1988-04-18 RM Exhibits " . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru March 31, 1988 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1987 $ 29,857,277.53 2,811,668.07 $ 32,668,945.60 303,202.83 $ 32,365,742.77 31,003,083.54 $ 1,362,659.23 95.79% Less Aba tements Tota I Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Perc.entage Col !ected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 656,037.34 712.44 388,998.38 $ 266,326.52 59.36% Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Cot fections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 1,359,550.21 72,990.02 .151,943.62 1,134,616.57 1.1.81% $ Cij' "j(I."'....." , ilil",:'j '.' Ii' :;~ '", 1 :'1 :'i '-,' ,\;\, ' :i.'oj1DI..,~ 1'!, ! ;:! ..:"':l 1 '1" ~:. ,.:. .~i ~ ~,;. _ '1. . DATE: if_ , (/ - \) '/) 16. 0 D / I ITEM No, 1986 $ 27, 236 ,624.38 2,719,357.98 $ 29,955,982.36 154,001.08 $ 29,801,981.28 28,542.193.76 $ 1,259,787.52 95.77% $ 736,573.62 3,099.14 355,185.47 $ 37t'~'.~~89.01 48.43% $ 1,199,783.04 30,350.51 123,088.99 $ 1,046,343.54 10.53% .' Room Occupancy Tax Collections - March - $39,362.20 - Fiscal YTD - $728,619.42 Prlvi lege License Collections - March - $987.00 - Fiscal YTO $17,400.60 E~4S Collections - March - $180.00 - Fiscal YTD $6,926.64 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wllml.ngton, Wrlghtsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach to date $48,567,775.54. This report Is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987. ~~~pectful Iy submitted, vJ~ Q.f2 Patricia J. R~nor ~M Col lector of Revenue IG PJR:sw . . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX Cia'" T (1l'l""r ':11 - ~'l"~ '" ~I 1'1 '[ ~ {J ;);\J1n,i' '~ . H).BJd t 1,1\ ,'l!' 1,;',1' ~, . .'.li \JCu... i.JU' L,e DATE: I~ ' I '-;{- 7(';( COLLECT IONS ITEM No. / , Collections thru March 31, 1988 1987 1986 Charged Per Scrol I $ 795,449.65 $ 755,441.29 Discoveries Added 93,414.63 123,193.58 $ 888,864.28 $ 878,634.87 Less Abatements 51,823.38 72,868.'42 Tota I Taxes Due $ 837~040.90 $ 805,766.45 Collections to Date - 805,305.81 - 773,854.30 Outstanding Balance $ 31,735.09 $ 31,912.15 Percentage Collected 96.21% 96.04% Back Taxes Rea I Estate Taxes $ 9,020.63 Less Abatements 5.24 Collections to Date 5,27 L 91 Outstanding Ba lance $ 3,743.48 Percentage Collected 58.48% Personal Property Taxes $ 9,334.52 Less Abatements 420.93 Col lactlons to Date 2,100.05 Outstand I ng Ba lance. $ 6,813.54 Percentage Collected 23.56% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987. Respectfully submitted, Vo_tnCit''-o ~ f2~\....------ Patricia J. Raynor U Col lector of~evenue PJR:sw . . . .{ Consent Agenda Abatements and Refunds April 8, 1988 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: .. - 1. Ahmad, Farah Hussein 2. Atlantic Restoration & Cons. 3. Baird, Alan Jeffrey 4. Baucom, Michael Calvin 5. Benway, Eunice H. 6. Bodenhamer, Bessie Duggins 7. Bridges, Mary David 8. Carroll, Nancy Patricia 9. Clemmons, Catherine 10. Devanes Groceries 11. Drummond, Dennis Patrick 12. Edwards, Arlan Harper 13. Edwards, Kimberly Elizabeth 14. Evans, Katherine Hudson 15. Geist, Pamela Sue 16. Holloway, Jasper P. 17. Houser, Andrew Jackson III 18. . Howell, Sterling Lafreen 19. Johnson, Bryan Rogers 20. Lewis, Wanda DBA Hanover Beauty Salon 21. Lunsford, Morris Edward 22. Malpass, Gregory C. 23. Martin, Susan Elaine 24. Moore, Beverly Veronica 25. Morgan, John Scott 26. Naro, Louis Sebastiano 27. Oceanside Apartme~ts 28. Parker, Sylvia Jones 29. Register, Wendy Margaret 30. Reilly, Elizabeth Louise 31. Rivenbark, James