1986-01-06 RM Exhibits ,i RESOL U'l'I ON OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS Chapter 480 of the 1985 Session Laws appropriated State funds to be allocated to city and county governments to support up to fifty (50%) percent of the nonfederal cost for water and sewer construction projects in each year of the 1985-87 biennium; and WHEREAS Chapter 480 requires that the funds in each year of the biennium be distributed based on (1) the ratio of the county population to the total population of the State as of July 1, 1984, and (2) the ratio of the city population to the total population of the County as of July 1, 1983 with boundaries as of July 1, 1984; ~nd WHEREAS Attachment 1 attached hereto incorporated herein by reference establishes a New County allocatioh of $1,028,954; and and Hanover WHEREAS Section 5.12(g) of Chapter 480 authorizes a county to transfer some or all of its suballocation to a government unit authorized to provide water or sewer services to customers within that county; and WHEREAS New Hanover County desires to transfer all of its allocation to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. New Hanover County hereby transfers its entire interest in the following allocation to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District: Wastewater Collection/Treatment Facilities $668,818 Water Facilities $360,136 Total Allocation $1,028,954 1 I New Hanover County hereby transfers any future interest, which it may acquire in a reverting city suballocation pursuant to Seption 5.12(e) of Chapter 480, to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. ~~~1l1l1l000UOUDDqqq /. /\ ~4~~~~~A~~~:)o~~~occthe /~.a... day of )/J~ ' 1985. ~'o~ 0 ~ f1.... ,,0 "0 c,. ~ ~.;::. .) 00 A ~ : ~) o.",~ :;: ; . <& """'" ~ go-o go-<2 :; :- <f~ & ea '3 0 m -:. <> e l;J.:; ~ ~ r~e ~ ':. 1-;, 00 =a;u;;.Qoifazla"o'il i ~ 0 000 ~JfJ' eOo '" ~ ":, 1>J' 0061ilG000 \~ I'b<!ffi <?<?Qqq It CAR 0" ~.......~ . A TTE S TP!aoallmo3000Gel'>~ 2 . irman, Board of ounty Commissioners ~,~/ y~ Cle k to the Board 2 WATER AND SEW~R FUNDING ALLOCATIONS " AREA COUNTY BALANCE COUNTY NEW HANOVER .1\lLOCATION PURPOSE (A) WASTEWATER COLLECTION/TREATMENT FACILITIES (B1 WATER FACILITIES TOTAL ALLOCATION STATISTICS 1984 STATE POPULATION 6164201 1984 COUNTY POPULATION 110139 1984 COUNTY ALLOCATION TOTAL WASTEWATER COLLECTION/TREATMENT FACILITIES \ WATER FACILITIES 1983 POPULATION SHARE OF YOUR AREA TO THE COUNTY (IN 1984 BOUNDARIES) ~ 1985-86 $ 334"109 $ 180068 $ 514477 ATT ACHMENT 1 ,". ._, ,',....:,. 1986-87 $ 334409 $ 180068 .$ 514477 .$1072050 $ 696833 $ 375217 47..98886 PERCENT \ \ j NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLUTION FOR SDA DESIGNATION WHEREAS, the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 allows local governments to form a consortium and seek designation as a Service Delivery Area; and WHEREAS, such a consortium agreement requires: 1. A formal declaration of membership by resolution of the interested local governments; 2. Agreement of an organizational structure; and 3. The identification of a chief elected official empowered to act on behalf of the membership. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that New Hanover County JOlns with interested counties in a consortium seeking designation by the Governor' as a Service Delivery Area through Fiscal Year 1989, working through the Cape Fear Council of Governments as the administrative entity for the consortium, and naming the COG Chairman as acting Chief Elected Official for the purpose of pursuing such designation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon designation of the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area, each participating county will have the opportunity to decide the nature and extent that it wishes to be involved in the administration of the program. ATTEST: ~'<JI /~ ~~~~ airman I hereby certify that Juring a regular meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on df/k. . / t, , 19~ the above resolutioh was adopted. ~~.....nll'"", .......