1987-12-07 RM Exhibits . !,..' NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARn1ENT OF TRANSI REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECON9 I ! CONSE1~T AGENDA DATE: /,;}-1- 9'1 ITEM No. ! ,~ North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description Dutch Square Llmited~'; - Division File #5HO-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. . CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 7th day of Decemb~r 19 H 7 ~ day of ~, 19cf'? ~.~~j Clerk, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover WITNESS my hand and offi ci a 1 sea 1 thi s the Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways . .. ~, . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone 919-343-0440 November 9, 1987 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E HARRINGTON SECRET ARY District 3 - New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County 320 Chestnut street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Resolution Request . Gentlemen: This office recommends that Dutch S~fFlrp- T.imi t:ffi* Div. File # 580-N , be added to the sta e system. After your consider- ation if you concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Sincerely yours, ~~._., / - ./ ~::/-. 'Y'A..--- J. P ~ Cook District Engineer JFC :drg cc: Highway Maintenance E:ngineer * tbrth Green Meadows Drive, Wind Mill Way and Van Dyke .Drive . An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer KINGS GRANT " (UHINC.1 ' pop, 6,562 . D Ll, c W ~ (it. U A- R. E I 1_ -'-'0. ~ ~N\'~' r.... \) 0",.: () "? ~lr~, ~ \', '1- C> ," d: , ''i~ 7 \tx . \,: \'3~:;\Y'\. ,-~~..t,\\" -~' .(\ .....:~-'''' .\'Y'" ~.. '> ,~1\'" p<: r, ~ ~4 '" " ?" /.~;.' do · ______ '" ...... ",' -~ -1 /.4~ ., ~) \.0. ~;) ~--t';,t':. ... . ,,:. 0 ';/'~ ,...." r~",~ / ~...,. ..' ~ . ~ " -~ ...- ,\) --- ~ ,::;. ~./ . cI- ,.-; '~:p ~ ~~p/ ~ ~~~!fDf~{~'\: 4~~'~""~ \. r) ~;;j;'Jj)/ , ~-~ ':> 'b . .~._,..~f\L ~~~_:.c~::~?,:~_," 'f \" ~.)'" \ "". .__:~.~~.~~'.'.~! . ':::~_~::...__':-=. .:"::"-':~~~tr ~, . f'~~/,l1f .... . .,t)' ....~5(H/:; ,.- . ............................................................................................................ .~ ... ~ . 6. ~ . U\tsulutiun '" Nrw ]l{atluurr <UUutltu 1JJonrc. of (!tolutniaaionrra WHEREAS, on March 10, 1986, the New Hanover County Board of . Commissioners adopted a Resolution approving an agreement establishing a Consortium of Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender Counties for the purpose of seeking service delivery area designation from the Governor to administer the Job Training Partnership Act at the regional level~ and WHEREAS, the resolution named the Cape Fear Council of Governments as the "administrative entity~ for the mUlti-county program, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does not wish to change the current' arrangement and will remain a .member of the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area Job Training Consortium. Signed thisl.t0 day of December, 1987. ~~ ~~~. .................................... ~........ ......................................... ....................... , : ':;';:~"'l{~ 1~':;'if~:~0~?~~;}jf~:, ,~;~, ^., " . .. :"""r; j.' ., t;' ~. ": J:1~~~f~t~~Y;. ';;." ,; ..':>' :h1'';~}f l' ~.I~~~'h~:~:~tl :\)r.>: ~~tl ~, ' .-A'i:' , ~~,~ "ij!j"', ;~~:; : .~t1~~ ,.~~t!.... .;~~;: :L;~~: '.l;,:fj:i; ~~~~;~: >:. ~;~~':l ~'" 1'5:;.\; :,~1~i~1'! i~; ;/'~~.. '~jnd fj~~\l '~j'~<:' .r-....! J!..,{i., :~1 ,I:,' . ~ ~ "It ..... ............. ........ ... ........ ........................ .,-......................... a.a.................. .:;;:--... ti'~0~~_;i~~:;,>:; ,:,'-': - '. ". '. ..' -'W~A;i"'; P', . ')"':\J'~:~ [..~." New )tanouer Qtounty:.. ;:.r. ... .',,: "., " . '.1 C!i .~ ~ IM.O"T"'X~~ .. ~ a INDUSTRV ~~ r~~. . "'" ~ NOR1~ ~~: i'.-:'::':, tl roc 1 a In a t 1 on . ,;': '!J"::\'~;:!t\j:::,;;i',.J~~";:t" ,:-i;t~~:(.,t'~k~":~ .. WHEREAS, the' total societal cost of drunk driving has' been'~';.:.;:,~l }~l,: estimated at more then $26,000,000,000 per year, which does' not..}i'?-'i1 , .'. i~'1'~~~,~, :the. human. suffering that can never be measur,ed,,1)..-::':" .:~:~";!!;\l"(:,;-!' \' ':. I \i'~'1'~~. . '. .ti'\'~.' 'l ' ':' :'';:'~tWHEREAS, there are increasing reports of driving' after drug 2/.::: use" and accidents involving drivers who. have used marijuana, or;,',,::', th " ill 1 d..' ^'(",'" ".,.., '" ',::}' .'i"'~t,: . 0 .,t,~~,i." ega, rugs, '," ~f',' d',:: ' .~ :::?;\;~';r.' 'c '~ :. ;:~.:'~;~ri:;~'h . . . '<\ :' ;; " ~ ~\. .~~ :;:4 ;. ".d"',' WHEREAS, the publ ic, particular ly through the' work of1<IJ"i :: ci t~zens groups, is de,manding a solution .to the probl~~. .~f drll!1~81,L\:, .. ." all.~.r?,~llgged~r i ving 1 ';: '. :', ;r~~~'~i." .; :',: ;i-:,~t.~~.~{~\i. "", :Jf#',' . :;,. , ..:. ::-:< .~. '~WHEREAS, an increase in the public awareness of the problem' ,.. may"contribute to a change in society's attitude towar~ the drunk: " :', . or drugged driver and help to sustain current efforts :,t9; deye,1.op,.1'j,. I .compr!!hensive solutions at the state and local level~'~;';~}~:t ,,' r:':~JJj~t!\f:~' :;~:.f.',~~1::}~',,' .' " ""''';';k'>'';~~j;:'',:~' 'r': :"~i~,l'WHEREAS, the Christmas and New Year holiday" period r;.,!S'~:'~; 1'. increases the number of social functions, it is an appropriate.,;~;n; :;},ti,m,e ~~o, focus national attention on this cri:tical prob,l,em,i,i;3(, ,i'cj~.~~~;{iit;~ ';/':;h~~;,~~:.r~' . . r.' . ,1';""-;"""'\ ";"::'~i~:::.4 ~1;;'" "";'''':.{ WHEREAS, the activities and programs during National' 'Drunk.h~ti/<' f..., 4~fl~ . f"V /~ and Drugged Driving Awareness Week have ~eightened the a,wareness .:,~1it;;: rt:of' the American public. to the danger!~;'.of;; drunk'~ and. 't1rl:!-gge~l i:t,., t ~~, d i i 1"',::.1 . ~". " . " . :. .,l :'l ' ;"':1.. . '.;, . I ':,~:\':':' ~~;'1:"l~)r ;. _'..,;:. ~l ~.,,.. l..l.tk;j;,"'-(\:"q:j.'-' '~~"~" "", r.v ,ng"l,:".~. 1'" "'''';:, 'I\,~',.",." '" ,..,;..-k.. ,~+t;;.~J.",: J':".,,,,,,.'. . >l~'''''''>i~!'~ ;~u 'i;':~;\4i ~RB:1~:e', <~;/~. ~ ' . ;~f' . . , {"', ':>"";'/"..'" "1~- "i ;j + '~_ ,:,,;I~:I;:":'.~~:. ~,'. .irJ~ ~.\~'I.l.";'~':~i~~'NOW ,." THEREFORE, the New Hanov.er " County'., Board;t of ,:~ :it commis~ioners d~es hereby procl~im '~.he:!(w,e~~}. of }D~;'~'~'~~~t: :~l~, ,ii\!t thr u h" December., 19, 198,7, as " '.-.. ;;. .i~ ;"'j .'; 'r:::. i'i'\;'~~~it:',~i\i;;!;~\~ '.r("r:..~. '~'l.;~: ~<j.'\". ,;, ;'; '" .,,' '. ,;\1" . . .:' "ot:';>,' ".-..:, .t~,~~\:,~::.~~,::;:;,. . (~~r.~; I, RATIONAL D~URK AND DRUGGED DRIVING; AWARENESS ..WBEK.i~;::j:',!.',>~; ,~"i~~'~:""'''' '~,:, 1',:,. ~t ~ " "':il;\.1 .1::' t'I~1'';~:'Hri!;''':;~''''~'~ . .;~~$'in"N~wl'.Hanover' county' and' call upon the 'peoPle, o~.;.t~! ',~9un~}';:t.qiA~'?f< .i~}l'~.'. bs.f;!~l;~~:~~..~.~a.::~:,~~.~,~. wi t~,; a~proI>z:iate acti~~~ies! ;",,:: \:." ~,<'.Vt' ';'.~t~:(~'.;r\. ;,l.l .':t!~.'1,'I. . . . ft .: l~"" . --I ..t' ,o:.,......J .JtP~~t. i'!,',. "'_ 'H'o: ~., ., h" .. ; '" OJ 'lib~'ol;',.~, '.i~.,;t'r.~ :.\~~*~~' " i.gned;.:-;~h~,~.:) 7/vu' d,ay, .o~ December, , 1987. " ;: . "'. 'J:~<, 1'(1 . . . ".. .j;'i:} . . . "~"~".'~1~l;',~!,~~ ~~~':I~~ ~_, .~ . 'r.'.f'~ [' 'I~ . " \' ',. .:? _;,.;:j{~~L.: '..::,.i",':,:::,~...:..';."'~2k..,':.;.~;..';'.: ''ii:' ~"#'~"',t,,,,:,.,...i",,,,,,,, ,I :l\::, .",r"'..'.."....."": .. ~:'*~~l~~j .ftlii~~~'F'."f:1:{~\::C:<~ ' '1 .. ." .., : \~~~:~;~;');~\;~1!J:!'\:',"~, tf~ ,.\'1;.... "I,".." "q,/ ..\..~'~. "...~/! ",;'Jii. ,.:;:.". ~"i .'....i!. .14.4Q , , .. '0 . ,: t ,1, , < ':A' \. "....,'..'.,.:i...~, ',.',' \: . -n:' . ;-; .. ...,....,.,' ..,.<~~'I;;~~ t. Chairman, '; !'hii.,", Jt:: .~'" J ',' '.. ..,r"~"i~J::\' . 1\ .... /;' .. ~ ~.t1<;.II;'\~~'~'.h ; l~'.\ 'jt:';~::~f~. '" /', . h " .,/:.;, "~..t~ .~ iBnarb ,.nf (ltnmmissinntrll ft,: " , " .;"; ~ ~ ; :M' .';!);' :\ ,~'-... ? -. I. .' , !~ ~t~,; .)i~~~'" , It:;'\'"' \' ~. f ! ,l lj -.hM <f.:ft~~: ; ~ , , .,. "" ~ ;' ;',1 t . .' ,.:t;\,.... ::.~~f: :Yf~~ i J.j~r.~ \.,~~t{t.tt::i 11 " :': :. ''l" , t.: .~ ;~ . ~ .1 .1 '; .... ............ ............................................. .................. .,.. .~~~" .~t "i}(~~',:i ,;.\G::~f~,1 :'.. .':' (;','." ,',i ' : ':~1'ijy,:; .., ,;. )~~i;{i,,~ NEW AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 18, 1965 THE ~ THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Subdivision Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 18, 1965, as amended be and the same is hereby amended: Delete the last sentence of Section 52-3 and replace with following: . Prior to final plat approval, the subdivider shall design and install a sewage collection system providing service to each lot located within the Sewer District of New Hanover County; provided that this design and installation requirement shall not apply to minor subdivisions which are served by a) streets presently scheduled for County sewer installation, or b) streets which the County Engineer projects to be scheduled in future phases. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of ., ~ . " AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New hereby amended as follows: Add: 23-86 Amend: Floating Sign - Any sign painted on or attached to any boat or structure which floats or is designed to float, whether such boat or structure is self propelled or not. Section 90 .... from a public right-of-way ".s>r public waters." Section 91-2(1) .... along a public right-of-way "or public waterway;" Add: 91-8 Amend: 92-2(4) 93-3 Add: 93-3(7) 94-1(7) Floating Signs - Floating signs shall not be permitted. .... right-of-way lines, "public waterways," and 1 .... thirty-two (32) square feet in area "unless otherwise specified." The waterway entrance of a marina - each marina shall be permitted to construct one (1) off-premise directional sign, not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area nor fifteen (15) feet in height, measured from the mean high water