entire property qualifies for exemption, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that parcel R0541 0-0011-002-000 which has a land value of $245,804 and building value of $78,054 for a total tax value of $323,858 be approved for tax exemption, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 35 This page intentionally left blank. 36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007: 07-258 - Courts 2007 -105 - Sheriffs Office 2007 -106 - Sheriffs Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: To amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ........ ........ ........ , .. , .. , .. 07-2586-5-07.doc 2007-1056-5-07.doc 2007-1066-5-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, 37 AGENDA: June 18,2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 07-258 BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of COlmnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 07 -258 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Courts EXDenditure: Decrease Increase Criminal Justice Partnership Contract Services $6338 Total $6,338 Revenue: Decrease Increase Criminal Justice Partnership Criminal Justice Partnership Grant $6338 Total $6,338 Section 2: Explanation The Criminal Justice Partnership Program has been awarded an additional $6338 for FY 06-07, Funds are used for the Day Sentencing Program through a contract with Coastal Horizons, The program is designed to reduce the number of probation revocations, reduce recidivism rates, reduce alcoholism and other drug dependencies among offenders, and reduce the cost of incarceration to the State and the County, Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count v Commissioners of New Hanover County, NOlih Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 07 -258 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted, Adopted, this dav of ,2007, (SEAL) William A Castec Chairman ATTEST Sheila L SchulL Clerk to the Board 38 AGENDA: June 18,2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2007-105 BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of COlmnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2007 -105 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff's Office EXDenditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax Supplies $5,544 Total $5,544 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax Controlled Substance Tax $5,544 Total $5,544 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipts for 5/21/07, Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessarv, Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count v Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007 -105 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted, Adopted, this dav of ,2007, (SEAL) William A Castec Chairman ATTEST Sheila L SchulL Clerk to the Board 39 AGENDA: June 18,2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2007-106 BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of COlmnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2007 -106 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriff's Office EXDenditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Propertv Supplies $18J)36 Total $18,036 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Propertv Federal FOlteited Property $18J)36 Total $18,036 Section 2: Explanation To budget Federal FOlteited Property receipts for 5/15/07 and 5/22/07, Federal FOlteited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count v Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007 -106 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted, Adopted, this dav of ,2007, (SEAL) William A Castec Chairman ATTEST Sheila L SchulL Clerk to the Board 40 REGULAR AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9: 10 a.m. 1. Presentation of Community Council Leadership A ward to Commissioner 43 Nancy Pritchett 9: 15 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques 45 9:25 a.m. ^> Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 47 J. 9:35 a.m. 4. Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees 49 9:40 a.m. 5. Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of SuppOli 51 9:50 a.m. 6. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover 57 County and the Fire Service District 10:20 a.m. 7. Consideration of Lease Agreement 59 10:25 a.m. 8. Public Hearing to Receive Comments on Documents for the Consolidation of 67 Water and Sewer Utilities with the City of Wilmington 10:45 a.m. 9. Public Hearing 107 NOlih Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program 2007 Scattered Site Housing Program 10:50 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. 10. Update on Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement 111 11:15 a.m. 11. Committee Appointments 113 11:30 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 213 12:00 a.m. 13. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 12:05 p.m. 14. Additional Items County Manager Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 12: 15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed, 41 This page intentionally left blank. 42 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dr. Art Costantini Contact: Bruce Shell Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Presentation of Community Council Leadership Award to Commissioner Nancy Pritchett BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioner Nancy Pritchett is the 2007 recipient of the Community Council's 2007 Leadership Award, The presentation ceremony was at 6:00 p,m, on June 4, 2007 at the North Raleigh Hilton, Mrs, Pritchett was unable to be present due to her service as Commissioner at a Board meeting that evening, Dr. Art Costantini, Area Director of the Southeastern Center, would like to present the award to Commissioner Pritchett. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present award, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present award, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Dr. Costantini presented the award to Commissioner Pritchett. 43 This page intentionally left blank. 44 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Libby Moore SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are eligible to receive New Hanover County Retirement Recognition: Billie Stallings - Health Department 17 Years of Service Richard Waldhour - Inspections Department 13 Years of Service Rebecca Taylor - Library 27 Years of Service Ernest Mcintyre - Property Management 24 Years of Service Howard Williams - Property Management 21 Years of Service Phyllis Motte - Tax Department 28 Years of Service RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present retirement plaques, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Presented retirement plaque, 45 This page intentionally left blank. 46 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are eligible to receive New Hanover County Service Recognition: FIVE (5) YEAR: Thomas Malpass - Property Management.; Martin Malter - Sheriffs Office; Gloria Bowens - Sheriff's Office; Lorraine Furr - W/S Finance; Garrett Burroughs - Social Services; Rebecca Dotterer - Museum TEN (10) YEAR: Melissa Cowan - Social Services; Terry Smith - Social Services FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Andrea Jordan - Engineering; Georgia Morris - Social Services TWENTY (20) YEAR: Mitzi Chappell - Health Department RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present service awards, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Presented service awards, 47 This page intentionally left blank. 48 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of employees will be provided prior to the meeting, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees who have been hired to fill budgeted positions that have become vacant. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized new employees, 49 This page intentionally left blank. 50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presentesr: Jack Barto and Bruce Prouty Contact: Wanda Copley SUBJECT: Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of Support BRIEF SUMMARY: Representative Danny McComas has introduced House Bill 1227 to exempt New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) from statutory requirements governing public contracts, The NHRMC Board of Trustees has adopted a resolution supporting the bill. A resolution is attached for your consideration, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation and consider resolution, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Status of bill as of June 6, 2007 House Bill 1227 NHRMC Board of Trustees Resolution ~ ........ , .. ~mRMc Resolution.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and consider resolution, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The item was withdrawn, 51 North Carolina General Assembly - House Bill 1227 Information/History (2007-2008 Session) Page 1 of2 Shortcuts . ~~!1oq.tflL,SJitt\lL~" . Sl\\$$iQt1h~Y!'.S. . 2007-2008 Session . NQ:~~AQ.!;lV~~,~!1.~.i~,~ NfJ)ly..HanQyg.r...RggIQnatMfJJJj(:al.....ClrlCQ.ntr.a(:t$. Search NCGA Web Sit I Fiscal Note Status: [S] Passed 2nd & 3rd Reading on ..".".,,-.'...---_., ...".,_....,....,.. 06/0612007 - - .~'p~,~.~~.r.:>n. .....'.nn..... .............,. ".""..."."". - Primary: Mc;Co.rD?ll:: - Co: NfA - Find Bills By Number IAttributes: Local; Text has changed; I Session: I History Action _.".,'''".~,..___ _.,.ow.,.".,-,___..__. 'Hm.. ",,'n. ,,,.,.._,,,... ...,....,,,.,",....... ........."....,...-. -,..".,.."..... ....., .u",_,.",__.. ,-..".,."'..,..."...... [H] Filed [H] Passed 1 st Reading I [H] Ref 10 Ihe Com on Local Government I and, iffavorable, to the Com on Judiciary 1Il 04/1212007 [HAl Reptd Fav Com Substilute Who Represents Me? 04/12/2007 IHI Re-ref Com On Judiciary III I 05/03/2007 [HA] Reptd Fav Com Sub 2 05/03/2007 IHI Cal Pursuant Rule 36(b) 05/07/2007 [H] Placed On Cal For 5/812007 05/0812007 IH] Passed 2nd & 3rd Reading 05/09/2007 [S1 Rec From House 05/0912007 ISl Ref To Com On Judiciary I (Civil) 06/05/2007 [S] Reptd Fav Com Substitute 06/0512007 [SA] Com Substitute Adopted 06/06/2007 [S] Passed 2nd & 3rd Reading Note: a bllllisted on this website is not law until passed by the House and the Senate, ratified, and, if requ.ired, signed by the Governor. ABBREVIATIONS KEY . H '" House Action . HF '" Failed in the House . S = Senate Action . SF'" Failed in the Senate . R = Ralified . HA = Adopted in the House . SA = Adopled In the Senate Bill Number: http://www.ncleg.netlgascripts/BHlLookUplBiIlLookUp, pi ?Session=2007 &BillID=H 1227 617/2007 52 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2007 H 3 HOUSE BILL 1227 Committee Substitute Favorable 4112/07 Committee Substitute #2 Favorable 5/4/07 Short Title: New Hanover Regional Medical Ctr/Contracts, (Local) - Sponsors: Referred to: ~~'W' March 29, 2007 I A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 2 AN ACT EXEMPTING NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, A NEW 3 HANOVER COUNTY HOSPITAL, FROM STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 4 GOVERNING PUBLIC CONTRACTS, 5 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: 6 SECTION 1. No provision of law with respect to the acquisition or 7 operation of property by other public bodies shall be applicable to New Hanover 8 Regional Medical Center (hereinafter "Center") unless otherwise specifi.ed by the 9 General Assembly, except that the Center shall do all of the following: 10 (1) Obtain a resolution from the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover 11 County approving the Center's exemption from statutory requirements 12 governing public contracts as provided in this act 13 (2) Comply with the minority business participation requirements set forth 14 in Article 8 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. 15 (3) Comply with the certificate of need requirements set forth in Article 9 16 of Chapter 131 E of the General Statutes, 17 (4) Conduct an annual independent audit of all contracts construction 18 or repair work that would otherwise be subject to the competitive 19 bidding requirements provided in G.S, 143-129. 20 SECTION 2. The annual independent audit required by Section 1 of this act 21 shall be reported to the Center's Board of Trustees. The audit shall include the specific 22 reasons for utilizing the authority granted by this act 23 SECTION 3. The Center shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 132 of 24 the General Statutes as applicable to other public hospitals. 25 SECTION 4. Once a contract is entered into by the Center pursuant to the 26 provisions of this act, the Center shall prepare a document setting out the reasons for 27 utilizing the authority granted by this act, include the document in its oflicial mes, and 28 make the document available to the public. 53 General Assembly of North Carolina Session 2007 I SECTION 5. This act is effective when it becomes law. Page 2 House Bill I 227-Third Edilion 54 APR-26-2007 THU 05~S3 Pl1 ADMINISTRATION FAX NO. 9lO6155819 p, 01 --r;;" W~ dc~ fro~.' ~dAr NnW llAl':OVHR RBOIONAL MEDICAl, CBNTER. INC. RHSOLVTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTRBS Mof April 24, 2007 . WHEREAS, New Htlflo<vcr Regional Medical Center is a public hospital owned. by the eltl1.ens of New Hanover County; and WHBREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Cenler serves as the safety net for the poor, uninsured and undcrin!\med in a seven-county area of Southeast.em North Carolina; and WHBREAS, New Ilanover Regional Medical Ceoter subsists on ils own operational revcll.ue, without local taxpayer support: and WHEREAS, for N~w llanover RegioDJ1l Modical Center to be fully competitive and make be.'lt use of resources tbal benefillL'l palionts and the community. it needs Oexibmly in executing COI1tr8cts that 'the VA~t J:I1l1jority of the larger hospital,s in the state already enjoy; amI WHEREAS, North Carolina House BUI 1227 has been introduced, and ifcl1aoted would allow New Hanover Rcr.Lonal Medical Cellter tMs flexibility; and WlfEREAS, lhi~ pmposed leg.islation has safeguards to proteot the public's interest in bow public contracts aTe awllrJl,)d and public dollars arc spent; and WHEREAS, with 1hi-: legislalion in place, New Hanovcc Regional Medical Center can better assuro quality, petfot"mallce, price competili(lR, standardization, compatibility, tilneliness and efficiency ofa project NOW THEREFORE, IT 1S RESOLVED; That the BOiU'd of 'frustets l'Cquests the Now Hanover County Boar,l of Commissioners to .adopt a resolution approving New Hanover Regional Medical ('~utcr's eXCDlption from stalutory requirements governing public lXlntraots, l1S provided ill HOWl': Bill 1227. Bruce Prouty, Chairman ~... ... CERTIFICATION OF SECRETARY 1. Pat Leonard. Secretary of Ute NHRMC Boara of Trustees. hereby certify that the above is a true and OOlTCCt excerpt frmu lhl,". minutes of tbe meeting of lhe NHRMC BOllrd ofTrustoos held on the 24\11 day of Apdl.. 2007, (tL which mecl.l.ng a quorum was present. J'at T..cona:rd. Secretary -.....- SEAL ..._._-"~ 55 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center is a public hospital owned by the citizens of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center serves as the safety net for the poor, uninsured and underinsured in a seven-county area of Southeastern North Carolina; and WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center subsists on its own operational revenue, without local taxpayer support; and WHEREAS, for New Hanover Regional Medical Center to be fully competitive and make best use of resources that benefit its patients and the community, it needs flexibility in executing contracts that the vast majority of the larger hospitals in the state already enjoy; and WHEREAS, North Carolina House Bill 1227 has been introduced, and if enacted would allow New Hanover Regional Medical Center this flexibility; and WHEREAS, this proposed legislation has safeguards to protect the public's interest in how public contracts are awarded and public dollars are spent; and WHEREAS, with this legislation in place, New Hanover Regional Medical Center can better assure quality, performance, price competition, standardization, compatibility, timeliness and efficiency of a project. NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves New Hanover Regional Medical Center's exemption from statutory requirements governing public contracts, as provided in House Bm 1227. ADOPTED the 18th day of June 200? William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Bruce Shell Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Adopted the FY 07-08 budget with a tax rate of 42 cents for New Hanover County and 5 cents for the Fire Services District by a vote of 3-2, 57 This page intentionally left blank. 58 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pat Melvin Contact: Kemp Burpeau SUBJECT: Consideration of Lease Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: Leading Into New Communities, Inc, (L1NC, Inc,) is seeking facilities for transitional housing for men and women re-entering the community from jail/prison, L1NC, Inc, desires to determine the feasibility of utilizing the old Jail Annex property, owned by New Hanover County, for this purpose, Frankie Roberts, Executive Director of L1NC, Inc, gave a presentation to the Board at the June 4, 2007 meeting, After the presentation, the Board directed staff to advertise and bring the lease back for consideration, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider lease agreement. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Lease agreement REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider lease agreement. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-1, Vice-Chairman Greer voting in opposition, 59 New Hanover County Contract #07~0507 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 2007, by and between the County of New Hanover, LESSOR, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; and Line, Inc., a non~profit corporati.on, hereinafter referred to as the "LESSEE"; WIT N E SSE T H: THAT WHEREAS, LESSEE desires to lease the old "County Jail Annex" to provide training to and housing for persons re-entering the community from jail/prison. WHEREAS, such use contributes a public purpose consistent with General Statute 160A-279; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have mutually agreed to the terms of this Lease Agreement as hereinafter set out; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the promised and covenants contained in the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the County does hereby rent, lease, and demise unto the Lessee for and during the term and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, those premises and improvements wiith all rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, lying and being in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being the premises consisting of the structure known as the "Old Jail Annex", 222 Division Drive Wilmington, NC, situated withiin secure fencing immediately surrounding the subject structure; said parcel constituting a portion of the County Farm Tract identified as Tax Parcel No. R041 00-005~002-000. 60 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, said property, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging., under the term and conditions hereinafter set forth, which the parties hereto agree faithfully to observe, keep and perform: 1. Term. This lease shaH commence on the 1'l! day of October, 2007 and unless sooner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided, shall exist and continue for a term of ten (10) years to end at midnight on September 30.2017. The subject property may be leased for a subsequent ten (10) year term upon written consent of the Lessor. 2. Rent. As rental, for the premises heretofore describe, the Lessee agrees to pay the yearly sum of One ($1,00) Dollar. 3. Occupancy and Quiet Enjoyment. The County promises and agrees that the Lessee shall have quiet and peaceable possession and occupancy of the above leased premises in accordance with the schedule of occupancy set forth above and that the County shall not interfere with the lessee's use and enjoyment of th,is premise. The County reserves the right to enter and inspect the premises upon reasonable notice to the lessee, 4. Use. The Lessee will use the premises soleliy for the purpose of providing transitional housing for persons re~entering the community from incarceration and willi not vary that use without the written consent of the County. 5, Assignment or Sub~Lease. The lessee shall not assign this lease or sublet the leased premises or any part thereof, without the written consent of the County, 6. Insurance. The County will procure and maintain casualty hazard insurance on the building located on the premises, As between the County and the lessee, any risk or loss of personal property placed by the lessee in or upon the leased premises shall be the responsibility of the Lessee, regardless of the cause of such loss, 7. Personal Property and Improvements. Any additions, fixtures, which are improvements placed or made by the lessee in or upon the 61 leased premises, which are permanently affixed to the leased premises and which cannot be removed without unreasonable and irreparable damage to said premises, shall become the property of the County and remain upon the premises as a party thereof upon the terminatiion of this lease. All other additions, fixtures, or improvements, to include trade fixtures, office furniture and equipment, and similar items, which can be removed without irreparable damage to the leased premises shall be and remain the property of the Lessee and may be removed from the leased premises by the Lessee upon the termination of this lease, provided that the Lessee shall bear the expense of any repairs to the leased premises for damages, other than fair wear and tear, caused by such removal. 8. Maintenance and Utilities. The Lessee shall be responsible for all maintenance and repair, of whatever nature required, including but not limited to yard maintenance, landscaping, foundation, external walls, and roof, and shall bear all the expenses of such maintenance and repair. The County may, at its election, provide in~house maintenance with the Lessee reimbursing the County for the cost of Labor and supplies. Such payment shall be made to the New Hanover County Finance Office upon receipt of invoi,ce for said services, The Lessee shall be responsible for all utilities. The County is entitled to come on the subject property at reasonable times to conduct inspections pertaining to the status of maintenance being performed by tenants. 9. Alterations and Partitions. The Lessee may make reasonable alterations and partitions to the leased premises and on or within the building located on such premises to enhance their suitability for the uses contemplated in this lease agreement, provided that prior written approval of graphic plans for such alterations and partitions shall be obtained from the County. 10. (1) Terminati,on. If the Lessee shall fail to pay any installment of rent when due and payable as heretofore provided or fail to perform 62 any of the terms and conditions heretofore set forth and shalll continue in such default for a periiod of ten (10) days after written notice of default, the County, at Its option, may terminate this lease and take possession of the premises without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law. (2) If the County shall fail to perform .any of the terms or conditions heretofore set forth and shall continue in such default, for a period of ten (10) days after written notice of a default, the lessee, at its option, may as its sole remedy terminate this lease and vacate the lease premises without further obligation to pay rent as heretofore provided from date of said termination. 11.lndemnity, Lessee shall indemnity and hold Lessor, its agents and employees,. harmless agaiinst any and all claims, demands, injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Lessee hereunder, to the extent resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of lessee, its agents, employees, subcontractors, invitees and licensees. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the County and Lessee have caused this instrument to be executed in duplicate originals by their duly authorized officials, the day and year first written above. New Hanover County {SEAL} County Manager Attest: Clerk to the Board Line, Inc. {Corporate Seal} President 63 Attest: Secretary This instrument has been pre- Audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budg.et and Fiscal Control Act Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ' a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Sheila Schult personally came before me th,is day and acknowledged that she is the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with is official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. Witness my hand and official seal, this _ day of , 2007. Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, ,a Notary Public of the State of the and County aforesaid, certify that , came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he id the Secretary of Unc, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, and as duly given as act of the corporation, the foregoing ,instrument was signed in its name by its 64 President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. Witness my hand and official seal, this _ day of , 2007, Notary Public My commission expires: 65 This page intentionally left blank. 66 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: David F, Weaver Contact: David F, Weaver SUBJECT: Public Hearing to Receive Comments on Documents for the Consolidation of Water and Sewer Utilities with the City of Wilmington BRIEF SUMMARY: As part of the process to consolidate water and sewer utilities with the City of Wilmington, a formal mandatory public hearing is scheduled to hear comments on the following attached documents: . Joint resolution of City and County to consolidate utilities and form the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) . Draft Articles of Incorporation of the proposed Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) The Board is asked to formally consider approval of both the joint County/City resolution creating the Authority and the Articles of Incorporation, The City will conduct a formal public hearing on the same material at their June 19 meeting, Please note that assets and liabilities and actual decision-making powers will not be transferred to CFPUA until an operating and functional framework is established for CFPUA, Although the objective is to put this framework in place by January 1,2008, this action may be delayed due to delays in formally establishing the Authority, The draft bylaws and Advisory Committee report are also attached, but no formal action is required, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing and consider joint resolution and Articles of Incorporation, FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Joint Resolution ~ ~ ~ ........ ........ ... . ... . water sewer A1s May {f 7 CC tracked revisions accpeted ,doc l,\'S,2.;.Jtho~ bylaws Mcr/G7 CC.doc Recommendations ,doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: 67 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct public hearing and consider joint resolution and Articles of Incorporation, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Conducted public hearing and approved the joint resolution and Articles of Incorporation by a vote of 5-0, 68 Resolution .. ".'""".. CityOf~= " . North Carolma Introduced By: Sterling B. Cbeatham, City 06/19/2007 Manager Concurrent Resolution of the Wilmington City Council and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Creating the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority LEGISLA'fIVE INTENTIPURPOSE: N ,C.G.S. Chapter I 62A, Article 1 knovvn as the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended (the "Act") authorizes political subdivisions, including cities and counties, to create a water and sewer authority to operate their water system andlor sewer system, On September 20, 2005 the Wilmington City Council and on September 19, 2005 the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopted a concurrent resolution setting forth their intent to form an authority to consolidate their water and sewer utilities. The governing bodies directed City and Cmmty staff to research and develop a proposed implementation plan to include, legal, financial, engineering and administrative issues relating to the consolidation of water and sewer utilities and to present the final plan to them and to hold a public hearing. The City and County engaged Municipal & Financial Services Group (MFSG) as the Project Manager to plan for the consolidation and formed the joint Water Sewer Advisory Committee to guide the consolidation and to make recommendations to the City and County governing bodies regarding creation of a consolidated water and sewer authority for the City and County water and sewer systems, excluding storrnwater. MFSG developed a consolidation plan and implementation schedule that identifies responsibilities, organization structure, timeline and preliminary utility rates and fees. The Water Sewer Advisory Committee has made its reeommendations to the City Council and Board of Commissioners, including a recommendation to create an Authority pursuant to the Aet In accordanee with the requirements of the Act, pursuant to notice a public hearing was held before the Wilmington City Council and New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, and they have detennined that it is in the best interest of the City and County to create the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Act and desire to do so by the adoption of concurrent resolutions. 69 The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County desire to create the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority to operate their water and sewer systems, excluding stormwater, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY THAT: Section I. Creation of the Authority. There is hereby created the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority pursuant to the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 162A, Article I of the North Carolina General Statues), as amended. Section 2. Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (the "Authority"), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted. The Mayor of the City of Wilmington and the Chaimlan of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Articles of Incorporation on behalf of the City and County as organizers of the Authority. CITY OF WILMINGTON Bill Saffo, Mayor Adopted at a meeting on ,2007. A TIESI': APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,,~~",. City Clerk City Attorney COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Chainnan, Board of Commissioners Adopted at a meeting on ,2007. APPROVED AS TO FORM: 70 ATTEST: Clerk to the Board County Attorney 71 ARTICLES OF IN CORPORA TION CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY ARTICLE I NAME AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE LI The name of the authority shall be the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (Authority). 1.2 The address of the initial principal office of the Authority is 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 2840 I, ARTICLE II ORGANIZATION 2,1 The Authority is organized under Chapter 162A, Article 1 of the North Carolina General Statutes known as the North Carolina Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended (Act). 2,2 The names of the organizing and initially participating political subdivisions are the City of Wilmington, North Carolina (Wilmington or City) and New Hanover County, North Carolina (County), ARTICLE III MEMBERS 3.1 The Authority shall consist of eleven members who shall be residents of New Hanover County, 3.Ll The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint to the Authority the number of members set forth opposite its names below: City of Wilmington 5 New Hanover County 5 No more than two of the members appointed by the City and two of the members appointed by the County may be elected officials. 3.1.2 The eleventh member of the Authority shall be appointed jointly by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. .3.2 A proportionate number of the initial members of the Authority shaH have terms expiring three years, two years and one year respectively from the date of 72 issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation or Charter for the Authority by the North Carolina Secretary of State. After the initial terms each member of the Authority shall be appointed for a three.year term. No appointee shall serve more than three full consecutive terms. An appointee who serves three full consecutive terms shall not be eligible for re-appointment to the Authority for one year. 3,2,1 The names, addresses and terms of office of the initial members of the Authority appointed by Wilmington are as follows: Charles C, Wells. 3 year term 2211 Marlwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Gene F. Renzaglia. 2 year term 1310 Spotswood Court Wilmington, NC 28409 Stephen B, Thomas. 1 year term 201 North Front Street, Suite 103 Wilmington, NC 28401 James L. "Jim" Quinn, III - 2 year term 202 Stonewall Jackson Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 Jason R, Thompson. 3 year term 636 Calcos Court Wilmington, NC 28405 3.2,2 The names, addresses and terms of office of the initial members of the Authority I appointed by the County are as follows: John R, Andrew. 3 year term 5910 Cedar Landing Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Kathryn L, Johnston - 3 year term 3530 Aster Court Wilmington, NC 28409 Robert G. Greer - 2 year term 8735 RamsburyWay Wilmington, NC 28411 2 73 Burrows G. Smith - 1 year term 13 1 Skystasail Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 William A. Caster ~ 2 year term 6048 Cedar Ridge Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 3,2.3 The name, address and term of the eleventh initial member of the Authority appointed by Wilmington and the County is: Matt Hunter ~ 1 year term 4501 West Cascade Road Wilmington, NC 28412 3.2.4 The initial terms of office begin on the date of issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation or Charter by the North Carolina Secretary of State. The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall be empowered to remove at any time any member of the Authority appointed by it with a three fourth (3/4) majority vote of the appointing governing body. In addition, persons serving because of their positions as elected officials may be removed when they leave elected office. The governing body whose member is removed shall appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed member's term. ARTICLE IV PURPOSES AND POWERS 4.1 The purposes for which the Authority is formed is to exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, manage and maintain and operate a water system and a sewer system as defined and authorized under the Act, and may include stormwater and other services as authorized by law and if approved by the City and County. 4.2 The Authority shall have all the rights, power and duties of an Authority under the Act, 4,3 The Authority shall serve its designated service area of the unincorporated area of New Hanover County that constitutes the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and the City of Wilmington. The Authority may serve such other political subdivisions and private entities as the Authority may determine upon the terms and conditions established pursuant to contract 3 74 ARTICLE V AMENDMENT AND ACTIONS 5.1 These articles shall not be amended or changed without the express agreement of each of the governing bodies of the organizing political subdivisions. 