Agenda 2007 07-23 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Room 401 Wilmington, NC WilLIAM A. CASTER, CHAIRMAN. ROBERT G. GREER, VICE-CHAIRMAN TED DAVIS, JR, COMMISSIONER. WilLIAM A. KOPP, JR, COMMISSIONER. NANCY H. PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER BRUCE T. SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD July 23, 2007 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCA TION (Reverend Richard G. Elliott) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.) APPROV AL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:10 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 53 9:20 a.m. 2. Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees 55 9:25 a.m. 3. Introduction of Ellis E. Pinder, Veteran Services Officer 57 9:30 a.m. 4. Introduction of District Attorney's Law Interns 59 9:35 p.m. 5. Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of Support 61 9:45 p.m. 6. NOTE: This item is delayed until August 13, 2007 67 Consideration of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees' Term Limits 9:55 a.m. 7. Consideration of Veterans Park - Phase IV Parks Bond Proj ect 71 10:05 a.m. 8. Consideration of Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement 73 10:20 a.m. 9. Consideration of Allocation of County Funds for Smith Creek Land Purchase 85 Pending Receipt of Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMFT) Grant and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-08 10:30 a.m. 10. Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference 93 10:35 a.m. 11. Committee Appointments 95 10:45 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 149 10:55 a.m. 13. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:00 a.m. 14. Additional Items County Manager Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 11:10 a.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Notice of Temporary Meeting Location Change The Board of Commissioners will conduct their meetings in July and August 2007 at the New Hanover County Government Center so that renovations may be completed at the Historic Courthouse. The meeting location details are: New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135 Human Resources Training Center Room 401 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 10:45 a.m. l. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 10:50 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 151 3 This page intentionally left blank. 4 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. l. Approval of Minutes 7 2. Approval of Receipt of North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public 9 Safety Grant Funds and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-006 3. Adoption of a Resolution to Approve the Installment Financing of Two Fire 21 Engines 4. Approval of Licensed Clinical Therapist for the School Mental Health Program 25 5. Ratification of Grant Application for $18,000 in Women, Infants and Children 27 (WIC) Funds 6. Approval of Personnel Policy Revision 29 7. Adoption of a Resolution to A ward Request for Proposals (RFP) 07-0423 and 33 Contract 07-0423 to Decade Software, LLC for Environmental Health Services Software 8. Adoption of a Resolution Declaring the Castle Hayne Planning Initiative a 37 Priority and Directing Planning Staff to Work with the Castle Hayne Community on this Initiative 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 41 Collection Reports 10. Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments 45 08-004 Library 08-005 Sheriff s Office 2008-05 Sheriff s Office 2008-06 Sheriff s Office 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila L Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the Agenda Review meeting held on July 5, 2007 and Regular Session meeting held on July 9, 2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 7 This page intentionally left blank. 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Wayne Pearce Contact: Kristen Wingenroth SUBJECT: Approval of Receipt of North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Grant Funds BRIEF SUMMARY: The Emergency Management Department maintains a first response trailer with equipment which is jointly used by the County and City Fire Units for search and rescue by designated first responders when needed. The North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety has made available to the County a $4,800 grant to be used for the purchase of equipment for urban search and rescue for designated first response units. This grant is part of an allocation of funds to local governmental units throughout the state. To receive these funds, New Hanover County must submit the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Upon approval by the Board of Commissioners, staff will prepare and submit to the State the required MOA. No County matching funds are required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of attached ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-006 to budget grant funds in the amount of $4,800 and authorize staff to complete and submit required Memorandum of Agreement. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ... .:.. ..~, ........ . .. US,2..R 48.00S r~nAupdf 08-0067-9-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 9 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 08-006 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 08-006 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Emergency Management Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management: Supplies $4,800 Total $4,800 Revenue: Decrease Increase Emergency Management: NC Dept. of Crime Control & Public Safety Grant $4,800 Total $4,800 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt of North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Grant Funds to be used for the purchase of equipment for urban search and rescue for designated first response units. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-006 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 10 Grant # SRT/USAR 0607~O27 Tax ID # 56-6000324 Fund Code 151O~5A2 Grant Amount not to Exceed: $A,800.00 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN SWIFfW A TER RESCUE EQUIPMENT PURSUANT TO THE ACT TO MODIFY THE CAPTlAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 2005 Senate Bill 1741, Session Law 2006-66 (Funding Code: lSlo-SA2 - Other Grants to Local Governments) Between tbe Department of Crime Con trol and Public Safety l Division of Emergency Management And New Hanover County Emergency Management I. SUBJECT AND PURPOSE This Memorandum of Agreement (Agreement) is entered into by and between the State of North Carolina, Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, Raleigh, North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as the AGENCY), and NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, New Hanover County, North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as the GRANTEE). The purpose ofthis Agreement is to provide funding in an amount not to exceed $4,800.00 (Four thousand eight hundred dollars) to NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, New Hanover County, North Carolina as GRA1~TEE pursuant to Session Law 2006-66 Senate Bill 1741, Section 28.2.(a), for the acquisition of rescue equipment as more fully set forth herein. Session Law 2006-66, AlsoseeJOlNT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION, EXPANSION AND CAP!T AL BUDGETS, Budget Change 75. Said equipment is categorized as communications, medical, personal, team, logistics, rigging or watercraft equipment. [I. PARTIES The parties to this Agreement are: North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management (AGENCY), and New Hanover County Emergency Management, North Carolina (GRANTEE). III. BACKGROUND AND AUTHORITY The Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, by and through the Division of Emergency Management, as the AGENCY, has made funds available to assist NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, North Carolina as the 11 GRANTEE, in the above and hereinafter referenced projects, pursuant to Session Law 2006-66. IV. BUDGET AND SCOPE OF WORK GRANTEE shall implement the project as summarized in the scope of work summary below. The AGENCY shall provide funds to the GRANTEE to acquire eligible equipment and/or training according to the following procedures, and based upon the list of eligible expenditures as more generally described below: ~ The AGENCY shall provide Expansion Budget Funds designated as "Other Grants to Local Governments, II in the referenced Appropriations Act, for a total grant amount not to exceed $ 4,800.00 (Four thousand eight hundred dollars). - Classification of funds Equipment subtotal $4,800 Training subtotal $0 Total grant amount $4,800 - This total grant amount is inclusive of aU costs, including administrative costs, licensing, permitting, and contingency fees. Cost overruns are the responsibility of the GRANTEE. - The termination date for this grant award is June 30, 2008. Any proceeds unused from the grant amount will be returned by the GRANTEE to the AGENCY. Eligible Exuenses: See Attachment A: Allowable Equipment and Training List V. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT(AGENC~ The AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PULIC SAFETY, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT agrees to: a. Provide funding per the terms of this Agreement to the GRANTEE, New Hanover County Emergency Management, North Carolina to achieve the purposes of Session Law 2006-66 as referenced in this MOA. VI. DUTIES AND RESPONSI.BILITIES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (GRANTEE) Page 2 of8 12 The GRANTEE agrees to: a. GRANTEE will acknowledge, in aU printed material and promotions, the grant from the State of North Carolina as administered by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management. b, GRANTEE wiU provide to the NCEM Search and Rescue Coordinator within thirty calendar days ofexecution ofthis MOA and by the tenth day of each month thereafter, a progress report detailing expenditures, and accomplished milestones, The GRANTEE certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency, and GRANTEE hereby further certifies to the AGENCY that it will not knowingly enter into any transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, unless authorized by the GRANTEE. The GRANTEE, its subgrantees, employees or agents, including all subcontractors or consultan.ts to be paid from funds provided under this Agreement, shan allow access to its records at reasonable times to the AGENCY, its employees, and agents, "Reasonable" shalt be construed according to the circumstances, but ordinarily shall mean during normal business hours. "Agents" shall include, but are not limited to, State Auditors, and auditors retained by the AGENCY. The AGENCY may terminate the Agreement with a GRANTEE if reports are not timely filed. Reports must fairly indicate that work product was completed in accordance with generally accepted principles and is consistent with the Budget and Scope of Work as established between the NCEM SAR Coordinator for the AGENCY, and the GRANTEE. Requests for reimbursement of eligible expenses will not be honored unless progress reports are submitted in a timely manner as required. c. GRANTEE will submit to the NCEM SAR Coordinator a fmal report detailing all expenditures, and project accomplishments at the completion of the project. d. GRANTEE agrees that all funds pursuant to this grant disbursement will be used for the expressed purposes as set out in the aforementioned "PURPOSES" section of this MOA. e. GRANTEE and. its sub grantees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, and/or any other third parties agree to hold harmless the State of North Carolina, the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, the Division of Emergency Management, and aU other departments and/or divisions of state government as to the construction and repair of facilities, Page 3 of8 13 including any contractual or non.contractual duties or agreements between GRANTEE and its subgrantees., contractors, subcontractors, agents, andJor any other third parties. GRANTEE and any sub grantee, contractors, sub- contractors, agents, andJor any other third parties shall be solely responsible to parties with whom it shall deal in carrying out the terms of this agreement, and shall hold the AGENCY harmless against all claims of whatever nature by third parties arising out of the performance of work under this agreement. For purposes ofthis Agreement, GRANTEE and its subgrantees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, andJor any other third parties are not an employee or agent of the AGENCY. The GRANTEE and its subgrantees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, andJor any other third parties agree to be fully responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or tortuous acts. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any GRANTEE, nor is anything herein intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the AGENCY. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or subdivision of the State of North Carolina to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of contract. f GRANTEE agrees to maintain equipment for its entire useful life. g. GRANTEE will be subject to audit by the State of North Carolina as to its use of these funds. GRANTEE shall retain all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, and statistical records related to the project involving this grant. All original records pertinent to this Agreement shall be retained by the GRANTEE for a minimum of three years following the date of termination of this Agreement or of submission ofthefiual closeout report, whichever is later, with the following exception: if any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the three year period and extends beyond the three year period, the records will be maintained until aU litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. All records, including supporting documentation of all program costs, shall be sufficient to determine compliance with the requirements and objectives of the Budget and Scope of Work, and all other applicable laws and regulations. h. SUBCONTRACTS: If the GRANTEE subcontracts any or all of the work required under this Agreement, the GRANTEE agrees to include in the subcontract that the subcontractor is bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement with the AGENCY. The GRANTEE agrees to include in the subcontract that the subcontractor shall hold the AGENCY and GRANTEE harmless against all claims of whatever nature arising out of the subcontractor's performance of work under this Agreement; to the extent allowed and required by law. Ifthe GRANTEE subcontracts, a copy ofthe executed subcontract must be forwarded to the AGENCY Page 4 of8 14 within ten (10) days of execution of said subcontract. Contractual arrangement shall in no way relieve the GRANTEE of its responsibilities to ensure that all funds issued pursuant to this grant be administered in accordance with all state and federal requirements. 1. Grantee agrees to complete procurement process not later than June 30, 2008. VII. INCORPORATION OF LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Both the GRANTEE and the AGENCY shall be govemed by applicable State and Federal Laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to: Federal and/or State laws, rules and regulations regarding contract work hours and safety standards, fair labor standards, Debarment Rules, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Anti-kickback (Copeland) Act of 1934, the Hatch Act, the Flood Disaster Protection Act, contracts for services provisions of state and/or federal law, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972, Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, the Public Health Service Act of 1912, the Lead~Based Paint Poisoning Act, and the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. VIII. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS a. Compliance: Failure to comply with the specified conditions will result in the return of this grant award to the State of North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. b. Taxes: Any and all taxes shall be the responsibility of the Agency. c. Situs: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of North Carolina and any claim for breach of enforcement of this Agreement shall be filed in the State Court in Wake County, North Carolina. d.. Entire Agreement: This Agreement and any exhibits and amendments annexed hereto and any documents incorporated specifically by reference represents the entire agreement between the parties and supercede all prior oral and written statements or agreements. IX. DEFAULT: REMEDIES: TERMINATION a. If any of the following events occur ("Events of Default"), all obligations on the part ofthe AGENCY to make any further payment of funds hereunder shall, if the AGENCY so elects, terminate, and the AGENCY may at its option exercise any of it remedies set forth herein, Page 5 of8 15 but the AGENCY may make any payments or parts of payments after the happening of any Events of Default without thereby waiving the right to exercise such remedies, and without becoming liable to make any further payment: 1. If any warranty or representation made by the GRANTEE in this Agreement or any previous Agreement with the AGENCY shall at any time be false or misleading in any respect, or ifthe GRANTEE shall fail to keep, observe or perform any of the terms or covenants contained in this Agreement or any previous agreement with the AGENCY and has not cured such in timely fashion, or is unable or unwilling to meet its obligations thereunder; 2. If any material adverse change shall occur in the financial condition of the GRANTEE at any time during the term ofthis Agreement from the financial condition revealed in any reports filed or to be filed with the AGENCY, and the GRANTEE fails to cure said material adverse change within thirty (30) days from the time the date written notice is sent by the AGENCY; 3. If any reports required by this Agreement have not been submitted to the AGENCY or have been submitted with incorrect, incomplete or insufficient information; 4, Ifthe GRANTEE has failed to perform and complete in timely fashion any of the services required under the Budget and Scope of Work. S. If the necessary funds are not available to fund this agreement as a result of action by Congress, the Executive branch, the N.C. Legislature, or the Office of State Budget and Management. b. Upon the happening of an Event of Default, then the AGENCY may, at its option, upon written notice to the GRANTEE and upon the GRANTEE's failure to timely cure, exercise anyone or more ofthe fa Hawing remedies, either concurrently or consecutively, and the pursuit of anyone of the foHowing remedies shall not preclude the AGENCY from pursuing any other remedies contained herein or otherwise provided at law or in equity: 1. Terminate this Agreement, provided that the GRANTEE is given at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice of such termination. The notice shall be effective when placed in the United States mail, first class mail, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail return receipt requested, to the address specified Page 6 of8 16 by the Search and Rescue Coordinator; 2. Commence an appropriate legal or equitable action to enforce performance ofthis Agreement; 3. Withhold or suspend payment of all or any part of a request for payment; 4. Exercise any other rights or remedies which may otherwise be available under law, X. MODIFICATION OF THE AGREEMENT Modification of this Agreement must be in writing and upon approval of both parties. XI. COMMUNICATIONS To provide consistent and effective communication between New Hanover County Emergency Management, New Hanover County, North Carolina as Grantee, and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, as the Agency, each party shall appoint a Principal Representative(s) to serve as its central point of contact responsible for coordinating and implementing this Agreement. The Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management contacts shall be H, Douglas Hoell, Jr., Director, and Mr. Todd Brown Search and Rescue Coordinator, Division of Emergency Management. The New Hanover County Emergency Management contact shall be Warren Lee, New Hanover County Emergency Management, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115, Wilmington, NC 28403. Page 7 of8 17 xu. EXECUTION This Agreement will become effective upon execution of all parties to the Agreement. The date of execution shall be the date of the last signature which shall be that of Mr. Gerald A. Rudisill, Jr., Deputy Secretary, NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. CONTRACTING AGENCY DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPART~!,T OF CRIME_ CONmOL AND ~~ BY:~'t\~'- BY: H. DouglasoeU, Jr., Director Warren Lee Division of Emergency Management New Hanover County Emergency Date: 1o-4-oJ Managemen~ . ~ Date: ~ IS) 07 ~ . APPROVED AS TO PROCEDURES: BY: Bennie Aiken, Controller NC Dept. of Crime Control and Public Safety Date: -;ry~~ Reviewed and Prepared by Marvin R. Waters, CCPS General Counsel, to fulfill the purposes of Session Law 2006-66 Date: tV~ 7 BY: Gerald A. Rudisill, Jr., Deputy Secretary Nortb Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Date: PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AS TO FORM FOR GRANTS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SESSION LAW 2U06~66. Page 8 of8 18 Attacl1.ment A: Allowable Equipment and training A11owabl<l Equl,pment Expenses ~ Airotall Radio I'W Handsaw B""s, watamrnol radio Meoaohonel PA Ballery, ,"",""cna""" Fuel Cans Imnsoortllble Headsel _lero,001 Shovel, hand phone celluliilr hammer. .I<l<ioo Radlo~b""lwa_ SoriliSM Oils Fuels BLS Medical Kil ChaJnSllW wi kit AlS Madlcal Kll Flnl eXlulnaulsoo, Ememe""" Blankets PUrifie" W alar SO"'" Slilblll""lion Board 1fI0liltlon ba<:k boa,d\ Geooralo' Mlh liohl altachmeol Stok..s:-iWe Ii!le~h !Ioat klliil Recal' KiIS FoodiWalll",sleeoino 24 Hoors Aerial !lares Wale, Samnl<l Kit 0"" markers Dry Gea;Ban~ f'ullevo ON sull with liner Pick 011 s!r8'" E"" omledions L"", Thrower Fins Pair Ron<>- 200' ",Un Ba.o fluhllchl fwa.lerorOOfi ROlle- 300' with, OOIl Gloves-wal'" Ro"".600' with ba.o Gloves-Iealh... Cornanlssed ai;c;,:jirnJeflHasellHB inflallOOl HeHooole, Eme,,,,,,,evESl:a"" Device {HE, EO\ PFO Tvoe III V1clim assortmenl fUSCG Anorowdi Handheld lIaltls V!clim Hamess HarnJheld SUNival slrobe lOohl Brake 8,ar Racks Headlamns _lllrn,ool Carablne, lookino D sleel Helmet $wiftwale' Ca,oo;"'*lr Iocklno 0, aluminum HalO flotalion vest IUSCG .A.oo,oved\ Carabiner locl<in<> D Coomical! Lioht Slicks /"""Iumel Edoo Proleclion PFD Twe V Te1hered Swimmer (USCG Aonroved\ Elah1 P lales PFD, T""" IIINIUSCGA;';;,,"""lI Harness reSClle' Rescue Imi""", Pickets Srool<elMal1<hm device Knot ness,,,,, oulla"" Tennis shoes or "",..,..,,;al.. wale, booliels $Io,aoe Containers, as needed Whis1les Swlmml!( Rescue Soard fCartson \ Throw Sairs Admin. Kill ICSA:""n"" Forms Throwable Flotation OeviceSrUSCG A"",ovedJ Ai, Monool'S Prusslk tandem oalls Dusl Mask d'S1105OOI<l Wel:>bina 1" X 5' t-Mon tubula;:<;ieen 8all.out svslem WebblnOl 1" x 12' N-'OI1lubula'.wllow Collection Rioos Webbin"~ i" x 15' NvI<>n 1ubWar.tl4ue C<lm<lasS Wabblna 1" x 20' N-,on tubule,-oranoe HernJ held Soot FUR nand Air. manuallnflaUo" cumD Forcible E"IN Tool Bladder,luel NiQht Vision hand Boat non oowe'oo T4 oerson minlmu m 1 GPS Fuel bl,addarllan" Helo vlclim uftioo device IRB 12' rrunimum PfD 1"",,, III. VAAim assortment (USCG ADorovtld\ K~, oalchlreoalrlmalntenan"" Viclim Harness un""nJ ",,1st wi k~1 swlt<:h Helme.! Victim Motor. SOlio Imlnimum\, oroo wllh ""aid Jacket, el<OOsUnl Molor IlUl;h kll Pol"ffi\Ilchino loik.. or eauivalanU Paddl<>s Inflatable hose kiiTwllhhose PrOO, =re Search 000 notation device Snorkel Mask, dillll Allowable Tralnl n9 e1Cpensas Manaoliii'searcll O;;;-rations Fundamootals of Search andR....,oo Manaaioo und Search Ooe:rations SwllIwaler Rescue Technlclan Unit.' Maml",n" Ihe Lost Pe,son Incident Swlllwale.rRescue T echnici"" Unlt.2 A""a"cad Technical Lii"'e Animal Rescue Waler ROOClJ" aoal Qt>eralorlllowman Roce Rescue NFPA 1006 O_atians WlkJemass Firsl Aid Hallwoler A"u.alic Rescue T echnleian Helicoolar Rescue oce,atioos 'olher expenses must be approvad by GW"lee 19 This page intentionally left blank. 20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Avril M. Pinder Contacts: Avril M. Pinder or Julie McLawhon SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution to Approve the Installment Financing of Two Fire Engines BRIEF SUMMARY: The County Commissioners approved the purchase of four (4) custom pumpers from Pierce Manufacturing with two (2) units being purchased with budgeted funds and two (2) being purchased through installment financing at their August 14, 2006 Board meeting. These four custom pumpers were delivered on July 3, 2007. The attached resolution is for the approval of the installment financing for two (2) pumpers with SunTrust Leasing Corporation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of the Resolution for the Installment Purchase Contract FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . Re~ c iutic:: F~:i iJ i: c::; gee ::!:'"a ctS Li ::t:'"jj ~t-5? 