1988-05-02 RM Exhibits _.._'___...J_______ 1Boarb of QLoulIl1il1l1 iUl1.erl1 DATE: FfLM No. ~d1 ~./I!,. (~. t. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .1 New Jlulluuer QIuUllty tlroclatnatton ~IDfSV' WHEREAS, crime and its effect upon the lives and property of our citizens is the utmost concern, and the continued efforts of our local government, ci tizen organizations and individuals to curb this problem is greatly appreciated, and WHEREAS, the problems of crime touch and effect all segments of our society, and can undermine and erode all the moral and economic strengths of our communi ties and their citizens if unabated, and .. WHEREAS, public awareness and determination to maintain the faith in the preservation of law and order and the appreciation of the importance of law enforcement officers and their role in preserving social order in a democracy is everyone's responsibility, and WHEREAS, Optimist clubs and their members continue year around efforts to sponsor programs aimed at combating crime and disrespect for law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I John M. Dolan, Chairman of the New Hanover County Commissioners proclaim this week of May 1-7, 1988, as RESPECT FOR LAW WEEK in New Hanover County and ask citizens to ]Oln the optimist in carrying the message of respect for law to other citizens, and by example, exercise responsible citizenship. Signed this 2nd day of May, 1988. ~:r!,:';. I;~'ill II!"I,;;'., .,,If-.ll. : ':r~~., \' .' .'," I ,j. .\,V!e~l:11' , . Ii J'!,.... if':. . ..1.. , l' ; .4,"' . ',(jt',' 1]>,' .: ! ,~. " .rl .. ',i-I' ,. ,.:,".1 . .i", ;r~l:~t::, .~: . ;~.;. :;~~: . :lvl.i:~:~;.1 "1i"t",.I,:" : i\,': "~1. :' 'ij"" '.,'',If!' ~i ' , i1 ,f . \?r .: ',:';~~'r.. lh:il:'l'l' 'l";~i;;' ~ \ ~ ill\ " .. . '~~+... I..:, , <1/ I,. . "fl): ';1 I ~ ~ I, 1~; , ,'1"", ;~l}i~;:, ", 'i',l("! " , ::l{i::1;:',!.: ~" ; J'j"N\".", ': "r~:l:',lt':'.l!' '; ';, ~A~~~t;. ' . , :,jl!-}':' /".1'1';-" , j~t~,~ ,":.:, "~'I' , . jd.fw', '\~>.:l(.' 1)11",/.1., :1~t1"r~~l; "';>l'i., ,I", Pi'I':. I~'!'-' . A~i1:~ , t:ih'>l<" (':W'~~I .:";;~ 'f ~' i~' t, ) 11'; i \; i ~ ,,'i;<I" '" 'j, :(" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by Centralized Purchasing at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 13th day of April, 1988 at City Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Uniforms-Sheriff's Department: American Uniform Sales Inc. Franks Uniform Sales Hub-Stinnette Uniform Sales $15,006.25 $15,859.00 $15,560.00 AND WHEREAS, Centralized Purchasing, Sheriff's Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager ,recommend that the contracts be awarded to American Uniform Sales, Inc. of Fayetteville, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Six Dollars and Twenty Five-Cents ($15,006.25); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in, or will be available in subsequent years budget in Account No. 110-431-4311-4400 to cover this contract for a period of one (1) year to end May 2, 1989; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Uniforms-Sheriff's Department, Bid No: NHC 21-288 be awarded to American Uniform Sales, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Six Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ($15,006.25) and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposit to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. This 2nd day of May, 1988. (SEAL) ~i;J~~ rman, Board of County Commissioners ); !'- ' . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ...~... .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .1 D ATE: I \ ITEM No. New ){unuuer QtUUllty ; CONSENT AGENDA s-;z - ~ ~ S .", ',' ~.~. :c;;. ,; ':.~: . tlroclanlutton I~I ,:1 1Boar~ of <ltnmtllil1l1ioutrl1 ''''I, WHEREAS, New Hanover County depends upon successful school instructional programs that meet the needs of every child, and I I~ 11i WHEREAS, New Hanover County teachers are carrying out a major responsibility in preparing our young people to assume their role as effective citizens, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County teachers are challenged daily to reach out to every student - regardless of ability, interest in learning, social or economic background, handicap, race, religion, creed, or ethnic origin - to provide the assistance and guidance necessary for full intellectual development, and . WHEREAS, New Hanover County teachers contribute to the economic growth of this nation, state, and county by providing students the skills that make them a viable' part of the work force, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County teachers represent an investment in the life of this community and deserve the respect and admiration of our citizens. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the New Hanover County Commissioners hereby proclaim May 4, 1988, as New Hanover County Teacher Appreciation Day in an effort to bring about'greater public awareness of the contributions provided by teachers toward the development of this community. Signed this ____day of May, 1988. John M. Dolan, , .".,t.- Chairman . "....~ ~ ~T '.' . .- ,..:.. l-.Y-"':'~~.................................................... ........ ........... ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:1 /~ ~~I b . .,.-J r'....................... ................................................. . DATE: ~ ITEM No. New ){ulluuer QIuUllty j UEHULAU AGENDA d:;;./ it , I If I. moar" of QLol1unil1l1iontrl1 tl roc 1 a 1tl a t tOIl WHEREAS, twenty five years ago, May 28,1963, The Wilmington/New Hanover Bi-Racial committee was appointed by Mayor 0.0. Allsbrook and J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, through a series of posi ti ve changes which lead to a "Good Neighbor Council", a "Wilmington/New Hanover Human Relations Commission" and now "The New Hanover Human Relations Commission", each addressing the needs of the day; and . WHEREAS, the Commission continues reinforce positive actions and attitudes the rich and poor, young and old, non-handicapped, male and female, persons faiths; and to encourage and among all persons, handicapped and of all races and WHEREAS, the Commission continues to pursue the principle that the development and protection of the dignity of all persons is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace, NOW, THEREFORE, I John M. Dolan, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim the month of May, 1988, as NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION MONTH in New Hanover County, North Carolina. I further commend the Human Relations Commission and all those who have served on the various committees, council, and commissions for their tireless efforts and call upon all citizens of the New Hanover County area to join forces with them in their resolve to enable New Hanover County to become a community that knows no barriers to freedom, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. Signed this ____day of May, 1988. ~~,. John M . Dolan, Chairman.?~~~ ~ ~J....::::. ...........................................................................................-................. .. ~ 1 :~' ~, ~:J' k,,] ~;IL~: ! ~ ; ~... "I :1 '!!li' !(I , I" ~i "i, I' ! ~; ;,;, ,.,; i I.f '" ", '"t,:\ U :llli'l, ~~ ! ..,i,', ';,' '...1.' I 'If-'.' , :P;o :t.'l", ~'j'~r ,:~: ~ . ,h-.' t:':~'~~C"'. ' I ;~' .t., ,"1,1 I llr.1i,\ :, J '1' !lil,ij:," :~' ...I . "\t' ,-' ;!l ~.i, : !l~ ;,."; n::,~'{ : ~i, ':'., ; ,J ~ . lifl,'j,' " ;!'(:.( ,It., ", f~" 'If,, '~r;~: ;:; . " "I. ..' J'".:, ' 'j~..';;: J.{_~',ll ,J:r: [,,; r.,~:- ' '. ~",I '1~1 , lr,;' , ,1'1' !" ';'. "'~'i-', ' : \" ;.. ;":' ..{' RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS. after due advertisement. bids were received and publicly opened by Centralized Purchasing at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 26th day of April, 1988 at City Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the bids were received per the attached bid tabulation sheet for Office Furniture. AND WHEREAS, Centralized Purchasing, Social Services. the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contracts be awarded to Office Showcase, Wilmington, N. C., lowest responsible bidder for Group 1, in the amount of Thirty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($39,924.50); and to COECO, Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen Dollars and Forty Six Cents ($17,514.46) for Alternates; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-530-5310-4210 and 110-530-5310-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Office Furniture, Bid No: NHC 2-488 be awarded to Office Showcase, Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of Thirty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen Dollars and Forty Six Cents (39,514.46) for Group 1 and that COECO, Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen Dollars and Forty Six Cents ($17.,514.46) for Alternates; and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposit to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. , " ;~ m 2:00 Office Equipment 2-488 26 1988 NHC April COMMODITY or PROJECT PRUJECT NUMBER DATE OPENED BID TABULATION ~EW HANOVER COUNTY Garrick's Caroiina Offic DOERS B Carolina School & Office Supply COMMODITY UNIT or ITEM e Supply Bid No ShowcaselRudd Group No Bid Off ice No Bid Coeco DESCRIPTION 440.00 $33 No Bid - Chairs 1 Group Number 50 484 6 $ Executive Chairs 1 924.50 $39 Steno Chairs 2 00 598 $26 Subtotal 00 625 $11 Side Chairs 3 223.00 $38 Stacking Chairs 4 and Subtotal Alternate Chairs for Items 3 4 Above. 08 237 $14 70 285 $14 00 905 3 $ 187.50 4 $ 857.70 120.00 $14 4 $ 96 831 $14 759.46 $13 Side Chairs 1 045.00 4 $ 00 755 3 $ Stacking Chairs 2 08 -- Unacceptable Bid Deposit 142 $18 20 473 $18 70 Certified Check 977 $18 96 Certified Check 876 $18 46 514 $17 TOTAL AN RECflVED IS TRUE Bid Bond ABOVE THE CERTIFY THAl TO THE Certified Check SURETY BID ';. 1. NAME OF RECIPIENT New Hanover County 3. PROJECT NUMBER E-l / 2. GRANT NUMBER 84-C-6878 4, PROJECT NAME AmHoist 5. FINAL STATEMENT OF COST TO BE COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT TO BE COMPLETED BY NReD PAID UNPAID TOTAL COSTS APPROVED PROGRAM ACTIVITY CATEGORIES COSTS COSTS (COL b & e) TOTAL COSTS (a) (b) (e) (d) (e) Activity a. Acquisition b. Disposition ., c. Public facilities & improvements (1) Senior & Handicapped centers (2) Parks, playgrounds & recreational facilities (3) Neighborhood facilities (4) Solid waste disposal facilities (5) Fire protection facilities & equipment (6) Parking facilities (7) Public utilities, other than water and sewer (8) Water and sewer improvements (9) Street improvements (10) Flood & drainage improvements (11) Pedestrian improvements (12) Other public facilities d. Clearance activities e, Public services f, Relocation assistance g, Construction, rehabilitation and preservation activities (1) Construction or rehabilitation of commercial and industrial bldgs, (2) Rehabilitation of privately owned dwellings '.. (3) Rehabilitation of publicly owned dwellings (4) Code enforcement (5) Historic preservation h. Development financing 1749,996.64 -0- 749,996.64 749,996.64 (1) Working capital (2) Machinery and equipment i. Removal of architectural barriers j. Other activities k. SUBTOTAL 49,996.64 -0- 749.996.64 1749.996.64 I. Planning m. Administration n. TOTAL 49,996.64 -0-, 749.996.64 1749 996.64 o. Less: Program Income Applied to Program Costs p. EQual: Grant Amount Applied to Program Costs 49,996.64 -0- 1749.996.64 1749.996.64 6. COMPUTATION OF GRANT BALANCE TO BE TO BE COMPLETED BY COMPLETED BY RECIPIENT NRCD APPROVED DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT (a) (b) (e) (1 ) Grant Amount Aoolied to Pro~ram Costs (From Line p) 49,996.64 749.996.64 (2) Estimated Amount for Unsettled Third-Partv Claims -0- -0- (3) Subtotal 749.996.64 []49.996.64 (4) Grant Amount oer Grant Agreement(s) 750.000.00 750 000,00 (5) Unutilized Grant to be Cancelled (Line 4-minus 3) 3036 3.36 (6)' Grant Funds Received 49.996.64 749.996,64 (7) Balance of Grant Payable (Line 3 - minus 6)" -0- -0- "If Line 6 exceeds Line 3, enter the amount of the excess on Line 7 as a negative amount. This amount shall be repaid to NRCD by check, unless NRCD has previously approved use of these funds (describe in block 8 below), CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION (- I'; ,r;'" . d:' " 'f;. " " ';. ,:'j;f, l.'~' ' }"4 . ~~~1 ,"" . 'I., '~ii ;j , I. ~ " ' '.;. , 'i .r~ = ~. " 'I: . ~: i " ' CDBG#118 (3-84) 1: J:~ttJ~::t:i i!ift:~:I:' t' "lJ~t ~i Lq\.r......,~1'1 lilJ';'.V 7. UNPA,D COSTS' UNsmlED THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS " U" ,ny unpaid cOS" ,nd unsettled thl,d-party d,lm' ,gain" the ""pient" g"nl. D-",'be d"um"an"" and amoun" Involved '. '/ , 'I ,'I' r ,,-..r~ " ":'1 ", ; . o Check if continued on additional sheet and attach. 8. REMARKS 1. The County will budget and spend $216.963 over tbe next three fiscal years to enable low and moderate income households to connect to a county-wide sewer system and to provide plumbing facilities where needed. Specific plans for the use of these funds are included in the county's letter to NRCD dated March 22. 1988. These funds must be cove red in the county's annual audit. and copi es 0 f the annual audit mUS t be s en t to NRCD for review until the expenditure of~he $216.963 is accounted for... 2. The County will work with American Crane to recruit persons from outside Wilmington for any job openings with the firm. as discnssed in the county's letter to NRCD date I April 19, 1988. I II i' he,eby certified th" ,II actlvill.. undert,ken by the Recipient wilh fund' p,ovlded unde, the g,ant ag,oement Identified on page 1 heoeof, have, to the be<t of my knowledge, been ca"led out In ",cmdance wilh the g,ant agreement; that p",pe' p,ovl,ion h.. been made by the Redplent fo' the payment of all unpaid co,,, and un".'ed th;,d.P'rty d,lm' identified on page 1 he,eof; th,t the St"e of North C"ollna " undeo no obllg"ion to make any furtheo payment to the Recipient uQdeo the g,ant agreement in exce" of the ,mount Identified on Une 7 hereof; and that eve" "atement and amount'" forth in thl, in",ument I" to the be" uf my knowledge, true and correct as of this date, 9, CERTIFICATION OF RECIPIENT DATE TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF RECIPIENT'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENT A TIVE Hay 2, 1988 Thl, Certification of Complet'on i, heoeby appmved. The",fme, I authon,. cancell,tion of the unutill,ed conltact commitment ,nd ",Iated fund, "",,,,,,,'on ,nd obligation of S -0- , ,.., S 3.36 p",vloos'y autho",.d fo' cancellation. (from Section 6, line 5, page 1) John M. Dolan, Chairman 10, NRCD APPROVAL DATE .TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF NRCD AUTHORIZED OffiCIAL Robert Chandler, Director Division of Community Assistance SIGNATURE OF NRCD AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL I' . . . ~ ~ ~i,;2// ~ ;;, /91'/ 9+'1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED October 18, 1965 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Modify Section 52-4 Streets as follows: 1. Delete reference to the words "public" and "private" as they appear in Section 52-4(1). 2. Revise subsection (3) to read as follows: 3. Private Streets Streets designated as private ~ay be allowed in subdivisions when in the opinion of the Planning Board they provide adequate ingress and egress onto collector streets, and sufficient assurance is provided through legally established homeowners and/or road maintenance associations that the private street will be properly maintained. All such streets shall be designated as "Private" on the preliminary and final plats. Whenever a private street intersects a U.S. or N.C. highway or N.C. secondary road, a statement of approval for the intersection signed by the district Engineer, NCDOT, Division of Highways for New Hanover County, shall be submitted concurrent with the final plat. (a) All streets designated for private use shall meet the minimum paving and right-of-way requirements set forth by the N.C. Department of Transportation. Subdivision Roads - Minimum Construction Standards, as amended. Paving for private streets having low traffic volume may be limited to aggregate base or other soil stabilization suitable to ensure safe passage for emergency vehicles. (b) Certain minor streets designated for private use may be excepted from established state geometric standards for minimum centerline radii. Acceptable street alignment centerline radii may be approved by the Planning Board after consideration of such conditions including but not limited to: topography, tree preservation, reduction of speed to safe levels, and the total number of anticipated trips per day. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. . . . ,# Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabi tants of the county of New Hanover, North Carolina, dnd shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this d...L- day of ~_ 1988. ",~...D'J..81 """#, " Oven " ~., ~~ ..::,. C I", ~.. .\.,\,' 0 ., .."" ,,\ "(' .,0..00.0 V #, """".:..'"C' .0. 00. ~-', .... <t. 0 0 ...~ ~, :.. ~'J .0 o. ~,I- ~ .. -.;;;;. . 0.... .. 0 . - : : ~ : - . . - : : : : ..lSo . . _ . . * .. .0. .,..-_...~ .0. "E -:. . UAPI)r.P$.EX;.cRTS. ... -:. o. 1~'i~U&;:AV o. .:- ~ A.. 00 c.O 'b.. ~ ';,.. ~YJO oOooooeOoo \.~' - " '" '^r O~", "'I, 'l' H Cp..~, \\\,,, #1, \\\ 1"'111""'" ~J~ " L.