5,2 None of the following actions shall be taken or permitted to occur by the Authority without the affirmative vote of a maj ority of the members appointed by each incorporating political subdivision: (a) The inclusion of additional political subdivisions or other entities in the Authority in accordance with the Act. (b) Agreements with other political subdivisions, entities, or persons for the bulk sale of surplus water or the acceptance and treatment on a bulk basis of wastewater, hauled waste andlor sewage. ARTICLE VI ANNUAL BUDGET, AUDIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS 6.1 A certified copy of the annual budget and annual audit and a copy of annual environmental compliance reports shall be delivered promptly to each of the participating political subdivisions and any other participating entities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Wilmington, North Carolina has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by its Mayor and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested by the City Clerk as of this day of , 20_; and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, has caused these Articles of Incorporation to be executed by its Chairman and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested by the Clerk to the Board as of this day of ,20~ CITY OF WILMINGTON [SEAL] Mayor ATTEST: -- City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 4 75 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Chairman ATTEST: County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: - County Attorney 5 76 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 1, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that Penelope Spicer-Sidbury personally appeared before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of the City of Wilmington and is acquainted with , Mayor, ofthe City of Wilmington, and that Penelope Spicer-Sidbury is Clerk of the City of Wilmington and saw the said , Mayor, of the City of Wilmington, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the common seal of said City of Wilmington affixed to said instrument by said Mayor that she, the said Penelope Spicer- Sidbury, Clerk as aforesaid, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in the presence of said Mayor of the City of Wilmington. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the _ day of ,20_, Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that Sheila Schult personally appeared before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of the New Hanover County and is acquainted with , \vho is Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that Sheila Schult is the Clerk of New Hanover County and saw the said , Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the common seal of said New Hanover County affixed to said instrument by said Chairman, and that she, the said Sheila Schult as aforesaid, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the ~ day of _ ,20_" Notary Public My Commission Expires: wator. !ewer, Arts M ay ,07, CC .tracked. revisions, accepted 6 77 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY BYLA WS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 162A, Article 1 of the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended, the governing bodies of the County of New Hanover and the City of Wilmington created the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a water system and sewer system, and may include storm water and other services as authorized by law if approved by the governing bodies of said County and City; and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority desires to enact and adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority that the following bylaws are hereby enacted: BYLAWS CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY Article I Seal and Offices 1.1 Seal. The seal of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (Authority) shall be circular and shall have inscribed thereon, within and around the circumference, the following: "CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY" and in the center shall be the word "SEAL". 1.2 Offices. The principal office of the Authority shall be at 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, but the Authority may also have offices located in such other places as the Authority may from time to time designate as convenient to meet the purposes and obligations of the Authority. Article II Membership 2.t Number. Terms and Appointment. The number, terms and appointment of members of the Authority shall be as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation of the Authority, as amended from time to time, and on file in the office of the North Carolina Secretary of State. 2.2 Resil!nation. Any member may resign at any time by giving written notice of resignation to the Authority and to the City of Wilmington (City), County of New Hanover (County) or other political subdivision by whom the member was appointed. 2.3 Vacancies. Any vacancy in membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by the political subdivision making the original appointment. 2.4 Oath of Office. Before entering upon his or her duties, each member shall be qualified and shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support and maintain the constitution and I 78 laws of the United States and the State of North Carolina and to perform faithfully the duties of the office. A record of each oath or affirmation shall be filed with the Secretary of the Authority and kept with the Authority's official documents. 2.5 (:ontlict of Interest. In addition to complying with the requirements of North Carolina law, no member shall participate in the hearing, consideration or determination of any matter in which he or she has a conflict of interest (conflict). A conflict exists when a member engages in any business or transaction or has a financial or other personal interest, direct or indirect, that is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her official duties or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment and action in the performance of his or her official duties. A conflict exists when any member: (a) Has a financial interest as owner, member, partner, officer, employer, stockholder or other participant in a private business or professional enterprise that will be affected by the outcome of any matter under consideration before him or her in his or her capacity as a member. (b) Has such interest in any matter which may be adverse to the public interest and the proper performance of his or her duties as a member. (c) Has an interest in speculative or investment activities that will benefit from use of confidential information obtained as a member. (d) Utilizes property, either real or personal, owned by the City, County or other participating political subdivision in any business venture or enterprise that results in private gain, monetary or otherwise, to such member. Personal as distinguished from financial interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationship, by consanguinity or affinity within and including the third degree. 2.6 Confidential Information. No member shall use or disclose confidential information concerning the property, government or affairs of the Authority tor the purpose of advancing the financial or other private interest of himself or herself or others. 2.7 Gifts and Favors. No member shall accept gifts, favors or anything of value, whether in the form of service, loan, material thing or promise, from any person who to his or her knowledge is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the Authority. No member shall accept any gifts, favors or anything of value that may tend to influence him or her in the discharge of his or her duties or tend to influence him or her in granting any improper service, favor or thing of value, If it is impossible or inappropriate to refuse a gift, then it shall be turned over to any appropriate public or charitable institution. 2.8 Appearance and IntenrcntiOIl on Behalf of Others. No member shall appear before the Authority or any of its committees, or intervene, on behalf of private interests in any matter that will be in conflict with his or her duties as a member, Any member may appear before the Authority in the course of the performance of civic obligations whenever no retainer, compensation or gifts shall be accepted in connection with such representation. Members shall not seek to influence a decision, participate in any action or cast a vote involving any matter that is likely to result in a personal and/or financial gain. 2 79 2.9 AIlPIi~ation of Provisions. In applying the provisions set forth in sections 2.5 through 2.8 hereinabove, the following procedures shall govern: (a) A member who determines there is a conflict shall declare to the Authority the existence of a contlict and its nature and shall request to be excused from the hearing, consideration or determination of the matter by the Authority. The Authority shall vote on whether any conflict exists and to excuse the member from voting. (b) A member who believes that a conflict may exist on his/her part or the part of another member shall declare the possible conflict and its nature,. and ask for a determination by the Authority, The Authority shan determine whether or not a conflict exists and excuse the member. (c) If a member who has a conflict will not voluntarily seek to be excused by the Authority, the Authority shaH make a determination as to whether a conflict exists and excuse the member. 2.10 Reimbursement and Comllensation. Members of the Authority and its committees shall be reimbursed for their out~of.pocket expenses incurred for attendance at any out-of-town meetings and conferences as determined by the Authority. Members shall be paid a per diem for attendance at regular Authority meetings not to exceed $250.00 per month. Article III Meetings 3.1 Ree:ular.Meetin!!s. Regular meetings of the Authority shall be held at least once per calendar month at such time or times and place(s) as may be prescribed by resolution of the Authority adopted no later than December of each year. When any regular meeting of the Authority falls on a legal holiday of any participating political subdivision, then such meeting shall be held on the next following regular business day. Whenever the date of a regular meeting is determined to create a scheduling conflict, the Authority may by vote change the date and hour of the meeting. 3.2 Annual Meetine:. Except for the initial organizational meeting,. the first regular meeting in November of each year shall be the annual meeting of the Authority. 3.3 Special Meetinszs. Special meetings of the Authority may be held at any time and place upon the call of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson or any two members upon at least forty- eight hours written notice to each member served personally or left at his or her usual place of business or residence or served by facsimile or electronic mail, Notice of any meeting of the Authority may be waived in writing either before or after the meeting and shall be deemed waived by attendance at any such meeting without first objecting to lack of proper notice. Special meetings shall be held at such place and time and for the purpose(s) specified in the notice, 3.4 VOdD!!. Each member is entitled to one vote. Voting on matters coming before the Authority shall be in person; however, a video or telephone conference meeting may be held in compliance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. 3 80 3.5 Quorum. The Authority may exercise any of the powers conferred upon it at any meeting, regular, special or adjourned, at which a quorum is present A majority of members shall constitute a q llorum, and the vote of a maj ority of the members present and voting shall be necessary for any action taken by the Authority, unl.ess otherwise specified in these bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation for the Authority. The Chairperson shall vote on all questions. No vacancy in the membership of the Authority shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all ofthe duties of the Authority. Unfilled vacancies shall not be used to establish the absence of a quorum. Every member shall vote unless excused by a vote oIthe remaining members for a conflict A failure to vote by a member who is present at the meeting, or who has withdrawn from the meeting without being excused by the Authority, shall be recorded as an affirmative vote. 3.6 Order of Business. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows: (a) Determination of a quorum (b) Approval of minutes (c) Consent agenda (d) New business L Administrative reports (e.g, CEO, CFO) 2. Chairperson report 3, Committee reports 4. Public hearings 5. Actions on resolutions, ordinances and reports 6, Appointments (e) Old business (f) Discussion by members of items not on the agenda (g) Adjournment 3.7 Consent Aecnda. The Authority may designate a part of the agenda as the "consent agenda". Items shall be placed on the consent agenda that are considered routine and non~ controversial. Any member may remove an item from the consent agenda and place it on the regular agenda. All items remaining on the consent agenda shall be voted on and adopted by a single motion, with the minutes reflecting the motion and vote on each item, 3.8 Robert's Rules. If any disagreement in the conduct of any meeting or the order of business arises, the rules of parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall prevail, providing that the terms and conditions of the Articles of Incorporation for the Authority, these bylaws and the North Carolina General Statutes shan in all cases be controlling. 3.9 Minutes. Minutes of regular and special meetings shall be kept in writing. Minutes shall be made available to members within ten working days after adjournment 3.10 Cbair pro tempore. In absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Authority shall appoint a Chair pro tempore who shall preside at the meeting, 4 81 3.B Open Meetinl!s; Public Records. The Authority is subject to the North Carolina Open Meetings Law and North Carolina Public Records Act. Article IV Officers 4.1 Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson. Secretary and Treasurer. 4.2 Election and Appointment of Officers. The Authority shall, at its annual meeting each year, or if a quorum is not present at such meeting, then at the next regular meeting or at a special meeting called for such purpose at which a quorum is present, elect a Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer from its membership who shall hold office for one year or until their successors are duly elected and qualified unless they resign or are removed prior to that time. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall not be appointed to the Authority by the same participating political subdivision. Any officer may be elected by the Authority to succeed himself or herself in office for no more than three successive terms in the same office. If any offices become vacant for any reason, the Authority shall at the next regular meeting fill the office, 4.3 Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Authority. The Chairperson shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, an agenda for each meeting which shall include each proposed resolution, ordinance and report on which action is to be taken at the meeting. The agenda for each regular meeting shall be delivered to members at least five days prior to the meeting. A request from an Authority member to have an item placed on the agenda for a regular meeting is to be made to the Chairperson at least ten days before the meeting, The Chairperson shall perform other duties commonly incident to the office and shall perform other duties and have other powers and authority as may be conferred from time to time by the Authority in accordance with law. 4.4 Vice-Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson and at such time shall have the same powers, duties and authority as the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall perform other duties and have other powers and authority as may be conferred from time to time by the Authority in accordance with law. 4.5 Secretarv. The Secretary shall attend to the giving of any required notice of regular and specials meetings of the Authority. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the minutes of Authority meetings and meetings of its committees are properly kept in writing and maintained at the principal office of the Authority. The Secretary shall attest by signature whenever required. The Secretary shall perform other duties commonly incident to the office and shall perform other duties and have other powers and authority as may be conferred from time to time by the Authority in accordance with law. 4.6 Treasur~r. The Treasurer shall perform duties commonly incident to the office and shall perform duties and have other powers and authority as may be conferred from time to time by the Authority in accordance with law, 5 82 4.7 Remov3l fmm Office. Any officer may be removed from office (but not from membership on the Authority if a member) by the Authority at any time. Article V Committees 5.1 Committees. The Authority may establish such special and standing committees as it deems desirable to assist in conducting its business which shall serve only in an advisory capacity with duties as detennined by the Authority. Committees will make recommendations to the Authority and shall prepare reports on matters pertaining to assignments as directed by the Authority. Any such committees may be abolished in the discretion of the Authority. 5.2 Membership, Committee members and chairpersons shall be appointed by the Authority Chairperson. Committee members need not be members of the Authority; however, committee chairpersons shall be members of the Authority. 5.3 Meetin2s and Quorum, Committee meetings shall be called by the committee chairperson or two other committee members. A majority of committee members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of committee members present at a meeting having a quorum shall be the act of the committee. 5.4 Minutes. Each committee shall keep written minutes of its meetings and shall deliver a copy of these minutes to the Secretary oithe Authority for distribution to the Authority. Minutes shall be made available to Authority members at least ten working days after adjournment 5.5 Reports. Each committee chairperson shall report on its accomplishments to the Authority at each regular meeting, At least once a year, and no later than September 15th, each committee chairperson shall deliver to the Authority and Chief Executive Officer a written report of its work and accomplishments during the preceding fiscal year. These reports (or excerpts thereon from) shall be included in the annual report. Article VI Administra tion 6.1 Cbief Executive Officer: Bud2et Officer and Finance Qfficer. The Authority shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who shall not be a member of the Authority and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Authority. The CEO shall devote his or her time to the AuthorilY and shall not actively engage in any other business that will conflict with his or her primary duties to the Authority. The CEO shall be the Budget Officer and Finance Officer and shall have the powers and duties set forth in the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. The Authority shall pay the CEO such compensation as it deems necessary and advisable. 6.2 Duties of Chief Executive Officer. The CEO shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Authority. The CEO shall attend meetings of the Authority and shall attend committee meetings when requested. The CEO shall make recommendations to the Authority 6 83 for adoption of such resolutions, ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, guidelines and any other measures that he or she shall deem necessary and advisable for the efficient and proper administration of the operations of the Authority. The CEO shall be accountable to the Authority for the proper and efficient administration of the operations of the Authority and for the implementation and execution of resolutions, ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, guidelines and directives approved or adopted by the Authority, The CEO shall be responsible for preparing and presenting the annual report on the condition of the Authority at the annual meeting of the Authority and shall also deliver a copy to each participating subdivision. The CEO shall prepare the proposed annual budget ordinance and the capital improvement plan and submit these to the Authority for approva1. The CEO shall be responsible for obtaining and furnishing to the Authority financial and other reports as may be required by the Authority, Except for those persons appointed to positions by the Authority who shall serve at the pleasure of the Authority including but not limited to the Legal Counsel, the CEO shall employ all employees of the Authority in accordance with the adopted budget ordinance, organizational structure, Human Resources policies and within any pay and classification plan adopted by the Authority. The CEO shall supervise, discipline and discharge all employees of the Authority, Article VII Finances 7.1 Fiscal Control. The Authority is subject to the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act (Act), The Authority shall establish guidelines, policies aneIJor procedures for the efficient and sound fiscal management of the Authority not inconsistent with the Act 7.2 Monthlv Finandal Statements. A monthly Statement of Net Assets (balance sheet), Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Change in Net Assets (income statement) and Statement of Revenues Expenditures, and other Funding Sources (Uses) (budget vs. actual) shall be submitted to the Authority by the CEO at each regular meeting of the Authority. The Authority may require other financial reports on a monthly, quarterly or other basis and may direct that reports contain information in such detail as it deems appropriate. 7.3 FiscalYear. The fiscal year of the Authority shall commence on July I of each year and shall terminate on the following June 30, Article VIII Capital Improvement Plan and Permits 8.1 Capital Improvement Plan. The Authority shall adopt at least a IO-year capital improvement plan which shall be updated at least bi~annuaUy, Immediately following its adoption, a copy of the capital improvement plan shall be forwarded to each participating political subdivision. 8.2 Permits. The Authority shall acquire and maintain in good standing operation permits from the State of North Carolina Division of Water Quality and any other applicable local, state 7 84 or federal permits, licenses or certificates necessary for the operation of a consolidated water system and sewer system, and may include stormwater and other services as authorized by law if approved by the governing bodies of the County and City. Article IX Execution of Documents 9.1 Execution of Documents. The Authority may, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws or law, authorize any officer or the CEO or any senior slaffmember to enter into any agreement or execute and deliver any written instrument of, and on behalf of, the Authority and any such grant of Authority may be general or confined to a specific instance. Unless so authorized by the Authority, no officer, member, agent, appointee, employee or the CEO shall have any power or authority to bind the Authority by any agreement or engagement, or pledge or its credit, or to render it liable in any way, monetary or otherwise, for any purpose or in any amount. Article X Amendments 10.1 Amendments. These bylaws may be amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting of the Authority upon thirty days written notice of such amendment. Article XI Severability 11.1 Savini! Clause. If any section, subsection, paragraph, or part of these bylaws is for any reason held unlawful or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions of these bylaws. ADOPTED by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority at a meeting held on the _ day of ,20 Chairperson ATTEST: Secretary W &SAuthority.bylaws.May07..CC 8 85 Final - For Advisory Committee Approval Prepared for City of Wilmington New Hanover County Joint City/County Water &: Sewer Advisory Committee Recommendations Prepared by ~ ,',;,.:: :,'/1, _ ,"'" _:~-,-,:_ _~':.i. !':',-~t" - ' 'k',.,. , ,. :)J-'_' r .,.,- :;"'::Pi'::,f-';i:;i;-:" ~Tl, ;:j;',i ~.;, MunIcipal & Flnancla:1 February 8,2007 Services Group 906-A Commerce Road Annapol:is, MD 21401 410.266.9101 86 Final- For Advisory Commiuee Approval TABLE OF CONTENTS PREF ACE.......................................................................................................................................1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................2 I. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................4 n. ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS ................................................................................5 III. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA TIONS......................................................7 Recommendation #1- Establish a Regional Authority and Mission Statement................. 7 Recommendation #2 - Members of the Authority............................................................... 11 Recommendation #3. - Articles of Incorporation ................................................................. 11 Recommendation #4 - Authority Rates and Charges .........................................................12 Recommendation #5 - Employee Relations...................................................................,....... 1 3 Recommendation #6 - Employee Working Groups ............................................................. 14 Recommendation #7 - Organizational Structure of the Authority.................................... 15 Recommendation #8 - Future Se.rvices of tbe AuthorUy .................................................... 17 Recommendation #9 - Authority Operations....................................................................... 17 87 Final. For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 PREFACE This document summarizes the work of the Joint City I County Water and Sewer Authority Advisory Committee, The Committee's specific recommendations were developed in response to the guiding principles established by the elected officials from the City and County, The guiding principles are listed below. I. Both the City and County will be equal partners, e.g. equal representation on the Authority Board, 2. One goal is to achieve equal rates for both County and City customers, e.g. a six-year phased equalization process. 3. All County and City water and sewer assets will be transferred to the Authority to serve the custOmers for the common good of both localities. 4. Existing City and County employees, in recognition of their history of valuable and dedicated service and of the continuing need for their service, will be treated as fairly as possible. All existing County and City employees will be offered a position. Retirement benefits will continue with the present StatelLocal Government Retirement System. 5. The costs to customers for water and sewer services will not be more than if the County and City systems remained separate. 6, The geographic jurisdiction of the new Authority initially will consist of the City of Wilmington and the District. Provisions wi1l be made, however, for continued relations with other jurisdictions through inter-local agreements and for possible future expansion of the Authority. The meetings of the Advisory Committee have been recorded in both written and audio fonnat and are available in the City Manager's office at City Hall. MFSa Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee I 88 Fillal- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8. 2()()7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Wilmington's Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners formed a Joint City/County Water and Sewer Advisory Committee to guide the consolidation of the two individual water and sewer utility systems to form a new regional water and sewer authority. The Advisory Committee has met thirteen since its initial meeting was held on October 4,2006. During the course of its work, the Advisory Committee has been briefed by the City and County staff, the Municipal & Financial Services Group (MFSG) project team. members, and the chai,rmen of five Employee Working Groups on all aspects of the utility consolidation. The Advisory Committee has also analyzed presentations on Communications, Capital Improvement Programs, Governance Issues. Water and Sewer Rates and Charges, Organiz,ational Structure, Customer Service, Human Resources and Operations and Maintenance. These presentations addressed the status of the existing City and County utilities including identified "best practices" and recommendations on the formation of the future Authority. Based on the findings detailed in Chapter III of this report, the Advisory Committee recommends that a consolidated water and sewer authority be formed to serve the citizens of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The Advisory Committee has concluded that there would be many benefits from the consolidation of the City of Wilmington and the New Hanover County utility organizations into a new single regional authority, including: · Lower water and wastewater rates over the long term; · Improved planning and more efTective investment of capital in the combined utility system leading to improved system reliability; and · New and expanded career opportunities for employees in the cousolidated authority. The Advisory Committee also recognizes that both the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are facing significant future capital investments in their water and sewer systems that will total over $400 million in the next 10 to 15 years. These capital expenditures are necessary whether or not consolidation of the water and sewer systems occurs. Some of these expenditures will be required for infrastructure rehabilitation and other funds will be needed to expand service. Both the City and the County will. without question, find it necessary to significantly increase current waler and wastewater rates and connection fees to fund these required improvements. Based on a preliminary rate study conducted by MFSG, the project consultant, City and County customers will face higher water and wastewater rates and fees if the City and County utility systems remain separate and do not consolidate. The reports llnd analyses examined by the MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advl'sory Committee 2 89 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 Advisory Committee indicate that water and sewer rates and fees for City and County customers will be lower over time with the new Authority. The Advisory Committee recommends that the City and County el.ected officials form the new Authority by March 31, 2007 and that it commence operations on January 1,2008. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 3 90 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval Febmary 8, 2007 I. INTRODUCTION The City and County have selected and engaged the Municipal & Financial Services Group ("MFSG"), assisted by O'Brien & Gere Engineers, to serve as the project manager for the consolidation of the water and sewer systems individually owned and operated by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The City of Wilmington Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners also elected to fonn a Joint City/County Water & Sewer Advisory Committee to guide the consolidation of the two individual water and seWer utility systems to fonn a new water and sewer authority. The members of the Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee were separately appointed by the City of Wilmington City Council. and New Hanover County Commissioners. The Joint City/County Water & Sewer Advisory Committee members are as follows: Member: Appointed By: Daniel Dawson. Chainnan City of Wilmington Andrew Atkinson, Deputy Chainnan New Hanover County Matt Hunler, Secretary New Hanover County C, Phillip Marion, Jr. City of Wilmington William B. Farris City of Wilmington John (Rod) Andrew New Hanover County Kathryn Johnston Advisory Commitlee As part of its project responsibilities, the MFSG team developed a very detailed consolidation plan and implementation schedule for the project. This plan and schedule, delivered in the fonn of eight detailed consolidation reports, and various presentations made to the Joint City/County Water & Sewer Advisory Committee, identifies responsibilities, organizational structure, timeline and preliminary utility rates and fees. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 4 91 Final- For Adviso.ry Committee Approval February 8, 2007 II. ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROCESS The Joint City/County Water and Sewer Advisory Committee met thirteen times since its formation in early October. The first meeting of the Joint City/County Water and Sewer Advisory Commillee was held on October 4, 2006. At that meeting, the elected officials provided informational packets with the utility consolidation Guiding Principles and the Advisory Committee's By-Laws. At this meeting, the Committee also appointed its seventh member. Ms. Kathryn Johnston. The second Committee meeting was held on October 26, 2006 and the Committee elected its chairmen and officers as listed below. Dan Dawson - Committee Chair Andrew Atkinson - Vice Committee Chair Matt Hunter - SecrelarY MFSG Project Team Director Ed Donahue presented to the Committee the overall status of the utility consolidation. This presentation laid out the detailed project management timeJine from October through December, and listed specific reports to be delivered to the City. County and Advisory Committee by December 3 i, 2006. The list of deliverable reports is shown below: COW -NHC Internal Communications Plan COW -NHC External Communications Plan COW -NHC Benefits Assessment Report COW -NHC Integrated Capital Improvement Program COW -NHC Water and Sewer Preliminary Rate Study COW -NHC Organizational Structure Report COW-NHC Employee Working Group Report COW-NHC Governance and Legal Report COW -NHC Human Resources Report The third committee meeting was held on November 2, 2006, and the main focus of this meeting was to clearly identify and define the Committee's role. Mr. Tropea of the MFSG project team presented recommendations on the critical role the Committee wiIl play in the planning of the Authority. Specifically, the Committee will be called upon to make important policy recommendations and act as a sounding board for recommendations and ideas presented by the project team. Mr. Tropea's report also described the significant progress made on the project in many critical areas and lhe progress being made by the employee working groups. Over the following three meetings, the Advisory Committee was briefed by the ClIy and County staff. the MFSG project team members and the Employee Working Groups on all aspects of the utility consolidation. Presentations were heard on Communications, Capital Improvement Programs, Governance Issues, Water and Sewer Rates and Charges, Organizational Structure, Customer Service. Human Resources. and Operation and Maintenance. The presentations MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 5 92 Final ~ For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,2007 covered the status of the current City and County utilities as well as defined "best practices" that should be adopted as general policy and procedure for the new Authority. The Committee also heard recommendations from both the project team and the employee working groups on the formation of the new Authority. The meetings were characterized by thoughtful questions and solid discussion with many good ideas being advanced by Advisory Committee members. On December 29, 2006 a comprehensive utility consolidation plan was submitled to the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County in the form of the above mentioned reports. The reports represent the complete detailed background, research and analysis preformed and subsequently presented to the Advisory Committee. Specific recommendations regarding the formation, set- up, and operation of the new Authority are summarized within each report. The Advisory Committee met to develop its findings and recommendations many times during January and early February 2007. The Committee reviewed the various reports and presentations and focused upon the Guiding Principles provided by the elected officials. The Advisory Committee recommendations which follow are based on the reports and presentations made available to the Committee during the course of its deliberations. It sbould be recognized tbat the final decisions Oil important elements. like the utility rates and the Capital Improvement Plan, will be made by the Authority in concert with Cily and County elected officials. As such, tbe rates and fees listed in the preliminary rale study, or the inclusion of specific projecls in the Capital Improvement Plan, is not a guarantee that the projected rate or the project will be approved by the Autbority. All meetings of the Advisory Committee were recorded. Meeting minutes and recordings of Ibe Committee's meetings are available for inspection and review in the City Manager's office in CilyHal1. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 6 93 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,,2007 m. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Advisory Committee appreciates the opportunity to serve the community by studying the consolidation of the City and County water and wastewater utility systems. After careful study and analysis, and based on the information presented to the Committee. the Advisory Committee has concluded that there would be many benefits from the consolidation of the City of Wilmington and the New Hanover County utility organizations into a new regional authority, including: . Lower water and wastewater rates oyer the long term; . Improred planning and more effectiye inrestment of capil3J in the combined uU/ity system leading to improyed system relisbility; snd . New and expanded career opportunities for employees in the consolidated authority. Recommendation #1- Establish a Regional Authority and Mission Statement Guidinll: Principles: The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County elected officials have established the following Guiding Principles related to utility rates for customers of the consolidated water and wastewater utility systems. "One goal is to achieve equal rates for both County and City customers, e.g. a six-year phased equalization process." "The costs to customers for water and sewer services will not be more than if the County and City systems remained separate." Advisorv Committee Findinl!..~: The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County selected the Municipal & Financial Services Group ("MFSG") to perform a preliminary rate study to determine if the aforementioned Guiding Principles would be met through consolidating the existing City and COl.lnty water and sewer utilities. The Advisory Committee conducted two work sessions with MFSG 10 review the preliminary rale study modeling methodology and the modeling results. In addition, the Committee has reviewed a proposed Capital Improvements Plan for the new Authority which was developed by O'Brien & Gere. an engineering subcontractor to MFSG. Also. tbe Committee has reviewed the MFSG summary repol1 on the preliminary water and sewer cosl of service study. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 7 94 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,2007 The MFSG preliminary rate study outlines the estimated "true" operating, capital and maintenance ellpenses and revenues of each individual utility and determines the adequacy of current rates and charges for each individual utility. This effort to document the full cost of service is complicated by the fact that the County has traditionally provided a sales tax subsidy ranging from $5 million to $2 million per year to the water and sewer operations, and has not charged its utilities for some administrative and support services. Suggested water and sewer user rates under the current rate structures and alternatives are proposed for both the City and County for the Fiscal Years 2008 through 2012. The adequacy of current capital facility fees for both City and County water and sewer utilities are addressed and new fees are proposed based upon American Water Works Association (A WW A) approved methodologies. During the past several weeks two consulting engineers' reports were provided to the City and County which had an impact on the consolidation study. The reports include: a downtown sewer report completed by Camp Dresser McKee and a report, on the North East Interceptor (NEl) completed by Kinley- Horn and Associates, The capital costs identified in these reports are reflected in MFSG's rate study analysis, Water and sewer rates for the proposed new Authority have been summarized by MFSG under two possible scenarios, the "worst case" and the "most likely case." The "worst case" scenario is modeled by simply combining the City and County waler and sewer operations (i.e., the full cost of operating, maintenance and capital for the City systems plus the full cost of operating. maintenance and capital for the County systems). MFSG has termed this "worst case" because it does not take into account any efficiencies achieved as a result of consolidating the two utilities. The second scenario ("most likely case") also assumes no operating efficiencies but attempts to model a "most likely" capital improvements program for the City and County. While the City's capital improvements plan includes primarily mandatory projects, there are projects in the County's plan that can be delayed. These projects include water and sewer system extensions (Water System Improvements. Castle Hayne, Weaver Acres, etc.). MFSG's analyses concluded that further improvement (reduction) in the projected rates may be possible th.rough the improved strategic capital planning that will take place by the new Authority to allow for deferral of some of the projects and the potential to refinance some existing debt. The following findings were developed by MFSG during the course of the study. The Advisory Committee notes that it is important to understand that the findings are based on various assumptions made by MFSG regarding customer growth rates, inflation, capital financing conditions and reserves. In addition, the findings assume that each utility (City and County) must be self-supporting. This is of particular importance when considering the County, which currently does not operate the water or sewer system as a self-supporting entity. It is also important to note that the findings related to either the City or County as separate entities are independent of the potential consolidation, The MFSG modeling presented to the Advisory Committee indicates that the current City water user rates will not produce sufficient cash revenue to cover cash revenue requirements over the 10 year planning period. The MFSG model projects that the current City rates will produce cash revenues roughly 17% less than the required cash revenue in Fiscal Year 2009 with subsequent signiilcant shortfalls in Fiscal Years 2010 through 2012. Similarly, MFSG predicts that the MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 8 95 Final - For Advisory Committee Approval February 8. 2007 current sewer rates in the Cily will nol produce enough cash revenue to cover cash revenue requirements over the planning period. They believe that current City sewer rates in FY 2010 require an increase of 23% to meet projected revenue needs. Sewer rates in the following years (Fiscal Years 2011 - 2016) require annual increases varying from 2% - 7%. The MFSG model under worst case scenario (i.e., no delay of water and sewer extension projects) projects that the current County waler rates do not produce enough cash revenue to cover cash revenue requirements over the 10 year planning period. While the County system is expected to grow significantly, the current water rates will require annual increases beginning in Fiscal Year 2009 ranging from 1% to 20%. MFSG also projects that the current County sewer user rates also do not produce sufficient cash revenue to cover cash revenue requirements for Fiscal Years 2010 or the years following. Based upon the projected quantities of sewage processed, the current rates will produce cash revenues roughly 3% l.ess toan the required cash revenue in Fiscal Year 2010 with subsequent significant shortfalls ranging from 1% 1020% annually over the 10 year planning period. MFSG has also concluded that the current fees charged in the Cily and County for purchasing capacity in the water and sewer systems (tenned capital fadlity fees in the City and development fees in the County) are not set at the appropriate level to recover the full cost of providing capacity to new water and sewer customers. Both the "worst case" and "most likely case" model the use of a consolidated system development (impact fee), which caps both the City and County impact fees at $2,000 for a 5/8" water connection and $2,500 for a 5/8" sewer connection. Any capital cash flow deficits due to the use of this consolidated impact fee are transferred to the user rate revenue requirement and collected via user rates. MFSG also presented to the Advisory Committee projected water and sewer bills for customers under the two scenarios: "worst case" and "most likely case." In addition, the "worst case" scenario is shown with and without the inclusion of the sales tax subsidy (phased out over a five year period). The "most likely case" fO.nnulated by MFSG includes the phase out of the existing County subsidy. However, the Advisory Committee has concluded that the sales tax subsidy should continue for the foreseeable future. The following bills are calculated assuming a residential customer with a 5/8" meter using 12,000 gallons (16 hcf) per bi.monthly period, which is an average customer in both the City and the County. "Worst Case" ell $90.30 $97.42 $101.62 COllnt $84.67 $95.98 $102.40 Consolidated N/A $91.34 $96.10 MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 9 96 Final - For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 $101.62 $112.06 $101.77 $121.28 $90.53 $112.76 MFSG has concluded from the preliminary rate study that under the "most likely case" scenario the cost to customers of the new Authority would be less than the individual City and County bills over the entire period (based on extending th.e capital improvements plan from to to 15 years). The same holds true during certain years under the "worst case" scenarios as well. Based on MFSG modeling and the answers to questions posed by the Advisory Committee in its work sessions on the preliminary rate study, the ,Advisory Committee concludes that: . Both the individual City and County water and sewer systems will require significant user rate increases over the planning period in order to meet the projected water and sewer system expenses, with or without consolidation of the City and County utility systems. . Both the City and County water and sewer systems need to increase capital connection fees if the City and County do not want current customers to subsidize the cost of serving new customers. . The preliminary rate analysis presented to the Committee meets the financial guiding principles set forth by elected City and County officials and therefore supports the consolidation of the indi vidual utilities under a proposed new authority. The Advisory Committee believes the requirements of the aforementioned Guiding Principles Itave been met and that the City and County elected officials should establish a new consolidated water and wastewater authority by March 31, 2007 to serve the needs of City of Wilmington and New Hanover County customers. Further, the Advisory Committee recommends that the new authority begin operations on January 1, 2008. In addition to recommending the fonnation of the Authority. Ihe Advisory Committee recommends thai the Authority adopl a mission statement that embodies the core values and beliefs of the organization. The Advisory Committee discussed three different versions of a mission statement for the Authority and crafted a recommended mission statement for the new Authority which it recommends be adopted by the elected officials. The Advisory Committee recommends the following mission statement for the Authority: The Cape Fear Utility Authority's mission is to proJlide high quality water and sewer service in an enJlironment4l1y responsible manner while maintaining the wwest practicable cost.. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 10 97 Final - For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,2007 Recommendation #2 - Members of tbe Authority Advisory Committee Findinl!S: There are a myriad of decisions that must be made during 2007 to ensure a smooth and efficient start-up of the new Authority on January I, 2008. For example. the Authority must establish its employee benefits program and must put in place a salary and pay administration system. The Authority must hire a General Manager and other key personnel to participate in the decision making and planning which will occur during calendar year 2007. The Advisory Committee believes that it is therefore essential that the members of the Authority be named by March 31, 2007, or as soon as possible thereafter, and that the City and County elected officials select a name for the new Authority at that time. The Advisory Committee recommends that the new Authority be called the Cape Fear Utility Authority. The Advisory Committee recommends that the City and County elected offlcwls appoint the members of the Authority by March 31, 2007, or as soon thereafter as possible. Further, the A,dv.isory Committee recommends thal the elected officials select a name for the new Authority at that time such as the Cape Fear Utility Authority. Recommendation #3 - Articles of Incorporation Guidin!! Principles: The City and County elected officials established the following Guiding Principles regarding representation on and the geographical services areas of the new Authority: "Both the City and County will be equal partners, e.g. equal representation on the Authority Board." "The geographic jurisdiction of the new Authority initially will consist of the City of Wilm,ington and the District Provision will be made, however, for continued relations with other jurisdictions through inter-local agreements and for possible future expansion of the Authority." (Note: The term "District" refers to the New Hanover County water and sewer systems.) Advisorv Committee Findines: The City and County legal staffs have developed Articles of Incorporation for the new Authority. The Articles of Incorporation have been reviewed by the Advisory Committee, which believes that they arc consistent with the Guiding Principles and provide equal City and County representation on the Authority. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee II 98 Final- For Advisory Commillee Approval February 8, 2007 The Committee believes that the consolidation process has to date been a tnle partnership with both the City and County working as a team to ensure success. The Advisory Committee believes this it is essential that this teamwork be continued in the new Authority and believes that equal City and County representation on the Authority is needed to continue the positive team based approach which has to date characterized the consolidation process. The Articles of Incorporation being recommended by the Advisory Committee also incorporates the Guiding Principle that the geographical scope of the new Authority be initially limited to the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The Advisory Committee believes this is a sound provision given the inherent challenges facing the start-up of the new Authority. The Advisory Committee recognizes, however, that environmental requirements are tightening and there is an increasing need to plan holistically across the region for future drinking waler resources. The Committee believes these important driving forces for increased regionalization will need to be addressed by the Authority in the future, The Committee therefore believes tbat it will be important for the new Authority to maintain close communications with the beach communities, adjacent counties and others involved in water and wastewater services. The Advisory Committee recommends that City and County elected officials approve the Articles of Incorporation recommended by the Ad~isory Commutee. The Advisory Committee recommends that the geographlcallimits of the new Authority initially consist ojthe City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The Committee further recommends that active dialog be continued with other nearby entities to ensure that future regional opportunities are kept open. Recommendation #4 - Authority Rates and Charges Advisorv Committee Findinus: A preliminary rate study has been performed by MFSG and reviewed by the Advisory Committee. The rate study embodied several important assumptions which are fundamentally important to establishing fair and equitable water and sewer rates by the new Authority. For example., the MFSG model assumes that new development will pay for infrastructure built to serve the new development and that existing rate payers will not be asked to subsidize the costs of expanding the waler and sewer systems. The MFSG rate model also assumes that existing customers will be required 10 pay for the operation and maintenance of the existing infrastructure. MFSG also assumes that the COUnlY sales tax subsidy be phased out over a five-year time frame. The Advisory Committee has discussed the impact of increased connection fees on existing home owners who may be required in the future to connect to the sewer system. In many cases these home owners have been waiting for years for the extension of sewer services to their neighborhood. The Advisory Committee believes that it would not be good public policy to MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 12 99 Final- For Advisory Commit/ee Approval February 8, 2007 charge these home owners the new (higher) connection fees which will be adopted by the new Authority. The Advisory Committee recommends that existing home owners be charged the current (January 2007) connection fees at the time service is extended to their property" provided a new building permit is not required. However, to accomplish this financially the current sales tax subsidy would be required. Therefore the Advisory Committee recommends that the sales tax subsidy be, at a minimum, maintained at its current level. The Advisory Committee believes that the other assumptions recommended by MFSG are fundamentally fair and sound business-like recommendations that should be adopted by the new Authority at the time it establishes water and sewer rates and connection fees. The Advisory Committee recommends that the new Authority adopt the following principles in establishing utility rates and fees: . Future growth in the utility systems will be paid for by new development. . Utility customers will pay to operate and maintain the systems, but not for capacity built for I used by new customers, . Current (January 2007) connection fees should be charged to existing unsewered customers at the time they connect to the sewer system provided they do not .require a new building permit. Therefore, the County's sales tax subsidy should be maintained al its current [evel_ Recommendation #5 - Employee Relations Guidin~ Principle: City and County elected officials have established the following Guiding Principle for the new Authority: "Existing City and County employees, in recognition of their history of va.luable and dedicated service and of the continuing need for their service, will be treated as faIrly as possible. AU existing County and City employees will be offered a position. Retirement benefits will continue with the present StatelLocal Government Retirement System." Advisorv Committee Fl.ndines: The Advisory Committee believes that eXlstmg City and County utility employees are an essential part of the future success of the Authority. The Committee believes the employee working groups, which were endorsed by the elected officials. have provided employees with an opportunity to have meaningful input in the formation of the new Authority. The employee survey work performed by the Human Resources and Communication and Public Outreach employee working groups indicates that employees still, however, have many questions about their jobs, salaries, benefits and other important issues. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 13 100 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 The Human Resources employee working group and the MFSG project team have presented rl'Xommendations to the Advisory Committee on subjects such as employee benefits, HR policies and methods to populate the organization chart for the new Authority. The Advisory Committee believes that decisions on employee salaries, employee benefits and populating the organizational chart should be a high priority to be completed as soon as the new Authority is fonned in late March 2007. The AdVisory Committee endorses the formal internal communication plan which was implemented in December 2006 and includes a major series of actions pl.anned for early 2007 (i.e. second employee newsletter, consolidation website, employee breakfasts, tailgate meetings, etc). The Advisory Committee recommends that this plan be aggressively moved forward in early 2007 and it believes that communicating answers to employee questions must be a high priority for the Authority once it is formed in late March 2007. The Advisory Committee also believes that the new Authority must establish a work environment which will retain existing employees and will attract new employees where required. The Advisory Commitree believes the new Authority must establish and maintain a work environment that wiU retain existing e.mployees and that will attract the best possible candidates to fill current and future vacancies. TkeAdvisory Committee recommends that internnl communication be a kigk priority for the Authority once it is formed in March 2007 and thnt nnswers to employee questions concerning snfary, benefits and job plncement be answered as quickly as possible. Recommendation #6 - Employee Working Groups AdvisQrvCommittee Findines: The Advisory Committee applauds City and County ell'Xted officials for mandating thai utility employees be given a signi,ficant opportunity to help shape the new water and sewer Authority. As part of ils study process, the Advisory Committee has received briefings by the chairpersons of five of the employee working groups, The Advisory Committee has also reviewed the fonnal employee working group report presented by the MFSG project team which describes the process, lists all the recommendations of the working groups and includes minutes for each of the employee working group meetings. The Advisory Committee is impressed by the diligence and hard work of all of the employee working groups. The Committee believes their recommendations will greatly assist in the formation of the new Authority. The Advisory Committee has drawn upon the recommendations of the employee working groups in developing its own recommendations for elected officials. The Committee would like 10 thank the employees who participated in the working group process for their outstanding work. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 14 101 Fina/- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 The Advisory Committee has relied upon a number of recommendations of employee working groups in making its recommendations to elected officials. The Advisory Committee believes it is important that the employee working group recommendations continue to be incorporated into the decision making for the new Authority and that the employee working group process be continued in 2007.. The Advisory Committee recommends that the work of the employee working groups in 2006 continue to be given full consideration in the formation of the new Authority, Further, the Advisory Committee recommends that a new round of employee working groups be formed to address new and additional issues during 2007. Recommendation #7 - Organizational Structure of the Authority Advisorv Committee Findines: The organizational structure for the new Authority will have a significant impact on the ultimate success of the enterprise. The organizational structure, will to a large degree, dictate how the organization will function and carry out its daily activities. The organizational structure will also greatly influence the ability of the organization to meet customer needs and, in turn, customers will draw conclusions about the Authority based on their ability to access the organization and the efficiency by which their questions and concerns are addressed. The Advisory Committee believes that an organizational structure must be selected which maximizes the ability of the enterprise to meet its key strategic objectives. For example" the Committee beljeves the organizational structure for the new Authority must ensure thai it properly plans for the future and efficiently operates its various facilities and programs. The Advisory Committee has carefully reviewed the recommendations of the Organizational Structure Employee Working Group and the organizational structure repan presented by the MFSG project team. In addition. the Advisory Committee has drawn upon the work perfonned by the other five employee working groups. For example, the Advisory Committee agrees with the employee working group recommendations that customer service and environmental compliance be given prominent positions in the new Authority. The Advisory Committee recommends that a General Manager, General Counsel, Executive Secretary and Director of Internal Audit report directly to the Authority. The Advisory Committee also recommends that the Executive Level of the new Authority include the General Manager as well as a Deputy General Manager" a Public Information Officer and a Director of Strategic Planning. The Advisory Committee believes that a Deputy General Manager is important to provide proper succession planning within th.e new Authority, The Advisory Committee further recommends that the Functional Level of the Authority consist of six divisions I departments reporting to the General Manager: MFSG Joim City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 15 102 Final ~ For Advisory Committee Approval February 8, 2007 . Deputy General Manager I Director of Operations, . Human Resources, . Engineering & Planning, . Customer Service, . Chief Financial Officer I Administrative Services, and . Environmental & Safety Management. The Committee recommends that the drinking water operations, sewer operations and the maintenance organization report to the Deputy General Manager, who will also function as the Director of Operations. The organizational structure recommended by the Advisory Committee for the new Authority is shown in Figure I on the following page.. Figure 1. Advisory Committee Recommended Organizational Structure AUTHORITY INTERNAL AUDIT EXEClITlVE SECRETARY GENERAL COlJNSEL CFOJ ENVIRONMENTAL HUMAN ENGINEERING OPI!.R....TIONS CUSTOMER ADMtN1StllATIVE 81 SAttn' RESOURCES SERVICE SERVICES MA1'>lAGIl:MENT DRINKING WATER WASTEWATER OPE.RATlONS &: OPERATIONS 8< MAlNTAlNANCE MAINT AlNANCE " General Management includes: 0 Deputy General Manager <:> Public Information 0 Strategic Planning The Advisory Committee recommends that the organizational structure illustrated above in Figure 1 be adoptedfor the new A,uthority. MFSG JoinJ City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 16 103 Final - For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,2007 Recommendation #8 - Future Services of the Authority Advisory Committee Findinl!S: The Articles of Incorporation approved by the Advisory Committee allow for the Authority to eventually assume responsibility for the City and County stormwaler management programs. The Committee believes this is a logical future addition to the scope of the responsibilities for the new Authority. Currently, slonnwater intrusion into the wastewater collection system is a serious issue and the future authority will be investing significant funds in reducing stonnwater i nftl tration. The Advisory Committee recognizes thai the new Authority will be facing many complex tasks when it commences operations on January I, 2008. II win be blending two separale workforces into a cohesive team, directing a large capital improvements program, establishing a new blUing and collection system and developing and implementing many important policies and processes. The Advisory CommiUee therefore recommends that the Authority not assume responsibility for slonnwater management until it has had a reasonable time to establish a sound operating platform for its water and sewer responsibilities. The Advisory Committee recommends that consideration of the possible addition of storm water management responsibilities to the new Authority be delayed for a reasonable period of time to aIWw the Authority to establish a sound operating platform for its water and sewer responsibilities. Recommendation #9 - Authority Operations Advisor" CommiUel~ Filldil1l!s: The manner in which the Authority operates was discussed during a number of meetings of the Advisory Committee. The Committee was briefed by MFSG on governance issues and also reviewed MFSG's report on governance and legal issues. In addition a number of Authority operational issues were discussed during the review of the Articles of Incorporation. Two primary issues that were discussed include: . Authority members compensation . Authority public visibility and accountability The governance report completed by MFSG discussed the topic of Authority member compensation. MFSG noted that it is not un,common for authority members 1.0 be compensaled and the range of compensalion for other entities is quite broad. The Advisory Committee believes that the amount of time re<Iuired of Authority members during the first years of operation will be significant. Therefore, the Advisory Commiuee believes that Authority members should be compensated through the first two years: of Authority operations. MFSO Joint City/County Water SewerA.dvisory Committee 17 104 Final- For Advisory Committee Approval February 8,2007 The other topic discussed by the Advisory Committee involved how the Authority could ensure visibility and accountability to the public. The Committee believes that this may be accompl,ished by ensuring that the meetings of the Authority are televised for viewing by the public. The Advisory Committee recommends that until December 31, 2009 the members of the Authority be compensatedpe,r meeting in addition to being reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred rewted to Authority activities. The Advisory Committee recommends that the Authority make every effort to televise all meetings of the Authority. MFSG Joint City/County Water Sewer Advisory Committee 18 105 This page intentionally left blank. 106 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Wanda Coston Contact: Wanda Coston Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing North Carolina (NC) Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program 2007 Scattered Site Housing (SSH) Program BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is one of 33 counties in the State that is eligible to receive $400,000 in SSH program funds. The 2007 SSH program is the third non-competitive grant in this category to be awarded to the County. The primary objective of the CDBG SSH program is to improve the housing conditions of very low income, owner-occupied households with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income, which is $53,900. It is anticipated that 10 dwellings will be rehabilitated using SSH funds at an average cost of $36,000. In order to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the CDBG grant requirements, the County must submit the SSH application to the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance (DCA), for review and conduct a public hearing to solicit input concerning the 2007 SSH application. No local match is required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 1. Request that Commissioners conduct the public hearing in accordance with the CDBG requirements and authorize County Planning staff to submit the 2007 SSH application to DCA for review. 2. Request that the Chairman sign the documents that assure and certify that the County will comply with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, rules, and Executive Orders as outlined in the 2007 SSH application. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: N. C. Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance ATTACHMENTS: project budget and performance measurements ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct public hearing and authorize the Chairman to sign the documents. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Conducted public hearing and approved 5-0. 107 10. Project Budget Name of Applicant: New Hanover County I. CDBG Grant Amount Reauested $400,000.00 2. Other Funds 3. Total Proiect Resources $400,000.00 4. Activitv 5. CDBG Costs 6. Other Costs 7. Total Project Costs a. Acquisition b. Disposition c. Public facilities and improvements " .;':.: ';f . . (I) "Senior and handicapped centers (2) Parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities (3) Neighborhood facilities (4) Solid waste disposal facilities (5) Fire protection and eauioment (6) Parking facilities (7) Public utilities other than water and sewer (8) [Reservedl ,:. ";f;';';~ ~ ". ;"< (9) Street improvements (I0) Flood and drainage improvements (11), Pedestrian improvements (12) Other public facilities (13) Public sewer improvements (14) Public water improvements d. Clearance activities c. Public services f. Relocation assistance . g. Construction, rehabilitation and preservation ;'ji;~., ";;i,I;9!;;;";:;!1;": 1;{~;f~:~,'; ,'~.\;~.'f'~~iJJ\i; act i v ides '''', .Yl";')if,,; . ,;'f;:;;,,':;; (I) Construction or rehabi litation of commercial and industrial buildings (2) Rehabilitation of privately owned dwellings $360,000.00 $360,000.00 (3) Rehabilitation ofoubliclv owned dwellings (4) Code enforcement (5) Historic preservation h. Development fil1llncing ,..;;;' IT ""';.; ;;"/ , ';'.:. . ...' <. (l) Working capital (2) Machinerv and equipment i. Removal of arch itectural barriers I j, Other activities k. SUBTOTAL $360,000.00 $ "" l. Planning $3,500.00 $3,500.00 m. Administration $36,500.00 $36,500.00 n. TOTAL $400,000,00 $ $400,000.00 CDBG 99.7a 35 108 Performance Measures Indicator Form ApplicantlGrantee: New HaoQyer County Project Name: 2007 Scattered Site Housing [ehab{litat1onYrogfam Cl: Ll: " Grant Number: Activity Name: Rehabilitation, Private Please comDlde tile Collowilll! for tlldlll,DDroved activity. SSH:October 2006 109 DiviSion of Community Assistance HUD IDIS Activity Form Applicant New Hanover County Activity Name Rehabilitation, Private Complete a separate form for each activity Activity Number 1042 " Project: C1..! l1_ 2007 Scattered Site Housing Rehabilitation Program Accomplishments & Beneficiaries Proposed Actual ~berof Properties .. lL_ _._.~~._~- Number ofHouseholdsBen~frting ----- 1(1 -'"-"-'- c..__......_~._ --~-- Income levels EXtremely low (3q%of median income) -----~, -- -- Q Low (~O% of median income) 1 -- Total -- l..CL-__ -- - -~. - -- B..ace.code.: Owner Occupied Units .i;.;;., ......' ".if;;;;: )'; 11 White '<. --;- 12 Black/African American 6 13 Asian 14 American Indian/Alaskan Native "- I "- 15 Native Hawaii/Other Pacific Islander 16 American Indian/Alaskan Native & White - -- 17. Asian & White .