1989-06-26 RM Exhibits . . . JUNE, 1989 ~ STANDARDS for Child Care Resource and Referral Affiliates of the Resource Information Exchange Hubs for the many diverse and currently uncoordinated child care activities in each regional community of North Carolina, Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) affiliates will provide permanent, local, adaptable structures through which public and private groups can work together to enhance the accessibility, improve the quality, and increase the availability of affordable child care. --For parents, CCR&R's will offer the information on options, quality indicators, and costs necessary to make informed child care choices. --For child care providers, CCR&Rs will offer the technical assistance and training necessary to enter the field and provide ongoing quality care. --For communities and for the state, CCR&Rs will provide the comprehensive data on supply and demand necessary to make sound decisions on child care policy. I. Definition of Child Care Resource and Referral A. An inclusive, flexible service respectful of individual choice 1. Serves parents of all economic and ethnic groups in service delivery area 2. Refers to all forms of child care 3. Makes referrals, not recommendations (nonjudgmental) B.A Flexible, Community-Based Service 1. Establishes and maintains relationships with all local groups interested in child care such as parents, providers, employers, United Ways, local governments, school districts, private schools, religious institutions, etc. 2. Serves as a community broker/facilitator, identifying and responding to child care needs within the service delivery area . . . 2 C. Core Services 1. Assembles and maintains a data base on child care provider supply 2. Provides child care counseling and referrals for parents 3. Coordinates the development of new child care resources 4. Provides ongoing technical assistance and coordinates training for child care providers 5. Records and analyzes parent demand data II. Child Care Resource and Referral Service Standards A. Establishes Identity in Service Delivery Area 1. Seeks to involve various community groups interested in child care in planning and directing its services --includes on its board or advisory committee representatives from such community sectors as parents, providers, Councils of Government, civic groups, employers, school districts, private schools, local governments, United Ways, religious institutions, etc. --each county in a multi-county service delivery area has representation on the full CCR&R board/advisory committee and may have its own Advisory Subcommittee 2. Recognizes and respects the ethnic and linguistic variety within the service delivery area --maintains file of data from Census Bureau and other agencies on ethnic composition of census tracts in service delivery area --Selects staff sensitive to the diversity of the service delivery area's population 3. Recognizes and respects the economic and occupational variety within the service delivery area --maintains file of data from Census Bureau and other agencies on composition of labor force, median level of family income, percentage of unemployment in census tracts of service delivery area --employs staff experienced and/or trained in working with families from entire economic spectrum 4. Makes services as accessible to the population of the service delivery area as possible --minimum of 20 hours live telephone coverage weekly --call forwarding, 800 numbers, answering machines where needed . . . 3 --a central location in service delivery area, with drop-in hours where needed --publicity for telephone numbers and services --satellite locations where feasible B. Legitimacy among all sectors of provider and social service communities in service delivery area 1. Maintains relationships with all types of child care providers in the service delivery area, including, but not limited to --associations for family day care homes --agencies sponsoring family day care homes --organizations of center directors --agencies sponsoring day care centers 2. Resolves potential conflicts of interest --has a written policy insuring lack of bias in making referrals to competing service providers (if the CCR&R itself provides care in addition to resource and referral) --establishes procedures to ensure that referrals are bias-free 3. . Maintains working relationships with other human service agencies in service delivery area 4. Employs qualified staff who are --knowledgeable of and impartial toward all forms of child care --respectful of all parents' child care choices --training staff meets the preservice requirements for child care Administrators outlined in' Section .0704 of North Carolina Child Day Care Requirements below or has an equivalent combination of education and experience: .0704 PRESUVICt: REQUIREKJITS FOR A()t{ft{lSTRATORS (al The on-site administrator who has overall responsibility for planning and administering the child care progr~m shall