1987-10-05 RM Exhibits Appendix III Budget' Amenc~ent /I 1 New Hanover t.0rl ni s Ir;Jfi "8 U~i t Capital Outlay runJ !',e New Hanover Counly/City Board of [d:Jcalion at a "eelin') un the 1st t!~y of September . 19E. pasSEd the fol1o.in:J resululicn, " :e it resclved Ih21 Ihe fcl1o",in:j a.enc~ents be made to the 8ud~et Reslllulion fer !La ("sed y~y en:ir,:; JUnE 3:1.1988. Ufscri~tion uf C:JCe t, r () IJ [, t C'J de ~;u~:er I r;'~ r" f' ~ ' . . ' I \ ....: r. r l' ..;'J C 4-9101-03-522 Construction Middle School 448,121 ' 4-9101-04- 522 Construction Carolina Beach School 81,435 4-9101-05-522 Construction Laney Additions 102,113 4-9102-01- 522 Renovations Carried Over 202,575 4-9102-84-522 Paving New Hanover High School 107,000 Totals 493,123 448,121 [)';13~~~icr.: To Amend Budget for Actual Project Balances in Accordance with Cash Budget Revenues 4-4410-00-000 4-4810-00-000 4-4910-00-000 Fines Bonds Fund Bal. 107,000 ( 366,686 ) 304,688 Tct~l ~~~r:~riahcn inCurrEr:! E~d9et ~"~l:r,t of In:re2se/(~i'Cre2S() cf 2JC"8 Ar.,EnCrcnt Total t.;;:G:!riaticn in Curru,\ "~€nd,d Bwd;et . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. S 8,161,951 45,002 8,206,953 P~:sed ~y ~2icri ly v~te of the Ec2rd of [:~c2ti on of ~ ~.Jr' Cc-cr,t ,lei ~., en the IsTC2fcf ~J l?fl. \.e Ihe heret,y bJ~o I [;l:~rd c f Cuunt y Cor"i S5 i vners ~ f ~~';rove tho ch~n,)C's in tI.e C',er,t 'lIe, I, :';c!,u'o' I lund', J: i r,:JicJlen J~'Ovu. ~',J "J'u r<J~' cr.lr')" ul tlrl'~l' Uf, !I,c r,in"lu~ ul ~,:;l' !!';~rl'. il,i~ II,,: tJ,JY 1') chcr;~fS of ~~:~ <'/;,~ - . .. . l! ('\i/J . _ -1 IZ.y{.fL.Z L L" 7 Lu~.{ C ; I c] r ~ ;i n , t:':I'" C \".; C ~ J r~ :)' C 0 ~ - I ~ S , u r: t r S CC.Jrlt)' Cv~,~ I ~~ I Jr,c, ~ r - / "'7 r. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by Centralized Purchasing at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on the 23rd day of September, 1987 at City Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Telephone System for the Law Enforcement Center and Judicial Building: \, Business Comm. Inc. Graybar Electric Co. The Phone Source Southern Bell $42,857.08 $20,507.77 $19,463.25 $42,578.50 AND WHEREAS, Centralized Purchasing, Management Information Systems the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to The Phone Source, Wilmington, N. C., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Three Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ($19,463.25); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-410-4132-5940 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Telephone System for the Law Enforcement Center and Judicial Building, Bid No: NHC 62-987 be awarded to The Phone Source, Wilmington, N. C., in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ($19,463.25); and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposit to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. This 5th day of October, 1987. 1 ~ ~lZu~/e Chairman, Board of County Commissioners y~ ".. I BIDDERS . UNIT' COMMODITY Business Corom. Graybar Elect. Phone Source Southern Bell or Inc. Company ITEM DESCRIPTION Two (2) Consoles - Touchtone $3,540.42 $2,536.50 $3,510.00 $4,028.00 . Two (2) DSS/BLF Attachments $1,862.00 , touchtone $2,789.90 $1,320.50 $2,110.00 $9,570.00 - Eleven (11) Busy Lamp Fields $4,389.22 $1,563.10 $1,804.00 $3,712.50 Three (3) Single Line Touchtone wall telephone sets w/tap- flash feat $ 105.69 $ 122.55 $ 107.25 $ 135.00 - Two Hundred Seven (207) Single Line T~uchtone Desksets w/tap flash feat. $7,292.61 $7,153.92 $6,727.50 $7,659.00 Fifteen (15) Two Line Touchtone Multi-line electronic feature no KSU $5,985.30 $1,238.70 $1,162.50 $ 930.00 , Forty Seven (47) Four Line Touchtone Multi line electronic feature no KSU $18,753.94 $5,710.50 $4,042.00 S16 544.00 BASE TOTAL $42,857.08 $20,507.77 $19,463.25 $42,578.50 OPTIONAL ITEMS $21,507.77 Eleven (11) Busy Lamp Fields w/max. $4,389.22 $2,657.27 $3,300.00 $5,197.50 of 20 station fields Forty Seven (47) Four Line Touchtone Multi-line Electronic feature w/inte -$18,753.94 $5,710.50 $7,050.00 $16,544.00 com feature OPTIONAL BID TOTAL $42,857.08 $22,601. 94 $23,967.25 $44,063.50 ., ../ BID SURETY BID BOND BID BOND CASH BOND BID BOND - S975.00 I HEREBY CERTIfY THA' THE ABOVE TABULATIOfol Of BIOS RECEiVED IS TRUE A', Of NY KNOWLEDGE AND fiH/ BID TABUL-ATION NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMODITY or PROJECT Telephone Equipment PROJECT NUMBER NHC 62-987 DATE OPENED September 23 1987 - 2:00 pm \' E":: 0;"., ,';' ,t,/Hi 'lEt; I FIE!J r\[:BEC~;;\ r., TUCKER RE(,lS lEH CF Ot-EDS NEVI HAHOVER CO. riC BOO~, :;AGE 1393 0883 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OCT '(5 8 41 fH 'B1sEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '~ q-' COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Carl Street ORDER 81 It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of Carl Street was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 8th day of September, 1987 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 5th day of October, 1987, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was-published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after cond~cting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that,a portion of Carl Street in the County of New Hanover should be' closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing: the legal description of said road being as follows: Being a portion of Carl Street in Harnett Township, beginning at its intersection with the proposed extension of Racine Drive extending northwest approximately 133 feet to termination and properly referenced as a part of Map Book 14, Page 40 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 5th day of October 1987. ~i~ 1 r, rl ( (\ 7/1 ') !