09-21-2005 Board Chris Abrons John Haley Members Bill Terrell Don Patience Present: Dean Gattone Don Fishero Nancy Pritchett Ann Hutterman, (CFM Associates, Inc.) Absent: Scott Brooks Grace Mosley-Byrd Scott Chase Virginia Chiarello Ann Griffith Also Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administrative Support Specialist The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, with Mr. Don Fishero, Chairman, presiding. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the August 17, 2005 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections. A motion to approve was made by John Haley and seconded by Bill Terrell. Motion passed. Consideration of Absences: Eight members were present meeting quorum. Excused absences were Scott Brooks, Ann Griffith, and Grace Mosley-Byrd. Virginia Chiarello and Scott Chase were unexcused. Scott Brooks has relocated to Tennessee and will be submitting a letter of resignation. CFM Inc. Associates Report: Ann Hutterman for Rachel Pace A new CFM Associates, Inc. Board of Directors list, committee assignments, and winter jazz schedule were distributed. A brief update on investments was given. Board meetings have been changed to the third Monday and now meet monthly. The CFM Advisory Board members were asked to purchase Lexus tickets. Associates Board members agreed that each would purchase two tickets. Discussed the winter season jazz concerts. A social of the joint boards will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2005 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm at 15 South Second Street at Ligon Flynn’s offices. Nancy Buckingham has accepted the position of Development Coordinator and begins on October 4, 2005. MINUTES Advisory Board Meeting September 21, 2005 CFM Advisory Board Meeting Minutes August 21, 2005 Page 2 Committee Reports: Facilities: Bill Terrell The Museum lobby and store plan is moving along very well. Some minor changes were made, but nothing that alters the plan. Scheduling and costing is the next step in execution of the master plan. The lobby renovation, planned for this winter, will not interfere with the 2006 Gala. Task Group on Annual Funding: John Haley The task force met on August 22, 2005. The meeting consisted of brainstorming rather than a structured meeting. Capital campaign, membership and more concentration on targeting organizations and corporations were emphasized. Need good up-to-date database of donors, members, etc. There is a need for a Museum business plan, more structured financial accounting and a case statement. No concrete decisions were made at the August meeting. Task Group on Governance: Don Fishero Discussed pros and cons of a combined board, and decided that would not be a good direction. The 501(c)3 Board need greater autonomy to pursue fundraising successfully. Summary statement is attached. Nancy Pritchett asked that second paragraph be amended to remove “…..when all is well……” Museum Update: Ruth The Museum will be at full staff when Nancy comes on board in October. A report on hurricane damage was shared with the board. Scott Brooks has relocated to Nashville Tennessee and will be submitting his resignation to the board. Asked board members to encourage eligible candidates to apply for the board position to be vacated by Scott. Updated on the Chamber of Commerce Leadership Wilmington meeting held at the Museum. There being no further business, Nancy Pritchett moved the meeting be adjourned and seconded by Bill Terrell; the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum.