1987-08-17 RM Exhibits . . . " NEW Hfu~OVER COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE BY-LAWS . Article 1. Name and Purpose Section 1. Name - The name of this organization shall be the New Hanover County Hazardous Materials and Emergency Planning Committee. [This committee shall take the place of the previously noted Disaster Preparedness Committee in New Hanover County's Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan.] Section 2. Purpose - The purpose of the Hazardous Materials and Emergency Planning Committee shall be to: 2.1. Serve as the designated local emergency planning committee for New Hanover County as defined by the Federal Superfund Amendment Reauthorization act and Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986. (40 CFR part 300) 2.2. Provide planning assistance and review of all chemically related emergency response and disaster plans. 2.3. Serve as liaison with local hazardous materials response training programs. 2.4. Provide a forum for education, understanding, planning, development, and communication of emergency response and disaster plans. 2.5. Serve as the basis for key emergency personnel as needed for manning the New Hanover County Emergency Operations Center. 2.6. Provide a forum where open communications can take place between the public, chemical industry and all the groups involved in various emergency services in New Hanover County, the Beaches and the City of Wilmington. ( 1 ) . 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Article II. Membership Section 1. Membership shall consist of representatives from each of the fOllowing: RECOMMENDATION 1. Representative of the New Hanover County Commissioners and County Managers Office Mike Waters Director Public Services City Managers Office Bill Farris New Hanover County Environmental Specialist Ray Church Chris Elrod Fire Marshal Radiological Officer J. Bradberry Emergency Services Director Dan Sununers f "",. Wilmington Fire Department Lloyd Wolfe Health Department Director or Designee Bob Parker 9. New Hanover County Fire Commission Chairman A. Rivenbark 10. Petroleum Representative Jerry Hill Amoco 11. Emergency Broadcast System Wally Voight WHSL 12. Wilmington Police Department David Turner 13. EMS Director Larry Ray 14. New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Communication Representative Jack Willie 15. Carolina Beach Representative . Bob Weeks Fire Chief ( 2) 16. Wrightsville Beach Representative . Everette Ward Fire Chief 17. Wilmington Fire Department Haz/Mat Gene Kidd 18. Sheriff's Department -Patrol Larry Hayes 19. Citizen Richard Duran 20. Industry Representative Jon Moon Oxi Chemical 21. USCG Marine Safety Office Keith Moll Lt. Commander 22. University of North Carolina at Wilmington Department of Public Safety/Safety Coordinator 23. 24. . 25. 26. 27. Joe Johnson Director of Public Safety Management Information Systems Department Representative Steve Arrants Kure Beach Representative Rudy Jarrell Police Chief County Attorney's Office Representative Bob Pope North Carolina State Highway Patrol Lt. A. Deacon Business and Industry Representative Larry Hunt Federal Paper Section 2. Vacancies or additions as required by the State Commission shall be filled by a majority vote of the membership. Article III. . Officers Section 1. The officers of the committee shall consist of a chairperson, vice chair- person and secretary. Section 2. The chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary shall be elected from the membership. ( 3 ) Section 3. . Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. A majority vote of members present at the nominating meeting 'shali constitute election to office. All officers shall serve a one year term and succeed themselves. If the vice chairperson vacates the position before the term expires, the secretary shall serve the remainder of the term. If the vice chairperson vacates the position before the term expires, then a new election must be held to complete the year. The duties of the officers of the committee shall be as follows. 6.1. The chairperson shall preside at all meeting of the committee and shall exercise all rights and functions usually prescribed for the office. 6.2. The vice chairperson shall in case of the absence of the chairperson, perform all duties of th~ chairperson. f 6.3. The secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the committee meetings. The minutes shall be kept and reported at the beginning of each committee meeting. . Article IV: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. . Meetings Regular meetings of the committee shall be held on the of each month. The December meeting will be used to elect officers for the upcoming year. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or any three members of the committee acting in concert. The business of the special meeting shall be limited to the purpose for which it is called. A forty-eight (48) hour notice shall be given for all special called meetings. Fifty percent (50%) of the voting members of the committee or a subcommittee shall constitute a quorum for all committee meetings.