/ ~- "',(p ,/j,t: (j 'Lt.d!,,( CHAIRMAN ' RETURNED TO Co. ~.Qo.,..,.. 3 " \ - ..., \ <VS .. ~ ;..M.... ROAD / 'CLOSING-Portion of J/ Carl. SJreet // H , "Scale:..[ = 409 / / I'; / 'j j / / i I. MARV IN MI DGETTE II / 2. BMST CORP. 3. HENRY MI LLER JR. ~// j'Z.'PROPOSEO MINOR THOROUGHFARE 1', EXTENSION OF RACINE ORIVE 8 ~o~' . <:J -.....J 1- Cl::. tu -.l -.l ~ I{ j' , ~ Cl::. <:) '0 l- V) ~ CQ 13001\. ~) AG.f 1393. 0885 ~ '2:. - -- V) \ CJ -1 '-.) \ ~ r;;t.. t- o I.,) \.u \ yo , ~ \.u \S) /< -z Cc ~ t- ~ V) \ /' -1 \ Cc . . <t '-.) \ J \ / \ / ~/ // / ./ ; ~ ~'- ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) : ss.: ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the state of North Carolina, was duly held on September 21, 1987, proper notice of ~ such meeting having been given as required by North Carolina ~ statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in , the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the, purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this ~ day of September, 1987. Cl k, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover North Carolina lo:.} '-' ~ ( .,''\ EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, September 21, 1987 at 9: 00 0 I clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John M. Dolan, Vice Chairman Fred Retchin Jonathan Barfield, Sr. W. Albert Corbett, Jr. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. introduced the following bond order which was read at length: BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 AIRPORT FACILITIES BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for Commission approval of the bonds hereinafter described as required by the Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Local Government Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Local Government Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to provide airport facilities, including construction ., of a terminal and the acquisition and installation of machinery, equipment, and furnishings required therefor and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the. improvements as set forth above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized 4nd shall be issued pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $1,800,000. Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. The revenues of the facilities hereinbefore described may be pledged to the payment of the interest on the principal of said bonds if and to the extent that the Board of Commissioners shall hereafter determine by resolution prior to the issuance of said bonds. In such event, the tax to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds may be reduced by the amount of such revenues available for the payment of such principal and interest. Section 4. A sworn statement of the County debt has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners and is open to public inspection. Section 5. No debt shall be contracted during any c: fiscal year by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other debt contracted 2 "'"'' , ..-"~. .-.--...--... .', .', during such fiscal year shall exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the the incurring of such debt shall be submitted to a vote of the have been reduced during the next preceding fiscal year, unless amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said County shall who vote thereon. people of the County and shall be approved by a majority of those Section 6. This bond order shall take effect thirty (30) days after its PUblication fOllowing adoption, unless it is petitioned to a vote of the people within thirty (30) days after the date of its PUblication as introduced as provided in G.S. 159-60,' and in such latter event, it shall take effect when approved by the voters of said County. -following resolution be adopted: Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. moved that the WHEREAS, the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 AIRPORT FACILITIES BONDS in connection therewith as required by the Local Government Bond public hearing thereon and the submission of a statement of debt Board of Commissioners desires to provide for the hOlding of a of the Board of Commissioners held on September 21, 1987 and the OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER," has been introduced at the meeting Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on the 5th day of October, '1987 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. at the 3 i I, ,\ , I; \.; I Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of the bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law in a qualified newspaper not fewer than six day prior to such public hearing. (3) The couhty's Finance Officer is hereby directed to file with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners prior to publication of the ,bond order with the notice of such public hearing, a statement setting forth the debt incurred or to be incurred, the appraised value of property subject to taxation by the County and the net debt of the County. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr. and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John M. Dolan Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Fred Retchin W. Albert Corbett, Jr. NAYS: None 4 ~.: '~'~rfl~i~~:;O""':'~":"""~""""" . ~'- ~,J <- ,'. .~ '. '.i ;<,~~.~ - ,,' ': t .l ~ '. 1 , .... ..;",,- ....,......:. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. AFFIDAV~_ OF PUBLICATION Before me, a Notary,Puhlic in and for aforesaid State and County, came this ....2,3.., day of ,.,.S,EYL....,..,.. 19....8.7..... ........:!.,~,~g~....~,~,~,~,~gi~....,.........,who being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ~,!":-,~,?~.......,!~J?..Y...~,...M,9.,~,:~........,... ,'.!. of the STAR-NEWS NEWSPAPERS and that the advertising of .....AJ.RP..Q,RT....BQ,N,D.S...................................................... ", ; ~ , '~ appeared in said publication on the date (or dates) and in the space as specified below: SIZE :.J DATE 9/22/87 CAPTION OF AD. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOND ORDER AUTHO- RIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800.000 AIRPORT FACILITIES BONDS OF THE COUNTY. OF NEW HANOVER ~ WHEREAS, the Board 01 Com. missioners of the County of New Hanover deems ~ advisable to make the improvement9 hereinafter de. scribed; and WHEREAS, the Board of Com- missioners has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Gov- ernment Commission 01 North Caroli- na an aPflicauon for Commission ap- proval 0 the bonds hereinafter de- scribed as required by the Local Gov- , emment Finance Act. and the Secretary of the Local Government Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted lor submission to the Local Govemment Commission; ,'I Subscribed and sworn to before :~ta~~ My commission expires ..~.lJ.~,~.....?L.... Upon reading the foregoing affidavit said publication was duly and properly defendant(s), NOW THEREFORE, BE IT' omjEREO'by the Board of Commis- " sioners 01 the County of New Han- over, as foliows: . Section 1. The Board 01 Com- Th' d f missioners 01 the County of New IS ....................,......, ay 0 ...,.................. Hanover hes ascertained and hereby delermines that ~ is necessary to pro- vide airport facilities, including con- slruct'on 01 a terminal and the acqul- s~ion and instaliation of machinery. equipment and furn'shings required therelor and to pay cap~al costs of . \ such Improvements, ' . Section 2, In order to raise the " money required to pay cap~al costs of providing the improvements as set lorth above, In add~ion to any funds I which may be made available for such purpose from any other sources. bonds 01 the County 01 New , I Hanover are hereby authonzed and .. , shali be issued pursuant to the Local 'Govemment Finance Act 01 North Carolina, The m8l<lmum aggregate principal amount 01 said bond autho- rized by .this bond order shall be . ':, , $1,800,000, " ' Section 3, A t8l< sufficient to pay the prlncipal of and interest on said bonds when due shali be annualiy levied and collected. The revenues 01 ': ::\ the lacil~ies hereinbefore deSCribed ., : i may be pledged to the payment of the , ' interest on the prlncipal of said bonds .( '" if and to the extent that the Board 01 ," Commissioners shali hereafter deter- ," " mine by resolution prlor to the issu-. "', ": ance of said bonds. In such event, the \: ' tBJ< to pay the prlncipa' of and 'nterest, ~, ' , on said bonds may be reduced by the ..,.. . amount of such revenue~ available "!., , for the payment of such pnnclpa'. and ' ,; interest. ,;, . Section 4, A sworn statement 01 :', ,',: the County debt has been filed w~h ": :. the Clerk of the Board of Commls- ";-,i.. sioners and Is open 10 public Inspee-. tion. IAR nQ?I;_1 ,",' Section 5. No debt shall be con- tracted during any fisea' year by the , ,:, issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order If the amount 01 such debt ',',: 'and of all other debt contracted dur- ~ ,,' inll such fiseal year shall exceed two- thuds (213) of the amount by which '1 ',.; the outstanding Indebtedness of said ,',. ('j County shall have been reduced dur- " ing the next pr~ceding fiseal year, , un'ess the incurrrng of such debt shall be submitted to a vote of the people ollhe County and shallll!l approved ,_. by a majority of those who vote there- ' on, Section 6, This bond order shell '_ . tokA AHACt thlr1v 130\ davs atter ~s cols, x cols. X cols. X cols. X lines lines lines lines I ,'AR-NEWS NEWSPAPERS ,! , i (> annexed it is adjudged by the Court that the s has been duly and legally served on the I i \ \ Clerk of Superior Court : ;" " '\ ,,' I. 'oj' \ day of .........,..:......... ,.