1979-09-04 Regular Meeting 4,67 .f {, 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 4, 1979, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New'Hanover Couqty Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. (The meeting was postponed until Tuesday since Monday, September 3,' 1979, was Labor Day which was a "County holiday.) Members present were Commissioners, Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Karen E. GoJtovi; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Ellen C. Williams; County ManJger George F. Cooper; County Attorney James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Rusmisell No members were absent. o o o Chm. Williams called the meeting to order. Rev. Emerson Thompson of Grace United Methodist Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1979 Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 13, 1979, were unanimously approved'as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 20, 1979 Comm. Wright pointed out that in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, on Page 462 under "Proposed Architectural Agreement for Courthouse Alterations" she had understood that in addition to working up a plan for the possibility of a new court- house, "they would also go ahead with planning for whatever was necessary to be done to the old red brick building. Comm. O'Shields stated that it was his understanding that they would look at the renovation project, reduce the scope of it and keep it to primarily the red brick court- house and whatever minimal work had to be done and that it was not an authorization to proceed with the design of a new courthouse. Comm. Gottovi stated that there was some discussion about the wisdom of redoing the old building and" it, seemed to her that it was left until the whole situation could be looked into before anything was done. Chm. Williams stated that it was her feeling that the fact should be considered that a half million dollars would be spent on buildings that would sooner or later have to be changed anyway and that only what was absolutely necessary should be done. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armstead, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, 1979, as corrected. Upon vote, the motion carried un- animously. (See Page 476 for additional comments & clarification.) LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER OPENING CEREMONY Sheriff T. A. Radewicz appeared before the Board to discuss plans for a grand opening ceremony for the Law Enforcement Center. It was agreed to set a tentative date for an open house for October 7, 1979, from 12 -' 6 p. m. with the ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for 4:00 p. m. on that date. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to ask the Architects to have the building ready for acceptance by September 24, 1979. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. AWARD OF BID FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT UNIFORM The following bids were received on uniforms, for the Sheriff's Department: Frank's Uniforms, Inc. Hub Uniform Company Stinnette Uniform Sales, Inc. American Uniform Sales, Inc. $15,879 $16,500 $16,416 $15,315 Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to award the bid to the low bidder, American Uniform Sales, Inc., in the amount of $15,315 as recommended by the Sheriff. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Mr. C. G. Berry commented on the Law Enforcement Center construction. DISCUSSION ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING PLANT Mr. Ted Sampley appeared before the Board to discuss the possibility of a single county or multi-county solid waste recycling plant for this area. 468 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 (CONTINUED ) il.,~ FUNDS FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL FROM VOCATIONAL EDUCATION BUILDING Mr. Billy Mason appeared before the Board to request approval of the use of $30,243 from the Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund to provide additional funding necessary for removal of asbestos from the George H. West Vocational Building and also that the Capital Outlay account be increased by an additional $5,983 which funds were available from the sale of a boat. The Commissioners had received copies of the engineer's pro- posal for the work. ' Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to authorize the use of the $30,243 as requested and also the use of the additional $5,983 from the sale of the boat. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL RETRIEVAL STATION FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE 0 Mrs. Lois LeRay, Registrar of Deeds, appeared before the Board to request an additional retrieval station with printer for the Register of Deeds Office. She had requested this in her current budget but it was deleted on recommendation of the County Manager. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to approve the request for an additional retrieval station with printer as requested and the following budget amend- ment'necessary to cover the cost: Debit - Acct. #11 445 61, Contingencies Credit - Acct. #11 480 74, Equipment $9,958 $9,958 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. TABLING OF PROPOSED LEASE OF AIRPORT PROPERTY County Attorney Fox advised that the advertisement on the proposed lease of Airport Property for a direct dial business directory did not meet the time requirements and could not be acted on at this meeting. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to continue this matter until the next meeting. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER - ADAP-05 Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to approve Change Order #2 to the contract with Dickerson, Inc. for several cost overruns and changes in the Genera~ Aviation Apron Expansion and Lighting Contract and the following budget amendment: L.J Debit - Acct. 1/84 575 76, Contingency & Admin. (Project) $53,915.80 Acct. 1/,84 576 04, Legal Fees 9,500.00 Acct. 1/84 579 54, Basic Engineering 3,917.00 Acct. 1/84 579 71, Lighting Contract 1,931.40 Acct. 1/84 519 76, Contingency' & Admin. (Project) 391. 00 Acct. 1/79 575 74, Capital Outlay - Equipment 21,128.00 Credit - Acct. 1/84 575 55, Resident Engineering $ 7,979.00 Acct. 1/84 575 71, Lighting Contract 40.00 Acct. 1/84 577 54, Basic Engineering 10,631.00 Acct. 1/84 575 70, Paving Contract 72 ,133.20 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. MAINTENANCE EASEMENT FOR CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, approval of the Agreement with Carolina Power & Light Company for an easement across Airport property for the purpose of maintaining the underground cables serving the VASI lights on runways 05 and 23. Upon vote, the motion car~ied unanimously. A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. APPROVAL OF BILL OF SALE AND LEASE AGREEMENT - CAROLINA BEACH LIBRARY BRANCH . County At~orney Fox commented on the agreements. o Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to authorize the Chairman to sign the Lease Agreement and Bill of Sale for the Carolina Beach Library Branch as recommended. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Copies of the agreements are on file in the County Manager's Office. APPROVAL OF LIBRARY MICROFILM CONTRACT Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to authorize the County Manager to sign the contract with Baker and Taylor Company for professional services involved in preparing and maintaining the microfilm catalogue for the Library as recommended by the Library Advisory Board and the County Manager. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. A copy of the Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. 11,ct o o o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 {CONTINUEnl 469 BREAK Chm. Williams recessed the meeting for a break from 9:59 o'clock a. m. until 10:02 o'clock a. m. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - ARROWHEAD SUBDIVISION, SECTION 12, AND CRESTWOOD SUBDIVISION, SECTION 12 , Mr. Harry Oakes of the Planning Department reported that both of these plats were approved at the Planning Commission Subdivision Review Committee meeting on August 27, 1979. Mr. Oakes explained that the plat of Crestwood, Section 12, was approved con- tingent on resolving an improvements discrepancy which has since been resolved. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, approval of the final plats of Arrowhead Subdivision, Section 12, and Crestwood Subdivision, Section 12. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. PAYMENT TO KAY BUILDING COMPANY FOR TENNIS COURTS AT HUGH MACRAE PARK Comm. Wright moved, to approve payment to Kay Building Company for additional costs incurred due to unforeseen delays in construction of the tennis courts at Hugh MacRae Park. The Director of Parks and Recreation, Steve Stevens, appeared before the Board to explain the reasons for the delays. Comm. Gottovi seconded Comm. Wright's motion and upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi, O'Shields and Wright Comm. Armistead and Chm. Williams Comm. Williams moved not to release the $800 retainage to Hinton Construction Company until the area was seeded and grass was growing. The motion did not receive a second. UPDATE ON WATERFRONT PARKS The Commissioners had been furnished copies of the Master Plan Report prepared by Derick G. S. Davis and Associates on 4 waterfront parks. Mr. Steve Stevens, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained the report and answered questions from the Commissioners. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to accept the report and pay Derick G. S. Davis and Associates with the understanding that he. would make any modifications to the plan required by the State upon their .review. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF USE OF TENNIS COURTS AT HUGH MACRAE PARK Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve the request of the Wilmington Tennis Association: for permission to,use the tennis courts at Hugh MacRae Park for the Little League Tennis Program from 3:30 p. m. - 5:30 p. m. on Mondays and Wednesdays from September 4 through October 17, said permission to be renewed in January of each year. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM LEASE AGREEMENT FOR SNOW'S CUT PARK Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve a short term lease agreement for Snow's Cut Park to open it up until the final signing by the Corps of Engineers and':the State and appropriate $300 for a pump, $100 for paint and $300 for caretaker service. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. AWARD OF BID FOR MOWER FOR BUILDING AND GROUNDS The following bids were received on a front cutting mower for the Building and Grounds Department: Turf 'n' Timber, Inc. Porter Brothers, Inc. $3,000.00 $4,685.00 Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that the bid be awarded to the low bidder; Turf 'n' Timber, Inc. in the 'amount ,of $3,000 as recommended. Upon vote, the motion carried.unanimously. APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE MECHANIC IV POSITION Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to approve the request for a Maintenance Mechanic IV position to be responsible for maintaining heating and air conditioning equipment in County buildings and the following budget amendment 'to fund the position: 470 17D MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE MECHANIC IV POSITION CONTINUED Debit - Acct. 1111 535 15, Maintenance & Repair $9,418 Credit - Acct. 1111 535 02, Salaries & Wages ' $8,056 Acct. 1111 535 05, FICA 494 Acct. 1111 535 06, Group Insurance 240 Acct. 1/11 535 07, Retirement 628 Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. SALE OF CITY AND COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to approve the bids on City 0 and County owned property advertised for sale as recommended. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. A copy of the list of bids received is contained in Exhibit Book VII, Page 26. PAVING ASSESSMENTS - HILLSDALE SUBDIVISION Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to adopt the following Resolution Declaring Cost, Exclusive of Costs Incurred at Street Intersections, and Ordering Preparation of Preliminary Assessment Roll and Setting Time and Place for Public Hearing on Preliminary Assessment Roll. WHEREAS, the improvement of Lexington Avenue between Pine Clay Road and Charter Drive and Wesley Avenue between Charter Drive and Hillsdale Avenue was requested by proper petition of property owners duly certified as sufficient in all respects by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the undertaking of the said project was ordered by Resolution of this body passed on the 4th day of December, 1978, and has been completed in accordance therewith; and WHEREAS, the cost exclusive of costs incurred at street intersections, has been determined; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina: o 1. That the cost of the above described improvement, exclusive of so much of the total cost as was incurred at street inter- sections, has been computed and determined and is hereby declared to be $1,995.00. 2. That the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is ,hereby directed to prepare a preliminary assessment roll, in accordance with Chapter l60A, Section 227, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, showing the individual assess- ments upon properties benefited by said improvement. 3. That the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to make available during regular office hours, in her office, the said preliminary assessment roll for the purpose of inspection by the public from this day through the 28th day of September, 1979. 4. Thatthis Board of Commissioners will hold a public hear- ing in accordance with Chapter l60A, Section 228, of the General Statutes of North Carolina, at 9:00 A. M., on the 1st day of October, 1979 at the Commissioners Meeting Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina for the purpose of hearing all interested persons who appear. o 5. That the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is hereby di- rected to issue public notice of the above described public hearing, to be published on the 14th day of September, 1979, and to secure publisher's affidavit certifying the advertise- ment of said hearing. 6. That the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed no later than 10 days before the public hearing to mail by first class mail copies of the notice of hearing on the preliminary assessment roll to the owners of property listed thereon. This, the 4th day of September, 1979. ;/71 o o o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979{CONTINUED) 471 PAVING ASSESSMENTS - HILLSDALE SUBDIVISIONS ~ONTlNUED) Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. UTILITY EASEMENT TO CITY OF WILMINGTON City of Wilmington Engineer, Mr. Ward Andrews, and Mr. Cicero Yow, City Attorney, appeared before the Board to request two utility easements across County property, one easement for a permanent utility right-of-way and one which would terminate on December 31, 1981, for construction of a 3D-inch force main. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve the easements subject to the County Engineer's statement that it would not interfere with County use of the property. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. RECOMMENDATION FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM County Manager Felix Cooper had furnished the Commissioners a memorandum outlining his recommendation for a computer vendor to set up a system for the County. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to approve the recommendation of the County Manager to deal with Burroughs Corporation for a computer system. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDERS - LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Upon motion byComm. Wright, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, the following change orders and budget amendments were unanimously approved in the Law Enforcement Center Capital Project: Equipment Change Order #1 to purchase an ice machine and the following budget amendment to cover the cost: Debit - Acct. #77 575 80, Contingencies (Project) Credit - Acct. #77 575 76, Kitchen Equipment $1,327 $1,327 Change Order P-l with M & M Plumbing Company for installation of the ice maker and the following budget amendment to cover the cost: Debit - Acct. #77 575 80, Contingencies (Project) Credit - Acct. #77 575 82, Plumbing Contract - M & M $ $ 93 93 BUDGET AMENDMENT - LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Wright, the following budget amendment was unanimously approved in the Law Enforcement Center Capital Project ordi- nance for change orders, G-15 and E-7 which were approved at the Commission meeting of August 20: Debit - Acct. #77 575 70, General Contract Acct. #77 575 72, Electrical Contract $ 138.00 $1,474.20 Credit - Acct. #77 575 80, Contingencies (Project) $1,612.20 BUDGET AMENDMENT - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve the following budget amendment to increase the Medicaid budget for FY 1979/80.' Debit - Acct. #41 350 15, State Medical Assistance Credit - Acct. #41 610 05, Medical Assistance - Medicaid $132,236 $132,236 Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi, O'Shields, Wright and Chm. Williams Comm. Armistead BUDGET AMENDMENT - CETA ADMINISTRATION County Manager Cooper explained that it was found during the period of the CETA contract that the County did not need all the funds and it was being returned in order that it could be used for some other contract. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to approve the following budget amendment to deobligate $6,460 from the Title III YCCIP contract. Acct. #61 680 17, Indirect Cost Acct. #61 680 33, Other, tuition, etc. Acct. #61 680 36, Equipment Acct. #61 680 50, Participant wages $ 543 - Deobligate $ 315 - Deobligate $ 350 - Deobligate $5,252 - Deobligate Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. 472 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 ~ONTINUED) n~ CHANGE ORDERS AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS - HOSPITAL EXPANSION Comm. O"Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, to approve the following budget amendments to cover change orders approved in the Hospital Expansion Project: Debit - Acct. #78 575 71, Plumbing Contract $ 686 Acct. #78 575 76, Contingencies $13,192 Credit - Acct. #78 575 70, General Contract $11,172 Acct. #78 575 73, Electrical Contract, $ 2,299 Acct. #78 575 72, Heating and A/C $ 407 and the following budget amendment to reimburse the Hospital for interest earned on $400,000 Certificate of Deposit being held by the County: Debit - Acct. #78 329 00, Interest Credit - Acct. #78 575 91, Payment to Hospital $ 6,860 $ 6,860 o Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. DONATION OF PROPERTY Tax Administrator Larry Powell had advised that Mrs. Molly A. Leete would like to donate several parcels of property to the City and County in lieu of paying the taxes owed on the property. Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to accept the following parcels of property if there were no other liens against them: 908 S. 12th Street 517 N. 9th Street Alley rear off Wright Street Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. SALARY FOR COUNTY MANAGER Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to set the salary for County Manager Felix Cooper at the figure that was in the budget for 1979/80. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. o WATER TRAILER FOR FLEMINGTON County Manager Cooper reported that he had hot been successful in acquiring an additional water trailer from the State for use at Flemington but he had acquired a used Federal surplus trailer for $250 which was being cleaned up to be placed in Flemington where the majority of the people wanted it placed. REPAIRS TO WATER TANK TRUCK County Manager Cooper requested permission to repair the 1000 gallon tank truck at the Airport for emergency water use. Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to authorize the repairs on the 1000 gallon tank truck at the Airport and transfer $1,000 from Contingencies to Main- tenance & Repairs - Auto and Trucks in the Garage Account. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON 911 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Executive Director of the Cape Fear Council of Governments, Sheriff T. A. Radewicz and Capt. L. P. Hayes of the Sheriff's Department appeared before the Board to report on the status of the 911 Emergency Communications System. Comm. Wright moved to request County Manager Cooper and the Sheriff and the engineer to discuss this with whatever officials were appropriate to try to resolve it in the manner the County felt it was necessary. Comm. Armistead requested that it be strongly emphasized that the Commissioners 0 felt it should be a County function and that the County should be responsible for the dispatching and seconded Comm. Wright's motion. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 5 The Commissioners agreed by concensus to postpone the Special Meeting with con- sultants for a Solid Waste Study which was scheduled for September 5, 1979, at 7:00 p.m. until September 11, 1979, at 7:00 p. m. USE OF BELK-BEERY PARKING LOT FOR RIVERFRONT CELEBRATION The Commissioners agreed by consensus to allow the Downtown Area Revitalization Effort to use the old Belk-Beery parking lot for parking during the Old Wilmington Riverfront Celebration on October 5, 6 and 7. '173 o o o . I 473' MINUTES'OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 <CONTINUm, COUNTY ENGINEER TO ATTEND WASTE IMANAGEMENT SEMINAR IN CHICAGO Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to allow the County Engineer, / Bob Williams, to go to Chicago to a Waste Management Seminar and transfer $750 into ,'/ the Engineering Travel Account to cover the cost. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. I DISCUSSION ON COURTHOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT It was agreed to table the presentation on the Courthouse renovation project until the next meeting. County Manager Cooper reported that the Architect for the renovation project, Jay DeChesere, agreed with not doing any major renovation to the Courthouse at this time and also that he would rat~er not present any plans that might interfere with another architect's design and plan. Mr. Cooper stated that Mr. DeChesere also recom- mended that the project be sta~ted from scratch, with an architect being selected to do the general block design plus the architectural plans for any proposed buildings. I DISCUSSION ON WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT Comm. O'Shields stated that' he felt there was a problem with a part of the contract , with Waste Management, Inc. in tpat it was his understanding of some purchases that ~v had peen made by that company tit he felt may be in violation of their contract. y., County Attorney Fox agreed 10 look into the matter. DISCUSSION ON HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORT County Manager Cooper reported that the Civil Preparedness Coordinator, Col. I Ben Washburn, had agreed to discuss with the Commissioners the tracking, Ordinances and concern over hazardous waste! in the County, and because of the inclement weather probably would not be able to come, so it was agreed to have him appear at a later meeting. . I Comm. Gottovi moved to authorize Col. Washburn as the County Hazardous Shipment Information Officer. The motionl did not receive a second. OFFER OF SALE FROM GRAYS TONE GALLERIES OWNERS County Manager Cooper informed the Commissioners that he had received a letter from the Attorney for the owners of Graystone Galleries offering the building for sale to the County. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to recess the meeting to Executive I Session to discuss possible litigation and Committee Appointments. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. I Chm. Williams recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 11:45 o'clock a. m. Chm. Williams reconvened thelmeeting to Public Session at 11:56 o'clock a. m. APPOINTMENT OF BOB WARWICK TO PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH COMMISSION Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Williams, to appoint Mr. Bob Warwick to fill an unexpired term on the Port, W~terway & Beach Commission until February 28, 1982. ::::U:::::Tthe motion carried uninimOUS1Y. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon I vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Williams adjourned the meeting at 11:57 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, ~4,/l~ Alyce B. Rusmisell Clerk to the Board