-- 18. Black/African American aWhile ~ 19, Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native &BlacklAfrican Amer. ,,- 20. Other multi-racial -- Elderly Persons n Female-Head of Household $ Suvey Data Percent of low income in" the project 100% -. -- ITotal number of low income in the project 1/, Total number of low income universe population in the project Sheet UT Sheets SSH October 2006 110 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Bruce Shell Contacts: Bruce Shell, Neal Lewis SUBJECT: Update on the Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: A public hearing was held on June 4, 2007 to receive input regarding New Hanover County and City of Wilmington funding for future maintenance and development of the Flemington Soccer Complex. The Board of Commissioners instructed the County Manager to pursue an agreement agreeable to New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington, and the Cape Fear Soccer Association. An update on this arrangement will be provided at this meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear update. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear update. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The item was withdrawn. 111 This page intentionally left blank. 112 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila Schult, Clerk to the Board Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following boards and committees: ABC Board Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors Airport Authority Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Fire Commissioners Board Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Social Services Board RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The following appointments were made: ABC Board: Stephen E. Culbreth appointed to three-year term; Charles C. Wells appointed Chairman Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors: John L. Hatcher, Sarah Bellamy McMerty and Larneice Spencer reappointed 113 Airport Authority: Paul G. Burton and Harry W. Stovall, III reappopinted Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees: William N. Rose reappointed Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board: Lowell A. Soucie reappointed to a three-year term; Stuart Ball, Kenneth W. Finch, and Robert J. Jones appointed to three-year terms; Dawn Rowe McKernan appointed to an unexpired term (6/30/08) Fire Commissioners Board: Dominic A. Bianco (Castle Hayne VFD) and Michial Wayne Rhodes (Wrightsboro VFD) reappointed Juvenile Crime Prevention Council: Ryan Tunstall appointed to a two-year term in the Parks and Recreation category Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: Julie Brewer and Patricia Lawler appointed Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Walter R. Conlogue appointed Social Services Board: William A. Caster reappointed 114 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ABC BOARD 1. APPOINT 1 MEMBER TO THREE-YEAR TERM 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN APPLICANTS: James C. Ballantine Brian Berger Stephen E. Culbreth Edward A. Rusher, Jr. Attachments: Committee Information Sheet App I ications 115 ABC BOARD Number of Members: 3 - Chairman designated by County Commissioners Term of Office: three years - may be reappointed Regular meeting: third Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the ABC General Office. Compensation: Compensated by profits with amount set by County Commissioners. The last increase occurred on October I, 1986: $250.00 per month for Chairman and $200.00 per month for members. Statute or cause creating Board: N, C. General Statutes 18B-700 Qualifications: appointed on the basis of appointee's interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good moral character. Brief on the functions: 1) Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget including employees' salaries. 3) Hire general manager to oversee day to day operation of the system. 4) Buy or lease property for the system. 5) Review reports and perform other duties in accordance with 18B- 701. 7) Board is an independent entity of the State. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Charles C. WeBs First 6/30/2008 2211 Marlwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 6/20/05 762-8500 (H) 792-6612 (W) Richard V. Hanson First 6/30/2009 2313 Lynnwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 6/19/06 762-3773 (H) Donald Zearfoss, Chairman ( Third~ 6/30/2007 104 Middle Lane ;y- Wilmington, NC 28405 6/15/98, 6/18/01, 6/21/04 686-9034 (H) 762-2702 (W) Administrator: W. R. Williams 6/06 P.O. Box 3036, Wilmington, NC 28406 File: / ABC 910-762-7611 Bie # 1 116 Feb-:16:-06 03:.35P The Accounting Dept 910 815 0696 P 02 JAj'i-:tU-iUtllrrll JU.UI /I,.. 1'4I1\, \AJI!IlI'II.;J.;l)U1'i:.lh.> I'M, "', JHI JYI 1'-'''' .. VII" VV, . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3,2(1 P,"'fll"t s"...t, IlIH>m 306 COMMITTEE APPLJCA nON WNmtlgIDtl. NC 28401-4093 1'-.IlM. ,S'0/3'1."'-'9 fAX ",(JJ 311-4130 . /1 BoatdlCtHMtlnr:e; ,.YEW /1R-v~Ve)! f.LJUNry ;l}c9C: ..6'D4.eti NIme:vftr'Y/8 L~ ~)./nAle :::.: /p:;IP O~ ~~.u~~&:.;;r: /~avur,J/AJ(.,ro;.l 284tJ3 (1IrHU (tit'fi fa,. e"ft' ",.., AdIli'us it rldtmJnt: (Ck'I) (lJp G~ H.. pMrtlJ.' 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W1I,t ... 0' cMl:am tMoufd you IJb ID 1ft 1IddrK!ItId by this commit,,,.? .=:VH/I..v<2 ;tJ,eO/':. d'/f'~1 Lflj t/,.:..~ C...LJEieA n., AJ OIlfllH1,.6otM (or UNttJg: ~0A.J4- &s ~ AJ ~,s ,.p:lJL) MAJ;IM) C!/ At.. ~1"lCA;' ~ .p ().cJ,A.)O ~,.' .... -'.' 0''- munIt:ip. or I:t/IUIIIy bt>atrbIr;rpam/tletn 011 which '11H1 .,. .",wntF .AI ;4 ThIN Joe'" pmllMl mM~ MIl pho,." _bent: t. /~r6'L;~~ 2, ,av-LL,/4m 4. &s-~ .._ 3. ~.@ZI UVl~. 7 ~ . __ , D,'~ 2./? a SJ....,~6.~ A,ph.IIoM _ ...", ... .;-,., 'B _lll~ . (J""! ....1I.n. IIdd. ,,,, . ddJU..""" .,,,mm#llb -_.- . - ~ "X'--'~i:';-J --.-.. ~ .., - ...-' ...~ ~'-j{)1"'~ 117 New Hanover County 23Q Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 WUminglXln,NC 28403 Telophone: (910) 798.7149 /'ax: (910) 79S.1145 BnardlCnmmittee: ABC, Board ",-- Name: ~~i~n Berger - Hnme Addr~s: 527 Commons Way Wilmington 28409 (Slreet) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing ,Address if different: ~-, E-Mail Address: b:rianberger56@yahoo. Com Home Phone: 431-3115 fax: Celf : Business: Years Uvillg in New Hann,"'Cr County: 5 Male: " Female: ~ Race: Age: 30 (IoJor'mltiOD fiOr the purpok i1)fauurinC iIII eross 'Section, of tbe tomoHlnhy) Emplnyer-Consul tant (A. fH.!UDB currently -employed ib~1 thelig:emey or departmellt f(tr wbtel1 tbi.5 .pplh:liiltiOIll 1:5 made, mU'Jt resign blsfher pO'litionwitb New Han,over COIllDty upon .pp(i~ntmtnt~ In lu:cordtDCe 'with Article Vlt Sttdon 4 of tbe New'HIIIDover COUllty Persubotd Pol:icyw) Occupation: Marketing I PR, Public Affai,rs, Business Developmen,t ----..- Professional Activities: American Marketing Association; American Soc. of Association Executives Volunteer Activities: Special Olympics Why do. yon wish to serve on this board/cnmmittee? TO use my skills and knowledge to make a contributi to the COIlI.'IlUnity Confllc' cflliJ't,WO$( t", pQem membe-r beJi9ves he f $h./ui.i iii t;onfJictor p-owntiliJ GorlfUcU:1f inter&at on <<particular issue, thet m..mbtlLrshould state this bel.iefto VIti! olh," membl!)lf$ of hi$" J ner respsoctjve ba8rd dtJrjtJ,~.e' pubUc mfHJting" The mBmD@rshould s(tile the netufe of the ca,nf1.ict, d81aiJing that helshe nlilS 9 S1;patate, ptivate .or monetary int&l'G'$t, either diteC't Dr indifBct, in thlli' l$:!;,ue U-ooer con sid&ration , The miSlmd)ef $hot#cJ then&,xcu$1Iil himself t hiSlf'$.Jf from lI.cWng Off the martel, What areas of cnncern would you Iik.e to see addressed by this cnmmittee? continue to ensure sound policies and strategy in the County Qualifications for serving: business accumen, marketing skills to cOIlllIlUIlica te with local cOIlll'IlUnities and good judgement Other municipal or county ooards/committe~ nn whicb you are serving: I List three local personal references and phone numbers: MAY 2 5 2007 &!; 1. ~.., t.,.; rh' f'l. , H '1,' i' f" I n.t . I HMiO\'fR CO 2. 1JttL.;.-- ,,,,. ~'U Y BD 01 co M MIS SlONE RS 3. 21.. Ct'.. L 1<_ 7f( ~ S'Y"f Date: ~- . 2' .0 ') Signature: ~ 7'<.,v';"&lde ror .ddltlon.l.~~m.n.. Appllc..tion:5 are ke,pt on me for 18 mouths 118 New Hanover County 23,0 Government Center D'tivt Board of Commissioners CO!\IMITTEE APPLICATJON Strite l75 WUrnin giOfl, NC :2 h4fE T ,deplwne; {9 HJ} 79B-7l49 Ffl'X: U~]O) 79;b:,7j~5 BoardlCommillee: m ;V<<".$ H i1.~dll LV d""'-<!Lfv A ~. ,Cm,t$o ~t-.:R ~-"'==, Name: _5 +-t!."k~1L E. (lid. f/'J><-rl t '"~'''~, -. Home 11/),;( t!SSIf)(... W'l"., ,':1 +0"/, _~m Address: [JrlV'lL A/t:' ._ ~3''i03 (Slrcci) (Cii~') (Zip Cod<l Mailing Address if different: mm "" =~<"~ E"Mai[ Address: C't' /bJ-~r' /;;r,..;> ej.""HO. ~...~ Home Phone: 1ft) :l...'t.3./rs""8 .! Fax; 7~.3.~ Cell: ~ 7P ~ ?t(b I Business: 'Ii'.'J - 31.{ r' Yea rs Livillg j,ll Male: ,,/"'" Female: _ Rac,': j~.. ;!KeZ.f;Jtr ._ Age: .1/ ""l m New Hanover Counly: ~2 ~ (11 ' ,I.. m ,.Jlnform ,tiU" ror 'I" po, pose or ","root> <t"" ,ee""" or lh" Om m." ;OJ) Employer: ," 1'(.. rk, ,fie..) L' 'r~ "" j. /' . {A per':5; ilIJ'J OC,U rr~n tl~. e,mplo)'e d by ihe: liIg et:iey tj. r rlcpOlirtme-rd (}!" which ~h i':j; app llcatifirl is m,H.lil:'" nH.l:5:[F(!'~ l:j;ii, his/her f)lJsHiQfj ""lih New n liilltlVt'it C~~~~~)' iJpon: lIpP oin tmtfl t~ ill l'lc(or dDn N 'I'I--lln .<-\r ticle VI, S e:.. lil.'i ~l 4 -or 1h€: N~.....' H itn(l,'lti(' ~ C (!IIJ nty ~~~ i1'sunnel P.o licy.) Occupation: kl-,.r'p"y_. . . .'. , 15< t")(uw:j-,'"" (",....., /VII~. /8...., ().rr~.t-_ "'...,.t ~~c.A.' ,t1"j._c:"'~ f:~ ~ Professional Activities: Jltjj f'j}1!!S. f!}1!:JI/. t2..~ ~;?~ ~ at h ~ ;/&r jf/l:'5"..~~ f~ ,c.;r;. IfftP ~ 1''i8 OI"'''';''''I1'~''V iI.4""I"'"J (",.,11.... A/~.s"'~~~ AI.,.y ;:.ppl -~q,.?, VolullteerActivities:F~t"'S+ "':II~1"rAI 'P.~.v':..sv P1AJ-r"8...;) Sr. J':I~j k-,.~",;.I """I{<<:.,..~ '6u"-/.,"',::C'l.Jo " "b ( Why do you wish to serve on this boardlcommillee'? ,tljJ,IJi1".-f....., Ir +" O..L ,rf ~<2Plh~~"" +, (! t- ..-.of Confhd of IfH~re-,st 1t tl bOB_',,? member berM!" I!lS l she hi'!$ a t:tmtl,:cl ()i' .oor~niia! conflicr of ffl.ter~$1 on .a parf.iC-l.iliaf i~5(.1e, Ul~1 ms-tr'LDlfrr stHwfrJ sUHe rni.s c.-eiief 10 Iile OUl'ifrr m&m bers of hi.s) htH I'o!);specriv~ Of;HU(} (fU{!,fJ&! 8 p,~{bJic m ~etin9. itH; f'{'d,;,mOfji' shOuld .sH.lle the f](:IlI1re oJ ih& C(;"fNc.t, ot?raHJrrg iii_eLl he/she hiM & ~t'!p8r,ijlr~, p....ivate or :il,oi'l't1'tary i(lHi'r~sr, i'Hh~r rJitflci or i.ndired, H'1 tf'iifl issue >;j,"Idf!'{ to (;-s ICi-eratio f) , The member .s:tloo!,dd rh~{j eXGUs& .t;ims.ell t .hefseli r,Cdt1 verUng'.on ['he ma ii1;Jf. What areas of concern \'I'oold you like to see addressed by Ihis commiUee'? i h (, ;ttU't< e> &sfZ1r~~ ~~AIl .atthL f/.,iIII ,~ OI'l vi1!....c......w1( ,hV'4J"'~ C' tf). tr.f~ t"'" ~..,...; <fI/f rr .tfJv;( r Qualifications for serving: j:",u j'L M,/{. (11"_ 'Mho/- If~ I;~<L ~ f!:kd-r (;-f "'J ...~~- J =~~~."= ~="" Other Illunicipal or county boardslcolllll1illees on which you are serving: ...J/~ ~.. _om .,~~~, ~=,-,-, Lisl three local personal references and phone numbers: MAR 2 7 2007 L ~Jc,J.."I- J. ~-+fT J.,... (LV) 7t'~- 777/ - 2.~, ~ b h-;.J~ (w) 3'11... _ .If ~ I BO, Of _~.__ 3~4A..rkd.". . --.G) 3'1/:J1I/ ... L -::J. 1.a~ Date: .~~.2~ :2.~:? Sign3lure:U~ _,_ L ( ~, AfI'plitaUilH1.S .lllFC ke[H 011 de for 18 mo lllh5 '. UH r(''i,.'ct's.(' ~:i.d(' (Dr' ;fj;(.id~HiQllal ~om mcnt:s- 119 New Hanover County Board of Commi.ssioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION no Cil.."'utS"",,~ Room 305 Wnl'l\iltillOo. NC .2&401.4093 Tel.ph""" (910) 141.7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Board/Committee: New Hanover County ABC Board Name: Edward A. Rusher,Jr Home 28403 Address: 1914 Legare Ct. Wilmington, NC (SIr.....) (Clly) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: V' Home Phone: 910 763 2166 Busines,sfWork Phone: Years Living in Male: ~ Female: _ Race: Caucasian Age: 74 New Hanuver County: 74 (llifDf'm Ulna fot the purpou.of lIIuulliig. troll ""die 11 or tbec,umm.oity) Employer: Retired (A ptrUI-ii.cu rreD tly e-mph>>y-td b)' the ag,eBcy .0 f' dep.r,UD.tn t ((lIl" willeD tbil appUotaUon h: made t iDiinl~ :re align l1il1her fWddonwlth N.f!W' H aooVer (: -O.g.nl)' iLlpOllllppolliU'ileJJI.. in a<<ordl.;ru:e- with Atticle l'l, Sfttiou 4: oftbe- New HII,DOvel' COU:Dl)' Pen.Diud P,oJky.) Job Title: ProfessiOllal Activities: Volunteer Activities: Wb d ",. h t . this b dI mitt? My business experienoe would be most valuable, and to Y II YI1l1l WlS 0 serve I1l1l oor com ee. seJ:'V8 the people of New Hanover County. Contlkr of hlr.r.f.t" , 8 hoard mll!ll'n:ill.i.et be'I,ie""6>S n.fJ f she has a con(,lf(:l Ofp-CiferH:taJ conWkttllf kUef'e6't -on I6i PO,UCUIIH' ;.st;.Uf1, Ihat memo{Jlt ii.houifJ stat.e tMs b.olJeflo 1111''' othlJf me-mb6f:sofhis Il'itir respective board durin-liB pvp.Jj~ mf'flti'n-:g.. The mfmbtt ~holJ~d .sf.f.ln.e naWff1: ofth~ GcmWo1, orttl:dllng rniHhel;Jh~ nas,& S!l;lIpatate, priV81l'il ormo-nslsry JI'lI6Ife$l, e4th~f dfrffc!.or IndlreCl, in the i.u:ue UndtlH' Co.fjl6i~rBHOJ'l" Th-e m4!lmbtH' $hoU'ld thoEl'n eX'c,use hImself ~ h$t$.U' from VOfrffrg .oil Ihe m.attti'f. . . Maintain/expand sales while protect- Wha.1 areas: of concen would you like to see addressed by thiS committee? __ , , , "". ing profit margins.Assist Law enforcement efforts to control LBO outlets. ( See attacbed) Q lifi' f . . Local business for 35 years. (E.A.. Rusher Co. I Ina) Sold in 1978. ua lCationllior serVUlg: ., '" . Otber munidpal or county boards/committees on wbich you are serving: None List tbree local personal references and pbone numbers: 1. Hamilton E. Hioks 763 7220 ---.----- -. -, 2. R.i'. King III 762 2930 3. Ralph L. Godwin Date: / /A.~/() Signature: / e.~.' .s7 ;{re::;'r67Ih'~ ~ 120 work on a local level to promote education of the public, especially "under age drinking". Am amazed as to Tax Revenues being generated,so would work to defeat any tax in- crease,as case sales in North Carolina are now at 1984 level 3.8 million . 'i~ Il.~ page 1 121 This page intentionally left blank. 122 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AIRLlE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 Vacancies . three~year terms (6130/2010) Eligible for Applicants: Reappointment Steve Bilzi John L. Hatcher X Amy McComb Dawn McKernan Sarah Bellamy McMerty X Elise H. Mullaney James Franklin Reid Anne J. Sorhagen Larneice Spencer X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 123 AlRL[F, (~ARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members: 11 10 Board members appointed by Commissioners: County Commissioner and 9 at-large members 1 Member of the Corbett family appointed by Corbett Package Company Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3~year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners established the Foundation Board on February 15, 1999 Purpose: The general purposes of the Foundation are as follows: a. To establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for prospective funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge of the history and natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. b. To arrange for such meetings of Foundation officers or other interested individuals, as may be legally necessary, or considered desirable in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of Air lie Gardens. c. To encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Foundation for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized, and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. d. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Gardens staff & County Commissioners. To provide advice and direction for operations, policy, capital improvements, and program development e, To provide oversight,to all internal groups including but not limited to: volunteers, special event committees and the Airlie Gardens Guild. f. To foster relationships with other related organizations. g. To serve as ambassadors for the Gardens to the community. h. To participate in and support Airlie Gardens events and programs. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Charles Edward (Eddie) Crowell First 6-30-2009 3120 Marathon Avenue 4024 Oleander Drive (28403) 7/24/06 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675.0034 (H) 791-2660 (W) H. Lee Durham First 6/30/2009 407 S. Front Street Wilmington NC 28401 11/21/05,7/24/06 343-9796 (H) 616-9050 (C) John L. Hatcher ~ First 6/30/2007 ~ 6620 Spring Garden Drive ~ Wilmington, NC 28403 6/21/04 256.5540 (H) 124 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDA nON, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CONTINUED) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRA nON I Saran Bellamy McMerty ~ Unexpired 6/30/2007 200 I Marsh Harbour Place Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ 04/18/06 256-4166 (H) 371-5903 (W) Robert W. Martenis First 6/30/2008 9004 St Stephens Place Wilmington, NC 28412-3532 6/20/05 313-1312 (H) James (Jim) Patrick Morton First 6/30/2009 3624 S1. Francis Drive 1740 Airport Blvd. 7/24/06 Wilmington, NC 28409 392-7615 (H) 341-4333 X-I004 Hannah Holt Unexpired 6130/2008 21 Jasmine Place Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 8/14/06 256-9884 (H) 332-4116 xl(W) Larneice Spencer ~ First 6130/2007 *' 118 Pine Clay Road Wilmington, NC 28403 6/21/04 791-0633 (H) Linda H. Venters Second 6/30/2009 148 Edgewater Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 9/15103, 7/24/06 256-6765 (H) County Commissioner: Ted Davis Ratified 6121/99 Corbett Family Representative Director: Jim McDaniel File: /AirUe 8/06 Airlie Gardens B/e #38 301 Airlie Road Wilmington, NC 28403 798-7700 125 10/13/200:6 12:43 S BILZI NHC BOARD OF ED .,. 9P7987145 NO, 405 [JOl - r 910 798 714'5 'I" _ . ~ '.j'"" . - :.:" ',1t1(' "O,LlM.IC:S'ON"n- :," ':. i'- - - - . -. e -. " L',- ,~ .i'L, _ _ I_ -:... 1m" L.. "I . ... I Lr,~ , ."n. '... ii, .. _ ... '" il! xef IhlhO'n.'r clUlln 1 . Bo I'd otTOIlUul$siolll.'I'l> COMMITTI]';\I'I'LKATION I ,l::~, llhntl1l:1tljrrftt kaull :.H}~ \\,;1.<+"",,,,,.\,( .~"'I'.~'" ~ ' 1 ,',pl,~,,,, 1~1 0, -o~.-;.p I:'" 1... I , ~:'F~~..;n~~ ~& 'dJ~w ;J~!_ ___0____ I;). ~;:J(:~=-~j; -!f; II(J^ fUL{._' ~'~;c-/Alc/n_~', ,v_--.t..~.~.~"jl.t~o 9,~' ~_~~=-_~.. ~~.N'tlJ HII.' 1/~Ij!t:;(i.lh', l' M:.li ml Add.'f'S.'> if tliffe"Nlt. Iii HOlj't PhUR~; _..t~fJ c.;r)- 7ft 3 nus:~,.~'^\ lJl'k I'lu.~.: .iiO'" 1.r.~.- 0;) 0-0 ~~ ~__ h'l'sLkingitJ /5 At-55 x"', }Jnllon.. CO'II111, : .- . -~:1 .. --......-- J\hl~;"t.;";, 'Il~':~:l,.:l,l,~:' pi" "~... I.~,'~l::.:, ,,;~ ~~;~;~-;;;;i;;,; ;,i ,",. .","",,;;~,::': ____ ... . 'I 'A~J1J ;?IL"2~ C!r<:'i . .~, E1I'th>J'C-I': --,,)(~~- -__ _= _.f...[ .. . _':.___~: ~tt 1/./v"i .. .__. _u _ __._.. .__ lA pth on <tm.~~.htJ,T ~ lJ.~t 11 tq. Utt- U!i\IH ~ OJ dql'll'fIU'.JH hi' nlllCh fiil~ tiNt tl"~fjjlm I, lH :ail('. mflu iff ~ii~1 llU: tlf'1 J'iUr)d."'l) ;suh Nt'u' Ji ulIHH r'r- (O\lInt~' Ill>Oll "'~"~I;h Q1 II"t1o/, b 'I I Jll'd(\J'l"~ W''ttl U''btu. \ l :S t\~U't." \if lit,. N'",,'\II Pwfti '10 t', ~'\.Ii~UP rt! ~i~tiJ.t-1 r"ihtWjo.l ;::t::,'~tf=, ~JJfP>) r;f!JJ~J _ _ .~~=c_~ ,,,J,,,,, ","""t .. -sCl.' 60. c." '1 ) 'o?f5( .... 9J):JJ1~ I jJjJJ, A. 1; , J 7:-, '-t-., . RtJfit/C :j, \\'b~ do .roo wi>h loiseI've OIltlli~' bll:lI'd:eonUlIilte-t? ,~~.{U..<I_ ~ ," n'~~c. _ -'. ".:~ I I. _.. . __ - _ IJJ~D .${W'U4~tf: A aa~ cJrh tttes,J.&.;, f . , -, '.----- ........-----... .----- ":;nf tQlrnUlfO'.r~ ' " ... J 7';.'~" ~,... ': ~.j '. I "h,l J'fr. 'r- .' (. "',":,:'.r-,;,}(d.::,',r: ';",;:,",' '- .1....:':: '.~ 1./:., ,':'.~_ :,': ,~:~: :;,:~,;J:." ~~"',,," li~'''':':::d::~~::::'':'';' ,....,;,u., . j:~ ~~' ,:- ~;" j', L o~" IV~J..~~" ) ,.....,,{J7'o/L, /--; II .[d.,~ rrf f!>:4t/' . fM/Jlc,JltiJ,t'tfJ11/~ #JMM.y _, u _ _'_ ,) Z1Wo'''i~''f.t., }Or~ ~jvAJ(V(M.f; ~ ~/~lfd"~)1 !i'~'i.C~0 !~i"1 (1e:r.j-c.,,~_. ,IT--' 1__-;-. ' Olllf InlljlliciPlll or kOllIl1)' bO:\rd.iYcolllmitt{'~~ Dll 'vbidl YOll ~"e .~m illg' .Ma;fi:'ltJii:!.~.6ftt,.~ 6f)wLtf,L,4!.;J!~, 71otJJ} ~jlf~"jI;ol c~-(hy 60'/ul/ fd~if(l.y.,.:..)____ __ Lis! rrte loelll PCl'!;l>tmlll.'lt','vnce, "nd pholle Illllllben: , 1. I ~,~_-.]6,6 2-1 n u uu U -_______n lii 2. '1,.-!))j~ 7!kjJJ:JJ!M_._.Jrc.2::...~_O_(L . ....__.__.__.._ _._.._ ___. 3..JI_~~_.!tJ~11{;;V~) ~5dtJ~ 9/0 2.51 -9?J9_~_,,~... 'U'__... I I A' I ji ~i. C7/11 .' lMc~ 7 12 - CJ b Sju ll;llul'{'; tiZ#:J ,I --:-------.,-----r "-~._..- .'.. '" ,. _.......... _...., ..... "'-0-," ,~.._.._... .... .... .______.. ,i "Jlph{':;luoO:li llir.r ~,tp~ CUr flit J{!If t1)' mourtu T''!o;l;" I.t'~ \i' .,;lllr r(l;f'J~jli;lUildil/lil {"!nnrJLMIb: I Ii I 126 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners J20 Chos","' Slteel, R<>om 30.1 1)'<\\\ CO, \1,':> Wllmm8'cn. NC 28401.4093 \'l.\"~ 1cIr<"'i~,\SS\\)\\' T.I'p"on. (910) 341.7149 1;)\ CI'\V" FAX (9101 3414130 ~' 1';1) Board/Committee: __' L.illle._G-a('Je:"~6_______.__~________,_____~_.__~_~___ Name: __ -".-JD.b.LL-,,-_hl-~L_________~.._~_d,Qp. :_S .s t..J-~___ Home ~~.h~)l ~3 Address: , ,. . ,.. ., ""., . .... -.-' C " , __ . IroOl) , (City) (Zip Code) M ailing Address if different: 3-'1jQ_Coles..ci,.JA.li~~.~__~~~~~ Home Phone: ~l,,:fIf12.~~I";~w~~?h?;e: ~ 2!-t:l=:SS' 2-CFI A Y L" ,r:a.~\tas I..,ed,... cil-y Si-'lU! 4Iw 1-106.." is;IeA oRe. can Ivmg III New Hanover COllllty: ,~\t.L Male:,,"""""Female: _ Race:", , " Age:~_ {lnJornlatio2l for 'h purpol>t of :as:!:ur~hC:lli no :U: S;f<;Ji"tiOD (lof Hit C ommuO;Uy) Emp,oYe(~~~~~~~~~~=~~:!:h=eP~.~~'':~!!~~''.OII County upon :lpp-oinUtunt, in lI,t(ordance with Ar:t,id't VJ, SuUI)1i4 of the New H ilUUi-vet County Pi!! 1'$ on nel PoUty~) JObTit]e:a.vp,t-*_tl~SeJAjM:V~.JAmf~~~~_~~_ Professional Adivities:~J:J!l.~\Ie:zlI.h.l}.i"'.e, . . .. .. . V6]UnteerActivilies:~A' .. · , " ~_~~_~__ Why do YOll wish to serve Oil this board/commillee? .It.f~'1'~JI''e 6:ard.eMtii. ~':I:. P<<lAvti~_.~taLbe.M~,~~~.. ~~~~. e~~ UJti\~; e-tv \t e" . '. '.. Whal areaso. concern WOUltyou,ike to ,see a drcssedby this committee? ~B~""'-e~_~"" rl~Aidie.--~~~".. ..., ,.. ~Ioca~!!ifs~: ~!""I"c=-~MiCWl2>l _~~~~_~__~_~~ ~-~~,t~t::t.hw-~-~t:;~nJ.&3tL Oth" m""'~~':~'bmd"':mm~~:~h1'h ~~;,!~"'C ~~~'Yi~ __ -----------------~~2J-J\ti1~________~______~___~__________ Lbt three local persollal referellces and phone Ilumbers: J, m...L-~OC1-~A____~~IO:.:~.Rh_":_Ll.Jl~ --'-_"=~'__.__o~.~_~"''^_,__''''''"=_______, 2 Jlk.-tc.k.J(een'2l-'L-----<JJQ~--~_~ _ ,Jlk. -1iW;JJ.~sle.m_____~O..~"_-_1LO~--- Date: -,""sr/-1RJ03..--___m___________ Signature: ...~~__r~ '" __."_______~_ AppiiclIl-iions:are kept (In tHe' (or 18 mOl1th~ the t'HHSof' iid-e f(lor'~ddliUonilll cnmm€'JiB. G:>[q / 'ic?O'f .a,G.tL:~ W.- 127 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~fuau!~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~~"< ""w. COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION r JUN 2 7 -; 320 ChestmJI Slree/, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 FAX (!JIG} 34/-4130 4 Board/Committee: --~--~- J Nrv, IJ,~ ,/r fh\r' m C C/C)'n 8 _eQ,_(I~w._J_<-'_~'_~!,:'" "",;! t/,. Name: Home (~O 5Y~D 1-1;'( U4-fJ~U)U,ht 1!JQ-fOt</'~2- Address: ISlrfJs.t) (City} I (Zip Coda} J ::;;;v Mailing Address if different: ( CiM (Zip Coda} Home Phone: (f((j <71~S-&:{Lf Business Phone: , Years living in /3 Male: _ Female: ~ace: Age:~ New Hanover County: (Information for tns purpose of e eer"",,-sfJction of the community) Employer: (A pea;;on aurrsntfy smplo ytld by the ayena y or departmsn t for which this applies tion is 1TI{j<h1, must ruign his/her po$ition with Nlllw Hanol/tilr County uptJnappointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County fJetsonnlJ! Poffey.) Job Title: Professional Ac tivities: Volunteer Activities: 0 1. 2. 3. Date: CvLA7/-t: App/;eaUoms are It:ept on file for 18 month" Use ,evetSe side for "ddition,,! comments 128 06/06/2007 14:20 FAX 9107938797 RINRQ'S WILMINGTON,NC 141, 004 New Hanover County 230 GO'!fcrnm I::rd Center Dtiv~, Snilot 175 Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE A2PLICA nON Wilmingk6n, Ne 2&403 T'lephone: (91 U) 798-7149 Fox' (910) 79.-7145 Board/Committee:. aL~ AIjC)Ji oLtnv, , .:JrvJndd::JJ~ t30a.Jd. ~' D(/i, r (' h-i:r ,~_---'-~"_ ".m _ ... Name: ~._~fl1t'l:( ~':rnr.i n -. Home UlrnlnS~ ;)/:)10;' Address: 5-t:;7)n /oaldL/J (' :f-_ /Ie (Sired) (City) (Xll,Cod') Mailing Address if differellt: _ -~.., E-Mail Address: __,. O((1.J,;.;n~ Prnl'U') @ 1fJ..ban~' '" ' . Home Phone:91f_J-79jJjo'19 Fax: __ ._ Cell: .CjIO,J()(J j39t Business: ~- Years Lh'ing in 311 Male:.c..:=} Female:L Race: Ulu~ Age: 37 New Hanover COUfl~': , I~ (Inform :RtioJ!- flJ,f the pllrpOUl Manuring a .ef(l.~ ledl:QUOl rOle comrtru DU:,,) Employer: iJ.JJiJ:.5d-mf s.- lhf! se,7tl:t, CJ . - ., . h', " . l( U..ns~ (A ptttHH.le1l:TFtrd'iy ~ml}ibyed by the lIige _y 9T department tor whie chis npplicMIOtl h. made:, f:['UtS{ :ruigl1 his/ber p05itioll with Ntw U~H'ilOV'er C-oUDI}' U'llort /'Wfl'of111nUm~, ill nf"e(frdJ\"~c wUh Artidt' VI, Sr-ethHl4 of dl(!" Ntw HAUOVCr Ctmnt~' PU$Ot'lllcIPotlty.) Occupation: EdUCt/-1'l)(, rtJrl'lnJutYI 511'~)' VI~"YJ PT In'Slrurhy UJJ Cu j ( .c.:-/f' Y"o. ('-'1 cen"l.I.~ . / Professional Activities: PhtfJtJh.. Kofr11L Fdu{diw",~-nl)r.. fJc.Jery f12SiJ~ . ;:Dy J~", flE.",,/I~f~ ~uJlL""" . " I ' J."C- Pnnc..~ kNows c fo...ss /:2-, L....-k.trCi.'-'{ C.trn5~-r........i: .IV He. ~nJf...,/"1 G?,&Wt,':) jZ;.(iltl.li<<....tJ/ Volunteer Acti\'ities: ~\P'ti.~Ln,t\5tU.~ I~-rn- "~Ci:f-h:.~:h . ~m CA~Pi4'5,,/,,^- u.AJm. CJw~'" fV . ,( R...ta~ KAniA' ,,1001 Why do )'00 wish to sen'e an thl~ board/committee? ~ {'u~1o, be. pr"Clf.< r;/--, "N!. lffi.. <~rn";~ n~ CQYt"Vl'UAn;)r;t. ,fl1,MU. C~nmc - f int:erofl-5t: U a D(J8ld mem .9r b-aiwif6.s he I ~ hilS 8' !:.onfli~l 0:" p'nfBfltial con:6i!:! of Interest (;It. a particri,(atI.s:$tiie, mal memoot $!UH#O' .!i!1i!1't.e thi$ beUefrc rh'& (H~er t1tomb'5ir.'!: of his /l'ffilr ;{I$J.!'ll"Cl!Vf! tllOj;l"rri tj~IfJ{:t[J.!l' public m e.efjflQ. TnI!!' mem.b-Gt :;;hIHlld s:tille the IHI:Wre of t,l1-e ,eonfilic:t, oe,talUng Ut8! fle-/.slil-e hat a $S,tHlIl8Ui, prtvll'le oJ' mQIiI!;l~a-ty inrerast, $'i~ntlr direc:ur ftuiirecr, in Ittel$&-fJB unoar C<lnsid-orolian, The member sbouUf it/en itilXcCi!lS:& nim:seJf I h-ofl'ielf from voting Or! tne ma-Hef, What areas of concern would YUlIlike to see addressed b~' this committee? B.uu rvC1-h..P'lIL~ U4v, 1:a:lf.-'r~...AJ (J/'I..~ rJl~i #d ffAdJ!~I\IA1>' rJH'J~ ,-mt1K.u~~ -' ,.~.\.h(,tlJ f1JlflFh-d' fr-1. -b~JU1df;::J-,~,,) Qualific.atiol1s for serving: AJ1o.~- (,Ie,)L .lLU.H,'.I tlJ , rJI1..d.-VlJ.IH.t1.S' (' C1/YT\.pa^~C~'4 ~n -10 r'YI-CVtMj -h /,t)(11'l1lrlilbl1' l1lJ"!.cl...i'AjtW ~l'V'!...id;rt,t ..olJ.rl '- Other municipal or cOllnt~' boards/committees Oil which you are serving: -.JIJA -. .J- ;u,d. i'l4. ..t'l."c d -1'0 U _t)(J0:.11 ~Fi!L.QJr:(~f4~.If:~_., 1'-1 (f.j'L1M_._0C!A_,.4~'--1b!J.':H.!_._il,~fU".{'-t , lif,,/'4 Co.'i; ,'__~_~_~~ .~ ~:J::';;rr;" u-~. y'U<) . . tList three local prsOl1al ferellces llnd phnnc [lumbers: 1. ~r. t.cv....f!~ t6.uv f! 5 ~(lJ cp.j.O - ,-.- In DLje>-,>-) 2.... VUI.. ~"~-lh,!;,-- 'l:1,j .- -7 tf 7:J j 3. 'f1 .A.d. l1~~-<J hl..&x.~a.."J . .1) J.;l-:: 17511 .-- Date: .~~2,9D :-f-~_____ Sigl1ature:~;jdtJ,A..l~_"J2, nt"e:-KeJ.-Il~.~ Ap.fj;ticnUons :IU"C k~pt em me fnr 1S IllO nth:6 Uu l'\,,,i.ri!:rrU:', ddil' tor :addltlO!lBt ~-Q.m ments 129 New lJallowr COUlU)' ~ fE I~I Board of Commissioners COM Ml TTEEA,I'('LICATIOi\' FEB 2 8 .-.J HMIOHR co gCOJnmitl~~: BO ...d Nmnc: il a. i"Y\. (\IlL O'1.-e.r HUlllt 'I ' ',' \ Addn'ss: ..J.gd_:1..t1.t:lcJ_ l"'lflL"~_"_~.~"""~,,"__~i0, 1'Y}~~bi:0______".." ;t_~ Lfo~.._""~..._ (SIn-N} f{ lt~') {'Ii:p ,('od(. J M:liling Addl"<Css if diffemll: _3fL'i..x<"~e.j:.~.c"".{}cl. 5L ""_!&2:<:l.0..:~ b 0 t~~.~~ ;) '8i.]L~ Borne Phonl": l(iO d~,._._':!..Litj~. Bu S iJH'~,lW II rk Ph unc: 9 J o_J..1J.._:J''i 03...._".........".... YI':ln Lil'ing in _..~ RlICC: Nt,,, Hanm'Cl" County: MlIle: )'.'emalt': Age:..(j~ On'orm ~)iion fhl' ih(, l'ti.ll"PJl;!o,t. ilf ti~.sq~'in~ U (TlHI> 1<t.{'htH~ ul HH" (:nlun:H.lJlIi~'l Employer: (A p(,-I'Mn! t'mrlo~-{i'd b., OH' ::J.g,""n.c., Of- (h'pilH'tmNlt hiT whid~ thh ,~ppllc~t1on I:;" m:i~dl'. must l('-~i~ilhl:'ijlnT JU1l\,ltjou willi .'\i'Vlo Ihuun;n Co!Uni~ Ur~)ii :ip'fI'olntmt'ni. in i!i{'('.j)ro.;uH"Cl" \ri,lh /\t'lkk \'1. St'dkflil 4 of till' '\t.'\,; HaIH'~~'l' {' mHH~I;I'r:<'Ui'tiud Po H(',I.i - Joh Title: --~,,,~~,,=,'."-'""='='==,='=~ "_"'m~m"~' "-"n"~=h""~_=.= ,- '","'.="=.'=- ~~.=''''=..=--- Professional Activities: ---- ~'~"'~"""'_="'''.U."="~.'= "'='''=.-= ,,=,~~~=~- Volunleer Actil'ities: __~l.J::J.rn e m be r ot Nc. (oa: s fed !-Cold.. T/'L< s"t- ._--~-~".^.",.."..==~,~------~".-,.-.,"'"' -~. Why do you wish In SCIT(' 011 this hoard/committee? :r:.~'!.~..__t,~'l....~.!'e.? *- lJ ,'"" ()u r:::_..~ 1'\ V; l'i..."Y';~.~ ....'.Q.Q..~}Y\ a I' l'\ +c...,' r"l I' r;~--f~,Y:."c.f!/J:!.~::l~ +t 't1>..e jV- .f:;.. (!!:~f~e('* VI. 'H~,:1_~" COnfiicl of In-lerest ,if.s board ttJf;"mbt.i! .tJt!fj{ 'e-i: h~;, -' f';;~!? .1;1$:,,' /if conner 0' ccJti,;IH;1 cd IMe'&s': Ci~ .9 f.'",(il~:uiFH i:;;:Ulfi U1<8" {j'lf-trl,')ei :;!';ouid ,~l.aM wio.; be-fief Ie Wfl- QlidN me-m DetS or 'hl!Y Jf!-Sp-et/Jilf; bOfH,':;' orV,i!tQ B pilt,ii:~ fl'lli..<Nrfl{; '1if(,' membe-r sh.t.wid $1",112 tilE narl.}Jf;' G~ Iri& CQrdli:;; dt..:.gth!j~! If)i;,~ f,;:./sh& h:;;:;; ;;; s ~~plitrattj,' t)m'$I.I~ 0'- m&!le,M',ry InWr(;--s~_ i-,'Wel" djfec;~ JfJdl'!'&cl ISS(.fE' U!i(}ff'! f;onsxlerhVOf;, TlI& m emb&t s!'i(jiJitf €,XC,F}::t.- {;:,t;:.';t;:!! -' rr<er$eYi fr{..rn maU&r 'Wllallll"cas uf concern ~\OlIld you lik,' to sec lIddl"cs~ed 11) ihis commitlcc? ~ ~."_~"~~._.~~ ~ ~.~iLl'1.clJ'n ",.kL~...th.L.1yn t" 1'4 r f2!6...b.,h.:~':::...,..m.o.(L et ...u tl rg",.....QE...Q tt v ~!1...,\-.'.!'~fr\ m.evJ- , Qualifications for scning::';;';; h..Ctt~ bOD)\;", 'IJW.Cd.il:fj:!...Q:J. ~t3..(LL~'~'1-_..f\1.4n..~'~J:;6.-1"..CA h'"C-V.€J(.i~"...a~...on..~..N~ C,.{..,,j__bQ.~.a..t.gL~....5_'Y..~.L3--'. ,,q f2Q..~f!\.r h.. t.tS bcul.. ,t Other mUllicip"r or e(lunl: hOllnh/colllll1lt1ecs on which )OllllrC st~n'ing: """'~'m-.,'c..-=';''',,,,--,,,,,-,-._-,-_,-_ ---~,-~~-,","^~""',,""~~'~.=.~'.- ~~."'=m~''''.-~___~,..~,.~,~~~_. Lisl tl1l'1'(' 10Cll! (l!:rsOlHlI rd'crcnn', nnd l,hHJH' nUllJh(~rs: 1" -l:bi...a.:e..2"~. 6.fJtlJ.e.___. .,..,.....22..2!..::.H I "tL . "~,.""'".~"'~~"'~~_._~,~"" "-'"-~_"____________~,_c___,~_~__ 1. 17 3. '3 -(POt) DlIle; Signature: ",iil!:' hH- mJl{]:iHon:ut {'vm uu'u h 130 New Hanover County 23b Government Cent.r Drive Board ofCommissio~ers COMMITTEE APPLICATION ;~i;:~:~n.NC 2&40:l Telephone' (910) 798.7149 Fax; (910) 79&-7145 Board/Committee: Airl.ieGardens .!,oundation Board of ~~ctors Name: Elise H. Mullaney ._.~.~._..mmm'm_.__~'._...~~__m~ Home Address: .:.:.~~~~urn Lane Wi~n~~::...:.....~<:'_..._._ 28405 (Sired) (City) (Zip Cnd") Mailing Address if different: elisehmullaney9 hotmail ... com ,..mm_._...mm E-Man Address: elise1unullaney@hotmail. com mmmm..~.~___m__~_.__m._m_m___. Home Phone: 910-509-2999 Fax: Cell: 910-409-5502 Business: 910-409-5502 Yellrs Living in New Hano"er County: _~.::e ______ Male: J;'emale: V Race: caucasian Age:.41 ".~ (l.fOTli1Ui:oltfOT tbe pUT p'O!!It' (if ..Iii$ lit lug.. ('IrO 5$ Ii<< Uo lJ of tbe C 10m mu.D i ty) Em loer: Georgetown University, Office of Advancement p. y - '" m__.._m_._._...__.______._.._mm._mm_.... (A penGiD ell nently e:mpIGyed! by the _geney or dep..nm:eo troT 'whicb thb!: applk:ation 1,5 made:'l must resign h:i:s/he:r position with New H ilmDver' ConDry IlpOD appoiufment;, imllli-cco'rGan<:e with Artide VI, SectioJJ 4 of the New Hanover COIlIU,. PenoDo>e:] Polky.) O t. Independent Contractor/Major Gifts Fundraising and Development ccupa Ion: Professional Activiti.es: National Association of Fundraising .!xecu~~es, ~::men .~.~.__~~V':,~opment Volunteer Activities: currently Wrightsville Beach Ele:m.ental:y School Parent Association Why do yoo wish to serve on this board/committee? See__~:.ta~~ sheet '" for response. Coltflkr of Mr.,.,"t , e bOard member aeJie'ves he I she has 8 conflict or pOfflntiaj' -e'onffiCI of mteffl:l (:l'1l' a partfI:uUit lfiiliJ6!, that membiiJf should stl'W this benetto lhe olM:t members of his f het respective imam durin!} a public meeting, The member should stat,s the t.hSitut'S" ot' the COfi/UCl. deteiHfr9 that helshe has' 8' sepa'fate', prlva,te .of monetary iftt.ef8St either r::Nrecl Of #iditecl in tI\le iSsue under consideraHol'J. The me-mber .should then exci!,.!,S"tl' hUnseU'/ herself from VOlin!}' on the matter. What areas of concel'll would you like to see addressed by this committee? ,See attached sheet for response... Qualifications for serving: See attached sheet for response. . . - -- Other municipal or county boards/committees on wbi.ch you are serving: none __~. ~ = ^ \~ T \.j " BD List three local personal references and phone numbe.rs: 1. Susie Wakild, Director of Development, Cape Fear Academy 910-791-0287 ~,-,~'''=~~_. --~ '"~,,~ 2. Hil~_,~ess, Director of C,:,.:?orate and Foundation Relations, UNCW 910-962-4278 3. Jennifer Peterken, personal friend/Secretary, Junior League of Wilmington 910-350-0414 Date: ~!.....~..~.~ 2007. m-Signature:mfli~~ t;(duJ.J ~.-.'~~= Applkatjon:s i1ii'"t: kept on file: for 18 mo-rubs Us,e r'e'!;' 'rs~ side for- additi 131 Committee Application Responses/For Airlie Gardens Foundation Board ofDireetors For Elise H. Mullaney May 23, 2007 Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I have a keen interest in supporting the cultural and environmental treasure that is Airlie Gardens. I believe in the importance of the Gardens on many levels-the curiosity about the natural habitat it evokes, the historical and cultural significance in the region, beauty of design, and the process and programs for teaching and learning about the environment. I have a strong conviction that education and outreach to the public will be critical to Airlie Gardens' future. As a new resident of Wilmington, I have a fresh and useful perspective about the Gardens through personal visits and attendance at key signamreevents there and, this past winter, through an interview process with Jim McDaniel, Executive Director and his staff, who all demonstrated a strong vision for and commitment to sustaining and enhancing the Gardens. While competition with other local non-profits continues, and with financial resources stretched, I would offer my time and talents in creative fundraising expertise, strategic management experience, and marketing/promotion to create more widespread understanding and usage of Airlie Gardens and to push for increasing endowment, current use funds, and membership levels. What would you like to see addressed by tbis committee? "ReDiscover Airlie" is positioning itself wisely and has ambitious goals that will require dedicated resources to support planning and execution in the near and long-term. I would like to see the committee address I) a more framed message on recruitment of new members, volunteers and donors at all levels 2) more targeted strategies for raising major gifts from individual and corporations and fomdations 3) greater promotion of membership opportunities and an internalrcview of benefits received at each level 4) a thorough assessment of potential "non-traditional" stakeholders who may become more engaged with Airlie Gardens 5) create a greater level of awareness and visibility among local citizenry, students, and visitors about Airlle Gardens 6) a review of bow members become volunteers, in turn, volunteers become leaders within the Gardens. Qualifications for Serving: As a young, female professional I would further promote a balance on the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board and advance, broaden, and strengthen the Board so that there can be the best decision-making, program development and service to constituents. My personal and professional experiences demonstrate: I) A commitment to engage, participate and contribute to Board meetings, discussions, and dialogue. 2) Fiduciary and budget experience. 3) First-hand knowledge of how boards can effectively function in delivering goals and strategic framework. 4) Direct responsibility for ambitious fundraising goals for capital projects and other numerous other priorities. 5) Previous volunteer board experiences in Alexandria, V A and Washington, DC. 6) Useful contacts that can assist the Board and management in raising awareness and funds. 