line. There shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet between such signs. No principal use sign in, upon, or over any navigable public waterway or marsh, or within four-hundred (400) feet landward of the mean high water line shall exceed seventy-five (75) square feet of sign area. No such sign shall exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, measured from the mean high water line to the top of the sign structure. The.height of signs located within four-hundred (400) feet landward of the mean high water line shall be measured from the ground elevation. Amend 94-2(2)(c)6. Add: Outdoor advertising signs shall not be permitted in, upon, or over any navigable pUblic waterway, marsh, or within four-hundred (400) feet landward of the mean high water line. , ~ C";- ... ... Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of December , 1987. j~ .....~ . , . ,..~< RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE MACRAE AVENUE AND UNNAMED ALLEY WHEREAS, a petition has been filed Rursuant to G. S. 153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close MacRae Avenue and attached unnamed alley described as follows: Being the remaining portion of MacRae Avenue (50' right-of-way) in Harnett Township, commencing with the eastern intersection of Burke Avenue extending southeast approximately 260 feet to termination or former western right-of-way of Skelding Road (closed 1983); also, being all of an unnamed alley (10' right-of-way) in said township commencing approximately 125 feet southeast from the eastern intersection of Burke Avenue/MacRae Avenue extending northeast approximately 100 feet to termination with Eastwood Road (Highway *74) and properly recorded in Book 52, Page 563 (Villa View Subdivision) of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to pUblic use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 4th day of January, 1988 at 7 o'clock p.m. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the day of 1987. J--~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,".:' I.' / ,/' /' _1 19 , ."'-.. . "'---. "'--.~~ /. ..--....... " ~ . . ". -..... ~.._- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 18B-700 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular me~ting on December 7, 1987, does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section 18B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board who does not handle Board funds and thereby shall only require that the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board furnish a Bond for the faithful performance of his duties. ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1987. an, Board of Commisslo rs New Hanover County RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board o~ Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 7, 1987, approved the bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance Officer, New Hanover County Sheriff, Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Tax Collector and Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board, and FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify said approval on the original of each such Bond, with the exception of the Bond of the Clerk of Superior Court, which is not physically present in New Hanover County. 7th day of December, 1987. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 162-8 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 7, 1987, determined that the required Sheriff's Bond shall be in the total amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1987. ~k~~ Chao man, Board of Commissioners o New Hanover County ATTEST: ~ 1(;/ y(~ Cl k to the Board r '_ ~ ~~. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of. Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 7, 1987, approved the bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance" Officer, New Hanover County Sheriff, Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Tax Collector and Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board, and FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify said approval on the original of each such Bond, with the exception of the Bond of the Clerk of Superior Court, which is not physically present in New Hanover County. 7th day of December, 1987. . ...~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 162-8 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 7, 1987, determined that the required Sheriff's Bond shall be in the total amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1987. [CORPOR ~k~~ Cha' man, Board of Commissioners o New Hanover County ATTEST: . . , -. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 18B-700of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 7, 1987, does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section 18B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board who does not handle Board funds and thereby shall only require that the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board furnish a Bond for the faithful performance of his duties. ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1987. rs . . DECENBER 7 19~7 BOND REVIEW NEW HANOVER COUNTYPVBLIC OFFICIALS BY.. K~ 5it/(~ I. Check for Revisions in Relevant Statutes * V~ ~- ~l09-l et seq. (Official Bonds) ~7A-107 (Clerk of Court) ~18B-700 (ABC Board) ~l05-349 (Tax Collector) ~l59-29 (Finance Officer~ Fidelity Bonds in general) ~l61-4 (Register of Deeds) ~162-8 (Sheriff) ". II. Examination of Bonds (See reverse for itemization) Bonds acknowledged by principal III. Board of Commissioners Heeting (1st Monday in December) Resolution by Chairman approving Bonds, Resolution by Chairman reI ABC Board Certification of approval on original Bonds Clerk records names of Commissioners present and names of those voting approval Original bonds deposited with Clerk of Superior Court unless otherwise provided by Statute (See detail on reverse) . v; ::::- v/ ,/ Verification of location Proper coverage (e.g., "faithful performance of duty") Proper amounts In effect for at least one more year Bonds executed as surety by surety company authorized to do business in N.C. and bond executed under seal in name of surety by agent or attorney-in-fact by authority of power duly recorded in office of Register of Deeds. OR Bonds acknowledged by surety before Chairman of. Board of Commissioners or Clerk of Superior Court. I IV. Blanket Bond Under G.S. ~l59-29(c), a local government may adopt a system of blanket faithful performance bonding as an alternative to individual bonds. If such a system is adopted, statutory requirements of individual bonds do not apply to 'officer, employee, or agent covered by blanket bond, except: h ", [ l - ~ 1";' " ,. ~ Elected Officials (Sheriff) (Coroner) (Register of Deeds) (Clerk of Court) . 'H,. '" .. , t"i Finance Officers Tax Collectors , , ! , . , : ( 1 ,. - ';,~ .... -' -..------- ...-....... ,.'~.~. 1 prrrvANT ,rom A"'fT. 1 COV-.wwE: I I 1 S"".J..'!'t1'!'$ ,REOUIRm 1 OF' BOO) I , I I ,I! I 1 I Dis:retion .1 I 1 , G.S. 109-3 lof himin. ,Faithful performance I I 1 7A-107 IOf=./Cou~..slof duty .' I I I II! 1 I I Between I 1 I Officer' G.S. 159-29IS10,000 & r'!'rue a--=oun~ing & 1 1 1 . IS250,OOO Ifai=.ml pe:-=:c:man--e I I -! ' Ii! ! , G.S. 109-3 rElend 1 ! Colle~-i.on & se~-1E!m'"..nt I I I 1 lof County & other 10::a1 1 ,-. . 1 I I I taxes a=. to law.. 1 :::> t.tpe/H),," I I 162-8 ltiond 2 1Il1e execz=ion 6. re~um I CC)VK'-r 1 .1 1 . lof process, ;rot. of f~-s1 Cwk I 1 1 lor ncneys collected, I I 1 I I fai:hful exeez=ion. I ~~1 000 I .1 I: t. I. 1/1 /1 Ui VIi/) ~ /.'I i ~. i -1 GfS. .n.o~ rFa}tilf perfopnan~e/l i / t 1 V 1/ I ,Ioff d L/ . U L, I I .! I ' 1 !. _ I. . 1 I ! 1 rBetween rSafekeeping of books i I Su.n-Id' I ~ ~!!r M 1 US ~Ire I /&>-1 Pe.ket:Jl I I G.S. 10=-3 IS1C,000 & Ire:::ords; faiti'.ful dis- I ~k. I ..e.v\! I, W1 1.:r.""$'~1 I Tt.tC.k~ ! . 161-4 IS5C.CXX> Icharge of duty I 4. ~do I 1I ')...'5 ~ I /~~~9g (I ~ I I ,I I . I ! - '. i.. !~! -I . I I IDis=re~ion I, '$. ;;L,(.t>e1"'~ d I K-eI1 ~ f!t/lke(;V' 'U~~IJ~1 ., <t/17/~!; ,.pP.-r-",; u".t.. I IG.S. 10:-34910f oovern- rHonesty & fai:hfw , ~ ~ I"f 1 I" 1 nor ,,d. I (f I 1 /' -. dy ,...0:... I A I II~;) ~ I~>- 0/76 ,'~l~, P,o.. I lng 00 pe.....orman..e ., /cJa7~()O 1I'27'-9S"-Cf r-v;v-&J'-' 1_ I f I I ! ~ I ! I I I I Ihs~OfP.~ 'K~-<;(U~ IfJp:;tllJ^~ '17(2.I/ra-1 ~ I 1GaS. 1~7001 $5,000 * Ifaithful performan::e I 5Cf~ 17-/t... tG't I I t:'~ ',,,,.l&..:tt.1 ~_ 1 1 I lof duties 1 ~~OOO 1 I eo ~~~~41' I 1 W~ I s ~..,.. . .~, ." Board of Cemnissioners may exempt those not handling cash. ~. ,: 0 Fc...""gister of Deeds 'lax Collector N3C Board . . , " Sheriff Finan:e Clerk of PUEL!C OFFICIAL Court I.C~=rC1J/A~. OF Bc:ND J./ttYldleL 5~ .5'<. f' eJ/ I~;" cou/r c/<.-r fc. ~ ~ ~ I I.O~..'!'IOO \1ER!FI!:D 1 ECt~ING CO. 1 (Date/By Whom) 'I &: BCND # 1 jlw-dllfu:f:' I ~W I - I 1 ~ I.~ s-<< I ~~ : ! I ,f"b1 ~/;,,;,~ 1 Vs ,c,re I 1/ /,.~/~7 1:ZZc:,~ I ! /1f.'S"I' -R ! : r I 1 K-eY1 ~ I/(~ : 1J&eh~.J : II/;;'S / g 7 1 A? urdv. I l'07'v~"n I IseR. 4-,,?",~1 I 1 ! I 1 1 EFF!:_ ...L '. 'E , I Dl-.TE I P?.INC!PAL I I _ I ~~e/ I ~'NSB I s~ : Reh!erl I I 11/1/$3-1 AvJtI'&W 1 1 :r. I ~",.,t/YlWJlJS I MkWi.D.... 1 , , t : 1 I 12/1/B'- J05C{>h : J,-II/~() H~: .J of" 1 1 I , I P'::Otrr"r;!Z' OEU~EEI OBUGEE: C1J BCtID S:ate of N.C. JJ tt c- S:ate of ~.c. /. ~}te :Y7~ V- I S:ate of N.C. ~ JJ rt e.- S:ate of N.C. & NeB. County .' ;,:.. ", '.. . '~ .'. ~;. r.i. ~ ~ ,~ ~ ... i.,:I;:J.?;~!,~~~r; ""~ :/~;- .. . .. . .. , .! .,.: I',!'/' !" . . t.l iii '~,;'I ::,;;/,I~;{ ,;;,';--i?\~rf:,:.f~., \, ~, ~ :"~"',:'.::':',A '.' ,":(1 . 'r i ~ . . i '. i';, ';1: ',,{ i ';'.,. .~. ~ NtlU JlanUUtr (!Lounty '., .', . \,~ : ' , : ,. ., "~ 'I, '," .::. .... iSoarll of <!tommissiontrs . ' . , :~ . ,i' : ~,~. 0, , ",~ ~\t:..; '..' : ';, " I . ~ , " 1 1Rtsulution l~~ ';'.. j ; ~ ' . ' '.t. " , ' ~ t . )'~' ,'. ~;J':': :.::~, , ,., "~ ,; '; ,;:~. , "b ..f:.