meet the following requirements: III Be at least 21 years of age, and be literateJ and 121 Have either a high school or general education diplomaJ and 4 . (31 Have two years of full-time verifiable child day care or early childhood experienceJ or an undergraduate, graduate, or associate degree, with at least l2 semester hours in child development, child psychology, early childhood education or directly related fieldJ or a Child Development Associate CredentialJ or completion of a community or technical college curriculum program in the area of child care or early childhoodJ and (4) Have verification of having successfully completed, or be currently enrolled in, 3 quarter hours, or 33 clock hours, of training in the ~rea of child care program administrationJ or, have one year experience performing administrative responsibilitiesJ or, have one year experience performing administrative responsibilities and have another full-time staff person, who meets (II through (31 of this Paragraph who is responsible for planning and implementing the daily program at the center to comply with Sections .0500 and .0600 of this subchapter. (b I The administrator of a child day care program who does not routinely work on site, or who is responsible for more than one center and/or home, shall have verification of having successfully completed, or be currently enrolled in, 3 quarter hours, or 33 clock hours, of training in child care program administrationJ or, have one year experience performing administrative responsibilities and have at least one full-time staff person on site at each center who meets the requirements of (l) through (3) of Paragraph (a). . (e) Any person who is at least 2l years old and literate who was employed as an on-site administrator in a day care program on or before September I, 1986, shall be exempt from the provisions of Paragraphs (al and (b) of this Rule. History Note: statutory Authority G.S. 110-91181J 143B-168.3J Eff. January 1, 1986J Amended Eff. July 1, 1988J January 1, 1987. --counseling staff meets the preservice requirements for child care Teachers as outlined in Section .0710 of North Carolina Child Day Care Requirements below or has an equivalent combination of education and experience: '. .ono PRESERVICE RE~REterrS F~ TEACHERS Am AIDES (al The teacher/caregiver with responsibility for planning and implementing the daily program for each group of children shall be at least 18 years of age, literate, and have at least one of the following: . (1) A high school or general education diploma and one of the following: (AI One year of verifiable experience working in a child day care centerJ or IBI Twenty additional hours of training within the first six months of employmentJ or (CI Successful completion of the Department of public Instruction's child Care ServicesOccupational Home Economics ProgramJ or III A Child Development Associate Credential, or 5 (31 Graduation from a child care or early childhood curriculum program at a community or technical college, or . 141 An undergraduate or graduate degree with at least the equivalent of four semester hours in child development, or (51 Five years of verifiable experience working in child day care. History Note: statutory Authority G.S. l10-9l181J 1438-168.3J Eff. July 1, 1988. A person who does not meet the qualifications above can be hired as a " 1. t . i II f b t. . d d counse or-1n- ra1n ng or a pro a 10nary per10 not to excee one year. C. Capability to Deliver Core Services 1. Assembles and maintains a data base on child care provider supply --at a minimum, must include collection of data on the following types of care: licensed centers, registered homes, summer schools age programs, before and after school care, part-day preschools/nursery schools --if information includes other (unregulated) care ~uch as in-home care (nanny services), ICCA's, etc., written procedures must be in place . --must collect information on providers that is listed on the Form DFS-0306 (see attached) and the following information on parents: date of birth, sex, family income and composition, county of residence/employment, reason for referral, where referred --must collect information on special needs services --must make a plan for collecting provider data for the service delivery area --must be willing to collect provider supply data in standard format of the Resour~e Information Exchange (As soon as feasible, this will be a computerized format) --must develop a system for updating of provider supply data to ascertain openings and other information at least biannually, with the goal of quarterly updating 2. Provides child care counseling and referrals for parents, including: --providing toll-free or easy access phone number (call-forwarding) --use of common designation when advertising agency and services (i.e., Child Care Resource and Referral) . --identification of each family's child care needs , . 