- ( 4 ) Section 5. All action taken by the committee shall require a simple majority vote of the members present at a meeting where a quorum is present. . . Section 6. Any member absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled business meetings unexcused will relinquish their seat on the committee. . Article V: Committees Section 1. Standing and special committees may be created and appointed by the vice chair- person in concert with the chairperson as needed. Article VI: Amendments to the By-laws Section 1. The by-laws may be altered amended or rescinded at any regular meeting of both the executive and general member- ship committee meeting. Approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. . Chairman Date ( 5 ) . '. Collections thru July 31, 1987 CuNSENT AGENDA DATE: g -//-[1 ITEM No. / NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS 1987 1986 Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements ' Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 656,037.34 .00 - 85,020.40 $ 571,016.94 12.96% $ 736,573.62 .00 63,269.12 $ 673,304.50 8.59% Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Gollected Back Taxes Fire District Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date . Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $1,359,550.21 1,108.61 13,238.75 $1,345,202.85 .98% $1,199,783.04 568.39 18,570.36 $1,180.644.29 . 1. 55% $ 9,020.63 .00 985.04 $ 8,035.59 10.92% $' 9,334.52 5.72 210.66 $ 9,118.14 2.26% Room Occupancy Tax Collections July - $129,142.39, fiscal YTD $129,142.39 Privilege License Collections July - $ 8,529.53, fiscal YTD $8,529.53 EMS Collections July - $86.96, f~scal YTD $86.96 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $340,206.97. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987. Respectfully submitted, Y~-tY1~ ~. ~U ~ Patricia J. Ratnor Collector of Revenue PJR:sw . ;AUG. 1 . 19131 .. Consent Agenda Abatements and Refunds August 6, 1987 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Cape Fear Music Co., Inc. $ 148.31 2. Christian, Deanna Southerland 51.54 3. Cozad, Mark Allen 82.95 4. Ferris, David J. 67.84 (Refund) 5. Financial Industries Leasing Corp. 1 , 081. 04 6. Gilbert, George Coley Jr. 38.90 7. Leblanc, Nathan Dean 74.23 8. Marett, Rayford Wingo 65.57 9. McLaughlin, Mona Shackelford 54.35 10. Mcqueen, James Edward 69.74 11. Meggett, Linda Batts 7.14 12. Newman, David L. 47.47 (1982 ) 13. NCNB Leasing Corp. 145.17 (1983 - Refund) 14. Perkins, Janice Hayes 15.63 15. Piper, Donald Edwin Andrew 75.61 16. Piper, Rachelle Marie 44.18 17. Pompey, Johnnie 22.78 18. Rosselli, Janice Lynn 39.92 19. Russell, Glenn E. 15.39 . 20. Savoca, Faith Renee 13.26 ...., Self, Joyce Clark 48.49 (1985 ) Li. 22. Sellers, Mackie Ray 28.55 23. Slappy, Robert Lee 61.17 (1984 & 1985) 24. Sneeden, Carolyn Stubbs 28.55 25. Stuart, Charles Delores D/B/A Blums Carousel #2 676.29 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Buffkin Realty 2. Estep, Janet Kay 3. Harkless, Magnolia Williams 4. Hayes, Dianne Yates 5. Price, Kathryn Rose 6. Sullivan, Joseph Bailey 128.43 135 . 10 39.47 132.68 13.98 28.44 (lQ85) Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Conyers, Betty Caesar 2. Hallman, Michael Vernon 3. Spearman, Bobby L. Jr. . 4. Ballard, Malcom James Jr. :sw 66.87 (1985) 176.44 (Refund) 176.35 49.66 (1983 & 1984 Refund) . ,~ TAX ADMINISTRATOR . NEW HANOVER COUNTY ''\'' ROLAND a. REGISTER OFFICE OFTHE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1986 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added $ 27,236,624.38 2,719,357.98 $ 29,955,982.36 163,131.16 $ .29,792,851.20 78,092.24 7,264.43 $ 29,878,207.87 $ 402,051. 74 346,328.50 29,129,827.63 29,878,207.87 $ .00 Less Abatements Interest Collected Cost Collected Real Estate Liens (1) , 2 (3) Delinquent Personal Property( ) Deposited Wachovia Bank . (1) Includes $23,237.39 owed by known bankrupt accounts (2) Includes $2,176.80 owed by known bankrupt accounts (3) Includes $38,944.85 accounts under appeal Respectfully submitted, y oJY1 ~ c;:'\ . r2n~-..J Patricia J. R~or - ~-()_. Collector of Revenue PJR:sw . . \' e . ~ TAX ADMINISTRATOR NE\V HANOVER CO'UNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (9/9) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1986 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Real Estate Liens (1) Delinquent Personal Property Deposited - Wachovia Bank (2)(3) $ 9,020.63 9,334.52 788,934.96 (1) Includes $173.10 owed by known bankrupt accounts (2) Includes $ 23.05 owed by known bankrupt accounts (3) Includes $687.61 accounts under appeal Respectfully submitted, j)~-\Y)~7\. f2~~. Patricia J. ~or U Collector of Revenue PJR:sw $ 755,441.29 123,193.58 $ 878,634.87 73,093.06 $ 805,541. 81 1,748.30 $ 807 , 290.11 - 807,290.11 $ .00 ,. . .- ~ r . HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES Total 199,783.04 155,427.59 31,133.74 013,221. 71 013.221.71 .00 736,573.62 1.50 -483,139.69 3,384.78 250,050.65 250.050.65 00 NEW $1 $1 -1 $ $ $ Prior $729,772.78 - 56,793.20 - 27,099.84 $645,879.74 -645.879.74 $' .00 $126,490.89 - 78,272.69 - 3,251. 72 $ 44,966.48 -: 44.966.48 $ .00 1984 $179,498.40 - 28,OLt3.57 - 1,222.72 $150,232.11 -150.232.11 . - $ .00 $149,285.56 - 96,347.61 - 35.38 $ 52,902.57 - 52.902.57 . - $ .00 1985 290,511. 86 70,590.82 2,811.18 217,109.86 217.109.86 .00 152 152 17 50 39 68 60 60 00 797 1 519 97 181 181 460 308 $ $ $ $ $ $ . Personal 6/30/86 Control Collections Abatements 6/30/87 Control Real Estate 6/30/86 Control Addition to Control Collections Abatements 6/30/87 Control $ submitted, C\. ~--w-v Patricia J. ~Jynor Collector of Revenue Respectfully )) . . . -t- Ujy) ~