10-18-2006 1 Board Members Present: Rachel Pace, CFM Associates, Inc. Nancy Pritchett Dean Gattone Lowell Soucie Jack Mills Don Fishero Grace Mosley-Byrd Bill Terrell Virginia Chiarello Absent: John Haley Chris Abrons Ann Griffith Linda Chapman Also Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. Bill Terrell, CFM Advisory Board Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM. Approval of Minutes: Dean Gattone Don Fishero moved approval of the September 20, 2006, minutes; Jack Mills seconded the motion; minutes were approved without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Dean Gattone The following were excused from the meeting: John Haley, Chris Abrons, Ann Griffith, and Linda Chapman. Associates Report: Rachel Pace Several changes to the Associates Board: o Louise Sprunt submitted her resignation. Family obligations are requiring her full attention. o Audra Block was approved as a new new board member at the October 2006 meeting. o Treasurer, Jeff Hamel, resigned his position but will continue on the Board. Barbara Bush was approved by the Board to be Treasurer until the end of the fiscal year. Membership is under review. There are currently 375 paid members and 77 complimentary members. The goal is to substantially increase membership this year. A phone-a-thon will be conducted November 6-9, 2006. A sign-up sheet is available. The Associates Board has agreed to sponsor the Living Southern program, No Army Without Music by Michael Lasser, which will be held February 20, 2007. Income from ticket sales is expected to meet the expenses not covered by in-kind donations. John Goettler & Associates is the consulting firm assisting us with preparing for the Capital Campaign. The first step was to conduct a Feasibility Study to determine that the community is ready and able to support our campaign. Betsy Kelsey from Goettler & MINUTES CFM Advisory Board Meeting October 18, 2006 2 Associates conducted interviews with leaders in the community the weeks of September 25-28 and October 9-12, 2006. The report from these interviews should be ready in December. Dates to remember: Friday, November 3, First Friday Jazz night, Monday-Thursday, November 6-9, Membership phone-a-thon, Monday, December 4, Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, and Saturday, February 3, 2007, Gala. Chairman’s Report: Bill Terrell  MAB members should actively encourage qualified candidates for future appointments to the board to submit applications. It will strengthen the organization if the Commissioners can choose from a pool of interested and capable citizens when appointments are made. It is also appropriate to let Commissioners know about what the MAB needs in the way of leadership. Blank copies of the on-line application for board membership were provided.  Each MAB committee should begin to make lists of the primary needs that they see for the Museum. These lists will help in planning and making requests for additional assistance.  There should be a meeting of the Facilities Committee meeting before the retreat to begin to put together the implementation plan for the bond money. Collections Committee Report: Dean Gattone  The committee recommended approval of the loan of Althea Gibson’s tennis racket to UNCW History Department for a one year exhibit in Randall Library entitled Shaping Society: American Fitness in the 1950’s. The exhibit will run from November 29, 2006, to October 15, 2007. The recommendation of the committee was approved without opposition.  The committee recommended that Museum accounts restricted to artifact purchases be used to purchase a limited edition facsimile publication of the drawings and watercolors by William Bartram, 18th-century naturalist. The portfolio will be an important addition to the collection that can be incorporated into an exhibit with the Museum’s archaeological collection from the site where Bartram lived while studying the flora and fauna of North Carolina. Purchase price is $9,750 plus shipping and handling. The recommendation of the committee was approved without opposition. Staff should make an effort to supplement the purchase price with private donations.  The committee recommended the adoption of the Museum’s Collection Policy as it is amended. The recommendation of the committee was approved without opposition. The amended Policy will be submitted to the NHC Board of Commissioners for approval. Strategic Planning Committee Report: Don Fishero Everyone was reminded to plan on attending the retreat on Saturday, November 18, 9:00 – 12:30 at the Northeast Branch Library, Pine Room. A Museum Strategic Team planning meeting will be held with Rob Gerlach, facilitator for the Retreat, on Wednesday, October 25, at 3:00. Director’s Update: Ruth Haas  A quick update of the lobby project was provided. Everyone was reminded of the event planned for November 30, 6:00-8:00, to open the exhibit. Also, all were encouraged to attend and to encourage attendance December 1-3, when when the lobby exhibit will be evaluated.  Board members were provided with copy of sheet staff proposes to use with potential donors. It identifies a number of important projects and estimated budgets. The Board reviewed the projects and budget numbers and agreed that staff should use the information as presented. (Copy attached) 3 Strategic Vision Review Using Power Point, the Board reviewed the mission and visions of the Strategic Plan. All agreed that we had a good roadmap for the future. Minor changes were agreed to, as noted below:  Mission: (unchanged) Cape Fear Museum collects, preserves, and presents the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear Region through educational programs and exhibits.  Funding Vision: (unchanged) Cape Fear Museum in partnership with Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc., is well-funded with balanced support from New Hanover County, admissions revenue, and private and public sources.  Governance Vision: (reverse order of visitors & residents) The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Cape Fear Museum governing boards, and staff are working in concert to implement the mission for the mutual benefit of residents of New Hanover County and visitors.  Facilities Vision: (unchanged) adequate space is provided for the physical expansion of Cape Fear Museum and for the proper storage, preservation, and exhibition of artifacts and educational programs.  Quality Programs Vision: (unchanged) Programs will provide the visitor a quality learning experience, and provoke critical thought, in furtherance of the Museum’s mission through on-going consumer recommendations and evaluations.  Collections Stewardship Vision: (unchanged) The collection will be effectively managed within the guidelines of a collections policy that furthers the mission and vision of the Museum.  Marketing Vision: (eliminated introductory phrase “By 2006”) Cape Fear Museum will be the gateway for residents and visitors to learn the history and science of the Cape Fear region. Board members were encouraged to consider what objectives we should seek to accomplish in the next fiscal year (FY08). The regular Board meeting for November will be the November 18 retreat. The Board decided to tentatively not have a Board Meeting December 20. One will be announced only if there is a pressing need. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.