6 --referral of potentially eligible families to sources of financial assistance . --providing information on child care options, quality indicators, and cost (includes printed materials) --a goal of providing 3 referrals (not recommendations) per family, to maximize parent choice --information on licensed capacity of each referred provider. --providing a staff trained in child care counseling techniques --written materials mailed out to reinforce the telephone counseling --a procedure in place for making follow-up contacts including a measure of parents' success in their child care search and satisfaction with education and referral services 3. Coordinates the development of new child care resources --has a written plan for child care resource development in service delivery area, developed in cooperation with local groups interested in child care: parents, providers, employers, United Ways, local governments, school districts, private schools, religious institutions, etc. . --provides recruitment activities to identify potential new providers and publicity for other recruitment activities in service delivery area --written policy insuring lack of bias in recruiting providers 4. Provides ongoing technical assistance and coordinates training for child care providers --technical information and training on home and center managerial issues (start up, expansion) collected and made available --training needs\on home and center programmatic issues (quality concerns) identified --provider training coordinated within service delivery area and with other training throughout the statewide CCR&R system --written policy insuring lack of bias in providing technical assistance and training 5. Records and analyzes parent demand data . --must collect data on ages of children for whom services are requested and locations where services are desired . . . 7 --may collect data on times (and special times) when service is desired and reason service desired --must be willing to coliect parent demand data in standard format of the Resource Information Exchange (As soon as feasible, this will be a computerized format) --make composite data available to interested individuals, current and potential providers, community planning groups, and policy makers. D. Additional CCR&R Policies and Procedures 1. Complaint Policy 2. Fee Policy E. Other Essential Agency Attributes 1. Is able to receive funds from a variety of sources, such as corporate gifts, foundations, United Way and public funds to support community activities and/or services; whether private non-profit (501 (c) 3 status) or public 2. Has sound business management capacity, with Board approval of annual CCR&R budget 3. Has liability insurance and adopts referral policies which limit liability exposure 4. Has written personnel policies and regular staff training 5. Has method of evaluating program services 6. Agrees to cooperate with CCR&Rs in other service delivery areas that meet criteria set forth in this document F. Resource and Referral Service Levels , The Resource Information Exchange will use the classifications defined below to designate the level of Child Care Resource and Referral services available in a county. All elements of Levell must be present for assignment of Levell status; all elements of levels 1 and 2 must be present for assignment of Level 2 status. Assignment of Level 3 status will mean that all elements of Levels 1 and 2 and some element(s) of Level 3 are available in the county. Level 1 --~ill ~aintain service provider data base --will provide parent access and education --will maintain training provider data base and refer providers to training --will provide basic assistance to help potential providers get started 8 . Level 2 --will recruit providers --will participate in community awareness activities --will provide technical assistance to providers (including employer/employees) --will sponsor (provide or arrange for) training and support groups Level 3 --may act as child care food program sponsor --may establish resource lending library --may organize bulk purchasing for day care facilities --may administer child care voucher system --may provide technical assistance to develop services in unserved counties . . RESOLUTION OF THE ' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY , . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Museum owns a ca. 1855 Virginia militia jacket which was ~accessioned from the Museum's artifact collection with intention of sale, and WHEREAS, an appraisal of the jacket places its fair market value at between $2,500.00 to $3,000.00, and WHEREAS, the Museum Board of Trustees has recommended that this jacket be offered for sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that, pursuant to NCGS 160A-267, said 1855 Virginia militia jacket shall be offered for private sale at a price to be negotiated according to the terms and conditions set forth in the advertisement notice attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution. Proceeds of the sale are to be deposited with Finance Director in Artifact Acquisition Account (553-BS-Acct 2241). The County may at any time reject any and all offers. ADOPTED, this .:::;r..vv day of ?~ , 1989. NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: ~~- Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~/ . '\ /' /ft,~ C erk to the Board ../ . \ <~ ' r~, . ~ u. ~ ' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ~ ~ ',' ." ,~~ ,\., 1. . 't~ ~~~ ~ ,: : .~ ' . ~. " ~I . ;,' .;' . ~~. <: ~. , N em . 3J{ariou~r(Uounttt . ':: .;. . '. '~"" ....... . f I ' : ~ ~' ~:'. . ~ , , '..- .:-: .' ~\. , monrh ofQLommbt6ionerli' -/" ... . ,._.'/ .. '";:::,: ''':-..~:f;ll~; .;,,~.' ",. :" , ~>'.~"'1!\f5nl.utinn ,..<, , , ' ", " ;', ,. :" t. '. 1;'~:~ J,;.. I, ., :'\, - ".' . ..j.' ~ <~' r >' .... . " . ... . I;"~ .J.'.. , :" ,. ':: ~. ' ., ,t" " 1" : WHEREAS, New'Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have 'entered into ,a joint'interlocal~agreementto develop a Management , and Planning: System,' (MAPS) ",;to... automate our ','land records system , and, " ' , '" ';,,' '. '.':.' , : '," . " ' , . .' .( ',; . .,' ';'" . 'i . WHEREAS, MAPS' will be; financed; over'a.: period of five years with:a lease, purchase"arrangement;~ ~ ~ ,'"~!: ." . . J . . .. ,: - ~." .,' .... ;'r <"" I.:;' :l~: ",. \.. ",...J ';"':" . ,.,,' 7 . . ", NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the' Board of County, ',Commissioners hereby, gives its unanimous approval of New Hanover :County's 1989-1990 Land Records Management Grant Application for, $86,761 in matching funds,~to:assist?iQ th~automat~on of our', land ' "records system.. ""'" " ';'~;";:' "', ' ' ," ~. I 'Signed ,this' the ',l~th ,<:i,ay. Of ;'June;'1989.~' ':,:, ' ;.. ... .,. .'. ..."",.-:_'.;"">~~ .... ,.' .. . .~tchin, Chairman Attest: ,. !,~, , ~~h~~ '" . ;", . :' :;) . ,,' .. ~\.~-V~ ~ ':I' ~~ . .~.. 'r:;~~ "." .~,~~, ..,~,..,- ~jIl ,~. .~.-.'f.t',,,, ,-... ~ ~ -;'" "_,, ",' "0 ':;! ~ -;'J~,;: c.. II -.;: ;. ,'t. '....:./~ ,ec "f ,; . "~r',,,,,,,, · " ~ \ ,~,~.,.'" .;/~ . \ .. : ,1,:',":--'" . "i'~ · " \" '~;.~?1L-2c':;' " I. .,..".,.."I:,\WR.:...f,"""~ I ":. ~ . :'U'}'~""',J'i!1.T''*''''t'!c.~ . f) ,;..v.(.I-,;..w;4'l~':' 0= &. ". ~"!;i,nl\: \1~c=G ., V ", ~ ''r",'l'~*' "'~, ~6. V ., '~"P'1l-...~d\'\.'lil f, ,\;o:~,\~iI - . ". fl '~ ", ",' ": 7;, .' , ..," , , f ,.,. ",' , < , " . .:!~. ". ~'; , " , " , , " ~:, . . -\r ,. . ), "'. ~.::' ~ . \.1 ..... ,',~ "0: ,. /> . :.' - . ". . . '" ~ . "'"' .... . ;.. .. ;', '. .' >< . .... . ..A~~Jt~ ~,:I15:" , -; i1J1M ~~~. .............................................. .".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . ~ .. . .... . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~1 . , . L .. D It Dill.. a.....a. 811.D. a... DlIa ... a. IIIIID a DIIl..8 II 8 llI.a DIlIB...a ..D.... DaDit. a.. D" II Dill a 118 a 811 811 a. aall D a. a. D.....D.. a..... a N em ltannuer <trnuntl1 1Boaf~ of Qtnmmil1sinnefa mtsnlutinn l' ~ WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that serve public purposes including economic and physical development, cultural and recreationa~ programs, human services, industrial promotion, and public safety; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that benefit the citizens of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: That the County Manager is authorized and directed to enter into contracts with the following agencies to fund amounts as approved in the fiscal year 1989'-90 New Hanover County Budget. AGENCY New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District Keep America Beautiful System of New Hanover County Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway and Beach Commission Downtown Area Revitalization Effort, Inc. Cape Fear Council of Governments Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Inc. Elderhaus, Inc. Cape Fear Substance Abuse/Crisis Line/Open House The Child Advocacy Commission of Wilmington/ New Hanover County, Inc. The Southeastern sickle Cell Association, Inc. Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, Inc. Marine Crescent Highway 17 Transportation Association Marine Expo '89 Family Services/Northside Center Family Services/Big Buddy Program City of Wilmington/community Youth Crime Prevention AMOUNT $ 8,100 $ 29,900 $ 1,500 $ 20,000 $ 18,436 $ 40,000 $293,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,800 $ 32,705 $ 6,750 $ 28,411 $ 7,000 $ 32,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 14,300 $ 10,000 $ 3,350 $ 7,000 I~ . . .. II a.. D.......... 11. 11'.. ...... D.D... II. II a II...... /I D"..... II. II.............. II................. II........... a a. .. ....... . . p,=,,= ~ AGENCY AMOUNT ~. Cape Fear Literacy Council City of Wilminton/250th Celebration wilmington Railroad Museum Katie B. Hines Senior Center, Inc. Cape Fear Substance Abuse/Rape Crisis Center community Penalties Program, Inc. . UCP Development Center of Wilmington St. John's Art Gallery, Inc. Friends of Public Radio, Inc. North Carolina Azalea Festival at wilmington Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer Re~cue Squad, Inc. Pleasure Island Vo~unteer Rescue Squad, Inc. Riverfest '89 Local Military Unit (HHC(-) 1Jl120th Inf Food Distribution Center Yahweh Center, Inc. Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Seagate Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. $ 7,350 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 4,000 $ 14,500 $ 15,000 $ 8,000 $ 16,500 $ 9,000 $ 3,500 $132,000 $ 28,905 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $143,000 $ 93,000 $ 96,000 $112,000 $ 87,500 $ 91,100 $ 98,000 $ 81,000 Signed this the ~day of June 1989. ~[fiL Fred Retchin Chairman, Board of New Hanover County Commissioners . . . I. CONTRACT . 6/89 PROPOSED REVISION NEW HANOVER COUNTY OUTSIDE AGENcY PROCEDURES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A contract between an outside agency and New Hanover County must be completed and executed prior to release of County funds. II. A. AUDIT (Unless specifically exempt by General Statute see 3. B below). 1. 2. 3 . . 4. 5 . B. . Mus t be submitted to the Management and Budget Department within 90 days after fiscal year end. Must be conducted in accordance with generally accepted ,auditing standards. Must include a statement of compliance on use of County funds. Must include a schedule detailing the sources and uses of County funds. Copies of any audit report prepared by federal or state auditors must be provided to the Management and Budget Department upon receipt by the audited organization. REVIEW (Must be submitted if exempted by General Statute from having an audit) 1. Must be submitted to the Management and Budget Department within 90 days after fiscal year end. 2. Must be conducted in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). 3. Must include a schedule detailing the sources and uses of County funds. 4. Copies of any review report prepared by federal or state auditors must be provided to the Management and Budget Department upon receipt by the audited organization. . III. BUDGET A. Request for Funds 1. Must be completed in full and submitted Management and Budget Department by specified annually. to date 2. Must be submitted on forms as specified by County. '-. 3. Must be approved by the organization's governing board prior to submitting to the County. B. Approved Program Budget . Upon approval by the County Commissioners, this form will be sent to the agency with a contract to be approved by the agency's governing board and returned to the Management and Budget Department prior to the release of County funds. ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT BY JANUARY. C. Changes in Budget 1. If County funds affected: a. Any change of $500 or more in an approved budget involving use of County funds must be submitted to the Management and Budget, Department for approval. No County funds affected by a change can be obligated before receiving this approval. ,- 2. If County funds not affected: a. Any change in an approved budget of $500 or more will require submission of a revised budget to the Management and Budget Depart- ment as soon as it is approved by the organization's governing board. IV. BOARD MEETING MINUTES . Copies of all Board Meeting Minutes must be submitted to the Management and Budget Department within 10 days after approval by the organization's governing board. -2- " ~ . V. PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION All 'payment authorizations the Management and Budget ~zation will be approved requirements have been met. have to be initiated by Department. No author- unless all applicable ~ VI. TRAVEL AND PERSONNEL POLICY ... A personnel and travel policy (approved by the organization's governing body) must be attached to the contract as EXHIBIT C if the organization has paid employees or reimburses anyone for travel, meals, or auto mileage. . . -3- $'.b() BO{W.. PAGE ~ftCOROf/) AND VERIF'ED ~IUJECCA P. TUCKER RE(lI$TER OF OEEDS NE~ HAHOVER co. NC .. ~ ~ 5 <4 0 5 5~ RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL NAMES FOR SEVERAL PUBLIC ROADS IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Jut 26 8 Si7 a~ O$~ . WHEREAS, a request has been received pursuant to N.C.G.S. ~153A-240 from the North Carolina Department of Transportation asking the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to verify khe following names for state maintained roads: 1 State Road 1002 State Road 1310 State Road 1341 State Road 1400 State Road 1409 State Road 1466 State Road 1478 State Road 1486 State Road 1516 State Road 1519 State Road 1520 State Road 1513 State Road 1539 State Road 1714 State Road 2024 State Road 2105 State Road 1482 State Road 1534 - Holly Shelter Road - Division Drive - Orange Street - Futch Creek Road - Military Cut-Off Road - Coral Drive - Hillsdale & Charter Drive - Oriole Drive - Navaho Trail - Old Myrtle Grove Road - Grissom Road - Shinnwood Road - Ocean Boulevard - Hampton Road - Krass Lane - Crestwood