1980-07-07 Regular Meeting ] 'J' o 625 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, July 7, 1980, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Admin- istration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Cooper; County Attorney James Comm. Karen E. Gottovi was absent, after she was sworn in. Chm. Williams called ,the meeting to order. Rev. Owen S. Carriker III, Student Assistant Pastor of First Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1980; AND SPECIAL MEETING OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 25, 1980 Comm. O'Shields moved, the Regular Meeting of June as follows: seconded by Comm. Armistead, to approve the Minutes of 16, 1980, as presented. Upon vote, the motion carried Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi Comm. Armistead,moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of'June 25, 1980, as presented. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi " OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COMMISSIONER JANET SUTTON MORGAN Clerk of Court Louise D. Rehder administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Janet Sutton Morgan who had been appointed to replace commissioner Vivian S; Wright who resigned on April 28, 1980. A copy of Comm. Morgan's Oath of Office is contained in Exhibit Book VII, Page 71. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to appove the following Co~sent Agenda Items as presented. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi REJECTION OF BIDS ON COPYING MACHINE FOR AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION Since neither of the two bids received on June 27, 1980,for a new copying machine for the Agricultural Extension Office met the stated specifications as advertised, they were rejected on recommendation of Mr. Pete Lewis County Extension Chairman. AUTHORIZATION FOR PHASE II OF THE CAMA PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT GRANT APPLICATION Authorization was granted for Phase II of the CAMA Land Use Plan Update being performed by the Wilmington/New Hanover County Planning Department to begin immediately after scheduled completion of Phase I on August 31, 1980. A copy of the Grant Application is on file in the County Manager's Office. ADDITION OF ROADS TO STATE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM Adoption of the SR-2 Resolution requesting the addition of the following roads to the State Secondary Road System: Bavarian Drive (Div. File #385-N) Lorraine Drive North, Wilderness Road, Redheart Drive - (Div. Files #395-N & 416-N) Copies of the Resolutions are on file in the Clerk's Office. 626 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) AGREEMENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH SERVICES Approval of the Agreement between New Hanover County and the Statecof North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Division of Health Services for fiscal year 1980/81. ' A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF AIRWAY BEACON BULBS New Hanover County Commissioners, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-176 do hereby order: (1) That the County Finance Officer, Andrew J. Atkinson, is hereby de- signated the official to dispose of the following personal pro- perty through private negotiation and sale: o Description and Quantity 60-1000 watt, 115 volt, clear airway beacon bulbs mogul bipost, T-20 bulb C-13 filament. (2) Said sale will be effective Monday, July 21, 1980. All items are sold as is with no warranty of any kind. ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FOR ARTS COUNCIL Authorization for the County Manager to execute the acceptance agreement for grant'#81 311 031 in the amount of $1,795 from the National Endowment for the Arts for the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear. A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. BUDGET AMENDMENT - TRASK PARK The following amendment in the Trask Park Capital Project to increase the lighting contract to cover change orders for increase in wire size,and addi- tional electrical outlet on light pole: Debit - Acct. #86 575 77, Advertising Acct. #86 575 74, Equipment $196. 338. o Credit - Acct. #86 575 71, Lighting Contract $534. CERTIFICATION OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ROSTERS Certification of the rosters of the following Volunteer Fire Departments: \ Wrightsboro Volun~~er Fire Department, Inc. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department AGREEMENT, WITH TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIXTES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES AT AIRPORT Approval of the Agreement for Engineering Services with Talbert, Cox & Associates for land acquisition and obstruction removal pertaining to the ADAP-07 Project at the Airport and authorization for execution by the Chairman. A copy of the Contract is on file in ~he County Manager's Office. PUBLIC HEARING Notice had been given that a Pu&lic 'Hearing would be held by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on Monday, July 7, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut, Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider the following: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF ORDER CLOSING IMPERIAL ROAD Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that at the meeting 0 on June 2, 1980, the Commissioners had adopted a Resolution of Intent to Close all of Imperial Road in Waterford Subdivision running from Colchester Place to its termination. He reported that the Resolution of Intent'had been published for 4 consecutive weeks in accordance with G. S. 153A-241 and copies sent by certified mail to all the owners of property adjoining portions of said road as reflected by the New Hanover County tax records. o o o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 7, 1980 (C()~TINUED) TO PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF ORDER/CLOSE IMPERIAL ROAD (CONTINUED) ChID. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request, and no one appeared. 