8 S..2 ~ 6. DOC REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 21 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INST ALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT WITH SUNRUST LEASING CORPORATION TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF TWO FIRE ENGINES FOR USE BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED INSTRUMENTS AND CERTAIN RELATED MATTERS AND MAKING RELATED FINDINGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, as follows: Section I. The Board of Commissioners does hereby find and detennine: (a) New Hanover County proposes the financing of the acquisition of two fire engines, as more fully described in the hereinafter named Contract; (b) The most advantageous manner of financing thereof is by an installment contract pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended; (c) Pursuant to said Section 160A-20, New Hanover County is authorized to finance the acquisition of real and personal property, including fixtures, by installment contracts that create a security interest in the property financed to secure repayment of the financing; and (d) SunTrust Leasing Corporation e<SunTrust") has proposed that SunTrust finance the acquisition pursuant to an Installment Purchase Contract between the Purchaser and SunTrust ("the Contract") . Section 2. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and directs the County Manager, the County Attorney, and the Finance Director execute, acknowledge and deliver the Contract on behalf of the Purchaser in such form and substance as the person executing and delivering such instruments on behalf of the Purchaser shall find acceptable. The Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized to affix the official seal of New Hanover County to the Contract and attest the same. Section 3. The proper officers of the Purchaser are authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this Resolution and Contract Section 4. Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract, no deficiency judgment may be rendered against the Purchaser in any action for breach of a contractual obligation under the Contract and the taxing power of the Purchaser is not and may not be 22 pledged directly or indirectly to secure any moneys due under the Contract, the security provided under the Contract being the sole security for SunTrust in such instance. Section 5. The Purchaser covenants that to the extent permitted by the constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina, it will comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") as required so that interest on the Purchaser's obligations under the Contract will not be included in the gross income of SunTrust. Section 6. It is hereby determined and approved that (i) the proceeds of the Contract shaU be used for the financing of the acquisition of two fire engines and, (Ii) the maximum principal amount expected to be incurred is $798,218 with 6 semiannual installments. This, the 23rd day of July, 2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 23 This page intentionally left blank. 24 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager Contact: Janet McCumbee SUBJECT: Approval of Licensed Clinical Therapist for the School Mental Health Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Based on approval from the Board of Health (BOH) and County Commissioners, New Hanover County Schools (NHCS) is contracting with the New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) to administer the school mental health program, divested by Southeastern Center (SEC). Twelve (12) therapists, a supervisor, and one administrative support staff were originally approved and began on July 2. NHCS has notified us that we will receive another therapist position bringing the total to thirteen (13). The thirteenth position can be funded within the existing budget. Office space for the new position is located at the school. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: To approve an additional Licensed Clinical Therapist position in the School Mental Health Program. Funding Source: New Hanover County Schools FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: New Position(s) Number of Positions: 1 Explanation: No matching funds required. Contract with NHCS for full funding. Therapists will also bill for services to recoup contract funds. ATTACHMENTS: Email ~ ........ . .. Addt'1 MH Therapist approvaL doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 25 Janet McCumbee RN BSN Personal Health Services Manager New Hanover County Health Department 2029 $" 17th St Wilmington, N"C. 28401 910-798-6559 _____ Forwarded by Janet McCumbee/NHC on 06/19/2007 11 :21 AM m__ WILLI,AM R TRANT <wtrant@nl1cs.k12.nc.us>@SMTP@.Exchange 06/1112007 05:46 PM T 0 Janet McCumbee/NHC@NHC. Donna Pleasants <pleasa@secmh"org>@S MTP@E.xchange S u b j e c t 13th position Janet & Donna Lynn, I received confinnation today fro our Finance Office that we will be able to move forward with the Bth position for our School-based Therapy project. Bill I SIG :466dc2b5 3 7177 801781834 t 26 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Personal Health Services Manager Contact: Kim Roane, Business Manager SUBJECT: Ratification of Grant Application for $18,000 in Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Funds BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Health Department requests ratification for submission of an application for $18,000 in WIC grant funds. These funds have been made available at the state level through WIC for special projects in local WIC programs. The deadline for submitting the grant application was June 19, 2007. These funds, if awarded, will be used for minor renovations in the Health Department's WIC office to expand the front registration counter from two work stations to add a third workstation. This will improve customer service, allowing all of the WIC administrative support staff to provide direct service to patients, improving the efficiency of the patient registration process. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: To ratify the submission of an application for an $18,000 WIC grant to be used for minor renovations in the WIC office. Funding Source: State of North Carolina WIC Program, Nutrition Services Branch. No County matching funds are required. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: No County match is required for receipt of these funds. ATTACHMENTS: The grant application is available for review in the County Manager's office. ~ -. .....~: WI C Grant Application. pdf REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: 27 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 28 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Andre Mallette Contact: Cathy Morgan SUBJECT: Approval of Personnel Policy Revision BRIEF SUMMARY: The proposed revision would give authority to the County Manager to approve the addition/deletion of classifications (not positions, but rather the classifications of positions) to the classification plan. This would provide needed flexibility in the classification of existing budgeted positions as changes in the positions occur. It would not change the requirement that new or additional budgeted positions would have to be approved by the Board. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the personnel policy revision. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ Oa$sificatiQn$ County Manager .A;.rthortty 71E 2W7.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 29 TJI(} to the ImlfUlger to (Ipprol'e the but rather in the (1S. in the occur. It would not tlU1I new or additional wOllld have to be .AR11CI-E 11 - CLASSIFICA 110N PIAN Adoption A listing established classifications for positions and pay grade shall be by the Board of Commissioners as the cI ass i ficat ion for the stipulated fiscal year. Allocation of Positions The shall allocate each covered the classi ficat ion plan to its appropriate classification in the classification plan. Adminb,1ration of the Position ClassUicfltioll Pian The County Manager shall be for the overall administration and maintenance oflhe classification plan. The Director of Human Resources is for the administration and mail1lenance of the cl<lssification plan. The department heads shall be for to the atlention of the County Manager ( I) the need for new and material in the nature of conditions. or other factors the classifications of any to eil.her (I) allocate the new to the classification within the cI assificat iOI1 or recommend that the Board of Commissioners amend the plan to establish a new classification to which the new may be allocated. When the Director of Human Resources finds that a substantial has OCCUlTed in the nalllre or level of dmies and of an he or she will make a recommendation that to the County Manager. The County Manager may: (I) direct that the classification be or reallocate the to the classification within that classification or the classification plan to establish a nevI" classification to which the may be or (4) recommend that duties and responsibilities retU11l to the 30 31 This page intentionally left blank. 32 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: IT Presenter: Leslie Stanfield Contact: Diane Harvell SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution to Award Request for Proposals (RFP) 07-0423 and Contract 07-0423 to Decade Software, LLC for Environmental Health Services Software BRIEF SUMMARY: A Request for Proposals was published in the Star News legal section on Sunday, April 15, 2007, soliciting proposals for Environmental Health Services Software. This software will replace the County's mainframe system and Environmental Health's state reporting component with web-based technology. The software will allow access to data which will enable Environmental Health's staff to provide County citizens and other County departments with comprehensive, accurate information in a timely manner. On Tuesday, May 8, 2007, proposals were received by the Purchasing Agent. Two companies submitted proposals with pricing as detailed below: Decade Software, LLC $138,920 CDP, Inc. $ 98,734 An evaluation team made up of staff from Environmental Health (end users and management), the Health Department, and Information Technology (IT) participated in demonstrations from both vendors and scored the two products based on their demonstration of the software, their answers to questions about their company and the implementation and support services that they could provide on this project. Overwhelmingly, Decade Software was the preferred vendor for a variety of reasons. From the Central IT perspective, the Decade solution was in keeping with County's current technical architecture. The CDP solution does not allow the County to have autonomy with how we manage the data and the vendor was not responsive to providing a test environment as is the County's practice. From the users' perspective, the Decade product offered greater functionality than its competitor. The CDP package appeared to be more of a data entry system for creation of State forms. The Decade solution offered much greater functionality as a true automation and workflow management tool. Interfaces to other County systems were also facilitated much better in the Decade solution. There are sufficient funds available to complete the project. The capital portion of the contract (software license, configuration, and conversion) is $99,620. This will be taken from 11010100-800150. The remaining cost of $39,300 is for training, travel, and consultation. This will be taken from the contracted services line item 11010100-700000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution awarding RFP # 07-0423 and Contract # 07-0423 to Decade Software in the amount of $138,920 and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: 33 ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. 07-0423 resolution for award. doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 34 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, proposals were received and recorded by the Purchasing Agent at 2:00 PM EST., on Tuesday, May 8, 2007, and the following companies submitted proposals for Environmental Health Services Software RFP # 07-0423; and Decade Software Company,. LLC $138,920 CDP, Inc. $ 98,734 WHEREAS, the bids were evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives from Environmental Health (end users and management), the Health Department, and Infonnation Technology (IT); and WHEREAS, the committee overwhelmingly recommended aWllrd to Decade Software for reasons detailed below: . From the Central IT perspective, the Decade solution was in keeping with County's current technical architecture. The CDP solution does not allow the County to have autonomy with how we manage the data and the vendor was not responsive to providing a test environment as is the County's practice. . From the users' perspective, the Decade product offered greater functionality than its competitor. The CDP package appeared to be more of a data entry system for creation of State forms. . The Decade solution offered much greater functionality as a true automation and workflow management tool. . Interfaces to other County systems were also facilitated much better in the Decade solutions; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds available to complete the project The capital portion onhe contract (software license, configuration, and conversion) being $99,620will be charged to Capital Outlay- Account # 11010100-800150 and the remaining cost of$39,300 for training, travel, and consultation will be charged to Contracted Services, Account # 110 I 0 100-700000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Environmental Health Services SoftwllrC RFP #07-0423 be awarded to Decade Sofuvare company, LLC in the amount of $138,920, and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 07-0423, contract fonn to be approved by the County Attorney. This 23rd day of July, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 35 This page intentionally left blank. 36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Shawn Ralston Contact: Shawn Ralston Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Declaring the Castle Hayne Planning Initiative a Priority and Directing Planning Staff to Work with the Castle Hayne Community on this Initiative BRIEF SUMMARY: In order to foster economic growth, enhance public health and safety, protect environmental resources, and promote infill development in the Castle Hayne Community, the New Hanover County Planning Department is seeking to renew planning initiatives for the Castle Hayne community. With development plans being proposed for the Castle Hayne area and pending water and sewer expansions that will make development more attainable, it is the goal of County Planning Staff to embark on a planning initiative to help guide development of Castle Hayne. Members of the Castle Hayne community have voiced their support for a planning initiative in their community. With the support of the Castle Hayne community, staff will seek to create a plan that will incorporate smart growth principles such as infill development, pedestrian access and open space preservation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adopting the resolution declaring the Castle Hayne Planning Initiative a priority. Recommend directing Planning Staff to work with Castle Hayne residents to develop a plan for the Castle Hayne Community. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ........ ... . Castle Hayne resolutiQn.doc Castle H a}'ne LeHer. pdf ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 37 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recognizes the need to foster economic growth, enhance public health and safety, protect environmental resources, and promote infiU development in the Castle Hayne Community; and WHEREAS, the population of northern New Hanover County, including the Castle Hayne area, is predicted to increase by more than 40,000 by 2030; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recently considered the expansion of water and sewer to the Castle Hayne community, thereby making future development in this area more attainable; and WHEREAS, members of the Castle Hayne community have spoken out about the need for infiU development and pedestrian access in the Castle Hayne Commercial Corridor; and WHEREAS, the New lIanover County Planning Department, in conjunction with the USDA, has completed a Design Charette for the Castle Hayne Road Commercial Corridor and a Market Study for Castle Hayne; and WHEREAS, members of the Castle Hayne community have voiced their support for a planning initiative for the Castle Hayne community; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners understands the importance of a plan for the Castle Hayne community that could incorporate infill development, atfordable housing opportunities, pedestrian access and open space preservation. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopt this resolution declaring the Castle Hayne Planning Initiative a priority and directing Planning Staff to work with residents to create a Plan for the Castle Hayne Community. Adopted the 23rd day of July 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: Sheila L Schult, Clerk to the Board revised 38 ^ '. .,-~,...',.......~-~~~~~~= CASTLB HAYNE STEERING COMMITTEE October 12,2006 New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Market Place Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Attn: Mr. Chris O'Keefe , Dear Chris, On behalf of the members of the Castle Hayne Steering Committee, I'd like to thank you, and your staff, for meeting with us last evening. We truly appreciate your commitment to improve our community and for embracing our vision for the future. We are especially appreciative of the Urban Design Study and presentation prepared by the Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance and presented by Vagn Hansen at our meeting last night. The visuals and descriptions in the presentation illustrate the type of community that the Castle Hayne Steering Committee has been working to create for the past several years. We strongly feel that time is of the essence and we request that the Planning Department staff help us develop a final master plan and necessary zoning amendments as soon as possible. As a first step in this assistance,. we would ask that a public meeting be scheduled for input from affected parties in and around the business corridor in reaction to the DCA concepts that the steering committee strongly endorses. Again, thank you. Please call on me for any assistance that I, or our committee, can offer. We are eager to get to work and excited about our future. Sincerely, ~,(Q,~)' Thomas A. Radewicz . Chairman, CHSC PO Box 3 Castle Hayne.. NC 28429 910-675"2455 39 This page intentionally left blank. 40 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: Michelle Harrell Contact: Michelle Harrell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Reports as of June 30, 2007 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ N H CColrptJ U N 07. wpd N H CFD Colrpt0607. wpd ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 41 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 06130/07 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2006 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORlGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ,$ 119,404,026.20 ,$ 11,468,460.49 D1SCOVERlES ADDED 3,318,518.43 ]4,397.71 LESS ABATEMENTS - 323,7J5.55 - 176,954.67 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 122,398,829.08 $ 11,305,903.53 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 14,520.00 .00 LISTING PENAL TIES CHARGED 99,847.43 .00 CLEANING LIENS CHARGED ]2,050.00 .00 TOTAL LEVY $ 122,525,246.51 $ 11,305,903.53 COLLECTIONS TO DATE . 121,711.0\7,35 . 9,8\ 1.342.21 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 814,229.16 $ 1,494,561.32 PERCENT AGE COLLECTED 99.34%** 86.78%** PERCENT AGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES & APPEALS 99.36%** 86.79%** BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 4,590,639.95 CHARGES ADDED 103,460.52 LESS ABATEMENTS - 294'\03.23 TOT At TAXES DUE ,$ 4,399,997.24 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 1.718,400.59 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 2,681,596.65 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 39.05% JUN 2007 FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS $ 801,478.55 $ 7,537.853.00 RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS 33,296.94 342,379.38 PRlVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 30,707.50 59,737.89 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $198,567,904.10. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY], 2006. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 98.27% ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS - 98.30% 42 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/07 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2006 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 3,887,203.33 $ 478,674.59 DISCOVERIES ADDED 171,50339 760.24 LESS ABATEMENTS - 37,195..64 - 7,158.37 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 4,021,511.08 $ 472,276.46 LISTING PENAL TIES CHARGED 4,098.44 .00 TOTAL LEVY $ 4,025,609.52 $ 472,276.46 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 3,998547.08 - 415,869.39 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 27,062,44 $ 56,407.07 PERCENT AGE COLLECTED 99.33%* 88.06%* PERCENT AGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS 99.35%** 88,07%** BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 147,266.41 CHARGES ADDED 7,536.30 LESS ABATEMENTS - 9,128.27 TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 145,674.44 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 69548.86 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 76,125,58 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 47,74% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGlNNING JULY 1, 2006. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENT AGE - 98.14% ** COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENT AGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS - 98.16% 43 This page intentionally left blank. 44 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008: 08-004 - Library 08-005 - Sheriffs Office 2008-05 - Sheriffs Office 2008-06 - Sheriffs Office RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of ordinances for the budget amendments listed in the summary above. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: To amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ ........ ........ ........ . .. . .. . .. . .. 08-0047-9-07.doc 08-0057-' 0-07.doc 2008-057-' 0-07.doc 2008-067-9-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 45 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 08-004 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 08-004 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Library Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Library: Contracted Services $20,000 Total $20,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Library: Grant - Federal $20,000 Total $20,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget receipt of the Library Services & Technology Planning Grant award as approved by the Commissioners on the 2/19/07 Agenda. Funds will be used to hire a consultant to review the Library's current use of technology in providing public service and to develop recommendations for future use of technology. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-004 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 46 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 08-005 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 08-005 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff's Office Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Uniform Patrol: Supplies - Auto $46,012 Total $46,012 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $46,012 Total $46,012 Section 2: Explanation To budget State of North Carolina Court Order, Superior Court Division, proceeds received and recognized in FY 06-07, but to be spent in FY 07-08. As stated in the Court Order, the money seized and confiscated is forfeited to the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-005 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 47 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008-05 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2008-05 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriff's Office Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Supplies $14,470 Total $14,470 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Federal Forfeited Property $14,470 Total $14,470 Section 2: Explanation To budget Federal Forfeited Property receipts for 6/13/07. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary . Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-05 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 48 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008-06 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2008-06 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff's Office Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Supplies $6,482 Total $6,482 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $6,482 Total $6,482 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipts for 6-20-07. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary . Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-06 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 49 This page intentionally left blank. 50 REGULAR AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:10 a.m. I. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 53 9:20 a.m. 2. Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees 55 9:25 a.m. 3. Introduction of Ellis E. Pinder, Veteran Services Officer 57 9:30 a.m. 4. Introduction of District Attorney's Law Interns 59 9:35 p.m. 5. Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of Support 61 9:45 p.m. 6. Consideration of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees' 67 Term Limits 9:55 a.m. 7. Consideration of Veterans Park - Phase IV Parks Bond Proj ect 71 10:05 a.m. 8. Consideration of Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement 73 10:20 a.m. 9. Consideration of Allocation of County Funds for Smith Creek Land Purchase 85 Pending Receipt of Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMFT) Grant and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-08 10:30 a.m. 10. Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference 93 10:35 a.m. II. Committee Appointments 95 10:45 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 149 10:55 a.m. 13. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 11:00 a.m. 14. Additional Items County Manager Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 11:10 a.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 51 This page intentionally left blank. 52 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are eligible to receive New Hanover County Service Recognition: FIVE (5) YEAR: Matthew White - Property Management; Randy Tripp - Property Management; Benjamin Bobzien - Fire Services TEN (10) YEAR: Elizabeth Perrone - Sheriff's Office; David Dailey - W/S Engineering; Joseph Meier - Health FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Sean Jones - Sheriffs Office; Lachlan MacNeish - Sheriffs Office; George (AI) Canady - Environmental Management TWENTY FIVE (25) YEAR: Benjamin Smith - Sheriff's Office; Juanita Sneeden - Health THIRTY (30) YEAR: Joel (Steve) Smith - Public Safety Communications RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Presented service awards. 53 This page intentionally left blank. 54 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Introduction of Newly Hired County Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: At this time I'd like to recognize new employees who have been hired to fill budgeted positions that have become vacant as well as a number of positions related to mental health services. Southeastern Center for Mental Health was required to divest of these services. The Board previously approved the transfer of funds and staff from Southeastern Center to the Health Department and the Juvenile Day Treatment Center. Twenty of the new employees represent transfers from Southeastern Center. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: A list of employees will be provided prior to the meeting. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized new employees. 55 This page intentionally left blank. 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Pat Melvin Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Introduction of Ellis E. Pinder, Veteran Services Officer BRIEF SUMMARY: Ellis Pinder began his duties as Veteran Services Officer for New Hanover County on May 22, 2007. Mr. Pinder served previously as a Veteran Services Employment Counselor for the Employment Security Commission in Onslow County and is a twenty-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognize Ellis Pinder, Veteran Services Officer. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . VSO - ELLIS PIt~DER G7'J7.doc /TEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize Ellis Pinder, Veteran Services Officer. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized and welcomed Ellis Pinder. 57 ELLIS PINDER NHC Veterans' Services Officer Mr. Ellis Pinder was hired as New Hanover County's Veterans Service Officer on May 22 to replace Budd Baker, who retired on April 30, 2007. Ellis is retired from active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps. (20+ years of service); after which he was employed for two (2) years as a Veterans Services Employment Counselor with the N.C. Employment Security Commission in Onslow County. Ellis' work experience includes: . establishing and implementing organizational goals . supervision, guidance, delegation of tasks, and successful leadership of30+ personnel; . monitoring success and conducting performance evaluations . budget management . assisting and counseling active duty personnel and their dependents in accessing military health, education, and retirement benefits, career opportunities, and professional development . reviewing and interpreting medical records to determine whether documentation supported medical eligibility claims . compiHng, analyzing, and maintaining quantitative data and narrative reports for implementing workforce development strategies . performing appropriate personnel assessments and background checks to determine applicants' eligibiHty to achieve professional, physical, and moral expectations . developing and maintaining ongoing collaborative relationships with superiors, administrators, veterans' organizations, local businesses, etc. to promote veterans as an invaluable resource in the community . making presentations to audiences of up to 200 persons ranging in age from 16 - 85 years 58 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Ben David Contact: Bruce Shell Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Introduction of District Attorney's Law Interns BRIEF SUMMARY: Ben David would like to introduce his law interns to the Board. They are: Jason Vaughn, rising third year law student at N. C. Central University School of Law Lindsey McKee, rising rising third year law student at N. C. Central University School of Law Stephanie Carowan, rising third year law student at UNC-Chapel Hill School of Law Ada Wilson, rising third year law student at UNC-Chapel Hill School of Law Susie Sewell, rising first year law student at Wake Forest University School of Law RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognize law interns. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: /TEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize law interns. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Recognized law interns. 59 This page intentionally left blank. 60 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Jack Barto, President and CEO, New Hanover Regional Medical Center Contact: Wanda Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Presentation on House Bill 1227 and Consideration of a Resolution of Support BRIEF SUMMARY: House Bill 1227 enacted June 12,2007 exempts New Hanover Regional Medical Center from statutory requirements governing public contracts. The Board of County Commissioners must adopt a resolution approving the exemption in order for House Bill 1227 to be effective. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear Mr. Barto's presentation and consider adoption of resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ........ ........ . .. . .. ~mRMC Boar-d Resolution.doc nHRMC Resolution.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and consider resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-1, Commissioner Davis voting in opposition. 61 This page intentionally left blank. 62 HI227 [Ratified] Page 1 of 1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2007 HOUSE BILL 1227 RATIFIED BILL AN ACT EXEMPTING NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, A NEW HANOVER COUNTY HOSPITAL, FROM ST A TUTORY REQUIREMENTS GOVERNING PUBLIC CONTRACTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: SECTION L No provision of law with re~ect to the acquisition or dteration of property by other public bodies shall be applicable to . ew Hanover Regional Me Ical Center (hereinafter "Center") unless otherwise specified by the General Assembly, except that the Center shall do an of the followin~: (1) Obtain a resolutIOn from the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County apbrpving . the Center's, ex~mpt!on from statutory requirements governing pu . hc contracts as provided III thiS act. (2) Comply with the minority business participation requirements set forth in Article 8 ofCha~ter 143 of the General Statutes. (3) Comply with t e certificate of need requirements set forth in Article 9 of Chapter 131 E of the General Statutes. (4) Conduct an annual independent audit of all contracts for construction or repair work that would otherw'Ise be subject to the competitive bidding requirements provided in O.S. 143-129. . (5). Comply with all applicable local zoning and land use regulations. SECTION 2. The annual independent audit re~ired by Section 1 of this act shall be rep'orted to the Center's Board of Trustees. The audit s all include the specific reasons for utilizing the authority granted by this act. SECTION 3. The Center shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes as applicable to other public hospItals. SECTION 4. Once a contract is entered into by the Center pursuant to the provisions of this act, th~ Cent~r shall prepare a doc~m~nt settipf out the reasons for uti lizing the a.uthority . granted by thIS act, mclude the document m ItS officla. files, and make the document available to the public. SECTION 5. This act is effective when it becomes law. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 14th day of June, 2007. Beverly E. Perdue President of the Senate -Joe Hackney Speaker of the House of Representatives http://www.ncleg.netlSessionsI2007/Bills/HousefHTMLlH122 7v5 .html 7/16/2007 63 APR-26-2001 TOO 05163 PM ADMINISTRATION FAX NO. 9108166819 p, 01 -r; , LJa." d(~. r-r{)~: Kt-dAr NnW' IlA'J'.:( >VRR RBGIONAL MEDICAl, CSNTER, INC. ~Or.lJ(10N OF THB BOARD OF TRUS'rnP..8 As orApol ~4, 2007 WHEREAS, New Hm-.o\lCt Regional Medical Center is a pubUc hospital ownea by tho eitlzelU or New Hanover COUlU)': and WHEREAS, New HllncWet.' Rllgional Medics] CenlCr serves as the safety net fur the poOr, Irnl1\!lurOO. and undcrlll111ned in a: seven-cotultyarca of South$llSl.em North Carolina; lUld WHEREAS, New Ilanovcr Regional Medical Center subsists on its ownopera1ional revenue, without local taxpayer liupport; and WHEREAS, for N~w llanover Regional Modicll! Center to be funy oompetilive and make best l\9l:l of rosources mal blffielilllll pa1ionts and the community. it needs flexibilily in executing contract!l that 1hc Vllst majority 01 the llUJCC hospitals in the state already enjoy; IIIllI WHEREA.S, North Carolina House Bill 1227 bas been introduced. and if enacted would.l'lllow New Hanover Rc",lol'l81 Medica) Center this tlexlbili1y; and WIISREAS, Utili propc>rted legislation has safeguards to proteot the public's jnte~l in bow publio conlt1Ults are awnnIlJd mul public dollm arc spent~ lInd WHEREAS, with lhj~ Iegisla1ion in place, Now llanovoc Regional Medical COl.1tcr can betler nssurt:l quality, pcrfurmatlllC, price compettlion. sWllwdlzation, compatibility, timeliness and efficiency of a project NOW THEREFOR 6, IT J8 RBSOL YED; That the Board of liUJtoos requests tho Now HlUlOVCtCollot)' Jlonr\l (lfComrmssiOllCtll to,~pt aresoluOon approving New Hanover Regional. Medical Ci.:ntc:r's Cltemption from slalutory requirements governing p\lbl1c ~tll" l1$ provided. in HOIL'\<.' Bnl1227. BnICC Prouty, Chainnan ..- e'ERUFleA nON OF SECRETARY J. Pat !.conard. Sccrotary of the NHRMC Board ofTrustces. hereby certify that the above is a tNe lillld oom:ct excerpt from tho minutes oftbc mcetingorlhe NHRMC Board otTrustoos held on the 24th day of April, 2007, (lL which meotbta a quorum was ~t. rat 1'..eolUll'd, Soc:rctary ~ SBAL 64 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center is a public hospital owned by the citizens of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center serves as the safety net for the poor, uninsured and underinsuredin a seven~county area of Southeastern North Carolina; and WHEREAS, New Hanover Regional Medical Center subsists on its own operational revenue, without local taxpayer support; and WHEREAS, for New Hanover Regional Medical Center to be funy competitive and make best use of resources that benefit its patients and the community, it needs flexibility in executing contracts for construction and equipment that the vast majority of the larger hospitals in the state already enjoy; and WHEREAS, this proposed legislation has safeguards to protect the public's interest in how public contracts are awarded and public dollars are spent; and WHEREAS, with this legislation in place, New Hanover Regional Medical Center can better assure quality,. performance, price competition, standardization, compatibility, timeliness and efficiency of a project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves New Hanover Regional Medical Center's exemption from statutory requirements governing public contracts for construction and equipment, as provided in House Bill 1227. ADOPTED the 23'd day of July 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman A TrEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board revised 65 This page intentionally left blank. 66 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: William A. Caster, Chairman Contact: William A. Caster, Chairman SUBJECT: Consideration of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees' Term Limits BRIEF SUMMARY: Bruce Prouty, New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chair, has contacted the Board of Commissioners concerning the term limits of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees desire a change in the term limits. The Board of Commissioners is being asked to consider extending the potential length of Board service from a maximum of two (2) consecutive three-year terms to a maximum of three (3) consecutive three-year terms. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider request. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ -. .-F~~ NHRMC Letter.pdf REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider request. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The item was withdrawn until the August 13, 2007 meeting. 67 , .' Jilly 2, 2007 ~~ t ~ R W IEc~ JUL - 9 2007 Bill Caster Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners NEW HANOVE R CO. BO. or COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive Suite 175 Wilmington, NC, 28403 Dear Commissioner Caster, On behalf of my fellow members on the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees, I want to express our desire for a change in the term limits of our Board members. We respectfully ask the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to consider extending the potential length of Board service from a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms to a maximum ofthree consecutive three-year terms. We seek this change iS€! that-bur-Board can better serve the 'medical center, our patients and our cQmmWlity. The'possibilitYofan additional three~year term will allow for more. continuity among the Board as it considers complex and difficult decisions on the future strategy and goals of New Hanover Regional. Board members are expected ill learn, ina relatively short period of time, not only the key aspects of one of me nation's largest, most complex and most regulated industries, but also the operations of New Hanover Regional, not only as a provider of health care, but as an employer of more than 4,500 people, an active participant in the financial market and as a purchaser of goods and services. New Hanover Regional has grown into a half-billion dollar organization and the COWlly'S largest employer. Our success not only affects the health and weHbeir1g of our patients, but al.so the financial health of this county. The medical center has an annual economic impact of more than $1.2 billion on New Hanover County alone. It's imperative that our governing Board has sufficient skills and time to fully grasp how this industry works and establish continuity in working together to chart a strategic course for a future that faces dwindling government reimbursement and more competition for profitable services. Our recent experience has been that just when a Board member is comfortable enough to take leadership on merging the needs of patient health and safety, operational efficiency, financial prudence and growth,ilis time to rotiite off the Board. The need for continuity has been espec'm11y: aCllte during 0:ut$220 millioi1facility expansion program. Pleasehelpus add three ~'eoars;whenappropriate t(j1keepourbest Boardmerribersonthejob. . ".. " . .",..' ". .. New Hanover Regional Medical Center P_O. Box 9000 j 1131 S_ 17th Street I Wilmington. NC 28402.9000 910,343-7000 --,-~=._.~"'_.~" 68 . .' Commissioner Bill Caster July 2, 2007 Page 2 of2 Certainly, if a Board member does not wish to be reappointed, or has not warranted reappointment, the Commissioners could decline reappointment. We are not seeking to change any other aspect of the appointment process, and we appreciate the time and consideration the Commissioners have put into prior appointments. We do believe that we have a working Board that can carry us through the end of the current building project and into a strategic plan that will set the hospital's course for years. We would appreciate your consideration of our request for a third term, which will help establish greater continuity within our Board and make it a stronger body and the hospital a stronger provider of health care. Thank you, ~~ Bruce Prouty Chair, NHR.l\iIC Board of Trustees BP:kb ~._~w,,""""~ 69 This page intentionally left blank. 70 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis Contacts: Neal Lewis/Max Maxwell SUBJECT: Consideration of Veterans Park - Phase IV Parks Bond Project BRIEF SUMMARY: The plans, budget and timetable for the Phase IV development of Veterans Park will be presented for review and approval. A representative of LS3P/Boney Architects will make the presentation. Phase IV is a 2006 Parks Bond project, and represents the final phase of the development of Veterans Park. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will review the project on July 18. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve plans, budget and timetable for Veterans Park Phase IV. Authorize solicitation of bids for the work. Bid Opening is scheduled for August 21. County Commissioners will be asked to approve Contract at the September 4 meeting. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: 2006 Parks Bond funds ATTACHMENTS: There will be a PowerPoint presentation at the meeting, in addition to a printed summary to be sent in advance. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 71 This page intentionally left blank. 72 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis Contacts: Bruce Shell, Neal Lewis SUBJECT: Consideration of Flemington Soccer Complex Interlocal Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: A public hearing was held on June 4, 2007 to receive input regarding New Hanover County and City of Wilmington funding for future maintenance and development of the Flemington Soccer Complex. The Board of Commissioners instructed the County Manager to pursue an agreement agreeable to New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington, and the Cape Fear Soccer Association. The attached agreement will be presented by Neal Lewis, Parks Director. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve agreement. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ {!J7}M8-1 C!!..PE FE.A.R SOCCER {2}G71207.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve agreement. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 3-2, Commissioners Davis and Pritchett voting in opposition. 73 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND CAPE FEAR YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIA nON, INe. THIS AGREEMENT, made this the day of ,2007, by and between the CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA (hereinafter called "CITY"), a municipal Corporation located in New Hanover County, North Carolina; NEW HANOVER COUNTY (hereinafter called "COUNTY"), a North Carolina body corporate and politic; and CAPE FEAR YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION, INe., (hereinafter called "RECIPIENT'), a non~profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, having its principal place of business in New Hanover County, North Carolina; WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the CITY and COUNTY are authorized by Article 18 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes to provide, operate and maintain parks and recreation facilities for their citizens; and WHEREAS, the RECIPIENT has developed an athletic field complex ("Soccer Complex") in the Flemington Area in the vicinity of U.S. Highway 421 primarily for the support of youth soccer programs in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the Soccer Complex was developed on previously unusable land pursuant to a Brovmfields Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, the Soccer Complex provides much needed recreational facilities for the residents of New Hanover County through a private initiative; and 74 CONTRACT NO: 07~0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the CITY and COUNTY to provide support for the Soccer Complex to ensure its viability as a public recreational facility; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the terms and conditions hereof, the CITY, COUNTY and RECIPIENT do hereby agree as follows: 1. Purpose of Agreement The CITY and COUNTY have agreed to make public funds available to RECIPIENT in order that RECIPIENT may render public services to residents of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County by maintaining the Soccer Complex and making it available for the use of CITY and COUNTY in public recreational programs. 2. Amount: Payment and Use of Funds 2.1 The CITY and COUNTY shall each pay one-half of the annual maintenance costs of the Soccer Complex as it exists on the date of this Agreement subject to the limits set forth herein. The total maintenance costs for the initial year of this Agreement shall be $150,000. This amount shall be subject to adjustment annually based on increases in the Consumer Price Index applicable to New Hanover County. 2.2 In addition to the maintenance costs, the CITY and COUNTY each agree to make payments to RECIPIENT during each year of this Agreement for infrastructure cost incurred by the recipient. The COUNTY's annual payment amount for infrastructure shall be $50,000 and the CITY's annual payment for infrastructure shall be $33,333. 2.3 The CITY AND COUNTY each shall pay one-half of their respective annual maintenance costs to RECIPIENT on July I and January 1 during each year of this Agreement. 2.4 Funds paid to the RECIPIENT will be used exclusively for the purposes and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The expenditure of such funds for any purpose not authorized by this agreement shall constitute a material breach and shall cause the RECIPIENT to be in default hereunder. 3. Term of Al!reement The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1,2007 through June 30, 2010. 75 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/19) 4. Use of Soccer Complex 4.1 A facility oversight committee ("Committee") will be established to review compliance with the standards set forth in this Agreement. Management of usage of fields will be a primary responsibility of the Committee. Membership on the Committee shall include: a. Two COUNTY representatives (the New Hanover County Parks Director or a designee and a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board) b. Two CITY representatives (the City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation Di.rector or a designee and a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board) c. One RECIPIENT (Cape Fear Soccer Association) representative 4.2 The RECIPIENT shall submit an annual schedule to the committee on or before December 1. The committee shall have full scheduling authority. Requests for other use shall be considered by the committee on a case~by.case basis. 4.3 Based on substantial participation of the CITY and COUNTY, public access to the facility shall be a priority. Non-RECIPIENT use of the facility will be critical to addressing this priority. RECIPIENT and the CITY shall cooperate to provide opportunities for the involvement of inner-city youths in future soccer programming. The RECIPIENT shall ensure that aU of its programs are open to residents of the CITY and COUNTY. 4.4 All revenues specifically related to activities and events sponsored by the CITY and COUNTY will belong to the sponsoring agency. 4.5 RECIPIENT shall lease the remaining property at the site (approximately 36 Acres) to the COUNTY and the CITY as joint tenants for a period of Twenty-Five (25) years, commencing on July 1,2007, and ending on June 30, 2032. This property may be developed as a public park at a time and in a manner to be determined by the COUNTY and the CITY, in cooperation with the RECIPIENT. 4.6 The contractor selected by RECIPIENT for maintenance of the Soccer Complex shall operate on an annual contract basis. The contract will be renewed based upon the recommendations of the Committee. 4.7 The County and the City of Wilmington shall have the right to renew this agreement for a period of three (3) additional years for maintenance cost only. Such maintenance cost shall not exceed $150,000 per year adjusted by Consumer Price Index. 5. Termination of Agreement Each party shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving the other parties thirty (30) days written notice of termination. In the event of termination, RECIPIENT agrees to refund to CITY and COUNTY all funds that were made available to RECIPIENT undcr the provisions of this agreement which RECIPIENT rctains as of the effective date of termination. In addition, RECIPIENT shall provide CITY and COUNTY with a financial accounting, as required by CITY and COUNTY, for all funds received by RECIPIENT and on hand up to the date of termination. second revision 76 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 71l2) 6. Action of CITY and COUNTY in the Event of Breach of Contract In the event that review of RECIPIENT'S performance shows non-conformance to any of the terms or conditions contained herein, the RECIPIENT shaH be in breach of this agreement and the CITY and COUNTY may take corrective action they deem necessary, including, but not limited to, withholding or reduction of any funds not yet paid to RECIPIENT. In addition, CITY and COUNTY shall be entitled to repayment of any funds previously paid to RECIPIENT in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. 7. Performance Reports: Audit 7.1 Throughout the term of this agreement, the RECIPIENT shan track its performance in achieving the public purposes of this Agreement and submit a performance report to the CITY and COUNTY with the annual audit. 