07-20-2005 Board Bill Terrell Nancy Pritchett (County Commissioner) Members Grace Mosley-Byrd Scott Chase Present: Don Fishero John Haley Dean Gattone Donald Patience Jack Mills (for Rachel Pace) Absent: Chris Abrons Scott Brooks Virginia Chiarello Rachel Pace, Ex-Officio, CFMA, Inc. Ann Griffith Also Ruth Haas, CFM Director Present: Jane O’Brien, CFM Administrative Support Specialist The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, with Mr. Don Fishero, Chairman presiding. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the May 18, 2005 meeting were reviewed and approved with one correction to the meeting date of May 18. A motion was made by Bill Terrell and seconded by Nancy Pritchett. Motion passed. Consideration of Absences: Nine members were present. Excused absences were Chris Abrons, Ann Griffith, and Rachel Pace. Chairman’s Report: Don Fishero Results of nominations. o Don Fishero, President o Chris Abrons, Vice President o Don Patience, Patience, Secretary Committee Standings – Don Fishero asked each member to review each Committee charter and its corresponding membership, and note any comments or concerns. Anything else needed through the year will be ad hoc. Nancy Pritchett requested to remain on the Collections Committee. Don Patience, as Secretary will fill the remaining slot on the Strategic Planning Committee. Associates Report: Jack Mills (for Rachel Pace) No report at this time. Facilities – Bill Terrell Met with architect. Preliminary plans for new entrance and gift shop were presented to Museum staff. Early stages of development on paper are moving along nicely. Additional funds need to be raised to complete the overall project. Minutes Advisory Board Meeting July 20, 2005 CFM Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 July 20, 2005 Long Range Planning – John Haley Selected slate of officers. Slate of officers presented, as reflected in Chairman’s Report earlier. Considered nominations from the floor. There being no nominations from the floor a motion was made by Don Patience that the nominations be closed. Nancy Pritchett seconded the motion. Motion passed. Nancy Pritchett moved to accept the slate of officers by acclamation. Dean Gattone seconded. The motion passed. Presented the set of charges, goals and responsibilities of each committee as they stand. Committee assignments were presented. Request made for members to withdraw or serve on other committees. No changes or additions were made. Don Fishero appointed John Haley as Chair of the Collections Committee. John accepted the position. Don recommended that all members read the strategic plan and vision. Marketing – Ruth Haas Update given on the collaborative marketing pilot project among 14 educational and historical attractions in the area to attract tourist and locals to those venues. The “Discovery Passport” was presented and discussed how it is being used during the tourist season. Flavor of the Past is going very well. Ruth presented the marketing pieces and said ticket sales were going extremely well. Reminded the Task Force on Governance will meet Monday, July 25, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. at the Museum. Task Group on Annual Funding Plan does not have a meeting date at this time. Museum Update – Ruth Haas The Greater Wilmington Arts and Cultural Alliance (GWACA) have applied for their 501(c)3 and should be receiving it soon. They are currently transitioning on officers. They have generated over $5,000 in dues, however, they do not have sufficient funds to hire staff or obtain office staff. Ruth requested support from the board in offering office space at the Museum to GWACA. Space would be offered contractually with the understanding that the contract will end when the space is required for Museum business. There was no objection to this proposal. Furthermore, board members were encouraged to understand the importance of GWACA for the community. Terri Hudgins has joined the Museum as registrar. Janet Davidson has joined the Museum as historian. New Business: Don Fishero For the next meeting, please review the committee charters and become familiar prior to your next committee meeting. Motion made to adjourn by Nancy Pritchett and seconded by Grace Byrd. The meeting adjourned at 5:07 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.