7) Vast experience in general membership, special events planning, corporate relations, grant and proposal \\!riting, marketing, public relations and other earned revenue opportmities. 8) An ability and willingness to assist the Foundation Board financially, such as through membership in the Azalea Society membership level and/or other contributions. 9) A proven track record in building annual and major gift campaigns. 10) Forthright integrity and interactions in my dealings with all people. Respectfi!'lIy submitted, E~~~U~~/~ 132 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut S/feet Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401.4093 COMMITTEE APPL Telephone 1910) 798.7149 FAX 1910l 791].7145 Board/Committee: fJ. "'{iI' e. a~dE!. Name: 'V' 0.. VY).e.~- ,p:. I{' (). \') l{ fj' Y\ if (!. :' d. (-E '(0. 'n Is) M"='~~~_~~" Home / a....$- ;6 reJdl<>( u.J 0 t1 J /lVe" iLl;/ rn;',j 7 [d 11 Address: " l1, e. < :J.R'4-0~ (Strllet! ICity) IZip Code! Mailing Address if different: S CHl1e ""'"~- IC;ry) IZip Code) Home Phone: (9/ D) :; <5.,-/ - 60 ;J I Business Phone: ./Vej \1 ~ ~,~,=,~, Years tiving in :l. Male: ,V-' Fef1!ale: -,-- Race: t2. (1 U(!.,a .5~.iLiA- Age: ? 3 New Hanover County: - II"formatu:m for the purpose of assunng a cross-sectIOn of the community) Employer: i1 e 7: /re d.- IA person currently employed by the agency Or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with )Jew Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personne! Policy.) Job Title: f!..1 e r 1< d ~ C.GJUrT. 11.$. tJ /,5 T'If'ic r D.o LIV'II W, l> J5T. "JGY\\t, , , Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: C h~,' ( 0+'J3 () a. r J- J po. y e o.('e C, e \1 T81(1 p, e/}V' e ~ f<l-f rVJ e..o./ S 0 \, wI, 6 e...-15,,> \/6/, LA) ll?11I'Vl7 rop c.. h i'fd. r"Y\ 5 '"YVI uSe. V 'M' 5.11 Q \Ie educ...a O/O'Y1 0- nL ex~\/ c-''rIt' Why do you wish to serve on this boardJcommittee? J}l\ c:L r I' yYJ_~, T () le J 0 r; 'I!. T cl u TVl e. (l"Q\('(I V1l V Vt ,. L :I, . Conff1ct oflnteresf: If a board memOfJf believes he/Sh& has a conflict or potenrial conflict 01 interest on a ptJtticu1;;u issue, thaT member should'state this belief' to ~he other members 01 his/her respective board dudng D public meeting. The member should 51&te the nalUre Ollfl" conflict, d/!!/fliling 1flaT he/she has" sepBr8le, private or monetBlY inuuest, either direct or indirect, ill the issue under cO/7siderBtion. The member should then e)lcusft himself/fler$elf from voting [m the matter. What areas ot concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? EH,'e.. i e_~-r- U:yi t 5 iJ tt,e- 5( fu 1 ,.,-, \ o-f 1'~ rd.. ~''1. & ~ e f'lJ ('-,1 0 )1 'T\.! e Qualifications for serving: _ 'v\f\ ,\ 'AI -f tt> WI YVl eme ~ i 5 G/&b e j)" j tf-. )3, -f'{' ~VVl mV YlI' v~ (.5 Ii:: 7 at I cl'\)~ _e.. f, 6 ?:'- ~J /~,)/9)l..v I' ~I "e.., I ~/ (t> I e~!? .5 ee 'if' e V a.1('" .eJ Other municipal or county boardsJcommittees on which you are serving: tl 0 ~ 'e' ~ List three local personal leferences and phone numbers: o !ErG !EnWrE~ 1. 1-' .1\/ ;V" r;e\' J YrlO-- ~h el 3!: 2. L () ~:t GIOY~'( ? !t.~_Z!iJL JUN 2 7 2006 I/ld; '.T~'~""~~-'- I 3. ;)/)ty\'t"I)j ~ (.~J c €- "I ~/- <231: NEW IIf.IJnVrr, CO c.<- AD l'f \,IIIMJr',~lrnirRS Date: !.o-d-L/-db Signature ~ ':C- f2u;/ Applications are kept on file for i8 months ,/ " --...... ....=~ "_'~_U"_"''''='~__'mn. Use reverse side lor additional comments 133 (JJ c Y' X e 5L ~ e ('/ e L.1 ~ e :' j. &.55/67, C/C( tLl;C6VVJ"''jJOQ./Z fl,'d 7 e/I-'l/ -.' 19 ~ e- '/ e, i'd' , ' 1tl ~,C,h/ej G1Br{~/foalif.(\fuv{LY ~OiJlr--r--' uJe~-r- I. \.T '{' I / D i'5 T, I (!. 0 ~ en VI. 7 Y e, 6. Y' ~: 6t GI -e N<' 6-) c.,a v "II V,S. c> 15, r ier (! 0 u r T/ u) e S G e f '1 D I <S T, o-f r e,1(I. M I I ~ Y ~ 0.. r s- JJ .5 '" I e \'1\ ,,+ ~ 0 u r'r- i .r e Y\1 \' I 0 Y 'e 11 Ttil. h\ "- <L (\\1 L is u f '€-If" V IS e d (\... ~ '- It j-f-6 + 3 S , 1'1t -e 1..1 -e '(i"\ l\. Y\ 4.- G ~ 0. l' i- 0.." e, V"- ~ f oAl.5 : b I ..... 5"6'('; /' ~ ",t' &1} It ' (I e 6 e tV"..! f,' e. J ~" 'f "cS e. \ ~ -e . ~\e.il-l,'n 1 in ('.,im,'!I'<Ll a"dt/""/ G/l.S,,-". B ft~Y'fliY1i$oe'f' JO'f'j ,s,/6LeYY\, t, /1 e a. e. ) v" e. 0. '>1 d../ 0 ~d. : .n" eV's """ T uJ eJ >/,'>2., yY'\ ~ d l CJ Y\ 6 () \l t>. '(' -5 \ e..,'f r e- DJ"", D' y~ 00 1'. f>-l~ '('\',/6" 6<>-1 f- ~ e-,' / IT/e5 .. i' ~ ~I u . ,'n ~ 0 -7-5- I' e 5 il-" ~ <!..lJ U rl '('0" >>1S.: _ ~ u'tddl.S e. f u<,f1,'1>ur "'- l).,Y\ d.., -oU\,('!' e..S t;. to'f tDUr'1 (7JuJ,?e~ , _ ~ ~l!~I,'~ ({e,/ILL. ,D'I\ s. uJILb &eV"e.r..J r ' . . \0 zs.i'" 5 [) -E T h 0 '0 0.. r. "y} u ~ ~ \[' e.. L yV\ e- Vf'. ~ ~ R.iceL 134 New Hanover County 230 Markell,l,." D';ve Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE AI)PUCA nON .suite li5 W ilm",g'ou, NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 798.7149 Fax: (910) 798.7)45 Board/Committee: Airlie ~~_:~dens Foundation Board '''~D~'=~~'_'M ~~_.=~.~ Name: Anne__ J . Sorhagen .-- .,~_..- Home Address: 6320 Guinea Lane Wilmington 28409 (City) Mailing Address if different: ~"""~== =~= -~..~ E-Mail Address: mov~646@.bellsouth. net ~~~- ,=, Home Poolle: 910-509-3020 BusillesslWork Phone: nla \' ears Livi llg in Male: Female: ~ce: .:aucasion Age: 55 New Hallover County: _5 years (lnfocrm afi.tu~ for- tile ptltp>Oit of nsur-i:ng 8 ("I".oss ,-e-.CUOll of the <community) Employer: none _m- ~~~= (A person: eurt'cntly employed by t,he aG:eney Of' dt-p.rtment for whIch this appUearioll is ."lIie, mu.U resign his/her p.osiUon 'WIth New Uano\ltit Cuunty U1p on appohi< tmm C~ in i1i:uGrden ~t with Arridt V 1, Set rico 4 of the N f!W Hamo:ver' C onutyttnon we! Pulie'y~) Job Title: nla --. p ~ . I A l' 'f Form,er educa tor, NC Real Estate Broker ro esSlonll e IVlles: ..~.._ Volunteer Activities: Guardian ad, Litem, Cape Fear Guardian ad Lit_ Board Member (over) ______nn___ Wh d . h t. th' hood/ itt" High level of personal interest, appreciation of y 0 yon WIS, (l serve on.. IS r camm.ec. ___...."' _...._ Airlie's historical, environmental, horticultural, cultural role, (over} ~~= ~ ~~,,=, Confl~f C', Int.r.,st.' t B il)o,ar"Ol membor believoIlI$ fie / she j"je.$ a conflict tN' potential con/bet of mliltrHf 011' a PfrtiCular itSUCI', t/HU I't'h!HtHH)t' s,fl-aJ,dd alate rhls Defie!UJ-.the ol'h., mom befS o{ tJi~ I fHU rSL$pecfi-lI6- board dUfing.a PUb#C meeting. The membSf should stal-e the n,ature- of lhe eootliel,_ dfU,jJing thaI he/she hat a SiEtpal'8'te, pri'vate 0' fflOfl'&UH)' iMeresl, eith-ilIf a/reCI Ot indite-Gt, in the iG3UC under ccn.$lt1efaUon, The member shoukitfiittn l!!'XC-U$-e himself I herself (W", lioang on tne matter. . ,', " Restoration of the gardens Public What areas of cane ern would you Ilke to see addressed by tbls comm.ittee? , ",.""" , , .._ :.. relations and endowment funding. Q TIi . ~ ", Educator for 12 years, former business owner for 7 years, uallcatlous or serving: .___....."'......._ _=w<u=~~~~_ ~""='""_O-~ Prior experiences on Non-profit Boards and volunteer steerin9 committees (Over) ---=~ --- Other municipal or county boards/committees on whicb YOIl are serving: Cape Fear Guardian ad Litem Board ~-~-- -- -~~, List three local personal references and phone numbers: Dr. Richard Corbett - 791-1835 NOV 2 9 l. _~_.~=~_'_'~U~, '"==~~~~-~""'~ <~-,=~ 2. Dan Cameron - 520-4403 IT.~'~""= --,~= -,== n,== "~..- 3. Dave Thomas - 520-0581 Date: November 27, 2006 Signature: ,- '"'~~~. AppUeatknn .art: ktJit.on fite for 18 DiU nibs 135 ~tinu~cl.fI'oIIl fr()ntof appli~ation: ] Volunteer Activities: - 2005 Airlie Gardens Oyster Roast Chair - 2006 Airlie Gardens EventsjHandbook Chair - 2006 Airlie Gardens Oyster Roast Sponsor Chair - 2004 Airlie Gardens Arts Festival Patron Chair - 2004 New Hanover County Court Appointed Guardian ad Litem - 2005 Secretary of Cape Fear Guardian ad Litem Association - 2006 Treasurer of Cape Fear Guardian ad Litem Association - Sustaining member of Junior League of Wilmington - Member of Historical Wilmington Foundation - Member of New Hanover Co. Arboretum - Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum - Treasurer of Marsh Landing Home Owners Association (5yrs) Why do you wish to serve on this board I committee? -I have a track record as a committed and successful volunteer of Airlie Gardens. -1 believe my reputation and relationship among the Airlie Gardens Staff, Board of Directors, other volunteers, and the citizens of our area would promote progress, results and cooperation. -I have the time to serve and I am passionate about Airlie Gardens. Qualifications for serving: -Owner of Wilson & Watson Realtors of Rocky Mount, NC for 7 years -Educator of World History in Nash County High School System for 12 years -Good organizational and time management skills -Good people and promotional skills -Have filled various chair and committee member positions of Non-profit organizations, such as Junior League of Morristown, NJ Finance V.P.fCommunity Grant Committee Member/Retention and Recruitment of Membership etc. Ct"V\€- ~. S'O'<<' ~ t "'\ 136 New Hanover Count}' Board of Commissioners J20 fh.'trllI' '''001, Room 30; Wihtliligton, NC 2840 ~ -409 3 I.krll',"" (9lD) 341-7149 N a m e:_b_Q:,.'-y_n...e._i.s:..e"."_____Sf_g....Y.1.!i':..~r____,_____~~__________________________________ Home ., C ' -1S4 11L" ~ t ~ 1: :1- Address: .1l.j___P-ih.~_____l(J_'/-- _ "--7,--.-.ilttLLr:u~--Q.xL7-J _L ..ff__~___K!!- (}~_~___ (Slr..l) (Cily) Clip Code) M ailing Ad dress if different: __.____________________.____________________~____~__~________ Home Phone: _qL~_:2!lj_:_.f_fL_13 ______ Bllsiness/Work Phone: ___________~______~____ Yem Livin.g in /._ " '. ' , " , ' New Hanover County: ---L:z--t'.f.'il---- Male: c:. ...c- Female: X Race: _lil.f,l.~I5____,_ Age: _~u, 1_ (lnform ii1t1on f-g.r the pllrpou of ilIuuting a n"ou :s-e<.::Uon of rhe- ~ommunity) Emplllyer: ~_____________________~______._______~_________ (A person currendy empl'oyed by flu': ,igeJ'ley Qf department fur- whitk thi.s applitat:lon is made, mus1 ruign hh/hei" positioil1Wlth New H:;ulover COtlJuy UPOI appo!fntmeRt, in attotdanr::e: with Atthde VI, Sec:Uoil4 or the New H anOVC-f G QYJ:lty' P~r:!Iohnel Policy.) Job Title: A,~+_LL:_~_t::L___Ed_\&c&~tsc\" __________________~__, _ ,. - -- ---~~.--------- Professional Adivities: M~VlI\ ~ ~J:-.-S:~J?L~::.tlJ:'.:.~Lle {t, G l:t ~J:::S~J.l1 ~_Lq j? e."" FeGlJ:Jtrea. Vlllu~euActlvU~m ~--~~-~-~~t~-~i(~~~~de/~-~. Why dll you wlsb tll serve on this boardlcommittee? ~.€'_-.k-~-"'J2-~_.wA..r....L~d' Ltllt~f:-J!_i:.iY2J..f{ -f I () 1'1 Js P V f_~1:::"A.i1.:L-<Ll'ld.-LJ.:U'.i.::L~!1::Le.k1i_-ilL--jlL~C-~~L?1-lJ-L~Vl jJ---jl_.:_IiL_~e "V_.lLf: ; h tLr!.f-VlLJ2>..:t----dtd::-.T c ?{Y+__dl-'4-Ll'--1-tLJjf:J__cztiJ.il:..ci" ~11J1.LZ. ' diL~_tLL~__ I "'- V (, \ \I e J... ""if-' L' .' " t Wha t areas of concern wlluld you Ilke tll see a d dressed bythls C Clmm illee? ___L_Q I't __Ltl..1b-.~a -.-L!1J1-Dlf:..s;2:?'t';: V\' _W_L\.L~__~.l\L~__-?G ~+L&_-'-_____________________________:_-~----~--~------~- Quallflcatfun.s~rB.r~ng:_~~~~~~-~-~~~~ ~~,,~~~,~,~~,,~~,~ _.c.Q.n.c.~ x.n--.T--'J-hte-\i'-~-s.t._:\,V\___hi':itll.:r...Lc:..____e_.Y...~_I1_t5..____~_____.____ Other municipal or couni)' boardBlcllmmitlees on which you are serving: iY.-~~-l1iA.JLI..~y"_f;;_L~JL~~*____ l1j:.L\1.~kL_NA!C....t--O~_t~I..\::.~-1':.s.~t---f.-!-~Cjj.tj-iL-L__C_Q..lX'Ln'l~,tt~,-_____ Ust three local personal reference~ and phone numbers: 1. __!Y...:SJ__}~iAJ!I,,1..i:L__i~1A~'-e.l':..______.__....._____________-----------.----____3_~ 2- ':_L 5~ Cz._'L 2, _i1~'i~___C_<<_r:~~Ly..!'L--P-"--11L~L~e.-d..-----------------"-------'"----------z.f:L:_,,~;:.1f.2___ 3. -J!.L:r.cS-~--j.igiif---L.lL..l~..y_"eJ~-2.--------------..-.------.------;-."-----.1rz.Z".:_Zi{5::}i.~ Do<" .-..-1LA.t-lL.1..._.-............... ","""co, ~~~_~ Applitioi1:!> II e 'kept -on file f{tf 18 ilitHlth1 . _ _ ., Use f;tV :r~e side: f.or :additional C(}rnm~nts ~ sJ''2..-Wl~ 137 This page intentionally left blank. 138 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AIRPORT AUTHORITY 2 VACANCilES - Four-year terms (7/112011) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOI NTMENT Brian Berger Paul G. Burton X Robert F. Cameron Jr. Walter R. Conlogue James (Monte) Coughlin Andrew Koeppel Harry W. Stovall, ill I X Ronald H. Woodruff Attachments: Commiittee Information Sheets Applications 139 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Number or members: 5 appointed by Board of County Commissioners Tenns or Office: 4 years - appointees may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least two years have expired since the end of their last term. Compensation: None; however, the chairman is allowed a maximum of $250 per month, other members $200 per month, for automobile/travel expenses. Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Conference Room; work sessions held on the first Wednesday of each month. Statute or cause creating Authority: General Statutes 404, Senate Bill 410 Purpose: The Airport Authority constitutes a corporate and politic body that has the power and authority to: (1) purchase, acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain, operate, and regulate the Airport for the use of airplanes, and other aircraft, and all facilities incidental to the operation of the Airport; (2) to purchase, acquire, own, hold, lease and/or operate real or personal property; (3) to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise and to hold lands for the purpose of constructing, maintaining or operating the Airport and to make contracts and lease agreements, to charge and collect fees, royalties, rents; (4) ta make rules and regulatians as necessary for the proper maintenance, use, operation and control or airport ar airport facilities owned, leased, or controlled by the Authority; (5) to provide penalties for violation of such rules and regulations;, (6) to sell, lease, or dispose of any property, real or personal, belonging to the Airport Authority with sale of real property requiring approval of the County Commissioners; (7) to purchase insurance; (8) to deposit or invest and reinvest funds; and (9) to operate, own, lease, control, regulate, or grant to others the right to operate a business on the Airport premises, and to issue revenue bonds. The Airport Authority shall make an annual report to the Board of Commissioners setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it. The Airport Authority employs persons whose services may be deemed necessary by the Airport Authority. 140 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY (CONTINUED) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Paul G. Burton D~ First 71t11/2007 ~ 723 South Lumina Avenue ~, P.O. Box 265 9/16/02, 7/7/03 Wilmington, NC 28402 256~4313 (H) 675-9241 (W) Charles Richard Kays First 7/1/2009 208 Gatefie1d Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 6120/05 793-0173 (H) 343-0119 (W) John D. Lennon First 7/l/2009 6319 Marywood Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 6/20/05 395-0006 (H) 239-5895 (W) Robert S. Rippy First 7/1/2008 136 Edgewater Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 6/21104 256-5761 (H) 791-8107 (W) Harry W. Stovall, III ~ First 7/l/2007 -t 5914 Cedar Landing Road P.O. Box 4577 ~J 717/03 Wilmington, NC 28406 313-1866 (H) 256-6477 Airport Director: Jon Rosborough 6/05 1740 Airport Boulevard File: / Airport Wilmington, NC 28405 BIC #2 341-4333 (FAX 341-4365) 141 New Hanover County 230 GOVCTnmcM Center Dd....e Board of Commissioners COMl'\1ITTEE APPLICA nON Suile 175 Wilminglon, NC 2&403 Telephone: (910). 798-7149 fox: (91 0) 798.7] 45 Board/Committee: Airport Authority Name: Brian Berge~ Home Address: 527 Commons Way Wilmington 28409 (Slr..t) (Clly). (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address: brianberger56@yahoo. com Home Phone: 4,31-3115 Fax: CeU: Business: Years Living in New Hanover Counl1': 5 Male: ~ Female: _ Race: Age: 30 (lnrormadon forthepurp6se <of assuring a c:rou SE:c'tjon Gf th-e com mOllify) Employer: Consultatl~ fA per. on eurrutly employod by lbe agouoy or deparlment fnr ...ldeb tbl. appll<allnn" mode, 01."01 rulgb bi./ber p".ltlon witb New fhn.'''' C"nnty u:poo :ilppn,intmell~ in accerd.lu:e wit:b Arti(le VI, $<<d.on 4 of .'be New Hanover Count)" Personnel Polky.) Occup,ation: Marketing, FR, Public Affairs, Business Development ________. u Professiooal Acti'Vities: .i\meric:an Marketing Association; American Soc. of Association Executives Volnnteer Activities: Special Olympics Wh}' do you wish to serve OIl this board/committee? '1'0 use my experience as a frequent business travell to enahnce the a.irport' s operations and to increase the Airport's valuet;o the cOXlllDUni ty Connle-lof lfttor.'sl_' t II! bf')iilrd m$-mb$ir .tJ<IIiIJjpVifii5l he t :snft haS" a conflict or poze,ntJ..a} C'onflJc1oJ mHttnl; On "parliCu'.r i$,sue, th8t memtuu should stew tiliQ oetUefto #l'CI oth(jf' membi!ll.ts of hf.s: I t1'!(iI'r tesp.ecUve board during 8 public. m B@linQ_ The member !ilhoUld sIehl' 'hilt nalllr$' of the conflict" detailing that bttlshe hssa $.parete, private or monetary inI8f4i'$t, el!ll9,ojrf'CI 0-1 Indirect. in the issilJiB' Undftf consid9rnUorJ. The menHl$'t .should then eXCUS6' him~fJ'f I fpfJ'fSftlftrom 'voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? attracting additional carriers and routes; maintain the comforts and conveniences that give the facility a competitive acivant Qualifica.tions for serving: busine.ss and personal traveller, marketing skills to communicate with local communities and aviation/tourism industry organizations Other munidpal or couoty boards/committees on which you are serving: List three .local personal references and pbOlle numbers: MAY 2 5 2007 I. 4..", "'-" ntI K bVL - ''11'i ,711!l\"I'M~ GO 2. p.+ De f.. /.,- '''5 -"if'f BO or COMMISSIONERS 3. J>~.. ~,..d I<r"'\ 7 t ,. ... t-ftF -- Date: r-~'-'7 Signature: #. ~nrse .Idef.. ~ddillob.l ~"'" ",..to AppUll;.tkm~ are kept on ftJt for 18 mandu. " 142 '.. ~ ,.~~.." ~..,.. ".- ;, ":;;'c""~l"!"' "i~'F'i:\.~::J" :'" +' ~ .;' 'j '. , . ~. /'-.c _~"~l'~~':..t~:{(~~'1~.r.~~ .,,' . "'.~' / '. ... - ~~ ..J , ,"." " , , , ,,:_~<~~~~,~, . ... NEW HANOVER COUNTY , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-409 ~~ ~9 Telephone 1910} 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committe Appointed by the New Hanover County Board 0 Request for Appointment to: Airport Author~ty Name: Paul G. Burton Home 723 South Lumina Avenue How long have you been a Address.' resident of New Hanover County? 66 years Mailing Address: P. o. Box 265 City and State: Wilmington, N.C. Zip Code: 28402 Telephone: Home: 256-4313 Business: 675-9241 M W '. .Sex: . Race: . Age: 66 . This illft:umlJ/ion is fsqulJsted fOf thg sol" Pl/,POS" of sssuring thai e cfoss-section of the community is eppoinled. w ". Employed by: BUR'IOK S.:;_EEI" ... COMPANY u " .. A pSfSOll CUff"fl/iy employed by the efJellcy 0' dtrp"rrme!l/ fo, which thls "pplicliltio" is made, must tesign his/hef positiOll with <lJ " Ntrw HSllOVSf Coullty upon "ppoin/mellt, ill hccOtd""ce wilh Anicle Vi, Sec. 4 of Ih" New Hanovet Counly Petsonllel Policy. " 0 u Job Title: President .... 0 Professional Activities: Professional Engineer, Merr.ber NSPE including State & County, Pormer Board ~ Member on The NC Ports Railway Commission, The Governor's Advisory COl!lJl1.ittee on Travel and .0 s Volunteer Activities: Tourism, and Worked on Azalea Festival Committee for many years ,and I am rtl ..c:: a past President of the' Azalea Festival,! have served on the Boards of Committee ,of 100 " u Why do you wish to sefYe on the Board, Committee. Of Commission requested? I have always had an interest in our Airport and I believe our Airport is a vital part of our growth and future. I want the people of New Banov.r County to have the best air service available. What do you fee/are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, .or Commission requested? I think my business & engineering backgrounds would be an asset to the Board. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Better airline serv!ces and security Are you currently servinp on another b08fd or committee appointed by 8 municipality or a county? If so, please list: No Date: December 6, 2001 Sipnature ~ (Plus# uu t#v.,s# std# lot IIddido",,1 eomm.nlsi - 143 ---- PAUL GEORGE BURTON P.O. BOX 8528 723 SOUTH LUMINA AVENUE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. N.C. 28480 PERSONAL DATA: DATE OF BIRTH: April 28. 1935 PLACE OF BIRTH: Wilmington. N_C. MARITAL STATUS: Married - Mary Will Woodard from Rocky Mount. North Carolina TELEPHONE: Home (919) 256-4313 Office (919) 675-9241 EDUCATION: GRADES 1-12: New Hanover County Public Schools COLLEGE: N.C. State University - B.S_ Degree i~ Civil Engineering EMPLOYMENT: PRESIDENT OF BURTON STEEL COMPANY P.O. BOX 265 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28402 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CLUBS: CAPE FEAR CLUB CAPE FEAR COUNTRY CLUB THE SURF CLUB CAPITAL CITY CLUB - RALEIGH ASSOCIATIONS: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMITTEE OF 100 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS OF NORTH CAROLINA SOUTHEASTERN CHAPTER OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS CAROL~NAS ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS WILMINGTON CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION , -, 144 New Hanover County 2 ::Hl G ov(trnirH~ilt Ce-nt~j' Dti ve Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION SUHC 175 Wjlmin~~l~Hl, NC 2$4n~ T ekpnonc (910) 798..'n .19 F~~;..;: (910} 79:8~fI4$ Board/Committee: ~~,ort_ Authori ty -~''''='a''''''''~'''~O'''''''''==.=''''= Name: Robert F. Cameron Jr. Borne Address: 5:U,9 Nicholas Creek Circle 264.09 (Slr(';('.tj fCii)') (ZII,Cod<-) MlIilillg Address if differellt: ~~~,~.. _...""."'__.~.~_._...."""""",,..,,"_..,,""",,..."' ~~~rn"~~_~~~~ E-Mail Add ress: rcameron@ec" rr :.':~.~ """"."".."..."""_..".._ """"",,". ""_""._."".""",,,,", '=m'"'''.''''_".~=''' -- Home Phone: 313-1961 Fax: =,=v===,~.~,=,=,=~ Cell: Business: Years Liviug iu New Hanover Count)': 3~,~ ""."""" Male: ,. liemale: Race: W Age: 37 (lnftu-'.tn aliGn for the purpose of ji~sudJig a cross seiCHe n of tht C (lIinmunhy} Emllloyer: ,,~,~~.:.:.:"~.de Management ===,==..=="~=~~,-,~=<.,,"""~""~,~"~~""""""'~"=.,'=..- CA l~er;'i.O-I1 eUf'f'tTltl)' filuployed b~" the 1bgene~ or delHrrimeM for whieh this itIJllllie.'lhon is. :made, nHlsl resign hisfher li,Ositlol]; \\'];111 Ntw l'lil'ml)vtr- CtHHiIly llll(lI1 ~ll}ptlintmell t, 11'1 ilc(:(JiJ't),y't!,ee with i\rhch': V It Se('.dGn 4 of fh.e New U a:no V(';i!' Cou n1}' Iilen 011 ncl Polk::r.' Occupation: Business Owner Profess ional A ctivities; See attached resume H_~_"""~'_~',~__ Vohmleer Activities; ~=~~-=...~.=""'~""- ~~""'~~,,-,-~=== Why do you wish 10 serve 011 this board/committee? To assist in to with value to residents and visitors to New Hanover County. ---,-- ,--~~~""~~==~~-~, CbMlic.t of MI-efe.st' JJ a botJttJ member lieIJei.'eS !'IrJ / Sine- nas ,8 confJier or P'OUU'I1iZll cotll'fic! fit iM!l'fi!!'Sr Oil rS1 parriculiu issue, f.I"J~,r itl'l!!imbei Sholl/tf sh;!l'J.e rillS belied/c the other members .0( h'i$ JlHfuesp,eC!i\l/;t !J.o8u1 oemng a {Jubi)'.c: meeting, Tn~ member finavfd slale In-€' nailirei')f the cQrdiit;;!. a~i{3iNng' that helM,€' has a separallJ, (Jtivale.or ffiOIieta;y in-le'reSt, either direct 0; ino'J'rect, in the issue uiidi!'!'t con SJdf!tfi!ttiofJ. The membl!1'f SflOillWl fM!iri i!!'XCllSe- films eH /11euM!tH fftif'tl v-ohn,g on Uie ma triSr \'VIl:u arell> of concem would you lil<e to see addressed by this committee? , of service, ------- _~"..~""..~"..'....m..u'''~- """"'"'' """"",",.~=".~=.=~_~~_ Qualifications "or serving: See Atta:'~"::"~_~:l.lme ~~--'"'&'=~== ~'._.. ~,w"'~m=~m'mw=~ Other municipal or count)' boards/committees on which you lire serving: None _._==,=,.,~ __~'_~___~~~"_"""'=="'~~."'m~=,;<<""u=,,~.~,ft ."~^'"""="'~,~~,~"'='""'~'''''''''''''''~,,="' o ~"tE~,~ ~ ~ W .[E.~ List three IOtill pel'Sonlll references and llllolle numhers: 1. Ben_~:.:.?h: '..,"',..,~.~ ~,,::.:~..~"".," - 4 2007 ~ ._~w~~,.~..",.,,"'w,===,~=,,=~=~"= 2~ Edw.in L. West, III, 254~4748 " -"""-,,-_._..__.._~-~-_..- ~~~___=~~<=="""~'~"'=~""u~_",""~'~._..'w._'..._"._u,__.~. 3. Dx" Vince Howe I 962-3882 BD. or --~""'~""""'~=""~"'""~ "''''.-''"'..'='' ,-,-"._..,-~~.- "'~~"="'~=~.m~_ Date: May 27, 2007 Signllture: :.1-, ~ ""'""__~.~'"_'~~"",rl'~__"~~"_ A r~p~kJltimH; JI ft'o kellt <J;lt fikhH' IS mo nHl.5 lh!ic rev cne 51th, for l'HhHHOl'i.fi1 ctUii men i;l 145 Robert F. Cameron, Jr. 1202 S. Front Sf. ~ [U~ rE n [E~ Wilmington, NC 2840] (910) 762-9635 .. r II rcameron@ec.rr.com JUN - 4 2007 ~ N[W HMiOV[ R co \ BO or COMMISSIONfRS lvlay 27, 2007 Nc\\' Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Committee Appointments Dear Sir or Madame: Enclosed please fInd my applications for the upcoming vacancies on the Airport Authority and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. My first preference would be to serve on the Airport Authority; however, if an appointment to that committee is not available, I would like to be considered for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. I can be reached at the above number and email, or my cell at 4 70~ 1962. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, (YJJ:<. ~.T_ Rabert F. Cameron, Jr. 146 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA nON 320 Ch..1Il.ut S1l"eel, R""", 305 Wilmillgmn. NC 2840'1 -40'93 Teleph.."" (910) 341.7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Board/Committee: New Hanover County Airport Authoritv Name: Walter R. Conlogue Home Address: 102 Braxlo Lane Wilmington, Ne 28409 (Slnet) (City) (Zip Code) Malling Address if different: Cell ~Pbolle: 910-262-6507 Busmess/Work PhllOe: 910-392-1111 Years Living in New Hanover County: 22 Male: XX Female: Race: Caucasian Age: _~ ~ (ltiJor,iD.Uo,D for the purpon of auurJDB:., c:ron u-diOb oftbe COIDIiUUldt:y) Employer: Self-employed (A per..... ....re..t1y employed by lb. .g..."" ,,. d"putme..t r... wblcb till. .ppllc.tI.... 10 "'.de, mult .O'Olgn bioilJer 1'....11.... wllb Ne.. lb....vor Co....ty up." .ppol..tro....t, I... .....da.."" ..lib A.tlel. VI, S...ti.... 4 or Ibe New Ih",ovH Cou..ty p".........I1'..ll"".j Job Title: Professional Pilot ProfessiOlDal Activities: National Air Transportation Association., Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assa. V ol_teer Activiti,cs: New Hanover County Planning Board (Chairman). Director of Carolina First Ban Member of Inlet Watch Yacht Club Board of Directors Why do YOll wl:sh to serve OlD this board/committee? to,add a. common-sense approach to the future needs of our airport Conflict' of Int.,.,t ,,. board mombe,' be/Jev{;$ he I Bhft has. conlict or polentiIJ' ccnnlct of illetesl.on a partcutar j,s-.ifUO, that member shO'fJld ,state 'bif beNeffo ilfJe other membfNl of hi, I het respective board dUfing.8 public: me-etinQ. The member should "tste I.lle .n81uf(ll of the conflict. detamnJ} that hel$he rUts iii sapefate, private Of monetary j~nltH'e"t either rHrec.t or indirect, in the is.sue under c.on!ir16nJtion. The membe.r5houJd then eXCu.se hims-eff J hsfaelf from voth'NJ on the meUer, Wh,at areas of eODCer.D would you like to see addrened by thb cOOImittee'!' the financial stabHity of the air- QUalif"JeatiODS for serving: I presently hold an Airline Transport Pilot license and four jet ratings I have been a pilot for 48 years and have owned and operated airport facilities during this time. Other mUDkip.aI or county boanb/committees on which yoll. are serving: New Hanover County Planning Board, Inlet Watch Yacht Club Board of Directors List three loeaJ personal refereuees _d pbOlDe numben: 1. Robert Greer 763-5961 2. Bill Caster 452-2875 3. George Rountree 763-3494 eo or COMMISSIONERS Date: May 16, 2005 Signature: A ~~&/O1 it" reverse sidt" far addjthHii.al coin menu 147 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON 3 20 C':hL;:HJ:~ul f:u etl, Room 305 'i.:\/drrn.nltIDI'::, NC' 2;;';40 1 ~40lJ,~ 7lJ~" 714~ BOal'dICommiltcc: AirportAutho-=_~::1 ,,~, Namc: James (Monte) Coughlin ~n'ti~ - - m="K='~~ Homc Addl'css: ,1813 Odyssey Driv:~....." Wilmington 28411 ,~, ^==~ (S!l.cd) (City) {:t:.ip Codl'} Mailing Addrcss if diffcl'Cllt: ~,=~= ~=- "'"'=~,~~-,_.,'-~=- Homc Phollc:910-256-5557 "_w."~ BuslncsslWork Phone: :.:.? -793-005: ~~.,~. Ycars Lh'lll<> ill New Hallo,,';,' COUllt:y:/f!) Male: " Fcmale: Racc: Whi :e .~ Age:.3~ ."'~"~ ~~ -- (hi form a(llJiu ftH" lnl: ptlrpiJSt" (~r ~l;O;:StiLfihg i.I C'{,Q,Ij~ "HiCUI' fi lir the l;'nmnUHt i(r) (OWner) Four Seasons Travel Agency I Carolina Video E.dit Centers Inc Employer: {A pl,.'l"stm c:urt'c-iltl:r ij,trnpt(lo)'l"d by till: 'ligitnc:y tH' depillt"UIH:nt 1'01' whirch thil. uppHcat.ion is. ll'liHlc, must jll!i./hl;!i' p1l-sitil}tl 'WiUl N\:w H",nu.\'t":t' Ctlunt}" upun appl)hltUlt~n~~ hi :art"llnl~nCl~ with AH.i!t:h' V I! Scetil>,ll .4 or the Ntw Hano\ll:t Counl)" f"tn<s.onnd ruHty.) Job Titlc: Owner - Professional Acti\'Uies: Travel Ag~ncy Administration, Video & Cable Television Production .~ =--- -,~ Voluntecr Activitics: New Hanover County Fire Commission (expiring term) -- WI d' I tl. b d/ ' "tl " Provide imput from an active Local Travel Agency. IJ ' 0 yoo W IS lto sen:e 011 .' liS oar WIIlIllI. cc. __. - -"._~= Assist with future direction of the Airport Conflict 01 ".u Dvata memlhe-r bt!b~ve!j, ;!\It;' I $he halO iJ Of potttMu:d Illl!!iir~;ij;l 017 oS p~.rli;;'u,lbr is.sue. Mat member s:hould,s litt~ Uli$ oeheftu Utl!!: ;(Jlher m~trdlei''''<;' of 1105 (tJsl" te~pec:jiv~ bOBil'd dUTJ."!g.,ffi public; meelln:g, The memD-ol;tr .s.howld .stille t,';e (ilret/urt!' of th~ ![:ord!r~t uet;!lliJing IIral h.elshu./liJs ill .s(:lpM~l-1'1. prrva/s or mOf1!,daIY in/aru$1. er/her dJrecl or ItJcJltect in lhe j,sSi..it!' unuer con slde-rMioFL The member .stJoukJ ff1en .ex{:lJ~ If i'ti'm;s ell I h8rfi.!3"H JtQm yolmpol"l ttu: ma J1e'f. What arcas of conccrn would you like to sce addressed b)' this committee? Expansion of general & Commercial aviation. Provide dixection and growth of airport property for appropr,iate buisness. 'm""-.--- - ~=- -. '" " . Travel Agency Professional (Please See Attached Letter) QuallflcatlOlls fOJ" se'"YIll": " O~""_" --~ =------ ,=,= ._~ ~~m.,~=----~=.-=----_ Othcr municillal Or COUIlt). boal'ds/colllmiUccs Oil which )"OU arc scnillg: Board of Fire Commissioners 6 years, Term E.xpires June 07) _'~"n -. List three local personal refercnces and Jlhonc numbers: 1. Bill Saffo, 1807 Odyssey Drive, Wilmington 910-395-2244 --~"""" '~n~ "'~-> - 2. Donnie Hall, NHC Fire Chief, Market Place ~=~H_.=________ ,~"..~..~,=, m.o.= 3. Lou Rose, 1319-CC Military cutoff Wilm ~~== .~". -===--------~ l>ate: June 13" 200f Signatu l'e: -===-------~~ -.- .~-=, ~z,~ ~~=""~~ A. pp!1cfltJions ;H~ kept on lih: ftH' 111: mtHHhi> 1- >j,cldil:j.Ol'li,il coin fll.;on 1,,,: 1/ 148 May 18,2007 NHC Board of Commissioners Clerk: Sheila Schult NI-IC Government Center 230 Market Place Drive Wilmington NC 28403 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, I wish to renew my application and interest for consideration to the Airport Authority Board upon any upcoming vacancy, As of next month (June 07) I will have concluded my term on the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners after seven years service, Thank your for allowing me to serve on the Fire commission where many challenges have been met, "'lith still many more to come with the growth in our county. r d like to continue my service to the County Commissioners and residents of the county in the future. I am both a private pilot who uses ILM and along with my wife Liz, owner of a Wilmington based travel agency (Four Seasons Travel, 413 S, College Rd) As travel professionals, we deal with airline and general aviation issues daily, I can offer a constant stream of input from the traveling public. General aviation use at ILM is going to increase significantly. ILM needs to further prepare for this influx of private aircraft. Shake out ill the cornrnercial airline industry will affect ILM operations in the foreseeable future. I would like be part of the airport long term planning. As member and Chairman (5 years) of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the county, I have been concerned about levels of staffing and training for aircraft emergency response at the airport. This issue still needs attention. Passenger numbers continue to increase with greater demand by Military, Civilian, and Commercial Aircraft. As an interested local businessman, travel agency owner and pilot, I know that ILM is a vital part of this county's future and I wish to be part of this process. Please consider my appointment to a term on the Airport Authority. Si:Y1Yjl ~. /[ /~ " ,.' ~~nte (k~tg .... 13 pdyssey lve Vil~ngton NC, 28411 9 1j-233-0544 149 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmillgton, NC 2840/.4093 COMMITTEE APPLICA TJON Telephone (910) 341.7149 FAX 1910) 341.4130 Board/Committee: A/!f:tol! T ~W 7/10/'/77 ~"-- Name: ANP~E~t/- rDE..Prcc:' , Home :5 YtJ? J? &/2 .L5:€-.,.R R 7' " j) /' " U:A'?c:N /;Y C 7-;)./../ ;:;> ? f/'v 9 Address: IStreet} , ICity} IZip Code) Mailing Address if different: -;:: 0, go X- Yyr~q, 1t//L./"1('JIV~6' Tt)~. ,;2~YOb ........ !tity) (Zip Code) .......-- Home Phone: 7'10"' f '7 V 'r Business Phone: ~76 3~ 5- -r// Years living in 6 ;11 0 Age: ,.s-9 . New Hanover County: Sex: Race: - {Information far the plJrp()$e cf li!tsuring 8 crass-section of the community} Employer: v/CO/lSTA L /f,.;/I L T Y IA persan currently employad by tha "gancy or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon Ifppaintment, in accordlfnce with Article VI, S"c, It of the New Hanover County Pel'$annel Policy.) Job Title: /( EALTO,( -,5';IlL ES A5'e:N'T Professional Activities: .A ,\. m..FN" A//p M4/'~_ . 't{ ,1/01: - 4"'/L# /,(/67f;JA- Volunteer Activities: ::z: If/o LA#Pt/slE 7A.1;,e' ~OR[E A/l1rA_L L/AM::""e ,.core I' /'1EH"7?1t.L .::.Tit..j"ORn. _ OIZ>.-t6"'/Lh~ C/-!,A-/'r^/ER 71"1; CONe'. '1S^"C#,e/'l~- IE.. - TV /"1tPH,;!fe:.l! OF ErJ}:.n;~77P;e C-b/7rtlrT"'4~S77+(e EP. .f"'/+R7"1"1'. roR"""iM: -rRFAS-IVJE4.- Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee?;i-f?1/i/C VI: J< ;!E p. ?A-:r'27'""'Y C...-(),pVCe~N...s; A,,!fott-r 7?A;lI':S~cR.u47/Ot<-, (S5c-rE,S vi EFrccr Or/' o C/ .K e: c~ 0 /'V"OH Y' ,,1/ tf t /' /../E .S What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? #,,;'>/;/''/O,A/,A L. r' /l/;fecrC/CII75 ?'"b 1'7'41.' E t/ r/ ~S' . ;1 L Ii C/,v-f' 6107ZL/nt '72" L t--v /'7"7/ J! iF S rA4'/' AN'7" ,4-;:- ..A/~ ,Po/!.. T C,RE44r/'~ /lA/L /d..sse/f./t"'e.R L /#A'" 1O~,P/O~7 Qualifications for serving: mm "" "'" "'" ",' ? AS-r rE/lFD..e/-7A#:/'C € ~ EL A 7? r# ,ZQ t~t/~ /71'/t/C'r-P /<i"'i!. .RJf{"/O-'k./A c.. f~ ,A/t/'J';:>P,.e T"A rl"(JA/" / S 5C-1"L .5 Cf/Y'L E .5$ Afifr77 ON'AL Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: H$E7/'lVc II.E<P,-..z: /Y'O '-n1-f:<'ZQ'<" t"E /' /J t'.# ,A,;f'c?, /(iJ5 C1&fJ.l$ -r.G;I) t'r~5 /-tr"'" v R "e' Three local personal references and phone nu 1. '"TEfJ /'Av/S' 2. A/)/ L' L CAS"'TER ~_... - ._~" nu",~~_.~_ 3. ffO~~,?Y 6~L:G-)C ~,~"=~~ Date: ,S- /'.s-./O J ,of Applications are kept on 'me far 18 mantils .' ~~ sjl:J-!o<f - ~ S/;~/o1 II ".-./..., b.,/ ro. ~,Ll'.AJ.~ S/3/ oS-. Use reverse side far additional comments 150 : 06 A~, FAX- PAGE 2 SEP- 6-00 j.jED 11 ;26 NHCC FAX NO. 3414130 P,Ol NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnvt Street, Room 305 WIlmington, NC 2840'-4093 Ttt/*Phone (9t~ 341-714:.9 PAX (S 101 34 ,-41J(J AppI!c,rlGn ftu AppoIntmentro Batrb., CIImmlttt... ~nd CtJmmIBloII. Appointed by tM New HMo.,., CountY BoMd at Commlulonn. Reauest for Appomtmmt m: A irpor t Commi s s i on n l NImtI: H'a,rry W. Stovall, III HtJI'M How Ionr h'!It you bHn , Ado'ta.s: 5914 Cedar Landing Road ,.aftitltll of N.w HIN1QIIfI' (;QlII1ty1 57 'I ear s MIIiflfW AddttU: P.O. Box 4577 CIty ,ntl StaIB: Wilmington, NC .zp Cad.. _28406 Tf/e#trNll,' HfJIfJ': 910-313-1866 1IuIln_: 910-256-6477 · SUI Male ,-Me: Caucasian, .Aq.: p ~ ~1'MIvfIM AI'fI4lIGIM 1M /!IN --lllll'llCtn of ......., Ill.,. -.Hl;riott 01.., llIltI:w"""" /$ ~r..d. uEIf'I/JioyfJd by: Stovall-j)e1mont, LLC -A~ n-.iV~.I'''' ....-r..~I_'tIINfIit .'.......rIM. -*. -"'lIWhflf'~* ,.. H__ OIattr I4JlIIt ....--t It! ---. WiIn AtfJfft V4 s.. " of "''' tv... ~ QM/nly,.",.,.",. JWlf~ Job 1111... Manag e r PrafallcMl Af;rMfl.... Board of Realtors , Homebuilders Association (former) lIl:1Nntltf AttMrIw Social Services Board (Former Member) -. .--.-- 1"1 """"I" do )'au wish to ~ llfl rile Board, Cammirlft. . or Commi,f,,;gq 'IfIuHttdP I have had a lif el ong in t ere s t - in aviation (airplane owner)and a desire to see the best uses made of our local . ~ f acili tjes inCluding intelligent. lana-ram!e D 1 Rnnim,. .. l,{bJ m-r to YOII '"/N, )i(IUt' /IlMI!Ikal!f1t8 lOf .,-vI", on tIN 11tJMd, Commitr... fP' CrlmmlNIon Nff/IIftfl' Aviation knowledge, frequent traveler , real estate baCkground MfI,r ftN' of f:tIfICMIt waultl you 1IJt. to he the 8fHrd. CDmmitt",ar CommiWM ,dd"", Be t t era ir s e rv ice to Wilmington. Master plan for airport to be regularly updated. to alViilvR nrfl1pcf: clear vision for the future. , An you curttmtfy 5.erviflllli)fl ~orh",. bon 0; (;mnmltt.. IIf/I/JQInr.d by . munlr:""fft'l or . ccuntvl 11.0, plus. ,1.t: No DlI tII: .. p..I- Il'fHH .. ,. SEP - 6 2002 NEW HANOVER co if.V I l eo Of COMMISSIONERS r)i5 \q r) 151 REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1) Horace T. 910-763-7318 2) Cart>)!' T. l,ambeth 910-7f,1-04Rl 3) David B. Benford 910-251-0846 J-.1. W.~ 152 New Hanover County 2?iH U~)vt't llnlt'~I~ Ct:'tLL~1 Dr.l lit.' 80ard of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLJCA nON Sl,.iiit> 17:" WiJmltillWh. NC 2~4n3 T~.It:fI'iwm~ ~91 O} 7q~.7149 F,~\ (;J 101 7i,~.j\;.,7 145 Board/Committee: ,..~........~~...~.:!'.~:::..~~.:~.::::i. ty _ -~~-~~.==.~=-=-==~==== - Name:.", Rona~~_~~~?~.~~.~..~._._.........,.,._. Home Address: _ 4 O~~es t Re~~~ah _.~~"=-c_1.!..__".._.,. Wilmington, NC 28403 --~,~,'._-'~~"^-="~~.'-_,'~'=- -~,"~'_~-~",',.._,-,~'-_._.._,------~_.., fSU!'('1j (C.iiy) (Zip Cude) Malling .Address if different: __,~=_",,~='_"_',~,~~._,=~="^~'~;"=~'U~~'_"~~~~__"___W""_~.,~.,~~,~=~".",~~~,~.,~~.,"=_,~., E.Mail Address: rhw@mwglaw.com ~~m"u~'~_,.=,=,~,=,_=="~",_~"~"W "...~"~--- Home Phone: 763-6236 Fax: 343-8604 Cell: ~.~~~_l Business: 763-9891 =>~- --~~~~-_. Years Living in 30 years Female: _ Race: :?aucasi,a~_ Age: ~____ New Hanover Count)': Male: ~ ~ luf(l;rm inion for the pUirpo~(': of ;Ju!5udng:il. ~r-ti"!\: stt'Ho n (!If thr:- C'Gfll muoi~:!d Employer: Marshall, Williams & Gorham - Attorneys ----_..._-~ IA pttSiI)U tuncuUr employed b2" tbe .iilgt''''('~' I}I' department for wbieh n~i~ llipplkaHfJ-n Iii. m;flldr~ must FoC'lligtl his/h{'r poslHoR 'With Nt'" IhlilOijd::r C,ruiot)' Uplbfi appoinhntlll., in iIICCOrdiiliDC'c "Uh ArHtlt' VI. SeetioD" Qf tbe Nc," H.afW\.'CTrount~ P~:r~.H)JHlCI Pol,i('~'.} Occupation: Attorney ~_. Professional Activities: State and local ba.r associations; state bar council member Volunteer Activities: Child Development Center board; Wilmington Parks board; Cape Fear Musem -=~=~~ Why do you wish to serve on this boordfcommittee'! ~ have _:~ t~ and ~rs anal commi tment necessary to effectively participate in the affairs of my community --_.,=~~-"..=~"~~ Conflkt of jiHilH'E!:U: U tt ho.a'td Iflcmbet beMlIti'S h~ I $1;1(;' 1'1&.'". ~ CoMh.cJ or potentia,' t;blifJiCi' 01 mli&tes/ on $I P<i{~Jc(.!jar iSsue, thai member sncuJld state Ibis DI.J.fiCU.o U:N~:~ OUM.~~ mem.o'ers of hj!j, J her f€'S,oecliv.e board olHing ,8 {JliOJiC me.oJ:ir'lg. The member sftolJld slate the oaJ:tJfO cd me cOf'dhc/. ooWUif1'9 ,fhal ,1~e-isjfIO h$f&.tr separtHe, ptivalc or m on-Olli'r)f irrWles.l, ,pil.i'Ier CiinJt:t Of im:Jitu;;J, ur Uli!C' is'~l1f' vndJ;<t cOfl'sj'd~'n:ulon, Tni'l' metrmrH s.r.Q'.l,i'id th.en excuse trims;eJl/ n~rself from va un" on Inc mlW!'l. \VhlllllreaS of concern would you like 10 see addressed b" this committee'l Making our airport the best it can be for the people of llouth,east NC __~___m~_""~"~_" ===,==~=~~- '~='~~=M"~'"= Qualifications for sen1ng: ~~~~=':::,_:~si~:::~".,,~_~__~:....5::"~.m~?!, ; legal background by vocation; willing to cOllllllit the time necessary to serve; service on other municipal boards Other municipal or county boards/committees on whicb YOllare serving: _l?ast:C Museum adviso Wil,mington Parks &. Rec; NBC Parks & Rec - USl thl....e local personal references and phone numbers: l. A. Dumay Gorham 763-9891 -~-~~"~-=~,-~.~,."~~ -~"~,.~="= 2. W.. Robert Cherry 763-9891 ~~",~,"=== 3. Johl1 Wessell 256-5344 ~_"U"=.=~.=~='=~y'=~~=~~ ~"'- Dale: 30, 2007 AfilPHflilH~}fl;; arc kepI on fi}.(' fof' n JJilnnfhx 153 This page intentionally left blank. 154 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1 VACANCY (4 year term - ending 6/30/2011) EHgible for APPLICANTS: Reappointment John R. Babb Patricia Hickmon Dawn Rowe McKernan William N. Rose X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 155 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 12, 4 appointed by County Commissioners 4 appointed by the Govemor 4 appointed by the Board of Education Ex officio: Student Government President and CFCC President Term of Office: four years (except the student government president) Regular Meeting: Third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Cape Fear Community College. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 115-D Brief on tbe functions: 1) To elect a president or chief administrative officer of the institution for such tenn and under such conditions as the trustees may fix, such election to be subject to the approval of the State Board of Community Colleges. 2) To elect or employ all other personnel of the institution upon nomination by the president or chief administrative officer, subject to standards established by the State Board of Community Colleges. Trustees may delegate the authority of employing such other personnel to its president or chief administrative officer. 3) To purchase any land, easement, or right-of-way which shall be necessary for the proper operation of the institution, upon approval of the State Board of Community Colleges, if necessary, to acquire land by condemnation in the same manner and under the same procedures as provided in General Statutes Chapter 40A. For the purpose of condemnation, the detennination by the trustees as to the location and amount of land to be taken and the necessity therefore shall be conclusive. 4) To apply the standards and requirements for admission and graduation of students and other standards established by the State Board of Community Colleges. Provided, notwithstanding any law or administrative rule to the contrary, local administrative boards and local school boards may establish cooperative programs in the areas they serve to provide for college courses to be offered to qualified high school students with college credits to be awarded to those high school students upon the successful completion of the courses. Provided, further, that during the summer quarter,. persons less than 16 years old may be pennitted to take non~credit courses on a self-supporting basis, subject to rules of the State Board of Community College. 5) To receive and accept donations, gifts, bequests, and the like from private donors and to apply them or invest any of them and apply the proceeds for purposes and upon the tenn.swhich the donor may prescribe and which are consistent with the provisions of this Chapter and the regulations oUbe State Board of Commuuity Colleges. 6) To provide all or part of the instructional services for the institution by contracting with other public or private organizations or institutions in accordance with regulations and standards adopted by the State Board of Community Colleges. 7) To perfonn such other acts and do such other things as may be necessary or proper for the exercise of the foregoing specific powers, including the adoption and enforcement of all reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws for the govemment and operation oUhe institution under this Chapter and for the discipline of students. 8) If a board of trustees of an institution provides access to its buildings and campus and the student infonnation director to persons or groups which make students aware of occupational or educational options, tbe board of trustees shall provide access on tbe same basis to official recruiting representatives of the military forces of the state and of the U. S. for the purpose of infonning students of educational and career opportunities available in the military. 9) To encourage tbe establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support the institution. The president, with approval of the board of trustees, may assign employees to assist with the establishment and operation of sucb corporation is to support the institution. The board of directors of each private, nonprofit corporation shall secure and pay for tbe service of the State Auditor's Office or employ a certified public accountant to conduct an annual audit of the financial accounts of the corporation. The board of directors shaH transmit to the board of trustees a copy of the annual financial audit report of the private nonprofit corporation, 10) To enter into guaranteed energy savings contracts pursuant to Part 2 of Article 3B of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. 156 CAPE FEAR COMM1JNlTY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRA nON Ted Davis, Jr. Second 6/30/2009 320 Chestnut Street, 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 11/3/97,6/18/01, 313~0755(H) 763-6249(W) 6/20/05 Kenneth J. McGee First 6/30/2008 n08 AirIie Place Wilmington, NC 28403 6/21/04 256-2720 (H) 392-5500(W) WilIiam N. (Bill) Rose b~ First 6/30/2007 f;- 213 Water Street ~. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 7/7/03 256~3917 (H) 239~5818 (W) Robert H. Williams Second 6/30/20 I 0 106 Mt Vemon Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 7/8/02, 6/19/06 395~4235 (H) 763-1942 Governor's Appointees: William M. Murray, Jr. W. Allen Cobb, Jr. Barbara Schwartz Connie S. Yaw Board of Education's Appointees: Lethia S. Hankins Carl A. Byrd, Sr. Jennifer Casey C. Edward Crowell Ex-Officio: Adria Mascareno, SGA President Eric McKeithan, President CFCC (Ph.D.) 6/06 411 North Front Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 File: /CFCC 362-7555 Fax: 251-5146 B/C #5 157 ~~<<: ~ ~ WJ lG ~ New Hanover County [., Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE Al'PUCA nON .120 0"1,,,,1 Slt..~ Room 305 MAY 2 3 2006 Wilmingf<m, NC 2&401.4093 Telepl>one, (910) 798.7)49 Fox: 798.714 5 NEW HANOVER CO Board/Committee: Cape Fear COlllll'luni ty College Board of Trustees BD, OF (;OMMISSIONfRS Name: John R. Babb "-~~~~ - Home Address: 4304 Prescott COurt Wilmington 28412 (s....1) (Cily) (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: ., Home Phone: 392-0579 BusinesslWork Pbooe: Years Living in New Hanuver County: 30+ Male: , Female: Race: Whi te Age: 59 '= {Information for- the pUi'JWse of JII!8[l.uting.. troIS Ut'tiOQ of tbe community} Empluyer: Retired (.4.. peuon eur~nUy t-mplbyt-d by tbt- :Ilge.nt')' -Or dtpa:dmtnt fo)' wbick thi5 appUt::afioD 15 madt~ mud ",S.I:&:n bbiher pMitiOID witib New HiIlluove-;r County upon app aiD tm~ 1'1" I:nllll ceOT daD -tit with Artidt VI, Set tto b 4 of' UIi-t N.e-w n MtI~ \it:t C obi bly Ptn un lid p(!io 1Iq:~} Job Title: Deputy Director, U, S. Customs and Border Protection Pnfessional Activities: -~---- V olUllteer Activities: .-- Wb d . h t tb' b d/'tt 'l' To contribute to the cOlllll'luni ty and assist the area y 0 yw WIS ' 0 serve on, IS ,oar com mi. ee '_~~_~~,__ ,. ". and its citizens to prepare for our future. ConfliCt of Inr.reSf: I a it)oiIJrd member believes he I sne bas /11 .contnct or pOt&.I'Hiai CO Jtnict of mlffr>ttsl on a particular .issue" m.!H m&mJ;lq!I't $IUHJla state thts be-lieft(J the otJ'Hi'r mftmb&fS of his: llie-r re$p&cti~ I)o~ti:'l a'uritlll a publiC: m1H,Wng, The member shoiblJ'd s:at8 the fl'iltture ofthe conflict. Qetai1in" UuH hels'l:il!! na's a separaM', private or monMary iI'11e-i"'e"if( ~iUter (iir~r:! 0 f; itldiN!fet. in tnlll! iuull!' ,linder co!tsiderMkm. Th" fflttmb ef d 04110 th~t"I o\!l' KCU"''' him~ if!JJf Ilu~'~~Jf from 1I0Nfllfl on the- mlll tier. Wbat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Ensure the citizens, of Southeastern North Carolina are prepared th,rough education for the demands of business in the area. --~"" Q fn t' 11 .. Passion to serve the community and my extensive experience of over 30 Ull Ilca IOns or servmg: _~~_.' ". _......__ years in working with businesses, local and federal governments to formulate partnerships, - Otber municipal or county b<\ardslcommittees on whicb you are serving: None ===,=-=-~.,~=~==~==,~.= Ust three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Mr. W, W. Stanfield 791-6753 .,~- ==.==~ 2. Dr. RiChard Corbett 343-9991 -~~,~~~~.~,=-~~.=-~= -~"~~~=-==~"~==,~~~~-,,== 3. Mr. William J, O'Shea 509-3141 -.........- ~~'="_"~m~"~"'~_ Date: --~.--g~l 0 10 --~~,-~- Signature:_~,_ ~ AppH~.tw.IU '!II. . kept Qn lilt ft>:r 1.8 mo:ot:hs 158 NeW' Hanover County 230 Go'Venimcni Cetue:r Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPIJCA nON SuH. 17 5 W;,J"'",glOn. NC 284(13 Telephone: (910) 798.7149 Fax: (910) 798-714.1 Board/Committee: Cape, Fear Communi ~ College Boa,rd of Trustees Name: patricia {Pat} Hickmon .~~.~~~~~~-~~.==~ Hom.e Address: !2~_Marsh Oaks Ori.:;:r~.__ Wilmington, Me 28411 (S,,..,..) (Cily) (ZipC<Wl.) Mailing Address if different: -~==" E.Mail Address: ,phi:km.otlllt:>ellsoutb.net Home Phone: 686-3402 Fax: 686-4259 Cell: 200-4339 Business: 200-4339 Years Living in Raee: whi te Age: 65 New Ha.nover County: 11 Male: Female: (I.':or...t:iom for tilt pin"post' ofa$$ii:I'I8ill::Iii tcNliSS seetion uf the commuaity) Employer:retir&d _,=u,~=====_~- {A ptJ"Seo: tDr~nlly t.ploytd by 'he .afitQty Of' de-p.rtmItIiU for wkitb thil applh:lI.tiqn ia made, must resign hWbtr position with New 118D;(J'Wt't' COI.U!ity upoo .ppoiBtm-tat, m :I(.<:ot"'<< ",ith Artiele VIi 5t-t:tiIO. 4, of tht: New UaJIO"t;r County Pe-nOl1Det Policy~) . retired OccupatIOn: ,==~~.w~~, Professional Aetivities: ple~se see enclosed resl.Ulle Volunteer Activities: pleaae a_ enclosed real.Ulle Wby do you wisb to serve 011 this board/committee? See attached comments, please Conf1kt ot tn,..,..t , a liolll'tJ membtl-r believe!; he lZi'he has a confi.ct or p'OiI'e'n-UaJ contlict' of interest on 8 part,;ca/,'er is5ue', ftUtt member snoutd stale lni$. t)-etiefto' tfI(1 other membe1S of hi~S' l,oofr&spe-c1iw boam dud-ng 1i pubflt: muting. The member .should state rblt n.etufe ofrhli!! conliict, t1CdaiUfJI/ that he/she has 8 s'epamte, pri\l'ate- o-r moruuaty interest, efthe-n:tirectorim:tirect In Mle fS',!tue uJ'J'.oerconsJdemritllft The frhIU'I'lbersl'Jio.u'd' t,nen exc,USto h,jmsetflhllfSe-Jf'from voting on thiS! m;aft~t Wbat areas or ooneem would you like to see addressed by this committee? See attached comments, please ~,~ ffl~~_'_="=~ Qualification:s for serving: See attached resume, please ~~'._"u.m~,~'"'.C,"~,~"'~"""'a~_' Otber municipal or county boards/committees 00 wbicb you are serving: none ,=__,~_~.~,~_"'~"_"__=m==.m~- List tb.ree local personal referenees and pbooe Dumbers: 1. Ham Hicks 763-7220 '._~.w~n"=.n='==~~~= 2. Ca,rl ton Alligood 343-0932 "'m< ~_m' 3. Rev. :Karen Howell 686-4041 ~_'ffl<"_=~," Siguature: ~ hi~____~=--~ Date: June 5, 2007 Applkami'l)i1$ .f"~ 1,8 dlO nlhs U:!I;t:i"tv -t:it$c :;;ide for additional, com men t~ 159 Pat Hickmon WHY DO YOU WISH TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD? Today the members ofthe Board of Trustees ofNortb Carolina's Community Colleges are continually faced with decisions that require an understanding of how the Community College system works, and that calls for professional experience to help enhance and improve the Colleges within the system. I believe my experience prepares me well to serve as a member of such a Board. I have been employed in the NC Community System for eighteen years. For twelve years I served as the Executive Director of the Fayetteville Technical Community College Foundation, Inc. and for six years as the Executive Director of the Cape Fear Community College Foundation, Inc. WHAT AREAS OF CONCERN WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ADDRESSED BY THIS COMMITTEE? Statistics show that New Hanover County and Pender County are among the fastest growing counties in North Carolina. It is imperative that Cape Fear Community College playa vital role in addressing this growth and the accompanying economic expansion of business and industry. The College is ideally positioned to take a leadefship fole in addressing this growth and its implications. And as a result, the students who attend CFCC will be given the opportunity to gain the educational and technical ski Us they win need to participate in the bright economic future of our area. 160 Patricia F. Hickmon 324 Marsh Oaks Drive Wilmington, He 28411-8708 (910) 686-3402 (910) 686-4259 (fax) phick.montiilbellsouth.net SKILLS AND EXPERTISE Communication and Publlic Soeakina: represented Cape Fear Community College at public functions; ran a successful political campaign to become the first woman elected to the Cumberland County Board of Education; produced and hosted a daily radio interview show Publications: designed and produced publications for community colleges; edited National Council for Resource Development magazine 01aanization and f>lannina: served as Vice Chairman on the Cumberland County Civic Center Board responsible for coordinating the design and construction of the $55 million Cumberland County Coliseum Leadel'$hiD and Initiative: established Endowed Scholarship programs at Fayetteville Technical Community College and Cape Fear Community College; initiated Planned Giving program; founded andlor led several civic and professional organizations Resource Develooment: raised several million dollars in cash and gifts-in-kind in the community collegie system Research: identified funding sources for grant applications; conducted feasibility studies for community college capital campaigns and researched community interest in Adult Education courses Trainina: led training sessions on numerous fundraising topics at local, state and national meetings Event Plannina: planned state-wide conference for over 100 professionals, planned another conference with over 11000 participants WORK EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Executive Director of CFCC Foundation, Inc.., Cape Fear Community College Special Projects Director for the VanBergen Company Seniior Consultant, Institutional Development Associates Executive Director of FTeC Foundation, Inc., Fayetteville Technical Community College Election Registrar, Cumberland County Board of Elections Women's News Director, WRCS Radio Station Part Owner and Personnel Manager, Surfwood Pharmacy Bachelor of Arts degree, Mercer University PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS President and Vice President, Cape Fear Community College Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges Established an Endowed Scholarship at Cape Fear Community College Vice Chairman, Pender County ABC Board Member, Cape Fear Community College Foundation Board Member of Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Churc.h Board of Directors, New Hanover Mental Health Association President, NETWORTH (FayetteVille Professional Women's Organization) Vice Chairman, Cumberland County Civic Center Commission Member and Chairman, Cumberland County Board of Education President, NC Council of Officers for Resource Development Region IV Director, National Council for Resource Development (NCRD) Editor, NCRD DISPATCH Magazine State Chairman, NC Conference on Gifted and Talented Education Board of Directors, NC Association for the Gifted and Talented Founder and President, Cumberland County Chapter of Parents for the Advancement of Gifted Education President, Brentwood Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association State President, Women's Auxiliary of the NC Pharmaceutical Association Member of the Carolina Yacht Club 161 4 324 Marsh Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 June 5, 2007 Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Caster, Enclosed is my application for consideration by the New Hanover County Commissioners for an appointment to the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees. In 2003, I applied for a position on the CFCC Board of Trustees. However, the NC General Assembly added a provision to the state statures that stated you could not serve on your local community college board of trustees until you retire and have left your position for five years. Having been informed of this ruling, I wrote a letter to Mr. Greer, then chairman ofthe New Hanover Board of Commissioners, withdrawing my name. Since I retired from CFCC on July 31, 2002, I will be able, if appointed, to began serving on the Board of the CFCC Trustees effective August 1, 2007. I appreciate the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners considering my application. Sincerely, ;J;cJ!1tir\./ I Pat Hickmon 162 06/06/:2007 14:19 Flu 9J07938797 1\ 11\'KO'5 W1UHNGTON,NC ~003 N':'"'!' ',II'" . ," . C. . .' h." 23(: Govemnll:::ri1 CC1itc~ Drive ,'ew . anover oun" " ' $.'j 175 Board of Commissio~ers COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION "':"'1:'," g",O n, Ne 2&403 Tckph(fflC; (910) 79S-7) 49 Fox (910) 798,'1145 BoardICOIll~ittee: J:..{YfJ. .J~, ~ \ 1/ij' ~ - I?lt (j J<'~-LL.ht:rtY'Lj1J' ('/!!.i j "1JR "I-- Name: L )a ,1AJ1t. ILI.:lj,l:&1 e-J(r;E-UU'IIv. -- R()me Address: b37fD 7()J)D.4J. CD1..u.::r: Wt-J,YnI"^,,,,n.,n) , NGJ&1-CYJ (St."ol) (CIIY) (Z,p C~del Malling Address if different: E-Mail Address:do...wl.1m.cke:..r:na.n c@ if hoD. (' '"' n"",-~' Home Phone: qlO. ,qj 9t)L/q Fax: .~_ Cell: CfJO.ft,/::l.13?1 Business: Years Living in New Hanover County: ,1' Male: ~"""'-. Female: L Race: wh I k Age: ,Jq tfo' ,I (Iolorm .Mm 1., '.e purp~" of ...ur,"~ " "0" ..eM. .11.0 CDrn ,"un Ity J iJn~,' ' ' niL) Empoyer: ' -}" ~ fA('~.,I<:D"'}..a.~,t::Idf\'Ir1. Ce"'+'~itm...hm.~lt~ (Ape, SOP en -rrcnU)1 b~ the- at: they Cd d nUncU t hi' "bleh th16 pUetltHm is mat'! ~ I mnst rulgo titlSnU~r ]j'OdtUHli with Nel\ Fhu 'Yew CoUl'H:y 11p6fl np}ioiutm("lif.; lfll)c;(:(Jn.llliVic~ WIUi Atti,tlt Yl~ $lI}ctlo)l4 of 1h~ N~w lliiUWVH C'flUllfY Per'sOl<liiC~ fiolioty.) n. . 0 ',',' Ct. .1.., J 0-;'- U'a:'" 'R.",_' , .' ' fJoA:J' , ' ( turwd M~d~) Occupation: ~ctLh:>ru, C:AJRP..1 ruL.J._); ~/'H~ ,i,'-<LlA,), J,' , '.-!"'Y\1!, l~fYLJ{'hrk,' ,u.,..; r:;;;" 7J~n / P.lUU)'(lM;rr."iYudW {~:--h~)u..'7ICW"O~- ~/EdLtad,t;Yu, 1& Ijetu'!. (LS r::d.~O-hY ProfessiOllal Activities: }fu" Del~C:..1 ICduc6.:tb,-';; SOf'H?.J;j Ai5DClo..tlL",,--_A-r S'"fH'V'jSIITn"7J"' f1JtPl!l,:.uJ<M'" i::u.t4Pf>r>"Jl'.,r., LI-(,:'ea):...c'i Cfi1'"1:>;:...Lr.",.,t: _ ;,Ji.fC D'dl......r1l3 ~3 f/'...o:f~ Volunteer Aetivities: I:j,t)jP.f~,~LltTX" .. IJ.{dl"nJ"'th Ch..J.cf..<t'h'S. M.u4Pp..........,.p,g-()~ FeYfw(jJ.- <;J.DD9. BD~ 1 Direcfl1V'S (5..f:-O ~) ~ Lc.t,~ ~ [,.JiJ.,rn rvsJ-nv 'VI: 'by Oil V", 00. wish to.serv,e",'"on this'bOllrd'lcomlID','ttee ,?,J. 'IJ- h-;t4.J, p~""", ",.'," 1tM!,.~ ~',',"",,'+~ ,.' ., . ,.. 'U;>U'cNNdii."-~~ 4u.Lj-i-"'" "- S~ ' .. ~~ ~ )W"5~ -H~ l...t r.' o.-.r....L '1J..( ~ . (L en , ~ Lw J;u.4\..- b-- &-r( L, e tA"..':rf1'u chfL . C~nflj" 0;1,"'$'" l. b".,d mom,", MliIl > hel.,,_ nO' 0 e~, Dr pOI.",,,1 <Mme' of 1",."''3;" '~I.' i"u^, m81 momb., sl10'Old "". IhiS b'Ii'f~ in. "th., rrtefflDiIl'tt of r.Isl litH ffJ,Spef;Uve Mard a[f!'it!~e ptdJJi: fn6'etlfi;Gl. Tne memiHi"r shOUld slIUe: the: il'Ji!l'tum oftJ'l-lI' Gt>nnic:, C1'e/a/11f!;G thBlI h.s/$h& h~s l' .')9l5t1'fBtf:, prill'iHl> O[ mOll&M'1'Y inI6r&SJ, stiner dlroct Of ;r.l1;iWl!)ct, in rnfl/.$tllJif iLlnda-t eonsJOietetiofi. TltB mlllmber SJlol1ld thfi'rI ~KClJ${j hittl$Dlfl th':l<f$sJf from IIPling or. 1M ma rIel. What areas of COIlcern would YOlllike to see addressed b~' this committee? ~ .l.Xl~~ '7) ~~Ul h~ ~ ',' .,9" .,' ~~~~~lV{l~d l.IJC".i,,/ K>pV,,~_~~ ,- 1'n~~{J%<:I:, '. . Qualifications for sen~ng: _ TM fYLlUJ~~_ rp,/l ~~ {h.fr;k'Od.- at.... { ('>>1'1'1 oJ..~ i "'aft I n j S1''>'&t~j T~~ ~'/~ ~I ~~.(~)/ /A/f9..U:.uL (j-I~ u.- '-N,~ "~..J {'Jf1,u,::h~ a..n-d.. ACiA~ (I"" ;t:;:;:;'L ,V-<.(!~ 6~,.R d...l tr'Y.{ rt~;~uu...--tJ! " RJy (' . " '.~ bJ1h}'-<~ yv rlr:d..t.M',c .t: ' . C,CqtU'!-J AJ.e.pJ:, y~w 1Ji-~ (J ", [JM-' / 'f4-~~ (~~ J:j, Other muniCipal or counlJ boards!committees 011 which you are serving: .~ it ~ A...Il1~ Lr:>--' '.f';..(!!-,,"~ 1_.~~~~~"(ljJ.lJ:l--=.f";#J~) ~. ~ ,ru:d.~~~. Ni-If', ll~ List three local personal references a.nd phone nUlIIl.lCrs: 1.~~~~_. .., '116::--&:'ZIL._.._~~_. ..,.' 2.~~._"~~._~&>"j~<~_..~:t9- 'It:i'];)....., ... ~..~ 3. _JJ1J:JJv_,.._,.J-e'n.~.. w.I:rlL.'"_~..._~.R~;;;..=jdDw_-'"~,._- Date:1-J~~.Qf:; ~_"~_'_ .__ Signature: ~~...2}lkJ.Ll1.....b4~.-~._" AppUra.thmt arc keJ1t~' i{)r 18 HH.'I nUl!;; Uscleve:r~e $ldit fo:t' uldiUrU'Jall:oRuJ1(:11i U 163 06/06/2007 14:19 FAX 9107938797 KINKO'S WIUIINGTON,NC ~OO2 Dawn McKernan 5500 ToddIo Court Wilmington, NC 28409 91O~793.9049 dawnmckernan@ vahoo.oom June 4, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find my applications for community board service. I moved to Wilmington three years ago after a tenure working abroad with the federal government. I strongly beHeve in being proactive within one's community and desire to do so as a Wilmingtonian. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding my application. I have enclosed three applications for service, but would prefer to serve just one. My fIrst choice is the Cape Fear Community College position due to my years of service as a public educator, but I have no preference regarding the other board positions. I just want to become productive and actively involved in local government. Sincerely, ~ ~~ Dawn McKernan 164 05/133/21307 12: 11 9102564036 PRUDENTIAL CRES PAGE ,--,~. 132 New Hanover County 230. Qov,c:,,,,,,,e'" Ceo.tor' O,ive Board of CommiJlianen COMMITTEE APPUCATION SO;" 17S Wil..III~"., NC 1140$ T.lefJl>....' ('Jlo\ '~8.nn Vu, r91017'~,'I" Boud/Committee: c:..~ har CQIIIIIUllity Coll~ Board of T".~. Name: WilUUlJl. (Bill) Ren BO'l.M 28480 Add~$:213 water Str..t Wr.i.gbt8VUla Beacb lIl'C (II") IClt)') (ZIt C,,'e) Mallag Actdl'esBlf dUJtf1lIlt: E-Mail Addml: b1.l1rCllt8@pJ:'UilklDt1alez:ellflC.cOIII Home Pmne; 256-391' Fax: 256-4036 Cell: 61'7-1119 8usfMss:.617-1119 Yean LiWllllll Male: ...:::-: Ftmllle.: _ bee: Cau, Age: U New U.aowr CmmtY: 37 (I'lo1...lItI... "'" a. t.,,.... .'_.II.!:.. ...... ..."".. of I'. .......lIy) EI!llp1oyu: P:tUdImUaJ. oms ~:r:cial Il.e&1. .atate fA ....... .."",,,tl1..ployd t.yIM q._ .........!IIl..II...."'I.1l '''''''l>l'UUII..1s .._, ...1....1.. '''/lI.. .....111... ..lllll\i...lI......C..."t)' ..... .".........l.llu.........ce "'<<II ""'lid. VI. S...... 0 ....1.. Np 'A ....~. C"1IIy "'"0...1 ""Ilqi.l Occupation; o:-tl:c:Lal bal ..tate B:;Ol1:ez: I'rofe!llJl...a' ActivltlQ: W:i.l. ~9. A8soc. of, 1tD%.'1'OU (Jla.lt. " StatAl)- Pa8t. Pres, ~rcial Di1l'. VoI_teer AdtVltfa: cape Fur Co1;Jneil. BSA~ Wii. l\o't.U:'Y 0:lI1I; St_ ...tthew LutMar- Clmtcll WIly do Ylll1 Msh to serve 011 dliI boI1'd/commktee'l' Ra_ ..z:v8d pu t 4 yr8.8elieYe my pPAdllftc. ie h.-cl8d &8 _ r1Iplac:lft 3-4 Bou11 lIlilIlIbere and h1n a new Collll98 Pre.. e..;;1I'jtf ..t'.,.,..e ,. D(Ii""; dlI.IIt!fl;.ra.IJir,nil hiIo I.". ,....R ~,.ct.:r _OfWi:'ilMi" COIUUct 0,."_,,,,1 o./t. ~ht~ ,iliil'u'; hf J9t......, .,..u",.hJftJ MIt ..11,.,1'0 Me (dbet ..u..ibClt!l lOr."1 btil"l'1tillp.a,."". 1!'JI0flfi1 ftrlnr eiWiM/'C~" n. .ilJI:IIt;li'.I"~,.fittIhJ "". ,h'Nr'lU!e IDf:f1ll'lI:'OnI11t:11,d,I"II1l'D1fllim "'111.'" ",., P....p..,,'re. tmYl1. (i,rm'i)iI'l'IIiif'M)" J;tI'fHtt .1tftiiltdlihlia orJ"m~t, in ,",0 ~liI' l,flut.,.OiUII&:kf'eftlfJolf. Th. miIJJIt"r*I'JCi""'~Q tit." e.riC'iJ'. n(nt~.tl :Ilitim"flOi'Il W'otltlll Oft 1/Ii.itt.lWt. What U'CU of CGDeenl woald rOll like tueuclltrefl;ed by this CUlllmlttee1 'rraa.e:l. UOD proee811 to a DfIW'l:'tlllm'; 0lI'a1' C%'OWd.t.nq and. lilaite4 r..o\u'CllIl!l; ..., Bond. bfuMlldua needed; IlIlptQ1l'e tJNC~. rel.a1:J.on- Q1l.Jftil:atioIlI for tef'l!hl,g: Prev;i.OWI " yr-, of: CI'CC Boerd _rrie8 ;.ut. )\rOs. tor _eh ..: ACllla h.t:l._. DICA, D.I.R.I (fil. Dount:owD), Se:r:tolI& Club, church Council. Other DtIlmdpal or COIlIIty boudtleornmlltef.'J CIIllrilldl yD1llm t.trrillg: KObe List tbrtt local penollJI refeROctll alld pbOlle tl\unbeT'!l: 3 2007 J. BOb ~ct 762-9671 2. lU.clt W.i.:1l.t'bl 343-0181 3. David Joooe 163-6780 DlIte: I..,tffj,.~ ez ftl< I.. "......~. Sipal:\lTtl 165 This page intentionally left blank. 166 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD 5 VACANCIES - 4- three year terms (6/30/2010) 1 - unexpired term (6/30108 EUGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Stuart Ball Kenneth W. Finch Robert J. Jones Dawn Rowe McKernan Lowell A. Soucie X Attach ments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 167 CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Number of Membcrs: 12 which may include one County Commissioner Term of Office: Three years - may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least one year after the last term. Qualifications: Any County resident 18 years of age or older who has a sincere interest and commitment to the preservation of the history of the Lower Cape fear region. Members shall be required to sign a Conflict ofInterest agreement which will be provided in advance of their appointment. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for approved expenses incurred in performance of their duties, Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Museum, 814 Market Street. FUDctions: To develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the Cape Fear Museum; to advise the Museum Director and staff on programs and exhibits; to advise the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the Museum; and to serve on relevant committees. In addition, Board members are expected to actively promote the Museum's programs, and to assist and participate in its programs, including efforts to solicit outside funding for the Museum. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPlRA nON Christine ons, first 6/30/2007 >(: 5402 r geon Drive ~'+o Wi mgton, NC 28403 ~~ 6/21/04 3.8738 (H) Linda Fallon Chapman Unexpired 6/30/2008 131 Cannon Road Wilmington, NC 28411 11/21/05 686~5625 (H) Virginia W. Chiarello ~OJV 6/30/2007 ;>j( P.O. Box 4291 Wilmington, NC 28406 7/9/01, 6/21/04 452-7741 (W) 452-6432 (H) Don W. Fisher , ~ First 6/30/2008 ~ 6202 Su ine Drive Wilt '!ton, NC 28412-2721 9/2103, 6120/05 7 - 7728 (H) Dean R, Gattone First 6/30/2008 3714 Grantham Court Wilmington, NC 28409 6/20/05 392-0822 264-2524 (C) 168 CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD PAGE 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRA nON M. Ann Griffith Second 6/30/2009 8605 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 284]1 21l9/0], 9/2/03, 686-748] (H) 06/19/06 Dr. John H. Haley First 6/30/2009 8703 Decoy Lane Wilmington, NC 2841] 1124/2005, 6/19/06 686-6555 (H) Jack H. Mills Unexpired 6/3012008 1004 Bay Head Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 7/24/06 686-7657 (H) Eleanor Grace Mosley-Byrd ~) 6/30/2007 1: 3516 Middle Sound Road Wilmington, NC 284]1 7/9/0],6/2]/04 686-9952 (H) 350-2089 Ext. 222 (W) Lowell A. Soucie b? Unexpired 6/30/2007 * 2213 Deepwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 M . 11/21/05 256-3567 (H) William H. Terrell First 6/30/2008 8640 Fazio Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 9120/04, 6/20/05 686.2376 (H) Museum Foundation Representative: John O. Perritt County Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Director: Ruth Haas 07/06 8]4 Market Street File: /Museum 34]-4350 Fax 34]-4037 B/C #21 169 Nel~/ Hanover County 2~1{) GOVtn'lttH~jJ1 Center Dr~\'t Board of Commissi()~ers COMMITTEE APPLICA nON ~:'ijJt';\i:':~O", NC lB4(1) Ttltpb(lll.:" (9tH} 79&.71:49 Fax: ~'9 ](li 198~ 71~ S Cape Fear Mu.seu.m Advisory Board Nllmc: Home Add ress: l\flliling Addl'ess if difrerent:,,,_,__~,,,,,,___,__,..,._.__,,, ..",,, __~.._,....." E-Mail Address: Home Phone: !l~~ - ( I/? Fax: _,~".._, Cell:_.., Business: __ Years Living in New Hao(lver Connty: Male: ...'X-. Femllle: Race: Age: (hlfofm :U10Il fur tht fUJ:qHlse il)f aSSUf'iilg f} (TOS.S !iC';cttQU t1f the t:tlm rliunUy) Employer: {^ pe'fHI1l hy l:he agl!8Cy fH d>tflartmC'l'It for which this aprHcattnn is nu:de. must us.ign his/her ft{]stHon wilhNew Hano'\'t~r County llrQ!1l ::J:ppointrl1 en!, in :Il,ccnrd:an iIC~ wltn A"HelL' V I~ Se(' linn .4 fif iht N ('W H ann ....tr C {lu tHy Pe nHHl ncl PI) Hit)".) Occupation: ,,,,,,,;,,,, A";,If;,,, ~~u"fL """,A .u'-l<, "'. .. ';'\",t'"" If.t~fO C;Z--"''' ("'''''_It . (] j .,/ , .? ' .' .."'...,. . " VllhlOteer Actil"ities: J~'\/I.I'~"- \\VA;~mf.~~~ I ~1t.l:l'14/&t'?J.::J ....::kc4~~."'Udlrk::.JcJ.~.e:f::&?~~it- Why do you wish to serve 011 this b"oard/C,O, m,,' ,mitt."'!; 1. 7,', '+'>k,'-fl, '~,,;..,t/k.,;;,,-c-'1 { .~,' ",'..> '?IJ"':'1<Z,., cL · .:4..,..'~ '-', --t"{ .-' ,. 1....-, ,pi , " . ,JJ. ' ' ' 'ltt . '9. tiZ' It\..iv....:l.., k...l-J...':.~ ( '....4;"ct..d: WS;;. ~j,L~,..i..l:kli'L.)2:J:a,,:., C;' " Conflict:. f tnte'resr_ Jf $ [,lO,\ltd me " I.!lr beJlev€'s he.l tni;;' has a conf.~'ct or poleJihal COfll'JJcl olrnrerest on $I P'#,ltfJC;:.'J;U fS1H.!8- r!:ia! member 'ShrwJ'riftat:e U"IJS beli.etw (' .other members ot f]r$ In!!-! respective board ;r1utm~ .;l' pVDric me,ering, Them&t.rili-e( Sfl0 iiJef stale the nawfe'.of rJll!? CD!lf,IiC1. detailin'} tMtlle/she- 11.fH, a .separMe, Pr'iV,.'I'or..~ rl{!';1.::lry mi'e!e$L ~rlnef dm3cl or Indirect. m tife J$weiJncfe-f C{)flSider~lllOn rr.li~ m em/}f?t snor:.iid then ext.l,.i:S e Oil tM' maUer, ' ; et~y45P , , What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee'? __,Ll):.J..4..UA'l~) .I.L~ ~~~~"~~ihe: ..s1,t~y '(jVf (t;;'w..~~.iPt / l )111 tkn:i..;t. 6nfd~1ZLd1~lU>I,,,,;-b,f)1-."a1--..d..i,'1t"'A.W{)' .tMhh?r7J:-P "., ,..... . --rL:J., /, L" tL.:k ' , . ' . ' r " "Ii ,'., , ..', " .' Qualifications for SerVing:...._~_~~<d':.:h2 dffti--~-at~~.4<<~'1.~".~k~~ , . , ~ . ~ l' ~ V i.,.., ._', _ ...... .":, -.' _, _. .,. _._. _. "'. ._ -,' _'.. . . .".,- . (._ . ._"."... _..'---... _' _,' ~~~.~/t .&A:~.,. ",...?/<2:~L.,.,:.,.,~,.~,.",,~...- Other mun icillal or connt)' bOllrds/com mittees 011 which )'011 are scrvillg: U" ",," ,:";:.",,, ,,'m,,'" ,::~~::-:"mb'" ------ MAY , <?tV'" ~ - :) ,. \, U / L.....I L 2. 3. l)atc: Signature: C{)ml)lt~nt5 170 ~'1};t'1"4'l--.4~,;-fjfl';'71 fS : j;,~ ~I\ ('f1.yP/t LJet(~'>v<el - J;~ ~7f'~zf-): (~CO- ,49;,,'<;[atit- _____ ... . I !'\l'Ct;3 I,LilR>'i ); (~~tj -~ --\tl;at4t>tFU?4 fUJ2 L, l>'estJ?. ~~'<:5liS ) I' Vocu.Jv"l"ijLR 4ClI,)~ 'Z/t-S ~ 6\kV ~/ g~~ [itiBB -:J;v?) ~11t?MiL1et (fJ<t-l- Jvt:~);. ~. r -. 4 k" d 8 cC ~" ., ~)) '];15 .~ ea'l Ju.{4.-lV""Z '.':' ,..ev.€M-U"c\..; .' tvl. . ~--Q{ - {ty:;~. ; p , N... ( It ~.W'.k.N ~)r5 " ~7DC;;du!~, ( 6?c.Md. (~- <>'7) / f1z.z;,.t'j r:f ~ (t.~ : cwd! c;.~ 4uCf2,; (3) ~Uit~,;,aP ~) .t:X'~-ta'5 ~V~1tt~~V.ej;~I't~~~+tUttl~,~, (~~~ -eC.:;1 C~(;'C-I ?:;[i-trtC...c:. lU..J.tIl 4G'C; ed? ~/ ~~. ~'\.>e-# i I c:::::...h, .... Jt- "B cd I 171 FROM : KEN FlNCH FRX NO. : 910 796 0916 Ma'j. 25 2007 12:34PM P1 New Hanover County 1:;0 vt1Vt.,nment {:e.1litCit Drive COMMITTEE APPUCA nON Sdlte 17S Board of Commissioners Wlllllioglllll, Ne n403 Telepbh"'" (91 0) 79~. 7149 fu: (9H>) 79&-7 J4j Board/Committee: 1m80wn Ad.vieory aoard. Name: Eonneth W. Finch -. Home, . wilaingoton 28412 Address: 636 Capes ide Dr1,ve (Sll'<o;) (City) (Zip co~.) MailiDg Address if dlfferellt: ~aUAdd~; Ka~ork@chaxt.r.Det Home Phone: 910-196-0916 Fax: 910-796-0916 Cell: 910-620-2254 Business: 91.0-620-2254 Years Livillg ill Male: ..i Female: _ Raee: Ca\1cas:lan Age: 73 N~' Ballover Cou.nty: Nine (Id..,.. .lloa I..' lh. "..,,6n ollU...ri~i. .ru. .<<tI." 01 th. M'" OIURIIY) EJnployer: b~red. (A. pen"l ;:"""011, em,"oyed bey tilt agne, or 4......lIIeat ftr whioh tD.. .ppllenl..;, ...do, "".uOlI,,,. ~blbo' r...ili".. wltli N"", U.n..., c..alY up". ....,01........ i. ."",,'4aDtc..ltlI ....liel, \II. S..tlu 4 of.... "...H...."". C....ty ,.,.....<11'011..,..) o ,tj, P.eti.nd Army Officer ceupa 011: proressilllUll Ad:ivities~~on. . V(lIUllteer Aetivities: Direetox f t.o_r cape Pe&%' NsIoria.l SOci.ety f Church 'treasurer , Elc:ler Why doyoa wis." to ""e ()II this board/committee? '1'0 make a _an1nqful, CODtribu:t.ion to t:be COlmty' liI affor'ta to preser"i1'8 the b:i.a'tory of our area throuqh thI!I oparatJ.on of iil. cla.. 