1987-01-19 RM Exhibits !.j :. a a a a 0 0 00 a a 1111 II II II a aa aao oa aa aa aaaa ao a 00 ao ao aD aa DO aa a 0 0 a a oaa 0 a 0 a 0 a a a a II 120 aa a a a II II II 0 II II a 0 0 a 0 II 'II 0 II 0 l:I 00 00 II aa a a a'll 00 a a a a II _ ~ ... . Ntw ){~nnnurfr @J11ifwfty mn~ribl1Pff @!1Pfmmhl~i1Pfll1rtff~ .~ tlroltlamataon WHEREAS, knowledge of the heritage and culture of African Americans has long been obscured within the American society; and, WHEREAS, the obscuring of that knowledge has worked to the detriment of good cross-cultural relations, .both locally and nationally, and, WHEREAS, it is imperative that the history and culture of all Americans be viewed in a positive light, NOW~ THEREFORE, we the New Hanover Count~ Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim that February, 1987, be known within New Hanover County, North Carolina, as BLACK HISTORY MONTH and we encourage all citizens to participate in observances designed to engender respect for the contributions of our citizens of African decent. , Signed this 19th day of January, 1987. - ~I rkffinu U 1l2d ___ No an O'Neal, Chairman ,.1. . '0 ... .. iD.o D II II II a a a a a II a a II II a a aDD a II a'lI a a a a a a a a a II II . a 0 a 'II D II a a D a a a a a a a II iii 0 a a a. 0 0 II iii 0 1:1 II iii 0 0 II a II a 0 a aDO a D II II II 0 II II I ~. ...... . . . . . . . aO; ..'y.":!: CONSENT AGENDA . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Charged Per Scrol I Discoveries Added 1986 $27,236,624.38 2,719,357.98 '$29,955,982.36 69,051.32 $29,886,931.04 -17,425,414.93 $12,461 ,516. 11 58.30% DATE: ITEM No. 1985 $25,267,542.71 2,518,099.71 $27,785,642.42 86,801.73 $27,698,840.69 -13,573,702.45 $14, 125, 138 .24 49.00% 1':-- [ Cj --'iF7 S Collections thru December 31, 1986 ~ Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Fire District Charged Per Scrol I Discoveries Added $ 755,441.29 123,193.58 $ 878,634.87 72,385.45 $ 806,249.42 492,433.10 $ 313,816.32 61.08% Less Abatements Tota I Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes . Real Estate Taxes $ 736,573.62 $ 802,564.29 Less Abatements 133.06 2,963.39 Collections to Date - 282,177 .32 329, 139.54 . Outstanding Balance $ 454,263.24 $ 470,461.36 Percentage Collected 38.32% 41 . 16% Personal Property Taxes $ 1,199,783.04 $ 1,082,045.50 Less Abatements 5,455.69 3,595.83 Collections to Date 93,926.40 90,628.12 Outstanding Balance $ 1,100,400.95 $ 987,821.55 Percentage Collected 7.86% 8.40% Room Occupancy Tax Collections December - $40,114.26, fiscal YTD $426,606.91. Privilege License Collections December - $ 679.25, fiscal YTD $18,572.30. EMS Collections December - $120.00,flscal YTD $714.00. Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrlghtsvil Ie Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $28,035,505.25. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1986 (also includes collections for June 30, 1986). . . Respectfully submitted, -p t\.\Y)'~ S\ . (] J'). - "" Patricia J. R€!jnor" ~ \.;" Col lector of Revenue 11'''' , . --. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Felix SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: ' January 12, 1987 CONSENT AGENDA. DA TE:-1:. ITEM No,. / 'l - [,)? t, Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: . 1. Andrews, Richard Carpenter 2. Benson, Edward G. Linda E. 3. Cox, Jesse Thomas 4. Culligan Water Conditioning 5. Curtis, Annetta Hazel 6. Davis, Petra Ann 7. Devane, Annie Lemon 8. Faircloth,William P. 9. Flaherty, Nancy H. Etal. 10. Gradkowska, Anna 11. Greene, Jean R. 12. Hales, Clarence E. Etux. 13. Hall, Mary Ann O'Donnell 14. Hargett, Michael Louis 15. Harkey, Rebecca Holcomb 16. Harvey, Larry 17. Hassell, Gerald 18. Hatcher, Russell Wade 19. Henderson, Norvell Jr. 20. Herring, Herman Shepard Jr. 21. Hill, Jeffrey Lee 22. Jackson, Alice Costin 23. Jacobs, Diane 24. Jobe, Carolyn Francisco 25. Johnson, Annie McCandless 26. Klutz, Paul J. Jr. 27. Knaus, Neill James 28. Kooling Co. 29. Kwapein, Richard Eileen 30. Leonard, Shirley A. 31. Lewis, Kenneth Royal 32. Lovell, Scott Wilson 33. McConnell, Lisa Doughton 34. McKenzie Supply Co. 35. Midgett, Ann Elizabeth 36. Musselwhice, Neill Hector 37. Nobles, Corinne Bowman 38. Norman, Cynthia Cook 39. Olive, Myatte Beams 40. Organ, Rosella Marie . . $ 17.15 3.28 32.79 44.18 24.29 13.20 32.79 103. 