~t. . ,;, 1 ;-:,~, ~:"if, 'I ~t " ,~ ~ '''I'! ," ~ ~..> '':I; . I.,,:', t1;.'!.1 I I:', I, 1 ) t,? , .,' ".t.~ I "i; :'.1.; 1 . ':~\" ,~ " ~~' ;I~:'::~"" . ~~r~' 'I .~ ~.:~ ", ~ ':. 11.-' ;:'1 1)~t ,;':~r,~:. ~.~~~ .;~l otrltl' ',~;C: . . . . . . .......................................~..................................................................... ; ~~I\::;~',:):;~., . .,,' ,~~~ '1 '.~. I,.,' .. " , , ~/ . i.~""'~ {,,~",.,3: .. Hanover County 't1i':t-<ln':;<.;; . Management;kh~~;:!~ . ,'; . ".,~!\"p':~~j;:'1i{ -: ... ': .:~;,:t:;/~ir('~> ," ,'," .t' .,' ", , ,~ ..' , '., , '! .. , " NOW, THEREFORE, BE Board'of Commissioners Commission IT RESOLVED that the N. C. BY the New Environmental . .. " " ,( , .' 1 .;'~ .'l' . J ~ \..: Should Water; , \, , ~.;:r' declare and \r;I:,:. to be an Outstanding Resource,:, l . ,;~:r OJ., ,.; ~~. ". ;r ;. ~<i\( " ;~ additional restrictions on uses that may,~r ill Creek, including increased standards fo: ,:. ;:.\~~~t: '::' runoff control and prohibitiono.f any po~nt':'i:5H" into the Creek. ::>, ' 1\~~jl~li~ . \ :/I."}~;: ,J~" /~.~~ Creek Ness Should impose impact Ness stormwater source discharge Sea~ed, the 1A 1987. day of December, '., ~!' f.:'. " ,!.' i ~.: ATTEST rYJ,~ l( / d~ ;~, " ...." . ... . i.~..~', .t ~ ~ , ,:,,' .-/ ';' !\'~,~w ~O(lJ; . .:-\1:.; "... ,. '&Js '""0",;:..,, ":!1l:4'V"~ ";;;/,,,,' ) 5',;:-- ,or.; ;.{ '~ -~, '. ',,\-, ~ ,. ~ , ,";_..;;:,f..~} ..' ~',)":rt(:.\.":.Ii.:;: ~ ' ': f(lJ ~"'. ~_:~ ~v ~ " /' ...,\~-:'J~...'~ / ' " - .~.. ~'}-- ""/',1"">' ~"""-~:t:-:: '~0.. ' '., r;. .";' ,0. \~,x..'_: -" . '. t'...,. -.,_ '.:" " !. .~: , I...... .. }~. I... t' .. 'i ;(. r i .; : :~li., : :.;,~: : .~~/3 10', . "~l~ \ :"? ',"1 :~ . ., ~ ~~';l': {. Commissioner~ .i.: ~~~~t.~ .~~ .!;: ',' '/ . I"'~ '~j '.. " 'j-' ,., ~ : I" ~. t !..' ,1 'j ~', f" .' . i"" ,~ ; 'j '. ' J :" Il ,,' '0 't. \ ';. ~:, ,:. .~, ~ . .,', .~. ',t : -. .,', .' ", " ~t/;,:~' ,'.: t,~~!1.> ~M{(.E, "..l", ,/': '.\~ " " : . I ~ ". " j.',': \:' . . ~';;i:':': i'" , " ,~:i't~f' '. ':.~t~i~:' " ~,'}?~. .' ,,:~ ~";l;?: . ,,'WJi .~~ ;\'~" ~': ;Sf ......,:i'. ;i;':i'~; ',i..,,'. . ,'l , ~ I :; ;J. ~ ; ~,:;;t. ;';t. , ~:' ;: .. ;'~ ; j :):,' '. " ~,.,; . ,( ': ~~;}!.' ~-~~.:, ;/,: .~+ ,'.:~s ,:'h>\ ~ : .d~\~ ~':," :f -,- :}>' ~~i t::~;:, ',' ,. ,T.L:'fL.: h ~ t" RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE AN UNNAMED ROAD ~ WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to G. S. 153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described unnamed road: Being a portion of an unnamed road (20' right-of-way) in Harnett Township, commencing approximately 200 feet north from the western intersection of Dick Avenue/Wrightsville Avenue extending west approximately 154 feet to termination and duly recorded as a part of Book 1114, Page 484 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 4th day of January, 1988 at 7 o'clock p.m. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the unopened road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the ~~ day of ~ 1987. ,,:,,,, '-, I, GEORGE THOMPSON 2 WilMINGTON HOLDING CO. 3.' JOHN CONNELL HEIRS 4. FRANCES .pOWELL. , 5. BRADL:EY PHILLIPS : I 19 ............. . '-..... "--.----:-~ /...------- . '~;II'7" ".'