627 Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Armistead, the Order to close all of Imperial Road in Waterford Subdivision of New Hanover County, North Carolina running from Colchester Place to its termination was adopted by the following vote: Voting Aye: ' Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Absent: Comm. Gottovi A copy of the Order is contained in Exhibit Book VII, page 72. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY 166 ACRES) LOCATED ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF NORTH KERR AVENUE AT THE INTERESECTION OF SMITHS CREEK AND NORTH KERR AVENUE FROM AN A-1 (AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT TO AN R-15 (RES- IDENTIAL) DISTRICT This Public Hearing had been continued from the meetings of May 5, 1980 and June 2, 1980. Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Planning Com- mission had considered this request at its meeting on April 2 and recommended approval. The planning staff also recommended this rezoning. Chm. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of this rezoning, and Mr. Stanley Rehder, who represented the petitioner, appeared before the Board to withdraw the request until they could establish more information on what they planned to do with the property. ( " Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, the public hearing on this rezoning was postponed until the first meeting in September by the following vote: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY 51 'ACRES) LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MURRAYVILLE ROAD (SR 1322) APPROXIMATELY 700 FEET EAST OF THE INTER- SECTION OFMURRAYVILLE ROAD AND NORTH COLLEGE ROAD (HWY. 132) FROM R-15 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) TO R-10 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT). Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Planning Commission had considered this request at its meeting on June 4 and ~ecommended approval by a vote of 6 - 2. The Planning Staff, also recommended approval. ' ChID. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request and no one appeared. , , , Comm. 0' Shields moved, seconded by,Comm. Williams, to approve, the rezoning and adopt the ordinance entitled "An ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 8-B, of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted July 7, 1972." Upon vote, the motion carried as follows,' , .. Voting Aye: Comm. Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Voting Noe: Comm. Armistead Absent: Comm. Gottovi ' Copy of ordinance as adopted is in Zoning ordimince Book I, Sec.- 8-B, Page 15. PUBLIC HEARING TO 'CONSIDER AN, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTY (APPROXI- l'ffiTELY 3.:; ACRES) LOcATED ON Tflli NORTHWEST CORN~ OF THE INTI>RSECTION OF CASTLE HAYNE ROAIT T!fw~Il7)AND HOLLAND DR. 'FOR A GROUP CARE HOME IN AN R 20, (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Mr. Charles Lilley 'of ,the' Planning Department reported that,the Planning Commission had considered this request at its meeting on June 4 and unanimously recommended approval. The Planning Staff also recomme~ded approval. Chm. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of this request and Mr. Robert Stone of Youtn Help, ,Inc. appeared to request approval. ChID. Williams asked if t~eri~s~anyore present to s~eak,in opposition and the following persons appeare~,to request denLal of the app11cat10n. Mr. Steve culbreth~~torney for the,~roperty owners,opposJng the Special Use Permit. Mrs. Susan Long, adjacent ,property owJ:>er "Mrs. ,Janice Cavenaugh , ~", .J', ,'...., , Mrs. Le,e HilL, 'Real. .Estate Broker, cprmnented 'in favor of 'the' reqliest. Mr.' Sam Long " 11 "Mrs. Mary Grossnickle - , , ,,', I County Attorney ,Jim Fox COI1lIllented., I, After the Commission had considered'the following four items and found them to be fact (a) that the use would'materially' ehdanger' th~ publiC health or safety if located wher~ proposed and developed according to: the plan as submi~ted and approved; (b) that the use did not meet all required conditions and specifications,,(c) that the use would substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; that the use was not a public necessity; 'and (d) that the location and character of , the use, if,develOPed according, to the plan as submitted and approved, would not be 1n harmony W1th the area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Carom. Morgan, that the Special ' Use Pprmit- nA ,.;1""......;.......::1 n................ 'l7n+o ...,..,"" ..........t-inn ("!arried as follows: 648 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GROUP CARE HOME (CONTINUED) Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Morgan and Chm. Williams Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Gpttovi BREAK Chm. Williams recessed the meeting for a break from 8:20 o'clock p. m. until 8:32 o'clock p.m. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE INTERIOR OF RUNNYMEADE SUBDIVISION WHICH BEGINS APPROXIMATELY 1,020 FEET EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD MILL ROAD AND CASTLE HAYNE ROAD 0 (HWY 117) FOR: a. A LIFT STATION TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN SECTION 1 OF THE SUBDIVISION. b. A WELL HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN SECTION 2 OF THE SUBDIVISION. THESE AREAS ARE LOCATED IN AN R-10 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Planning Commission had considered this request at its meeting on June 4 and recommended approval. The planning staff had also recommended approval. Chm. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request and no one appeared. After the Commission has considered the following four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity; and (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of daielopment for New Hanover County. Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, that these Special Use Permits be issued based on the same conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Upon vote, the motion" carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi o PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING THE DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF PRIVATE PIERS, COMMUNITY BOATING FACILITIES AND OTHER CLOSELY RELATED USES. Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported tha~ "these amendments had been developed over the last six months in response to a Special Use 'Permit for a pier facility to be operated by a group of homeowners., The amendments had . . ,). '. . " . been considereo' by the Planning Commission at its meeting on June 4 and recommended approval by a vote of 5-2 with 1 abstension. The Planning Staff 'also recommended approval. Chm. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of or in opposition to these amendments, and no one appeared. Upon motion by Comm. Armiste~d, seconded by Comm',O'Shields, ,the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanvver Amending the Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County, North Carolina Adopted October 6, ,1969" was adopted by the following vote: ' ' , Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi A copy of the Ordinance as adopted and signed is contained in Exhibit Book VII, Page 73. o PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO, CLOSE A PORTION OF 47th STREET IN WINTER GARDENS SUBDIVISION , ' Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Staff had, reviewed this request, for street closing and had,received no objection from any of the agencies contacted; therefore, the Planning Staff !recommended approval of the request. The Planning Commission had considered the request at its meeting on June 4 and recommended approval.' . , o o o 629 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) I PARK, RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF 47TH ST. IN WINTER/GARDENS SUBDIVISION (CONTINUED) Upon motion by COnuD"-,,O'Shields, seconded by " Comm. Morgan,' th~ following "Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners Qf New Hanover County, North Carolina of Intent to Close a portion of 4-7th Street (FornHorly"Secon;j' 'Street) in the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision of New Hanover County, North Carolina,'~was adopted by the following vote: Voting Aye: ,Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Absent: Comm'. ,Gottrivi RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW, HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF 47TH STREET (FORMailll SECOND STREET) IN THE WINTER PARK GARDENS SUBDIVISION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County are of the opinion that a portion of 47th Street (formerly Second Street) in the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision of New Hanover County, North Carolina, should be closed, and the closing of same is in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commis- sioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular meeting assembled on this the 7th day of July, 1980, as follo~s: 1. The Board of County Commissioners intends to close a portion of 47th Street (formerly Second Street) in the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision in New Hanover County as follows: A portion" of 47th Street (formerly Second Street) running from Park Avenue for a distance of 161.2 feet to Pine Grove Drive between Lots 13 and 17 of the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this, resolution to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks pursuant to G. S. 153A-241. 2. The Commissioners will hear all persons on the question of whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of any individual, at a public hearing to be held on the 4th day of August, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to send by registered mail or certified mail a copy of this resolution to all owners of property adjoining portions of the above road as reflected by the tax records of New Hanover County, and to post in at least two (2) places along said portion of road proposed to be closed, a Notice of said hearing. The foregoing resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted at a meeting aforesaid. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF INTENT ,TO CLOSE A PORTION OF OLD FEDERAL POINT ROAD IN FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that, the, Planning Staff had reviewed this request and had received no objections from any of the agencies contacted; therefore, the staff recommended approval of the request. The Planning Commission had considered the request at the meeting on June 4 and recommended approval. Chm. Williams asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of this re- quest, and Mr. Frank Jackson, attorney for the petitioners, appeared to answer questions and request approval. No one appeared in ~pposition. Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by "Resolution of the Board of County Commis~ioners olina" was adopted by the following '[pte:' Comm. O'Shields, the following of New Hanover County, North Car- Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan', O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi ,.. '" , ,,630 MINUTES, OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION TO CLOSE, OLD FEDERAL POINT ROAD (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY, COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF THE OLD FEDERAL POINT ROAD IN FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP, LOCATED ON LOT 9, OF THE SAMUEL SOUTHERLAND SUB- DIVIS ION, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County are of the opinion that a por- tion of the Old Federal Point Road in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, located across Lot 9 of the Samuel Southerland Subdivision, should be c~osed, and the closing of same is in the public interest. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular ,meeting assembled on this 7th day of July, 1980, as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners intends to close a portion of the Old Federal Point Road in Federal Point Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, located across Lot 9 of the Samuel Southerland Subdivision as follows: The centerline of the portion of the Old Federal Point Road sought to be closed is located as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is located South 83 degrees 48 minutes East 452.0 feet from a point in the Eastern right of way line of U. S. Highway 11421, said point in, the Eastern right 0 f way line of U. S. Highway #421 being located 668 feet as measured Southwardly along the Eastern right of way line of U. S. Highway #421 from its point of intersection with the centerline of the Masonboro Loop Road (Secondary Road #1492); running thence from said beginning point South 25 degrees 55 minutes West 271.8 feet to a point; run- ning thence South 09 degrees 21 minutes West 393.54 feet. o The Commissioners will hear all persons on the question of whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interes t or the,'" property rights of any individual, at a public hearing to be held on the 4th day of August, 1980 at 7:00 o'clock p.'m. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street,Wilmingtoh, North Carolina, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published once a week for four successive weeks pursuant to G.S. 153A-241, and is further directed to send by registered mail or certified mail a copy of this resolution to all owners of property adjoining portions of the above road, as reflected by the tax records of New Hanover County, and to post in a least two places along said road proposed to be closed a notice of said hearing. The foregoing resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover C~unty adopted at a meeting aforesaid. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - GLYNNWOOD VILLAGE, SECTION II (MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION) Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the Planning Com- mission Subdivision Review Committee had given final approval of this plat at its meeting on June 23, 1980. The Planning Staff also recommended approval. Upon motion by'Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, the final plat of Glynnwood Village', Section II, was granted approval by the following vote: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi o o o o .~,. 631 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) CONTINUANCE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF~REGENCY SQUARE, BLOCKS I AND 10 Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to postpone the final plat approval of Regency Square, Blocks 1 and 10, until the first meeting in August at the request of the attorney for the petitioner. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - SMITH CREEK ESTATES, SECTION 2-A Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the staff had reviewed this final plat and recommended approval. The Planning Commission Sub-' division Review Committee had recommended final approval. at its meeting on,~June 23, 1980. Mr. Lilley pointed out a deviation in this final plat from the pre- liminary plat that was approved previously. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to approve the final plat of Smith Creek Estates, Section 2-A, but that the Planning Department be instructed to notify the developer that no subsequent sections would be approved, without an updated prelimin~ry plan. Upon vote, the motion 'carried as 'follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi FINAL PLAT APPROVAL, SOUTHGATE, SECTION 2 Mr. Charles Lilley of the Planning Department reported that the staff had reviewed this plat and recommended approval and requested that the Minutes of this meeting reflect that the developer or his representative had been notified of N. C. G. S. 39-30 which requires the developer to make application to the Clerk of Superior Court to either install all improvements or post surety with the Clerk of Superior Court prior to, the sale of lots 'within the subdivision. Mr. Lilley reported that the Subdivision Review Committee recommended approval at its meeting on June 23, 1980. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, to approve the final plat of Southgate Subdivision, Section, 2. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Absent: Comm. Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Armistead Comm. Gottovi APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION OF SUBDIVISION REVIEW COMMITTEE WITH REGARD TO TALL TREE SUBDIVISION Mr. Harry Oakes, acting on behalf of Hanover Realty, Inc., owners and devel- opers of the proposed TALLTREE Subdivision, appeared before the Board to appeal the recommendation of the Subdivision Review Committee's requirement that they construct and pave stub streets from the proposed private development to an ad- jacent subdivision prior to approval of the preliminary plan. Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the preliminary plan of the proposed TALLTREE Subdivision be approved as shown by the developer. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF OIL & GAS LEASING ACTIVITIES Ms. Angela G. Skelton, Chairman of the Interagency Task Force that reviews Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Activities, appeared before the Board to brief the Commissioners on the proposed lease sale off the North Carolina Coast and answer questions on the, activities from the Commissioners and others who were interested in this matter. POSTPONEMENT OF PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED ~REE TRADE ZONE AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDER - STANDING WITH AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE Chm. ,Williams reported that items #16, Presentation'of Information on Proposed Wilmington Free Trade Zone, and #17, Mem6randum' of Understanding with Agricultural Extension Service, had been removed from Ithe agenda 'because the people involved would not be able to attend the meeting. i 632 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) COORDINATION PLAN FOR IN-HOME SERVICES County Manager Cooper reported that the Director of Social Services and Health Director had prepared a coordination plan for In-Home Services at the request of Dr. Sarah Morrow, Secretary, Department of Human Resources. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Morgan, to approve the In-Home Services Coordination Memorandum of Understanding. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF WILMINGTON FOR SUMMER YOUTH ,EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, to approve the Agreement with the City of Wilmington for the utilization of three employees to be employed at the Museum under the Summer Youth Employment Program to be operated by the City of Wilmington. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: o Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Gottovi , A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. RENEGOTIATION OF CONTRACT FOR INDUSTRIAL AIRPARK STUDY Airport Manager R. C. Shackelford appeared before the Board and reported that the Airport Commission had recommended amending the contract with G. R. Bandy and Associates, Inc. for the Airport Industrial Airpark Study to increase the cash match in place of in-kind services match for a portion of the funding. Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, approval to renegotiate the contract with G. R. Bandy and Associates, Inc. for the Indus- trial Airpark Study by increasing the cash match as recommended by the'Ai;rport Commission was granted by the following vote: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi , A copy of the amended contract is on file in the CountyManager's Office. o PERMISSION FOR SUBLEASE OF AIRPORT FACILITIES LEASED TO AERONAUTICS, INC. Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, Aeronautics, Inc. was granted approval to sublease the Warren K. Pennington Terminal Building leased to them by the County to General Aviation, Inc. by the following vote: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi SLIDE PRESENTATION OF TAX REVALUATION PROGRAM Tax Administrator Larry Powell appeared before the Board and presented a slide presentation on the Octennial Tax Revaluation program being conducted by the Tax Department and answered questions from the Commissioners. REJECTION OF BIDS RECEIVED ON CITY/COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, that the bids received on the list of City/County property be rejected and the parcels be readvertised in an effort to get higher bids. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi DISCUSSION ON WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE The Commissioners had been furnished a proposed "Ordinance Regulating the New Hanover County Water Supply System" for consideration for the Flemington water system. o It was agreed by concensus to postpone this discussion to the meeting of August 18, 1980. 63;; o o o 633 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS' FOR FEDERAL PAPERBOARD COMPANY County Attorney Fox explained the'Resolutionnecessary approving the issuance of Revenue Bonds for the Federal Paperboard Company. A representative of the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the Board and advised the Board that the Authority proposes to adopt a bond resolution authorizing the issuance of an industrial revenue bond in the principal amount of $2,550,000 and the execution and delivery of financing documents pertaining to the financing of industrial fa~ cilities in New Hanover County for Federal Paper Board Company, Inc. (the Company"). The representative submitted to the Board drafts of a Bond Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into by the Authority with the Company and Wachovia Bank and Trust ,Company, N.A. (the "Bank"), a Loan Agreement between ,the Authority and the Company, an Assignment of the Loan Agreement by the Authority to the Bank and a Guaranty Agreement from the Company to the Bank. The representative further stated that the Bond Purchase Agreement set forth the terms of the revenue bond financing, including the proposed issuance and sale of the bond to the Bank at a price of 100% of the principal amount thereof and requested that the Board approve the issuance of the bond. Commissioner Armistead then introduced the following resolution which was read at length. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political sub- division and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"); and . WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the ','Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others; of paying all or any part of the cost of any industrial project for industry, to ac- quire, construct and, equip any such project, and to make and execute financing agreements, security'documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to issue its revenue bond in the aggregate principal amount of $2,550,000 (the "Bond") and to loan' the proceeds thereof to Federal Paper Board Company, Inc. (the Company) to finance the acquisition, con- struction and installation of industrial facilities (the' "Project") in New Hanover County for the Manufacture of folding cartons; and WHEREAS, the Board has heretofore approved the Project in principle; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that no bonds shall be issued thereunder unless the issuance thereof shall have been approved by the governing body of the County and the Board desires to approve the issuance of the Bond by the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Board Purchase Agreement presented to it setting forth the terms of the revenue bond financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of th~ County of New Hanover as follows: I " (1) The issuance of the Bond by the Authority is hereby approved. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide certified copies of this resolution to the Local Government Commission and to Bond Counsel. (3) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Commissioner Armistead moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Com- missioner O'Shields seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Comms. Armistead, O'Shields, Morgan and Chm. Williams Absent: Comm. Gottovi' Nays: None 634 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) ~5,/ DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY The Commissioners were requested to give retroactive approval for the 4th of' July Fireworks display presented by the City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation on July 5. They had furnished proof of the proper insurance coverage for this display. No action was taken. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County Manager Cooper explained several year end budget amendments and re- quested the Board's approval. BUDGET ~ffiNDMENT - ENGINEERING AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 0 Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Armistead, approval of the following budget amendments in Engineering and Property Management: , To cover the balance of Phase I Contract Costs - Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan: Debit ',- Unappropriated Fund Balance Credit - Acct. 1111'537 04, Professional Services $7,180. $7,180. To cover the balance of cost of repairs to Mental Health Center: Debit - Acct. #11 360 01, Insurance Proceeds Credit - Acct. #11 535 18, Repairs - Mental Health Center $30,306. $30,306. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi NO ACTION ON BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR MULTI-PURPOSE SENIOR CENTER Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm. Williams, to approve the following budget amendment to account for the grant funds for the Multi-Purpose Senior Center Renovation on the Lucille Shuffler Building: Debit - Acct. Acct. Credit - Acct. 1111 1111 1111 350 49, State Grant - Multi-Purpose Center 445 61, Contingencies 495 18, M & R Lucille Shuffler Bldg. $43,296. 4,811. $48,107. o Upon vote, the motion tied as follows which constituted no action: Voting Aye: Voting'Noe: Absent: Comm. O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Armistead and Morgan Comm. Gottovi AUTHORIZATION FOR COUNTY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH CITY MANAGER FOR ~~ :SEPARATION OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to authorize the County Manager to sign the letter of Agreement with the City Manager of the City of Wilmington to insure an orderly transitiion in the separation of the functions of the joint Wilmington/New Hanover Planning Department. Upon vote, the Motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields, and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi DISCUSSION ON MODIFICATION TO LICENSE WITH CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR EXTENSION OF LANDFILL AT CAROLINA BEACH The Commissioners had been furnished copies of a modification to the license with the Corps of Engineers for a 90-day extension on the use of the landfill area at Carolina Beach. o No action was taken pending clarification of the terms of the license. CHANGE ORDER - LIBRARY PLUMBING CONTRACT County Manage~/~piained the change order to the plumbing contract for the Library Construction Contract. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Morgan, to approve Change OrdEr #P-1 to the contract with J. J. Barnes, Inc. for the plumbing work on the Library project. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: . . -..~, . ~ . &J5" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 7, 1980 (CONTINUED) 635 o o o CHANGE ORDER - LIBRARY PLUMBING CONTRACT (CONTINUED) Voting Aye: Comm. Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Voting Noe: Comm. Armistead Absent: Comm. Gottovi COMMENTS PERTAINING TO BOARD OF HEALTH ACTIONS Comm. O'Shields reported that he had not been able to attend the last Board of Health meeting and stated that he was a little disturbed about some of the action that had taken place concerning the regulations they wished to set up requiring the establishment of drainage districts. County Attorney Fox commented on the proposal to establish drainage districts. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chm. Williams moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss litigation matters. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields,and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi Chm. Williams Chm. Williams recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 10:12 o'clock p.m. reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 10:23 o'clock p. m. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the meeting be ad- journed. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Chm. Williams Comm. Gottovi Chm. Williams adjourned the meeting at 10:23 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~p. ~(".., ,;~ IL Alyce B. Rusmisell Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JULY 28, 1980 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, July 28, 1980, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr~; Janet S. Morgan; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager George F. Cooper; Attorney Joseph O. Taylor of the County Attorney's Office; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Rusmisell. Chairman Ellen C. Williams was absent. I Vice-Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. Camm. Q'Shields gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 7, 1980 Comm. Gottovi requested that she be excused from voting on approval of the, ;Minutes as she was not present at the meeting. I Comm. Armistead moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 1980, as presented and that Comm. Gottovi be excused from voting. Upon vote, the motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Abstaining: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Morgan and O'Shields Vice-Chm. Gottovi Chm. Williams APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Comm. Armistead, seconded by Comm. Morgan, the following consent Agenda items were approved by the following vote: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Morgan, O'Shields and Vice-Chm. Gottovi Abseht: Chm. Williams