'A' rmul_. C.rMtllJr;1 0' ku:et..t , Il bclnI m.mkr b,ell&!tl!! he / .slle 1\1.$ Ii\! t:onrUQ1 or pofe"Jbt ebflfUct." ,,,...mat 01'11 p;:rtie'Qiiilt ifSillIC:"thbt member a:I!lClltlM' $'tl~ 'b-IS f)&Uefto !In. ~uil't.r mrmbM5 of ";j/b.rr~pKrl~c b",,,rd ;Juting i pttbUC mii.Uno. T:no m~m;ibl!l'f ~ho~JCl.rt&te the nlUute of tit. c-on!j~, d&t#Uiflg lh,thr;laha lias" ,SI-p.'.'&. pINet. O'rmo.h~'1')" ihlM-f.al, _/tIt.-, dllOCt or j""difect, in df;e i$$',U19 ur#j., ecm .::J,/or.th;.fL ThrllH'Demb.; sbOi:ifcr UIl." Ij.xCV.s.o nJmseH I h~'~b~Hf'Om votinQ' on U'll!! ,",e U$t, What areas of C:ODeen woUld you like to see addre$Sed by this committee? n. develop&llOl'l.'t of a pro<;lr_ tbll t .0\11.11 bx:ing great.er public: a.~eMlllls/int.ar.l!lt. in tile museum' s sign,ificance t:o our llv... Qualilkations Corserving: tigh leve1 staff' lop.rationa.l planning in the Army; tweDty-five years oE cOlllllli.ttGG/J.e&cMrsbip work in va::ious church r;Jr0\1P9; t.ellching , pu)>l:i.c speaking. OIlier municipal or COUll!)' bo;ardliil(:()mmitleeli OJ! which you arc sen.ing: None List three 10ClL1 person.al references and pb()lle numbers: MAY 2 :> 1. Don Fishero - 791-7728 1.. lI1:Uc;e lla.as - 784- 9 925 tHW 3.D&n& Portan'te, past.or - 458-8639 or 232-0655 (cell) Date: May 2:S, 2007 AI'I'Il<ui<>u. .r< k,pl ou filt f.. 18 ""Ul~' . Ll ditlmn.d enmm em II 172 New HanIJver Cou.nty 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION Suite 175 Wilminglnn, NC 2MO) Tel.phn",,: (910 )798. 7149 Fax: (910)798.7145 Board/Committee: caPE!F'E,lar Museum Advisory Board Name: Robert J. Jones ,,~~=~.~'"~, Home Address: 6247 Turtle Hall D:i~:__._____ tU.~mington NC 28409 (SI...t) (Clly) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: E-Mail Address:rj jon::s@ec, rr, com - - =~~~,~-~ Home Phone: 910-350-0209 Fax: ~--~-_.- Cell: Business: ~=--~ Years Living in 24 Age: 78 New Hanover County: Male: '" Female: Race: Cau ~~ C' -- _.~ (Inf".....all"n r"r tho l'urpoo< "hullrl.ng a .r".. ..dlon "r Ih. ."mm....lly) E) Retired Hili tary , Retired Teacher (JROTC) mp oyer: (A P'''''''''' .urrently .mploy.d by lh. .g'.n.y or d'l"'rt_1 r"r wbl.h Ihl. apl'llullon Is _dO, ,musl re.lgJ1 hlsllIu p""ltlon wllh N.... H.nonr C..""I,. 1!I1">" ."polntm...t, i.. ...ord.lI.e with Artlole V I, Seotlon 4 ..r tho New II alWv.r CounJ)' I'o........ell'oll<)'.) Occupation: Retired Pl'ofe.~siooal Activities: Vice-President state Council (Mili tary Officers Association of Ame::ica) __ V oltmteer Activities: Past President/Current Secretary SENCLAND Chapter of MOAA Why do yoo wish to serve on this boord/committee? Desire to contribute to the growth and improvement of the Cape Fear Museum Cont'f~t of .Interest: If.a tx>ard me-mitHu bellew$. h(1lf $"Jull'UIL$ a conflict or lWtf.mtiill c-ontliCt of liUefMt On a pa,;tt:ul&(JS".tu-e, thetmember sfwujd stale thitl beUefto #ie other members of fll!fJ f tier re's-pect1VS bOard d'UJ1il9 8 PUblic m.eeHng. me member should state the nature of the conflict, d8tamng that helshe has" separate, private or monetary inrere-Sf, elthe! (tIMet or /,.din;CI, fn Me ,ssue- under COon $iderattotr, The member $oorJld .then e XGu.se h im.!;elflheFseJr .from voting OIl the m.a ner. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Growth, increase and protection of assets, increased community involvement,increased funding (public and private) ~~=~_~=w ,~,,'=~-"'~= Qualifications for serving: Leadership experience (military and educational arenas); experience in organization of accreditation efforts; contacts with community leaders. -~. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None --- List three local personal references and phooe numbers: 1. Ruth Haas 910-793-4350 -~_.------ .- 2. E. L. (Matt) Mathews 910-790-5500 ~"~,^='""~~.m== m__." 3. Wilbu.:~::.: Jones, Jr. 910-793-6401 -~,~,=,.,~=~===.~. Date: "_~< ) u;je 200":::J-' '--~'-~ A pplkalions art' kept on l'i Ie fo,l"" 18 triQ nOn; foOr add,IUonal (-omrnents 173 06/06/lWOi 14: 20 FAX 9107938797 KI NKO' 5 lHLMINGTON. NC Ig] 005 New Hanllver County 230 Guve,nmo"l Cen'"' I)riv. U TIO'N S,,010 175 Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APP CA. Wil""'S,,%NC 28403 Tolcpho"o: (910] 798" 7149 Fox; (910) 798.7145 BoardICo:nmittee: Clift -:;k~ n.>>..S:('~ Qd..<.u.'1~'" d 14,,'a.J) II. Name: Dtl..u..nJ f!.,llJJ.AL.I {Y1f-/(.v../1~ ~ ~ Address: J)b'{)Dm ....::1.11J2D~ ('f (d.&.1.1X!'rz~ ' "-nc. ..:2 O~ ISt...t) iCily) (Zip Cud.) Mailing Address if different: - E-MailAddress:~LUf\JnC' kernnA-. @ 0),00. ~,o""" Home Phone: Q/O.,9:;,.cmr-l9 Fax: ",' Cell: 910. (,,1:J.J~91 Business: Years Living in ' . New Hanover County: _---3- Male: Female: V Race: tJfu..&, _~ Age:.31_ (ll1fof'mllid(;J1 for tbe- pllrpou of :luurlng fl t.r-OU '1ut!Ol'l OrUie eommlulity) Employer:~~'- 'C.hnfL.? U../J i::k-..i;t..JrJ.J.h~PA}.':t n:, -1eJll!1l.lI~~e_.Jb1.. 1~A'>,~'oa.j,,).p) (I. POF'O" "."o"t '''''ploy.d by ,ho .~on'y OF tlop.,,,...,,t for ",hi,"!lm 'pplloa'lu" mado, '.. ""e" h../l1or I...ltlOn 'lh(i:l;;;-ii'ano... Coa"~ u!pfjfijjppohltltllil:=~lntl ill iitcordllJII:c- wHh ArUch~ Vel SC't:tiou 4; vf t:lt~ N:cw Hllrinvu Coui!d,.. P>tr~oPilel Pohcy.) Occupation: ,jMn,n1t "f-Al1.f,.(j, hv Professional Activities:]}u: llell',,-, ~{)t& ~ .5nr ~ J~ Itr-,Sf)C, ~ (', J M.l ,f lduM-.' , JJL'fl.1WC .1UiU . . .tL C, RrtincipAi 1eUiJu..J....J; ~v.u,1.d' CoYL~1 ....-i;;. ~ fjJ C LL.bl""()..~ j~1>/"'n<.f~'V'j fl~<<L<:lvv. Volunteer ActIVIties: ();'/~fJM {JJ&,IfU-' ;A (1.)11 rn'l'1;}fln - -St(,Jv:,I-Y.u~1f .... --," CJ '(L{/l4)J.A/)IfYtJ .. I'oLQ. ll,....~~" CIU"" ',e.:4I!.n/IJ, ~;LU.Kn /llL,a, ~'l(, k4i.., "'.1<....1..., Why do ytlll wish to serve on'tbis board/committee? . LL tf.)~ fe,,, & ~ tw d...l.)/l.c Q('';;....e ~ t1V'-Ik ('~fu.k1!..~/< (.1Al.tl 0-um t4;;., vi.)l.. W4'-i:ll~ Connlet of Interest: J! tt ba-ard mt1lmb.erbalf8YiUi he i ,~hil !tat> it t.o,nfJicl of' P{Hfi'fl ref c.o~:!'Ijc-r of'mli\"l"e,$:f on 8 tl4NicW.ar f,s J tnat mSri"il,Det should stahl JilG b,sUfjf io 1hs o!her memb<Sft of his / n9-t respectiVe itlot'il'rci dU'fJi1'fjl a pttbUC m ~etin9. ri'l6 member sh-ou!d .slate tn~ n~*lftit of 'he COfimCI, dl$ileWng UHi't .nulsnt!' fila'$' e Sl9p8r8rS, pt'{vfile Of 1'1Hlff'6!,t,ary rfiij&r"il'$1, altnefdJlor;l (Hlndirocl, in me iSSl1ft urtdtir COfH'fideti!J!tio.n, Th~ mf1'mp(ilF gju;mJdthan liiXCUSfr him!OtJHI floef8:flH ftom vC~in-g on ItHl maner. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? f.N/1YrL~:d:..~Jl.~V rw .11./'" L L..",J a.1'~~~D.U l! , , ' . " m" il.lnuYlJ.. dJ,c1 M4JYo..'~ Ln.rd~b:g 'i~ <l4t.{Lt1..A;0 'f1-..-,.. 'k~.tr /Y6 ~ m,,f,,L..(l'~ ,VA..; o....f0.. L""!~'{.u:,,.j-d"'I'..IJ '. , QUlI.l1ficatulI'ls for serving:. 1[.1:\ VI . A.J ..~ /t.Al4' c/.. 1''M I a (' ,fJrrYVLLI/",,' -13 I...... ft1-~J.dL .tJ 1.1UI'1 l'L. f . tL"'I'I-e~ y.'-VJ.I.... 'h>_ ('>tJYljl;ut~ -ff,~_l)/'-ttr.J''';c.~..,(U_'t'l-Cl nLtYO-l~; ,/0.. Lf../arh IY'~L...L.- Otber municipal or county boards/committees on which yon are servi,ng: ~nYl *1." ,I) f ('''-'-'-;p.''l. (/ 1rJ ....J.1--."-:;~_ ~fLt,~(y ...1UJ'!l~},.-",".i~r-_lJJi.lf..1Jll1f..b,"-..JJJLt'-lUl:J.,..L....2::....J.:c......lj..f..iJdjlLlrJv.tLliOUllL'-:. ,L';/:d- ?l,..:t List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. I). k4-_ .. " f/~, 2._._~~. 1i~J.J.fA-.~.J, ~'1..5" -1r;'1t/~D~~..._-~...- ;~ J::"6"+-Y ,~~--- -:;1;;/"/;;'-;73/ --- --- Date: .-1h~-... "... ' , , ~oC:L~, Signature: ". .,/ ~--> .~"" ' .- '_.~ AppU,"lon, an ko~' on m.f.r IS ",."th, j:- ~"'O"t, 174 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA TlON 120 Che",,"' Sore"l. Roo," .105 W liming"'". NC 28401.4093 T ele plIO "e (911) 341.7! 49 fAX (910) 341..4130 Board/Committee: Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board =.=~= "" Name: Home Address: __._~1)3 Deepwood Drive "" Wilmington 28405 (StF'O!) (Cit~) (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: (910) 256-3567 BusinessfWork Plume: Ycars Living in New Hanover County: 2 years Male: Female: - Race: Age: 63 (hJormaUGn, foil:" the p,ur'pose of usuring a erouueUo,n of the communit)i) Employer: Retired (A pl:!rHHl clintoU>, unploye:d b)' the :agcmcy 0 f" department for wMen thls IIppUc:ati-on is made} mu-sll"c:sign his/beT position with New Hanover' County upon appoin tment'j tn utcor'danee with Article Vl~ Section 4 of tbe New H IIU.lQ\'er Connty Penonnel PoUcy.) Job Title: Professi.oDlll Acth'ities: Real Estate Broker (25 years) Rea] Es tate: A ppJ::a.i.s.e:..L,,"",,20_~ e:a r s ) Volunteer .Activities: Volunteer 2 days a week at Cape FearMu~ !::ollections~ Why do yoo wish to serve on this board/committee? To fulfill my commentment, to contribute to my n='''~ community. To enhance my J:l.esire to lean the Cape.Eea.r:. 11 i '" tnry . Can mer 01 'nt.re.st,~ If,fii board member bli!llll!HlffS he I she ne.s 8 c:o.nf1fct ,or Por~t.lu,,1 Co'nhiCl of Ji!Hefi!l!sl' on a Pll(lM;ulaf issue; HuH member should srale th,is beNe! 10 me olnar member.s ,o(!lis I hlJr lEtspecti.....e /)(;JiJtd diNing 8 public meeting, fhe member $nCuXI;f $ta:le the naWre of 1he con flic. t;. defaHinf)' thJi't hels:hfi has B separate, priV81e Of mane'hlf}" interest; 61'1116(' gljrili;:f ()t i(H:JiUICl, Hi lhtil 1-S:!WoIi' una'"r con ~idiflr$lrion. The t.rh!lll'nbef sJHHild 'J'lilltl ,&XCi!Jse him.s eIf I hen. elf from 'Voting on,he mattEl'i'", What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? A new collections facility con1?.tJ:JJcted. Making the museum atU,ert:ivl'! to ;1 more deverse-.seeJll@nt of thl'! comJllllnity. Ml'lkl'! !';trong the education outreach to the counta' school system. Qualifications for serving: Volunteered ,I years at Museum Of :Fine Arts ,Santa Fe , NM in the .f...QJJ.ectiol1 Department. Being a private collector of Fine Art and Native American material r'm familiar with the' acqll1 si:ri on procp.!';s _flln" t11" """rAt i ('InA 1 """"''''''rchof de'!€' lopiug-.a..".c.ol..lection Other municipal or count)' boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local persoDal references and phone numbers: NOV - 8 2005 ~ 1. DeanR.Gattone{392=0822) NEW HANOV!:R CO 2. Sue Miller (341-4350x30?R) Of COMMIS$IONfR$ 3. Cath~~aready ( 256-22,.00) - ~_.. - Date: Signature: ~ ~=-~- Applications :ore kc;pt on fUe fOT 18 months lhH: n;;'!r'cnlit side fl)r :addiU-(I;iia! eom men U 175 This page intentionally left blank. 176 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 4 VAGANGIES 2 - At-Large Gommunity Representatives 2 ~ At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives AT-LARGE GOMMUNIITY REPRESENTATIVES ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT APPLlGANTS No appllications on file - re-advertising Gurrent members can serve until replaced AT-LARGE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES APPLICANTS Dominilc A. Bianco (Castle Hayne VFD) X Michial Wayne Rhodes (Wrightsboro VFD) X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 177 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Flanover County Fire Service District Tax and have no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) I County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with no one serving more than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at a predetermined location. Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION At~Large Community Representatives James Monte Coughlin (SeconD 711/2007 1\ 212 Land Line Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 8/21/00,6/18/01,6/21/04 686-2522 (H) 793~0053 (W) S. La'WTence Crawley, Jr. Second 7/1/2008 4618 Spring View Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 6/1 7/02, 6/20/05 791-4843 (H) Diane P. Doliber First 7/1/2008 4213 Lynbrook Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 10/18/04, 6/20/05 793-4634 (H) 297-5682 (W) Harry B. Simmons C Second) 7/1/2007 * 229 Marsh Hen Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 6/18/01, 6/21/04 452-2848(H) 178 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION At~Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives: Dominic A. 8ianco (Castle Hayne) First 7/1/2007 .:x- 104 Michael Drive ~ Castle Hayne, NC 28429 AL~ 8/16/04 675-0524 (H) 675-6561 (W) Arthur David Raines (Myrtle Grove) First 7/1/2008 14 Pelican Point Wilmington, NC 28409 3/24/03, 6/20/05 790-1978 (H) 254-7007 (W) Michial Wayne Rhodes (Wrightsboro) First 7/1/2007 * 2000 Chair Road ""b~ Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~. 6/21/04 675-3202 (H) 962-2414 (W) Alex 8. Stanland (Winter Park) First 7/1/2008 4637 Manchester Road Wilmington, NC 28405 6/20/05 395-2464 (H) Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Fire Administrator: Donnie Hall, Fire Chief File: IFire 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 6/05 Wilmington, NC 28403 BIC #10 798-7462 or 798-7420 179 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~[E(G[EUH~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 JU L 3 0 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 FAX {910} 341-4130 NEW HANOVER CO SO, or COMMiSSIONERS Application for Board of Fire Commissioners At-large Volunteer Fire Department Representative .Oei,." i;'; ie, A. 0, Name: JJ , AAJCO Home It'-i /'J1IC 1+It6<:. ;JR~ How long have you been a 3.3 'y I?.S . Address: resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: I CJ Lj /l1lc#I9/1; L I}/{' '. City and State: CI4.:s r/....R:. J.I~ YAlE. 4./G Zip Code: ~al/:? 9 Telephone: Home: 9/0"l~ 75-05:1'1 Business: 11t) -~7S-6S6/ .Sex: IIJI/h'L~ .Race: a/If; ,-6 .Age: bb -This information Is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cros;s-s(,,:tlon of the community Is appolnt9d. HEmployed by: C}E:/Jelf~L ~E:c.'Trelb 7RAiJ5;:'eJRrA r/~~} ~ V/:"5:t OIl,J u A p9fSOn currently 9mployed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hislh9f position with N9W Hanov8r Caunly upcn IJppolntm9nt. III accordat>c8 with Article VI, $9C. 4 of the New Hanovef County PIJfSonn81 Policy. Job Title: }j.e, m/9/RJ'T .- Professional Activities: l::m&ZIb6AJC.Y Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Rre Commissioners?...z:- ne ~ j IJtJE~ flE:LP Se: R if ~. c( 0 t:J.1U C' L1 S TO JVJ E..ll...s ;~ f?J d ' ESI< fi-Nr.:s uf,.) I6JCt,R.POKP.(',W c4a.:.E::A OF 1J~c.{). What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? E" '" r'EtJ.s \ V e,. .<)ERf/IOF; (~8J "IRS liS LkJ... ( I ;A)R.S) Ii::!. CH:;e:.~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners ;ddress? N,E.. e-JTC !kOVI'de.. E' FFiC i'E.U"- SER..\1' Ie ~ fA:~ A KE~SOt.JA BLit-. Fk,~e... (l::l.e~ \'1\;(~ Are you cUflently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality Of a county? If so, please list: Submitted by: ~.s'/l..C 1M. Y IL' e.., J hereby certify that 'pay the New Hanover County Firs Volunteer Fire Department Service DiSaX- .". d~ Fire Chief Signature ~ ~ .&~ Signature 'J'1~R.,~ DBts:? /:; iOlf (Pf""S9 uss rSV(!lfSS sids for Bddhl"",,1 comments! (' "i/~ J<J 180 .r S'EKVitc{ o#J -\\+t"::: t-\R.f:.. L:OI""ftV)IS.:) IO~'..J.-N' ( HI"C...- I Ii':> \ , As t:t V'V1 f,m,B!&,(J PrA.d A-L50 P'1-- s c., r\ A ) R.. ,V)lI\.{) .. '.\ " rEf.. e:.c.... /...., JG e.. j,.. ~A U e:... ~ E.. ~''1. P~r<- \'E-fVC~ ftNd K,M:>u..'L ~ G C. TO ~EL.f) M~~rL, ~~ \(..\'3 ~.,-d.€GES \'of.J..5 - -\-,() R...... t, ~ E.. \;- "\ aE..; S 4&L.J \ ~ E... " vJ (k)~w ~ A U 0 lJ f(>J2.... Cat "_.---1 J). B1Q.\\,W 181 HrK-cO-U, IHU IU:~l HllCC FAK NO. 3414130 P.01 . 'f' NEVI! HANOVER'-COUNTY BOAF!P OF COMMISSIONERS 320 ';."fnut Street. ROom 305 Wlt, ,lngtgn. file Z8401~4OS3 TBlIPhonlf\lStOJ 341.7141 FAX{!1lOJ 34-,...mJO APpliC'.t:tor B'OW of Fife OOmm/$$Ioners Af..t8f11t1 Vi ,'/..,. F'n Dfl/Jlf.1fmfItft RfJPI'Ul'lntBtiw )'- , NIIItWl .~. Haw lonsilMve y"" luken II . f?" AddnD; ",IUI';JJfO(NIw~"(JWJrCtnJntyl' .. y. IIMlIntJ Addie": Q8-..."1 DL9- JQ' Titffu ., '7'" ~ .j~ - lItJlutltnI' AefMt!r:s: - f , ~ ~ . Me;' of '~~ 'w6idd yiiu oki ,;,: f~ tij(/iiiJar;r~; iiiii~~ipflit~ WtJtf;:s1 c;. . , ? r~ -r..~ I ;ch.;.,"~ .c:~, ~"'LAf 0 . - AlII )'QII ClJffl1n#1I $IlNfIlJ1 ~n fIilothor 4(1~d (Jf ci1!"m/ff4~ lIpP~fJted .''''11 .:.m'dI/JllltY' (JT II t:l1l11ttY? If SII, pI"$1I /WI: di: '.. . "'" . .,." i" - f . . &Jbmi'ttedlJy: (k!~.~ L/F D . ., ~ '"" .- ~ Illf1l'll'b't t;fWtJlyDtjl l'pa, fM N.w 11."0"" COllfltv RnI \I: t,., FiI'f/ Dlt,09rtoj1lllRt SIN'IIb D;.,,,,,,t Tp.. ~ ""ffJCllle'SliiI't'afUr~ kA.:.:roi"'~ Sign.tlJf'~~ ~,. . ..' .: lolll'tl ~ fj'.... Q -;L : . . . ~r.lt! da. n>J~,'~ii. '~ntldl~ w:.m-tlIJ ~d .:2/:2..71I)i =~ -'.-... 182 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION. COUNCIL Membership: Limit 26, currently 25 A member is needed in the Parks and Recreatiion category Term: 2 years (9/30/2009) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS REAPPOINTMENT Ryan Tunstall Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application Dolores Williams email 183 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL Members: Representatives from the following categories: school superintendent or designee, chief of police or designee, sheriff or designee, district attorney or designee, chief court counselor or designee, director, AMH/DD1SA, or designee, DSS director or designee, county manager or designee, substance abuse professional, member of faith community, county commissioner, 2 persons under age 18, juvenile defense attorney, chief district judge or designee, member of business community, local health director or designee, United Way or other non~profit representative, parks and recreation representative, and 7 at~large members appointed by the County Commissioners. Terms: 2-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are held 7 times per year at 12:30 p.m. (3'0 Friday bi-monthly) in the Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice, 138 N. Fourth Street, Wilmington, NC. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established Juvenile Crime Prevention Council on 12/21/98. Purpose: The JCPC is to assess, prioritize and identify ways to meet needs of youths who are at-risk of delinquency or who have been adjudicated, undisciplined, or delinquent; identify community risk factors; recommend allocation of state funding for youth programs that address these riisk factors; and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Business Community Second 9/30/2008 Elena Pezzuto 4109 Cherry Avenue 2/17/03, 9/18/06 Wilmington, NC 28403 799-5330 (H) 256-8338 Faith Community First 9/30/2008 Sonja Douglas Robinson 1009 Midland Drive 9120104, 9119/05 Wilmington, NC 28412 791-1021 (H) 791-8996(W) JuvenileOefense Attornev First 9/30/2008 Ruchadina L Waddell 5145 Lamppost Circle 9118/2006 Wilm.ington, NC 28403 395-4270 (H) 772-6400 (W) Under AQe 18 (Student) First 9/30/2008 Granl H. Morine 101 Windlass Drive 9/18/06 Wilm.ington, NC 28409 791-5599 (H) Alma Sanchez First 9/3012008 6509 Greenville Loop Road, #214 Wilmington, NC 28409 9118/06 392-1919 (H) 184 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION MembersMatMLarge Henry L. Batts, Jr. First 9/30/2009 2 Diamond Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429 8/14/06 675.9648 (H) Hattie Cooper-Mciver First 9/30/2009 P.ine Hollow Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 Appt. 8/14/06 793-2022 (H) 341-3217 (W) William Austin Crews,. Jr. First 9/30/2009 5386 New Centre Drive, Apt. C Wilmington, NC 28403 8/14/06 262-8199 (HlW) WalleT Engle First 9/30/2008 225 Brascote Lane Wilmington, NC 28412 1/24/05 794-2155 (H) 251 M6185 x1 05 (W) Harold B, King Unexpired 913012007 10 Island Drive Wilmington, NC 28480 9/19/05 256-2875 (H) George E. Tilley First 9/30/2007 1134 Harbour Drive, #203 Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 9/20104 793-9352 (H) 251.6185 (X-220) (W) Dolores M. Williams First 9/30/2007 3113 Joe Wheeler Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 9/20104 452~7150 (H) 341-5851 (W) AQency Representatives: County Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Health Department: Janet McCumbee County Manager's Office: Patricia Melvin Juvenile Courts: Robert Speight District Attorney: Lillian Salciues Mental Health: Art Costantini Judge of District Court: Judge JH Corpening Schools: AI Lerch Sheriff Department: Det. Susan B. Johnson Substance Abuse Center: Jane A. McDonald Wilmington City Police: Melissa Budd United Way: Eline Rhoades DSS: Wanda Marino File: ICrime 1107 BIC #4 185 ~c-PC- Elmore, Teresa From: Dolores. Williams@wilmingtonnc.gov@NHC Sent: Thursday, May 03,20078:19 AM To: Elmore, Teresa SUbject: JCPC Appointment Have any applicat ODS corne " for the Recreation position on the JCPC? If so and if this meets the Countyts requirements, please place this appointment on the next BOe meeting agenda for consideration. As discussed at our meetings, ,JCPC members are intere'sted filling this position, and I would like to be able to certify to the State that all positions on the NBC JCPC are fiLled. Let me know. Thanks. Dolores M. ~iil1,ia!ns - ~tSD ~e.-PL Assistant City Attorney City of Wilmington 305 Chestnut Street P.O. Box 810 \'>iilmington, NC 8402 Phone: 19:10 34 ~7820 Fax: (910) 341- 824 ; dolores. will ams@wilrningtonnc.gov 1 186 New Hano\'cr County no Mor,c'pl,", D,;Y< Board of Commissio~ers COMMITTEE APPLlCATlON ~~i'I::~'::Q"> NC 2840) Tdephof.lC: (SilO) 19&-1 l,~'9 I'::oc (l)iU) "J98~'!'145 Board/Committee: .~VetJ~J~~..C....\ IYIE:.. Pre veNJ1tl,.v ~c).N(...;l.: ReLve<>(.t;",,J pos.,-f;7:>f.J Name: H~e I Addrcss,..~53 j),,-o..l:~._~ur+ ~IIM'f'Ji~~...~~...__ 281./0.5 (Si"t't"d) (Ci.yy (Zi" C,o.d~~ Maili"g Address if differcnt: ~_~_.._..~.._~~.______~~._. E.Mail Address: c~fjJ,~k.w~') nc. ",:JOV ._......~Co'tU'1S~ II@.. ~. (.c/1'1 Home Phone: ._~_ Fax: Cell: 1jP.::::t.E1::~lJ'j~ Business: _.~J(). !!ll.1..:.2o.zL ! Years Living ill /" r i New Hanover COllnty: ._ vrJ Female: _ Race: A~H:'.r, u/.,..! Age: ..flL.._.. C j f.,. .he P"'p"" or .""'I.~. """ .<"10Il of lb, co,,, "'.01"') , E III Jlloy~r: ._._ ;."'1 '! f"\~,ff':HHI'l (:~~tlitly t'.tnp~('~'l[:d tty thiC' dep:/iH'''lmcnt fflr whir:c"'! this iipplitlll4f1 it: l'iiLAd(',. m:t!iH rt~jgl!l hirdhu f.pl)shij).l} wi~,h Ne-w Hail'i4J'Vt\" C~UllH'f UP;ofIiJ'i ipp{ilulnJr:ni';h!l i!;['('{;CdlHJl;'e ",,'it"hilt,r'ticlc V J. S~li:ig.Jj: 4 of ibe New H~tIIc.vt:r County lJ'cn;{Ionnl P",lj('y.) [. Occupation:. g~"C;lleCL/,QrJ ~ag;ro.lM G.xxdll::!~? ..~------ I Profes$IOnnlACtiVities:k~J..wI rOAd P!e/J( g.<Jcd1.~fIT~ .@. C"'r.e F9=lC_~~!J.":L.~;J.~6119e... I Vohllltecr Activities: ~~Iy ($AJ/IJe4C "~ ) flerJfotL ..-..-.-.. I Why do you wish to serve Oil this bO>lcd/committee? :;[/?eh e.le ~. (Jeff<) b-e QA) .'!1S~e:1 k -Ih.e_C<;;,()r..J(,;"I .beC'IIAeJ, i cft!tIJ!!g~~J of e1f.$!e.Ll_~.~__u.b-.t;~'f..9." wi+4 ~H"5 iN af- rJ$~ {:f;-CUMS!-,.;.tvces. ! C.mf1jd or Jiih.rtttM K 8 D'oard ffit'm/);f:Ii',!l';!f.'I'1..e:ii iltl / :We SJiI.s' Q cOtlfJJetOf pQf;1fMir conthctof Jl'1, est Qn.8 partiClJl'ar lfiSl.JfJ, Wa1 member 8111011/0' srtlle Ul'i~ j}.{jfJi!:f 1.0 rIlB (JUliN I memQ-er.s 01 !Ii~~ i tHu re-,::;p6cJiilj!) bO{i!rd c11,Jdr/g a putJ!iC m eeting. r/:l~ memoer S~IO.LIJ(Il s UH€i ii'le i'lalUre:of We ron/liel" delJW'l(l' ltii!iit h~V$f1-e hss 8 $,t1,1lljr.lle. prll;!tdO or monetary t inl{;-re~t. I4ml~{ Cjfi!cl or ltldho!ij-i,;'t, in Uw ISSlle umie!' conslderal.lCLi'l. nJ8 m fl'mb,fU sholJltJ lherr ifl'xC',!.,';S.e fiu'1MeJl / f!ef$(m Nom vQfn'.g Oiirll& m$! n~{ f What a reas of Cl)llc~m would you like to see addressed by this eommittee? f?-?:>vid''1J r~!.{)v":t::."'f"q~jf:ff'O,-j..,N' j., '12s ~~ ti1c.,re CL}!:!Jfr'.du,t-lS".;e, ('>'1'.:>- ex,:l ;lIe re-e ""~lM4<J} ':7i'~...s.l?l2!)!Y~ Wi d'€>. i QuaJifieatiollsforser\'iog:.L h&j,;e ./YOr}t..e.f ! ti..:tl:v: fiefi of R..ec ;'t!A.-/,~,j ._E!?,l4A1vlVl fy w!,...e4<.t. ~r I.ItJ/J-t.-,9; Of'''JqtJ;'ZL<f. qJJ <U W~(/ CiS /Cl;c. / )r"""!...lfa. l,i,PI fr.'" rib,')..) L2..:;t,.i?4 fft.. Other muo iciJl~ lor cOlloty bOllrdskolTl mill(~es Ill) which you are serving: -AJ.J) Me: List three local personal rdH"I1l~cS and plio.." llllmbers: 1. V:v,ct,.J.s1 :J;)'sfe Cj/O-77Z-'j8P,Q Of{iLe... 2. LCJr: L 5-b)/ug. ._n___~!Q:- GJ"2' 2- g 3'5 Cej/_~__~ __.. P'" ~ '"~._...."" 3._.::[civ-red.LM~L__910-~h" 7Z_!.~-pce I. llall': - Signature: O. ~= Apphu,tl(!~U,au: K;f:pl on:flk (01 18 ni()l.th~ t:lie U'\Ift:r,\>t' $H.h- fol'" :IHh~lll(itlal comm(!nt~ 187 RYAN O'NEAL TUNSTALL 453 Drake Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Phone(910)409~2139 Work (910) 341-0057 Dear MadamlSir: Please accept this letter and my accompanying resume as expressed interest in obtaining a position with your council. As my resume and application reflects, I have much experience and insight in the area of recreation, mentorlng ilnd community outreach. This experience is primarily in but not limited to inner city, at-risk communities. I also feel that the hands on experience as well as the administrative experience and the will 10 take the initiative to go beyond the usual expectations are characteristics that are much needed to beg.i n making a significant difference in the lives of our youths. I am looking to utilize my skills in a position that will maximize my training, experiences and education, as well as hopefully enhance the communities we serve in New Hanover County. I am sure that I can help make a great contribution to our county and would welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss this with you all personally. Should you have any need for additional information, or if you would like to arrange an interview, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and courtesy in reviewing this material and also for your forthcoming response. ~:'o ~- . yan O. Tunstall 188 RYAN O'NEAL TUNSTALL 453 Drake Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Phone (91O) 409-2139 Work (910) 341-0057 WORK HISTORY CITY o{WILMINGTON - Community Development Division Community Center Section Wilmington, North Carolina (910) 341 ~5838 July 2006 through Present Position: Recreation Manager (Interim) Recreation Coordinator Duties: Oversee the daily operations and administration of the City of Wilmington's Community Centers. Managing the day-to-day operations of a recreational facility, which include direct supervision of staff; recreation and after-school program planning. Implementation and evaluation; facility management and oversight; budgel preparation and fiscal monitoring; development of policies and procedures; public relations and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to include assessing community needs VERIZON WIRELESS Wilmington, North Carolina 1-800-367-5690 June 2005 through June 2006 Position: Customer Service Representative Duties: Assist customers via the telephone in various requests from service activations to terminations, primarily utilizing several computer systems to facilitate the different actions necessary for Ihe job. fEDEX KINKOS Wilmington, North Carolina (910) 793-4611 April 2005 through Present Position: Production Operator Duties: Responsible for producing various print orders and graphic design solutions, receiving and logging order instructions directly from clients, contacting customers via telephone, fax and e-mail to insure accuracy of final output, quality contralto insure clients are completely satisfied with final product CITY of ORLANDO - Families, Parks & Recreation loch Haven Park Neighborhood Center, Northwest Community Center and Hankins Park Recreation Site Orlando, Florida (407)246-2259 July 2000 through March 2005 Position: Regional Recreation Center Manager (Interim) Regional Recreation Specialist Duties: Promoted facility usage; Revenue generation and bookkeeping; Hired, trained and supervised new and returning facility employees, Submitted yearly budget proposal; Customer service interaction (continual), Oversaw and assisted in the building of new facilities on site while assuring safety of participants; Create, plan, coordinate, implement, evaluate and report on year round eduG'ltional, cultural and recreational programs for adults, youths and senior citizens; Supervise and/or assist in operational, maintenance and programming activities of a regional recreation facility in all aspects from budgeting to day-to-day operation of community center complex as well as supervise and train staff - create schedule and submit payroll for 40+ staff members; Process the hiring of staff members; Developed and implemented a new facility rental process; Organize and oversee fitness room; Assure the facility is properly maintained; Compll.e all statistical attendance data; Purchase supplies and equipment; Collect, receipt and deposit center and program fees; Process check requests and refunds; Maintain strong professional rel,ationships with community and business leaders, area school officials, government and non.profit agencies and faith-based organizations in the area, Managed the Special Needs Programming for the City of Orlando (Physically, Menta.lly and Emotionally Disabled Citizens) 189 ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL - Evans High School Orlando, Florida (407) 522.3400 ext 2204 October 2003 through March 2005 Position: Freshmen and If. Varsity Boys' Head Coach, Varsity Boys' Basketball Assistant Coach Duties: Responsible for running daily practices, overseeing youth during games and practices, developing daily practice plans and game plans, checking on academic progress, and assisting in the area of academic tutoring. METROPOLITAN ORLANDO URBAN lEAGUE Orlando, Florida l uly 1999 through lu Iy 2000 Position: Program Specialist Duties: Implemented Positive Life Choices program for inner-city youths; Facilitated workshop for small groups, organized community-wide events as well as one on one mentoring. CENTRAL FLORIDA POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE Orl.ando, Florida April 1992 through July 1999 Position: Program Coordinator Duties: Planned and implemented annual educational, cultural and recreational programs for young adults and children ages 5 through 18 years old in economically disadvantaged communities; Compiled statistical records for many various audits; Assisted in the grant writing process; Solicited business for sponsorships; Supervised activities, volunteer staff as well as employees; Organized and oversaw computer lab and tutorial program; Served as appositive male role model and a mentor to single-parent youth; Evaluated participants' behavior and educational progress and counseled them; Counseled delinquent juveniles on probation andior community service; Promoted activities through news media and personal appearances. CENTRAL for DRUG FREE LIVING - Midnight Basketball Orlando, Florida Apri I 1 994 through October 1995 Position: Recreational Supervisor Duties: Supervised recreational center and subordinate employees; Insured all participants adhered to the program rules and regulations; Organized and arranged guest speakers; Assured all safety rules were strictly followed. FIVE6STAR TEMPORARY - ECC International Orlando, Florida October 1990 through November 1991 Position: Engineering Aide Duties: Drawing Mechanical Documents of the (,17 aircraft for the U.S. Air Force. Drawings using manual boards as well as computer aided drafting. Responsible for all documentation, insuring it coincides with actual aircraft parts. fDUCA TION Greensboro College - Greensboro, North Carolina -1983-19850 Music Composition (Piano Jazz/Gospel) University of Central Florida - Orlando, Florida 01986-1987- Communication and Creative Writing Valencia Community College - Orlando, Florida -1994-19960 Associate in Arts Degree GENERAL and COMPUTER TRAINING CPR, First Aid and AED instructors certification. Supervisory training · Ft High School Coaches certifl.cation · Basketball Officiating. Florida Recreation ilnd Parks Association member · FL CDt's Class C . Music (piano) Theory, Writing and Teaching · Creative Writing - Class Software · Simplex Payroll Software. Computer operating systems -. Windows 95-XP, Apple OS X · Microsoft Word, Excel, Access · lnt.emet Explorer,. MS Publisher. Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhOloshop, lndesign · Digital Video Recording and Editing (iMovie & Final Cut Pro) . Audio Recording and Editing (protools 6 & Cakewalk) · Web Page Design References available upon request 190 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE State Mandated Minimum Membership: 9 Maximum Membership allowed by State Statute: 14 Current Membership: 11 Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOI NTMENT Julie Brewer Patricia Lawler ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 191 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 9 State mandated; may appoint up to 14 based on the number of nursing homes. The Nursing Home Administrators may nominate one-third of the members. Term: 1-year terms initially; 3-year terms thereafter Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes., and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 131 E~ 128 Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Hanover County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee may be a member of this committee Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in-laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information. Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of January, Apriil, July, and October at 4:00 p. m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Joan Barbara Apke Third 11/30/08 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 9/21198, 11/15/99, 799-4574 (H) 12/16/02, 11/2.1/05 John E. Brett First 6130109 325 S. Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 6/20/05,6/19/06 762~7295 (H) 815-3497 (W) Catherine R. Davis Third 8/31/08 5613 Greenville loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 212/98, 6/21/99, 395-5512 (H) 6/17/02, 8/15/05 William Y. Doran .::DQ€,QJ ~ First 7/31/07 1115 Tennwood Drive ~~ Wilmington, NC 28411 717/03,7/12/04 686-2643 (H) 686-2514 (W) Dorothy L Grime First 1/31/08 5583 Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 12/15103, 1124/05 350-0672 (H) 192 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Faye Griffin Hoffman Second 3/31109 162 Partridge Road / P.O. Box 3687 3/25/02, 3/24/03, Wilmington, NC 28406 3113106 392-6873 (H) Patricia E. King Second 3/31109 517-1 Hewlett Way 3/25/02, 3/24/03, Wilmington, NC 28409 3/13/06 675-3565 (H) Mary Ann Lewis Second 3/31/10 8 Merrlmac Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 3/24/03, 3/22104, 791-0523 (H) 3/12107 O. Alton Parker, Jr. Second 8/31/07 318 Golden Road Wilmington, NC 28409 8/21/00, 8120/01, 392-3514 (H) 8/16/04 Mark C. Sheffield Second 4130/10 1319 C Military Cutoff Road Wilmington, NC 28405 4121/03,4/19/04, 232-4964 (HIW) 4116/07 Judith Pennington Tagert First 1131109 504 Carolina Beach Avenue South, Unit 1-K Carolina Beach, NC 28428 1/4/05, 1/23106 458-6770 & 313~1164 (H) Members Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: Contact: Harvin Quidas, Region 0 Long Term 4/07 Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of File: INursing Governments B1C #22 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 395-4553 193 New Hanover County 230 Governmen~ CerHer Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICA nON SUite 175 Wilmington, NC :2 &4 03 1,1'1'110"" (910) 79&.7149 . fax: (911') 79&.7145 Board/Committee: ~L~ LA vS 1l2-!J--tl-vrnr:. A.di. \1":'::.6 eLl C 6 rn rrl IH_~ . I Name:_0 u~\€.:__ B n::::u",:,.e-v_.._ ._~.,,_~._--~~..- Home '3' YJ D Lqr \0\0 cA, W II n'll.r'l J "tv, '2t4'o 9 Address: ~._.,. \ [) . '='"=-""---"'"'=~ (S"'''l (CilY) (Zip C"d'l Mailing Address if different: .=-~'''" .., .=~ ._m E-Mail Address: 0brewe;"",-:, t!:; GeJJ :S ~!"J;th'De+ ... ,=-~--~,- Home Phone: '7 qq - L/.g 25 Fax: ~~.~~=.~ Cell: 2:31 -3 Lf6'& Business: ~,. "",,- Years Living in . ." , New Hanover County: ~.. 2 <g ~rr:5 Male: = Female: L-~ace: ~"_:\tlJ..,, Age: .45 .. \J" . ~' (lnform.'lOn ro, tho purp", r ."urmg .c,,,.. ,.coon or th, C"mm"nilY). . Employer: \ f\~e.\'l1ere.. r-eS b~':::kri Qf'L :5~hC()." ( I Lj;t~".- (A pu!;oncuncptly employ.ed lry the agency .or deplUtme.i for whicb this _prlication is made, mu.U res.it,D. liis/ber pos.iti,on wili!h ,ew Ha , v~:r Count)' upon appointnau1 in a(eordance with Article VJl Stetion 4 of the New Hanover Cuunt)" Pe:rsonntl Policy.) Occupation: -teo..cher Professional Activities: Eo (\.1 . ~. /'1 I 1 d. !.j6:::::>d CDnfe Ie.. hL?:.? C hu re-.h'tou# Volunteer Activities: 6~. 5cuu+s. J e-,'l< ,0 i P\<)C1.l k Q.Dmro I 'Hee \eo..d, e r ) Why do you wish to serve on this bOard!COmmittee?to... KG. CUC\ ,()(:::;1J ~ e.. ~..c 'f i c::,." a;r~ 11i;.~j. ~W~~:::~~, n. ;~;:sl. ~5~c~, pOI.S2~o~ ,~,:t~~"I" ";"?rh'l.me!:;;'h~.\~9jelle~eV:;;f-S member'S cd n.ls I her respeC1rve board during a' public m eeufilg The member s.nOJila slale the nalvf;Q of the conftiot, (,fet.aiJing that he/she l1as a .separate, ,ptivrJte Of'monetary interest, elmer diracJ Dr Mditect, ill the issue ;(,Inder considetatiO;(ll, 'f.he member st'lould then excuse' !llmself,l her"'sea {rom voting IOn tne m,a.trer, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed. by this committee? \ . h? '( I j hJ..:L wf -+h e, ~ i d.e..-\ 1 '~H)el (" fpurulte;5Cln d ge~n:J -::the J Clm1(VluV\'I~ ) . \"flD re... \:l VO \ v-e d 1"'" Ou.-r ~ 0 \ d€.'("' c. l-t. z.e "'5 I \ llCS . . Qualifications for sening: ,....., ..... ..."" VClLln+ee(' d'\'Rfe('e,\~__ , -t\'1re.e ~o,~ Other municipal or county boards/committees on which YOll are serving: ~=,--- ""'" m,,~__________~.m'~'__ =~.- ,. 2007 List three local personal references and phone nllmbers: 1. DQYl d. \'.J~O VeL..... 7Cf9- NEW HANOVER CO , or COMMISSIONERS m,", =,=,~,~ ... ~-'"..~" 2.-L'{ll.cl:e.-.Ll.~." 5hQi:jiJ.e_,~2)rd .."... (s;; g~~ ~ d G:O(). ...__"'_ 3.~.l::{\1 \ \\~"..... Gl;~~_, . (p,&~~-: ., 1;3 C(3 .._,..._~.. D.l" . . .lo- Lo-.~'L__ Sig",,,~,~... ~- A. PJlIU::31t10DS are kept Oil fHe fOT J8 m,ot) rHhs: Use reverse SId!,:' for :addIUo:nal..-:om men Is 194 New HanclVer County 230 Government Cenle! Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION Suite 175 Wilminglon_ NC 2M03 To!e.phono, (910) 791\-7! 49 I'll" (910)79t-714S Board/Committee: Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Name: ,.~atri?i.a_~~~er,_.,_~_.__~ ,.,_,_,,_ '_'______'._______'____.~' ,_~"_."m__ Home Address: 60,2Wal,nut St., Wilmington, NC 28401 (Slr.d) (CII,) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if dilTerent: -.:_: O. Box 1169, Wilmington, NC 28402 .='"-="""....---===-'-~,~~,--=""~- ,,~~-~~ E-Mail Address: patricia.lawler@gmail. com Home Phone: 76:3-8239 Fax: Cell: ,,409-6599 Business: 4 0 9- 6599 Years U,'ing in Male: Female: / Race: wh.i te Age: 44 New Hanover County: _:_.months -,.'" -='" ""-=---" -,------_.. ~~"""~"- (Infornu.tt-on fot the PUI"'Q:St of assuring IiIi cross: section of tbe (omnmnU'y} E .1 e Lawler Consulting mpoy r: (A person ct:ii"ttndy e-mploytd by the agiulQ' 01' department f'Or whicb thts: applicationts made-, mUst resign his/hef position 'Witb Ne~- IIano\'er County UIH}U apl)uhUltlen 110 'w.-a-c<: 0t' d:an.tt wUll Arttr:-le V 1, Section 4; ,of tht N't'A' H:'aliliO Vt r. C OUl.IJ)' Pe.'MiI (~lnU! t POri Ut,..) Occupation: Nonprofi~ consultant and lobbyist Professional Activities: __,u""" .=,.~------=-~'"'"___"""""~.~~"~n____=_;';_'._'=~..,_.__~;;~.=__________=~'=~_.='.'*',,=- Volunteer Activities: Residents oj' Old Wilmington, Wilmington Historio Foundation - Wby do YOIl wish to sen'e 011 this board/committee! ! have an interest in aging issues and J.ong- term health care neeas T ana I think my e.xperience would be an asset. -" ='" ~--------- ContJk't o,t lrtter.est: If 8- ~Qam' memb>et oeJre-vtf-s he- :I$he has 8 (;(mfh'ctor pOtentia'! :Gon'tfict'cttnmrrml 0'/1 .a patt~Waris5Uti'. tf'l8ffT1f1moot';Uh(JUld $t8115' thf$./Je-Het1o Q1:~ ottlRt members Q-f his l her fEJ$(HilJcfirv.e ooard diH'lng'.a- public meelln{t. The membfHShoufd$tate- the nal.J1fifl'.of the r;;QiflfliGt detafJ.ingH\I-ilif'l:te!$tua na.s.fl :5'epifrate, Prlvat-e or mOflela-t)' inteyssJ, aJther llirscl or indirect, Ii) Illu-lssue tmdercrm.$ia.rmdJono 1!Je.Jn'embe;-,'iiiJu'JiJJd ,then ;exCiJSe JJim'$aHlher~lStrlmmlil'oti1lh7 on the. -m8ftm~ What areas (If concern would you.1ike to see addresse,d by this committee? Ensu:rlil that local nursing homes provide residents 'with compassionate, effective long-term car... Qualificatiolls for serving: ,?nder~"tanding or state ~d federal heal th care iss~es; famiHari ty wi "-~,,., nursing home care; willingness to devote the time and effort to the appointment (over) ..- ~---==.= OthermunidpaJ or COllnl:y boards/committees on which you aloe sening: ,None _'~m'..".~,~_ --.-----.=="--~=. "mm" ~,-------=,="-==~._----------~ '''~~~ "'=, List three local personal references and phOltt nnmbers: JUN - 5 2007 L:::J 1. Connie Majure-Rhett, 762-2611 - 2, Jenniferf'ord I 264-3838 NEW H~ NOVER CO, _.BCL11LCG.M.MlSSIQ N ERS 3. Robert Pleasants, 458-0512 '_'m;", m~"'---="c.""_________=~---==--------==~'"---=-"'-~' _~=^"--=-=,U~"_ Date: June 4, 2007 Signature:~,~.... ate mflilths: lhe re'l'en-c :side f:or ~ddil'ional comments 195 New Hanover COllnty Nursing Home Advisory Committee Application for .Patricia La'\'\'ler Sum.mary of Qualifications - continued Although I only recently moved to Wilmington, I am a native North Carolinian, and I am familiar with the state's health care system. As the state director of the National Federation of Independent Business (NEB), 1 served on the NC Commissioner of Insurance's Blue Ribbon Panel for Health Insurance (1993~1994) In 1999-2000, I addressed a number of health~reIated policy issues anclconstitttent requests as the assistant to the N.C. House Majority leader, Phil Baddour, Finally, before moving back to North Carolina this past December, I served as the senior legislative assistant to Congressman Bob Etheridge (NC~2) in Washington., DC. While in Washington, my issue portfolio included health care and veterans' issues, as well as homeland security and disaster preparedness. I understand that the duties of the advisory board members focus on the promotion of community involvement of the homes and public education of long-tenn care issues, but I also hope that we ,,,'ill have the opportunity to work with the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management to ensure that county disaster plans address the needs of the el derly. 196 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 1 VACANCY - Term: 3 years (6/30/2010) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Robert F. Cameron, Jr. Joseph Capellini Walter R. Conlogue Melanie C. Doyle Joe Mcintosh Patrick G. Riley Liz U. Coughlin called to say that she would like to be reappointed to a third term if the Board so desires. Atta.chments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 197 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Number of members: 8 (includes one County Commissioner and one Board of Education Member) Term of Office: three years - may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least one year after the last term. Qualifications: County resident 18 years of age or more who has a sincere interest and commitment to the Importance of park and recreation services; a willingness to give freely of time and energy to learn about and to carry out responsibilities; the ability to work well with all other Board members; complete open-mindedness and respect for varied points of view and consideration of all Board business; good judgment, intelligence and courage of conviction; a dedicated interest in the Park and Recreation welfare of all citizens of the county; the capability of speaking out and articulating parks and recreation needs; the ability to accept and weather criticism gracefully; the strength to refuse to be intimidated by pressure groups and issues which are not in the best interest of the whole county; a strong feeling for team work between the Director, Board of County Commissioners, and other Advisory Board members and a desire to truly know the community and the recreational needs of all citizens. Regular Meetings: First Wednesday of ea ch month at 8 :00 a. m. In Conference Room 1 05 of New Hanover County Administrative Annex Building, 230 Marketplace Drive, Wilmington, NC 29403. Statute or cause creating Board: Board was established by the Commissioners at their meeting of June 20,1988 and adoption of By-Laws Governing the Advisory Board at July 18,1988 meeting. Board of Education Member included on March 22, 1999. Com pensation: None. member may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of duties as long as such expense receives the prior approval of the Board of Commissioners or its designated agencies and is within the approved budget. Brief on the functions: The Board shall suggest policies to the Department, the Manager, and the Board of County Commissioners; serve as liaison between the Department, the Manager, the Board of County Commissioners and citizens of the county; shall consult with and advise the Department, the Manager, and the Board of County Commissioners in matters affecting recreation policies, program, personnel, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and propert.ies related to the total county recreation program, and to its long~range, projected program for recreation. The Board shall assume duties for park and recreation purposes as follows: (1) Make recommendations to set apart land for use as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures. and suggest improvements of such lands and for the construction, equipping, and staffing of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to operate the park and recreation program. (2) Advise in the acquisition of lands and structures through gifts, purchase, lease or loan. (3) Advise in the acceptance by the County of any grant, gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for park and recreation purposed and which is judged to be of present or possible future use for parks and recreation. Advise in the construction, equipping, operation, and maintenance of parks. pl.aygrounds, recreation centers and ali building and structures necessary or usefull to Department function, and advise in regard to other park and recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the County, or leased or loaned to the County. 198 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Connie H. Branch Unexpired 6/30/2008 6409 Purple Martin Court Wilmington, NC 28411 Appt. 6/19/06 686-5355 (H) 297-2032 (W) Henry D. Browning IV First 6/30/2009 1117 Princeton Dr;ve Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 6f19/06 772-8066 (H) 793-2520 (W) John M. Coble First 06/30/2008 5003 Villa Place, W. Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 8f15/05 796-6627 (H) - Liz Unger Coughlin ~ Cseconv 6/30/2007 7\ 3316 Amber Drive ~ Wilmington, NC 28409 N- Appt. 6/18/01, 6/21/04 686-2522 (H) 392-1930 (W) D-y Dr. Derrick G. Hickey First 6/30/2009 6101 Old Branch Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt 6/19/06 793-4283 (H) Katie Ryan First 6/30/2010 8805 Plantation Landing Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 App!. 2/19/07 319~3101 (H) 256~7925 (W) County Commissioner: Robert G. Greer Board of Education: Don Hayes Director: Neal Lewis 2/07 New Hanover County Parks and Recreation File: IParks 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120 BIC #23 Wilmington, NC 28403 798~7198 199 New Hanover County 2j() Go"en''''.''' COTI'.' !Jet". Board of Commissio~ers COMMITTEE APPLICATION ~~'I"11.I NC '0'0- ~"t mmg.\oj'J, i . ,{,()~' ,.f Tele-pliOllle. (SIlO) i9&-7t4~) F,,, (910)798.7145 Board/Committee: .:arks~..~nd Re.:::reatio.? Advi~ry BO~.:~.~._~~.~."_~_~.~~._~_.__ Name:_~.__.... Robert F. Came::.:m Jr. ........_......_....... ...~ Home Address: 5119 Nicholas Creek Circle 28409 {SltUt) (Zip Cod~) Mailing Address if d.ifferent: .~~_...._...._~.._~~..~.. ...~.. ~... E-Mail Address:rcame.ron@e<:=.rx.com -"'-"'-~'" ......-.. .. Home Phone: 313-1961 Fax: _._~~ Cell: .__~ ..... Business: -.... ...- Years Living in New Hanover County: ~~~...._ Male: ~ Female: ~... Race: W _. Agc: ~ (Infurmi'llion for ihe IH.l'rtlose of ,usurlng:a Ci"uS;:S sect~Qn oftht tOtilfllU:nhy) Employer: Rivers ide Managemen t {i\ f~U$Ui't cUl'l'ently employed by rhe ~:celi(:Y (!of' delHl;rtrilent for whili:h .his applitA'iiufi is lfHtUe, ihi.Ur resign hi!');}}iU posHiofl with New u)li/.'ln nppo~fiiHneni:, in auonh"uH:t' wHh Ari:idf' VI~ Se(:lion 4 of the Nt"' Hnnov~r Count)' Personnt,1 Policy.) Occupation: Business Owner Professional Activities: see.!!ta~'?:~.Ei'd resu~_. _~.~_ Volunteer Activities: ..._~'"'""__... ~"....".. Why do you wish to serve 011 tllis board/committee? I don't believe New Hanover has areas. ConWc:t a b{l.!)rd memb~r j)[! / sJ;le .a "nil rlttll should stale tile membf!(s of hiS / h~r f@spectil{~' J;Jo.:ud durjn!j a pl}i}fic m{l~!i"'~', rrle member .stJo.uh1.5laie the J'l.Hl.'re tit tMf conmct, Ge'iailitl;! that ne/fine na-S it separate, pnvtH<e or mOllerary inlerE!-sl. ,1WlJer chteCI of indOi'reCI. m!he jS5U~ uMJer con.sidf!'i"ation. rh~ member sno./.lJd thei'l' tl'xcuse himself / l'1!;'f$i:!if hom voting cn tn'e m<llier, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? _ increasing .J:,:..:k space, improving current park services. ,=~",,_~~~'.'=W"---=""=~ ,,~.,.~~~,,-----",,""~----===~- ,.= Qualificllllons for serving: See A..::tacheo~ Resume .._~_~__~~....._~_... ~"----"'~'-'>">"'"'~~~'~"'"~~"''''-~~~~''' " "-"-~=~".-,~~=,.,_.~=.~"'~~.- Other municillal or county boards/committees on which you llre serving: None ~~......~....... nm....~ ,=,,_~~.._~,~...,ru,'"_".~-'""'-'==""'---~=~'~~"~'-'----='"-"~'~~ ...~~ ~~~,. - -.~" List three IOClll Ilersonlll references and phone !lumbers: l..~.~n Wr~~~t, 50~.:2200 _.._~m.~~.._~...__.m.~~~. .~.~. ....... 2. ~~.:_::.......L. W",.!.:...' III..:... 254 -~.2~.~~~_..__~_..~ .__~.__.._~_.... _.~............._. '"".__ 3. Dr...~:':~.:'ce HO,,:..:.' 962-_~882 _~_.. ___.~~...__~_._____ ..__.~~. Dille: ~~~~?_?~.~..._..~___..~. Signature: (~l:/ ~2A..._ ArJllit:;.ltion~ ,lrt kepi un fH~ hH' 1.8 Iii 0 fHl:H lhe rtVct8~ shh for aclilHioi'ial (:.QIU men B 200 Robert F. CameroIl, Jr. 5119 Nicholas Creek Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 Home (910) 313~1961 Work (910) 762~9635 rcameron@ec.rr.eom Education: Univer,'iiIY oflv'orlh Carolina at Chapel Hill- 1991 B.A, - Political Science rVake Forest University School ofLa,t' - ] 995 J .D, Jessup International Law Moot Court Team University ofllorth Carolina at H'ilmington . 2006 M.B.A. Outstanding M.B.A. Graduate Award Outstanding Academic Achievement A ward Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary Business Fraternity Learning Alliance Most Value Added Team Award Work Expcrience: Lmv Office ofMatthevv T. Dill August 1998 - December 2001 ] \\Iorked as an attorney performing estate and tax planning, estate administration and trust administration. My activities included drafting wills, trusts and related documents, clients on tax matters and handling the administration of decedents' estates. A small percentage ofthe work also involved business, domestic and real estate law. Dill & Cameron, P.LLC January 2002 ~ January 2004 I became a member of the law firm of Dill & Cameron, P.LLC. upon its formation. ] continued my previous practice in estate plalming; however, my responsibilities now included finn related decisions and management issues. Riverside ,Vanagement, Inc. February 2004 - Present Riverside is a family S-cOIvoration \vhich operates II convenience stores in the \Vilmington area, as well as maintains various rental properties. My responsibilities include dealing with legal matters related to the C-stores, negotiating with rental tenants, and assisting in the purchase and sale of real estate. Other Activities: Public, Licensed Real Estate Broker (inactive) 201 New Hanover COUD.ty ~ ~. [' ~ ~'i I~ 'I'.'K' Do.. b Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE i III t. n, NC 2&403 pt ... (910) 798-7149 JAN 1 9 : V (910)798-7145 Board/Committee: pa:x:ks and Rec:x:eation Advisory Board L...-I Name: Joseph CapeU.in.i Home Address: 843'1 Fa.zio Drive Wilmington 28411 (Str.ot ) (City) (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: jcape~lini@ec .rr. com -- E-Mail Address: j ClilJ><:llini@ec. rr . com - Home Phone: 910-686-6315 Fax: 910-256-8969 Cell; 910-619-0164 Business: 910-619-0164 ~" ..- Years Living in Race: Cauc~sian Age: 58 New Hanover County: 5 Male: <' Female: ~ - (InformlBlUaii roil' tb~ purpon ofauilrhLg IIIi c:rolll$.l@cUoD,ofthe'(:'ommllIlU,) Employer: se~fEllllp~oyed (A.p~rsoll!l.ta..reDtl,.it1ll1p)o,ed by the' 8giflill-t)' or de-parhDi!:b:! for ..'bieh 1:bh, application b mad!!-, iiiI:1i:!ll.t T'e:lil:o Mslller IHJsitiolli with NIt.W HilUID-vtr COUlII:ty 11'00 .ppoiJDltmenllt liD a C'e:ord:llil .:*' wlt,b Art1e1e VI. S;t.dioo 4 Df tlie N~' Hsoowr COlJDty Pifl*l.onuel Foll.".) o t' Certified Public Accountant and Broker/Real tor ccnpa 1011: Professional Activities: NCAi:lll'n of CPAs, .1II:Ilerican Insti tub~ of CPA$, Nat'l Ass'n of Rea1tors, Volunteer Activities: Wilmington Arbo:x:etum, limerican cancer Society (Relay for Life) - Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? park$ and recreation programs for citizens of a11 ~ ages are important fortha growth and development of the county. ConfUet or interest" " e f;J(:mr4 member be/eVeS he/she has ,Q conflict a potent;s,1 conflict of' in'erest an i$ pant::umr i:S.$iJEi, tfjat member Mould stam th.cs p,eJJ6no fte other mem b8rs of his I fret t'ftspective tJoercI durfng 8 publiC m ufJr,!&1L The m ember s.ho-./JJd$lat~ tlle /1'8 tUfe ot' Ute -coof/iCt. tJetemnQ tha t helt.lle has- 8 separate,; priva,e at mO'f,lEl't''Y inmre.st Either di11ltcl 011' indirect" in:me I&lue (jif,ht1e-r cOf}{;~rierotkHL The .memt>.t $"o/Jfd ttJ;e;fl l!!t.tciiSl!i' itimseJfJ he.rS€f,fffrcm voting OJ'} the matter, What areas of C!lDCem would yo.. like to see addressed by this committee? 1) Long :X:a,nge pl.anning for park 1and deve~opment; 2) Relevant recreation programs for senior citizens and chi~dren. QualificatiollS for serving: Ce:x:tified Publ.ic Account;ant wi.tl1 more than 35 years financilil~ experi- ence; Rea1tor with a growing know~edge the county. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references lInd phone numbers: 1. Louise Voelker (910)256-81'11 2. Oennis Mus$er (910)233-1'1'1'1 0.. -., 3. Greg stone (9:10)68:1-0996 Date: January :1'1, 2007 Signature: ( Ap,plkalmnll 1lIt'"t' kept 00 file fOT 18 moat." 202 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Streel, Room 305 Wilmington, Ne 28401"4093 COMMITTEE APPLICA TION Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910} 341.4130 Board/Committee: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Name: Walter R. Conlogue Home Address: 102 Braxlo Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409 (Scree/) (Clry) (Zip Cod,,) Mal1ing Address if different: Same as above. _ (Ciry) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910-392-1111 Business Phone: 210-262__6507 cell Years living in New Hanover County: 25 Sex; M"l p Race.: Caucasian Age: 66 {Information for the purpose of IJSsuring a cross-secthm of the community I Empfo yer: SOil thern Jet, I nc . (A person currently employed by th" agency or department for which this applicatiol1ls made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appoinlment, in acco.rdance wit" Arilcie VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.) Job Title: Treasurer Professional Activities: . Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Volunteer Activities: President of Inlet Watch Yacht Club Why do you wish to serw} on this board/committee? I'd like to do my part in supporting our local community. What areas at concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to maintain a hal ance between economic growth and preservation of the. environment. .~ Ql1alifications for serving: 6 yearse)werience on the Planning Board and 4 years on UDO. 2 years as chairman of TRC. I was Chairman of the Planning Board for two years and vice-chairman for two years. Other municipal or county bOBrdslcommlttees on which you are serving: none Th,.. /",/ p,,,on,/ ",.,en", ,nd phone numb.", . n ~ Mr ftillCaster _ 910-617-9500 ~ 2. 10-619-7879 ~ Mr. Bill Ko 9io 431-7120 Date: 06-04-07 Signature Applications are kepI on file for 18 months -- Use reverse side for fJddl;;;';;;il7-:n-#JrtiPf1t<- 203 New H....over Coun.ty 230 Mnketplace Drive Board of CODUDissioHrs COMMITI'EE APPLlCATION Sui\.<: 115 Wil.mngl<>n.NC 28403 Telephone: (910) 198.1149 \?o.rk.s g.... Re,;..("<.c,-*-', .::>(" fax: (9\ 0) 198 .11 ~S Bollrd/Conunittee: (\)1v~ JCYO Name: -- (YIe\o.f'I-, e. C. . l:')~l~o::.... Home Address: '-\lOC\ S-V', \ \ ",,'L \ \ RJ ~':\rn;f'lZ)~'" ;::;'0'-\\ ~ (Stro.t) (City) (Zip c..) Mailm.g Address if differeDt: E-Mail Address: rt">0\etY\C" @. "" ""+ ('(\4, \. (0,'"'1'\ Home Phonlt: Z q a - l., "6'-\ :, Fax: eltlt: Business: 4:5'S-' S::lS-' <::'1 ;;>50 Years Living in l\ \I~ Male: _ Female: 1 Race: New Hanover County: (...::.'r,';"-\:.e. Age: -3 \,n (IhfOf'.&tiGJI, ror- ~ pOI"P'" of.ouring *- c:rc;.u suth)h of the commuhllty) Employer: Si-u'h". 0' NC 'iJ~R, \='".\r.RJIne.;-~"'c:..(:,","".. ......... . (A per:UMI C:'U1iTt'ntly e_plo,ycd by tM' .;I~lIlcy.r department rot" .hi.ch t.hi.. .:pplk:JICioil hi ..de, mUlot, nlip. hit/beet position with NtW Ihnover Co~~;t)' "p" .pp..int.. ...1, in ...,...dul.. with Artiel. VI, s....." 4 .r tho N.... IbJtn.. C ...nty 1'. n....... 1 1'01..".) Occupation: \-\-C(.-t t 0- \-1--..-, ( 7.$+ Professional Adivitiell: . C:o.(eb..,o..~c.J.. Vf1,e~ Tu,s \<.. "For(.,~ J r t. 1:.> \.,~(. G,ee...., \e.c........... Vohmtcer Activities: i\e~G'kbo: h,0(\ \+'0 P-. ~t<:J'; dtl'-\- E,S,l +.... k ;T' - L+ C \ GI<"" j ) u ( "'f~ no",," "~:\ (: 4""''''e.r. Why do you wish to serve w this boardJeommittee? -r .. w"-~ I-t\.e .-h, \oe." " ...\~ ":>CIh So.r:.J...l....". "t,,, F~";:\;- o\e.. r\s <:. <.e. e \Iv.. n" --.. __,~~,~or'"\ C onmet of In -le-roc f: ,r a boBfl'1 mber bef1eV&s be I she ha" e contlct or' pOJi!HUItJ conmc:t "f iJtBHal on a pijrticuhtr :is~w, that member ,iJ,noukf oiItilliIJi t-h'itit bflht-f fo the Qthlj!!( mem beTS: a" bis f her re-s'pectiVe b<oa,rd durln{l,jjl pUblic meeting, The' member $hculd .state r,he f)iHurEt of the c:oM'JJct,. detafflng t11aI hehJ:re he$. B sepaf'ilte, priVate< or mone-t.ery iltfI!trest, either ditnI or indirect. #~ ti"i8 issue U1J(jfJ-t consideratiOn. The mem,f1er $Jiou1d then etC"fJ.$1!t him8elf I h<<$t$t! Imm voting. on the- ma tier. Whal areas of eolXem would you like to see addressed by dds comm.ittee? .l UQI..\J \,~ ~o s,,"'- <Y\<:>te J;;"or",i\~,~ I .. t\"'\-.... r (.,.\, rc.e-\r ~"'f,,<{" e.c~ "-I F,k\"',", c& 1 (U ~e\~ w f~I);\r.\~ 'b'~e."'"",,Cl~ C-ObAC(..+: ...,~+-'\ _~ ,,j Qualifications for serving: . .~ _"\. Aprg ~.. .''''~'''\<>''::lS(lll\X \.,)) 'R.$..... WI c\J: f>t Q,,>\~,", ~ ~!l;r::>i"\(l"Ie"'\c.;\ , ~I cn,"s\.o..\~:r>C~.lwe1{u"Jb. p:n1(,".:\e"& ~e(:'~ ~C> J...hl ~'j/0 0 ') \-br<t:u.\+...c;;t ~I'e(:'" \,~:(\~ ':n r\c..-\~J~ <~.&tCie):... I e"",o.i>... ---\:'~J Oilier municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: IJ lA I List th ree local personal refereDllelI an d phone nu IUbers: n'C)',C\v. N\ow'A-\- FEB .., 1. 1158. - I 2.-U. -:'.:::::.'1,e v e I;;:mst <::...- ~b~ 3. ~ Lv ~ & t\.)c).",'n .. 1'\:0 - ,~CO (_"'~ . C.-- Dale: ~1-ev> l,. ,-..;::X:X:; -1_ StgI'lature: f-. - Applie:ation'J art ktpt on file ;for l8 .ii-ntbs. UK~ 'ror additiunal com lIIenb 204 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Marketplace Drive, Suire 175 - D Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICA Telephone Ifir 0) 798-7149 FAX 1910) 798.7145 r ~ III. S t:> a 6c/z IE A-r/tJ A/ ;!-V (/ I Su ~ Board/Committee: - Name: .Toe /YleTA/70S H E-Mail: JOe. de.ne@ 4;//;/1ei Home 0'- y /11fJIC W/ L. /l1 / /lit::; 7"P.(V Address: ~ l?_~ g ,L A //Ie .2'8~1 / IStreet) fCity) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: ICilV) IZip Codel Home Phone: tP'l G - 0 cfo t.f Fax: :s ;1-/11 a Cell: Business: Years living in Co f.I G Q S/AfN 76 New Hanover County: /2- Male: V" Female: Race: Age.: ~ ~ finformation for the purpose of iJssuring " cross-section of the communiTy) Employer.: tV/A fA person currently employed by the agency or depBrtment for which this iJpplication is made, must resign his/her position with Nl!w Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of thl! Nl!w Hanover County PersDnnel PolicV.) Occupation: Re. rl'ded- Affe. h th "'f c4rse-r af W A:J C W. tl Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? W"ttLp i.l'kt5 7"0 8 s . /A/f/IJLV6Q /1/1 PI, tt-NN//IIc.-f 7JEll~t- dtdmENr pr ~_7'tutt5 /"f((K~,,~ G-t2e.eNfAI""'r~n*' 6uJ,f(ovey; Conflict of Interest If.a boa.cd member 1;Jelieves he/she has a conflict Of potential conllier of interest on. particlJfar issue, that member shou/(} stare this beli8f to the v ctJ. oth., ml'ffflb.rs 01 his/her re.spective boord during a public meeting. The ml'ffflba, should state the nature 01 the r;onflicl, detailing thai he/sl,a has 8 sep8rate, private Of monetary interest, either direct ar indirect., in the issue under consideration. The member shouJd then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matte/. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? CI7#rrpt:nlZv E FFOR.-"lS -/..0 SECulZS .i /ftV 7J ';:O/f- r t.{ /u/2-G ;?f/cKS: .;tt1/D GREE>vWt1Y.s. Qualifications for ser~~~Ofi: CI/A/12JJ1/lN "r r:;:.rfL# ler u/!l.fi"l1A/6 7711# ;7a.iNN'J #SSdC.. Ik /4/>2 r'f Ac. -r ({J {2 !?tshl!rnzn,y',. b,-k.e-re /(A ~ r=/V"V'/s r k'A:/z:>(5/6S7?ft1/D THE .AI lE 6 z>5 /1-N D tic ().U1teC/'1EN ;:::(;.,4 7~E:SG d-'07'h'E/2 /CtC/2EA- /d,A/I"IL AC7'/W7'/6S. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are sarving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1.. ~ IJ r9- 6A.a- 2. i: Et/ h <66- 1;:/9/ FEB - 6 2007 - ,.=~,,,, -- 2. ..JOHN Cf9:A/t1uA (p g6 - '7 Ipl j) .. NW HANOVER CO .. BD. Of COMMISSll 3. ~b - ():l.. 0 / Date:1G B 12 u A/t Y C:., ... ;2 () () 7 Signature ~~ Applications"re kept on file IQr 18 months Please use reverse. side for additional comments r .........t 't ~".....",- J_ 205 rz. . c u Y r ~J?.j tl n/ 4 rk re. ! t.-H e.rq (;(1 PS'r tx H#vE ?.ecl/IOUSI..Y Ell/.:f/)yeO wOI<K1Jie; w I Tit 7?1c ?/f4 KS 5-r,4;:~ frS fq:r 7 CflAI/Jrn/lN D;:: 7"Jf e Gw7'A. As ,4 1#5" 1 /11 n I --r/f It 'I 0 r;::/ c e /L c.. C; () p,c .-f# ;LJ1I Dc I' e IV D EN r / tsU,s/,,v!3-'"S cwAI/2J'1'+/V ",No .,nc.-.,Bc-z.. d/' rnA-A/ / I C (j '11 ./1'1 I 7''''''1 t:J'j /;0# :J'Ve/AN"eAI qn'/I""VA-~G, I HAVE -r /-It;; A-'Blt-1-rr 7d fl?-evG A7 A I'I!DlJ""-"-' v/9 ,-., ",,/>1 (Sc -(. Or: rHIS CfJ.n11Y117-ree. \ ~\~ [V\+OS h 0'De n"l; 206 I 0 ^ 2007)(4:08 1 onW I mi~gton Realtorss IARIICK MATTHEIS No. 0046 p 2002/003 Q t, a ~, L;, I. New Hanover County no M..k'lpl.".Or,... Board of Co~m.1&lo~ers COMMITTEE APPLICATION Sui.. I is wa......'..n, Nt: n40~ T.IoJll>onAl (910j198.7149 1'"", (91Qli9~-iIU Board/Committee: Pa~kl!l &fie. ReOl.\aation Adv!sory Boue. NIMeJ Patrick G. ail.,y Home Address: 154 CheYlmne Trail Wilm.i.ngton 26409 (~I1.,t) (CIty) lZIP t....., Mailing AddrH5 if different: patdok~llI~lllllllestat.e' oom E-Mail Address: pa trick@lllwmrlila1elilUlte .COII\ Hame Phone: Fox: 910-754-4200 Cell: 910-754-4100 Business: 910-"/54-4100 Years Living In Now" .nover County: 11 Maler ...L.J FemBle: --.J flare: Cal.l.ClIl.lli.an Agc: :U u.r'fll!lldolll'or IIIl ,ur,... ,h"url1'll ~..... '''"'"ft at dI. n....un;tyl Employer: HaUl, Warw1.Clk, MatthewlI , Co. (A t.H1.. ",,_.Iy ...~It1'f by fIlI"lIlet I r fIPlrI..,.1 fnr .-IIkll thll.,pllutl.. i. Ill''', m.... Rlii:" httlll.. ,..lli... wi." No'" R...".. C'"AIy ul'." .lll'........."', lotto.rdlft'f willi MIldl Ill. 10011,. 4 or lh, "'...lI....nC.UI) hl'"ulII ".ll.~,,) ODcepaUon:CommarCial Broker Proteuiollal Adlyitilll: Prill\Uily lano uan..C1t:.iol'la :1 n eO\lt:hea. tiern 1\0. Vlllllllteer AttMtIes: Rotary, Churoh BClt:iv1ti.B Why dO)lOll wlGI\ tll,trvlI OIl this boardlcommUtec.?TCI he~p develop 11 plan for ino:eIlB.i.l'lgtbe parks eV1lilllble for our oOIll!ll.Ili\.1ty and plrcvid.e an env1rCNlentlllly friendly and I,ulllble product. CoMIIc. o/lnlO....t" (, .uJd ",."'Dot UII.lVII U ".,"",, .,."" !If p.I'"IIII,,""J'1 .11'111,..' 0" I p./lIo.lor II..., llIallllliU" ,."",,, '1'1110/0 011I.". m. ow.. ...........1.'1' h., ""P'OUI1 b..rd d.'M~ I 1..YUlG."." Th' ",,,...t,r f~.fd"4;1' lh, .'WI. ,11M' ..."101, ..'IM"9 tn,l hlnn' n... u..'.lo, .".11' 0""""".1)' /".''''1, .ilJl,,"lro,olorl.dl".1, I. 11l.1....lIIld.H.~fld".IJII/I. 111. """'UIUlllIlllhU .11... ~llIlnlllhfl#'IH'.m 1'Il"~' ..IU ...11.'. Whit area. of concern would )'llllliktl to see Ilddrened bytbis commlttte'! Colllhil'1iIl!l" green apse.. in the devaloplllent and redievelopmen.t: pro:;eotll oominc;r tQ our area. QualificlltiDndorurving: WC-willlliru;ton - Environmilntal $t:udial;l 9,,1,.. 1996, Undarstanding tha l"I.ec1. and poten'tb..l for our oOlMlunity to grow with conservation Jill!] a p;.rtner. Other Munh:lplll 01' count)' bOllrdslcomrnltttes flTl which )'ou Drt scrv1ng: NA List tbr0e IDIlRI poriOn.' rofe-relltes lIl\d phMe number9: t. Loo NOWllk 910-154-4100 2. Hanlan Hatch.va 910-791-0400 3, Chria Stone 910-520-316B Dnte: JAnUAry 23, 2007 Sigllllture: Aprll.,'Io". or. k.p' ... m. f.r 18 mo Mil. U .11:'I r -1l't'1t' tJdIG fu illii.ldhluud c~m mlL'ift if 207 This page intentionally left blank. 208 COMMIITTEE APPOINTMENT BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1 VACANCY (3-Yearterm, 6/30/2010) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANT: REAPPOINTMENT William A. Caster X Attachments: Committee linformation Sheets Applications 209 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES Number of Members: 5 2 appointed by County Commissioners 2 appointed by N, C. Social Services Commission 1 appointed by DSS Board Term of Office: three years. members can only serve two consecutive full 3-year terms, If originally appointed to fill an unexpired term, can serve this term and two consecutive three-year terms. Special provision for County Commissioners. G.S. 108A-4. Qualifications: Must be a bona fide resident of the County. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Multipurpose room of the DSS, 1650 Greenfield Street Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 108A-1. Brief on Functions: Shall establish county policies for the programs established by the General Statutes in conformity with the rules and reg ulations of the Social Services Commission and under the supervision of the Department of Human Resources. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION William A Caster ~ First 6/30/2007 f County Commissioner .. '. . 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 6/21/04 Wilmington, NC 28403 452-1282 (H) Ann Baucom Pitts Second 6/30/2008 1907 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28409 6/17/02,6120/05 763-6750 (H) NC Social Services Commission Appointees: First 6/3012008 F, Wayne Morris 6716 Yarmouth Way 7/1/05 Wilmington, NC 28409 793-0842 Frankie Roberts Second 6/3012007 P.O. Box 401 121 Hargrove Drive 7/1101,7104 Wilmington, NC 28402 762-4635 (H) DSS Board Appointee: First 6/30/2008 John E. Craig 7507 S. Promontory Court 4/27105 Wilmington, NC 28412 392-0022 210 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES (Cont.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS I EXPIRATION APPOINTMENT Director: LaVaughn Nesmith 6/06 Department of Social Services File: /DSS 1650 Greenfield Street S/C #27 Wilmington, NC 28401 798-3400 211 This page intentionally left blank. 212 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBL Y ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 11:30 a.m. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:35 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 215 11:40 a.m. ^> Consideration of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance for the New 217 -'. Hanover County Water and Sewer District 11:55 a.m. 4. Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007-104 219 213 This page intentionally left blank. 214 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: District Chairman Kopp Contact: Sheila L. Schult Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Water and Sewer District - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the Water and Sewer District meeting held on June 4,2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 215 This page intentionally left blank. 216 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Bruce Shell Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 217 This page intentionally left blank. 218 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Avril Pinder Contact: Avril Pinder Item Does Not Review SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendment amends the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007: 2007 -104- Water and Sewer RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of ordinance for the budget amendment listed above. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: To amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2007. ATTACHMENTS: @j..,. ..:::.:.::::::: 2007-1046-5-07.doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 219 AGENDA: June 18,2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2007-104 BE IT ORDAINED bv the Board of COlmnissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2007 -104 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Water and Sewer Department: Water and Sewer AdministrationlW ater and Sewer Finance EXDenditure: Decrease Increase Water and Sewer Administration Transfer to Capital Projects $980J67 Total $980,167 Revenue: Decrease Increase Water and Sewer Finance Appropriated Fund Balance $980J67 Total $980,167 Fund: Brookfield/Brienvood and WellfieldlTreatment Plant Department: Revenue: Decrease Increase Brookfield/Brierwood. Installment Loans $165,652 Transfer in from Fund 800 $165,652 Wellfield/Treatment Plant Installment Loans $814,515 Transfer in from Fund 800 $814,515 Total $980,167 $980,167 Section 2: Explanation 1) To appropriate fund balance in Fund 800 to transfer to Brookfield/Brierwood Project and the Wellfield/Treatment Plant Project These two projects were initially funded with estimated installment financing. The cost to issue COPs (Certificates of Participation) financing for the Brookfield/Brierwood Project reduced the proceeds received: therefore, a budget transfer is required. 2) The estimated installment financing for the Wellfield/Treatment Plant has been delayed until plant construction. This budget amendment will appropriate necessary funds to cover the revenue shOlifall until the financing occurs and the County would reimburse itself Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count v Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2007 -104 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is adopted. Adopted, this dav of ,2007. (SEAL) William A Kopp, .II', District Chairman ATTEST Sheila L Schult Clerk to the District Board 220 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/07 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution of Support for House Bill 274 BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioner Pritchett received notification that House Bill 274 would be discussed on June 11, 2007, with the focus being on the legal aspects of the legislation. She wrote to the state legislative delegation to encourage their support of this bill, which would provide great support to all North Carolina counties in the ongoing fight against gangs. A resolution of support for House Bill 274 is attached for the Board's consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . RESOLUT~O~.~ :eg.:::cH::g G~':::',NG \/;OLE~~CE H8274.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 221 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, it is the right of every person to be secure from fear, intimidation and harm caused by gang activity; and WHEREAS, additional criminal deterrents are needed to address increasing gang violence; and WHEREAS, House Bill 274, "The North Carolina Street Gang Prevention Act," will provide law enforcement additional tools to address gang violence through increased offense classification, contraband seizure and abatement, restrictions on pre-trial release and enhanced sentencing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby resolve full and complete endorsement of House Bill 274, to be enacted as "The North Carolina Street Gang Prevention Act," and requests that our legislative delegation support the proposed law. This the 18th day ofJune, 2007. New Hanover County William A. Caster, Chairman SEAL ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 222