7.2 The RECIPIENT shall have an audit performed for the fiscal year in which funds are received by it pursuant to the provisions of this agreement and shall file a copy of the audit report with the CITY and COUNTY pursuant to N.C.G.S. 159-40. The audit must be conducted by a Certified Public Account (CPA) in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certificate Public Accounts (AICPA). The audit shall be submitted to the Budget Offices of the CITY and COUNTY within ninety (90) days of the end of the RECIPIENT's fiscal year. In conjunction with the audit, the RECIPIENT must provide a written report that states how the RECIPIENT has addressed any and all audit findings related to the use of funds and that the findings have been resolved. 8. Compliance With Applicable Laws 8.1 RECIPIENT agrees that in carrying out activities of any kind funded with the moneys made available under the provisions of this agreement, it shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. 8.2 Prior to the receipt of any funds under this agreement, the RECIPIENT shall report any potential conflict of interest transactions to the CITY and COUNTY. 8.3 The RECIPIENT agrees to make its records and minutes available for public inspection, subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act. Any documents received by the CITY and COUNTY from the RECIPIENT in connection with this Agreement may be subject to the Public Records Act. The information that might be subject to public inspection includes, but is not limited to, financial statements, income information, credit reports, and statistical information on service recipients. 77 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) 9. Financial Records 9.1 RECIPIENT agrees to establish and maintain fiscal control and accounting procedures which assure the proper accounting of all funds paid by CITY and COUNTY to RECIPIENT. RECIPIENT agrees that all records with respect to all matters covered by this agreement shall be maintained for three (3) years after the date on which this contract tenninates. 9.2 RECIPIENT agrees that the City and County Managers or their designated representatives shall have access to and the right to inspect and copy at reasonable hours an books, records, documents and papers of RECIPIENT concerning all funds, and the use thereof, made available to RECIPIENT under the provisions of this agreement. 9.3 In addition to the annual audit, RECIPIENT agrees to provide all financial infonnation or reports which may be reasonably requested by CITY and COUNTY concerning the use of funds made available under the provisions of this agreement. 10. Special Conditions 10.1 The RECIPIENT shall have a functioning audit committee consisting of at least three directors. The committee will be responsible for recommending an independent accountant and discussing the accountant's procedures to be fonowed during the audit or review. The committee will be responsible for assuring that any organizational weaknesses be identified by the independent accountant. 10.2 The RECIPIENT shall provide in a timely fashion any audit or progress report, etc. If they are not provided in a timely fashion, the CITY and COUNTY may withhold payments under the contract until such documents are provided. 11. Liability Insurance 11.1 RECIPIENT shall maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a policy of commercial general liability insurance with combined single limit coverage for bodily injury and property of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence relating to the Soccer Complex. RECIPIENT shall cause the insurer to name CITY and COUNTY as additional named insureds on said policy. 11.2 The policy required under this paragraph shall contain an agreement by the insurer that it will not cancel such policy except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY and COUNTY. 11.3 Prior to the commencement of this Agreement, RECIPIENT shall deliver to CITY and COUNTY certificates of insurance required to be maintained hereunder by RECIPIENT. RECIPIENT shall also deliver to CITY and COUNTY, at least twenty 78 CONTRACT NO: 07~0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) (20) days prior to the expiration date of such policy or policies, certificates of the renewal of such insurance policy or policies. 12. Release and Indemnity To the fullest extent permitted by law, RECIPIENT shall release, indemnify, keep and save hannless the CITY and COUNTY, their agents, officials and employees, from any and all responsibility or liability for any and all damage or injury of any kind or nature whatever (including death resulting therefrom) to all persons, whether agents, officials or employees of the CITY and COUNTY or third persons, and to all property proximately caused by, incident to, resulting from, arising out of, or OCCUrrIng In connection with, directly or indirectly, the performance or nonperformance by RECIPIENT (or by any person acting for the RECIPIENT or for whom the RECIPIENT is or is alleged to be in any way responsible), whether such claim may be based in whole or in part upon contract, tort (including alleged active or passive negligence or participation in the wrong), or upon any alleged breach of any duty or obligation on the part of the RECIPIENT, its agents, officials and employees or otherwise. The provisions of this Section shall include any claims for equitable relief or for damages (compensatory or punitive) against the CITY and COUNTY, their agents, officials, and employees including alleged injury to the business of any claimant and shall include any and all losses, damages, injuries, settlements, judgments, decrees, awards, fines, penalties, claims, costs and expenses. Expenses as used herein shall include without limitation the costs incurred by the CITY and COUNTY, their agents, officials and employees, in connection with investigating any claim or defending any action, and shall also include reasonable attorneys' fees by reason of the assertion of any such claim against the CITY and COUNTY, their agents, officials or employees. The RECIPIENT expressly understands and agrees that any performance bond or insurance protection required by this agreement, or otherwise provided by the RECIPIENT, shall in no way limit the RECIPIENT'S responsibility to release, indemnify, keep and save hannless and defend the CITY and COUNTY as herein provided. The intention of the parties is to apply and construe broadly in favor of the CITY and COUNTY the foregoing provisions subject to the limitations, if any, set forth in N.C.G.S. 22B~ 1. 13. Personnel It is mutually agreed that RECIPIENT is an independent contractor and not an agent of the CITY or COUNTY, and as such the RECIPIENT shall not be entitled to any CITY or COUNTY employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension and retirement benefits. 79 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) 14. Conflict of Interest No paid employee of the CITY or COUNTY shall have a personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of this agreement. 15. Non-Waiver of Rights It is agreed that the failure of the CITY or COUNTY to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement. 16. Assignment of Agreement It is mutually agreed by the parties hereto that this agreement is not transferable by either party without the written consent of the other party to this agreement. 17. Entire Agreement The agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. 18. Binding Effect The agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns, agents, officials, employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors of the parties. 19. Continuing Obligation The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent ofthe agreement. 20. Reference Use of the masculine includes feminine and neuter, singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not define, describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 21. Interpretation All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the general and the more stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or lower standard. 80 CONTRACT NO: 07~0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) 22. Saving Claus~ If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence,. clause, phrase or portion of this agreement is for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof 23. Amendments This agreement shall not be modified or othervvise amended except in .writing signed by the parties. 24. Non-Discrimination RECIPIENT will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the program which is the subject of this agreement because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, RECIPIENT will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and aU applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at the option of the CITY or COUNTY, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY, COUNTY and RECIPIENT has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name.. CITY OF WILMrNGTON, NORTH CAROLrNA WITNESS By: Sterling B. Cheatham, City Manager Steven D. Bridges, Purchasing Manager (CORPORATE SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Thomas C. Pollard, City Attorney ~_._-^.._,.... 81 CONTRACT NO: 07~0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7112) CITY ACCOUNTANT'S CERTIFICATION This instrument has been pre-audited in tbe manner required by tbe Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act this the day of ,20_ W. Brent McAbee, Finance Director NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: Chair of the Board ATTEST: County Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney COUNTY ACCOUNT ANT'S CERTIFICATION This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act this the day of ,20_ Finance Director 82 CONTRACT NO: 07-0481 (DRAFT AS OF 7/12) CAPE FEAR YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION, INC. ATTEST: By:.. President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President Secretary, Assist Secretary, Treasurer (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, a Notary Public, certify that personally, came before me this (Secretary, Assist. Secretary, Treasurer) day and acknowledged that he (she) is (Secretary, Assist. Sec., Treasurer) of , a corporation, and that by (Name of Corporation) authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its , sealed (President. Vice President, Assist. Vice President) with its corporate seal and by himself (herself) as its (Secretary. Assist. Sec., Treasurer) Witness my hand and official seal, this the _day of 20 Notary Public My Commission expires: (SEAL) 83 This page intentionally left blank. 84 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Shawn Ralston Contact: Shawn Ralston Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of Allocation of County Funds for Smith Creek Land Purchase Pending Receipt of Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: In June 2006, the Commissioners adopted a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) in the amount of $500,000. The CWMTF grant is to be allocated toward the purchase of 45 acres of riparian property along Smith Creek. The land will be preserved in conservation easement and ultimately included in a Smith Creek Greenway project. The 45 acres to be preserved is unique in that it has been identified by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program as a "significant natural area." The CWMTF awarded New Hanover County the grant in November 2006 as specified in the attached letter. The contract process between the County and the CWMTF, however, has not been completed. There is concern that the landowner may terminate our agreement to purchase his property if funds are not forthcoming. CWMTF has assured us that the County will be reimbursed if the County purchases the property now. This reimbursement process has been used in the purchase of previous properties through CWMTF. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approving budget amendment and proceeding with purchase of land. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: ~ ........ ... . Explanation: B/\2W8-G8-.doc ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ... .:.. ... .:.. ... .:.. ~~ ~; ~; Award LeHer.pdf Resolution.pdf Dela}' LeHer.pdf /TEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW 85 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, pending receipt of a letter from the Trust Fund attorney. 86 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008-08 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2008-08 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: 305-Tidal Creek Water Quality Enhancements Department: Planning Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Land Acquisitions-Smith Creek Greenwav $500,000 Total $500,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Clean Water Management Trust Fund Grant $500,000 Total $500,000 Section 2: Explanation To budget Clean Water Management Trust Funds grant awarded in the amount of $500,000 for land purchases for Smith Creek Greenway project. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-08 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 87 c'!) Bill Holman EXECUTIVE OIUCtOR : ';'. ': CW~Tf.li1l"5:i"i~$',~' ;.\ :;~':,~~;, ~----~ ' ' 'L . ! . . " " ~' . 111'~ ~ 't' I C''Vieanwater Chair, Robert D. Howard SOUTHPORt November 28, 2006 MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND Vlce"(halr, Jerry Wright JARV1S8URG Phil Baddol.ll" Mr. Chris O'Keefe, Senior Planner G OlOSSORO New Hanover County Ron Beane 230 Marketplace Drive, Suite 150 LENOIR Wilmington, NC 28403 Yevonne S. Brannon Re: CWMTF Application 2006B~026 - New Hanover County - AcqlHarrell Tract, RAtEIGIl Smith Creek Greenway Norman C. Camp, III RMflGIi Dear Mr. O'Keefe: Rick Coleman TA80R CITY Congratulations! r am writing on behalf ofllie Board of Trustees oithe Clean K!lfen Cragnofln Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) to advise you that the Board approved your ASUEVlllE request for funding for the subject grant up to $500,000 to protect and restore surface John Crllmpler water quality at its November 13,2006 meeting. RAlE 10 Ii The demand for funding to improve water quality remains high. One hundred and thirty Rance Henderson four local governments, state agencies, and land trusts requested over $212,000,000 from MORGANTON the CWMTF in December 2005 (CWMTF 2006A Cycle). In addition, the CWMTF Joseph M, Hester, Jr. considered sixteen deferred applications from previous cycles requesting almost ROC KY M OIlIlT $32,000,000. William Hollan ,WINsrON.SAlEM CWMTF staff will prepare and send you a draft contract for the subject project in the near future,' Funds for this project cannot be encwnbered until contracts have been Charles Johnson signed by you and CWMTF and delivered to the Department of Environment & Natural GRfi,ENVlllE Resources by CWMTF. Kevin Markham CARY The General Assembly appropriates funds to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund so Chuck McGrady that we can assist you and other communities. I respectfully request that you 'Write your Ii EN l)ERS 0 t-ll'lllE state senators and representatives, thank them for creating and appropriating funds to the . Cl W' M T F d d l' th r b ..ft f [}k:ksonMcLean Jr. .. ean ater anagement rust.un, an . exp am .e water qua' Ity . enets 0 your LUMBEUON ' project. John McMillan Please contact your CWMTF Field Representative or me if you have questions or need IAlErGH more infonnation. JohnnIe Mosley KINS10II ~ t+. --- . '" ~~TON ,.. Bill Holman Stan \la !lshan Executive Director CUARlOTtE cc: Nancy Guthrie Claudette Weston WINSTOII.SA,,,M One Tn 919 733.6375 'Ali: (919) 133.6314 ,","w,c'"""...1 North Carolina - 1101 OftULlN OOAO. RAti[IGH:. IU (lI"~t'lo~ ~"_.l..... _II.. 88 . -.._------,-,_.~.,-".~ ,." ~.,~._~.~~~"'~,~~..~.~.~.......,. ..... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS nOOK 30 REGULAR MEETING, .ruNE Ill, 2006 PAGE 618 Adopllon of Capital Projed Ordinance for tlte Community DilVeIopmen1 Block Grant . Scattered Sile Rousing Program #2 The Commissioners ndopled the Capillll pn>jeot Ol'dinanoo fur the Common it)' D.velopment Block vI'llnt - Seatl.~d Sile Housing Program #2. The Commissioners formally ac<:qlted the lV""1 ano 3ll'ptoved Ihe budget amendment lit their April 19, 2004 meeting. A C"PY ofthe Capillll Projeot Ordinanoo is hereby inoorporntcd "" a part of the minulelllloo is OOIllaine<l in Exhibit Book XXX, Pllge 5.2. Adoplloo or Reslllullon Authorizing tile SubmilSlon or a G....nt Applleallon to the Oelln Wllter Managem.nt Trust Fund - Planning Deparlment The CommlssionOln adopted the ",solution authm'izing the submission of a grant .pplieation 10 the CIIlllII Waler Man.gl:ment Trust Fund in tlte llfOOunt of $500,000. If awarded, the fIIlIds will b$ used to purchase the Rose Mile HIIIl'1l11 property ripatlan to Smitb Cl'llCk. No County match is requited, A OOJly of lhe ,esolulioo is hereby iIlcorporated >1! a pllrt of the min utes and is contained in Exbibit Book XXX, Page 5.3. A uthoriutionlll Su bmll " Grant Applieatlon to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundallon - Sbarlfrs Office The Commissioom authotizW the Sberiff's Offi~ 10 submit a grOflt applicatilln to tlte Cape Fe.r Memorial Foundation for two programs in the ""'.ounl of SI5,OOO. If aWllfded,tbe funds will be used for four \ emergency mpollS" pIl!l:bgl:s for Project Lifesaver in the amount of S 1 0,000 IlOd for a oompulerlpllnter and software for project R U OK? in th. amount ofS5,000. Ac.eptanc. of New Hanover COllllty and New Hanover County Fir. District Tu ColI.olill" Reports. Tn. Departm.nl Th. Commissioners accepted tlte fulJowing Tax CollO(:tion Reports lIS of May 31, 2006. New Hanover County Fire District New Hanover County Copien of th.e Tal< Collection /!.t:l"'rts arc bereby tncorpondt:d .5 a part of tbe minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXX, Page 5.4. A p,prov:al of Rd.... qf Tax Value - Tn Department Tile CommissKlOetS gtlllIted tile SeniOf Cilizen/l)isability exo:lusionto the fullowing taxpeyer: Tate, Audrey Etal. $20,000 ApprOlillt or End "fYear Budget Adjustments alld Associated Blldget Amendm.nls The CotrnnillsiOlle,s approved the following end of yelll budget adjustmellts and lhe following uiociated budget .m.endmenls: BudEet Amendment 1106-0229 - FEMA-Hurricaoe Conelia Adiustment 1&ldI ~ FEMA Fundi"g $540,000 Salilfies nnd Will;es $ 56,388 Overtime Pay $236,182 On.call Pal' $ 20.400 Social Security Taxes $ 15,342 Retirement $ 14,358 4011< S 3,694 Medi""ll,,",,","'" S 206 ColllrMt Services $191,624 Equipment Renl $: 21,054 M&:R Buildlog &. Grounds $: 40,710 M&.R Equipment S 679 Supplies $: 13,083 Employee Reimbum:menl$ $ 4,9$0 iravel and Training S 1,330 Appropriated Fund BlllMce S80.000 Explanation: TO budgl:l additiOllal FEM A funds antieipiillcd to be recelved for Hurri""ne Opheli. and ro correct Budget Amendment #06-0062. ,- ~UECOPY . . '" .. .... ... =1a8lone" 89 Rih 30.5'.3 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a vision of and commitment to the quality of life and the future of our community; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to ensure sustainable communities, providing for the needs of the present without compromising our ability to meet the needs of future generations; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes our responsibility for the preservation, protection, and enhancement of our natural resources as stewards for future generations; and \ WHEREAS, New Hanover COllllty has an opportunity to protect a. "signiflcant natural heritage area" as identifled by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County tbat a Clean Water Management Trust Flllld application be submitted for the acquisition of the Rose Mae Harrell property riparian to Smith Creek. ( This, the 19th day of June 2006. ~IJ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~ 90 ~ c;}oo~/!;~o~ fa CWMH TRUSTEES ( .;Ieanwater Chair, Philip A. Baddol1r, Jr, GOtos BORO MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND Ron Beane: LEHOIR February 23, 2007 Yevonne S. Brllnnon RAlE IGH Normlln C. Camp, III To: Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) Grantees RAlEIGH Rick Coleman Re: Status of contracts and documentation regarding awards in 2006 IABO R CI TY Karen (I'l'lsnolin I am following up a letter from Bm Holman that informed you of the action of the Board ASH [VI LV of Trustees of tne Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) concerning the award John Crumpler of grant monies made to you in 2006. A copy of that letter is attached for your reference. RIILElGH Due to the nigh number of successful awards and the heavy workload of our staff, the Rance: ,Henderson MO~GIINTOH processing of the contract documents is taking us ,much longer that we would wish. We Jme:ph M. Hester, Jr. appreciate your patience. ~O'KY MOUNT :...:."'..'..,,.'..','.'......-',..,.: ,",_,:-,,":,--,..-,', .,-::..'_....-'<-,....,.--:.'::.".: Our board recently authorized us to empl():Ya.ci~1iti9?a.lstaff to work on this backlog and I WlIU,am Hollan am pleased to report that we are workinghardtoI"educethisbacklog. WINSTON SAL.M ( ii'i>r '. . Robert Howard Although Iamnotyetina positioI1 togiveyouafinnestimateaboUl timing,I believe we SOUTHPORT will have proposed contracts inJhe hands of most grantees by March 31. Charles Johnson GR~Ei'lVlllE In the meantime,rY~re attached thefonn~()~tl"~9t ,that our board has directe~us to use Kevin Markham for your project. It mayb,e,rF1pful for you to review' the form contract in advance of '"iY recei ving the official proposed docllll'le~ts~ '.' Chuck McGrady HENDUSONVILlE We are grateful for your efforts to improve water quality in our state and want to do all we can to assist you. And, again, we,thank you for your patience as we work to get you inDlckSOn Mclean, Jr. . . b'" k th . .. b . d h d LUM8ERTON a positIOn to egm war on . e project our oar as approve . John McMillan Sincerely, ~IIL[IGH 0t\~ Johnnie Mosley KIHSTON D. G. Martin Peter Re"scoe EDENTON Interim Executive Director Stan Vaughan CH^~WTTE Attachments: Original letter from Bill Holman Claudette Weston Form Contract WINSTON SIILEM ( Jerry Wrlgllt !II RVI sou ~ G One TEL (91:9) 733.63751 FAX (919) 133.63741 "'....... "wmtt. n<<t North Carolina 1101: OQULlH lOlla. 5~ITt 102, llAlUGH, H' 21605 ;Notufn/11I 1: 651 MIIIL SHVICE CEl!l"TER, RALEIGH, HC 27699.1: 65 I 91 This page intentionally left blank. 92 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Annual Conference will be held August 16 - 19, 2007 in Cumberland County, North Carolina. A voting delegate must be appointed and submitted to NCACC by July 30, 2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appoint delegate. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ Voling delegate form.pdf REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Appoint delegate. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Commissioner Pritchett appointed 5-0. 93 NO~'ROLIN' AsSOCIATION OF CoUNTY COMMISSIONERS Designation of Voting Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference I, , hereby certify that I am the duly designated voting delegate for County at the lOath Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Cumberland County, North Carolina, on Aug. 16-19, 2007. Signed: Title: Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution provides: "On all questions, including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county in good standing may be cast by anyone of its county commissioners who is present at the time the vote is taken; provided, if no commissioner be present, such vote may be cast by another county official, elected or appointed, who is fonnally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid the current year's dues." Please return this fonn by: Mondav. Julv 30. 2007: NCACC P. O. Box 1488 Raleigh, NC 27602~1488 Fax: 919-733-1065 94 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Vacancies exist on the following boards and committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Board of Fire Commissioners Commission for Women Inspections Department Advisory Council Planning Board RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and applications /TEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The following appointments were made: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee: Martha H. Stein, Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton and Karen McDowell Vincent reappointed Board of Fire Commissioners: no appointment made, opening will be readvertised and brought back August 13 Commission for Women: Lauri S. Crowder and Khalilah Thrower appointed 95 Inspections Department Advisory Council: Sam J. Guidry and David Lee Smith reappointed in the At-Large category; Buck O'Shields reappointed to the Residential Builder category; James Britton Piner appointed in the Electrical Contrator category Planning Board: Sue Y. Hayes and Sandra L. Spiers reappointed 96 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADUL T CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership: 18 maximum, 13 mandated based on the number of facilities operating in the County Current Members: 10 Term: 1 year initially, 3 years thereafter (Expiring 7/31/10) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANT: REAPPOINTMENT Martha H. Stein X Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton X Karen McDowell Vincent X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application 97 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 State mandated; May appoint up to 18 (1 member for each permitted facility) The Adult Care Home Administrators may nominate one-third of the members. If possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year term initially; 3 year term thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home served by the committee, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home served by the New Ha nover County Adult Care Home Comm unity Advisory Com m ittee may be a mem ber of this committee. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, grandmother, and grandfather, as well as in-laws. See Volunteer Job Description for more information, Purpose: The committee supports the spirit of the Adult Care Home Resident's Bill of Rights, visits adult care homes quarterly, promotes the well being of residents and encourages community involvement. Statute establishing Committee: N,C.G.S. 131 D-31 Regular Meeting: Quarterly Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:30 a,m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC, TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Mary K. Busbee First 4/30/2009 8402 Emerald Dunes Road Wilmington, NC 28411 4/18/05,4/18/06 686-2763 (H) Katherine Carroll Initial 4/30/2008 7933 Ully Pond Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 4/16/07 686-6129 (H) Carolyn B. Hooker Second 3/31/2009 3102 Rachel Place Wilmington, NC 28409 2/18102, 2/17/03, 3/13/06 799-5108 (H) L. Thomas Jennings First 11/30/2009 415 Charlotte Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28428 11/21/05, 12/18/06 458-2584 (H) 619-0762 (C) Janet H.. Locklear First 11/30/2008 6130 Inland Greens Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 11/22/04, 11/21/05 798-8117 (H) 98 ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAGE 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Lorraine McEvoy Initial 8/31/2007 121 Spartan Road Wilmington. NC 28405 8/14/06 784-9325 (H) Sandra Oglesby Initial 12/31/2007 1508 Rock Hill Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 12118/06 675-8040 (H) 452-8200 (W) Ginger Hill Page First 1/31/2009 3927 Appleton Way Wilmington, NC 28412 12/20/04, 1/23/06 397-9367 (H) 538-8008 (C) Oliver F. Schreiber Initial 8/31/2007 121 Spartan Road Wilmington, NC 28405 8/14/06 784-9325 (H) ~, ~~ Initial 7/31/2007 902 Dolphin urt P.O. Bo 76 ~~ 7/24/06 Wil ton, NC 28406 -4946 (H) Martha H. Stein b~ Initial 7/31/2007 * 2203 Marlwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ 7/24/06 762-1125 (H) Cecil W. (Woody) Sutton ~ Initial 7/31/2007 :>{ 50 McEachern Court Wlmington, NC 28412 ~. 7/24/06 512-1612 (H) 962-7074 (W) . Brenda Lee Williams Thomas First 1131/2010 1514 Flushing Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 1/23/06, 1/22/07 790-3290 (H) 762-1177 (W) Karen McDowell Vincent b7 Initial 7/31/2007 -r 713 Fayetteville Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28428 ~ . 7/24/06 458-5620 (H) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: Harvin Quidas 4/07 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 File: /Adult 395-4553 B/C#7 99 ~ IE (G IE ~ W IE ~ New Hanover County Boal"d of Commissionel's COMMITTEE APPLlCA TlON JUN 2 1 2006 :;:0 Che!'itnut 81Jee,l Room 3()5 'Vl]m~liglon. He 2::;':.101-4093 Telephone: (910) i9S~f] NEW HANOVER CO I'"~LK 79;g- iT4S !lO Of GnMMISSIONrRS Board/Committee; !:~ult Care Home C~~unity Advisory Col'lllllittee ,~,= -- ~~- Name: Marth,=-~: Stein ,-,Q Home Address: 2203 Marlwood Drive Wilmington NC 28403 (Stt"~lt,t) (Cily) (l.ipCod.) Mailing Address if different: - Home Phone: 91 0-7 62 -1125 Busine~s!Work Phone: ~.~ Years Living in 21 Race: Cauoasia~_ Age: 59 Ne\\' Hanover County: Ma.le: ~ Female: -~~'" (lnfof"m:Uioll rQIl' Uu: fu,!':rp<!oli!E7 Df y,!:S'l]jdlJg.D (:rCJo$5 st-dioh ofth~ eOmlilti:nity) E I.. Retired from New Banover County DSS in september 2005 mp oyer: (A pt!t"SOIi cut"l"tntl)" troplo,'ed by the ageiu-J' or dll!-r:llr1:mfDt fot', whkh InUi. ~ppUeAHQD hi Dj.Qdv, [Ilust re,ign iti::s./hej< ,po!j,iHon wUh ,N<t!w lI~ulovf'1' (~oUnl)~ "pOff #pp.()hihlil~n~ in ai:(:'ord.anc::t wUh Article VJ:;,Sdf!eti'Ofl4 of'thl' N",," l{,imo\'t'r Cf)'tIiltt,., 1}.tF5ol1l:lt'1 PoJjIiry'.) Job Title: Professional Activities: None Voluntec.r ActlYities: None . . . To continue to provide service to our e.itizens Why do you wISh to sene on this bmudlcommlttee? Conflict of IiUered, 1f;5' board memb~f bf!!Ifti!'~'e<:s he / she has if cOtl:ffi{;'t 'Of ;K,l1emia'l c.ontucl or interest on .a particwkr S$tre, that membltf ShOttld st.eY: rhi:s ll.eUe-Ho the other membem of' his / her r8$pOC1N~f:.IOard dwing,jjj ,WbilC me'4!tiil'1f_ The member sil'ould' .s:tate t.he .naWrB or th~ COnfliCt derailing tFuH Jltl;I$ne has 8 sepsrete, private 0,( m01l'et.$-ty interest, etW'$ftJirect OJ inri/recl" jn the l$S'ue under aonstrJ.Ma~l&fJ. The member shoohj' then excuse himself / herself tram voting Dn the rnia'tter. '. ., Assuring that the res.idents are safe What areas of concern would you lIk.e to soo addressed by this commlttee?_ and well cared for. Q l'fi f f . 30 years DSS work experience including management of the Adult u a IICll lOn s 0 r serving: Medicaid and Special Assistance Programs .V,,_ =~ Other mUllicipal or collnt)' boards/committees on which you are serving: None -. -, -~.". List three local pers()nal references and phone numbers: 1. Ann Barkley- 910- 798-3478 - .....-..- - 2. F. Wa.yne Morris - 910-793-0842 - -," 3. Barbara DeBose - 910 - 395-1077 Signature: 2L1LU j i Date: Q= ~LM.~ ~ ,~'~Si~"~ Ap,pflc::Hlons are k~pt 6n fHe for "8 monUu fu fn'ifi:'"IU' si:dii.' f;or ;l,Hidiiinn:a1 cOm inf"n:h. 100 UNCW PAGE en 135/02/2006 139:26 9625953 0 IE C IE ~ :~~ New Hanover County Board ofCornmiggioners COM:MITTEE APPUCATl MAY 2 : ::::..::::: 320 C~.Il"UI S......t 11."".. .O~ wn"''''pn. NC n401.40~3 Tol.ph"".; (? 10) 7'&.; J 49 NfW HANOVER CO l'o~: 198'''45 DO. or COMMISSIONERS Board/Committee; AduJ.t. Ca.ra HOllie Comm.uni.ty Adv:ilOOry Committee Name: CQoil W. Su tton ''Woody'' Home Address: 530 HeEaohern Court. Wi.lmington, NC 28412 (St...r) (ei.,,) (2:il' Cod.) MaiUng Address if different: Home Phone: 91 Q /512.1612 BusinessIWork Phone: 910.962. "1074 Years Living in Male: ." i Femllle~ _ Race: White Age: .3 "/ New HaUJover County: 17 (l"forlW"lItiol:lftn ,Ju: PClt'flG'C (Ii,( a&ii.,.in~ B 'Cnl-,-'l Jleetil)r\ of'1,b,e c:ommu.jldty) E I t1nivsrsity of North Car-olina Wilmington mp oyer: (A. ,erJon eU:Irl'(IiDtly ~mpl(J:rt,l:d by Cbtl_lency -or dt"p.,rhnGlllt fer ...filth tliiJl.iip,.Ut'U't...~ i'~ mtdi;!;~ Ill.'''' ir"J.tz:n his/htr ,ii11ii.itioD .lith N~' BIU:i.'Vt!:r Co....)" -pon .".... "'Hitltl 1ft ,1l11cccrdumet _'l:rlt lu'tid(:: VI'. SeC:Dt-n -4 Of"1t New H .t1t1'1I(: r C"v,,:.,. PCltlo..cl Po liicy,~} Job Title: Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Program Prollloti.on ;iU1a Eva..1.uat.ion ProfessiooaJ Activities: American Marketing Aasocj.a.tiOl'l ~ Metllher Volunteer Activities: ifflQR 91. !If a Wh d . b t th' b dI 'tt.. I strongly DEl.1..ieve that; a.ll persons in lOl'l.g-t.grm I;:llre y 0 you WlS . 0 serve 00 IS Olll' eomllll ee. m . faoilit.iesdes€lrve the best qualit.y of life - 1Ill!lc:l..ieal, pbys;i..cal, emotional and. sp.ir:i, t\lal.. ConrUtl of M..t&.Sl,' ',8 "otJtd mfmiber b;Uevet "'I: Ilta,- fLi:" C'()n''Jict 01 PO~'fln8f conlllel Of ititotQ.$'f on <Ii POTJ!iri;lJ'B{ fJ::tU'e-. mIl n:btlPm6et"sIJofJ.U:1 ,t;;tt:' 11'lls bem:'~o t1le tHI>!i!of mom b&r:t ulnJ$/ "ef" ta,JP8CtI!....~ bQtlIiftl ~u,.lnp oCI PUbli(; in ceffn.Q. The"," &mb tit :;.IMJUHJ S Ute fl!. rwJure r;I tfle Ci:;IiI'l,tJfCT; DlriliflUtS 111 iti: Il~e It.~- a 38'.oa;l"1Ito:::, prfVlilre I:::L{ m on-'8ta,fY j'ntc-r.-ft. t<ifhcu- l1freC1 OJ'indlreot. jll :he Issue iIJ'lfj&( COn &IQcrst/aIl. rho;l'fl ~mP It". ;.!jI(liJ~'d 'lion 0' .(CU$"e hlm~.n I "er:;~ft (rom valJfl90n r"" ma Uqt, "''hat areas of COncern would YOlllike to see addressed by this eommittee?Res;i..dant to Staff r.u;;i..o; ed.uca tional credentials for aclmi.n.istrators illld staff; facility .inspection; and. resident ;i.ntervisws. Q I"fi ti f . Pr.i.IlUl.ry care gi.w.r for 96 year old grandmother (4yrs) ; eontinu:ing sdl.t- till I lot OO.S or sentl1g: _ cation coordinator, tl'NCW Scl100I of Nursing (2yrs): tlNClif Adnl t Seholars coordinator (3yrs) Other muhieipalor count}. bOllrd!slcommittees 1m whicb you are serving: None. List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. OWen We>clQr, :J.402 Old Lamplighter Way, Willl\.ins;rtol'l, NC 28403 ; 790-39a9 2. B!:lth White Steelman, 16:J. 0 Chestnut Str.u,lt: { Wilm:ington ( NC 2a401; 752-6417 - 3. Virginia Adams, tiNCW SchOOl of Nurll.i.ng, Wilmington, NC .2S403; 962-74:J.O Date: May 1, 2006 Signature: ^pJi'l~uiolll1~ *iI"( :k~" n.n :Ilk tUT II till) nfh: Uu ,,~'Vu't"dt for !Iiu:lditiQJ1ud (:t))t.! m~Dti; 101 New Hanover County ~ [E ~ lE ~ W [~ ~ Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA TlOl' U 320 ell.smUl Stree1, Room 305 JUN 2 3 2006 Wilming1<ln, NC 28401-4093 iel.pilOn<: (910) 798-7149 Fax: 798-7145 NEW HANOVER CO . BD. or COMMISSIONfRS Board/Committee: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Comm~ttee ,__~.._. Name: Karen McDowell ~~.,?.:::e~~_ _.._.._,._~_..,..___.___,__ Home Address: 2,::..::ye::eville Ave Carolina Beaoh NC 28428 (Slreet) (CiIY) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: __, Home Pbone: (910) 458-5620 ___. BusinessfWork Pbone: Years Living ill 30 '. , , , 'n_ Whi te 58 New Hanover County: Male: _ Female: _ nnce: Age: (hJormatioo r-or tbepurpQse of aS8U1rlO,g 8 cross secHon oftlbe, !Community) E ,I Retired from New Hanover County Departm,ent of Sooial Services mp oyer: .___.._,~~.._. (A pe-nnD tV rrently employed by the agency ()If' department fo.t whicb tbis .applic'UioD is made, liiust resign bis/her position witib N ell" Hanover COllDty npOD appointment, ilD ilc.cordlillDce wUb Arn-cle V'l, Section 4 0,1 the.New H.8rU)verCfnulty Pef'S(tilDiIldPoHty.) Job Title: Assistant Director for Eoonomic Services Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Membership Secretary St, Paul's United Methodist Church Wb d . b t tb' b rd/ 'tt? New Hanover County was very good to me in my working y o yon WI.S 0 serve OllIS OIl comml.ee. career. I want to give something back. Also I have a since.re interest in this population. of Interest.: K 8 b08fd member believes he I shE!" has a cOflfJfct or potential on-.a pai'ticuUlt that mamber sh-ouldstate th1s tUJfiefto the ,other members of hiS I her respective ooardduring a pubnc meeting, The member shou'dstate the r.Hlltur6' of the oontuct, deta#ing that he/she has 8< separate, private Of monetary iMerest eithetC#t&C1 Of Indirect, in me issue underCOtilSideratiOIl. The member should then excuse himseHI ners-eU from voting on the matter. Wbat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by tbis committee? Issues regarding the quality of life for residents Ql'fi t' ." . I have worked with the elderly and disabled through the Medicaid and uallca Ions .or servmg: ~,_",., Food Stamp Programs and have a good understanding of their needs and conoern.s. Otber municipal or county boards/committees 011 wbicb you are serving: None .._. """'~=~' '0_' m='~~= Ust t.bree local personal references and pbone numbers: 1. Bi.ll Caster 341-7149 ~-~~~-~-"..~""~'" .,,=' ~-~~ ,=,=~ 2. Wayn.e Morris 793-0842 -~~~_~~h~. -~, .-. 3,Wanda Neidig 350-1988 '---'._~~_.,...,-,,_., / ,~,_... ", ~ ~ / ~.. JUne 22 2006 .. "C . /.", . "Date: _".~"_..__,,,,_'-___ Signature: ~,L~ 7. U 0"\ '.' . ".. . AppHtUioiOS are kept en file for 18 mGntb.s Use r-evel"&e side fQr :additional com m,tDt"i 102 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 2 VACANCIES ~ AT-LARGE COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES TERM ENDING 7/1/2010 APPUCANTS Brian McCormack Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application 103 BOARD OF FIIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and have no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organi.zation for the past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with no one serving more than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.rn.at a predetermined location. Purpose: To assist the County Commissioners in planning and administering fire protection services for the unincorporated areas of the County. Specific duties include budget review, policy recommendations and updating the annual fire service contracts between the volunteer fire departments and the County. Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION At-Large Community Representatives 1: James Monte Coughlin Second 7/1/2007 1813 Odyssey Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 8/21/00, 6/18/01, 6/21/04 686-2522 (H) 793-0053 (W) S. Lawrence Crawley, Jr. Second 7/1/2008 4618 Spring View Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 6/17/02,6/20105 791-4843 (H) Diane P. Doliber First 7/1/2008 4213 Lynbrook Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 10/18/04, 6/20105 793-4634 (H) 297-5682 (W) Harry B. Simmons Second 7/1/2007 t 229 Marsh Hen Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 6/18/01, 6/21/04 452-2848(H) 104 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION At.Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives: Dominic A. Bianco (Castle Hayne) Second 7/1/2010 104 Michael Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429 8/16/04, 6/18/06 675-0524 (H) 675-6561 (W) Arthur David Raines (Myrtle Grove) First 7/1/2008 14 Pelican Point Wilmington, NC 28409 3/24/03, 6/20/05 790-1978 (H) 254-7007 (W) Michial Wayne Rhodes (Wrightsboro) Second 7/1/2010 2000 Chair Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 6/21/04, 6/18/07 675-3202 (H) 962-2414 (W) Alex B. Stanland (Winter Park) First 7/1/2008 4637 Manchester Road Wilmington, NC 28405 6/20/05 395-2464 (H) Commissioner: Nancy H. Pritchett Fire Administrator: Donnie Hall, Fire Chief File: IFire 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 130 6107 Wilmington, NC 28403 BIC #10 798-7462 or 798-7420 105 06/18/2007 10:32 FAX 910 815 2768 BB&T TRUST [lJ001 New Hanover enaty Board of Comm.i:sslonen COMMITTEE APPUCATION no CII.......' s'""'~ ll...... 30S WllmiolbO..NC 28401.409. T"lopll"",,' ('910) 191.1149 Fn; "I-714l BoardlCommJttee: --1S () 0", rJl CJ+ f \' ~ CO,l"l^......... " S S' ,. Ci ^ e ( .s Name: '1?r " Q.. ^ {'--\ C C Q r f'lo"".. 0... C. {<., =r:.: ~ )..~ L 0.."...1..0 r (1 (1 Ie. "Dr. UJ~\.."....\)+t._ Nt..=<. ~V I I r......q ICIl'J) (Zi, Ced") M..C Address if'lIlil'fet'Hlt: HOllIe Pbo.e: <1LQ - 6 .? G:> -I V 0 .1 BasiDmlWork PbODe: ~ , 0 5 "i V ! 1... ~ ~ Yearfl.lviag ia ( 1 \ ~ I ....... - u 5 New H..over CoWlly:. Male: F:iPOI.le: _ Race: l)J ~ . Age: 1 lbir_._ fII. lU __ .r .........." ..... __.. <of Ilk .--ItJ) Employer: lS 1S -e..T lA ,.,.. ............tty .""11.,., Irs' "'" .,....., .. "'''''_1 r.r....... ..... "",_IIio. . ...... ...1 ....Ip 1oioJll.. ...Utloa lI'ldl Nfli' B ......., C."1y ...... ."........1, la ......_....Id> .b"''' Vl,S...lIioa 4 of.. N... B _... Callily hn....d .....,._) Job TIde: y. r~.____..___~_. PrefnJiulal AetMties: T 4.)7 tj Tv1'- \'04. S; ~ Volllllteer Ac:tivities: _ 5 Q. 12 s".~ ~ ~ . _ I Wily do you wbh toHrit llI1 tills boanl.leommktce? 5 '€-R..- k~ U eN"'" 01110.._ ,......., ""."'''t ..110... h.l.h. h.. . oon"", <If ""UlIiO' ....r 0' ..,.....,.. . ......10' "110. III.'........' .h...... Of... ,hill ~u.". ... a_ -..- a' Ill, I..., f'Nj>-" _td '*'rinQ . Il<IDIIo IlHllllO. rilt ..........11I._ ._ 1110 "''''''''11I I" _IlIA. allI/IIIlfllW __ /aU. ....."'. I'/ll(alO or "'_Of)' _"'11. _rl,l'HIa,_, Ia ..._ _,__110ft. r.."'....__'lNn _.... _.011',......,._....."""",. __, What areas o' COllcenl wOllld you like to see .ddl'el5Sb~_mllt~ -r~. W Q.aWitatloD' for senm,: .. U. 5~~ 0IIur.~_'.""" "''''''--- - w..,b y....., 5 e.L ~ ~ 1. 1. 3. D.u: Slgoame: UN ........ ..lI. ,.,. .<IItl_II1..__to (IJ~. [J 106 06/18/2007 10:32 FAI 910 815 2768 BB&T TRt:ST 141002 Committee Application for Brian McCormack (continued). 1.) Wbv do vou wish to serve on this conuniUee ? I was a volunteer firefighter with Ogden VFD from October of 2001 until December 2006. In December of 2006 I developed a medical condition which prevents me from qualifying as physically fit for duty. I wish to continue serving both my community and the ftre service. After careful consideration, I feel that my perspective as a volunteer firefighter, a family tradition of fire service, familiarity with county government and understanding of the emergency services industry prepares me to contribute to this committee. I am no longer affiliated with Ogden VFD 2.) What area or concern would von like to see addressed bv this committee? I would like to see the committee continue to focus on all of the criteria which is necessary for a favorable insurance rating and the resulting safety improvements to both fire personnel and the citizens of New Hanover County. I would seek to maximize the county's ability to receive Federal grants and funds associated with the Fire Act and Homeland Security and for those funds to be utilized in the most efficient manner with a emphasize on safety. I would seek to improve the relationsbip between aU of the interested parties. This would include volunteer, career firefighters, Sheriff's Office and Emergency Medical First Responders. Oualificationsforsen'io2: 5 years vGlunteer firefighter experience. Certified NC firefighter level I and II. Certified NC Emergency Vehicle Operator. Other mlmicioal or count-,,' board! committee on which vou serve: Industrial Facilities and PoUution Control Financing Authority 107 This page intentionally left blank. 108 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION FOR WOMEN 2 VACANCIES (Terms: 3 years) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Lauri S. Crowder Khalilah Thrower Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 109 NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Number of Members: 17 7 Appointed by County Commissioners, 7 Appointed by City Council 3 Appointed by Councils of Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville Beaches Terms of Office: Three years - may not serve two consecutive terms without an intervening period of one year. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the small conference room of City Hall, 102 North Third Street. Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of March 6, 1978, Minute Sook 18, page 177. Name Change on January 22, 1991. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21194. Purpose: The Commission for Women serves as a resource for women and families to improve their quality of life; to encourage the development and potential of women; to promote public awareness of women's needs, issues, and achievements; to play a leadership role through coalilions with other women's and civic organizations; to serve as advocates for change concerning Ihe status of women; to conduct research and assemble information to determine the status of women; and to report and make positive recommendations regarding the status of women to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Wilmington City Council, the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman and the Carolina and Kure Beach Town Councils. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Anna Marie Allegretto First 5/31/2010 411 Derby Down Way Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 5/21/07 452-3176 (H) 834-6461 (W) Shannon E. Blankenbeckler First 5/31/2008 1624 Sound Watch Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 7/11105 452-4454 (H) 619-1978 (W) Karen V. Chapple First 5/31/2008 5118 Peden Poi nt Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 12/20/04, 796-0509 (H) 202-5500 (W) 5/16/05 Janet Colleman Second 5/31/2009 P.O. Box 1314 245 Shannon Drive Appt. 5/19/03, Wilmington, NC 28409 5/1 5/06 791-8968 (H) 341-1403 (W) 110 NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Donna Hurdle Second 5/31/2010 3505 S1. Francis Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 App1. 5/17/04, 791-8120(H) 962-7925(W) 5/21/07 Vacant First 5/31/2010 Vacant First 5/31/2010 Commission for Women 5/07 P,O. Box 7679 File: Mlomen Wilmington, NC 28406 BIC #6 City of Wilminqton Appointees Margaret Haynes Kathy Humphrey Jenny Payne Christian Verzaal Carolina Beach Appointee Louise May Cheri McNeil!1 Kure Beach Appointee Jane Dugan Wriqhtsville Beach .Appointee 111 New Hanover County 2:30 GO....i!"fTimenl Cetller- DrfV~ Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION SuiH': tiS Wilmington, NC 28:40::\ TtlepJwm: f~'10} ]J}g.1149 ru: (9 Hi) 798~7l4:5 Board/Committee: Commission For Women Name: Lauri S. Crowder Home Address: 131 Rogers Avenue Wilmington 28403 (Sittd) {City.~ (Zip Code) Mailing Address if dilTerent: === "==""'~~="'=,,_~~==_~m~"'='_=.",.,==.~~ E-Mail Address: lcrowder333@ec.rr.com ===~='=_'''=n= Home Phone: Fax: Cell: ~n -3l# +~ Business: 332-2333 - n_.~ Years Livillg ill 3 white Age: _~____ New Hallover County: Male: Female: Race: ~..- ..~ '-" (hform :ation for the purpfise (tf usur ing Ii Cf'(!; ss seclh. n lJf the com munity) Employer: _ Onslow County Schools I ERA Cape Fear Properties (A penon cu Tr'en Uy em ployed by lft,;f I~lg,ency ;0 f depa rtmenl tor whieh chis .'pplieanon is made.. must r.esign lidslher positi:Q'n with New II anov er Count)' upon ilppointmenl~ in accordance with Article VJ. Secd6n 4 of'the New Hiliu:JoD'Ver Cllunty Pers,onnel POliey.) Occupation: Coordinator for Federal Video Productions Professional Activities: Produce educational multi-medi programming for elementary, middle & ES. Volunteer Activities: Create media related pieces (videos, websi tes I for non-profits. __'~'~~"='_=='='=_'_~'~~~.~,_~_,_,~,~,u'om=="_= "== Why do you wish to serve ou this board/committee? To be a resouroe for others, to use my skills =~~~ to publioize, lobby for, and help create greater opportuntiy for the women in our ,~-~-= = COnf."iC~ or 1M.,.${: ~ ~ lJoat(j ti'iemD'Ei't b&lie~eS' he, I .she haS' a COnflict OF pOfeMia-l com'lfcr of imeres! Oll ;3 parUcJ:J!ar jssue, tna! member shQuld slate thIS behetto the ot1'ler members at Jlh$ t h.er r-6'$pectiv-S' bO&lrr;f dutin~' a publiC meeting. ine member shouN:! state the naWre of /he contlie!" detailing that he/she has a separate. pfivale Of mOfl'i!Hs,ry inN'trest, f.Mhet direct ot ifllClirett, itt me issue ./lI'nO'et COnsidefatiOtt The, member sl'loulO' then exc.use nimse!f j herself' troffl!.loUng on the mattet. What areas of cOllcern would you like to see address~d by this cOIIImittee? Getting information to women, re: ~~.~.== loan products for business start- up, home acquistion, andeduoation. EDUCATION! ~"~~="~'"~="=,~_,~ro.u~~.~=~_~~~~~ Qua I ifi c II tio n s for serving: I've owned my own business, I'm a REALTOR in the Community and I h.ave .~._".,,'=~ a great deal of working knowledge to bring to the committee regarding issue exposure. ~-=-"~~,=~,~,= _..~.~~~~=~="~ Other municipal or county boards/committees 011 whidl you are serving: None. ,..~._"n~ ,=~= ~"'_m List three local personal references a.nd pboue numbers: ~~I Wi IE I. Jim Harting -- 910-264-2725 Cell I 910-332-2333 Office "-"-~,.~~~==,'=,~= 2. Joan Briggs -- 910-617-3649 Cell I 910-798-3740 Office ~~===== 3. ~L.. - 'liD - 4r-z -":fSfll NEW HANOV€fl CO I 'r Date: I' ~ /', 'f / ~*.. .......... .....~~~-~ Signature: App IcallQ'R5>.a re .ept GQ,t f,'; (Iof' 18 fi10 iHhs Use i"eversesJd-e for additional c:umtn-en ts 112 07/06/2007 12: 29 9106758253 TRIPLE T PARTS PAGE 01/01 New Hanover Connty 236 OO'Vt:f'Dmtiht CerUe:~ Orin ~~lt. 115 Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA nON w.h...,....., \lie 1.*403 r Tol"pha..' 1~ I Dj '~~.114Q fox: (916) 19R.7145 BoartlfCommitree: c-i.s!lion for 1fQllU!ln Name: Kba1ilab Thrower Home Willllinqtol1 211411 Address: e403 l\eilll:i.ni A_nU& {~tll (el.,) (ZII' Cd.) M.lItting Alktrelli If dllferent: :&-MlIl1 Address: lttbrower@ tbeth~rqro11P . ClOll'l IiD>tM Phone': 91031932'12 Fax: C.II: ,."'836568 Bu.rin~: '46.836568 Years UviDg III Male: ..--I Female: _ RAee:.Af'riean lI.IIlfldean Age: 30 New HlIJlll'Wll' Conaty: ~ /l.f.rm.Ill>. f.r Ib, ""."... .r .uurllll!'. ..... ..ell.. .f 1110 u...",...l1)l Employer: ~~':rhto"er Group {A p....... ....t..ll~.."pI"'.d ll) Ill. .~,",I~ .td""o.'","" f", ..ft1t)l1ll1. .p"uull"".' modI. "'.... ,..I,.. hlollo" 1'...111." ..111l1'i'." a....H. Co."f) 0'''' ""...01.......1.. .""..rd.... ..111I ....tI.1e \'1. St<1M.. .f III. N...1f...... t C",,1Ify t........ll".llO).) Occupation: Presi~t ProfetsiOltllIAettvtdes: COB:Aetive Bata,tl.H.C Ord Kin, Org-Wilm,Entr.Meetup, Publ.ic Speaker VohmteerActivlties: Lead. S. S '!:'eacbw (lI.ocl: of Wiltl\i:ngt.o:nl Why do Jtl'l wish to lIet'Ve ilia th.l5 bOllU'dlcommlttee? I.nteres1:6d. in makiD9 a difference in 1IilminlJtOfl., being II voice for WClIlIeJl. lid eet:ablUhiDg: II notable preHnCf! foZ' tbe ~..eJ,e population c..~IIIO' Of "'.f.ot 'A 1><>"'" ",."'1><1' ".110.... n. lAM no#. "".lJtl '" 1lO!O'.1ilO1 "".'101 of M'llOI'PU'. lIllrlhliil.' ...... "of "'MID.,,"""I" tl.II9,1>I> &1>110110.... 0"0' ",0"'"" ". hlf I "'" rupoo..... be~1lt ".rMe" pl/llll. "_"I, ,.". "'.""'.' ~"""'. Il'l'" 1M II8IVIll Of In. "....'IIlor, dol4Nlng rbOll hOllJle ".." UI'."'IiI. pl/vo" '" """Oltry i1t~f!lr.ut,em't'1" d1't'OCI'l or i'h'lHmet in., lJt~ue ,uM'(lI' OCli~,~IIt."tJOt.I, Tn, II't!b.'iCit tnQu'd rtte<n 8.RJU~b Itu",al'f j hon." iNM'l, V'DtI/II, On tnl1 "ujltJi&f. What anllll of eonce1'1l would yoa like to ICe addre.slled by llli; eommittee1 Career ll(lvanoelllll!mt, educaUon, Elit:reprantlurship. Finarv:.i.al :tIIdependenoe, Seal th/BO\Uleholda, ~t:ed. progr- de'Veloptent QuaUficatiol'ls for seniag: Bands. on ..exp with eet.abliahitlg' new program.lJ for p*rsona1 developmellnt, P:-evj,OU8 lu:lvoea't.!!! for womeM i.JJu.. for City Univusity of N1', Oilier ...Iripal or ro'llllltY beanb/committuJ en whkh YMllIre ser'l'hll: 'Me Advi,go:r:y COuncil. A2:all!la Festival Mu.l t.i Cult.ural COIlIIU. t.tee List three local personal referencn and phmle numbers: 1. Vivian St.. JUste 910.264.1129 2. Brad. Dinely 910.409.4250 3.Trace~ Jaekeon 201.20'.5879 Dnm: July 6, 200' sigft.mn: X ,~ ~ .l.ppll..II... .t,' ~'I'I .. nit r.. UllI\u'b' th,~ n '" (or~1l\ ..1dic for .d d:ltl..:d t:fi;,", mentlt 113 This page intentionally left blank. 114 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL 4 Vacancies (3-Year Terms 7/31/2010) 2 - At-Large 1 - Electrical Contractor 1 - Residential Builder ELIGIBLE FOR APPLI CANTS CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT Sam J. Guidry At-Large X David Lee Smith At-Large X James Britton Piner Electrical Contractor Buck O'Shields Residential Builder X Attachments: Information Sheets Applications 115 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed by Board of Commissioners Terms of Office: Appointments are made for three-year terms. Initially, four members will serve two- year tenus and four members will serve three~year terms. Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule. Meetings are held at the Home Builders Association, 3801-5 Wrightsville A venue. Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners established the Council on June 15, 1998. Increased membership to 8 on July 13, 1998. Purpose: The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover County. CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Neal W. Andrew, F.E. Engineer Second 7/31/09 225 Braxlo Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 717103,7/24/06 395A869 (H) 343-9653 (W) Sam 1. Guidry At-Large First 7/31/07 1- 414 West Blackbeard Road ~ Wilmington, NC 28409 Iu-~' 8/2/04 791.4740 (H) 763-3155 (W) Clarence Harr Electrical Contractor First 7/31/07 ~ P.O. Box .)6 ~~ WiI gton, NC 28409 7/12/04 -0398 (Cell) 762-1001 (W) ~ David Nathans Commercial Builder Second 7/31 109 P.O. Box 358 Wilmington, NC 28401 8/18/03, 7/24/06 443-0747 (H) 762-5560 (W) Buck O'Shields Residential Builder First 7/31/07 * 7448 Dunbar Road ~ Wilmington, NC 28411 ~. 7/7/03,7/12/04 686-4163 (H/W) 116 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (Continued) CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY TERM OF OFFICE APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION David Lee Smith At-Large First 7/31/07 r 905 Saltwood Lane ~ Wilmington, NC 28411 ~ 7/12/04 681-0394 (H) 362-7148 (W) William C. Tchouros Plumbing Contractor First 7/31/09 9102 Boothbay Court Wilmington, NC 28411 7/24/06 686~2368 (H) 793-6081 (W) James Steele Williams, HI Mechanical First 7/31/09 5441 Blue Clay Road Contractor Castle Hayne, NC 28429 7/24/06 675-3477 (H) 799~6611 (W) Director of Inspections: Jay Graham 7/06 File: /Inspect B/C #40 117 JUL-IO-2007 12:42 AM P. 1 An" : ~J4 6 I L.+.. "Sc,l4 iJ I,., T 1'1 S -7 J1~ New Hanover County no Gover...'ol C'M" 1),(". Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLlCA nON S.ll, l'~ 1lIIImin&\I>n. Ne U~03 'I'.I.pIl...., (910) '91.'10 Fox, (910) 791,' Ii! BoardlCommItUe: &tJ I{...C j).) b ~ODE 6"~k Name: c:::;, ~ i>'l (? iJ. to tL l.f' Home 13 t..Oa B ~... e.Q Addres,: ~14...""'e~ /Ah L.. JVl . (Str.ot) !ICity) (In, CU,) Mallhll Address If dlrrel'ellt: B-MalI Address: -G.AM &.w. I 0 (L;...( tB. HDT m AfL. . /:;~y./'I Home Phon,: ~ Fax: g..,rz. '35' '] t. Cell: Business: Velrs Lh'lllg III Male: / Female: Rate: /"'4' Age: ~O New Hanll'Ver County: (11lIl'-f""uu.,. ro,. flu purpou of &Ii.:thle: II t-tOIl ...ete .hft! C'o..IMuftlry) Employer: } V~ (" ,..... ......11)' ...pl.y.. ~y tII. .....f.r d.p........1 ".whl.) ',...,U.II.. i. .,Id.. ....11...1,. hl,lll.. 1'..111.. ",hI> 1'>1... H...... C..,!)' ...... ,.,.1.."".... I. ........... ..I'" Arlltl:' \'1. 8..ril>. 4 .t Ill. N... ...'" C.nl)' l'.ru...! h n.).) OccupatillD.: 4.L~J..l, Te'Gr Prof,"lllllI1 Activities: AlA. VolllDtnr AetlYlties: I1Afb~ e 4fT ~~ r ~ a t..!,# ~ Wb)' do you wisll to serve OIl thlt board/committee? (e.c; co,.,,~t 0" -'''relt' ,. I bO'oJ''': memt<Ot iDllfe"''' ~I/I'" 1:1.. , ~an"c:,r 'lItr pattnlJlt;'OI'l~iO'rOf HlteM"l Oll Ii f14U'l~uJir l.I1U8. MSI membt!if ,Il-,CH/U' 'Ill'll tllJ, blJj.flD ,tl& ctnl'! mlmOil'll',d" tH Mil".' Nli"ji:U!iictwe' 00'''''' CUftll," PUlIUC mN"lif. 'Tltl m.m;,.r ItiQrild iliJ.lh. ,fI'~~m 0' tM totttj'ICl iI1Gtaml'JQ"lIal h6n"~ "tt d le~a.rtlIte" i/!l'n~.Uil' Of mon.fill,ry mtare,l, eltlt"flflro~~ ""/'II""fO!~t M "e Jt,o~ LrJHfSfGGltI''''lratJon.. rllillli nt.mill" ""'ItWI;i t!tlt',n ""ill' 1tlmlllflhifiirJiff'l'OfiIl YDtl"", iOJ'i ,~. m.U.', Wbat IU'US orco.cern would you like to seeaddrllsed by tbi! committee? (;(!10l1. IV PtJlhillh + Quallficatiolls for semng: ~ to ~ ~ IE tG IE ~ ~# IE Other mllDldpal or county bOlrdsleomnlltteel OIIwhlell you are UnrID(I: List three IocIl perlollll refuellcel and pbOlle a.ambers: NEW 11M/OVER CO 80 m 1. D 1:1 f{ O)( L ~ tJ (LK (:f'~ .& {U:.tL/, p: cr - 7h3 '31 a- I 2. fJ ;[J..J o 11l.. '- - 3~5''''~o~ " 3.. !).d~~O "/W'l"7 - 7'j '''' ~t)1 h Date: Signature: n ", for U",oo r~. lIS t for ..dUjo...t eO. .it. U 118 JUN-24-2804 11 : 14 PM D.SMITH 91e 681 10165 P.01 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committges, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanov,f County Board of Commlssion(!Jfs, Request for ApDolntment to: ::z'"i;Jl't" rtn1J 5' DC/rr. AtJvl so~'1 (oif/JCIL- Ai t.-4-&;t.. Name: DAy I () Lei! SIf1 j:rH Home How long hBlle you been' Address: 90 5 SAt.7wQOj) . tANI: resident of New HallOIIer Counry? "3 tJ .'tcL'lr j . MBilln{J AddrtH1S: 90S' 5:A/.. 7fAJ d/:J j) t.AN.! City ,nd State: W /LA1tN6- ~.4 AlL UYII Zip Code: 2;' Y / / ,~ Tele"hone: Home: 9/0, ~ y/, 0 ']9:1 Business: 9/d, 3 h2,7Itf9' -Sex: /?lAtE -Race,' ?V1i'!:ni -A{Je: S~ . Thi. iMofffl,ri"" /11 ,.,q,,"t,1i I!), tilt '0'/, "utpu, 0'1 'lSuri"g rIllt , crtUt,.,.ction 0'1 th. community i, .ppO'lllt.d, --Employed by: l"AAf /d'",4/t... ('O~W#,'T1 CL tf. . . O.A ".,.,t}ll CWrlfIl!y .mplcy.1I by Ill. "'IIC\, Ilr ritp,nm.nr for whi.;" l!l,~ .ppli,.t1011 i.t m.d., "'''''1 "'I,III'I'$/1I.r pO',i~Gfl wilh N,w H'f1Il",.r C!)l/Il/y UP!)" tp~Clllt",tfll. ,,, .c:'tl,Ii,f1c, ...it" A,llt:!. VI. $.c, .4 III tll. 1'1.'11I HtlflQ"''' C""My Ptll'lIcfIf!.1 Policy. Job Title: ,::rAJ.>r~r..lCn;tJ. . )./c#r t:g,tJ.f'71UlCl1P;/ h~tf~H1 , Prof(Js$ional Activities: '8t1It.--P/N? VoluMfler Activities: ZltJANJ Al61JAtfte- / 1f~....,,,......I".J c..,./; J.dM:"'t / .4tll.t....NT'ft.rt... ~"'t/lK Why do you wish to seNe on the 8o~rd. Committee, or Commission reQuested? :Li ro1'l~rre() /# QlN'r; E~u'Anrtif rf7/t. 8u1'~.t7?1J / :T.Alf/Jt"C"iv,.(f" I Wh,n do you f,ell1re your Qualifications (0" serving on the Board, Committee, or Comm/:s:sirm reQueSlfld? '3(( 'IbM." AS" ;-j)ucA-TtJI'l A1III) 'llC,r0fil- What (Jreas of concern would you like 10 sse the Board, Committee, or Commission ,ddress? G..vnAf "'hi.! t:"" ;: .()&fcA nod RIZ- 7Jl;;-ht?p2 J /:TNf ~F'CPl/R S- / A,.e you current1v serllin(J on anolher board or committee ,pf;Joinred by Ii mUI'IIr;/p8/iry or iJ cal.mIY? If so, pleast! list: PO Om. ~;/o; Si{Jnature pJ~ Lti (Pi.,.,. <In """'11" iq, It:!f tldtJiricm.1 CC"''''.fHI1! 119 JUN-24-2ee4 11 :14 PM D.SMITH 9113 681 13165 p.e2 ~~~ .\ \ ,.... ",..". rtIfWlOt:tJ/ "."",. fflfenuK:'1.: ,.,. PhfIM ~ ..~...~.- ____ ...~,......__~ .~. _~~~..,.'_~'M_'_,"""',."_~._.._.._ M'..... il 730 f!:J fHILlb'7r 910.1'2. 7009 .- _CARL i3f<oVJ ,J ?((), 3~2 .700 'I - . }(6"EAf~,J ";:[(71'/ E.s 9/0, "1'2,7291 - DL SMr(:l+ . . . . 120 New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCATlON SUlt-e ]75 Wil"'illS""', NC 28403 Telephone' (910) 798-1149 Fax: {91 0) 798-; 145 Board/Committee: ~,nsp~=!:~~~~ DeI:'artIne~~~iso9' _ Council ~=.== Name: James , :ar:it:t:on 'Piner ~,~~~~~"~-~--~-"<~" Home Address: 5614 Myrtle Grove Road Wilmington 28409 {Sired) {ClIy) (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: ___________________._._,__. E-Mail Address: ~~~ IIt1mtt PIx1t1e; 799-3904 rux;392-3055 CfII/: 279-0848 .-. Business: ,279-0848 Years Living in New Hanover County: 57 Male: " Female: ~ Race:"h.~te Age: 59 (lnformUion 1'0r rh-i.' purpo$tof:iliuuring:l UGS:5: $ettl-on ..(the c:ommuDHy) Employer: J. B. Piner & Sons, Inc. {A. person c\urendy' empto'yed by tbe agency (loT de.partment for w:bteb tbis .ppUcation is ,madef must ruign !IIis/her pOlH:l:on with New H.;noverCOgDf~' upon app,ointment, jin l!etaJTOanet wUhArtiel't VI, Se>eUon 4 or the NeW' Haool"er Couoty PersoDneJ 'poney.) Occupation: Bllildingand Elect.r-i~ill ~~n tractor Professionl Activities:l!!lli1diI19' i:lectrica1 Contracting. Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I believe it is very important to have input from contractors on policy and operational issues. 'Conflh;:'t of InUJHli$r,: , 8' board membe[ b-iI)/~1t'6;S h(1' 1 $he has ,;!;j' cO,rlfltcl of pMs.ntrsi' conllfal f;lf j{]tef~.$l on a perticW'./lf Js-,sUH.fhtJl mambei' s1H;Juid Sf8'te this bel/otto me .other members of his l' n6f respective board during li' ptrblfCfi'btHtl'#\'g. fhE! memb<El'F should statfl' rhe naWre of rh8 conflJer, d'e/alling th~t hetsh<El' has asepaTilU'&. prl'vrtHlt or rnoflil;iliary IMefi!ll$t, <!filhe; diteCl or indirec-:t, In the issue i!J1l'a!I[U CQnsJderaftQif,l, (he m,pmb.tH should ''''soft B,):'GUSe him(f.sJfJ her;$~H from vo!jng on rhilt I:f.lathl't, Wbat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by tbls committee? phone and personnel access i.ss,ues Qualifications for serving: Life 10ng resident, building contractor,electrical contractor,property owner ,have worked withthisdepartInent 20 plus years Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List tbree local persona.1 references and pbone numbers: I[~~ 1. Thomas Melin 799-2262 2. Eric Staton 367-2517 -~=- 3. Hardee 392-7201 NEW HANOVER CO , n' Date: (~ ,- 1..3 ' D1 81,....,,, _.~. p\~:,\ ;;\ppliutions are kept on fJl~ for J8 months Use r--r\'ern side f.or additional 'CQm me:51tts 121 ~" ,'" :.. . '/. ..:" ....<:';:,~~ .:.c: . NEW HiIiI(J;JfEFI'Cfil/tIN1::Y; . ':;j ")~' BOARD(j,:~li/ft1Jft1l~~l(iflfiis <:r~ ~, 3 20 C"e#uVt.~r'J:e:f:J.t,ll:i::J:(iR7,:'306,~ ::Q"WiltriJ~t:r~iII)'tie 2iJA:nt4Fi~1j /$: j:;~' '. ._'~/f~~~t'~':,':'-,,--:.j;:_ ,,':',:., ~~.,:r__,.,;~:~_.: '~"')~ T T.~~:~1QJ3~.'-7143' ,.' .' .';~ :t '. /9iXitsiW3414.1J(} .. ,,:. '.. . . 'ig :':>. .. .'. . . . . . . ..:: ..... .'." ". . ..... ..')'.:. .. ,"'~~ ~\.' Applic8fi#lllor Appolnt.mtJrrt.-i#t1.$ll't.r#,Coirllf!Jittriiis...,itnd Commissions "',:;'i[~ f~ Ap~;ftted by the Ne, H~~r.tlN: County lJ'UJ,.rJ~~ ~~misSi()nel'$' . Ii. "'../ A ":.~ )!.n..uesrto'A",.;n""""'"'~"feo.r~~ . 4Avl~"'~~ (~~ A~amt:.. J3Q~'C)shJcla4,,> ~E.:.." ", :,~ -::.:11:_.' _ -'''-...,-.':_ _ _ ,-. __..,:_"~,___'_':_::__-_"-""_ _ -,', _ __--_"y:...',->---:-:,-:~_ _ _ _ _ _ "', _ ,,' '__ ,~,-,.,l:.tl :;~l'{Qm' 7'4l:1.~.' .Q.A,,~"'-r.2:"" HO*4ti1tA,~'~u been a '.' '.", .' '.' '. :.:'~ ~:~Add(e~: .... . . '., .TT....DD)Jurr!~~I,I:,:,~: ,.te:Sl~tP~~S:~navetCOUJ1ty? .,6C1l~ ,';~\~~ i'*?MalllnDAdd"st: . ~ ::;.::,.,; ';,oi~ !~: . .'. .~ . 't!l!i::. '.', .'t3':c' 2 0/11/" ....j:):~ f~!;,:'~iY ifldStBre:"< ." . .,' :Zlp~4~~., '. '.' ~ T1g~~ ~~c?TllI'fJhQne: Nom.tr:....,~t//63 ,::i:' L. . ,1Iwif!~t,J: 5/1111 e ''::.t~ i~ ~'."" .......,.'..... . .".;:',:. ..,~". '. .~t~ ~.~Se~: .. ,.... .........R1iH:e: .. \\). .':'--.:...:.....~if.., <<. <"~:>. . . .,'i~: tt.. '"J'hb W_liott.it: '...!lQfifr.!lr rJI. ~tW .--pNtl.~~tlt.,1': ..~1iJJCrHM ,).~.:~'" ifl ~floii!.tHt. .. :?~ i,;\ .... "5~f .' ..... .r:...... '.' .", ....',\,.,.. . ...' . . .:\~ ::F...EmP((J~~dt:W".'.' . ...........' '.' ':,.'....".........., .'. . ..........'. '. "'''c.:.' ..../....... .' . . '.' "'.j~..' '::;",:;"T '."T _,',-,,' ,,', ", -~-_.. ,', ,'~.--"_-.'rl,H" ",_,_,_ "u'_ '" ~. ,,,>,~~ :'~ ..Ap_;'~tI)l~"IIJl" muo_ev.".. '.,' ..~~~.~~~!IIwt,.*,..~...~ ..",,:::.; :f:.: ".."., HIin(j.... C.""""""":"'II"'/m"". '" .~.~~~.Y1...:s.;;.~..lIftJIff.~,~....,. Ct/\irlIV PrI""'~v. ,,::~ ~}>. ,'Itl".~.... I.... _I I '" .,.' ,.... ,.' -l;'~:' :'~:~ !{, .' Job ntr.:v.' rtl.'e.L a.. N- ;,~ ~'...u ..1 it"""""" ACI/~""'.. .., .. ::?t..>/ . '.. .Ar . . '. ... ......~ .~.....t.,....'.....wwn..(,.....'..c..'.:......'.......,................'.........'1.a.o.yo. 1J.\N\.if...I1...to........s....e....."'......ll..............,......o......".............tIte............8..o iJ.,.d. ....C Ommli........".... Sf.....................................'.......~...:...-........................'........:....'..~....'......................'......'.................~.....'...........'..~..Q......n...........re'.............tQ:.'...............U...................S.......:........t........fid.'.............:.'.'......'...:.......'...........'....'............':11..'............................. ........~. .~....Jle...=.....................-l-tu............................,... ............................ ............. .' ......... .....................'.........:.................".....~.....;...'..v...'~:..:~..':.... ~ .\~<.. ..... ~ ~"./fA.<<~<B V\ . .... ......... ....... ..~ ...}\:~ ,:.'"' . \, 'I .... '. ,LL,"" " ," i. ,,", .' .,..., .. ." ~".' At, ,...;t, .... ,.1.(;.. ".;...;<C; R(~~:lJ~~;l_~;~~-~~;; A- . ..~.........lF~ ~~l" do '(OU fe~arftyoidquatillC.,tlfJfIs fO'3Bvinq~/hf!th1;e(d. C~~lr.~~t~i$Slon'~qu~st.d1 -:r:-. . ',\t~ ,,,, Jj 'I" l' YU \' I ". ,,' ,ih .. . ....., ... "... .... .. .... .:, .".~~ ,".: . .' . . .. ..".. . . .' ..... '.' .... . ............... ........ . .' . .... . .' .~:)<~i ~r~ you cUtrellrl'! $r:rving tUl /mother bOilrd ar 'rifrJmlit.';~p.v(l1(eri by.,'1J-f;t'lJJili1i/p"#fy at a countyl. 1/ ,go.. PlfJ~N4l:'~{:~ B Gt-I6-t23.1 uu mm. ~Id. .hH' .lIiltlonlJ{.IZII'mm..nlSj.;j,~ ,;:~ -""'" '......;.~,.. '"Y:' " ...,. n3 38t'd SQ,3IHS0 >i:Jna '3(; 1(;'38'30 15 51;> : 1(; E00C:1 L 1/'30 122 ^ . -/ ' , I., '::"" ."'"F" '.....,. RFFEl]ENCf~ . /".';. " :~. , .- ~ ...."Y.,::. ',-' <-/., .. N'fntt.?" '-,-,~~;~..':~. ::~. . .P,lit)li.;N:/JmlJer 11~IoAI#-@~~ ~'.'." 21 -ridt M vb . . ',t't,Q.., I .:ti~: 31 &~Z r2Ol>l)~~e .........:......~ OS.hield 5 . .i~~,~~:_..,., ;';'~~<'. ,'.~'<--> :. . " .. '~: :~,' ".'; ;--" l13 38';1d SO"l3IHSe >l:)ne: 9l TC:9.s9l3 T6 Sit' :n: Efl02:1 L 1/90 123 This page intentionally left blank. 124 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PLANNING BOARD 2 VACANCIES (3-Year Term 7/31/2010) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Robert F. Cameron, Jr. Walter R. Conlogue Glenn A. Davis Sue Y. Hayes X James F. Merritt M. Boyd Miller Joe Miller Dana E. Page James B. Piner Mark A. Saulnier R. Frank Smith, Jr. Sandra L. Spiers X Khalilah Thrower Lawrence E. Zettelmaier Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 125 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Number of Members: 7 Term of Office: three years Compensation: $20.00 per meeting Regu lar Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 5: 30 p. m. in the Assem bly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street. Wilmington, NC, Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 153A-321. New Hanover County Ordinance and Resolution establishing Planning Board dated September 2, 1980, for the purpose of planning and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the County may competently perform their duties. Brief on the functions: Make studies of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives to be sought in the development of the study area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these objectives; develop and recommend policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner; advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the use and amendment of means of carrying out plans; exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various means for carrying out plans that the Board of Commissioners may direct; perform any other related duties that the Soard of Commissioners may direct Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land Use Planning, Zoning, and Growth Management Issues. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION David A Adams Second 7/31/2008 1401 Avenel Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 Appt 7/8/02, 686.5493 (H) 7/11/05 Richard M. Collier Unexpired 7/31/2009 3708 Needle Sound Way Wilmington, NC 28409-2829 Appt 5/21/06 790-5769 (H) 520-7754 (W) Sue Y. Hayes ~ First 7/31/2007 :r 213 Quilon Circle ~. Wilmington, NC 28412 8/2/04 799-5722 (H) Melissa Got! Johnson First 7/31/2009 602 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt 7/24/06 547-8050 (H) 794-1040 (W) 126 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD (CONTINUED) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Sandra L. Spiers ~ First 7/31/2007 ~ 5020 Crown Point Lane /LL~' Wilmington, NC 28409 Apt 7/12/04 395-4747 (H) 772~8813 (W) James W. Williams, III First 7/31/2009 1 009 Mandevilla Court Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 7/24/06 794-226 (H) 772-5490 (W) Mr. Kenneth F. Wrangell First 7/31/2008 108-A S. Kerr Avenue Wilmington, NC 28405 Appt 7/11/05 632-9136 (H) 794~8704 (W) Director: Chris O'Keefe 5/07 New Hanover County Planning Department File' IPlan 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 150 BIC #24 WHmington, NC 28403 798-7165 127 New HaIlover County 230 Goyor"",." t C01\1<r Do; V< BOal.d of Commissio~ers COMMITTEE AI)PLICATION ~'~:It,~,,~:~,". Nt 2&4Q3 toloplrono (910) 79'8.7149 Fax (910) 798.7145 Board/Committee: ..l?~lanni.~~. Board."~_....~~....."~~__...."~~~... ""._."_. .._,. Name: :Ro~::.~", F, C":,~.eron.J:.,,~..~, .._.._...._~._ .._ I-Iome Address: 5119 Nicholas Creek 28409 I Zip Code) Mailing Address ifdifferent:_.______ ,~._"'~"..,.._~~.."" "-,-~ E-Mail Address: rcame.:on@ec:::, com ~__~. .~_..__~~'_ Home Phone: 313-1961 Fax: 76~-026~_."".,."_ Cell: 7~2-963~__ Business: .:62-9635 __ Years Living in New Hlllwver County: .::~,_..."",,._..., Male: Female: Race: ..W ._, " Age: 37~_ {hformatiQn {OF Ult' l,uqwst of a:!>$lU' ing a !trOS!! sectifin of the C ommun !iy) Emllloyer: Riverside Management (A IH:t'SO>> curn:nUy eml)loyed by HH~, IlIgent)' or dep.utnltn,t for which this ll:(illlir.atl-01;1 hi madf', must with New Hanovt-r CatHay "!lon ;'ppuinimenG~ in 3t!toi'd~UleC Widi ArHdc VIl Seetiun 4 of thl;! New Hanover County Pu'sQnifu:d Pulicy.) Occupation: Business OWner ,BP convenience stores" Formerly a practicing attorney" Professional Activities: .!~~t.masters~""",,",, ."._ VolUllteel" Activities: Ch~"dren' s school activities ,,~"_...__ "",,. ._~ Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? As a native of , I have a sincere desire to associated with growth. CCflW-cf ot 1m iilIe6t oli' OGilra ltHtmber has ,ill or on .3 parlit;t.J}..u i$S,!Hl', member sfl 0 r,dd sial.!;' fbis lne ,other memMrs ol nis / I?~r res,o@chve-Iloaro dutJng a public ml!1~!ing. The' Jtistnber sf1Q!Jid .5'ra(.!;' ~he rtaJufe {jr tne' f:;r;r'lthcL detailing thai h1!llMi(! fLil~ t1 !H!!P3f8!€, privafe O'r mOlieti!lIy inl".!'fesf, either direct o( iM1ir~H:::, in the issue lmder Ct,);r'LSI:derati'OfL l.fte member .fihovid then i!l'xCl,ise lNm$elfl herse)f from v01inQ Oll' Ine maner ""hat llreas of COllccrn would you like to see addressed by this committee? Contin~,,~ng the good work of the Board in helping foster smart growth. Traffic and infrastructure will continue to be --> ,no,,,,,,~~.~~~._~=='''" ___ ~''''''",~m~'' -,-, Qualifications for serving: ..::.:"gal and business background, strong ro.::,~s in Wilmington and ..:." love for this community. _,.~=,=._,., =__~~"=""'= '=,=_~" _='w~___,_'" ~.'~","rl"'m~""" Otber munidplll or county boards/committees on whicb you are serving: None~,""",,, _~'='" '="~~~M"_--=,=,,~_".---="m ,~'''_, ~.=m List llu"ec loc:lIllerSOnlll references and phone numbers: l. ,,~:n Wr,~'1h:_~910) 5,::,,~2216 ~_~~~___~.""'. 2, Edwin L. West, III (91G) 254-4748 ^.___~==;.'="~~_ ,_",,~_~~~_"""'"'_"'_~~ "=w",,,"~"_~_~'='~,.'~'~~"_~ .J. Dr. Vince Howe (91G) 962-3882 Dllte: .1":!::~.l_".._~_I..:", 2007~~"""_",,~_"~"_,,,._ i\jlllliGuiom; ,arc k-tpt on fH(' for 18 fllO iril'1lS {Js('; re'ittH'U side fo~' .additiona1 (:>01'n n:lieil1S 128 challenges, but the impact can be minimized with a stro*g focus on the future. Wilmington has enormous potential and I would love to ay some part in helping it reach that potential. 7(&hellf- reD-M((()11 J( 7 129 Robert F. Cameron, Jr. 5119 Nicholas Creek Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 Home (910) 313.1961 Work (910) 762-9635 rcameron(a)ec. rr.co m Education: Universi~Jl qfNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill- 1991 B.A. - Political Science H'ake Forest University School q( Law - 1995 J.D. Jessup International Law Moot Court Team Universi(v of.North Carolina at fVilmington - 2006 M.B.A. Outstanding M.B.A. Graduate Award Outstanding Academic Achievement A ward Beta Gamma Sigma F[onorary Business Fraternity Learning Alliance Most Value Added Teanl Award 'Work Experien~e: Law Office afMatthew T Dill August 1998 ~. December 2001 1 worked as an attorney performing estate and tax planning, estate administration and trust administration. My activities included drafting wills, trusts and related documents, advising clients on tax matters and handling the administration of decedents' estates. A small percentage aHhe work also involved business, domestic and real estate law. Dill & Cameron, PLI.C 2002 - January 2004 1 became a member of the law firm of Dill & Cameron. P.I.I.C. upon its formation. I continued my previous practice in estate planning; however, my responsibilities now included firm related decisions and management issues. Riverside Management, lnc. February 2004 ~ Present Riverside is a family S-corporation \vhich operates 11 convenience stores in the Wihningto!1 area, as well as maintains various rental properties. My responsibilities include dealing with legal matters related to the C-stores, negotiating with rental tenants, and assisting in the purchase and sale of real estate. Other Activities: Toastmasters Licensed Real Broker (inactive) 130 Robert F. Cameron, Jr. 1202 S. Front St. Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-9635 rcameron@ec.rr.com April 2007 II(W co, \ New Hanover Board of Commissioners "rt'\,.t"c~ r~~~';,:~~~'-~~~ 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: New Hanover County Planning Board Dear Sir or Madame: Enclosed please find my application for the upcoming vacancy on the New Hanover Planning Board. r have also enclosed my current resume, I am very interested in this position, and I will be happy to supplement the enclosed information upon request In the interest of full disclosure, I also \vant to make the Board of Commissioners aware that I am the brother-in-law of outgoing New Hanover County Planning Board member, Paul Boney. I can be reached at the above number and email, or my cell at 470-1962. Please let me knO\v if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, GUJ ~.L- ~ ~ -,- Robert F. Cameron, Jr. 131 NEW HANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 ClleslQul Slreel., Room 305 Wilmington,. Nt 2lJ401-4093 COMMITTEE APPLICA TION Telephone (910) 341.7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Board/Committee: New Hanover County Planp~ng Board Name: Walter R. Conlogue Home Address: 102 Braxlo Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 IS/re"t) ICity) (Zip Code) Mal1ing Address if different: same as abov_e ICity) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 91O-392-Ull -- Business Phone: 910-262-6507 (cell) Years living in New Hanover County: 25 Sex: Male Race: Caucasian Age: 66 Ilnformation for the purpose of assuring Ii cross-section of the community) Employer: SOuthern Jet, Inc. tA person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appoinlment in accordance with Article VI, SeG:. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.} Job Title:: Treasurer Professional Activities: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Volunteer Activities: President of lnlet Watch Yacht Club Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? I'd like to again do lTl.y part in supporting.. our local eOl1llllunity. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to maintain a balance between economic growth and preservatic)n of the environment. Qualifications for serving: I served on the New Hanover County Planning Board for six years. I was vice-chairman for two years,chairman for two years. I served four years on UDO, and I was chairman of TRe for two years. Other municipal or county boardslcommittees on which you are serving: nnnp _ Three local personal references and phone numbers: '1/2- 3~~7 1. Mr. Bill CIlFlter 910-617-9500 R~~ 2. Mr. Bobby Greer 910-619-7879 3. Mr. Bill Kopp 910-431-7120 Date: April 23, 2007 Signature Applications are kept on file for 18 months -.- Use reverse side for additional comments 132 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICATION 320 Cn"In"1 Slt..~ Room 305 Wilm;n&"'n_ NC 18401.4093 Tel'.pho.., (910) 79&.7149 Fo" 79&,714, Board/Committee: Planning Board Name: GlennA, Davis, P.E. Home Address: 329 Bayshore Drive Wilm~ngton 28411 (Sit...) (Ci'y) (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: P,O. Box 10087 Wilmington, NC 28404 _~ Home Phone: 619-1303 BusinessIWork Phone: 362-7445 Years Living in New Hanover County: 55 Years Male: Female: _ Race: White Age:56 .,~ (lnrormaHoJ1 tOt the purpose of assuring ill cro,S,s s,eulon llIf'Hle: fommu:nU,) E. I Cape Fear Community College mp oyer: (A :person: cu rritody employe.d byrhe agen,ey o-r de-partme:nd for whh:h this is muU ft:sign hhfh'e:rp'osU:i:o~ wUb N tw Ii ilinQ\'tr County' UPOJli .ll!ppointmenl~ llili atco:rdaDtC with Arfiele Vl, $t(:iion: 4 of tht New H'anG\'tf COiuDt)'PenODQel Polity.) Job Title: Archtectural Technology Instructor (Regular Full Time) Professi,onal Activities: Pro.fessional Engineers of NC, Cape Fear Green Building Alliance Volunteer Activities: Wilmington East Rotary Club nlh d. 'h t tb' b d! 'It ~ I have recently retired from Consulting Engineering ., y 0 YOIl WIS 0 serve on IS. oar tOmml. ee. with 34 years experience and have never served on the Planning Board. Cf;Jf1fUct oHmtfl!rU: r;it .!i1l);)fi1 rnil!i'mt,Hl't D'I!IJl!vil',s tie" .shill' hu It confwct or porenlil!l) con!lJct or IirHere-31 on is pan't::lJlat ,f$$UI$',rh-cH me-mbIiH';5h(:Hild a/{U(t this be1ief to me ott.n:r i'tte-mbe-r3 (1,( .~i[; ll)(u fB,specrrv.e- boaai dt.ifing ,8 PUblic' meerif.lg. The member -ShOll/a :stare tile naoture 01 the canfJi.tt, dtHaH/fl'rJ Ural !JiJlslle has a separa!B-. prilNiU; or monetary i:meresf, edher direct ot illoire.ct, i,rr the i,ssuS unO'E!t C(1i'j!$J'.:;f~rllitiotL Tb$' member should ~Ilen I!tXi:"uUt hims;fJilfl herself from yotift9 Qn the ma Iter, .... .. . Orderly development a proactive Wbat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by thiS committee? ' planning strategy, courteous and responsive public service. Q I'fi . f . I have 34 years experience in land development and planning, public ua I .lCatlOns or sernng: ..__ utili ties, and site design. I have prepared numerous presentations before the boa.rd. ,-~._~ Oth" m..,,;..1 """f, b"':="~' W~'h y" ,,=~~g, ~. .. ~~ List three local personal referellces and pbone llumbers: J U L 1 2 2006 . 1. Tom Mitchell, 762-2707 Nfl'! H~NO\JfR CO -- 2. Ro-bart Boxley, 686-5:l14.__..._.__._..