-" ,"\'.1 , , ,. Section 1. The Board of Com. missioners of the County 01 New Ha,',over has ascertained and hereby determines thet If is necessery to pro' vide ,elrport fecilities, Including con. struct'on 01 a ,terminal and the acqui. sitlon and Installation 01 machinery, equipment and fumlshlngs required therefor and to pay capilal costs of ,such Improvements. ' 'If " Section 2. In order to raise the "?:,. , ; money required to pay capllal costs I of providing tha Improvemants as set lforth above, In addlflon to any funds : which may be made available for ,. ..such purpose from any other ,.' ! sources, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authollzed and "l shall be Issued pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act 01 North ,Carolina, The maximum aggregate , principal amount of said bond autho. :~~'1ocr.tx:.!s: ~~ 1~~ ~II ,~ ,1~ ' , , Section 3. A tax sufflclenl to pay the princlpai of and Interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. The revenues 01 the facilities hereinbefore described . mey be pledged to the payment of the '. Interest on the principal of said bonds Il and 10 the extent that the Board of " Commissioners shall hereefter deter. ~~: ~(S~rdSO~u;,~~. rnri~~~ e~:n:~~~~ ,., \ax to pey the principal 01 and Interest on said bonds mey be reduced b~he , amount of. such revenues ava' ble . for the payment olluch princlpa nd .' "~, Interest. ' I',' ' ' , Section 4, A sworn statement of the County debt has been flied with the Clerk of the Board of Commis. sioners and 18 open to public Inspec-, ',I, lion. ,.., ,.., ,.. ........".. ,....., ,..,..,......" C'i~'~k' ~f s~p~~i~~' 'c~~~i" .1::' Section 5, No debt shall be con. Iracted during any flscal year by the Issuence 01 bonds pursuant to this bond order Ilthe amount of such debt and of all other debt contracted dur. Ing such fiscal year shall exceed two. thllds (213) of the amount by which ., M the outstanding Indebtedness 01 said ' ',i, jCounty shall have been reduced duro ,', Ing the next preceding flscal ysar. , unless the incurring of such debt shall be submilled to a vote of the people of the County and shall be approved by a majority 01 those WhO vote there- on. I Section 6. This bond order shall '. " 'take effect thirty (30) days after Its publication lollowlng adoption, unless I If is pelitioned to a vote of the people \ ~~t~~~~~i~~O~~~~~r:~e ~:t~r~! ' , ( ,vlded In G,S, 159,60, and in such ':' latler event, If shall take effect when : , approved by the voters 01 said Coun- , ;!r' .' :.. ..' ',: , , The foregoing bond order has been Introduced and a sworn state. , ment 01 debt has been flied under the , ... . Local Governmenl Borid ~ct showing : $.f,~~~~~~e aO~dt~~eC~~;~e~ ..~':: thereof, Including the proposed ,bonds, to be $47,126,529. A tax will . be levied to pay the principal of and: ,Interest on the bonds If they are Is- . ..' sued. Anyone who wishes to be .:, heard on the questions 01 the validity j .. \ of the bond order and the advisability i' :, \' of issuing the bonds may appear at a ' ~. public hearing or an adjournment ,: ':" thereol to be held at the Assembly:: , Room, New Hanover County Admin. , ,: ,Istration Building, 320 Chestnut ,':..- ',Street, In Wllmlngt,oo,n, North CarOlina, :".. ~at 7:00 o'clock P:M. on the 5th day of, ! ':,', :~~r~'l'~'~'~!' ;,. ' ' t.:~, ;,;, " , LUCIE F, HARRELL ,- .. (i" "Clerk, Board of Comm,ssioners ' .. " " i,I,::': ," New Hanover County, N,C, STATEMENT OF DEBT OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, MADE AND FILED PURSUANT TO SECTION 159-55 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT, AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 BONDS, INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF SAID COUNTY, HELD ON THE 21ST DAY O~ SEPTEMBER, 1987. (a) Appraised value of property subject to taxation as certified by the County Tax Supervisor. $ 4,392,090,548 (b) Gross debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Gross Debt". $ 62 , 3 26 , 5 2 9" (c) Deductions to be made from Gross Debt as listed in the aJ:.tached "Schedule of Deductions". . $ 15,200,000 (d) Net debt (being the difference between the Gross Debt and Deductions). '. $ 47,126,529 (e) Percentage that net debt bears to the appraised value of property subject to taxation. 1.07% ~'"~ of the County North Carolina Dated: C,/2-1/<;;1 / / SCHEDULE OF GROSS DEBT (The debt described below should not include debt incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes or other revenues or in anticipation of the sale of bonds other than funding and refunding bonds. The debt described below should not include revenue bonds.) A. Bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted: Purpose Airport Facilities~Bonds Amount Total $1,800,000 $1,800,000 B. Unissued bonds au~horized by adopted orders: Purpose Amount Total $4,200,000 $4,200,000 1-19-87 C. Outstanding debt not evidenced by bonds: Source of Debt Purpose Amount Lease/Purchase various Equipment $4,781,529 D. outstanding debt evidenced by bonds: Date of Bonds Purpose Amount Various Various $51,545,000 Total $51,545,000 Total $62,326,529 . ':, ,", .' , ,.j - ", ('! '~''''i,.,' .l -'--.If)' SCHEDULES OF DEDUCTIONS A) Funding and refunding bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted. $ B) Funding and refunding bonds authorized but not issued. $ C) Amount held in sinking funds or otherwise for the payment of gross debt, other than debt incurred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes or sanitary sewer purposes (to the extent deductible under Section 159-55(b) of the Local Government Finance Act). $ 15,200,000.00 Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for water, gas or electric light or power purposes. $ D) " 'i E) .v' Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for sanitary sewer system purposes (to the extent deductible by subsection (b) of Section 159-55 of the Local Government Finance Act) . $ F) Uncollected special assessments levied or to be levied for local improvements for which gross debt was or is to be incurred, to the extent to be applied to the payment of such gross debt. $ G) Estimate of special assessments to be levied for local improvements for which any part of gross debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that the special assessments, when ',$. collected, will be applied to the payment .of any part of gross debt. $ TOTAL $ 15,200,000.00 ! . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ss. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached copy of the debt statement with the original debt statement filed by the Finance Officer of said County in the office of said Clerk ~ pC to the Board of Commissioners on the ~/ day of September, 1987, and that said copy is a true copy of said statement and of the whole thereof. I FURTHER CERTIFY that said debt statement was filed by said Finance Officer on said last-mentioned date and has since it ..\' was so filed remained on file in the office of said Clerk to the ,~j~ ~ .j. . Board of Commissioners and has been kept open to public :..; .~ inspection. -.1 r~ -: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~ affixed the corporate seal of said County this ~ day of September, 1987. . . ~~~ Cle to the Board ----- , ., ~ .," Ot',O ", ,;~ " , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) : 58.: ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ANDREW J. ATKINSON, being duly sworn, says that he is the Finance Officer of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina; that by a resolution passed by the Governing Board thereof he was authorized to make the foregoing statement; and that the foregoing statement is true and was made and subscribed by him after the introduction of the order or orders referred to in the heading of said statement. L 1<-4 j 40----. 30 1b day of ~. 19fJ.. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) . . ) ss. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing statement and accompanying affidavit were filed in my office on the day of September, 1987, after the introduction of the order or orders referred to in the heading of said statement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, this day of September, 1987. ~'<>/~ Cle k, ~oard of Commlssloners '-'",", (,,,,;) ;~) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) : ss.: ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~} . t j" -.rl d',... ,ANDREW J. ATKINSON, being duly sworn deposes and says: .r)":~'.:'\ ,'j'i. t, ~ 1. I am the Finance Officer of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina. ~ 2. During the fiscal year which began on July 1, 1986 the bonds and notes which are described in the attached .. schedule were paid J and retired by the payment of the ., , " , principal amount thereof from funds belonging to said County. Each of the bonds and notes described in said schedule was outstanding on July 1, 1986 and then constituted a valid obligation of said County. All of said bonds and notes had been issued in the name of the County. 3. No bonds or notes were issued by or in the name of said County during the fiscal year which began on '. July 1, 1986. 4. No bonds or notes not issued by the County and. no indebtedness not incurred by said County were assumed by said County during such fiscal year. 5. All indebtedness of said County incurred prior to the beginning of such fiscal year and not evidenced by { .'\1 ;.",,.;.;' bonds or notes was paid prior to the beginning of such fiscal year. All indebtedness of said County incurred during said fiscal year and not evidenced by bonds or notes was paid prior to the end of said fiscal year. ~ , '1t44 r of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina Sworn t~before me, : this J1.!::- day of September, 1987. !' , Y"} , "~ ~ ",' :" ,1 ,~,' I ~ . ~ I;. t 1, " -2- ;,-:,,@ i;J, OVER, ~OUNTY ,D:,.Nc ,BONDED DEBT REDUCT I ON 6/30/87 , '. '~~'i~~;},;:t~~.~~~;~~r\~;. " DESCRIPTION'"OF'BOND: AMT OF REDUCTION I;, ,," ...., " . ;~~~~~f;~~~~~~~~;~~~~;-~-------------;~;~~~~- SCHOOL~BUILDINGSERIES B $90,000 PUBLIC'\'HOSPITAL ,. ", "~,I"~ $290,000 INDUSTRIAL ED CTR $20,000 SCHOOLJSUILDING $140,000 CTY':COURTHOUSE/OFF.BLDG, $10,000 TECHNICAL INSTITUTE' , $125,000 PUBLICI: HOSPITAL ',.' , $400,000 SCHOOL;';\;~~j",~t:":;!;' $200,0'00 REFUNDING, 12/01/85. $1,150,000 SCHOOL\S~~IESl~~5 " $200,000 . . ,. "1[~j ..~':. '~"::'/ ' ____________________ $2,710,000 l--------____________ ,-------------------- '. , ~ ~. " jl J ,"r, 'r "",", . , ,~~ '~."'f~ ~. . :l '!. :~, ':., . ~ ,; , " 1ft :..\ ,',. , ,c. , .. , a., 1 . ,.:~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTABLISHING AN AIRPORT COMMISSION AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SUCH BODY 1. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes ~63-53, there is hereby created the New Hanover County Airport Commission, to consist of five (5) members each of whom shall be a resident of New Hanover County, of the age of twenty-one (21) years of more. Such members shall serve for a period of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed. 2. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Airport Commission shall be appointed by the members of the Airport Commission. The Commission may appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary for the orderly procedure of its business, and may adopt by-laws, rules and regulations covering its procedure, not inconsistent with the laws of North Carolina and ordinances of New Hanover County. It shall hold regular meetings at such \ time and place as it may from time to time designate. Three (3) voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. An affirmative action by a majority of voting members of the Commission shall be necessary to constitute action by the Commission. 3. The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall consult with and assist the Airport Manager in the preparation of the annual budget and shall operate wi thin such budget, said , j budget being subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. 4. The Commission appointed as herein provided by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County shall act in an administrative capacity and shall be vested with the following authorities and powers; and it is hereby authorized and empowered: 4.1. Subj ect to the limits established in the annual budget, to construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, and operate all buildings and facil~ties located at the New Hanover County Airport. 4.2. To adopt, repeal, amend and re-adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Resolution, for its own government, management and operation. 4.3. To adopt, repeal, amend and re-adopt rules and regulations with respect to traffic on and use of streets, alleys, driveways, roadways, parking areas, crosswalks and safety areas (not included in the public road system of the State of North Carolina) located within the territorial limits of the lands comprising the New Hanover County Airport, including by way of illustration, but not in limitation of the authority herein granted, the establishment of routes of traffic, the regulation of speed, the location of parking areas, the regulation and prohibition of parking and standing in designated areas and on said streets, driveways, alleys and roadways, the prohibition of obstruction thereof, the prohibition of vehicles and pedestrians on the aprons, ramps, taxiways, runways and other designated 2 " parts of the airport, not inconsistent with existing Airport Ordinance. 4.4. To adopt, repeal, amend and re-adopt rules and regulations with respect to the use of the Airport and its facilities by the public, including by way of illustration but not in limitation of the authority granted, the present terminal buildings, the ramps, aprons, hangars, taxiways, runways, water plants and shops, and to prohibit the use of, occupation of, or trespass upon any part thereof. 4.5. To adopt rules and regulations pursuant to the authority granted by this Resolution. Proceedings of the New Hanover County Airport Commission shall be recorded, and a true I copy of all such rules and regulations adopted by the New Hanover County Airport Commission shall be certified under the hand of the Secretary of the Commission and filed with the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. 4.6. To post at appropriate places on the New Hanover County Airport, notice to public of applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the New Hanover County Airport. 4.7. To negotiate leases and concessions agreements for purposes not inconsistent with the grants and agreements under which the Airport is held by New Hanover County. Leases and concession agreements for terms of not more than one year may be consummated without the joinder or approval of the County. All other leases and concession agreements shall require the final approval of the Board of Commissioners. 3 4.8. To negotiate with persons, firms or corporation for terms not to exceed ten (10) years, for the operation of airline-scheduled passenger and freight flights, non-scheduled flights, and any other airplane activities, not inconsistent with said grant agreements under which the airport property is held by New Hanover County, and to charge and collect reasonable and adequate fees, charges and rents for the use of such property or for services rendered in the operation thereof. 4.9. To operate, control, regulate, lease or grant to others the right to operate any airport premises, restaurants, apartments, hotels, motels, agricultural fairs, tracks, motion picture shows, cafes, soda fountains, or other businesses, amusements or concessions for a term not exceeding one (1) year, as may appear to said Commission advantageous or conducive to the development of said airport. 4.10. To negotiate and deal with the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States Government and any other representative or agency of said government relating to the grading, constructing, equipping, improving, maintaining and operating of airports and landing fields acquired under the authority of this resolution. 5. Should any section or provision of this resolution be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this resolution and in the event of any conflict between the provisions of this resolution and provisions of the County Code of Ordinances, or state law, the provisions of the 4 County Code of Ordinances and state law shall prevail and be controlling. 6. The New Hanover County Airport Commission shall in no case be liable for damages for injuries to persons or property caused by or growing out of fueling, refueling or servicing any airplane at said airport. 