~ 'I. '" N 0 V f b "" ~ ",.r , r I, ...... -"~oo.......o C'o4>..'~ i I.<"~-:l. ,00. c. -:,. :: ~ ~o o. 't- 1- = 0 . -,- .. 'J .. ' -. WlI .. . ,--<: : J:)o . . ,... - . - . = - . . - ,\";... ~. -:"5 '. .. . -- #' . .- " ~ 1:. · "~"""II " · ~ . ~ 0 ... ~... ... b. ~ '.. 1>)0, ........ -".:; .... , L, \'" ..... ",,'7 C I\RO'- ~....... .,.",............ ~v('~ Cl rk to the Board t ~ ~. . la. ~ ............................................................................................................ .:>~. fBoarll of (!tommi.6.6ioner.6 ,. N.em lIanou.er (!lounty , ....... ~ i!{.e5 olution BE IT RESOLVED, that on January 6, 1986, the,Board of County Commissioners hereby give their unanimous approval of New Hanover County's 1985-86 Land Records Agreement under the North Carolina Land Records Management Program. A $16,000 grant award shall be used to assist in computerizing our land records system along with the installation of a Management and Planning System (MAPS). I, Signed this 6th day of January, 1986. ~~ /.,a onathan Barf~d, Sr. Chairman ATI'ACHMENT II. A. 2. a. RESOLillION AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT OF KINGS GRANT PARK BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY OOARD OF CCM1ISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 provides for the making of grants by the National Park Service, Department of Interior of the United States Government to States and to local municipalities in support of Outdoor Recreation projects and such funds are available after approval of the appropriate State Agency and the Bureau of OUtdoor Recreation; and WHEREAS, the State is required to insure that there will be no discrimination against any person of any race, color, sex, creed, or political affiliation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Ccmnissioners of the County of. New Hanover realizes that recreation facilities are not adequate to meet the minimum recreational needs of the people of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, it is. believed that said Board of Ccmnissiollers with the assistance of the general public is now in a position to lend full support to the developnent of a County of New Hanover park. NOW, THEREEDRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORI'H CAROLINA: (1) That an application be made to the National Park Service, Deparbnent of Interior of the U. S. Government through the State of North Carolina for a development grant of $27,500 which represents fifty percent (50%) of all costs ($55,000) including preparation, plans, and construction of recreational facilities to be canpleted in the fiscal year 1986-87. (2) That the County Manager of the County of New Hanover be authorized and directed to file such application on behalf of the County of New Hanover, to provide additional information and furnish such documents as may be required by the National Park Service and the State of North Carolina and to act as the authorized correspondent of the County of New Hanover. (3) That the Director, National Park Service, Department. of Interior of the United States Governrrient be, and hereby is assured of full canpliance by the applicant with the regulations promulgated pursuant to Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964. I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Carrmissioner SECONDED BY: Read, approved and adopted, this Ccmnissioner . day of ,198 . Chainnan Clerk ,{ .-~:_.__._._~!...-.. ! Ytar mOll,1t day 3. STATE APPLI- CATION IDENTI. FIER NOTE: TO BE ASSIONED BY STATE OMB No. 0348-0000 l i, r'fPE OF SUBMISSION (Mad ap- rr.