1987-08-03 RM Exhbits 1 V.:" "1"., NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTNENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM '" ,.. North Carolina County of New ~an?ver, .... . Road Description VdI'.LOUS Roads ln NorthChase - Dlvlsion Flle #5'/2-N - Parkw~y, Carthage Drive, New Town ~r, ~atson 0r., New ViLLage way, fioI'bar>t Dr. ana Col.onel Lamb 0r. NorthCha~ U' Neal P: WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be lt resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets estab1ish~d standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 3rd day of AllEllST , 19 87 . WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7th day of August , 19 87 . ~ait~ County of New Hanover Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways ~\ . "" -....... ....-"- " ,~. -, (~. - \' ,..- !, ,,~:~. I .....J . ~, ..... . t=. VI'"" I~Ut'( I H CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ST ATE AUOITOR FIREMEN'S AND RESCUE SQUAD WORKEH'S PENSION FUND DIVISION 300 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, N. C. 21611 CONSENT AGENDA ,....,.!DT,:.c..™,.. ~. ~o. ~ - i~ ~ ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF EIREMEt.. ~ __ General Statutes, Chapter 118-38, requires that all certified fire d~par-tm~'t:rtJ certify annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified firemen. The following certification along with a complete roster of all active firemen* a~~f June 30 of each year must be submitted to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund, 300 N. Salisbu~ Sc., Raleigh, N. .C. on or before July 31. Failure to submit this certification a1o~ with a com lete roster will result in the loss of the death benefit provided b th~~tate. CERTIFICATION We, the in our capacity as the governing (Governing Body) body of the F7E/Jp..-eI/L A.1#r I,!,)L and find that attached is n true and F~()F'<IIL j1:J'C~r t/,IJ... Fire Department, , North Carolina. Fire Department, certify that we have examined accurate list of all active firemenll! of the address I'Oftl';</<t' (',UtJi..I-;J4 4ft4t:./I- d( County of #151",/ ,ly1-#(h/;;;,e, ~ =: . . Signed Title Date For Fire Department Chief Onl~ I, I~.T) JfcJ~ IJF/tuy Chief of the rtf4J5.<4t... hL,vT /..?L- Fire Department, certify the attached roster 19 a true and accurate list of all eligible fire- men. (Eligible firemen are firemen "",ho have met the required 36 hours of meetings and drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department within the calendar year and are in the process of completing the required 36 ho of meetings and drills.) .J" .,/C/// . e ~ Firr C ef ~ ? /~ (t) / fs-'::> , / / Date ROSTER MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. .remen on authorized "Leave of Absence" are to be included on the roster. VJhenever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her name should be forward to the Pension Fund Office immediately. ROSTER -f i PAGE�.OF / s 1 •.� me OEPAI TMENT "� I COUNTY /�E i CHIEF 1 1 /4s, r / oL , fie . 7i ' L 'yr.., //Awe/ a — - _ I 5 L✓�LA-4-4 M T.,G'o,(06.4uX � OATE 9�s3' - OAY PHONE NO. 3 G NAME AQDRE$s - 1 1 Ass rE.r IA .1 Ex pd 40,e Is 044,..r..,4 dc.4 >to-4- sick 044,a c s- M' foo C f�.4 ,�.. r,o_ C,:,co f C J PER, 4 IL�Ne4 Al �cyt / �' Sal 3 ,�EC• �•FPE /49( 11 40, C.s,4 iero4t AA N,C • 4 £ OMAux tar, ilo A% 70,2 C'.e co..s..a 5 t 44 /4..f,C4 ST I"I F ' /t: i t^ /foie A// QF.