1987-02-02 RM Exhibits AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Under 53.5-2(3) Building Setback and Separation Change the setback from all public and private streets to 25 feet from 35 feet; and, reword the last sentence of the same section to read: .....In no case shall any part of a detached single family dwelling unit be located closer than ten (10) feet to any part of any other detached single family dwelling; and in no case shall any part of a multiple dwelling unit be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any part of another dwelling unit, or non-residential buildings. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 2nd day 'Of February , 1987. .. ~ o'rud Chairman and Commissioner 'to '- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New , Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: ADD: 23-83 Residential Care Facility - A home with support and supervisory personnel that provides room and board, personal care and rehabilitation services in a family environment for not more~than six resident handicapped persons. 72-10 Residential Care Facility - A residential or family care facility shall not be located within 2000 feet radius of an existing residential care home. NOTE: This Ordinance change shall not apply to the proposed residential care facility on McQuillan Drive in Hillsdale Subdivision which is to be constructed and operated by Ms. Mattie Lowe; provided that a building permit be obtained within thirty days. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. .. Adopted this 2nd day of February , 1987. ~o'~ Chairman and Commissioner I ~, (~. ............................................................................................................ .~~ '" ~ .' ~.~ ., 1 ,~ , 180aril of (Itommi.6sioner.6 " N elU ]l{anouer OJOUntl1 meli olution WHEREAS, the Office of the State Auditor, has produced an Operational Audit Report entitled, "Restructuring of Offender Programs in the Criminal Justice System" dated October, 1986; and WHEREAS, such report directly effects the following programs which mental health either provides or participates in: Alcohol and Drug Education Training School (ADETS) DWI Assessments Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes (TASC) Drug Education School Substance Abuse Court Counselor N. C. Department of Correction Pre-release and Aftercare WHEREAS, said services are currently being provided in an efficient, cost effective and cooperative manner with all agencies concerned, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover 'County Board of Commissioners, that State Auditor Edward Renfrow's recommendation to restructure offender programs in the Criminal Justice System be rejected by our Legislators in so far as the above programs are concerned. Signed this~day of February, 1987. ~ ()l{ltd Nolan O'Neal, Chalrman . ~: '. . -11 . , ' V ! ~~ - ......................................-...................................................................... ;: ~ ~ .. ,: ,> '" .,.' ,) t',',j :. ') ,I; ,.' ( .~. .-:. :,,; ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ANDRE R. MALLETTE - Personnel Director ADMINISTRATION ANNEX BUILDING CON~J,1ThTT JtGW1\H\ 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 305. lJiJl~ li iDH 1i; j WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401DATE. Telephone (919) 341-7178 . ITEM No. January 12, 1987 ~~~Qg~~!2gM TO: G. Felix Cooper, County Manager Apdre' R. Mallette, Personnel Direct~~\~ Personnel Policy Amendments FROM: RE: Attached are recommended changes to Article III Section l2 and 13 of the County's Personnel Policy. Both, qhanges are presented in an effort to clarify the policies 'Q..W regjird to who is eligible for compensation under each, and h~ ~~et compensation will be computed. Article III Sec. 12 From: Any County employee eligible to receive overtime compensation under this policy will be guaranteed a minimum payment of two (2) hours wages for being called back to work outside of normal working hours. To: Any County employee not in an approved On-Call Standby status, but who ,is eligible to receive overtime compensation under this policy will be guaranteed a minimum payment of two (2) hours wages for being called back to work outside of normal working hours. Article III Sec. l3 (b1) From: On-Call Standby Time - Scheduled hours in excess of the normal work week when an employee is required to be available and accessible to be called back to work on a regular scheduled or emergency basis. .......... '-'.. ~/: /:Y'l j , 5. ::.t 'f,; i." , .- ~\. . 'f~~~ " " !;. ;:)ji ,,;! ';. . ,..,. M E M 0 RAN DUM Page Two RE: Personnel Policy Amendments January 12, 1987 - To: On-Call Standby Time - Scheduled non-work hours in excess of the normal work week when an employee is required to be available and accessible to be called 'back to work on a regularly scheduled or emergency basis. Article III Sec. 13 (c2) From: Employees approved for On-Call Standby Time will be compensated for non-work on-call time either with one day's pay, subject to the availability of funds in the department's budget, or with one day (eight hours). of time off for each seven consecutive days of serving in an On-Call Standby status. Compensation or time off for periods of less than seven consecutive days will be prorated based on the actual number of consecutive days of serving in an On-Call Standby status. To: Employees approved for On-Call Standby Time will be monetarily compensated for non-work on-call time using the following formula: Actual Non-Work On-Call Standby Hours .0625 x employee's hourly rate x All time spent responding to a call back to work, including time spent on the telephone and in portal-to-portal travel, will NOT be recorded in the on-call column, but should be recorded as regular, overtime or compensatory hours. Article III Sec. 13 (c4) From: Employees not approved for On-Call Standby Time, who find themselves called back to work in an emergency situation will be compensated as outlined in the County's Call Back Policy, Article III Section 11. To: Employees not approved for On-Call Standby Time, who may find themselves called back to work in an emergency situatiop,. will be compensated as outlined in the County's Call Back Policy, Article III Section 12. ~_ '-'.. ? ~ ;- ~ ~~ " NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARmENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR' ADDITION' TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD ~YSTHl North Carolina County of, New Hanover Road Description lennessee Ave., Extension of SR 1709 (Division File #555-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of'the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria, CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 2nd day of February 19 87 and official seal this the 2nd day of February , 193 7 ~V:~ Clerk, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways .".- .......... '-', JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Wilmington, NC January 22, 1987 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY District 3 - New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina Re: Resolution Request Gentlemen: This office recommends that . Tel1I}essee Avenue. Extensj.on of SR 1709 , * Div. File # 555-N, be added to the state system. After your consider- ation if you concur with our recommendation, please furn~sh this office with your resolution for our further handling. Sincerely yours, ~rb J. p. Cook District Engineer tJPC :drg cc: Mr. T. W. Funderburk Mr. J. W . Rivenbark, Sr. Tennessee Avenue is located in Wilmington Beach Subdivision. ~- ........... '-, An Equal Opportunity I Af1irmative Action Employer 0 C' ~l . Z " I ; '\ I... ~ F I ]Q"(\.n' :t: :"\1 Ii! L I" j'~.: ;; 1" n ! ~..} i.-, f~ I I ! I 1- ,., J': J3 !., j;: ---- ---.. ._--,.,~ '" F"/Fr-ff .f.... , -. // /l ,. Ii'{ U1/11 )r: .. V \......,-' \J '0 _~':'1/"~' " If:-, ~-- I 0' 1;( -,,-:,_- -.-, , I\.~) Itl ':-"". _. ,;:" -, .-Il' , IA~l ~'./~, MAP 90-13 N .~ ;.:N , Wit: rr:C^p '" .. o -VI 00> ,0 " <' .. o I ;'- ..,',',,' II .,", ,,', - '" '" ". ';""'1" i'l';", , . . '. ,'. ,if :l~~f;\;;~~' _ ~ ..................................................................... .' t, . .... , CONSENT AGrJNDA .....: .. .N.ew){unuu.er (!t:uuntU! DATE. o:L,S/f7 ,;' <"" '.J, ITEM No / '. '. . .t,i"-.{~. 180arb of (Itommi.6.6ioners '(' J;;;;~r~ j" ;~~:;::f~;wl~rn~~:l!:::::~::~l~~:~Fn ~~~%~~r H~ta;om~:~~=i~~: :};A<:,;,<!' : }\:. WHEREAS, the theme for Human Relations Month is "We Are' ':i("';:'~~::"i : ;\;.f; the; World. .,To9~ther:n,~ss; is ,the .Key. ".; )~[!t&~l!~} : \'t;'::,i'!j.}J:~~.::.::.1/\i~,.;: ,: ~ ,.., ': }/","";" ,',c:' WHEREAS, '.:we recognize that establishing equal : ;,;': inalienable rights to all people creates dignity,', and is : '. "..f:Ol.lndatio~ .of freedom, ,,:justice ,and speach;, and: , .. ;!):'.~':,:: ~: ~ :.~;--';:,,~~r;;),:;:i:;;:.' . L~:"'" ,. . WHEREAS,'through practicing the principles of Human :~: . 'Relations' on . an" everyday basis, we encourage and' reinforce positiv~cactions~and ,attitudes toward the rich and poor, young and ,. old,' 'handic~pped '~and non-handicapped~:: --:. people,;of;l\;~ll races and~:,xe~:<.,'\',': '," ., ',.::' ", :. ,t :,;:,~;;;t~): ~ i .~'" - - , ~roclamation :.:,.,;: "'r . ~, - ", "\ and the, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nolan O'Neal, Chairman of the Hanover County" Board of Commissioners do hereby.,' prqclaim, , month.,of;February",,1987 as . :. ,'; .;(;,;)/':~\ " ...... -:' "I""::;,.'~(f '. .'...... . >: ,. ... J '_.'.,~ : ~4' . ~~ ~~<,..t ',' '0 ." , ' . ' HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH 't;'( , :' . , . '.~ '-t:: New the ~:, ., , ~ I, Hanover County, North Carolina. I call upon all citizens of,:'the New Hanover County area to sincerely join forces' in creating and practicing a mutual bond of fellowship with all citizens and resolve to accept a personal challenge to improve the status of'all people through assur~nce of the basic human rightsot. justic~, freedom and dignity. ':;::;.;. , , " "'-.' "; > .' Signed. this' \>': ~ .- ~ '.I;"~t . 'i~ day of February, 1987. Nolan.O'Neal, ,Chairman '. '~ = ~.~:: 1 . l '-', .;. .! '.,.t",' ......... :".' ". '~, " ...." . I .!: .~ " .'," 'I.'. ,; . '-. .. .. c RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COHHISSIONERS AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRIBUTION TO COSTS OF GROUNDWATER STUDY AT FLEMINGTON LANDFILL WHEREAS, New Hanover County is defendants in a civil action entitled United Industries, et al.; and one of several States vs Waste WHEREASr the parties to this action have reached agreement on a Partial Consent Decree that provides for a groundwater contamihation study at the Flemington Landfill by the defendants in this action; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners previously approved payment of 17.50% of $500,000 which was the estimated ,cost of conducting such a study; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of proposals for the performance of such a study the defendants were informed that the total cost of such a study is estimated to be $600,000; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the public for the County to pay a portion of the increased costs of such study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County will enter into and execute contracts with appropriate contractors necessary for the performance of the groundwater contamination study provided for and described in the Partial Consent Decree provided that the County's share of the cost of such work shall not exceed $105,000, which is 17.50% of the estimated total cost of $600,000. this 2nd day of February, 1987. . .. ~&l~ Nolan O'Neal, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ~l~/~ .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 18, 1965 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: " '1Ii. - ," Section 1. That the Subdivision Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 18, 1965, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Article VII, Appendices, part (2): a) Certificate of Ownership, Dedication and Jurisdiction I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) own free consent and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks, conservation space and other areas to public or private use as noted. All roads and drainage easements are dedicated for public utility purposes. Further, I (we) certify the land as shown hereon is located within the subdivision jurisdiction of New Hanover County. Date Signature of Owner(s) NOTE: The term "conservation space" has been added. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and " shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 2nd day of February , 1987. ~ ~'1kd Chairman and Commissioner " . " ~I ,,," .... ,..;. -./ 4~ ~ A,I) ,0 Jl/~/17 AN ORDINANCE BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMISSIONERS AJllENDING AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO COHPREHENSIVE HONE HEALTH CARE, INC., TO PROVIDE SCHEDULED NON-EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE (CATEGORY II) WITHIN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND SCHEDULED NON-ElvlERGENCY (CATEGORY II) AND SCHEDULED EMERGENCY (CATEGORY I) SERVICE ORIGINATING WITHIN NEW HANOVER COUNTY WITH AN OUT-OF-COUNTY DESTINATION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of the New Hanover County Ambulance Service Ordinance and the terms and cond i tions of an ord inance, granting Comprehensi ve . Horne Health Care I, Inc., its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and franchise to provide Scheduled Non-Emergency '. Ambulance Service (Category II) within New Hanover County and Scheduled Non-Emergency (Category II) and Scheduled Emergency (Category I) Ambulance Service originating within New Hanover County with an out-of-county destination, for the purpose of providing adequate ambul~nce service, of these types, to the citizens of New Hanover County; said right, privilege and franchise is modified and amended by the substitution of a new Section II. entitled ~, to read as follows. Section II. Te r m . This franchise is granted for the term of five (5) years from and after the effective date hereof; provided that either party, at its option, may terminate this franchise upon one hundred twenty (120) days' written notice to .. <' . . . elf' the other party. Except as modified, the original franchise shall continue in full force and effect unchanged. Section III. Effective Date. 