10-20-2010 Present: Dean Gattone John Haley Sandra Sheridan Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Stuart Borrett Jack Bragg Linda Chapman Elizabeth Dawson Dawn McKernan Jack Mills Bill Terrell Allen Trask, III Tom Cunningham, CFMA, Inc. President Staff: Ruth Haas Barbara Rowe The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2010, in Williston Auditorium at Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Gattone at 4:00 p.m. Sandra Sheridan moved that the September 15, 2010, meeting minutes be approved. They were approved unanimously. Chairman’s Report: The first quarter Achievement Indicators were reviewed and discussed. Visitation and revenue were down. This may be due to the absence of a new travelling exhibit to promote over the summer. This will be closely monitored. Jack Bragg moved, and Allen Trask seconded a motion to request that the NHC Board of Commissioners’ meeting include recognition of the Award of Excellence for Exhibits costing over $500,000 presented by the Southeastern Museums Conference for the Land of the Longleaf Pine. Jack Mills moved to amend and Stuart Borrett seconded that additionally, the award should be framed and hung in the exhibit. The amendment and motion were approved without opposition. Associate’s Report: Tom Cunningham reported on plans for the Vintage Lunch on February 21 and invited Advisory Board Members to support the event. He also commented on the success of SciFest, which was sponsored by Time Warner. Board Committees: Collections Committee: John Haley presented a list of eight items to be recommended for deaccession from the Museum’s permanent collection. The recommendation to deaccession these items was approved unanimously. Facilities: Bill Terrell updated the board on challenges the Museum has been having with a leaky roof, Property Management’s plans to replace the roof as soon as the contract was in place, and plans to repair the HVAC system. Connector valves in the HVAC system are failing. Replacement of the valves requires that the Museum be closed. The first two weeks of January have been identified for this project to occur. Education Committee: Jack Mills expressed compliments to staff for the first family SciFest at the Museum. The event was hosted by 154 volunteers with 450 visitors. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING October 20, 2010 2010-11 Board Dean Gattone Chair John Haley Vice Chair Sandra Sheridan Secretary Long Range Planning: Dean Gattone* John Haley Jack Mills Bill Terrell Facilities Bill Terrell* Jonathan Barfield, Jr. Collections John Haley* Linda Chapman Beth Dawson Education Jack Mills* Stuart Borrett R. Jack Bragg Dawn McKernan Sandra Sheridan Marketing Dean Gattone Linda Chapman Allen Trask III Jonathan Barfield NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Tom Cunningham CFMA, Inc. Long Range Planning Discussion: Dean Gattone introduced the discussion topic: How is the Museum positioned /perceived within the downtown /larger community? Are there things we should be doing to increase recognition of our value to downtown, the business community, and government? Everyone contributed to the discussion. Take-aways: Develop speakers bureau to speak to more downtown groups Invite groups to come to the Museum – each board member invite a group Send a letter to Sally Smith, Chamber staff liaison with Cape Fear Future, to invite the CF Future Quality of Life Committee to meet at the Museum – tour the group through the Museum after their meeting. Ruth was asked to follow through with this. Museum Update: Ruth Haas reviewed upcoming activities at the Museum, including One-Stop Voting. Board members were invited to attend the training session, “Understanding Dimensions of Your Board” on October 20 at 2:00. The next Museum Advisory Board meeting will be on October 20, 4:00. With no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,