1989-11-01 SPM Exhibits BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 MEETING DATE: November 1, 1989 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 00 oSUBJECT: Awardbf Landside pavement:project SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Bids were received on October 18th for the landside paving project which connects to the D.O.To. project to complete access to the terminal building. The base bid includes the entry loop, public parking, employee parking, car rental parking, and the access road to the apron:--The alternates include the connector road from the old terminal to the new and the ren~ar parking access road to the connector. Three bids were received as fOllows: BASE ALTERNATES DBE Dickerson Carolina Blackmon Southern Roadbuilders $2,239,753.60 2,245,220.00 2,607,142.30 $71,003.00 87,940.00 104,880.10 10.6% NR 8.6 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends award of the bid (base and alternates) to Dickerson Carolina in the amount of $2,310,756.60 and authorize the Chairman to endorse the contract upon or~commendation of the County Attor~~y<. 00 ,. .. . . . . .' . .' .. . . . ... .' . . .. . , . . o 0 .. . . .... . '" COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION> OR coMMENTs: o 0 0 ..... : ;..... PRESENTATION BY: C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P.E. ATTACHMENTS: I-X-I YES I_I I I I_I NO SIGNATURE: Co 2d~\~~~ Departri:1entOHead o 0 o PATE: 10/30/89 6~CFQVED trU ~~ "<;;!J5iOT ~ \O'J'."'\O"'. :'j I"F;/ '" tJ .~, 1./ ~ ~.. AD1\!INISTRA TIVE OFFICE NEW HANOVER CO. .. ~ HOWARO NEEDLES TAMMEN & BERGENDDFF ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 9V CaiulI Center Plaza Ale:r:andria, Virginia 22314.1538 ( ~n l ) MI+.!7IJII October 23, 1989 REC~IVED OCT 2 6 Mr. C. Ed Hilton, Jr. Director of Engineering and Facilities New Hanover County International Airport 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 2R401 ENG!NEERiNG DEPARTMENT Re: Landside Paving Uids Dear Ed, We have reviewed the bids received on October 11, 1989 for the Landside Paving contract. We recommend, contingent on the County's legal department review, awarding of the contract to Dickerson Carolina for the hased hid of $2,239,753.60. Additionally, we would recommend acceptance of the alternate hid for service roads "13" and "C" in the amount of $71.003. Y ours very truly, HOWARD NEEDLES TAMMEN & BERGENDOFF ~ Steven M. Reiss, AlA Associate SlvIR/cb po.,........... I ',,,, ...... 1 ".. ....IJ'... '" I In.,,,,, I '""u... ". 1.,1,0, I 1;,.1.' ,,,. I" . I ,'".",.. .... 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