'l'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final adoption by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina. ADOPTED at a first reading and passage at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 19th day of January 1987. Finally ADOPTED at a second reading and passage at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on the 2nd day of February, 1987. This 2nd day of February, 1987. BOARD OF CO~lISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA [CO By: ~-~/~1 Nolan 0 Neal, Chairman ' ~~v/~ Clerk THIS FRANCHISE ~~~ - 0 is hereby accepted, this ~ day of , 1987. '", 2 ~.;: ~ - ::~.'; ':,' .", ". : ..' . .' , ."'''''1-',',,' .).~. . . . ,4~~M ~~ ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County greatly values the County's scenic urban and natural landscapes along its major roads; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the importance of maintaining an aesthetically pleasing landscape for the economically, valuable tourism industry; and WHEREAS, a recent survey determined that 70% of New Hanover County residents disagree with the statement that billboards are needed along the County's highways; and WHEREAS, concern has been expressed that billboards will continue to proliferate in the County and negatively impact the aesthetic environment; and WHEREAS, the general knowledge that new regulations may be forthcoming may result in a proliferation of building permit applications for billboards; and WHEREAS, more effective billboard regulations can be prepared within a reasonably short time using as 'models court-tested regulations from other North Carolina localities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS FOLLOWS: l. A moratorium is established on the issuance of building permits for "Outdoor Advertising Signs", as defined in Section 23-33- of the Zoning Ordinance. The moratorium shall take effect on the date of adoption of this ordinance and shall continue until May 4, 1987, or until more effective outdoor advertising sign regulations are adopted, whichever should come first. 2. The Planning Department is directed to prepare new outdoor advertising sign regulations, and submit the proposed regulations to the Board of Commissioners prior to May 4, 1987. Adopted this the 2nd of February, 1987. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA nrlLlWl () lJ2ed Nolan O'Neal, Chairman Attest: ~ v/t~ , Clerk to the Board , I :, ... --,:..... ~ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~XTER L, HAYES "'~i"ING DIRECTOR "= - .- .. 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 MEMORANDUM TO: The ,New Hanover County Board of FROM: The County Planning Board, John :::::::i:::::man~~ DATE: January 8, 1987 SUBJECT: Moratorium on Building Permits for Outdoor Advertising Signs At the County Planning Board's meeting on January 5, 1987, the County Planning Board ~oted unanimously to: (1) direct the County Planning Department to prepare more effective regulations for outdoor advertising signs and (2) recommend that the County Commissioners adopt the attached moratorium on building permits for these signs for six months or until the new regulations are adopted. Outdoor advertising signs, or pillboards, appear to be proliferating at an alarming rate in the County, impacting the aesthetic environment and, ultimately, the County's quality of life and the valuable tourism industry. Other localities, such as Raleigh, NC, have adopted effective regulations that have withstood legal challenges and could serve as models for the County. Adoption of the Special Highway Overlay District as a means to control billboards along L-40, Eastwood Road, and River Road has been an effective step in regulating outdoor advertising signs. We believe that further steps should be taken to protect the rest of the County and urge you to adopt the t ched ordinance. JSjDHjte cc: Felix Cooper, County Manager Bob Pope, County Attorney f/OfIo--.r.... ~~ , C\ . /1\'\( f1 'Z"i' ')c, '}{ ?~ """'--81 VlOq J /.:<P 1" J0;~!"5~ ~~' rJo \~~~ 00:', ~ ;j{y /K!C~