1964-04-06 Board of E&R?1.3. Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review ' April 6, 1964 10:00 A.M. Pursuant to the recess of the meetiny of Mrch 24th, the Board of Equalization and Review met in the Commissioners' Room at 10:00 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John I? Van B. Metts,'Jr. and Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck and Property Apprisor Harry S. McGirt. Mr. R. E. Blake was sick and could not be.present. The Chairman reconvened the meeting at which time the Board thoroughly went into all ' complaints which had been made and after reviewing the complaints, the Board proceeded to visit all properties in question and the following decisions were made: Alo changes were made in the following properties as they were found to be in line I , with other propertles in the neighborhood: ? 1. Ernest L. Wilson - 201 Bermuda Dr. 2. G. H. Peterson - 1012 South 3rd St. 3. W. S. R. Beane - Wrightsville Sound • i ? I 4. J. J. Overton - 5111 Carolina Beach Road ' 5. Mamie Higgins - Seabreeze 6. H. C. Wallace - 315 North 5th St. ? 7. W. G. Smith - Masonboro Township • • 8.. Joseph Mighton - Federal Point Township • 9. William H. Wright, Jr. - 207 South Sth St. ` I10. Raymond Retchin - 118 South%6th St. II11. Raymond Retchin - 214 South 17th St. 12, W. H. Palmer - 615 Thomas Ave. 13. Isaac Shain - 411 Nun St. ? 14. George Canoutas -.Kure Beach B1 10, lot 2 , i 15. Mry C. Warren - 309 North 5th St. • 16. Mrs. S. D. Corbett - 315 Church St. q 17. August M. Blomberg - 2902 Harvard Dr. I 18. W. C. Holliday - Telfair Creek, Federal Point Township 19. Daniel D. Retchin - 1315 Hawthorne Rd. 20. O. E. Dunn - Carolina Beach The following changes were made: 21. John H. Burnett - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. due to erosion in the fall of 1963. Assess- ment reduced from $1575 to $1425 2Raymond Retchin - 110 N. 6th St. - reduced by 5% - Multi-family. Assessment reduced ' From $4825 to $4700 i23. James G. Henderson - 20% functional allowed on Lot - Assessment-reduced from $4450 to to $417$ 24. Lulla May Horne - Reduced assessment by 10% functional on house at 415 Walnut St. Assess- $5175 to $4175 125• Nell H. Trask - Ailowed 20% factor. Assessment reduced from $21,550 to $19,225.. 26. A. E. Horne -!}0% topographical reduction allowed due to pond. Assessment reduced from $V5 to $250 I27. John J. Burney, Jr. 30% functinnal allowed due;lto vandalism. Assessment reduced from $1,550 to $1,250 , 28. Joseph Mighton - 10% factor allowed. Assessment reduced from $5,200 to $4,800 ? 29. Francis M. Foy, Jr. - 5% factor allowed. Assessment reduced from $5,750 to $5;500 130. Cape Fear Temple - Elks 40% functional allowed for use as lodge. 31. Atlantic Refining Co. - 10% functional ailowed,.reducing assessment from $11,000 to $10,575 I32. George Canoutas - 10% factor allowed on-Lot 14 B1 10 reducing assessment from $2,750 to $2,500 33• Heirs of Lewis Schwartz - 20% functional allowed reducing assesment from $21,700 to ? $17,825 ' 34. E. H. Schulken - Peter Pan Nursery priced as a garage reducing assessment from $7,450 to $6,875 ( ton t.i nue d ) ?I • II ? 14 _ Minut_Pck_Qf-th.e-Boar_d nf Fqual3.za11.on_an.d_ievl_ekt.-Anr?1??19??1 --- .-- _ • r _- ? 35• Douglas W. Helbig - Timber pen reduction of assessment from $700 to $350 36. W. A. Mahler - 40% functional due to fire damage. Assessment reduced from ' $5,950 to $4,575 ' 37. C. D. Bnrnette - 28 ft. depth reduction due to erosion. Assessment from ' $1,575 to $1,425 38. L. E. Bunch - Lot depth reduced 28 ft. due to erosion. Assessment reduced from $6,350 to $6,150 . 