1980-06-16 Regular Meeting 614 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 2, 1980 (CONTINUED) STATEMENT ON PROPOSED LANDFILL SITE Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Comm. 0'Shie1ds, that the record show that it was the intention of the Board to pursue the General Electric site in terms of a short-term, 5 year" landfill site. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shie1ds, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Williams adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, o ~A,/?~ Alyce B. Rusmise1l Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session Monday, June 16, 1980, at 9:00 o'clock,a.m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead~ 'Jr.; Karen E. Gottovi; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Ellen C. Williams; County Manager George F. Cooper; County Attorney James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Rusmisell. No members were absent. Chm. Williams called t~e meeting to order. In the absence of a minister to give the invocation, the meeting was opened with the Lord's Prayer. o APPROVAL OF MINUTES: LANDFILL PUBLIC HEARING, MAY 19, 1980; SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 22, 1980; AND REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 2, 1980. Upon motion by Comm. Gottovi, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, the Minutes of the Landfill Public Hearing on May 19, 1980, were unanimously approved as presented. Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 22, 1980,/lifi~fiimously approved as presented. Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Armistead, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 1980, were unanimously approved as presented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, the following items contained in the Consent Agenda with' the addition of the roster of the South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department wer~ unanimously approved: APPROVAL OF REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH MAY 31, 1980 A copy of, the R.eport",of~ tne_60J1e.c,!=6r"of Revenue, ,through:.l1ay 31, 1980, as approved', is contained :'in,:Exh~bit> Book VII, Page 66. ~, ~ APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of the list of Tax Abatements and Refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book VII, Page 67. o QUITCLAIM TO CITY OF WILMINGTON FOR COUNTY'S INTEREST IN JOINTLY OWNED PROPERTY Quitclaim of the County's interest in prbperty located at 407 Bruns- wick Street and 615 S. 11th Street ,for the City of Wilmington Devel- " oping Programs Division to use for on-the-job training in a rehabil- ',~', ,~j:tatio!), program using Community Development Block Grant Funds and , CETA funds. 'J o o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 615 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) LEASE WITH FAA FOR SPACE IN CONTROL TOWER A Lease with the FAA for space in the Control Tower to be used for offices and storage as recommended by the Airport Commission. A copy of the Lease is on file in tqe County Manager's Office. CERTIFICATION ,OF ROSTERS OF MEMBERS OF WINTER PARK AND SOUTH WILMINGTON VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS The rosters of members of the Winter Park and South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Departments as presented for certification. Copies of the Rosters are on file in the County Manager's Office. CHANGE OF DATE FOR SECOND MEETING IN JULY As discussed at the meeting on May 19, the second meeting in July was changed from July 21 to July 28, 1980. BUDGET TRANSFER - ENGINEERING The following transfer in the Engineering budget due to increased long distance telephone calls pertaining to the landfill: Debit Credit - Acct. '1111 540 14, - Acct. 1111 540 11, Travel, Meetings, & Schools Telephone & Postage $200. $200. BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY The following amendment in the Library Budget due to increase in Revenue: Debit - Acct. #11 350 40, State Aid Basic Grant Credit - Acct. #11 630 34, Books & Materials $1,457. $1,457. APPROVAL OF INTENT TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS Mr. Henry Longley, Vice-Chairman, and Mr. George W. Jones, Jr., Secretary- Treasurer, of the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority, and Mr. Walter Simpson, Manager of Financial Planning for Carolina Power & Light Company, appeared before the Board to explain the proposed issuance of Revenue Bonds. A representative of The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the Board and advised the Board of the Authority's adoption of a resolution expressing its intention to issue bonds and authorizing the execution and delivery of an inducement agreement pertaining to the financing of a pollution control project for Carolina Power & Light Company. The representative delivered copies of the resolution and the inducement agree- ment to the Board. A discussion of the project took place. Commissioner Armistead read at length: introduced the following resolution which was WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created apolitical sub- division and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as" "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing :1 Authority" (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter -159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina (the "Act"):t to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any pollution control project for a public utility; to acquire, construct, improve and equip any such project; and to make and execute financing agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of -such powers,; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to issue its revenue bonds to pay all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, construction and installation of pollution control facilities consisting of modifications to electrostatic pre- cipitators at Unit No.3 of the L. V. Sutton Steam Electric Plant in Wilmington (the "Project") operated by Carolina Power & Light Company; and 616 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 APPROVAL OF INTENT TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS (CONTINUED) ,WHEREAS, the Authority intends to file an application for approval of the Project with the Secretary of the Department of Commerce (thenDepartmentn), as required by the Act; and ' WHEREAS, the Department has, by regulation, provided that no application for approval of a project will be officially received until the governing body of the county from which the application is made has, by resolution, approved in principle the proposed project and a certified copy of such resolution has been provided to the Department; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to approve ,the Project, 0 in principle: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County, Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The Project is hereby approved in principle. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of this resolution to the Department. (3) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Commissioner Armistead and Commissioner O'Shields by the following vote: moved the passage of the foregoing resolution seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed AYES: Comms. Armistead, Gottovi, O'Shields and Chm. Williams NAYS: None DISCUSSION ON FORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND PROTECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Charles E. (Pete) Lewis, Agricultural Extension Chairman, appeared before the Board at the request of Comm. Gottovi, to discuss the formation of any Advisory Committee to study agricultural land problems in New Hanover County. o Comm. Gottovi, moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, that Pete Lewis, New Hanover County Extension Agent, be given the authority to form an advisory committee to study agricultural land problems in New Hanover County. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY CAPITAL PROJECT Mr. John Jefferies of Jefferies & Faris, Architects for the Library , appeared before the Board to give an update on the progress of construction and explain the contract revisions necessitating the additional architectural services. Comm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to approve the following budget amendment in the Library Capital Project if it did not increase the cost any more and subject to the receipt of letters from the Contractors that there would be no additional cost involved. Debit - Acct. #82 575 69, Contingencies (Project) Credit - Acct. #82 575 76, Architectural Services $3,400. $3,400. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Gottovi, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Armistead o Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - OLD CHIMNEY SUBDIVISION Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that final plat approval was given by the Subdivision Review Committee for Old Chimney Sub- division on May 27, 1980, and the Planning Staff had also recommended approval. " o o o 617 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - OLD CHIMNEY SUBDIVISION(CONTINUED) Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded' by Chm. Williams, the final plat of Old Chimney Subdivision was unanimously approved. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - GLYNWOOD ESTATES, SECTION II Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that this plat was being considered in an effort by the developer to come in compliance with-the Subdivision Regulations. He reported that the Subdivision Review Committee gave final approval on May 27, 1980, and the Planning Staff 'had also recommended approval. ' Upon motion by Comm. Gottovi, seconded by Comm. Armistead, the final plat of Glynwood Estates Subdivision, Section II, was unanimously approved. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - CRESTWOOD SUBDIVISION, SECTION 13 Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Subdivision Review Commission gave final plat approval of Crestwood Subdivision, Section 13, on May 27, 1980, and the Planning Staff also recommended approval. Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Armistead, the final plat of Crestwood Subdivision, Section 13, was unanimously approved. BREAK Chm. Williams recessed the meeting for a break from 10:00 o'clock a.m. until 10:12 o'clock a. m. AMENDMENTS TO INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS The Commissioners had been furnished copies of some proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee for con- sideration. ' After discussion concerning the appointment of laymen to the Committee, Comm. Armistead moved, 'seconded by Chm. Williams, to approve Amendments II and' III as follows and/i~egI~elings of City Council on Amendment I: II. Paragraph B.