�c �✓C t v�r t 6 DefarS T,4.YEs T 1 •dox 4s4to 't •• •• •, 1 i `� 7 R•eOt•/ ,l At't�s _PO Afar !J6 7 .• . , • f 11 8 /fg.✓ss.. ' T�•E'.C4NcE H. - e6o1 Rior cr 9 h T AlyE AI A37 i C Ox /V( ..:4444.- 10 J'j s Qtt../TGN/ Jk f4 /J l•✓r��o•CSOt►6 4'. t''�«t/+S.rGTC,�/ fl'( J14' J 11 /foNEY - uTT .roy I�t�Gox Fv7 �.l,cvLrrq i 12 Si9�cv6sav /r',4,ve if /✓.G �.i v 1r y /09 to y42. a - 1 [,/z .s f cra.I /ix-, 4 13 .TONEj .000‘ AO dew .7 Ca,coc .r....4 4.4c o .d.0 ../J 4J7 ! 14 .ratios I • 15 "ice,/ .1 nEL, 'O bat "J 't 1. , . ,, 16 / 446411.4 � /,t9/ .t r, et . , 17 li GE i = , D,4,Cn- 1°0 RT'FZ ,fox &,s arAt r, m C- .c4c.�,e C' /NE,C P, To .✓. ���0,3 J_ Ac ,r o Cq,to 1 t vd , f c N Vic. 2t 4�Y I t aLLOX / E,C,cy raecK GO 6 •t ., ., 20 A' 044 /CLE - S. S. ss sr Ka go d .44c,i /'C: I 21 **eat) L•+.C.0 22 /endS,.+,tow Cc: .i,5 jr g Adax 744 ('4xo 'do - 4c* /t/C. 9. tc.3,1 - ' 1 23 A . J I / 1/ a M/1 /1 1 t et .f / I 24 Afoic ON r,4 oMAS s'Q. ' 1 '' ,y '1 •f •, 25 tSH1LTFf f/ €.td .c-r TC, PO dOK /4<7/ �' / If 26 , ST•4L/cfa t 0.4g,y 6 ,6S•CltJ,•f-4.'r i /vE, ed*CO Lji✓rF d - 2 7 r,9tct< 1 28 r i ! t ' . t . 29 , r 1 3 , 0 - > 31 > i 32 33 , , ; r t i r . 34 t , r > > , I 35 36 r 37. r � 3 €€ ! 1 40 , t t 1 -..._.,. _ - tie: >?•y;_ - - - -:- rn•- *r•.<- - -' -.,.: ,- ---u�- - -- > .- ..a «.- -- _ _ ... •.____... ...._ -- _.._.__._ --• -- 1 ~ .' r-. " \J i~ ~ , '"'.0' . 0 "D D - ."" ~:~ T~CH~~N~l i; S ~t:CC . DIVISION FILE :- REMAI -- Collect USERS 33 HONES PAGE 142 BOOK/MAP-BOOK 25 RECORDED 1-17-86 CONDITION Qxxi TYPE 1-2 WIDTH 24.0' LENGTH ,322.77' 572 -N SUBDIVISION Cdnpton Crossing II LOCAL NAME - - NorthCbase Parkway Local 6 2 142 25 1-11-86 Local o 9 142 ... 25 1-17-86 Local o 5 142 14 25 25 1-17-86 Local 5 o 1-17-86 1-17-86 0-30-86 Qxxi Qxxi Qxxi Qxxi Good 1-2 20.0 773.56 Cdnpton Crossing Cdnpton Crossing Canpton Crossing Carthage Drive New Tawn Drive 1-2 20.0 5 417 1-2 20.0 69.6 Watson Drive 1-2 1-2 20.0 20.0 567.73 715.89 GreenhaN \obods GreenhaN \obods Village Way Place New O'Neal Local 2 3 141 127 25 26 I Local Il:>es lb Meet Resider. requir~ m2nts o o 6 o 4 27 25 26 1-17-86 0-26-86 Good Good 1-2 1-2 20.0 20.0 474.48 210.00 GreenhaN \obods GreenhaN !>.bods Drive Lamb furbart Colonel Drive j ~ :l j ., 1 . t II " .' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE AUDITOR FIREMEN'S AND RESCUE SQUAD WORKEF~'S PENSION FUND 300 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, N. C. 27611 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF FIREMEN General Statutes, Chapter 118-38, requires that all certified fire'depar~me~ti ~ert fy!, annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified,firemen. The following certification along with a complete roster of all activefiremeri~ ~~.gf; , June 30 of each year must be submitted to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund, 300 ~~. SalisburY St., Raleigh, N. C. on or before July 31. Failure to submit this certification alon&, ;".rd~;, with a com lete roster will result in the loss of the death benefit provided b the Stat~~~ CERTI FICATION We · the ~!l~r uP Q.~c':;~ t~n~~~ I !. S ;/I:a V'" C; in our. ... .,. .. j!,lj~ body of the Fe IJr.<.IJL /bwr ~)L ' FIre Department, certlfy that we have exanll.ned and find that attached is a true and accurate list of a1l active firemen' of the (. ':;;f1~ fF~t,<llL jI"M V"~or~~r~a~~r~~~~ent. address!'. ~:1,r:.';~:;/;Jl pM"," ".I( c~unty Of~;;i;~~: .)"'>'1""!l~,, :::~l~~~;~':i:;1 I' ':~.k;,j;;i\ ffJ;' {l.h, .\ 1_~ ",1(::; For Fire Department Chief Only . ~'- ":;. '. , '~ . , , . ;"~ . ,'--"'i ,'1:;"i/, ',/' I, (~,T) !f{);( IJFAuy , Chief of the ,6=t},G,<41... hLvr ~,.h:...',:', :,,';":'Fite' Department, certify the attached roster is a true and accurate list of all eligible fire men. (Eligible firemen are firemen who have met the required 36 hours of meetings and ,:' drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department within the calendar" year and are in the process of completing the required 36 ho of meetings and drills.) '/~ F~'r C ef, ,', ,,' , A"'i ,.., /-, A"l V ........ ,~;t}'h' "f..u~,: 1 :iJ;'!::ll.;'~t" ~./ 6 Q ~~ ''',.', '~i:.',.,j~\,","-:l'- ',"";!"..,..t , / / Date ' . - '. ,. ROSTER MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. ~.<'>, .~'l *Firemen on authorized "Leave of Absence" are to be included on the roster'., Whenever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her forward to the Pension Fund Office immediately. 1 . •. .••••••s� , .•.. 1 4 ` 4'.` . - .: -am- ROSTER •► PAGE_LOF ' .F IRE DEPARTMENT _ 3 "St, 1r - COUNTY ' F A -7 D,e 4s v r /L . frier ,00" Ti l , 1 c� CHIEF,., . .•. �C-cd �!T/✓d7 '4, , • 'DAY PHONE NO. DATE 1% / r L 4 - .t4Ai T 44a040a r 1 9/3- Asa- - irii 6 4 1 II - / y -11 -11 t NAME ADDRESS x it' 1 Au r rl•'/ 1.4,10_1' . IV,1. 2 A''Eck - O44adcr v, ff ,3 j f'p0 O•fP6 1044' ,6cyd_ C•4.COLLNA 44 //'1'' GOOK J ,Cdtl boo C'f,E f5,9,t Au'', e de QE ,'C. g .6&(OFAux 1..), T. ,D "fox 702 0,exo• -s.4�# .dFric ,/C. �t v >s� o LIaL L4�C, / S fil T lF-e/ fit; PC // .r ,r •r , r k ;"e; ��Tv1�J T ? G �J 0 /fox �'f1� /, .r If •, ,, a� � /� •:3 f4 xi( OL✓ JAMfs PO box /.16 7 " •r • 1 ' //gm/SA-0Y � iE',t.o. , /cE /y, 40/ SP CdY,c 14,(z4,..) A 0.14ad_i..,q. bg.Ac# ter. �, '9 /fr 1 `T" / AY6 Fn Ieox 101 C440A-w.4 00.orc rf N.c .Ua vie 10 1/ES � Sic } a AI 4 A. /./riot, 1iN. A/C. .71vo,T I ' 11 NoNEYC a TT / 4 'Y it ,GOx f0 0.1,C0 Lz.,,q n ���c� WC .21 to tea' :12 DcoesON Ri4.✓D ae AI . � y /V 9 /COY4L OgK /�,� /.,/2t.tiZNGT /J�- .74-4,03 1 13 ..TONES Q.4NNy A, Cie .k..) CA 'cot r,,.4.4 dr0A 41/.C: ,414>y ' I 14 Ta'�rs ►! ei OS A Id .4.K. ;04 'r If •• • • 15 /9ACDN .1 nFL PD Goo[ *a " , . • . •/ 16 / 4,44 .4 P10 4/ /..D 1 . 17 N CEj QA,CYL k , r'.2 Qox .1/3 Wthtlr larp„, f!C. J1 i 18 f :44.;Q 0I,rsr0 /,/ P /O 13 Let ef,coLt„rda dd cN /'.C• 21 :1 9 Ain L.6t row xy it /fog G O 4 .r r, , , • • 20 / d 4, LOS /0C' S s . 1 - - Kg/KCE dtdc/I A✓,C . 1 21 P(' Elio L .1 y 6 / /40i((EK ACE, OA,COc >:.✓A. b6Ac.L /'C. 22 Lod S, OLif ,,,Za A C:iox ?f4 e of iC0 c rNA Q6.¢c 4F /✓C• 0 f 14 .• 2 ■( - : 23 soGr v.!'o../ TilonAs 1-dc. , . • r .� • r . , A� ' 1 /�Od..F.ddON ril o,iAJ SC. ' ( .. 4 If .r , ,, I 25 SN1 T/4 ' IAACK',CT 3 , ,•1 /�Dt1 ,1 , 26 3 a,4g')/ ,s /4t df 'TrCitlAc- {.i.y /41, 04Kor.t.. dE.rcd //C 27 ' P8 ' 1 29 ' I I 30 ' I ' 1 , 31 32 ' 1 33 s I I 11 1 34 4 35 I I 36 I i , 1 37 • i ! I 38 1 1 , 39 1 ; d 40 1 1 1 1 1 I I i If RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain offers to purchase parcels of real property owned by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for those parcels of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners do hereby accept the offers to purchase as indicated on the attached list from those offerors as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by offeror as liquidated damages if the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerors as designated on the attached list. ,1:~AA- 1)(11~t!~() Chairman, Board of Commissioners ~~o~t, af1-~. ATTEST: meeting 19 37 . ~V/~/ ou Clerk , ," ! " . SPECIFICATIONS - SURPLUS PROPERTY Address: 612 Dawson Street Description: Part Lot I Block 36 % City Owned: 51 % County Owned: . Amount of Offer:" $732.00' % of Tax Map No: ROS409-036-019.001 Offeror: Michael S. Taylor & Wife Alexis Address: 7427 Walker Mill Drive, Capitol FA II: 308.00 49 Value: Total Value: $1,220.00 60% Zoning: RS O. Taylor Lien: -0- Heights, Maryland 20743 ~ Address: 1102 Queen Street Description: West End 1 Block 69 % City Owned: 90.1 % County Owned: 9.9 Total Value: $830.00 Amount of Offer: $498.00 % of Value: 60% Zoning: RS Tax Map No: ROS410-016-001.000 Offeror: Elouise Robinson Edwards Lien: -0- Address: 1104 Queen Street, Wilmington, N. C. 28401 FA II: 343.00 ,~; Ii W-.,: ~G,b\.;, 1:!I"'l...o..:.~~ ~ . _--'11-__ ~ ~MU - r 1J" ~~. F ,~;; "-l",r'\l:\'" ~~~ :.~\2\e ~ :~,~~ r;..... ..;\.. .r~.I~! · ;i''"~\' b ' ::1 ,,,-:E ;~~;\~~,:1;~': '\;~l~~ ~:o"~" ,::' ':\"\~B~ 'J\'~ :' :';' ';"\:;\. ~\ r.;, - :..~, :~c:;':il..;'0 \" l' .. \.t..:..;J,..L~I.'" " .- H." - - .._,~'. ' ~ ex) o ~ ! ~ ~~ SIRH I STRE(f J-~t'" ;';~r:; ,;\,,-.. \ 'Ie ~ . :.\~'tXJ ~"r'~; ~- ~ ,. ,,\,~ \.: \; ._n.. ~ [Oi]:Y '0 .\\. '~~frl~; :j,:€1~ .. SIxtH '," : .~ : "\ m'" - !.... ~. ...;~ . ' . 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That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offer to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by an offeror when: the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer>> due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offeror to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer as requ~red by N.C.G.S. 160A-269. .. Adopted at i2~~gular ,', meeting on O' '9 ( J2~ () }Ud Chairman of the Board of Commissioners ,19ft Attest: ; " oi~~t/~ , , " ',County Clerk . ,7 SPECIFICATIONS - SURPLUS PROPERTY Address: 115 St. James Alley Description: Pt. Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 146 % City Owned: 45.3 % C~unty Owned: 54.7 Amount of Offer: $408.00 % of Value: 60 Tax Map No: R05405-009-003.000 'Offeror: Richard C. Snyder & wife Patricia P. Snyder Address: 807 Orange Street, Wilmington, N. C. 28401 FA f1: 261. 00 ..__4___.___.._.... .._______. .__ ': ''', ~',.'t Total Value: Zoning: Lien: " $680.00 R3 -0- ..............._-~--,_._...._,_._-_._-- f ~ \(i ~ I I , I ' __,-._J_..1 , .._,.....-"'1"- ...,.---:---...,_..., : ; \ \ , I , ' E ~ \ \ i ~ , \ ' , I ' :! t! . ' / ~ ;. lI! " !/ , el I ".- is.', _0 ~. ; ,~~ : ~ ~.?; ~",,"'r"'l::,W=~h-':: ~ :;m:rij~": l"'-,r " '-en (;N~\t,'.;.;$.. h OS - '\ I \ .. ,;. " " .. . u ~:IiT' '" ; ~... - 1\' : ::~'.: I': . II: :l> n',! 