Access Road - Cardinal Drive Old Dow Road WHEREAS, the foregoing names have already been established as the official names of these roads by the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, Whereas, ready and accurate identification of public and private roads is important for the delivery of general County services, for the operations of commercial enterprises, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles, and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, such naming will promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover county. the state roads a copy of this Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the names for listed above are indeed the official names and that resolution be forwarded to the North Carolina Board of OVER C. ~ his the 19th day of - ~ ~ ~. June, 1989. ~h?#:r;man RESOLUTION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES OR AUTHORITIES WHEREAS, it is the statutory duty of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, as the Governing Body of New Hanover County, to appoint persons to various boards, commissions, committees or authorities, to assist in the operation of county government, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is desirous of appointing qualified, knowledgeable, and dedicated people to serve on the aforesaid boards, commissions, committees or authdrities, and to that end solicits the interest and input of the ~itizens of New Hanover County in making said appointments, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that a policy and p~~pedure that will make the citizenry more aware of the various appointments that are to be made from time to time and the solicitation by the Board of Commissioners of information and recommendiltions from the public will assist the Board of Commissioners in the appointment of qualified, knowledgeable, and dedicated persons to serve on the various boards ,commissions, committees or authorities, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to increase public awareness of the appointments to be made from time to time by the Board, to increase the public interest in the appointing process, to solicit the public's input in the making of the aforesaid appointments and to insure attendance at meetings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that: Section 1. appointments to authorities made follows: The policy of the New Hanover County governing the various boards, commissions, committees or by the Board of County Commissioners is as (A) Any resident of New Hanover County is eligible to serve on the appointed boards, commissions, committees or authorities of the County where such appointment is not prohibited by state statute of New Hanover County policy. (B) All appointments will be made according to the Appointments Statute or Ordinance that created that board, commission, committee or authority. (C) No resident of New Hanover County appointed positions of New Hanover exempted by nature of the position governmental service. may serve in more than two County government unless he or she may hold in -2- (D) Unless otherwise stated by Statute or Charter, all terms of office shall be three years. No appointees may serve more than two consecutive terms. This policy may be waived if the Board of Commissioners determines that the removal of a number of individuals made ineligible by this statute would be detrimental to the functioning of that board, commission, committee or authority. (E) Three consecutive unexcused absences on the part of any appointee automatically constitutes resignation on the part of the appointee, from such board, committee, commission or authority and constitutes automatic acceptance of such resigna tion of the appointee, by the Board of Commissioners. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to'approval by the Board on which the appointee is serving. Upon such automatic resignation and acceptance, the Board of Commissioners shall select a replacement from the applications of persons who applied for the last vacancy on such board, committee, commission or authority, without further notice, advertisement or action by the Board of Commissioners. (F) Appointees must uphold County policies pertaining to the Committee he serves. (G) In the event an issue comes before a board, commission, committee or authority and a member of that board, commission, committee or authority has a financial, personal, or employment related interest in the outcome of the issue, that member should notify his fellow members that he/she has a potential conflict of interest and request that he/she be excused from voting. (H) An appointee will not be considered for any employment vacancy in the agency or department he/she is serving, until said appointee resigns his/her seat on the board, committee, commission or authority thirty (30) days before being considered for the vacancy. Should the appointee not be selected to fill the vacancy, he/she will not be eligible for reappointment to the board, committee, commission or authority. (1) Each County Commissioner will have available to him or her a binder containing a list of all County appointments with the following data provided: 1. Name of the board, commission, committee or authority. 2. Brief on the functions of each board, commission, committee or authority. 3. Statute or cause creating board, commission, committee or authority. -3- 4. Number of members and terms of office. 5. Current members, addresses, telephone numbers, terms of office, numbers of terms served, and expiration dates. 6. Regular meeting day, time and location. Section 2. positions: Procedures for filling vacancies for appointed (A) Notification of Available Appointments 1. A list of available positions and a deadline for receiving applications will be published in the newspapers of New Hanover County quarterly. This procedure will be carried out by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Thirty (30) days prior to the terms expiring, the Clerk to the Board will mail a notice to each person who is eligible for reappointment requesting information on his or her interest in continuing to serve. If an individual is not eligible for reappointment, he or she will be notified and given reason for being ineligible. 3. If, because of policy or otherwise, an individual is not reappointed, he or she will be presented a certificate of Appreciation for service by the Chairman of the Board at a regular meeting of the County Commissioners. (B) Selection Process. 1. All applications for a particular returned to the Clerk to the Commissioners. The Clerk will eligibility. 2. All applications will be forwarded to the Commissioners with those who are ineligible noted and the reasons for ineligibility given. position will be Board of County check each for 3. The Clerk to the Board shall place on the agenda the "Appointments" for action at the next meeting of the County Commissioners. (C) Notification of Appointment. 1. The Clerk to the Board shall prepare a letter of notification to the appointee and a copy to the affected board notifying each of the appointment. -4- (D) Applications. 1. All applications received shall be retained for at least one (1) year. Applications shall be kept on file for all active appointees. All of the above data shall be maintained by the Clerk to the Board for use by the Board of Commissioners. ADOPTED the 26th day of June, 1989. ATTEST: ~gfL Chairman ~G! r&MJ-f - rk to the Board Original Resolution adopted June 20, 1983. Amended March 2, 1987. Amended October 7, 1985. Amended September 2, 1986. Amended June 26, 1986. ,#, .. .:! ,.' RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County now owns and operates the New Hanover County International Airport; and WHEREAS, the Board of County conunissioners has requested that the General Assembly enact enabling legislation authorizing the creation of the New Hanover County Airport Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Airport; and WHEREAS, the Board of Conunissioners has agreed to lease all of the real and personal property located at the airport to the Airport Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board of conunissioners has agreed to aid the Airport Authority by rendering personnel and financial assistance until such time as the airport is capable of becoming financially independent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. New Hanover will subsidize the operations of the New Hanover County International Airport through the New Hanover ./ County Airport Authority, until such time as the Airport Authority is financially independent. 2. The Airport Authority will present to the County Conunissioners an annual budget request. Upon approval of the request, the Airport Authority shall receive from County an operating subsidy payment. 3. The Board of conunissioners shall, upon request of the Airport Authority, provide personnel assistance to the Airport Authority. New Hanover County shall be reimbursed for all costs incurred in providing this assistance. ADOPTED, this the 26th day of June, 1989. --- ATTEST: ~\/~ C erk to the oard . -2- . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru May 31, 1989 1988 1987 Charged Per Scroll $ 29,424,869.54 $ 29,857,277.53 Discoveries Added 3,HH,181.98 2,811,668.07 $ 32,606,051. 52 $ 32,668,945.60 Less Abatements 276,711.26 319,968.45 Total Taxes Due $ 32,329,340.26 $ 32,348,977 . 15 Collections to Date 31,185,893.49 - 31,403,135.27 Outstanding Balance $ 1,143,446.77 $ 945, 8Lll. 88 Percentage Collected 96.46% 97.08% Back Taxes -~ Real Estate Taxes $ 657,096.13 $ 656,037.34 Less Abatements 3,122.03 1,896.71 Collections to Date 442,866.43 441,821.62 Outstanding Balance $ 211,107.67 $ 212,319.0,1 Percentage Collected 67 . 72% 67.54% Personal Property $ 1,421,461.54 $ 1,359,550.21 . Less Abatements 58,311. 42 73,978.79 Collections to Date 178,847.24 173,436.55 Outstanding Balance $ 1,184,302.88 $ 1,112,134.87 Percentage Collected 13 . 12% 13 . 49% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - May - $83,374.13 - YTD - $965,497.26 Privilege License Collections - May - $559.00 - YTD - $19,132.93 EMS Collections - May - $00 ~ YTD - $1,676.72 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $49,389,904.44. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988. Respectfully submitted, .--\1 \-0.--: .' ~ t)~ ""'~ --f/ c~ 1 r \ C. \ 1'.... . ,--,. Patricia J. R8.. or () Collector of Revenue PJR: sw . J v . .- . ". !' NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Collections thru May 31, 1989 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1988 $ 804,179.15 53,919.47 $ 858,098.62 6,589.05 $ 851,509.57 - 830,253.26 $ 21,256.31 97.50% 1987 $ 795,449.65 93,414.63 $ 888,864.28 52,320.26 $ 836,544.02 - 813,910.94 $ 22,633.08 97.29% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 14,623.45 $ 9,020.63 Less Abatements 425.87 16.24 Collections to Date 9,468.26 6,072.16 Outstanding Balance $ 4,729.32 $ 2,932.23 Percentage Collected 66.69% 67.44% Personal Property Taxes $ 14,582.52 $ 9,334.52 r Less Abatements 254.73 431. 04 Collections to Date 2,923.98 2,453.84 Outstanding Balance $ 11,403.81 $ 6,449.64 Percentage Collected 20.41% 27.56% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988. Respectfully submitted, ~ ., ~r? ' ---~dYl ~c'-. ' ~,..,c-./ Patricia J. Ra r () Collector of Revenue PJR:sw . CONSENT AGENDA Abatements and Refunds June 15, 1989 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: Arthurs, Hazel Mamarlene $ 27.27 (1986 ) Beckwith, Carolyn A. 125.95 Brantley, Steven Reid 17.36 (1983 ) Brown, David George 9.99 Brown, Shirley Rose 21. 64 (1986 ) Bullard, Royce Wayne 25.69 (1986 ) Canady, Walter Clayton 64.35 Childers, Brian Scott 12.47 Clemmons, Yvonne 42.44 (1987 & 1988) Cooper, Mark Harrison 77 .67 (1985 & 1986) Dorsett, Mark Lynwood 84.16 Dowless, Dolores 10.07 Dubose, W. K. 164.25 Greer, Charles Randolph 18.57 Harris, Douglas Haley 22.95 (1982) Head, Elsie Mae 37.99 (1985 ) {- Hong Kong Restaurant Of Wilmington, Inc. 63.37 (Refund) Hudspeth, Darsha Kaye 42.80 (1986 ) 'Manning, William Joseph 56.59 . Marchese, Richard Allen 533.77 (1987) McDade, Walter Kerry 65.09 Prevate, Allen L. 35.00 (1983 ) Rockwell International Corp. 69.80 Sandy's Seafood Outlet 436.25 Turnicliff, Suzelle Howes 50.42 (1985 ) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: Bradley, Victoria Thomas Conyers, John Jr. Farrow, Gus Fernandez, Donna Key Graham, Judy Gore Hewett, James E. Jr. Connie Hughes Properties Inc., D/B/A Ultra Clean Car Wash Knox, James afield Olinger, Jennifer Wright Rainey, Jerald Bedford Ransom, Kenneth A. Shaw, Frederick & Tammy Turner, Jesse Wright, Charles Edward 36.26 (1987 Refund) 34.38 (1987) 119.63 320.51 231.90 320.51 1,726.82 3.88 (Refund) 133.73 (1984) 175.26 (1987) 59.18 (1987 Refund) 164.84 78.71 (Refund) 33.29 . . . . Consent Agenda Page 2 June 15, 1989 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: Andleton, Lynn Marie Cherry, William Jean L. Clark Bros. Metal Fabricators Davis, C. H. Jr. Patsy Hewett Tideland Signal Corp Ugly Duckling Rent A Car 118.33 (Refund) 39.29 (Refund) 90.87 30.55 (1987) 59.93 (1985-88 Refund) 195.17 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayer certifies made his made his listing during the listing period: Wong, Ackerman Wang Yip 2.04 (Refund) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of penalties charged in error; error in senior citizen exclusion; clerk encoded the same car twice; and parcel below high water line charged in error: Augustine, Joseph Frederick Brock, Lonnie Julia G. D. L. Peterson Mcqueen, H. C. Smith, Diana Copple Stonestreet Properties 3.74 (Refund) t- 173.40 73.28 (Refund) 94.20 (1979-1988) 78.80 (1987 Refund) 22.23 (1983-1988) Recommend release and/or refund of DMV civil penalty due to penalty charged in error due to plate expiration date, penalty charged in error; vehicle double charged; vehicle listing in another county; and penalty relief for first offense: Augustine, Joseph Frederick Beckwith, Carolyn A. Christie, Doreen Rae Dixon, Leroy Dorsett, Mark Lynwood Fortune, Charles Ware Jr. Fulcher, Clifton Darrell Greer, Charles Randolph Knox, James Ofield Lohmann, John Peter Malonee, William' Mike Manning, William Joseph Marttinen, Thelma Blomquist McDade, Walter Kerry Wong, Ackerman Wang Yip Yopp, Barbara Cooper Wright, Charles Edward 100.00 100.00 (Refund) 100.00 104.90 (Refund) 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 202.00 (102.00 Refund) 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 (Refund) 100.00 100.00 :sw . . . ~ . Consent Agenda Page 3 June 15. 1989 Copy: E. Wells Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue B. Shell Internal Auditor l- .. . . . Consent Agenda June 26, 1989 Page 1 Recommend that DMV civil penalties be upheld. Records reveal discovery accounts, back tax or other infractions: Callahan, Daniel Gradis Jr. Goodman, Edgar Thomas Sr~ 96660 97577 :sw r