(3) shall be deleted in its entirety 'and the following substituted 'therefor: "B. (3) Participating agencies shall be rated by the Committee by the following point system in order to provide for the equitable distribution of the commissions. a. 1. If the agency is engaged exclusively in the Insurance business and derives at least 75% of its Net Income from the Fire, Casualty, Fidelity & Surety Insurance Premiums -- 6 points. 2. If the agency is not so engaged, but employs at least one person, devoting full time to Fire, Casualty, Fidel- ity, & Surety Insurance --- 3 points. 3. Neither of above, but at least one person spending 25% of time in Fire & Casualty Business -- 1 point. b. 1. For each Officer, OWNER, Partner, or Manager who devotes full time to the Fire, Casualty, Fidelity & Surety Business -- 4 points. 2. For each full time employee of agency other than those above, residing in Wilmington, or New Hanover County and devoting at least 50% of their time'to the Fire & Casualty Insurance Business -- 1 point. c. For payrolls for agency employee attributable to Fire & Casualty business exclusive of earnings to owners, partners, officers or insurance managers: 610 _'.. \.1 MINUTES OF 'REGULAR, MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980, , > AMENDMENT TO INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS (CONTINUED) 1. Over 40,000 10 points 2. 35,000 to 40,000 9 points 3. 30,000 to 35,000 8 points 4. 25,000 to 30,000 7 points 5. 20,000 to 25,000 6 points 6. 15,000 to 20,000 5 points 7. 10,000 to 15,000 4 points 8. 6,000 to 10,000 3 points 9. Under 6,000 2 points d. No more than 45 points should be assigned anyone agency which shall be deemed to include: (1) any affiliated agency, (2) any agency where anyone employee or officer, partner, or manager performs service for more than one agency, and (3) corporation or firms established by an agency to write special business." o III. Paragraph E(4) is amended by ,deleting Section E(4) in its'entirety and substituting therefor the following language:' "An audit statement of the Committe.;,~s transactiors shall be prepared by a C.P.A. annually and made available for inspection by any partic- ipating agency and by any governmental unit or board receiving the Committee's services." Adopted this 16th day of June , 1980. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. CONCURRENCE WITH OVERALL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PREPARED BY SEDC Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to concur with the latest Overall Economic Development Program (OEDP) prepared by the Southeastern Economic ,Development Commission dated August, 1976, in order to retain the County's eligibility for EDA assistance. Upon vote, the motion carried un- animously. DATE FOR SPECIAL MEETING TO ADOPT BUDGET ORDINANCE Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to set a Special Meeting on Wednesday, June 25, 1980, at 7:00 p. m. to adopt the Budget ordi- ance, approve various budget amendments and possible Commission appointment. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. o ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION AND FAIR EMPLOYMENT ORDINANCE At the meeting on June 2, the Connnissioners adopted "An Ordinance of the Commissioners of New Hanover County Establishing a Human Relations Commission" and "An Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Entitled "Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment" by a vote of 3 to 1. Since the approval, was not unanimous, it was necessary to vote on the Ordinance again. Comm. O'Shields requested that Section 4, paragraph (C) of the Ordinance Establishing a Human Relations Commission be revised to read that the Executive Director be appointed" at and upon the direction of the County Manager." Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead; to adopt "An Ordinance of the Commissioners of New Hanover County Establishing a Human Relations Commission" with the revision he had requested and to adopt "An Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Entitled "Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment." Mr. Ernest Puskas appeared before the Board to express his opposition to spending his tax money in this manner. o County Attorney Fox commented. Mr. Bill Jessup, Human Relations Director, suggested in the Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment Ordinance, Sec. 3.3, para~aoh (A) should have the words "sworn or affirmed- inserted in the second line/'tli~w~5lfds "Agency" and "written". o o o 619 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION AND FAIR EMPLOYMENT ORDINANCE (CONTINUED) Comm. O'Shields accepted these amendments to his motion, seconded by Comm. Armistead, and upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Williams stated for the record that she did oppose the taking over of the Human Relations at this time. Copies of both OrdinancES are contained in Exhibit Book VII, Page 68, and in the Ordinance Book in the Clerk's Office. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND COUNTY MANAGER REQUEST FOR NOMINATION OF GEN. ANDREW HARRISS FOR VOLUNTEER AWARD Comm. Gottovi moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, to nominate Gen Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. for an Individual Community Leadership Award for his volunteer work in connection with his coordinating the County's energy problems. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. DISSUSSION ON REPEAL OF SAND DUNE ORDINANCE Comm. Gottovi stated that she felt that since the State had changed its legal mechanism under which the sand dune ordinance was enforced, the County Sand Dune Ordinance needed to be repealed to keep people from being double charged and requested that the County'Attorney look into that matter. ALTERATIONS TO AIRPORT CONTROL TOWER County Manager Cooper explained the modifications requested by the FAA at the Air Traffic Control Tower and stated that the Airport Commission had recommended approval. The modifications did not require the expen- diture of additional County funds nor did it require an amendment to the lease agreement. ,Comm~:Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve the addition of 4200 square feet of parking space at the Air Trafficc Control Tower and to allow the FAA to slightly modify an existing room to accommodate their space requirements. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. AMENDMENTS TO FAA LEASE Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. Gottovi, to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 1 and Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the FAA Lease No. DOTFA802012319 which would add rooms contained in the Tower structure to the Lease Agreement. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. / BUDGET AMENDMENT - LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Upon motion by Comm. Gottovi, seconded bY'.Comm. O'Shields, the following budget amendment to complete landscaping/ere Law Enforcement Center Plaza was unanimously approved. Debit - Acct. #77 575 80, Contingencies Credit - Acct. #77 575 79, Law Enforcement Center Landscaping $750. . . $750. DISCUSSION ON FLEMINGTON WATER SYSTEM BIDS County Manager Cooper reported that bids had been received on the Flemington Water System and that he and Henry von Oesen would get together and have the Contracts and Ordinance ready for Wednesday night. Mrs. Eva Yates commented Mr. W. N. Jordan commented ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY TO PROPERTY FOR SURVEYS, BORINGS, ETC. Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Armistead, the following Resolution to obtain entry to the W. F. Sledge property was unanimously adopted. 620 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 16, 1980 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY TO PROPERTY FOR SURVEYS, IDRING. ETC. (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY June 16, 1980 WHEREAS: 1. In exerclslng the power of eminent domain, New Hanover County may in its discretion use the procedures of Chapter 160A, Article II of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as authorized by North Carolina General Statute Section 153A-159. o 2., Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute Section 160A-263, New Hanover County, without':having adopted a preliminary condemnation resolution, depositing any sum, or taking any other action provided for in the af9resaid Article II, is authorized to enter upon any lands to make surveys, borings, examinations and appraisals as may be necessary or expedient in carrying out and performing its rights or duties under the aforesaid Article II. 3. It is necessary or expedient that New Hanover County enter upon the lands of William F. Sledge situated in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, for the aforesaid purposes. 4. New Hanover County shall make reimbursement for any damage resulting from said activities. , " NOW, THEREFORE, it is herewith resolved: 1. New Hanover County, through its agents or employees, shall enter upon the lands of William F. Sledge situated in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, 'to make surveys, borings, examinations and appraisals as may be necessary or expedient in carrying out and performing 'its~, rights or duties under Chapter 160A, Article II of the General Statutes of North Carolina, such entry to occur on or after July 21, 1980. o 2. A certified copy of this resolution, constituting notice of such intended entry, shall be served upon William F. Sledge and wife, Katherine C.' Sledge, by the, Sheriff of New Hanover County or by mailing a copy of the resolution and notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to William F. Sledge and to Kath- erine C. Sledge at their last known address, to wit, Post Office Box 523, Whiteville, North Carolina 28472. This 16th day of June, 1980. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, that the meeting be re- cessed to Executive Session to discuss committee appointments and legal matters. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Williams recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 10:54 o'clock a. m. Chm. Williams reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 12:05 o'clock p. m. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the meeting be ad- journed. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Chm. Williams adjourned the meeting at 12:05 o'clock p. m. o Respectfully submitted, ~/3,~~ Alyce B. Rusmisell Clerk to the Board