09-20-2006 1 Board Members Present: Chris Abrons Rachel Pace, CFM Associates, Inc. Nancy Pritchett Dean Gattone Lowell Soucie Jack Mills Don Fishero Grace Mosley-Byrd Bill Terrell John Haley Linda Chapman Ann Griffith Absent: Virginia Chiarello Also Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administrative Support Specialist The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. Bill Terrell, CFM Advisory Board Chair called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM. Approval of Minutes: Dean Gattone Minutes of August 16, 2006 were reviewed and approved. A motion was made by Nancy Pritchett and seconded by Jack Mills. Motion passed. Consideration of Absences: Dean Gattone Virginia Chiarello was absent. Associates Report: Rachel Pace The Museum’s income from Flavor of The Past was $7,000. Encouraged everyone to participate in the Bruce Cavenaugh Charity Raffle on behalf of the CFMA, Inc. Discussed the status of the upcoming upcoming feasibility study for the capital campaign. Reminder of the Gala event set for February 3, 2007. The First Friday Jazz will begin November 3, 2006. Gayle and Harry Van Velsor are sponsoring the winter event. Chairman’s Report: Bill Terrell Bill discussed and asked for input from the Board members on items listed in his Actions Items list of 7/20/06. Specifics of discussion were how to increase visitation and staff needs list. Nancy Pritchett requested a work-up proposal of funds needed to increase public relations budget. The staff needs list was also discussed with no noted conclusions at this time. MINUTES CFM Advisory Board Meeting September 20, 2006 2 Collections Committee Report: John Haley A request from New Hanover Regional Medical Center to renew artifacts loan was approved. The revised Collections Policy was distributed. The Board will review and be ready to approve the policy at the October meeting. Strategic Planning Committee Report: Don Fishero The Long Range Plan was distributed and members were asked to review and be ready to discuss at October meeting. The plan will be shared with Rob Gerlack for his input. Governance will be the focus topic for the joint board retreat. Directors Report: Ruth Haas A reception will be held on November 30 from 6pm-8pm to celebrate the new lobby, exhibit and learning center. Randy Korn and Associates will be meeting with the Museum on December 13. The focus will be on interviewing visitors December 1, 2, and 3 to determine if the Museum’s goals and objectives have been met. The volunteer annual appreciation lunch will be held on December 4. Contact was made with Time Warner Cable regarding sponsorship of the Oceans Exhibit. A proposal was submitted to the NC Humanities Grant on September 19 for the Civil War Exhibit. Ruth and Nancy plan to meet with International Paper to request sponsorship for the Long Leaf Pine Exhibit. Action Committees: Bill Terrell Bill solicited any comments or questions regarding the FY07 committees The committees should meet at least one time prior to the joint board retreat in November Rachel Pace, President of the CFM Associates Board, Inc., requested representation on the Strategic Planning Committee. The CFM Advisory Board unanimously agreed that the CFMA, Inc. Board President should be a part of the committee. Action Items: Bill Terrell The next CFM Advisory Board meeting will be on October 18, 2006. The joint board retreat will be on Saturday, November 18, 2006 from 9:00am-12:30pm at the Northeast Library at Landfall. With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Dean Gattone. The meeting adjourned at 5:04 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.