39. Grace Josephine Paschall - Lot depth reduced 28 ft. due to erosion, Assessment ? reduced from $7,950 to $7,750 40. M. J. Batchelor - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. due to erosion in the fa21 of 1963. Assessment reduced.from $4,800 to $4;650 41. Ruth H. Hines - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. due to erosion in the fall of 1963. pssessment reduced from $1,575 to $1,425 42. J. M. Hall, Jr. - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. due to erosion in the fall of 1963• assessment reducect from $4,575 to $4,425 43• J. H. Duff - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. dve to erosion in fall of 1963. Assess- ment reduced from $4,150 to $4,025 141E. Charies F. Smith - Lot depth reduced by 28 ft. due to erosion in the fall of 1963. Assessment redviced from $3,875 to $3,700 , No changes made in the following: 45. Ida S. Retchin - 114 N. 6th St. 46. G. Aileen Williams - Lot 22 in Willowdale 47. John H. Bayne, Sr. - B1 5 Lot 4 Sunset Park ? 48. i N. C. Sorosis, Inc. - B1 180 Lot 2 49. Mrs. Hettie S. Shew - B1 18 Pt. of Lot 5 and 6 50. Yates O. Hawkins - 1601 S. 4th St. The Board of Equali2ation and Review, having performed its duty, as required by law, and their being further business to come before the Board, Mr, Braak offered a motion for ad,journment. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and nnanimously carried, there- fore, the Board adjourned for the year 1964. Respectfully submitted, W. G. Houck, Secretary to the Board of Equalization and Review STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA )IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) APRIL 1964 CIVIL TERM I It appearing to the undersigned Presiding Judge at the April 1964 Civil Term for New Hanover County, that there is not a sufficient number of Jurors to conduct the scheduled business for said Civil Term, and that there is a need for an additional num- ' ber of Jurors to be drawn on this date to supplement the number originally drawn in order to adequately conduct the said business of the Civil Court; It is therefore Ordered, Ad,judged and Decreed that the Sheriff of New Hanover County and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby directed to draw thirty-five scrolls from said Jury Box and have saiil jurors report to the Superior Court at 9:30 A. M. on April lsth, 1964 to suppl.ement the number of Jurors originally drawn in order that the Civil business during this Term of Court may be adequately conducted. i This Lhe 14th day of April, 1964. /S/ Howard H. Hubbard II Judge Presiding . II u L_ ,i 315 _ 5PECIA1-.IIJRX _DRAWINC'* Jurors for Avril Averette., Roger H., Broadhurst, L. E. Brown, Robert Chinis, Mrs. W. M. V Cbx,,.iLloyd F. II Ewing, Mrs. Cora iGooden, John T. Holmes, Mary B. Button Hughes, Mrs. Elizabeth ? Johnson, Louvie Deems Larkins, L. Long, Charles W. ' Miles, Carl Rackley, Emma D. Stone, Stella Lottie Wade, Clara Willis, Sarah H. iWorley, James Wa2do 261 Lake Forest Pkwy. 108 §fii?giTJva ?ea6h 121 South 12th St. 2315 Market St. 310 Rose Avenue 226 South 4th St. 2945 Jefferson St. RFD 2, Box 206 3106 Elm St. 419 North 4th St. 5901 Park Ave. ioob s. 5th st. . RFD 1, Box 280 130 Bordeaux Ave. RFD 3, % Baby+s Hosp. 112 S. 12th St. 3710 Park Ave. 506 North 21st St. Briggs, Wm. H. Brooks, Walter B. Jr. Capps, Margaret R. Clayton, Jimmy W. Crocket, C. S. Foxworth, Albert J. Hobbs'; ._ John : W. Hugg ins, Mrsi;? :Annie Jenkins,,:Dorbthy Hines Lan-ierE. -A. Lewis, Arthur Lee Mariowe, George Thomas Murray, Alvin G. Rogers, Annie T. Sutherland, Ben F. Wheeler, Mrs. Sadie Wilson, Frederick F. Wiimington, N. C. ASSEMBLY - il!} Green Forest Dr. 410 Central Blvd. 101 North Hinton Av. 206 Vance St. P•wOIoh?sv?SBeach 24 Mercer Ave. 2910 Chestnut St. 904 North Kerr Ave. 5205 Oleander Dr. 7 Wilmington Ave. 417 Red Cross St. 110 Morningsfde Dr. 17 Lake Forest Pkwy. 1017 Miller St. RFD 2, Box 72 A City RFD 2, Box 168 33 Pinecrest Pkwy. Aprfl 20, 1964 The New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners met today at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissfoners' Room of the Court House with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. MayY,an and J. Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. I INUOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, J. M. Ha11, Jr. who asked Reverend R. I. Boone, Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a Iprayer. p MINUTES APPROVAL - II Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 6th, copies of which had been sent to-each of the CommissilonetS.;c, w@r2-uft= an'irflous;ly appPoved_as:.wf.itten.-, MENTAL HEALTH STAFF - Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Chairman of the New Hanover County Nental Health Council, introduced the members of their present staff- Dr. Rolf H. Fisscher, M. D., psychiatrist, Dr. David A. Knight, Ph. D., elinicai psychologist and Mr. Fred Thompson, psychiatric social worker. He reported that the activities of the Fiental Health Center were growing so fast they were bursting at the seams and they have a desperate need for rooms. They have loCated a suitable building, at 920 South 17th Street owned by Dr. Rowena Hall, who Ihas agreed to lease it at a price below the usual business rental. He requests permiss- ion From the Board to sign a lease for one year on the building, the rent on which would be an increase of approximately $460.00. He reported that ad3acent counties are making inquiry concerning the use of the Center and if the plans develop, additionat funds will ?be received from them which would lower the cost to New Hanover County. He also stated that many tangible results can be observed from the short time the Center has been in oper- Iation but there are many which can not be gauged in so short a period of time. He present- ed a tentative Budget for the next fiscal year 1964 -165. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved that permission be given for signing the year's lease on the building at 920 IlSouth 17th 5treet. It was seconded hy Mr. Mayhan and unanimousiy approved. The Chairman thanked the Council for its diligent efforts in behaif of the Mental Health Center and stated that the expansion was evidence of the need for this service in the County. I.E.C. BOND ORDER - The Clerk reported to the Board that the Bond Order entitied "Bond Order" author- izing the issvance of $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Han- over", which had been introduced on April bth, 1964, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on April 7th, 1964, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on April 20, 1964, at 9 o'clock,. A. M. Commissioner Broadhurst moved that the Board proceed to hold a public heating on Ithe Bond Order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mayhan and was unanimously adopted. At 9 o'clock A. M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen ?or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the Bond Order. At the direction of Ithe Chairman, the Clerk read the Bond Order and the published notice of hearing. The Board of Directors for the Industria2 Education Center, headed by their ? Chairman, Robert N. Hallman, explained that they were on hand to answer questions that might have come up during the Hearing but since no objections were offered, the oniy quest- ion he would like cleared is how much effect this Bond Issue will have on the tax rate. ' Chairman Hall explained that the lOd levy at present in the tax structure for Wilmingbon ?College will be eliminated after the next year and he can see no increase beyond the present tax levy although the valuations are not yet compiete. He called on the County Auditor, Mr. T. D. Love, Jr., for his opinion. He suggested that if the term of the bonds can be limited to 20 years which would require $54,000 annually, it would amount to 31 on the tax ?rate. At present, there is a 21 school.levy now in the tax rate which can'be.absorbed in in the present rate. li continued- - (Con I inued).__.. 15th, 196lL ?