10-19-2005 Board Chris Abrons John Haley Members Donald Patience Grace Mosley-Byrd Present: Dean Gattone Don Fishero Rachel Pace, (CFM Associates, Inc.) Absent: Scott Brooks Bill Terrell Scott Chase Virginia Chiarello Ann Griffith Nancy Pritchett Also Present: Ruth Haas, CFM Director Jane O’Brien, CFM Administrative Support Specialist Nancy Buckingham, Development Coordinator The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 in the Williston Auditorium. Mr. Don Fishero, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the September 21, 2005 meeting were reviewed and approved with one correction to Ann Hutteman’s name. A motion to approve was made by Donald Patience and seconded by John Haley. Motion passed. Consideration of Absences: Six members were present. Excused absences were Scott Brooks (who has relocated and submitted a letter of resignation), Ann Griffith, Nancy Pritchett and Bill Terrell. Virginia Chiarello and Scott Chase were unexcused. Chairman’s Report: Don Fishero Three applications have been received for the current board vacancy. The applications will be presented to the New Hanover County Commissioners on November 21, 2005. There is a possibility that other vacancies may occur. Introduced Nancy Buckingham who is the new Development Coordinator. The annual retreat of the joint Boards will be held at the Blockade Runner Hotel, Wrightsville Beach on Saturday, November 19, 2005, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. CFM Inc. Associates Report: Rachel Pace The annual Gala is on schedule for Saturday, February 4, 2006. Beth Quinn will be the Gala Chair for 2006. Planning for a capital campaign is on track. An anonymous donation of $10,000 was received, and a dedicated capital campaign account was established. Reminder of the social reception scheduled for November 3, 2005 at Ligon Flynn’s office for both Boards. MINUTES Advisory Board Meeting October 19, 2005 CFM Advisory Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2005 Page 2 Associates Report continued. Volunteer appreciation luncheon is scheduled for Monday, December 12, 2005. All Board members are encouraged to attend. The Museum raised $2,081.00 through the purchase of Lexus tickets. Committee Reports: Facilities: Ruth Haas A walk-through of the Collection Department was conducted at the end of the meeting to review the damage from flooding resulting from hurricane Ophelia and tropical storm Tammy. Task Group on Governance: Don Fishero No changes to report since last meeting. The CFM Governance Policy was reviewed again for those board members who were not present at the September 2005 meeting. Education: Chris Abrons Distributed the 2005/06 Educator Guide for schools and reviewed with Board members. Jeff Zuege, Museum Educator, has resigned his position. Therefore, some outreach programs will be postponed until sometime in January 2006. Ruth gave update on various adult programs currently offered, with emphasis on the Golden Oldies program now in progress. The recent Community Cornucopia was a successful event. Museum Update: Ruth Reiterated Nancy Buckingham as new Development Coordinator, as well as the resignation of Jeff Zuege. The new County Manager is Bruce Shell. Bruce held the position as County Finance Director. He understands the Museum and strategic plan. Ruth met with Frank Funk and Sterling Cheetham on future of the Railroad Museum. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 PM. Motion to adjourn was made by Dean Gattone and seconded by Grace Mosley-Byrd. The annual retreat will replace the November 2005 monthly meeting. A decision to skip the December monthly meeting will be made during the annual retreat.