__~. BO or COfMAI",c,IOllfRS 3 Juli~n Burnett,762-1105 .._~ / -- June 28 2006, . . .. Date:' Signature: . ~ &-6 ~. Applkations. :au .kept -on filt for HI month~ tJst rtvu:st .s:irle rOt additloruJ comm~nU 133 Dear County Commissioners: For 34 years I have worked as a consulting engineer in New Hanover County. I recently closed my practice to semi-retire and I am currently teaching full time in the ArchitecturaJ Technology Program in the Engineering Department at Cape Fear Community College, During my 34 years I am one of few local engineers who has never served on the Planning Board at least once and I would like to serve a tenn. The additional beneficiaries would be my students (about 50 per year) with whom I can share my experience. These students are studying to be technicians and will be preparing documents for planning board review in their various jobs with engineers and surveyors around the county when they graduate. I would like to stay involved in community activities and I ask that you appoint for a tenn to the planning board this year. you for your consideration, [}J Glenn A. Davis, P.E. V=~~:!! ";:'"11"" :;j ~~i' :T,~:~:'" , , , , , 134 ~r- t ~ U 'W ~.~ New Hanover County c, COMMITTEE APPUCA no 0 - Board of Commissioners 320 Che'lOu! Slr"~ !loom 30$ li JUN 2 4 Wilmington, NC 28401,4093 Telephone (910) 341,7149 FAX (910) .41-413Q tHY,' H~NOIJEfl CO, Board/Committee: New Hanover Coun:!""Planning Board Bllnr cnMMI':iSIONtRS ~ ~ -~ Name: Sue ~~~yes_ <<<< ,~"'"=,~,~,=,. -'=="""~""~.~ Home Address: 213 Quilon Circle, WillD.ington, NC 2841.2 (Zip Cud.) Mailing Address if different: NA - " Home Phone: 910-!99-5722 BusinesslWork Phone: NA Years Living in ,f Race: White New Hanover County: 34 Male: Female: Age: 60 (Information fOT ,tbe pUil'"pG:!.e of assurhig. (:roL\S seuiGIl of tbe eom munhy} Employer: Retired chemist frolD. Hoachst-Celanese - - - fA perll,OiD tUrUDtly employed by tbt _gt'IIC" Dr departmenf for wbith t.b:ls applicatlilliD i. Ill.de, m!Q:U resigD bisJb~r position witb Nif:'w H.nl)'Vet County opon .ppointmenh in .(:('(ltdou wUb Arrick: VI~ Si!tdQO 4 of tbte New H:iulonr CQUP't)' P.ersooD;d Polic'y.} Job Tine: Research chemist - P f . I AfT ASQC Qual i ty Engineer, ASQC Qual..i ty Audi tor ro esslona CIVl les: ____ Volunteer Activities: League of Women Voters, Cape Fear River Watch, WHQR Public Radio -....- -- Wb d . b t tb' b . dl ."tt" I would like to contribute my time to assure that the y 0 yon WIS 0 sen-e on .lS. oar . comml ee. .. ... future development of the county preserves our quality of life. ,~~,~""._~- = ~~~=..,= ContJkt oJJnr.r..t. , a boaro' rnem.b(Jt believes he I $he' hill'S oBi confNct (it potefttiar C'Oflffh:t of inlef1!$t .on.a pattfcuJ'ar is-sue, thaI member :should slate this: tu,ufjc( 10 lh.e ofhM member"'$' t~f hit/.!';olt' f~SpeCli"ll! board tJiJ'r!P9 ~ pubue m&lI'lifiQ_ The member ",:hQuld sUde the naWre of the conflict. d$'t-tfilin!iji frUit n-elS!l!' has a s:epli'f8fe,. private Of monet&1)' itHe-re'Sf, eWuw direct Or rnfjj;&ct, itJ the i:!!i.$,ue IUnder consr,a'erati-or,L Tfj-e membe-t should theft excuse- him$-$'If j ftfl'fseH from voting on tbe- matte-f, W Id Uk .. . Guiding of future growth and develop- hat areas of concern wou yOIl.. e to see addressed by tbls committee? .. ~_. lD.ent in the county in a manner which is compatible with the Land Use Plan. ~=~~""'^' =~=~..= Q Hi f Ii . The experience gained frolD. raising a family in NHC, a career in the ua I Ica IlIns or servmg: __ =m~"' chemical industry, serving as President of LWV and CPRW and on the Board of WHQR ==,~~ "''''_.,~, .. Othe.r mUllicipal or county boards/committees on wbic.h you are serving: None =~-~ ~.=.~~'''- =""=,~=~ -='=c..... .-.-- List three local person.al references aDd phone numbers: I. Audrey Albrecht, PhD, President League of Women Voters-New Hanover County 910-799-0309 ~,,~~ =~~=~,~,,,."~="'m_" ~.=",o=.,~,,~="=__~, -". 2. James Souders, Co-President, Cape Fear River Watch, Inc. 910-350.,.0605 "'~=.=~",,___n_ ,,~,="'~ 3. Nancy pr::~he:~_~ew Hanover County C~mlD.:~sioner 910-791-28.27 W_"""".~~",._=,,,,,,,,,~",~~,, Date: June 22, .2004 Signature: ".~ 'y II "f ~=='='H"~"'""~"'='='=~ -",ru~ _._~._~='====_,",~,","",wW=~"'.""=ffi"""="'.= Applk:artlom an k'Cipl o-n fi.l~ for 18 fii(l,ntbi jSt rii':\' ce,rSif s ide foil" addi tioo:al com meR t:s 135 ~ [Ere [E ~ \~ ~. New Hanover County IUI Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA TION JUl 6 rT'lf"\C !~ " 0 320 Ch..b1ut S.",1, Room 305 I Wilm;ql<>I1. NC 28401-40113 101<0,,110": (!II 0) 7118.71411 Fex: 7!18.714; Board/Committee: Planning !loaz:d Name: J_a 1'. *z:z:1 tt Home Address: 31523 V1ol.t ct. W1lm:lngton, NC 28609 (SI...I) (elly) (l'olpColl.) Mailing Adoreulf different: a_ Home Phone: 910-'799-36'79 BudnenlWork Phooe: 9J.0-96-2-2303 Years Living in Race: whit,., Age: 61 New Hanover County: 33 Male: { Female: - -. (lD'OnD .tiOR for 'the purpolit of .1:I1irhIlCiIi Itl'On hdlolll (I.f the c:1;!u.....ity) Employer: Un1_z:aity of Noz:th Caz:olina wil.mington, Cent,.,z: foz: MlU:in. sc.1.eno. (A p...o. ......u, ..."lo,.lI by lb. ....., o. "."".I....t t.. wbl.b 1111. .ppll...lI... II ...1I., ..uol ...1.. 1I1olbu "..0111... wltb N_ n...u. c....ty lip'" .l'p.l.Im..1, If> .....".... wltil A.lId. VI, s..tio. . of 1M Now U."""'. Co..1y P.......l Polity.) Job Title: Anoeiac. D1z:.ctor, reti.z:~. Prof.aaoz: oontinun1ng paz:t t~ ProfuslODal Activities: oz:ganb. and Cooz:dinat. Looal& llwlionalWater Quality ...a.aauwmt PZ:Ogz:ClIII Volunteer Activities: Cape I'.az: Rivet: "'a.ubJ.y; put PT.Il Preaident; paat Band Booat.z: Prea1dent Wh d I b t thl bo rdI Itt? I am. int.:r:..tetdin contributing to the proc.n that y l.l yau w S l) serve on . sa' comm ee . h.lpa ma.1ntun the quaJ.1ty of the oanviz:o_nt while eoonomic gz:owth oontinua.. C,.~fIlcl or "".!Nt' If .I>W" ",..",~r b.'...... h., u. h... """"., '" pol'UI"" codl.ror .._1..0 par/l;ulor it.u., 1iI.lm.","" .houkl.I... Ihlll>.ll6f1b' fl. "lhOl' .....b"'" 0/ MOl h.,.,..p"",N. _rtI "",lnQ. publk; ",,,,U"lI- 1"1>0 ",."bOl" uoul<l.rote 1M ..r..... "r 11>0 "",,111<1, ".r.llm; rh.t bo/.M M." upar.", prlv.te 01' mOMlel)' interest _met ~w.ct or UJQ'"'C't; In m. J$5W unde, a.a.n.sl#!Ifl1IitJof,l, TIa. memib*r ahould th..1} ...c-u.se1HM-".1t I htilHIfft;Cm l/otlnQ oft th. mil tt.r. What area! of concern would you like to see addressed by fuls committee? Continu~lllIlpha.ia ond.v.J.opment that maintuna .nviro_ntal quality Q 11ft t:I J ni Coordinate and d..i.:r:.ct wat.r quality JDOnitoring progz:ama f'oz: o_z: l' ua . co ons orse . ng: ~ra. BioloW and Bnvi:r:o_ntal Sciencea training and ad.vancttd. dtllJre. in glm.tic:a Other municipal or county boards/committees 00 which you are serving: Non. List thl"ff local personal references and pbooe numbers: 1. Ch.da Hay, c~ J'eaz: Council of' Gov.~t. 395-41553 2. Nancy Pri.tch.tt, County Commiaai.oner 341-71.47 3. Bel 1t:r:\Wl, Int.:nationaJ. Pap.r 6!5!5~6229 Date: July !5, 2006 Signature: Appll<..tk>". or. kop-I .. lilt 1...18 ",oo-tb. 136 NEW HAND VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS "'~^ w=, 320 Chesmul SlIeel, Room 305 COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone 19101 341.7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 -;!J -"B J Board/Committee: . ," _ ./ q..1111/1'\~~ bD... y_ Name: Ill, 6 c. vel /7 / It ,/ , !'. . . ',' I Home 6' ,..-, --i;' / '/ J' ) I. / 'J (. J-i?;'/I() ((1 Address: ) .L:2 _~ J iH.~-f (' (~ elf I ( v' /.:..'~. (l,' ,)!," (4.~ /17", /l, ,\ (Str....t) ICity) i (Zip Dou..) , . j Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Cod..) ((/0- 7f4- )-)-5;2 /7' r Home Phone: Business Phone: ,2::;;,,- <.-.( Years Ill/in!) in ..4 '\ J . . .- New Hanover County: tj,/5 Male: -2L- Female; _ Race: O! l.\ (' <"1 $' !tL-,. Age: ~7 :{ I (Informatioo for the purpose of s$Suring e cro$$.sectio" of the community) Employer: Ntrl. (A person Cutr6nU.v 6mploy..a by the "f}..m:y or riep..rtm..nl for whiCh this ..pplic"/.io,, is Tmlrie. must resign hls/hsr positioo wUn New Hanoyer County uponllppointm6nt in sccorriance with Articl.. VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanoyer County p..,sonne! Policy.) Job Title: /V~ /I , , Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: -"0 /Vav kt:vu ' 3o(i ~ /lL/I); ;;'~,i~?~fi./:>h ~ I 11 ( o. 15 / ib~,Jr 7A (?c' f.g ile//J. :II.. 'Sil5St;;c tJ,/lLkC,~ 1'\ 1v., D,~' (); I)~'n sILSj' J J. 11";( . \.. /~p'~~Cc<:I~e: ." , Why do yOll wish to serve on this board/committee? JIC)~:JC /-k'7'<j' ~. /'t::;'.r MV /7 i~ ,,/1" (i " )7YI:;)ev!,,~ !iltJ tJ;;J(d,d~~/ ~/lrr/v. ..; flu< /yr;'.lrFr-f ; j 1fu v.=UI"<" .-Cr:,'c l:\i/~lvf'lfU:lf:'5 9LiI'A- ir:fo,~ Cr;mfJic/ Df Intenu:t:' 1/8 bosta msmbetbelieves hele n85 8' conflict Qt potenTial con(J;r::r of in retest Qf] 8 purtiCuJIJI irJue,. the! member should .stare th; bBlief to t.he ether mf/tmbt],r~ tJf' Mt/he.r respective bcumi dtJdn:g ,9 pvbNc tm!ffi.ting. The member should state 'the fjtttlJre of the' conflict derailing th8t he/she has 8 sepl1tltt'e, prlv8te Dr mOIUHltt"Y intB'retit, either dir,ect ar indirect, in the i$SiJe under considerDrJorL The member ~ouJ(j'then t!xcu se himself/herself from YO ting on the ffi8trer. .'1/ IIA skA" ( What aress of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? fJ (( >1 .. . u>'/J . .. t'1o.... ~\,N 13 ,rGl/ (' )>\.,.j,-...;/':; " j I /Iu c lct:;{J:;U.'J l' .! l. ' dJ' I k 5AA-d- Qv"( a C U'iw / . . "/t- 'f. if' {" .' f J At S. I'-PI>:} P a....... {I)(f'{.l.-,...d.((r-.-....;' /('5'1 "l J)~ 4' , I1.k "" ('~,' R!ij~ Qualifications for serving: J 0s.e: \v.J, (h,,: Iu tJ~"({ C\J/(~LJY 1l1t1 ~II /.t;;h ]lUJj " 3?1'A I ~v .; I ~ C2h :;"f?r.,/: Arh."h, /F(",'LJIt.!h k~ .J''J1( I h <",~. /, [( c:.A J J J v' .. I Other municipal or county boards/committees on which yOll are serving: Iv' (', 71 q:' Three local persona! reterences and phone numbers: :1./ ~(o,fr;:~ - 9/D- 7ff- (-;:)4<:) 1. . (/ (J. '17"L.f! I I 17f' . J . . 9 I u --- 3 9 i::=- U Q 7 4:.~"_.._._.._.... 2. 1---trJc -:;"rl/1 <:;' /-e II"L ,,=""",.<~-- 3. .~. ~ I~ a C /1 V/j' -J-t'~. S cr 10 ":341 .-( S-/~ v Date.: Signi'Jture ,_, ~. ~],.J;",,'j~__t ~"",~~~....~,~_ 137 Commissioner Robert Greer June 20,2006 Chairman-County Commissioners New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, He. 28401 Dear Commissioner Greer: This is a follow-up to my letter to you [in January of this yea]r, in which I requested that I be considered for a position on either the new Water and Sewer Board or on the Planning Board. 1 have attached my previous letter plus a completed committee application for the new Water and Sewer Board. .. ... .. . . . . .1 feel that my background and in&depth experience could be of value to this Board. .An additional review of my attached letter may be of help to you when considering my application I have taken the liberty of copying my credentials to the rest of the County Commissioners. In addition to the application and letter, I have also enclosed a short article from American City and County magazine, which speaks to the solving of odor problems at my former regional wastewater facility..I also was written up in Water Engineering and Management magazine. Thank you very much for the opportunity to serve on this very important Water and Se\....er Board. I think that you will fi.nd my experience and qualifications a definite asset to the needs of this community. I will look fonvard to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. 1 am available for an interview at the Commissioners' request. Sincerely, "\. 7A,~~Q~/ M. Boyd Miller 6223 Turtle Hall Drive Wilmington, N.C. 28409 Tel. 910-794-5532 Cc: New Hanover County Commissioners 138 0211312007 13:59 FAX 91079[;1021 1lI001/001 New Hanover Couot)' 2~ (J M .,~ e~p )6-eC t>ri "'D BOllrd of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPUCA TION Su,l1t p~ wilmmB"". Nt 2840 l Telopl>u",",: (910) 1911.1Il9 Pa", (910) 1~1l.714l Board/Committee: Planning CO\llIIl.i8Si.Pt1 Name: Joe Hi.1Iar - Home Address: ~lO.3 Cent.allion Court Wi lminqton 26411 (SI...l) leI.,.) p'~~ c.-.j Mamag Address if dltTerent: j OGyC! ccrall tahnvlllsting. com E.-Mail Address: joey9 COBS taIinv.stin.g . co& -- Home Phone: Fox: !,lO-796~1021 Cell: 910~79~-lD22 Business: 910-796-102.2 -. ~-- Years LIVIDg; ia (approx) Male: ~= Female:_ R.aee:Caucll!l.ai.~ '" Age:24_ New aanover County: 10 - {lnr...'..tio& ref the ,urpdl of "lIarDiIIlllUOII IU::ith.'" Qr thc. c.lini'ftlillait:~d Employer: .:oaetaJ. InV!~t1ng, LLC (Pr.s:i.eJantl .- ",. - ('" pent. t..,"utli~ elliplOYC:' lii-y...e ..00'41;1' d.itplil,rtJIIltllt fa.,."",hic:b. ttW .,.Uc.n.. b p'.de., _1111 r-e.'c:'" bbJDtr- poilu.'" wh:h N~., 1l1~O'YU C.u"H~ l.lf0l RlPpilllaDlilt"l. tlll_a",rduuwith A.i'tide vt SRd.." tilt "t Nt'iW nU(;~.r C."i)' r.nO".. ".IIcy.) O.~P&Uon:R.a1 Estate Investments Profe15101U1I Activities: AlIl!1ocii>tion Of Real torll, Coastal C;lrolina Invaatorll ASsociation - - Volllllleer Activities: S.cholorllhip Chair person for '.en COl1rt (Ne" Hanover Coun tyl Why do you willh to scne OIl this ~rd'eommlltee? Being in rea.l astateldaveloplllent I f_l I CIUl bring ...........- -",''''''''. '. .- I'~- a differ.nt and positive perspeotive to the board. I'm in favor of reeponaible developuent cunll>'o,,,,..,..tt ,. b"""'; ,,""'0.' b;'.,... .0;....1$' .0.11., Of p,*.J~' ..."~I.'.'..!....., ..8 ""rtleu,"dU.., m.. m."".., douIC.tS.. M"<$ boJ;"'," 111. .,..;- Mm,tlerl 0' NoS I ,."t re.fpetrfve baa", ilil!l\Ii'I.n9 t pubf'lc me-eVtJQ'. m. ,"ember l.t'ltlliJl(18t,,-re th& ",.U.lm or (lilt' tom/lef. ctete-m;il9' .n~t hellJlu,ii hi;$' 19 .s:cp.lf'akl-, ~l1val9 Qf' mgnri"r '''''!freift Imllril1l"WICr at ililSrf8ct, 1ft fhe ,s;ui& U!U.1fJ"'I:O.n~t.M,(ttl'm. r~,p mil!'m~.l.&^ould then e;il:cuse mms,lflJ;-,erleJtttom "Ioling Oil! Ill'$- i'fI$tr.r What arells or eom:erb woulll JOu like to see addruscll by tbis committee? The OVIU' development of c.r'tllli~_ areas, &ewer ia&Ulllll, zoning/development oonfu8sion QtlllliflCllttOll1l fonen1l'1g: Acti va lIe.ll1ber of the real 88 ta te cOIllllIl.m.i ty fot:" .3 yea.rs. Strong underet.ndi.ng of the role of local government and development - Otber municipal or coullty IlOllrcblcClt'llmittees em which youan serving: nOlle - .- Lnt Chree local penonal referen.ces ..11 ph DOe numbers: 1. Nick King 9l0~431-3511 - 2.Mar~n ~ller 910-791-7522 ".- 3. JOlleph Nick. 910-233-5243 - Date: February 13, 2007 Signature: ....pplie:Uioif\lll, an liililpt Oft ft~ flllr- 11 mo'nf}u - 139 New Hanover County 23Q Government Cenlc:r Drive Board of Commissioners CO:MMITTEE APPLICA nON Suitt; 1'1:5 Wilmm.8Ion, Nt 2840:1 T.I.pbo"", (910) 798.7149 ...""C.m.....'. ~\ C\ Y\ 1\\ l\ ~ ~ O[W ~ ... '"'' "'-",, N.m" po. MI:. Pa. ~. .... ~:~:.",_ +\0 i:~Y\ .. ~~~!>~~ ~ln~~lv\i~t1\ ~(. ~~~l~ M.m., Add~lfdl".:'.t' 3,\ S ~ClY\ . _ j):J~. ~\' I t~t D wi\'~ ~. ~~ B-MailAddress: y\Df\eW Y.x:>Y\d ~ {\~\ ..[,~Y't\. Home Phone: 3q~- i \ GJ.. Far: Cell: Business: 3Qcl - , 73 ~ Years Living in dE ~et\'{ 5 Male:' Age: 5~ New Hanover County: Female: Race: Employer: Yo '(' . '\J"l(^ .. ,(l..,...... i<t"c.or lb. pur:r:o'c.Uri"J. ..... M<lion oftb. eommnnityJ (A p.,'.o.. ... .....11, emplo,ed b, e '1 ency "r de Im,emt f01" W .ich th,..ppUU,holll, ia m.det .PlI relilll bislheT' pOlitiio....ltbNew BaDO\l'er Cltnulfy U'Oll .,p....''''''''.. in ...o.d..nce ..llll Arlld. VI, Soellon" of lIle N_ H ...over County Punnel Policy.) Occupation: ~a \Ls yY\t\..'Y\. ProCessional Activities:W j th'\i ~,T\h~ '13"-3 t ~5.5 ry\ , V ohmteer Activities: ~ ~c.oV\t Sc. l' ~ ~. I Why do you wisb to serve OD this board/committee? ~ ClY\O~ lo\t' .'(O~ t\ l\ M' \ r.L \A Q 'Jh{ C~ \J\~i~cati[(~N G\;i: APR 2 7 2007 Lt5d-.- I~~ >I'I1M, \'ER co '1'1 -tt511 BD Of 1~3- 59_c;l Date: Signature: 140 NeW' Hanover County no Gove",m<"' Cenjer I)nvc Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLlCA TION ~~i'I":i~:~n NC lWlJ Torlcp;holle f~}l{lj i98~'il ~,9 Fl!Ix: (9HJ) 798-7145 Name: Home . . \ Address: 5~ 1"4 M YJ'L.t:l<... c. r O.>oL'L ~. _~~W~1. \....., ~~__"____. 'l..1r'f 0 , (S". ) \ ICily I (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address if different: ~~__._"___ ,"___ J3..Mail Add ress: ____...._.----- .____ Home Phone: 791- tt3'" Fox: 3.:l2...::3.oss:. Cell:.2.. f'} ~ ~ 0 S'I.{..f Business: '7~"\ - ,}ct 0,," Years Living in / Nev.' Hanover County: ~ '7 Male: ___ Female: Race:, W ~ . \. t. Age: ...._~ (Inffirm :adon fol'" ihe llUt(HtSt' {If fissuring a CrtlsS seeiio.n of the ('om mUfdty) Employer:. ~'I'B. 2.w:,_G~ i "Td~"--'''' f C'Ch' .--,I:.........._'__-;-__d --'.....---:'---,-h:- C .. '. ~ H (A person ~'l:l rrcnt y employed by tbe i,gene)' {Ii tpartmt'iI1t (liT 'W'HU:II t IS app icaUon u. ma e, m1J:U re-sign, iS/ner IHIoSiUOfl wHn \...e'Yt'; i'lnQver COUfI,ty upon appoinlmt!flt, in uco.-d:aliil;'(' with .-'ii'ticle' Vt. SeetitHi 4 bf the New H a,If)(V\'er Ctn..Hiii)' P~rsonnel folk}'.} OCCllpation: G.....hllL..\ C"",,~..._l..... f\<!::.o.\.....:c..l C~~.\..-J."- fte..l~......L 'D.... H."* ./ / Professi!lllal Activities: Volunleer Activities: ~flJ.h'..... "i ..5.- '- -.', ...~_~_~"_'" ,-~~~_..~ , Why do you wish 10 sene on this board/committee? M ~~ l.. 9 rOc ...,~. IHl' she has a 0.1 1li i'tb&mb;&( sho~'Id slare the OlfJiU mem beTS ,of his I fliu r:especO've bDa4'o d1Ji'in~ i!j. p~twc meevng The memOli'f snouj'd state the fh~tu(e M /tJe- con!1icL detaifing fMI M/:H11!!< {tiS',@ si!tpi!trare, prware or mOI'1i!!'Ii!U}' il11erest, ,either plirecr.or indue>C"t, in th'e J,:;;S(.Ie I;fi'"idef .cot1'siaera1ion. The member :sf1o.uil1 Uler. eXClJ.5,e himself J htus-ett from ....O'I,;ng Or! the maJ1.&f What areas of concern would you like 10 see addressed by Ihis committee? ~~.~~ ,.........'L C; ,. .:> ~ ~'''' ~~_'''''~,,<O~__~'~==~''~,<<,~~_~ ,~'''=='"~".<>, '.'mA.",~m'~_~~'w,"~~";~n~'_~,"'~""'''''' ",''''''''~, Qualifications for serving: L.t~c:... +...... "" Jl&s..:~.J.L ...\ c.....~.^__~ ='^" ._~..~,,~,~"" _~,~...",.~.~m".~. ~.==.,,~_"" Other municipal or county boards/committees on which YOII are serving: List tbree local personal references and phone numbers: I. _St..~ 1>.,. ~ ~""'1:: G._~.f>.,- 8" 5' :3 --~ 2. .~ .lo~.~... /Y\.... \ ,_._.___, L 3 Z.E.'i..'-2 --,,"HtWHM,n';'f'Rf,-f} lJ. 8r, (11 3._~"~ ..,~ <<- 3~]"-'):2..o1 --12 Dale: _~_~_S::- 'i - ()~ __ _.___ Signature: l)(],,_ __ ~ __ Applk","'", ar. kep' on m.l., IS month, u~. t", ,.. .". sid, fo' .dd'jio".1 <.," "Ie"" 141 New Hanover County 230 Government Cer.l'ier Drl\'e Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICA nON Suitt 17$ Wilminston, NC 28403 T,I,phone: (910) 798.7149 Fax: (910)798.7145 Board/Committee: Planning Board ,,=-,,~.~-,~" - Name: Ma.rk A. Saulnier ~~-" _=='w~_~.^ '==.. Home Address: 4209 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington 28403 ~_. ==,-~- (S'r..') (Ci'J) (Zip Cod 0) Mailing Address if different: ~_ ,=-=" E-Mail Address: masarchitect@ec.rr.com ., Cell: ~-0~'39___ Home Phone: 793-4340 Fax: 193-0639 Business: 793-0639 ~-,,~ Years Living in Male: ~_ Female: Race: "",,,.,, Age: ~:_ New l1allover Count)': ~"'~,:.,,"'~"' (Inform olion for ,'hilt ])utpQse (if assurinG-:Di UQ is ~iIi"iI;"ti()n f)f tlit" l' 111m mun..)') Employer: Self "__ w=,=,~"~,, =~~ =~~~~~ (A p.erHHl "lIrrtnUy il!':mpliCIyeo b)' the .ageIH:Y or departiilltii1 fut' wbich. tbisilPplieation h mAde. it'ill:U resi:e.n Dlslher position whh Nell' HaDuver CUUiDi)" U p6D olrp oim tm en II iii a ce or dlan elf: with AI' tide' V 1. Set tio. n 4 of tb e N ew H :aDO ve r C 00, mtyPe rs Oti nt-I Po licy.) Occupation: Archi tect Pr(lfessiooal Activities: Town architect Devaun Park, calabash; Consultant Porters Neck Community -" "... V(lhmteer Activities: Alternate Wilmington Board of Adjustment, Convention Center Task Force =,=w=~w_ --- Why do you wish to serve 011 this board/committee? Would like to use my planning experience to help "". -==~,-,~,= guide the future of New .Hanover County and improve quality of life. " "'~. Conflict 01 ItUetut: #' s' board ffl8mb8f DaUeV;ftS he I she ha.s ,acanf.li'c~ or POUtlHial co'l/Diet Of i.rHstest an a parti.ccNar iSsue, 1h81 member should s~,ale Um;- belief 1.0 the othet ffil1m bers of tits/fier respectj"lI'e tmBrd duting a publiC m ee-ung, rrJe memDer snQuh1 stati' tile t!l.iHurfi! of th~ COflfUc[, de-UilHing fl'ilat he/she h$ls 9 s.e-p.;lr~rj)l-, ptrw~Jf1 or mOfJ~f~ry inleta5t elt.tl'!!!! direct Of ifl'dif8CC in the issue' urui.er consicte-ration. The member .shQuld then exctfse hImself I heTself fr.om voting on the maUer, What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? _~opting Low ImP;act De.velopmen t guidelines to improve stormwater management; Implementing Park Space Bond projects ...... "... Qualifications for serving: Registered architect with 25 years experience in architlilcture and planning; Served 8-1/2 years on Wilmington Planning Commission (3 years a.s Chairman) Other municipal or county boards/committees (In which you are serving: Alternate on Wilmington ,,~" Board of Adjustment; Convention Center Task Force =~"'~,~ List three local personal references and phone numbers: l. Paul Boney - 790-9901 ~-- =~""~_m 2. Mayor Bill Saffo - 341-7815 ==,=~-- 3. Steve Stein - 762-6434 =W",_". Dale: July 3, 2007 Signature: Ap-plh:::Ilitioyn rare kepi on me for l8 m.onths 142 New Hanover County 230 Govommn. Conl., D,iv. Board of Com missioners COMMITTEE APPLlCA nON ~Uiilt~~:~". NC 21.403 T,I'p,one: (910) 798.1149 Fax: (910) 798.1145 Board/Committee: New: Hanover County Planning Board Name: R. Frank Smith Jr. AIA Home Address: 2814 Park Avenue Wilmington NC 28403 (SIr."l (Cit)") (Zip Cod.) Mailing Address irdirrerent: 1908 Eastwood Road Suite 230 Wilmington, NC 28403 E-Mail Address:fsmith@SllU.th2design.com Home Phone: 910-362-9660 Fax: Cell: 910-256.-0065 8usiness: 910-256-0065 Years Living in New Hanover County: 22 Male: Female: _ Race: Age: 45 (lnloTm .Uon fot tht purpos>t of &SiUaring I; en ii, liltttion of t,he tOm miiuu':y) Employer:Smi th2 Architecture + Design (A penoR currently employed by chit: iigene:r ordtp:utmer:u fo-II' w,bicb thi:J appliution i1f. m:td4=t mlld:1t rutgn h.isJbu po-Jilt'ion with New H.anover Coun,ty u'p.on. IIppoin,tment1in iltto.rdal'i(:.t' wUb Article Vl" Section "Ii or the New Utnovt-r County P~r:lon:nel' Polk)'..) O t. Ar.c. hi tect ccupa IOn: Professional Activities: Member American Inlilti tute of Archi teats Volunteer Activities: See Below Wby do yOll w.isb to sel"\le on tbis board/committee? Previously served for seven years. I was unable to reach all the goals that I had established in my first two terms. ConflJef of Int.,...t: I' a f)otild memtJIet il>efleve.s he I .sh<\!l' hu' ,a canfjet orpcUtnust cO/I!j1Ijc:r of Interet en ./I particular isS'ue. Ihal member shouU1.stale 'hiS be-fief to the othfJf mem betJ ot tJl~' / h8f r&.$pect'\l'1Ii! boa1d during.. pUblic m eating. The memb ill should state the nature of the confUcl. delii',ding that he/she hUB .separate; pfiVlllfJ or m .onats/)" intam.st. eith.er direcr or inet/reel, in tile Issue und.,' OOrtsidenlitiO/'il. The m emb et should 'hen" XCU$8 himself I t'tftfsflIf from voung on fhe ma fler. Wbat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by tbis committee? Responsible. grcowth, protection of our natural resources, TRC I project review process, put planning back in the process Qualifications for serving: Seven years. on the NHC Planning. Borad, Pas t Chairman of the TRC, Served 4: years on joint 000 Committee, CAMA LUP Advisory Council, 1-140 Bypass Committee Otber muoidpal or county boardsJcommittees all wbicb you are stl"\ling: City of Wilmington Board of Adjustment List three local persollal references and phone numbers: .. n.. .$ 1. Mr. Bill Caster MAYm232Q07 U 2. MIl. Laura Padgett W flMiOVER CO 3. Sen.J1.llia Boseman 110. or COMMISSIONERS Date: April 27, 2007 Signa.ture: ;;;;::::./?- ;;I ..L Applications are kept. on .,a~ for 18 mo Mtu. UIe f'It'lile-r.ae side 143 'J'UI'Ii ,L,U oW ill\) 1t.J't",.'"1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room .305 WilmingtOfl, NC 28401-4093 TeJf!J'/lone (3101 341-7149 FAX (310) 341-4130 Application far APpointment to Boards, Committee:, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County BoarrJ of Commissioners. Bet:luesr for )ltlPointment Il'l: l' la.nnin~ :Bo a.:r d N."", '-;:;;dra L. Spi'" ~ Home . . . How Imro hav" you beeJI a Ad""" '020 c,own Point Ln. ,,';de," af _,..,.."" _rrI 3 y'" 10 mn"<h, Mailillg Address:= same CitY "dE,"" Oi1min,ton llP Code: - 28409 -= Teft!phone: Home: 910-395-4147 Busltlf:S:;: 910- 172-8B 11 "'Sex: _ F' "R;1r;e: w - -}.af!: f., . '00 ..I~l.iilll" ........"ud (tit Ill' ..oJ. pIM'P~' o( u.svrinR 1.1'I," . __ncfiCll< II( /fl. """,,,,-,rr 110 .""aitlJ#d. "'fmpJr1ye(J Or: RBC Centura "'A ,,_.. t:ISINIflIJ'f --'(Jyf'rJ ~l' lP 'fII"'l:1' rudilP-,,1 flU wlIIch ~ ~""""IN"".lftljItrnP'l'" /li$AI...(I<<liliM .,.;t/'r N... ~1I"" COtlIllY ",,611"""""'-1. In .".,.oo.~.. willllU'lfd. VI. S..... ... rtl /to.. NoW It_- Cl>...'y 1'w$G!Ilflf Po/it:r. Job Title: _ Redonal E.~ecutive I Cnmmerc"::I1 :B!lnk~T "",w;"" Ao..,,= :Downtown RotaTY, Ch,mb" - S<aU ,..i.la<1V' affairs .. = vo'"""uA ";"..,, NC Jt. SOTo,i" Ca' ,,,,'t 00""" Club ACS P~s - lNIlyao '(fJu wrsh 10 serve r:1I'l/he Board, Committee. lit Commission reque$red? Attached - . ~ Wh.. d' "" ,,,' ." y"" ",'I/"ff"" 'or so"'", '" rh' S,"'''- c.mmi-. " c-;.,;",,,....,..o = _ ........ . .... Attached Wh" .... of ",,,,,,, would ,a" m" "'" ,ho ...". Co_no<. '" """",,,",," -=' : Attached ^" y" """"If, "",~g '" ,"0'." bo"d or to"""'." ..po~'" by. _tY << · ..~", "... _list - No D.'. y\\.\ 9"< .... _ ....."""- ~ cI. ~ ,"P" ~, ,.~",.., ". .."'^,, ~~~., (llYERJ -- ----. ..~- .~ ..--- .-' ~ ---..~. . .- ~ -.- ~ (\ .. . r:rtOo ? J I 1'\1 c: 'n'T~\';i:i ;-~.- - ..-:- - -- ~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - c;,JHill 1.11.111:1 Hfln IIJ:j:l :JEt! Wri ~ . - . . nr:, r:n ltl-1 vnn?:-!711-Nnr 144 JUN-1B-9S 11ID 9:25 [JJ;E1=RFfNCES pleaSil pravide three 10 car personaf refereflces; Name Phatle Number 1J - :Bob warwick 910-76Z-9671 2) Gayle Van Velsor . 910-350-0250 - 3J J. R. corpening II 910-341-1129 ~ - .' ~ ~ , , - - - . --- --- -------- - .-- ~.' , - - --~~. "":Iii i r:nnn -'J j nit:' 'nU \lUJ ".. -,-.-'- - - -" - - - ~ -.. - - -- -- -' .... r;:\.IHrn I.TI.1rYl H>ln I N::r:l 1Rtl " -, - --- - - --- " Un n~:?'n TR~ vOO?,-pO-Nnr 145 Wby do you wis~ to serv' on tbe Board, Com..t<<.., or Commission requested, I wonld "rv' on the board enthusiaStically bec_ 10m .ery ~ in the p~ end development of our area. With my banking eaperierl<e in teal- and CQmmercial lending, I em bring a positive approach to ensuring eompliIneDlMY growth and elf"";", plmned and wise development I would like to ... the planning Bomd devote more time md effort to long. range pianning md 1 think it porticnlarly imponant 1hnt wdind 1be rigbt balm" between environmental protection and protecting the economic ,,;branCy of thisregion. Protecting private property ri ghts along with our water ,"so=, and the preservation of &Teen space all contribute to thc qualllY of life in tlJjs countY and I look forward to making a contribution by serving 011 tbe Planning Board. What do you feel are YOllr qlll\lJfications for serving on the Board, Committee, OT Commission requested? I have over 21 years ofbanldng experience includin.g real estate, small btlSiness, commercial and retail lending, 1 have served on various economic development committees for the C~amber of Commerce in McComb, MS. I am very fumlliar.,nd comfortable with the varioUS aspects of city planning, zoning and development strategy and regulations. Wh.t .reas of concern would you like to see the Board, CoJll]lliUee, or commisSion address? I feel it is very important that we continue to plan {or the future. Once again, I am cornmitted to long~range planningat1d wise development. 1 also believe in the preservation of green spse' and balance be\WWl envlJonmellta! proteelion and n,,;brant economy. ~ :Sf 5f/f!-(S en ;...l C;flQQ 711 nlR. 'nr~ ~\J~ --------.-~-~---------~----- ::1N\:JOl ~lWOO i;lHI1lN30 OSH !',..i 02' ~u . ,20 IHd ~002-pO-Nnr 146 07/fl5!2007 12:42 910675821;3 TRIPLE T PARTS PAGE en / en New Hanover County '230 Oo'Vt:"umonl Ctnttr Drivi: Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APrUCA TION hlt.11S Wil......run,NC 2MO~ Hle.~h""'" (910\798.71<49 Po" (910) 79&.11A$ Board/Committee: Planning BOa,::t;! Name: B:hal.ilah '1'bro_r HOJl'le w1l1'Ai.n9'toll 2841.1 Adclre$s: 8403 aei..ling AvtltlUl! (Stnd) (ell,) (1.1, c.iI.) MllUbag Addren If difJermt:. E-M.n A.ddl'1!ll5: ltthro_r@tb,ethrowtu:qrOl2p. COfJI HIJt'1I. Phrme': 910 .319.3272 FQ1C! Cell: 910.465.0932 Business: 9:10.465.0932 nau Living ill. Female:_ Jblte: Afri.can AlleJ:iean Age: 30 New lbnoftl' COftnty: 2 Male: Employer: t"be 'l'hrower Group (10 r""...ll". I'" flit pur p... "t ...., lIe I ..... .. ..I... Ir lh. to'" '" .ally) (A ,....u ..,...,11) 'lIIpll,d by lilt IIl'''.Y ., ".p"",,'''1 to, ..1I:lek Illl. .ppll.l<ll<m I. ",.Ik. ...... ...I~. M.lIltr "".111.... ..l!~ N... B."""" C.....ly .pH .""lIt ""... I. I. M."'...... ...IIll ",lIok VI. S........ <4 .t.. 'lit"' S......, C..ut) ,.......ll'.ll.r.) Otcllpatilln: Pxerdden~ Professi.onlllAettvitiU: eon:Active Dat.s,tl.X.C ord Illin, Org-Wi1Jn.E.ntr.l4eetup, Public Speaker Vohmteer AetMties: 1.eaci. S. S '1'eacb.e;r (Roek of WilJll.ingt:on) , ---- Why do ylJlI wtsht.o sene CII'I thls beerd/to1ftlDitt1!e'l' To assis to;. in creating a patteX'D anti pace of fU~\1~ deYeloplllll!lnt and. pre8f!lniog bist::orlc :cesO\U'ces cOlIn,...' "',.,... Ie",,"'" "",,,,"'If ..llov"~ M I eM ..$" .".Il101 Of ",.""'1..1..""1.1.' 11I1.""" "". ps,IIOUI.' 1$,,,., m.1 ..MIce, ~".ul~ .,oth> tor. Imli.r/<> "'. 01"'" .....l>On 011>1.1 "", "'....~.. "".M '''"!Ill'' ,,"b~ """10'. TII. memll'" '00.'10 ".Ie ,." ""I.",.r III. ,",,,/IItL .",.IWIII !hAlIl/lJ..."" 6 UPl'''''" , prM/;1JJ or "'....16ry 10ffl"'tl &JIMI' 01",.1 Of '''01'''.1. .. Ill. I.,.. ""dor..II tI.....IIll., ".. In omll'" ...,,",. 1M. ......" ",..,./11 ""ff"" If01II .,,"1It "" "'. ""tl&'. What llreD of COKen wollld YOllltlee to see add1'esllM by this cOlDlllittee'l' areas outside t:he bounda.riea . of the m:unieipality 1thich lIIl&y beU ~atiOD or ha"ll'e i..-paet. 011. the planning of l:III.ULid.pality QlIlltifi(;lltitmll for semhg: previous p:coqram exp for erection of puJ::llic structure., puJ::lUcity & educatJ.on on prClllllClt.if11jJ int.erest in IlIlulter plans Other amnieipalor eouMy bOllrd!lfeommitb1:es tm widell. yollllre se1"l'm!l;: 1110 1I.ltri sory CoUl'lOil, bale. Fest! val List three local pmonal references alld plum.e. number!: 1. Alafe8z Olokunole 910. 409 . 9298 Z.Brad. Hinely 910.409.4250 3. Viv:l..:sn St. JUst.a 910.264.11.29 DI~: July &, 2007 Slpatnn: AppUCillflollll i'l1"t: ktpt tin rUt: rillli'" 1! mftl'tth/ll 147 New Hllllo"er County 230 tJovernn~ellt ('ente,r I)f]ve Board of Commissioners COMMITTEE APPLICA nON SU~le Ii, Wi hllH1 I:UOli , NC 2E4H3 Telcplll:m~ {9 J 0 j 79;!}~ / '1.19 ~ '"'' (910) J9S,)14, Board/Com mittee: ,}:LE~...,jjA.l':!.Jd:~v-clL . ,~9o.)f'-Jr::::r,hi!t!Jv(jUi.,tI()AiJAL- "..~.,,-,----~,,-,- Name: Home III t/ ,,1: 'i lfO 'i Address: ,'1.7 J 5~,LIl.Q,i1..lI:tl1:".JzL~7)~~~,_~:"d::X:li.li,C._~,- '"~"'<"-- (Strel:':i:) (Ci')') (Zip Cool.) 1\hilillg Address if diJferellt: E-Mail Address: ___ ______.".~__~~,."""'_,_~.-"~,_~,_..y..='''w__~~~.~."'~.="...~">...~ ">='u~,__ Home Phone: :]9.J. 6.r50 FQx:,,_,_,~ Cell: M.E' ~b '-.,.($, Business: 3 V X . :I4:~~.J_ Years Livin" in " v" Age: ~Q~ New Hanover COllnt)': Male: Female: Race: (lnfQrniation for tht 'Hirpos,C' of as::uning.u trfJ:SS; scctlonof Ihe t(Joi'i\it'i:unhyj Employer: (A Il-HSOrJi emptl)ytd by Ihe agC!u:t)' or department hH' whitb this :L~ m:ad>t; must re:sign his/he.- 1)J)s:irlon with Nell' Il.llDlJiVer COUtU} 1JjHl-n llJll~(Ii'if.l1P1trH, in l'liL',cor-dal'1.u ",ith ATtic I€' VI. Section 4 of the New H :ilitio,"'er COUlity Ptrsonlltl Polley.) Occupation: roUte CJFr,cr:!"(l )'rofessiolllll Activities: }JC,e.!f, A. t1:!: c. F-sf~~~il6 (PM1), ft!IJ,. fJ( J !lot:: ,k!m t>N 1M. Voluuteel' Activities: C"t:.,Jdi.EI!.-/! y",...,l"J.:ts,........O" ..{'~,~-t"iJI( 'fa.,€; II C f)t'?O,...E:?.l= Ie, vJ. lIo.!!:Jl:a /fIAfJ..U:< I:J{"' Pl/7lIil Why do you wish to Sel'Ve on thi$ board/committee? .1IIl'-l te ~ ~DJ~Lf'I>,J.u:;; ,4'1.~.l2';&~7.l/l.,4'N 1'0' . 1.E:._~..id~1Jl:-t:!Y'..--f:k&.~~"r;~N7 '"1 "M'~"'''~'~ "u=="= CQnflii;'t at Inill'f€iS/' rIa td)tud member Oeiieves he'.I .she has & conflict or potentfal CCHltJJ'C! 01 ,IMerest on a pa.rtiCult;j{ J's'$-iJe, mal membe.1" ShOuJC1 s1tl'!ethis be}j'eUO rIle oU1<er members Mllis / tHH teSf) ocliv;e board during.a publiC meetfnQ. The member snolild staJe Ure nali:J'te- o,t 1M confhCI. detaWi"IQ thai he/she .i<J.:llS a separate, pri'V.tJM or mOi'l'etary inte.r,e'.H. .e-JUHH fMeet ot JfiQ'JfI!?CI, in liTe iss,,"e under COrf$ldf?.fBli'on The IT) em.b er snOuJc! tne.nexcuse J'w'i'lse-it I herSelf !(o,m voting Qn rhe In8 It!!'r What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? ",P G--5a;:>~~,~&01 (;tE, p A1Z.t'"~ Qualifications for serving: LL~_?::2,e'~ 71Y.!:1~1!1.f fOc;..JL,] f".AV.E:m..:f.€ EtJ12ul._..L.o.""....'17" C.iLs~,",j') L...Ld::zn.,,~_lt.l.?~,1F~,~,,-t:k1i-i..L.f..IC.I!fJ r>.P.d:.;C.-._I!Mle1oJT .A1::f.!:) ,,- Other municipal or COllllty boardslcommittees 011 which you are serving: ~_" flI (.1 NC ---""=_,~_~.".,"",,."-==,ru~_,_____,;'_'='""~_~'_"vW";~"""~'_-'"'~'" ,~_'~='ru'" List three local personal references lmd phone numbers: 1. - 2. - 3. _"t.(g}-'i{'L~,llj(f>,I7.~ IL...,~, : __ L _f 1 ~.1.-:? b 0____ :..2 o'Z:: L "!;fuYl !t.etJ)o.""'~A", ~ . Lli I Z. DlltC: Signlltllr~~~~' .,__ AJ.lpHu'til}n~ art: kejH un mol;' fOT 18 lno nth:; 148 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 10:45 a.m. l. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 10:50 a.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 151 149 This page intentionally left blank. 150 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: District Chairman Kopp Contact: Sheila L. Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the Water and Sewer Regular Session meeting held on July 9, 2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 151 This page intentionally left blank. 152 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Chairman Caster Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution in Support of a Recurring State Gap Funding Commitment to Accelerate Construction of the Cape Fear Skyway BRIEF SUMMARY: The Community Growth Planning Core Team of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce has requested the Board of Commissioners to endorse its requests to the General Assembly and adopt the proposed resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. S kl'wal'1. doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 153 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR A RECURRING STATE GAP FUNDING COMMITMENT TO ACCELERATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CAPE FEAR SKYWAY WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Skyway is a proposed 9.5 mile facility crossing tile Cape Fear River that will provide a future connection from US 17 in Brunswick County to US 421 in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is a regional transportation project that wiH provide increased benefits to the community that include: additional access to the North Carolina State Ports at Wilmington, direct access to the west side of the Cape Fear River for truck traffic entering the Port of Wilmington, reduction of future traffic demand on the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, allow for the movement of ocean going vessels to access the Port of Wilmington, allow for uninterrupted travel across the Cape Fear River, allow for emergency response vehicles to travel across the Cape Fear River without the possibility of delay, decrease evacuation times during natural disasters, ,improve access to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point and provide improved access to the Port of Wilmington facilities for military deployments; and WHEREAS, a traffic and revenue forecast was completed that indicates the proposed construction costs for the Cape Fear Skyway at approximately $971 million; and WHEREAS, it has been identified that tolls do not pay for the entire cost to construct the Cape Fear Skyway, they would however, cover approximately 55% of the cost to construct this project; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organiization has been planning for the Cape Fear Skyway for some time and has worked to preserve a portion of the right-of-way on both sides of the Cape Fear River; and WHEREAS, the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, recognizes the completion of our transportation infrastructure including the Cape Fear Skyway is essential to the mobility, safety and economics of the region and has requested New Hanover County's endorsement of its resolution. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, through the adoption of this resolution, urges the General Assembly to commit to expeditiously providing the necessary recurring State gap funding to tile Turnpike Authority, exempt from the State allocation formula, in order to support the construction of the Cape Fear Skyway as a proposed turnpike project, in order to minimize inflation costs and reduce uncertainty regarding the project ADOPTED, this the 23'0 day of July, 2007. Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 154 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Additional Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Chairman Caster Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Requesting the North Carolina Turnpike Authority Explore Additional Alternatives to Fund the Gap for the Cape Fear Skyway to Include Tolling a Portion of the Wilmington Bypass BRIEF SUMMARY: The Community Growth Planning Core Team of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce has requested the Board of Commissioners to endorse its resolution to the North Carolina Turnpike Authority and adopt the proposed resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. Skl'wal'2.doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 155 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE NORTH CAROL.lNA TURNPIKE AUTHORITY EXPLORE ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVES TO FUND THE GAP FOR THE CAPE FEAR SKYWAY TO INCLUDE TOLLING A PORTION OF THE W1LMINGTON BYPASS WHEREAS, the North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) was created by law in October 2002 to construe!, operate and maintain up to three toll roads in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, additional general assembly legislation was granted to allow NCTA to design, construct, operate and maintain up to nine toll road projects in the state; and WHEREAS, on February 16, 2005 the NCT A formally endorsed a study and other development work on the proposed Cape Fear Skyway; and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear Skyway is a proposed 9.5 mile facility crossing the Cape Fear River that will provide a future connection from US 17 in Brunswick County to US 42\ in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the proposed Cape Fear Skyway is a regional transportation project that will provide increased benefits to the community that include: additional access to the North Carolina State Port at Wilmington, direct access to the west side of the Cape Fear River for truck traffic entering the Port of W\\mington, reduction of future traffic demand on the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge. allow for the movement of ocean going vessels to access the Port of Wilmington, allow for uninterrupted travel across the Cape Fear River, allow for emergency response vehicles to travel across the Cape Fear River without the possibility of delay, decrease evacuation times during natural disasters, improve access to the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point and provide improved access to the Port of Wilmington facilities for military deployments; and WHEREAS, a traffic and revenue forecast was completed that indicates the proposed construction costs for the Cape Fear Skyway at approximately $971 million: and WHEREAS, the traffic and revenue forecast analyzed two scenarios and indicates that tolls will support approximately 55% of the project leaving a gap of around $440 million; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization has been planning for the Cape Fear Skyway for some lime and has worked to preserve a portion of the right-of-way on both sides of the Cape Fear River; and WHEREAS, the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce recognizes the completion of our transportation infrastructure including the Cape Pear Skyway is essential to the mobility, safety and economics of the region and has requested New Hanover County's endorsement of its resolution. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, through the adoption of this resolution, requests the North Carolina Turnpike Authority explore additional alternatives to fund the gap for the Cape Fear Skyway to include studying the potential of tolling a portion of the Wilmington Bypass. ADOPTED, this the 23fd day of July, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman Sheila L Schult, Clerk to the Board -- 156 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Additional Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: William A. Caster, Chairman Contact: William A. Caster, Chairman SUBJECT: New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District - Eagles Island Letter of Support BRIEF SUMMARY: Shelly L. Miller, New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District Director/Community Conservationist, has asked that the Board provide a letter of support for the NC Audubon Society's grant proposal to the North American Wetland Conservation Act for the acquisition of the VA Creech and Blue Sky Timber properties. The acquisition would be instrumental in protecting the entire northern region of Eagles Island and preserving this valuable ecosystem for the future. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider providing letter of support. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. Eagles Island Letter of Supportdoc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 157 NEW HANOVER COUN1Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 175 . WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 7981149' ({no) 798.7145 FAX . lItli\!:\6L~GOVCOM WilHam A. caster, Chairman. Robert G. Greer, Vice-Chairman Ted Davis, Jr., COmmissioner, William A. Kopp. jr" Commissioner. Nancy H. Pritchett. Commissioner .-.....- Sheila L. Schult, Clerk 10 tile Board July 23,2007 To Whom It May Concern, On behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, I would like to express our support for the land preservation efforts on Eagles Island. Located directly across from downtown Wilmington, NC and bordering the growing community of Leland in Brunswick County, Eagles Island represents a natural treasure with tremendous ecological value and future education and ecotourism opportunities. Through my invol vement with the New Hanover County Watershed Management Advisory Board, I have gained knowledge of this valuable ecosystem and the preservation efforts that have been underway since early 2002. The Board of Commissioners has supported the ongoing efforts of the New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District and Cape Fear RC&D, who have successfully protected over 250 acres to date. As a component of the Brunswick River/Cape Fear Marshes Significant Natural Heritage Area and bordering Primary Nursery Areas, designated by the Division of Marine Fisheries, Eagles Island exemplifies an environment deserving of conservation. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners would like to express its full support for the NC Audubon Society's grant proposal to the North American Wetland Conservation Act for the acquisition of the V.A. Creech and Blue Sky Timber properties. These acquisitions will be instrumental in protecting the entire northern region of Eagles Island and preserving this valuable ecosystem for future generations. Thank you for your consideration of this very important funding request. Sincerely, William A. Caster Chairman 158 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/23/07 Additional Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Dennis Ihnat Contact: Dennis Ihnat SUBJECT: Budget Amendment for Installation of Two Pee Dee Aquifer Production Wells and Two Observation Wells at Ogden Park BRIEF SUMMARY: Sealed bids for improvements to the County's water system known as Well field - and Water Treatment - Southern Well Drilling Project are due on August 14, 2007. This project consists of construction of seven (7) potable water production wells and seven (7) observation wells. There are three (3) production wells and three (3) observation wells in this project that are designed and permitted to be installed at Ogden Park. These well sites are designated as M, N, and 0 in the Project. The County has experienced significant growth and water conservation issues in this area and would like to move ahead and fast-track two of these well sites, M and N, to provide system capacity and help alleviate these issues next spring. Staff would like to begin working on this project as soon as possible. Since bids on Well field - and Water Treatment - Southern Well Drilling Project are due on August 14th and there will be no other Commissioners meeting until August 13th, in order to facilitate this process, staff requests that Commissioners approve awarding the construction of wells M and N to the lowest responsible bidder and approve the associated budget amendment to fund the work. The remaining wells will be presented to the Commissioners at the September 4th meeting. At this time, staff will present the remaining project and budget amendment to the Commissioners for approval. Well 0 construction will be fast-tracked on the follow-on contract. The attached sketch shows the location of wells M, Nand O. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve award of bid to the lowest responsible bidder for the installation of wells M and N at Ogden Park and approve the associated budget amendment 2008-09 for construction and construction administration. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008 in the amount of $220,000. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ -. ... .:.. ~~ .-F~~ ........ ... . wk dickson letter ref wells. pdf Ogden Parl<: Wells and \bnity .pdf 2W8-'JS 7-19"-~ 7.dQC 159 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 160 AGENDA: July 23, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008-09 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2008-09 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Water and Sewer Department: Finance/Engineering Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to Capital Proiects-to Wellfield $220,000 Total $220,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated Fund Balance $220,000 Total $220,000 Fund: Wellfield & Water Treatment Facility Capital Project Department: Engineering Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Capital Proiect Expense $220,000 Total $220,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from fund 800 $220,000 Total $220,000 Section 2: Explanation To increase Wellfield & Water Treatment Facility project budget for installation of production and observation wells and related construction administration. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-09 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2008. (SEAL) William A. Kopp, Jr., District Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the District Board 161 DWK . DICI<SON community ,Infrastructure consunants July 20, 2007 Mr. Dennis Ihnat County Engineering Department New Hanover County Water and Sewer Dlstriict 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160 WHmlngton, NC 28403 RE: Interim Wells for Additional Water Supply In Spring of 2008 NHC Well Field and Water Treatment Facility WKD Project No. 90911.80.00 Dear Mr. Ihnat: As a follow-up to our meetings on Monday and Wednesday of this week regarding the fast.tracklng of wells at Ogden Park, we agree with the County Staff that expediting the construction of the wells at Ogden Park will provide an additional supply of water for the rapidly growing demand (on an Interim basis) while the new water planl Is being constructed over the next two years. Subject to verification which can only be accomplished though the well drilling operations, each well should be capable of providing alleas! 250,000 10 300..000 gallons per day from the Peedee Aquifer. We anticipate the County will Incur expenditures of approximately $600,000 to $700,000 to placelwo production wells Into service with a minimum tlrneframe of eight 10 nine months to complete on a fast-track schedule. These well sites were approved by the North Carolina Public Water Supply Section (PWSS) for public water supply in 2006 and the NCDENR Division of Water Quality Issued a permit authorizing the oonstructlon of the wells In 2006. Therefore. well consifuction could start as soon as the County can secure a contract with a qualified well driller to perform the work. Prior to the final design of the pumping and chlorlnaUon facilities, the well casing for the production well must be constructed and developed, and a 24-hour safe yield pumping test must be conducted by a qualified well driller. Each production well will be accompanied by a small diameter observation well for long term monitoring of water levels In the aquifer. Based on previous bids received by the County, we estimate construction of both a production wel! and an observation well, and the required pumping test on the production well will cost between $80,000 to $100,000 and will ta'ke an experlencad well driller 30 - 45 days to complete on the Ogden Park well sites. Upon completion of the 24-hours pu mplng test of the developed production wells by the well driller, the construction plans and permitting documents of the well pumping syStem, chlorination equipment and the piping to connect the well to the exl.stlng water dlstribulion system will be engineered and submitted to the PWSS for approval. We anticipate the construction and permit appllcallon documents will be completed within 30 days of the receipt of the pump test results from the well driller; and we anticipate the review and approval of the permitting documents by the PWSS win take at least 60 days. Upon receiving PWSS approval and the procurement of a contractor to complete the construction of the well pumping system, chlorination equipment 909 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Tel. 9W.762A200 fax 910.762.4201 www.wkdickson.com North Carolina. South Carollo,l . Gtmrgl.a . Florida 162 Mr. Dennis Ihnat County Engineering Department July 20, 2007 Page 2: of2 and the piping, we eslimate the project will take 90 to 120 days to be completed and placed Into operation. We estimate the cast to prepare the design and permitting documents will be $15,000 If both wells are permitted as one submittal. The cost to construct the pumping and chlorination facUlties fol" each well will be approximately $200,000 to $250,000. As requested we have delivered five (5) sets of bidding documents to the County for procuring bids from the foul" pre-qualified well drlllln9 contractors to construct the well casings for the proposed wells M and N of the Well Fjeld Project at Ogden Park. The bidding documents require that the County provide the 14.lnch Diameter PVC Certa~Lok Well Casing (Pipe). In addition, construction performance time is 75 days with liqUidated damages of $1 ,000 per day if the work Is not completed within the performance time. We have also included a bid opening schedule fol" 1 :00 p.m. next Friday, July 27, 2007, which can be changed. If the County elects to accelerate the construction of these two wells, we will need to prepare addendum number one to the Southern Well Field Drilling Project to delete these wells from that project. Lastly, ple.ase note thai the confirmation of the suitabUity of each well site will only be determined uponlhe well driller completing the test hole at the actual site. W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. c<JJ {';a~ Daniel: e. Dawson, P.E., P.L.S. Vice PresIdent 163 15 J!:! 0 0 0 ~ III m :::l g ..c 0 "S ~ >ot :!:: C .- U :;: "'C C ca en - Cii s: .s:: ... n:s a.. c Cl) "'C C) 0 I'- ::;: " e en ~ ~ ;:;:: 164