11 30.62 (1985) 17.15 132.30 53.39 39.32 74.23 82.95 130.35 1.99 185.50 51. 39 5.15 97.00 21. 32 115.52 10 . 30 22.02 51.82 19.73 22.78 75.65 5.15 19.53 13.60 52.83 27.17 17.66 39.92 9.53 78.48 6.64 12.49 r'-::' .; ". Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 2 . January 12, 1987 . 41. Potts, Cheryl Anne 42. Powell, Marie E. 43. Powers, Joseph Colon Jr. 44. Rankin, Sam 45. Rawls, Robert Daniel 46. Reaves, Linda Davis 47. Robinson, Thomas William 48. Rogers, Fred William 49. Rogers, Karen Hayes 50. Royal, Cathy Clevenger 51. Shohoney, James Arthur 52. Silverstein, Anne Leith 53. Smith, Charles E. 54. Smith, Mark Kevin 55. Smith, William Spencer 56. Stanley, Frank 57. Storrs, Tom 58. Sweeney, Walt 59. Talent, Coy E. Thable 60. Thomas, Ronald David 61. Vaughn, Billy Dean 62. Walker, Karen Denise 63. Wallace, C. C. Jr. Etal. 64. Williams, Priscilla Lofton 65. Wright, Robert Jerome 66. Yeager, Kennett W. $ 39.23 29.40 93.19 83.96 25.31 55.32 123.31 49.20 17.64 44.18 124.18 74.23 36.05 154.09 182.61 38.20 108 .09 13.67 23.29 24.20 192.63 29.29 90.51 56.02 (Refund) 111. 26 54.29 Request the fqllowing taxes be released as they 'are double charged: . . 1. Bachman, David S. 2. Dillon, Toi Blanon 3. Drevyn,.Chrisstoffel Jacobus 4. GMC Industrial Maintenance Sere 5. Jarman, Mae Adelaide 6. Johnson, Reginald Dean 7. Kendrick, Vaiden Pearson 8. Koch Asphalt Co. 9. Koen, Robert Dale 10. Laughrun, J. 11. Leidheiser, Mildred Winnick 12. Mearl Butler Enterprises 13. Moore, Blanche Beatrice 14. Neilson, W.R. 15. Rogers, D. L. Jr. 16. Rowell, Mack Lester 17. Sandys True Value Hardware 18. Sljaka, Victor J. 19. Steihlmis, Joanne 20. Stephens, Mark T. 21. Sykes, Brenda Gayle 22. Thrope & Ricks, Inc. 23. Upper Cut Hair Styling 24. VanValrenburg, Robert 25. Wagner~ Pamela Jean 58.01 (Refund) 2D.03 34.84 156.21 105.65 79.85 39.92 115.52 135.68 25.62 37.40 53.26 10 . 86 41.47 15.39 23.54 48.82 51.99 (1985) 28.76 (Refund- 19~26) 153.32 82.74 14.59 204.94 8.59 57.08 '~. Mr. G. Felix Coop~r Page 3 January 12, 1'987 26. Wagner, Vickie Cavenaugh 27. Walsh Computer Consulting 28. Watts, Elford Daley 29. Williams, Juliana Simmons 30. Wilson, Julie Mignon 31. Wllace, Gilbert Bernard 32. 2alme, Charles Martin $ 41.47 139.52 39.28 34.52 41.07 34.31 235.37 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: L Bilisoly, Joseph Louvel 39.68 2. Clark, Angela D. 77.11 3. Dixon, Dorothy Mae 22.02 4. Dixon, Rudolph 12.57 5. Douglass, Brenda Faith 1L 72 6. Dugan, William Scott Jr. 150.72 (Refund~ 85 & 86) 7. Hincke, Norman Erik 60.92 8. Kotila, Quenby Anitra 26.80 9. Ludwig, Janice D/B/A Atlantic Realty 36.45 10. Reynolds, Elliott B. 42.80 1L Scott, Louise Cahill D/B/A Wilmington . . Leasing 178.81 12. Stalker, Barbara Ann 16.78 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayer certifies they mailed their listing during the listing period: 1. Miller, Sam Etux. 8.94 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of charging fire district tax, household, listing penalties and vehicles in error; error in manual calculations; and mispriced boats, motors, trailers, and vehicles: . . 1. Andrews, J. Ward 2. Benson, Linda Everett 3. Fisher, Richard C. 4. Greene, Harold 5. H.T. Restaurants Inc. 6. Hassell, Gerald 7. Hazelrigg, Vikki D. 8. Hewlett, R. H. III 9. Kline, Lillie Robertson 10. Knapp, Boyd Harold 11. Kotila, Quenby Anitra 12. Poulos, Pete 13. Ray, Otho A. 14. Rowell, Mack L. Jr. 15. Schey, Ira M. Jr. 16. Schmitt, Curtis J. 17. Talton, JimA. D/B/A Taltons Clearing Contractor 37.11 11.58 11.53 1,139.36 15.04 6.01 127.81 16.47 37.26 13 . 98 18.07 456.92 (1982) 7.34 2.14 22.72 20.15 474.12 , -.. Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 4 January 12, ~987 18. Taylor, Nat D. 19. Walsh, J. D. Computer Consult 20. Walton, Scott Matthew 21. Williamson, Curtis S. $ 41.55 9.36 36.96 17.59 Request 1986 taxes in the amount of $387.99 charged to Pleasure Island Full Gospel Church be released as they are exempt. Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting January 19. 1987. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw Copy: R. Pope County Attorney L. Harrell Clerk to the Board . C. Beatty Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue Internal Auditor . .