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I H~llli!', ~ f; .. 1 Il " . r~r,jHr' i ~,i p l, ~ ir;. . t ~ H laJ · ~ ~'; ': ~ ~ ~ ,j!)rij 1 dHnhi ; ~ t !' ~' ~: ~ ~ ~ i Jiii."r.'4 l.l..f :. \ P t : 11111111 Llli : , : t , . , t ~ ~; n i " . l ! ~d .i .1 ~ ~ i Ii ; :11 'u !'J =h ~IJ ~l! i' .. f: ~ ~ ~ : . . I. ,. I ~ . -=.: ;'. . ; ;I ! ~ f~ i" 'f'" ~I ;:~~ I' -:1rJI.... ~ .. l -' ,l ~r! ~ cr.. ,'" , ~ :,';.:~! , ({~~~ '. .' ...... -.. " -- " AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: r Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: . Add to Section 23, Article II the following: 23-86 Roads - Any road, highway, way, alley, lane, court, drive, or easement, whether public or private, used as a means of access which meets the minimum requirements for subdivision roads as specified by NCDOT and New Hanover County and which has been duly platted and recorded as per the requirements set forth by New Hanover County. . Amend Section 65-1 to read~ 65-1 Every structure hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a road as defined in Section 23-86, or to a right-of-way or easement which was platted and recorded prior to 1969. The following are exempt... . Reword 65-1(3) as follows: 65-1(3) Single and/or two (2) family dwellings on a lot having access over a private driveway or easement to a road as defined in Section 23-86, provided such driveway or easement is an easement appurtenant to three (3) or less lots and is solely owned by a lot owner or in common by three (3) or less lot owners. . Add a Section 65-2 to read as follows: 65-2 No building permit for any structure shall be issued which requires NCDOT approval for a Driveway Permit until said permit has been approved. Evidence of approval shall accompany the application for building permit. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety,.morals, and general welfare of the -. inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. this 3rd day of August , 1987. -..-,-. - ? " /1 J2ot&~,L () 72 t:rct.( Chairman and Commissioner ..,... AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF . , NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 18, 1965 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 18, 1965, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: · Delete under Article V, Section 52-5, the reference "(see figure II)." ... . Also, delete Figure II · Delete under Section 52-3, Sewage Disposal and Water Supply the last sentence, and substitute the following: ... Subdivisions locating in the Sewer District of New Hanover County shall design and install a sewer collection system to provide service to each lot prior to final plat approval. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of August , 1987. )~f;/~L [) C?Uff! Chairman and Commissioner h . AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: . Under Section 69.10-4 Permits, delete the last sentence "A letter of"... and add the following: The letter of approval issued by the Inspections Office shall enable the applicant to apply for a demolition landfill permit as per the requirements set forth in Section .0201 of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules. If the State assumes jurisdiction and does not issue a permit, a local permit will not be issued. Any violation of the site application permit or the operations permit as issued by the State shall be considered a violation of the local zoning approval and subject to the remedies for violations outlined in Section 132 of this Ordinance. . Under Section 69.10-5, Recordation of Disposal Site, add the fOllowing: After these documents have been properly recorded, a certified copy shall be filed with the County Inspections Office. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of August , 1987. /1~ I 2 1 v-r 0 / Y' 7 it. {fA'f C 7,tdLr:. Chairman and Commissioner " I ,~ ^~.~ "- ~;;t AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: · Revise 51.5-2(5) ...approved by the County and appropriate local or state agency per section 69.6. · Revise 53.5-2(7)(A) Water supply and sewer facilities. . Add under 69.4(4): "Developments locating in the Sewer District of New Hanover County shall design and install a sewer collection system." . Rewrite 69.6 A.as follows: All sewage disposal and collection facilities shall be designed and installed in accordance with the standards and requirements set by the County and appropriate local or State agency. . Revise 69.6 B. as follows: Non-County centralized sewage treatment systems shall be ... However, non-county sewage treatment systems serving uses in more. . . . Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of August , 1987. '1t1 tf/("vl '7 } ,,-:Y'Ca-1/( L/ I {.(~~f Chairman and Commissioner ...,- , .., AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED MARCH 2, 1970 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted March 2, 1970, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Amend Section VII, 7.2 (13) by changing the last sentence to read as follows: (13) Sewage Disposal: All mobile home parks locating in the Sewer District of New Hanover County shall design and install a sewer collection system in accordance with County specifications. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 3rd day of August , 1987. }h-&t Nr 0' 71c:c'tC? Chairman and Commissioner ~1 . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by Centralized Purchasing at 3:00 o'clock p.m. on the 22nd day of July 1987 at City Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for IBM Mainframe Computer Upgrade: IBM Corporation $92,202.00 " AND WHEREAS, Centralized Purchasing, the Management Information Systems, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to IBM Corporation, Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Ninety Two Thousand Two Hundred and Two Dollars and No Cents ($92,202.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-410-4132-5940 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for IBM Mainframe Computer Upgrade, Bid No: NHC 26-787 be awarded to IBM Corporation, Wilmington, N. C., in the amount of Ninety Two Thousand Two Hundred and Two Dollars and No Cents ($92,202.00); and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to ex~cute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposit to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. This 3rd day of August, 1987. ~ tJt71tafJ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners