1986-01-31 SPM Exhibits ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners desires to-conduct a study o~ the impact of billboards on Eastwood Road and regulations concerning such signs and development along Eastwood road; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners deems it necessary to place a temporary ban on the issuance of billboard permits along Eastwood Road until the study of the corridor is completed; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED as follows: 1. Effective the date of this resolution and extending through February 3, 1986, a moratorium is placed on the issuance of billboard or any other sign permits along the corridor of Eastwood Road (the portion of U.S. 74 extending from U.S. 17 to the corporate limits of Wrightsville Beach). 'I'his the 31st ~%,"l!lIel!lIl1l1l1~ ~.........'il~~ NO V t If'flfI~~ ~cS><$' ~.\OOOOOOOOOO COo ,g> <..t~'o~ . 00,,, /fj~ 0 . "'0 A c:, 0 f!) t' :: g . ~ ..-\ It> 0 ~ -< ::J3.o . .1= m ~ 0" . QI CJ ~ aQ ~ ; 0 .. B"e 4Ji.!J - A. 0 ~- ':....-.." lilt ~..-::o 00 ~.~Ikoo ~ <:, 00 Ju,p ,()0 ~ ~ '~1>)" 00000&0" ~ ~. ~ <f<fQQQ!-f CAR 0 \" ~'I;'I;<&...,," OQoooaoDDoo99".eI> day of January, 1986. Ch l.rman, Board Commissioners ATTEST: ~~y~ RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcels of real property shown; and \iHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offers to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a not{~~on~ the offer as required by N.C.G.S. 160A-269. \"\\"\~ fi'i1I1f7ooo ~......\ ~ NO V f b Qqqq ~ '0' 'f CCo <:;"'. _\ 000000 Ooc ~ ,\~ 00 00 ~ t$'~. DC ,0" c.. "0 ~.? cO 00 0 Adopte# a ~o 0 meetiri;l.}O . = " . ~ ~ fjJ:/$1g ~ A_ 00 . -- r..:,......-:.....e '1: ~ I': 0 ~aD.eo.'1I' 'f>>(/) t: ~ 0 "0 --,q. ~ to... ~ ~~ '/iJ)' "oo..:eeGl!l \~ v.~..~ OqQllbfJ./t CAR 0 \'~'I;4' Attest: "eDilasslIslilllS.eQ$ 4. 9t ~,/~~ Cou ty Clerk t MAIL RECEIPT I' 'J1=V.J Ufii\!"ii[:P rniii"I"fY TAX OfFICE .:"i... n:t..J._.\ ...._:..11 I 1 \ CmGlNAL COpy STAMPED IN RED 12; 1\1 6 mn'~ 1. ADDRESS: 310 McCrae Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 165 ACQUISITION COST: $1671 LAND VALUE: $1390 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-04813-040-006 OFFEROR: M.B.I. Progressive Properties % CITY OWNED: BLDG. V AJ....UE: 2. ADDRESS: 710 South 13th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 165 ACQUISITION COST: $883 LAND VALUE: $2400 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05410-015-023 OFFEROR: }f.B.I. Progressive Properties % CITY OvJNED: BLDG. VALUE: 3. ADDRESS: 222 South 13th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 150 ACQUISITION COST: $1027 LAND VALUE: $2150 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05406-015-016 % CITY OWNED: BLDG. VALUE: OFFEROR: M.B.I. Progressive Properties 4. ADDRESS: 908 Queen Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 115 ACQUISITION COST: $1089 LAND VALUE: $1500 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05410-018-029 OFFEROR: ~I.B.I. Progressive Properties % CITY OlVNED: BLDG. VALUE: 5. ADDRESS: 1001 Anne Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 75 ACQUISITION COST: $1236 LAND VALUE: $1390 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05406-019-009-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol % CITY OWNED: BLDG. VALUE: 7.45 $-0- 77 .3 $-0- 6.022 $-0- 8.4 $-0- 7.4 $-0- % COUNTY OvJNED: 92.55 TOTAl.. VALUE: AMOUNT OF OFFER: % OF VALUE: LIEN: -0- $1390 $695 50 % COUNTY OWNED: 22.7 TOTAL VAI,UE: $2400 AMOUNT OF OFFER: $1200 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY OWNED: 93.978 TOTAL VALUE: $2150 N10UNT OF OFFER: $1075 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY OWNED: 91.6 TOTAL VALUE: $1500 AMOUNT OF OFFER: $ 7 50 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY OWNED: 92.6 TOTAL VALUE: $1390 AMOUNT OF OFFER: $695 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- 6. ADDRESS: 810 South 13th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 165 ACQUISITION COST: $199 LAND VALUE: $2060 ZONING: R-1 TAX MAP NO: 6001-05410-024-015-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol 7. ADDRESS: 918 South 8th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 165 ACQUISITION COST: $457 LAND VALUE: $2230 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05409-037-015-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol 8. ADDRESS: 206 South 11th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 75 ACQUISITION COST: $217 LAND VALUE: $1390 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05406-018-016-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol 9. ADDRESS: 623 North 10th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33 x 77 ACQUISITION COST: $1973 LAND VALUE: $1170 ZONING: R-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-04814-009-012-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol % CITY mmED: BLDG. VALUE: % CITY OWNED: BLDG. VALUE: % CITY mmED: BLDG. VALUE: % CITY OWNED: BLDG. VALUE: 10. ADDRESS: 517 South 9th Street DESCRIPTION: Lot 33x 87 ACQUISITION COST: $262 % CITY OHNED: J~D VALUE: $1130 BLDG. VALUE: ZONING: C-l TAX MAP NO: 6001-05406-021-005-000 OFFEROR: Marc Botbol 5.3 $-0- 100 $-0- 4.8 $-0- 7.6 $-0- 7.9 $-0- % COUNTY mmED: 94.7 TOTAL VALUE: $2060 ANOUNT OF OFFER: $1030 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY O\mED: -0- TOTAL VALUE: $2230 ANOUNT OF OFFER: $1115 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY O~mED: 95.2 TOTAL VALUE: $1390 AMOUNT OF OFFER: $695 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY OWNED: 92.4 TOTAL VALUE: $1170 AMOUNT OF OFFER: $585 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- % COUNTY OWNED: 92.1 TOTAL VALUE: $1130 AHOUNT OF OFFER: $565 % OF VALUE: 50 LIEN: -0- ~ . '\ . "'-~i.:~~-~:'i'I' 'T;[F.l!"