2007-07-09 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 9, 2007 PAGE 235 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, July 9, 2007, at 10:43 p.m. in the Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Chairman William A. Kopp, Jr.; District Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer; District Commissioner William A. Caster; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the District Board Sheila L. Schult and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. NON-AGENDA ITEMS District Chairman Kopp announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES District Chairman Kopp called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District Regular Meeting held on June 18, 2007, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Motion: District Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster, to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer District Regular Meeting held on June 18, 2007, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UPDATE ON BRADLEY CREEK SEWER OUTFALL REHABILITATION Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that Don Safrit, HDR Engineering, was present to update the District Board on the Bradley Creek Sewer Outfall rehabilitation project. Don Safrit, HDR Engineering, presented an update on the Bradley Creek sewer outfall rehabilitation project highlighting the following: Project Objectives: ? Prolong service life of sewer outfall ? Reduce inflow/infiltration ? Minimize disruption to homeowners ? Protect marsh areas ? No sewer spills during project Project Overview: ? Approximately 4,200 linear feet of 24-inch sewer rehabilitation ? Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) ? Trenchless method of renewal ? Forms a ?pipe inside a pipe? ? Two main components: flexible felt tube and thermosetting resin ? Rehabilitation of 59 manhole structures Associated Project Elements: ? Bypass pumping ? designed to handle 2.5 times existing flows in rehabilitated pipe ? Bypass pumping has a back-up for reliability Project Schedule: ? Notice to proceed ? April 18, 2007 ? Construction initiated ? May 31, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 9, 2007 PAGE 236 ? Completion of construction ? substantial July 26, 2007 final completion August 14, 2007 ? Bypass Line ? early June through end of July ? Video inspection of sewer outfall ? just prior to CIPP of line segments, post CIPP activities ? Contract completion date by August 16, 2007 District Chairman Kopp thanked Mr. Safrit for the update. APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN THE VINEYARD WEST WATER LINE EXTENSION AND ADOPTION OF BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that the developer of Vineyard West is extending the District's water system approximately 1,710 linear feet along Market Street to supply water to this tract. The developer only needs an 8-inch water line to serve the project, but is extending a 16-inch water line for the convenience of the District. This increased capacity line, along with other ongoing enhancement projects, will improve water flow and pressure to the northeastern area of the County. The developer obtained three bids for the extension as an 8-inch line and three bids for the extension as a 16-inch line. Staff evaluated the bids and checked material costs with suppliers. Staff determined that the difference in cost between installing the 8-inch water line versus the 16-inch water line on this project is approximately $36.23 per linear foot, or $61,950. Staff recommends that the Commissioners approve the County's participation and adopt Budget Amendment Ordinance 2008-01 in the amount of $61,950. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster, to approve the District?s participation in the Vineyard West water line extension in the amount of $61,950 and adopt Budget Amendment Ordinance 2008-01. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Budget Ordinance Amendment is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Water and Sewer District Exhibit Book III, Page 15. APPROVAL OF REGIONAL UTILITIES OPTION FOR NORTHERN SCHOOL SITE Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that the New Hanover County Board of Education has a budget of $1.75 million to design and construct off-site water and sewer infrastructure to the Northern School Site off Holly Shelter Road in the Castle Hayne/Wrightsboro area. Engineering staff has been working with the School Board and Boney/McKim and Creed staff to estimate costs for two options of providing utilities to the site: Regional or Localized. The Regional Utilities Option provides a 500,000 gallon elevated water tank and approximately 2,200 linear feet of 16-inch water line and the key regional sewer pump station. The forthcoming Wastewater Master Plan identifies the regional sewer pump station as necessary to provide sewer to the Castle Hayne area basin through build-out. The total project cost is $6.67 million with District participation estimated in the amount of $4.92 million; financing of the District portion is estimated to be $400,000 per year for twenty-five years. The Localized Utilities Option provides a 500,000 gallon elevated water tank and approximately 2,200 linear feet of 16-inch water line and a small sewer pump station that serves the school site and tracts immediately adjacent to it. The total project cost is $1.99 million with District participation estimated in the amount of $0.238 million. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 9, 2007 PAGE 237 Staff recommends approval of the Regional Utilities Option and cooperating in costs with the School Board for the regional pump station. With either option, once bids are received the District Board will be requested to approve the expenditure and adopt the Budget Ordinance Amendment. Paul Boney reported that once they have direction from the District Board they can move forward with finalizing the property purchase and begin the design phase. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the Board. Motion: District Chairman Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Caster, to approve the Regional Utilities option for the Northern School site. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business, District Chairman Kopp adjourned the meeting at 11:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the District Board