Baxter 32. Sanderson, Julia Prince 33. Small, William C. 34. Smith, Ruth Hager 35. Stevenson, Pearl Johnson 36. Tilley, Haywood Lee Jr. 37. Wagoner Construction Co. 38. Walker, Mariam 39. Weathersbee, W.T. 40. Whitaker, Joseph Elbert 41. Whitmore, George M. 42. Wildeboer, Peter C. 43. Williams, Candace Ann 44. Wilmington Nursing Home 45. Wright & Hobbs, Inc. 46. Young, John Richard $ 95.46 584.44 14.68 64.35 159.73 (1986) 35.47 19.39 16.72 6.19 89.90 18.12 47.48 76.72 74.41 9.25 368.94 240.41 20.04 (1985) 16.72 288.48 66.66 15.62 (1986) 167.65 (1985 & 1986) 78.48 (1986) 164.63 (1986) 116.28 (1986) 1,297.12 25.46 14.06 (1986) 20.87 89.18 70.02 29.95 (1986 - Refund $7.46) 104.30 (1981 & 1~82) 43.10 17.82 115.12 22.78 (1986) 394.63 (1983-1986 Refund) 33.32 (1985) 3.88 13.95 85.65 6,580.68 349.13 (1985-1987) 91.08 (1985-1986 Refund) . . ,; Consent Agenda Page 2 April 8, 1988 , Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: ... - 1. Arnette, Rita L. 2. Baird, Bradley Joseph 3. Blanton, Jesse Morris Jr. 4. Bower, Horace Dewitt Jr. 5. Brook, Karen Kordas 6. Carmen, Nancy Ramsaur 7. Carr, Sebrena Denise 8. Dalton, Grace Covington 9. Davis, Deloris Forney 10. Executive Office Services 11. Frazier, Rhodes 12. Mairs, Peter R. 13. Millinor,Stephen Randolph 14. Price, Ralph M. 15. Robbins, Louise King 16. Woodard, Tina Rene 17. Wooten, Mary K. $ 85.08 7.76 27.15 (Refund) 49.58 63.10 (1986 - Refund) 9.25 53.42 10.96 7.76 1,752.82 537.53 120.90 47.48 47.55 (Refund) 37.95 (Refund) 12.79 713.38 Request the following taxes be released as the prope~ty is not located within ~ity or town limits: 1. Benton, Vickie Edwards 22.81 (1981) 2. Brewington, Allie H. 69.55 (Refund) 3. Combs, Gary N. 40.60 4. Cumber, Sherry Lee 98.58 5. Evans, William Grover 15.23 (1984 & 85 - Refund) 6. Farmer, Tony Carrol 89.31 7. Jenks, Kent Allen 46.55 8. Lawrence-Wilson, Inc. 287.15 (Refund) 9. Leblanc, Nathan Dean 83.13 (1985) 10. Sherrill, Rhonda 30.70 11. Ugly Duckling Rent-A-Car 428.43 12. Wilson.. Jim'T/A Wilson Carpets 539.58 (1986 - Refund) 13. Ocean Management ------'-713.65 (Refund - 1983-1987) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of penalties charged in error; mispriced mobile homes, vehicles, and trailers; error in senior citizen exclusion; parcel transferred in error; fire district charged in error; and incorrect square footage of building charged; and leasehold and license fee charged in error: l. Adger, Laurie Hrs. 170.40 2. Arnette, Barry Lynn 8.00 (Refund) 3. Bennett, Nelson T. Sr. 376.79 4. Benson, Pinkie James H. 23.41 (1983-1986 Refund) . 5. Black, Daniel J. Jr. 24.00 (Refund) 6. Crawford, Gilmer Lee, Etux. 80.39 (Refund 1983 - 1987) 7. Gause, Roger Leo 20.18 (Refund) . . . .. Consent Agenda Page 3 ,;, 8. Gentry, Effie 9. Houser, Richard 10. Howlett, Edwin B. Jr. 11. Merritts, Dorothy Elizabeth 12. Methodist Episcopal Church 13. 0 P M DBA Peachtree Woods 14. Peachtree Woods Mobile Home Park 15. Southeast Crescent Shipping Co. 16. Teachey, Edwin T. 17. Thomas, Barbara A. 18. Watson, H. Wendell 19. Beach Associates 20. Yepko Avis DBA Montaggio Request 1987 taxes charged to Lutheran Family be released as this is exempt property: :sw Copy: R. Pope - County Attorney L. Harrell - Clerk to the Board E. Wells - Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor - Collector of Revenue Internal Auditor $ 19. 88. (Re,f~nd) 20.30 (1986), 41.47 (Refund) 680.42 1,057.98 (1979-1987) 71.13 L ,- 59.47 (1986 Refund) 1,417 .08 31.47 (1984-1986 Refund) 5.00 16.88 72.38 (Refund) 17.78 (Refund) Services in the amount of $45.13