-'~l:;;.~:'~ .Jj-''''I'~ <!' T'~' ,:~.t:. :~.~~'-' ~\ 'I ,. . " I I !::;..i-j I'-r"'.lrro, -'0 .' ~ , -Yc...!~ ~~_:." I:.,., .;;:.i:,'"I;'.:': 1:~~"rl:'~;I"":'~~.:l"I':'~:;T'-o"-I----' i 1";-;- --1..-.~ ,'" """'.,,.. . .. . .j.".....,.... - ........,.I/l[,.".,--l..--....-.-. Fg~;~T+;;"I' ,r;'Ei'p-- -^'~.. 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'.1, :.11 ~~ ~:~::~ ,~;-~ d~~::-~ Introduced by: G. ~elix Cooper, Manager January 14, 1986 , ", - RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY " ~lEREAs, certain parcels of real property owned wllolly or join~ly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated ,on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the properties are declared by the County Conuuissioners to be surplus and notneedeq for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of these properties in accordance with the negotiated tems and conditions. NO\.J THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offers to purchase indicated on the attached list ,frOlil the offerors as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. ....-- .,........"" 4. ,That t~"~~hltQr~"~w Hanover will require the offerors to deposit five (5%) ~~Q..~~.~foO~J.ered prices immediately following adoption of this . ",!,v, . ,.. c c;;... .. reso:;:~J"n . 1-- ~ - . . ..-\~ = . .. ~ . = : - ,e -<.: 5. That: ~ohS' Ct~, B!Ard of ComID'issioners will publish a notice of the l)fft\s ~: "}y~i;(;S J60A-26<J. ~ e. _ r~'.,. = ~ ~ . -G"".JOe,t::.. $ ~ 0 ... -...., .. ~ ~ ,'" 1>... ...:.... \~ ..... ,#. , LI ~ ..\~...... '" ''1 C ^ R 0 v ~,,, '" n "" .,........... AdOP~_~~'~A~ . meeting on -t!.4-V~~~~-+--' 19_.,{~__._._. ATTEST: ~v(y~ , ' _.__._--_._--_._.~--,._--_._.- - - .----.- Count Clerk "'1 ,TAX HAP NUMBER: R04817-011-00'l.OOl ADDRESS: 200 alockNorth 'Sixth Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,570.00 BLDGS.: $ .02 DIMENSIONS: 33 x 165 ZONING: R5 % CITY: ,63. 7 . % COUNTY: 36.3 BID: $ 1,2S5.00 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 OFFEROR: , LIENS: John E. Brett and Wife Merrily F. Locke 325 South 3rd Street Wilmington, NC, 28401 LEGAL DESC.: SW~4 Blk 196 TOTAL: $ 2,570.00 ACQ. COST: $ 1,138.76. CITY COST: $ 725.58 TYPE: TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENS IONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: BLDGS. $ ZONING: LEGAL DESC.: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: TOTAL TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $' OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: BLDGS. $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ.. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL . 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';;'1 ..... \"'1e - \. ~,/~ ~; _~. ,-:_"-__.~.:f.~J r:" Q)} Wee Q)} f lfionr~ of QIommissioners . ~efn ~~tnober QIount\1 3za (1]:1!cdnut ~treet _ilmington, ~ort~ (1]:llrolinll 28401 mekp4one(919) 763-3688 ~1 January 21, 1985 '.1>' Ms. Eleanor Hunt, President New Hanover Extension Service Arboretum, Inc. 6206 Oleander Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Ms. Hunt: On behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, I hereby endorse and support the New Hanover County Extension Service Arboretum, Inc. and its request for a funding grant from z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. We believe this to be a most worthwhile endeavor, which will enhance the quality of life for our citizens as well as for those who visit our community. This project enjoys the support of both the public and private sectors, and will be a tribute to that partnership. , The Commissioners and I appreciate the opportunity to express our c~mmitment and support of this project. Sincerely, Barfield, Sr. JB:lfh cc: County Commissioners Felix Cooper, County Manager ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners desires to-conduct a study of the impact of billboards on Eastwood Road and regulations concerning such signs and development along Eastwood road; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners deems it necessary to place a temporary ban on the issuance of billboard permits along Eastwood Road until the study of the corridor is completed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED as 'follows: 1. Effective the date of this resolution and extending through February 3, 1986, a moratorium is placed on the issuance of billboard or any other sign permits along the corridor of Eastwood Road (the portion of U.S. 74 extending from U.S. 17 to the corporate limits of Wrightsville Beach). This the 31st day of January, 1986. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk