06-21-2006 1 CFM Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, June 21, 2006 Board John Haley Lowell Soucie Members Donald Patience Bill Terrell Present: Dean Gattone Don Fishero Grace Mosley-Byrd Chris Abrons Nancy Pritchett Linda Chapman Rachel Pace, (CFM Associates, Inc.) Absent: Grace Mosely-Byrd Virginia Chiarello Ann Griffith Also Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administrative Support Specialist Nancy Buckingham, CFM Development Coordinator Barbara Rowe, CFM Curator The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. Don Fishero, CFM Advisory Board Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of May 17, 2006 were reviewed and approved. A motion was made by Donald Patience and seconded by Linda Chapman. Motion passed. Consideration of Absences: Don Patience Ann Griffith and Grace Mosely-Byrd were excused. Associates Report: Rachel Pace Held Annual Meeting Monday, June 19. Approximately 50 members attended. Six Board members rotated off the Board. We welcomed four new Board members – Tom Cunningham, Jennifer France, Barbara Lewis and Chris Reid. We established a new membership category – Honorary Life Member. Helen Willetts received this honor Monday night to a standing ovation. Slate of officers were elected: Rachel Pace, President; Beth Quinn, Vice President; Jeff Hamel Treasurer, and Lonnie Williams, Jr. Secretary. Associates’ Board has established first-ever Permanent Endowment Fund with an initial investment of $100,000 from current reserve funds. A Permanent Endowment Policy document is in place. This was announced at the Annual Meeting and a donation to the Fund was received that night. New annual membership benefits, with a new membership form for new and renewing members, has been approved by the Associates’ Board. A wine and cheese book signing reception was held Thursday, June 15 with Susan Taylor Block signing her new book Scenes of America: Cape Fear. This book contains photos from the Museum’s collections that were used in her three previously published books. MINUTES CFM Advisory Board Meeting June 21, 2006 2 CFM Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, June 21, 2006 The Museum will receive 2/3 of the royalties and the author 1/3. It is on sale now for only $9.99. Administrative Assistant, Rebecca Philpott is now a permanent part-time employee. The 2006-07 budget has been approved. Bottom line: Income $141,800, Expenses $125,304, Net $16,496. Collections Committee Report: John Haley The Committee met on June 21, 2006. Items for deacession were presented and all were approved. Motion to approve was made by John Haley. Motion passed. Facilities Report: Bill Terrell Bill attended the meeting with Dan Murphy of the PRD group. A new contract with PRD in the amount of $25,000 has been initiated for additional design and prototype services. The Civil War Photo Exhibit was approved for the Museum. It will be in-house February 2007-May 2007. New Business: Ruth Haas, Don Fishero Accreditation: Ruth informed the Board that the next accreditation for the Museum would be in 2008. Some of the accreditation goals were reviewed. The self-study assessment will begin this year. Evaluation of Board Services: Don feels the Board has made great progress this year. There is an excellent working relationship with the Associates’ Board and staff, and the new Boards can work toward the next joint retreat. The number of quorums is much improved for the year. The Board of Directors thanked Don Fishero for his excellent leadership. With no further business, Don Fishero adjourned the meeting at 5:05 PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.