7. The New Hanover County Airport Commission is authorized and empowered to adopt and use a seal. 8. The Airport Manager will be under the supervision of the Airport Commission. Termination or other disciplinary actions by the Airport Commission will conform to existing County personnel policies. Appeals by the Airport Manager involving termination or disciplinary actions will be referred to the Board of County Commissioners. The Airport Manager shall have the authority to hire and fire employees at the airport who shall be under his direct supervision. 9. The structure of airport government shall be as set forth in an Organizational Chart marked Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 10. The Airport Commission is charged with the duty and responsibility of developing a Charter for an Authority, acceptable to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 11. The purpose of this resolution is to vest authority in and delegate powers to, an Airport Commission as authorized by G.S. ~63-53. The delegation of powers contained herein shall not be construed to divest New Hanover County of ownership of its public airport. 5 12. This resolution shall take effect on November 1, 1987. ADOPTED, this the 5th day of October, 1987. t' ( t "7 r7 i. '-1- / /7[:, /dM (7 J2ta NOLAN O'NEAL, Chairman ATTEST: ~~X/~ Clk to the Board 6 , COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEGAL AIRPORT COUNTY 1-- - ------------ ------------ SERVICES COMMISSION SER VICE~ ASST. AIRPORT ADMIN. AIRPORT - - MANAGER SECRETARY MANAGER . ENGINEERING DAILY PUBLIC & FACILITIES OPERATIONS SAFETY s FINANCE DATA PROCESSINGl PURCHASING :; PERSONNEL ~ PRINTING ~ -..... GARAGE CO -....... :t: ~ ..~' -/,~ '''! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ss. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of I Commissioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North ~ Carolina, was duly held on October 5, 1987, proper notice of such ~. meeting having been given as required by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting having been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this I~Ll day of October, 1987. ~~vi~ Cle to t e Board County of New Hanover, North Carolina "'......:. l. .. EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in ... Regular Session on Monday, October 5, 1987 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John M. Dolan, Vice Chairman Fred Retchin Jonathan Barfield, Sr. W. Albert Corbett, Jr. :: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners reported to the Board of Commissioners that the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 AIRPORT FACILITIES BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER", which had been introduced on September 21, 1987, had been published on September 22, 1987, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on October 5, 1987, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners also reported that the County's Finance Officer had filed in the Clerk's office a statement of debt complying with the provisions of The Local Government Bond Act, and such statement as filed showed the net indebtedness of the County to be 1.07% of the appraised valuation of property in said County subject to taxation. Commissioner Fred Retchin moved that the Board of Commissioners proceed to hold a public hearing on the airport facilities bond order and the advisability of issuing the airport facilities bonds. At the direction of the Chairman, the Clerk to ~ '-... (~, ':11 .. the Board of Commissioners read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. After the Board of Commissioners has heard all persons who requested to be heard in connection with the foregoing questions, Commissioner John Dolan moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Commissioners Fred Retchin and was unanimously adopted. Commissioner Albert Corbett moved that the Board of ~ Commissioners adopt without change or amendment and direct the ~ Clerk to the Board of Commissioners to publish as prescribed by The Local Government' Bond Act the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 AIRPORT FACILITIES BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER", introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on September 21, 1987. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fred Retchin and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John M. Dolan, Vice Chairman Fred Retchin Jonathan Barfield, Sr. W. Albert Corbett, Jr. NAYS: None 2 ",.14 I: ~~.. :.~._.:;.".,.~.,_."""_..."....,......""_.,,.. , ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. , .~ AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION Before me, a Notary 'Public in and for aforesaid State and County, came this .....7..'h, day of h..DC.T.O,B.E.R.. 1'9,...8.7..... , hh,.......JA<;:;.9.~,...:!3RIN.S.'O,N.....h.., ,who being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ,..CLASS,.....ADV,.....MGR.,....... " of the STAR-NEWS NEWSPAPERS and that the advertising of ..,...BDND....QRD.E.R..,....,..,..........................,.....................,.. "' :'. '>'.,! appeared in said publication on the date (or dates) and in the space as specified below: DATE 10/06/87 CAPTION OF AD. NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING .....T...h'.. THE ISSUANCE OF $1,800,000 AIRPORT FACILITIES OF THE: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER .................. .................-...---.-......-....-....--.-..-... ..............-.....-...-.....-..-.-..-......-...-.. ........--........-..-.-....-..-.....-.-.--......... SIZE cols. x lines" lines lines ~ cols. x cols. x cols. x Subscribed and sworn to before m~is .....]'..'.h ~~f ..,..'O.C.TQ,B.ER...... ...1.~~(4)Y~,N;. My commission expires ......J.JJ,NE....2,L, , WHEREAS, Il1e Board 01 Com- missioners of the County of New .....,.....,..... Hanover deems R advisable to make' the Improvements hereinafter de- scribed; and -- WHEREAS, the Board 01 Com- ' mlss'oners has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Gov, , STAR-NEWS NEWSPAPERS ernment Commission of North Caroli, ' na an application for Commission ap' proval of the bonds hereinafter de-, scribed as required by the Local Gov,' ernment Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Local Governmenl Commission has notified the Board' that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Local Government Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ' . ORDERED by the Board of Commls, hereto annexed it IS adjudged by the Court that the s,oners of Ihe County of New Han, , over, es follows: mmons has been duly and legally served on the S9crion 1. The Board of Com- I miss'oners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby i determ'nes that it is necessary to pro- I vide airport lacilitles, inc'uding con, ' struct'on of a terminal and the acqui- siMn and Installation of machinery, I' equ'pment and furn'Sh,ngs required therefor and to pay cap,tal costs of ......,.... ..............__'..h. ....__ .................., __.... .....'h....., ...... .. .., such Improvements, Clerk of Superior Court Section 2. In order to raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the Improvements as set forth above, In addition to any funds which may be made avai'ab'e for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the County 0 New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the Locs' Govern, ment Finance Act of North Carolina, The maximum aggregate principal amount 01 said bOnd authorized by' this bond order shall be $1,800,000, '! Section 3, A lax sufficient 10 pay the principal 01 and Inter"'" on Mid bonds whim due ShaD be annually levied and collected, Section 4, A Sworn statement 01 Ihe County debt has been filed with the Clerk of the Board 01 Commis- ~~~ers ~ Is open to public Inspec;- Section 5. No debt shall be con- tracted during any fiscal year by the Issuance 01 bonds pursuant to th's bond order If the amount of such debt and 01 all other debt contracted dur- I!1lJ such fiscal year shall exceed two- thirds (213) 01 the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness 01 said County shall have been reduced duro Ing the next preceding fiscal year unless the Incurring of such debt shali be submitted to a vote 01 the people of the County and shall be approved by a majority 01 those who vote there- on. ' ......-..........--....-..-.-.--...-.-.............. ...........,...j Upon reading the foregoing affidavit said publication was duly and properly I defendant(s). This ...._....h......'....h,.., day of ............,.......,.. IA R nQ?"., Section 6, This bond order shall take effect thirty (30) days after Rs PUblication following adopt'on, unless R Is petRioned to a vote 01 the peOple wRh,n thirty (30) days after the date 01 lis publication as introduced as pro- vided in G,S, 159,60, and in such letter evenl, R shall take effect when approved by the voters 01 said Coun- ~. . The foregoing order was adopt- ed on the 5th day of October, t 987 a~<!. is hereby published this 6th dAv lines I.., issued fjUfSuallt to the Local Govern- I ment Finance Act of North Carolina, The maximu,m aggregate principal amount of said bond authorized' by 11, this bond order shall be $1,800,000, , Section 3, A tax sufficient io pay the principal of end Interelll riil Mid bonds - when due shaH be annually levied and collected, Sect'on 4, A swom statement of the County debt has been filed with the C'erk of the Board of Commis, sloners and Is open to public Inspec,- tlon, " Section 5, No debt shall be con- tracted during any fiscal year by the Issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other debt contracted dur- Ing such fiscal year shall exceed two- thirds (213) of the amount by which the outstanding Indebtedness of said County shall have been reduced dur- Ing the next preceding fiscal year, unless the Incurring of such debt shall be submitted 10 a vote of the people of the County and shall be approved by a majority of those who vote there- on, Section 6, This bond order shall take effect thirty (30) days after lis publication following adoption, unless Ills petitioned to a vote of the people wlth,n thirty (30) days after the date of lis publication as Introduced as pro- vi4ed in G,S. 159-60, and in such laller event, II shall take effect when approved by the voters of said Coun- ty, The foregoing order was adopt- ed on the 51h day of October, 1987 and is hereby published Ihis 6th day of October, 19B7, Any action or pro- ceeding questioning the validity of the order must be begun within thirty (30) days after the dete 01 publication of this notice. LUCIE F. HARRELL Clerk. Board of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina