1988-08-01 RM Exhibits ( . .. . -_.._-'-.._..__._._-----.__..~.:...._.,--_._---- -.- _.-..----~...-.-, , ............................................................................................................ .~ 1JJoarb of QIommissiontrs l' New Jlnnnuer <!tnuntu 1Sesnlutinn North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description: SR 1677, MARINE SCIENCE ROAD WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have been requested to delete SR 1677, Marine Science Road from the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of t:";" opinion that the above described road should be deleted from the Secondary Road System. .... NOW, THEREFORE, be it resol ved by the New Ha,novei: County Board of Commissioners that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road and proceed with deletion. The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at a meeting on the 1st day of August, 1988. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 1st day of August, 1988. .. . ~ r_ ~~ ~"~ ~. ............................................................................................................ ... - 1 " RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,1 WHEREAS; after due advertisement, bids were received and I publicly opened by Centralized Purchasing at 3:00 o'clock p.m. on the 30th day' of June, 1988 at 138 North 4th Street, WilmingtoM, , ,'North Caro~ina; and bids were received per the attached bid ,tabulat iorLi.s~eet for a Water Treatment Program. .,11;:',_ .i'J - ~ AND WHEREAS, Centralized Purchasing, Steam Plant, the Finance Director aryd~the County Manager recommend that the contracts be awarded toWj R. Grace & Co., a Grace Dearborn Division, Winston-Salem, N. C., in the amount of Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Eight Dollars and Twenty Cents ($14,848.20); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account,INo. 700-480-4192-4320 to cover this contract; NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County ,Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a Water 'Treatment Rrogram, RFP No: NHC 9-488 be awarded to W. R. Grace ,Co., a Grace Dearborn Division, Winston-Salem, N. C., in the ~ amount of Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Eight Dolla~s and "I Twenty Cents (14,848.20); and that the Cha i rman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover. County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 22 day of July, 1988. (SEAL) VI_-' O'lUol ---L~__________________________ \ ATTEST: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ..~__~2i~__ Clerk BID TABULATION ,~ ~ STEAM PLANT WATER TREATMENT SERVICES . BIDS WERE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Annual Steam Production Condensate Return Blowdown Average Waterfeed Flow PPM Do In Feedwater Total Alkalinity BOILER TREATMENT PROGRAM SE Labs Grace Dearborn Drew Ind Betz Lab Nalco Chemical Calgon Corp. Cost/Day 11.27 18.69 5.44 23.73 17.28 56.69 Cost/Year 4113.55 6821. 85 1985.6 8661.45 6307.2 20655.35 COOLING TREATMENT PROGRAM Cost/Day 26.46 21.99 36.37 27.81 42.32 51. 34 Cost/Year 9657.9 8026.35 13275.05 10150.65 15446.8 18739.1 1000 14771.45 14848.2 15260.65 18812.l 22504 39394.45 458000000 0.3 0.0125 463800000 1PPB 6PPB Cost/Million LBS Steam 8.9815502183 14.89486 4.335371 18.91146 13.77117 45.09901 .'- ...~~: 8nu~: ~~ ,::..CE .-/ -j 1425 (1 Q Li A '..J U .../ '1 P EC(j ROE D ,\iii) "Cli I "I':; 0 . '..... T ......l\.l L RE8EC:CA F, TUC':~R r; fE5 l!f::; [\S:~: ~,~:E ~i ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AUG 3 2 32 Prj '88 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSTONERS In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Perry Road QRDEE --- It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of Perry Road was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 16th day of-May, 1988 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 20th day of June, 1988, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and co~oents of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wi.lmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Con@issioners are of the opinion that a portion of Perry Road in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not ~ontrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing: the legal description of said road being as follows: (:;) " ',1/""; Being a portion of Perry Road in (24 ft. right-of-way) in Cape Fear Township, commencing approximately 40 feet south from the western right-of-way line of the Castle Hayne Road (Hwy. 117), t1aple Street intersection extending south, southwest for a distance of 1,374 feet to its intersection with the northeast corner of a .3 acre park as recorded in Map Book 59, Page 597 and further referenced in Book 1326, Page 1548 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, IT I S ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the I~ day of ~ ' 1988. ~v~ Cl k to the Board ( ~cJnw Nolan O'Neal, Chairman RETURNED TO /}{jf~~ jj{;;/d~;.C ~kt/r{/7t;/7?:; ~2/? f -<!'k - ~ I, J, C, PARKER 2, DICK SWtRT :), CHARLES BEL01ER 4, THOMAS SWART 5 ANN I E SWART CD ROAD . -= qi.-/ f , ' ,~~ II I 3 ROFOSED" ROAD CLOSING- Perry Rood Scale: t=400' I ~~/ 8 6 @] 5 II 2 (;\ - , \0 I 2 , , -- \ V -~ ______.\ ro ~\, 3l'- I ,,' \- 8 ~ 4 T , --:t ' I~~r " I r 8Ed~ F", ' 8' :L' ~!-' ~_).L I~'~ ,LEI ' /1 (--2......={----.) I r,; I -; . I . I I .[~ f;: G~ II Q: H <:;: ~~ i u.) 2 or~ I L..___ en ~! ~ ,'- -J . c:::1 ii' c----.- '''- =5~ I 12), i,-" dL-= .." pc , I . -c ;~ i; , I ------.J i ' "n I 1~f8 n "'-----: 'I . 1____.11 ,4 Ii · 3 ' LJ;--.J L . wr~1 I /~--=-r- ;: -I . I I 'fa L. , -GE " ~ ' I' :r: '@ . : I' ~ M'P[E' ~ ~ ~~' L': ~~ '/'" ',,' l -_ - . - @J~ ~' , mn><~ ' ---+--=/ .. , 0 ' , "', . IGl' I . ~, LLI 1$/0/ 6 4.3 4,2 4./ 3 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR AGENDA Meeting Date Item Description: Public Hearing August 1, 1988 Item No. 16 Bond order for $27,500,000 Solid Waste Disposal Bond Issue Person providing information or making presentation: Name R. Pope Title or Organization Af-f-nrnpy The Commissioners are requested to take the following action: Adopt the bond order and publish bond order. . Description of Attachments: Bond Order . Item initialed by: R. Pope Department Attornev . EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS * * * * . The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners reported to the Board of Commissioners that the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $27,500,000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER," which had been introduced on July 5, 1988, had been published in a qualified newspaper on July __, 1988, with notice that the Board would hold a public hearing thereon on August 1, 1988. The Clerk also reported that the County's Finance Officer had filed in her office a statement of debt complying with the provisions of The Local Government Bond Act and such statement as filed showed the net indebtedness of the County to be I. t ~ % of the appraised valuation of property in said County subject to taxation. . . . . -2- . SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER," introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on July 5, 1988. The motion was seconded by and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: . moved the adoption of the following resolution which was read at length to the Board: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has adopted the bond order hereinafter described authorizing the issuance of $27,500,000 Solid Waste Disposal Bonds and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds and the tax to be levied for the payment of such bonds should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval in order to comply with the Constitution and laws of North Carolina; NOW, THEREFORE, . -3- . . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The questions whether the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover shall approve or disapprove (a) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds of the County authorized by said bond order, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit, (b) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and (c) said bond order shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said County at an election to be held in said County on November 8, 1988. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of said election which shall be in substantially the following form: . -4- . THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special bond election will be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on November 8, 1988, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County the questions whether they shall approve or disapprove (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $27,500,000, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit, and (2) the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and (3) the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $27,500,000 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER," adopted by the Board of Commissioners to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. The $27,500,000 Solid Waste Disposal Bonds are authorized to pay capital costs of improving the County's solid waste disposal facilities, including the construction of incinerators and other structures, the acquisition and installation of necessary machinery and equipment and the acquisition of land or rights-in-1and required therefor. . -5- . The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words, "SHALL the order authorizing $27,500,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capital costs of improving the County's solid waste~disposal facilities, including the construction of incinerators and other structures, the acquisition and installation of necessary machinery and equipment and the acquisition of land or rights-in-land required therefor; and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved?", with squares labelled "YES" and "NO" beneath or beside such . words in which squares the voter may record his choice. In the event a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election vote to approve the order, the incurring of indebtedness and the levy of a tax related thereto, said bonds shall be issued and taxes shall be levied for the payment of such bonds. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M. and will close at the hour of 7:30 o'clock, P.M. The precincts and polling places for the election will be as follows: Precinct Pollinq Place Wilmington #1 Dorothy B. Johnson School 1100 McRae Street . -6- . Wilmington #2 Wilmington #3 Wilmington #4 wilmington #5 wilmington #6 Wilmington #7 Wilmington #8 Wilmington #9 . Wilmington #10 Wilmington #11 Wilmington #12 wilmington #13 Wilmington #14 Wilmington #15 Wilmington #16 . Community Art Center 120 South 2nd st. william Hooper School 410 Meares School Lucile Shuffler Building 2011 Carolina Beach Road Cape Fear Presbyterian Church 2606 Newkirk Avenue New Hanover High School Brogden Hall, 1221 Market Street williston Jr. High School 401 South lOth Street Lake Forest, Inc. 250 pinecrest Parkway Annie B. Snipes School 2150 Chestnut Street Vesta Village Recreation Center 1902 Manhattan Drive #2 Fire station (Empire Park) 3403 Park Avenue Forest Hills School 410 Colonial Drive winter Park presbyterian School 4501 Wrightsville Avenue Roland-Grise Jr. High School 4412 Lake Avenue william H. Blount School 3702 Princess Place Drive pine Valley School 440 John S. Mosby Drive -7- . Wilmington #17 wilmington #18 Cape Fear #1 Cape Fear #2 Cape Fear #3 Harnett #2 Harnett #3 Harnett #4 . Harnett #5 Harnett #6 Harnett #7 wrightsville Beach Masonboro #2 Masonboro #3 Masonboro #4 Masonboro #5 . American Legion Building Masonboro Lp. Road Fire station (Municipal Golf Course) 310 South Wallace Avenue Wrightsboro School 640 Castle Hayne Road Castle Hayne Fire station Castle Hayne E. A. Laney High School 2700 North College Road Ogden Rescue squad 251 Military Cut-Off Bradley Creek School 6211 Greenville Loop Road College Park School 5001 Oriole Drive Noble Junior High School 6620 Market Street spring view Baptist Church 801 North College Road ogden Volunteer Fire Department 7375 Market Street (Ogden) wrightsville Beach School 220 Coral Drive Masonboro Baptist Church 1501 Beasley Road Moose Lodge 4610 Carolina Beach Road united Advent Christian Church 5540 South College Road Myrtle Grove Baptist Church Route 5 -8- . Federal Point #1 Hanks Chapel Carolina Beach Federal Point #2 Town Hall Carolina Beach Federal Point #3 Town Hall Kure Beach The registration records for said election will be kept open at the office of the New Hanover County Board of Elections, at 149 North 4th street, in Wilmington, from 8:00 o'clock A.M., until 5:00 o'clock, P.M., each weekday, through October 10, 1988. Additionally, the Registrars and Judges of Election may register voters through February 8; 1988. The Registrars and Judges may be reached through the . Board of Elections at the address set forth above. The last day of registration for the special election shall be October 10, 1988. Any qualified voter who (1) expects to be absent from the County during the entire period that the polls are open on said election day, or (2) because of sickness or other physical disability will be unable to be present at the polls to vote in person on said day, or (3) is incarcerated and otherwise entitled to vote in said election or (4) is an employee of the New Hanover County Board of Elections and his assigned duties on the day of election will cause him to be unable to vote in person, may apply for an absentee ballot to be used in voting at said election. Information concerning . -9- . the time and manner for applying for an absentee ballot, including the last day for making such application, can'be obtained from the New Hanover County Board of Elections at the Board's office in wilmington, North Carolina. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover, North Carolina said notice of special election shall be published at least twice. The first publication shall be not less than 14 . days and the second publication not less than 7 days before the last day on which voters may register for the special election. (3) The New Hanover County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots and to provide the equipment for the holding of said election and to conduct and to supervise said election. (4) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners shall mail or deliver acertified copy of this resolution to the New Hanover County Board of Elections within three days after the resolution is adopted. . -10- . seconded the motion and the motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: * * * * * . . -11- RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE AN UNNAMED LANE ADJAeENT TO PARSLEY WOODS SUBDIVISION ~153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to G. S. County to close the following described unnamed lane: Being a portion of a 20 foot wide lane in Harnett Township, beginning at an iron pipe in the southern right-of-way line of Wrightsville Avenue, said right-of-way being 60 feet wide; thence along said right-of-way line 60 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East 20.08 feet to an iron pipe, said iron pipe being the northwest corner of the property described in Deed Book 398, Page 135 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence along the western line of said property south 24 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 297 feet; thence north 66 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west 20.00 feet to a point in the eastern line of the Parsley Woods tract; thence along the eastern line of Parsley Woods north 24 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 298.78 feet to the beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said lane to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 6th day of September, 1988 at 7 o'clock p.m. in the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the unopened road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the ~ day of ~<p.,;;[:, 1988. ~, C/?tu-t Chairman