>pri.'1U I"".T) o NOTICE OF INTENT (OPTIONAL) o PREAPPLICA TlON ~ APPLICATION 2. APPLI- CANT'S APPll-: CATION IDENTI. FIER ' I. NUMBER fEDERAL ASStST ANCE b. DATE DATE ASSIGNED y,t" _t11 d4y 19 19 Ltaw Blall" 0li:(~^l APPLICANT IRECIPIENT i (I IIppi~nt Name New Hanover County I h ()(g8nu:ation Unit Parks and Recreation . !,~ Stre-atlP.O Bo. 414 Chestnut Street , d ~>t., Wilmington I . ,~ ~;~lIie North Carol1.lla 5. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) '" Con'.p.ct PlIrJlI)n (Nam'Mike. Waters , ,I: 1',i,'pJ,uni No) (919) 341-7198 : GY1--I:;L~' ~)F APPLICANT'S PROJECT (Use section IV of this form 10 prOvide a summary description 01 \he ",: ~H'~fv.;t.) :. . , Roan 101 e. County g. ZIP jCode. I New Hanover 28401 6. PRO- . GRAM I. NUMBER ~ (From CFDA) ",rl "i il i Kings Grant Park MUL TlPLE 0 b. TITLE Outdoor Recreation c uisition, Development, 8. TYPE Of' APPLICANT IRECIPIENT P 1 ann i n 9 A-Slate G--SpedoI ""- 0l001ct 8-_ ~ _ Avon<l C--Suboalo ~ E__ o.v--> J-.- r_ P-<Anly K....oot. fSt1<<if1): E -Qty F-Schocl 0IaIcl Ellt" appmpri4" kit" D C).. -.. ---~ROPOSED FUNDING 1-;; "-"..-,,...''---- i- rFI~(R~l Is '1'7 c::("~OO i a. APPLICANT . . __'__I_~-#-..8l! 7th " ,.('PtiCANT ' .00 . :;1;;~ ---------1'- .~ @ PROJECT START (-)(;~:. _~ ~-~~-T 27.L~Q9--.OO DATE y"" mOflthdOI' I I 1986 08 15 ____li___ Months ".);:iFI:_________,_______ .OO'16.DATEOUETO Y,a, month day · "'lil :s__~_5_tQOQ____.OO I _FEDERALA~=-~~ ~ 19 "; :.rl"HAL,'\Gl:NCYTORECEIYEREQUEST U.S. Department of thQ Interior .'i ()%ANIZArlo~iiil:UNIT(iF APPROPAIATE)- --L'b. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT (IF KNOWN) National Park Service 1443 . ... - -- ._-------,- 10 ESTIMATED NUMBER 1,. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE PERSONS BENEFITING :~ Cltw10 ~ c-"- 6 850 &ow. __ "."U 1nln(J/ []] '.~ GJAtj-i.:-A OF PROJECT IMPACT (Nom" of ci/i,J. COIIfl/its, ItO/'J. ,tc.) . , New Hanover County CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 14. TYPE OF APPLICATION A__ ~ c--. ~ E~ Enur.""..",..u Inu, 0 7th PROJECT DURATION 17. TYPE Of' CHANGE IFor 14c or 11<) A-__ ~ F....oot. 1Sp<<,fy): s-o.c._ ~ c-__~ [).-{)ocr_ 0l.r0I0n E~ En/., IIppn:J- ptV/tllt1"t1r(.) ITD 20. EXISTING FEDERAL GRANT . IDE~TlFICATtON NUMBER 75 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303 ~: l~DIJHLSS REMARKS ADDED ') . -- -- ---rio'\i~-beSl of my knowledge and belief, I data in Ihis preapplication/applicalion I are truA and correct. lhe document ha9 00ft11 duly authorized by lhe governing : body of the applicant and the applicant i will comply t1'h the at1ached assurances i it the assisUince is approved. .------,,-... I __ ... Q '.., 'r" ! a TYPED NAME AND T1T~E . ,:::?!,,~r-,I.',> I Jonathan Barfleld - ChallTIlaIl . . . '~/.::::-:~::\I_r::..J__~~~J:!anover County Board of COITIllUSSloner . ;>.1 .'IPPl j(:".- r..", month day 25_ FEDERAL APPLICATION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER . 'HE r'Y'FUCANT - .~'IHlc'ES t.~!A 1 r- y D No a. YES. THIS NOTICE OF INTENT/PREAPPLlCATlON/APPLfCATlON WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: DATE . . b. NO, PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E.O. t2372 0 OR PROGRA~ HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR f!EVIEW 0 b. SIGNATURE ~ 1': ..." 26. FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION !.';:;f:f,IVED 19 ......_,--- ------... AC1H.)N T AI(EN ., ,\'y\(,ROE[1 r~cr:':: rED . ,(: ''1', TJHNEO FOR t',Mf:Nl)MENT . .. :::::: 'Uf~NED FOR f:O 1237~ SUBMISSION ::,y APPLICANT TO ~;'!" I... '!'E , ! tJ OFq:~lflEO . I I W'; H'_)RAWN r- e. FEDERAL b. APPLICANT c. STATE 11. LOCAL e. OTHER I f. TOTAL i FUNDING YN' month day 30. Y tQ, moIIth dolt STARTING DATE 19 32. Yta, trIOIIth do" ENDING DATE 19 33. REMARKS AOOED .00 .00 29. ACTION DATE~ 19 .00 31. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA- TION (Nom, OM td,plwn, IIl1m~r) s s .00 .00 .00 o Yes DNo . i:-,.F.' '::". rl::.:J-eit'7. 424-103 STANDARD FOAM 424 PAGE 1 (Rev. 4-84) Prnm'b<</ by OMB Cim.l", A-IO} "'."_:~ :c[;orION . '.~: \ 'S.1\.8!_~ DETACH AND, AS NECESSAHY, STAPLE 1U AHUVI: ::lHI:I: I. SECTION IV-REMARKS (Please reference the propBr item number (rom S<<tionJ I, 11 or 1/1, i( /fpplic/fbleJ Section I - Item 7 SUMMARY DESCRIPl'ION This. project will allow for the developnent of a carrmunity parkin an area which currently lacks any public recreational. facilities or maintained open space~ . In addition to necessary site preparation, elements within this project .include playground equipnent, developnent of a multi-purpose.hard surface court, ballfield and picnic facilities. STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (REV. "'84' A'ITACHMENT II. 2.b. RESOLUl'ION FOR THE ASSURANCE OF AVAILABILITY OF MATCH State of North Carolina County of New Hanover WHEREAS, at .the rreeting of the New Hanover County Board of Ccmnissioners , a IOCltion was nade and duly seconded that the New Hanover County Board of Camnissioners agrees to the followin9: In the event a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant is awarded by the Department of Natural Resources and Carmunity Developnent, the N. H. County Board of Commissioners certifies and assures that it has the ability and intention to finance its 50% share of the total project cost of $ 55 , 000 . 00 BY: Authorized Representative Title Notary Public ATTACHMENT II. A. 3 NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 NAME OF APPLICANT' New Hanover County NAME OF PROPOSED PROJECT Kings Grant Park The applicant understands and agrees to abide by the following: If the proposed project receives Land and Water Conservation Fund Assistance provided by the National Park Service ~N~S) of the Department of Interior, then pursuant to the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, "no qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any programs or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Signature of Authorized Representative Date .'.' v' ATTACHMENT II. A. 4 The Sedimentation Control Act of 1973 requires an approved Soil Erosion Control Plan. "An erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be . prepared and filed with the Commission, or local govern- ment having jurisdiction, prior to the commencement of any land-disturbing activity whenever the proposed. activity is to be undertaken on a tract comprising more than one acre, if more than one contiguous acre is to be uncovered~" (General Statutes, Chapter 113A, Article 4) . This plan must be submitted to the Land Quality Section of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development at the appropriate DNRCD Regional Office serving your area at least thirty days prior to the initiation of any land-disturbing activity. The Applicant agrees to follow requirements of the Sedimentation Control Act. Date Signature of Authorized Representative v ATTACHMENT II. A. 5.a. NOTICE OF LUlITATION OF USE NAME OF APPLICANT: New Hanovel;" County NAME OF PROPOSED PROJECT: Kings Grant Park The Applicant understands that IF: the property identified on the project boundary map of this application is acquired and/or developed with Federal financial assistance provided by the National Park Service (formerly the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation) of the Department of the Interior in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended, 16 V.S.C. ~460l-5 ~ ~. (1970 ed.); THEN, pursuant to a requirement of that law, this property may not be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses (whether by transfer, sale, or in any other manner) without the express written approval of the Secretary of the Interior. By law, the secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing comprehensive statewide recreation plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonable equivalent use- fulness and location." Signature of Authorized Representative Date 2/81 BOR 101 ATTACHMENT II. A. 5. b AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF New Hanover : i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I! : i Personally came before the undersigned attesting officer, duly autho- . ! rized to administer oaths, Jonathan Barfield : i who being duly sworn, an oath states that he has personal knowledge of : I the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that he/she makes this affidavit for any and all purposes authorized by law. The affidavit states on oath: I hold the position of Chainnan for the N. H. of Comnissioners and have been duly author {zed by resolution of the Board of Corrmissioners adopted on the _day of to execute this affidavit and Notice of Limitation of Use on behalf of said Board : 1 and to record this affidavit in the land records in the Office of the . ! New Hanover Register of Deeds of County, North Carolina. Said resolution further requests that this affidavit be indexed in the name of the New Hanover County in the grantor index and indexed in the name of the Department of the Interior in the grantee index of the Office of the Register of Deeds. ! ' The undersigned has personal knowledge that the Notice of Limitation I: I ; of Use set forth below has been made part of and/or attached to the Register of Deeds - N. H. Count~ublic property record of the subject ! which has been duly recorded at the New Hanover County Judicial Building (Locations, i.e., City Hall, Court House) I, I' , I I; i: II I (Book No., Page No.) j' ,. I I I ! i I I I i I I I Board. I I . i I i I I I I i I I I I I i I ; i I: , , i NOTICE OF LIMITATION OF USE I I: I. I. I: "The property identified has been acquired or developed with Federal financial assistance provided by the National Park Service (formerly the Heritage Conservation Recreation Service) of the Department of the Interior in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 8 4601-5 et ~. .(1970 ed.). Pursuant to a requirement of that law, this property may not be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses (whether by transfer, sale, or in any other manner) without the express written approval of the Secretary of the Interior. By law, the Secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing comprehensive statewide recreation plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness and location." i; ; . ~ ' ; ! I' ;! Further affiant saith not. i! I! i' I i This the day of , 19 Sworn to and subscribed before me ! ; I' this day of , 1983. i: I (Notary Public) . i --,.... .,..---.- '..1~'" !,' . - - ----. ~ . .......... II.. II II... a aa .lIall aaaa .1lI....III1U au 110 aD II." II 111111 II a a lIa .... .lIa II II lIa CI 1111118. all alia II a. a II 1111 II lIall II II DaO.II.II.a.II..III1I1I1... . ~ New )Jannuer OJlluntU 1Boar?t of (!tnmmillsioutf.6 1Rtsolutinn WHEREAS, there is a demonstrable need for fire protection service in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, it is impracticable to provide these services on a County-wide basis; and WHEREAS, it is economically feasible to provide fire protection service in the unincorporated County without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies; and WHEREAS, there is a demonstrable demand for fire protection services by persons residing in the unincorporated County; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners do hereby resolve that a New Hanover County Fire Service District shall be established to aid in the provision of fire protection service for the unincorporated County as existing on January 6, 1986. Signed this _~~day of January, 1986. ~~~ Chairman / .I ~ -. .\_ a 11111.. D II II 1111. II" 111111 11.111111 .-.... II II tlI. II. II. II II..... a II II II II.... II.. II a II II II II..... III II a.... 1111. II II II II. II. II II. II" II. II" II . .. , , " iO . . ". i . . . . . , , !: .1 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as fol lows: 1. AMEND 59.4-2 Appl icability - The development and improvement of property, including the subdivision of land shall be subject to these performance controls If the parcel of record Is located wholly or partially within a COD. 2. ADD 59.4-2 (3) The development of subdivision of a parcel that meet both of the following conditions: (A) No part of the development or subdivision shall be located within a distance equal to or less than the setback distance (specified In section 59.4-5) of any conservation resource or space existing on the parcel or on a contlnguous parcel of record. (B) No part of the development or subdivision shall be located on any portion of the parcel that Is part of the upper drainage basin for any conservation resource or space on the parcel or within the specified setback on a continguous parcel of record. 3. AMEND 59.4-3 Conservation Resources - If a parcel on record as of .(date of adoption of this Ordinance) Is associated with anyone of the conservation resources having the minimum district areas listed below then the parcel shal I be subject to the fol lowing performance controls... ...Conservation Resources -.. (1) Ecological resources 1. Swamp forest 2 .Pocos I n 3. Savannah 4. Natural ponds 5. Freshwater marsh 6. Brackish marsh 7. Primary nursery areas 8. Barrier Island -Beach complex Including dunes Maritime shrub thickets Salt Marsh Animal and Plant Natural Areas of Special Significance (2) Archeological/historical r.eso~r.ces Minimum distinct area 2.5 acres 2.5 acres 2.5 acres 0.1 acre 0.1 acre 0.1 acre 0.1 acre 9. 10. 11. 0.1 acre 1.0 acre 0.1 acre no Ifmit no Jim I t 4. 59.4-4 General Performance Controls ~ The following general performance controls apply to all uses within a COD that are subject to controls as determined by Section 59.4-2 and Section 59.4-3. (1) Required amounts of conservation space '\' ','. .. .", , I -. . ..,', (A) Conserva+ion space is defined as +ha+ por+ion of +he conserva+ion resource +ha+ shall be preserved, as determined by +his Sec+ion. (B) Conserva+ion space may no+ be reserved provided +he developmen+' or subdivision of +he parcel mee+s +he condi+ion specified in Sec+ion 59.4-2(3)(A). wi If +he developmen+ or subdivision does no+ mea+ +he condi+ion specified in Sec+ion 59.4-2(3)(B), however, +he developmen+ or subd I v I s ion sha II mea+ a pp II cab Ie dra I nage and se1back regula+lons specified in Sections 59.4-4(7) and 59.4-5. .. CC) Conserva+ion space shall no+ be required -to be reserved for +he folloving resources unless +he -total acreage of minimum dis+inc+ areas on +he parcel of record exceeds +he follovlng minimum: Resource . Total Aggregate Minimum Acreage Swamp Fores+ Pocos in Savannah 5 acres 5 acres 5 acres WORKTABLE FOR DETERMINING REQUIRED CONSERVATION SPACE AND DEVELOPABLE LAND 5. Maritime shrub thickets (10) .7 6. AMEND 59.4-4(4)(A) . (1) Dedication of the conservation space or of a conservation easement In perpetuity to and acceptance by the County for use as parks, recreation areas, or of the suitable public purposes, or... 7. AMEND (3) The owner of the parcel on record may retain sole ownership of the conservation space. The conserva+lon space sha II no+ be subdivided. 8. DELETE: (5) Residential controls - For al I ... (6) Clustering - modification .and... 9. Under. Section 59.4-4(5) Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) Rentention of Runoff - In...Englneering DELETE: Industrial, commercial, office... Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in confl ict with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted th i s 6th day of January , 1986. ttG"U'fI.", ~~<I~'~~ NO V t 1:/""'" . l"'~~' ,,0000000000'. Co '..... .: I,!" . o. & ..- :: ,:.":.... ,)" , · 'f, " ~ } " ~ ~~ : ~~ ~/~ -<: - t", oJ . .... : ", ~ - : E ... ~ ..~... ; Go _ r..::,.........-..r.. ! .. 1: · -cii".,.Jo.'u.. .. ~ 0 ...~'" ... ~./ .... 1>:.. ....... \~..... " FL, ,.... ",,'1 C ARO '" :.~~.. . '"...........tt., ?:~~~ CHAIRMAN ~ND COMMISSIONER " >'.