HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-27-28 Budget Work Sessionr??8_?
Chairman Hall observed that for a long time the Grand Juries have been -
concerned about privilege for parking when they are serving in the Courts. After dis-
cussing this subject at length, it was finally agreed that when an active juror received
a violation ticket while on duty in the court, he should take it to the Clerk of Court
who would in turn initial it as being O.K. and send it to the City Manager who would dis-
pose of it in a legal way.
Minutes of the ,loint Meetinq Julv. 21, 1961t Continued
II = -_ _- ----- ----- _- - - - --- - -
This subject was discussed at length and it was finally agreed, by common
? consent, that the totai expense for listing taxes would be borne completely by the County
and that the cost of making the tax-scrolls would be paid by the City directly into the
County and not to any employees.
Councilman Symmes reported that he had received some complaints relative to I
the different holidays observed by the City and County and suggested that a uniform ?
agreement be made with reference to this matter. There seemed to be complete agreement '
among those present on this suggestion and the two Boards appointed City Manager Brandon
and Executive Secretary Houck as a Committee to work out a uniform Holiday Schedule, q
Mayor Allsbrook thanked everybody for their cooperation and willinoness to
work together on our mutually interested departments. He then declared/$he joint meet-
ing adjourned. ? ? --.4 / /
Commissioners Room
2:30 P. M. Julv 21,064
Wilmington, N. C.
Present were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E.
Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love,
Jr. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery was out out of the city and unable to be pre-
sent. The Chairman cailed the meeting to order pursuant to the recess of the last regu-
lar meeting for the purpose of continuing the Budget discussion and conducting any other
business pertinent to the County.
In discussing the County Prison Farm Budget, the Board finally, by common
consent, agreed to dispense with the farming operation during the current year as soon
as all present crops planted are harvested. Nlr: Braak, as the Committee.for the Farm;
was authorized to begin preparation for closing down the operation by disposing of live-
stock, farm machinery, and advertise the land for rental purposes or negotiate for leas-
ing it.
Chairman Hall reported that on July 13th, he attended an organi2ational meet-
ina of the East-West Highway Development Association being organized for the purpose of
improving and developing U. S. Highway 74 from its terminal in Wilmington to Asheville
inLo a dual four-lane highway. After the oroanizational procedures were completed,
it aras decided to form a non-profit corporation called the Hiohway 74 Improvement Asso-
ciation. Each of the counties through which the Highway passes was requested to contri-
bute $100.00 which might come from an appropriation by the Commissioners,or any other
available sources in the County,in order to provide funds for getting action on this pro-
ject initiated. By common consent, the Board unanimously approved this suggestion and
authori2ed the Executive Secretary to forward $100.00 for New Hanover County's share
out' of the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund.
In a.discussion of the County Prison Farm facilities, it was found that an
average from f'ive to seven female prisoners were kept at the l+lomen's Department of the
Prison. It also developed that before women prisoners can work, they must have a woman
supervisor. Since it has been decided to dispense with the Farm operation during the
fiscal year, there would be nothing for the female prisoners to do. Mr. Braak then
moved that the Women+s Prison Department be eliminated by September 1, 1964 or as soon
as practically possible before that time. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously
The Chairman' reminded the Board that the ldelfare Department had agreed to
assume the placement of juvenile delinquents in foster homes. He suggested that the
juvenile detention was a function of the Court and that the Juvenile Judge should make
the arrangements with the Welfare Department before the Detention Home is abolished.
At this point, Juvenile Judge H. Foster Edwards was called before the Board and the situa-
tion explained to him. He stated that in his opinion the Juvenile Detention Home serves'i
as a deterrent for incorrigible children but that he would go along with the idea without'
objection on a trial basis but reserve the right to re-open the matter if circumstances
warranted it. Then Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Countv Commissioners recommend
to the Juvenile Judge that the Juvenile Detention Home be abolished and that he arrange 1t
with the Welfare Department subject to his own prerogative on a trial bas?s in accordance?
with GS 110-30. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted.
GENERAL - For the remainder of the afternoon, the various Budget items were covered undell
serveral departmenLs and adjustments made as they appeared justified.
- Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously
agreed to recess untii 9:00 A. M. July 27th and authorized the Executive Secretary to
? have the Mental Health Center Board meet with them at that time.
f M/4g 9
Minutes of' the Budget DiscusSion.Meetinq July 2'?,_l9b1a,_?j_i?i?gt:DR.,. T`r--G
PRES$NT ='Cha.irman.J.'=M: Ha11;:.Jr.; Commissioner"s:.Aei'er;H?.: Braak, L.,E: Broad-
' hursi,' -'Ernest'R;-:Nlayhan,; :=Uohn Van':.B:.-MetLs"•_rJr:,?.and Couniy-Auditot.'T:'D. Love, Jr: ,
County Attorney L. B. Tillery was unable to be present.
REGONVENTIQN - Complying with the re+cessed meeting on July 21th, the Chairman called the
$oard to-order?andasked•:the, Executive;,Secret3r.y;.to_apen ihe,meeting wi.th;a,prayer::
MENTAli HEA L T,H ?C ENJ.E R -., The-Chairman-r-ecogi?ize3t Doctor R-:' H,. =Frs s cfi-e-r ,• i h e
D'i'r.:e_d:t;o±r;:o-f the Mental Health Center, and members of the Mental Health Advisory Coun- I
' cil, Reverend R. K. Johnson, Mrs. Alice B. Sisson and Mrs, Henry M. VonOesen. Dr. Fisscher
reporte.d that Columbus County had finally made a firm decision to participate in the Mental
W Health Program and si.gned a contract amounting to $10,500. ?This is the first step in ?
developing a regional Mental Health Center for the State plans a building in the future and that is one of the reasons they are wiliing to make the large contributions. In his opin-
ion, it is.well to develop our concept oF a regional Nental Health Center for this area.,. -
r_ Pender County has not yet decided to participate but they are thinking along these
lines along with Onslow. In answer to a question by the Commissioners, Dr, Fisscher said
thaL he and Mr. Thompson were doing some private practice in their off hours. It developed ?
that the demands on the Mental Health Center Clinics are greater than their ability to I
' handle them and that the patients they receive were an overflow and therefore, would not i
detract from the Mental Health Center proper. After discussing the Budget it developed
that it was predicated upon the local funds only, s.o the Board requested that they recon-,
sicler their Budget Estimates to include the regional concept so as to have a whole Budget
which 4JOllld give a compleLe overali picture of the operation. They accepted this suo-
cg;estion and promised an attempt to be back by 2:30 P. M. in the afternoon.
loiaUng changes:
2:33 P. M. Dr. Fisscher presented their revised Budget Estimates which included the fol-
Convention Travel from $1,000.00 to $ 700.00
Local Travel " 500.00 " 920.00
Equipment " 2,000.00 " 1;000.00
Electricity " 500.00)
Heat, 300.00) " 600.00
Supplies, Postage & Dues " 500.00 " 900.00
Drugs " 760.00 " 2,760.00
Social Security " 937.00 " 970.00
I Liability Insurance P. Property 60.00
Dr: Fisscher 17,717.00 " 18,144.00 + 256.00
Monse 6,201}.00 " 5.?.62.00
Valentine 3,624.00 " 3,288.00
Ho11er 2,460.00 " 2,580.00
Fineburg - Extra Help 180.00
Chairman Hall explained that Dr. Fisscher had been quoted a salary of $18,400 per annun I
when he was emp loyed and since the nearest step in the Merit System Council range of pay I
schedule is $1t3,1" and so he suggested that the balance of $256.00 be paid to him as
extra expense. I
Mr. H...Eoster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, appear2d before the Board and
Ithat they give particular consideration to the sal,aries of Mrs. Newkirk, Mrs.
Hensley and Mrs. Balch, all of whom are making $2780.00 per year and Viiss Davis, who is
now working for $2600.00 per year and will soon be eligible for promotion to Deputy Clerk.
She is very efficient, he said, in the operation of the new photocopy system which he is
using. He suggested that their salaries should be a minimum of $3,000.00 a year and cited
a'quotation in a recent publication by the Institute of Government showing that the lowest
paid employee in New Hanover County Clerk's.office was $3300.40. He again voiced his agree-
ment to go along with placino juveniles in foster homes but asked that they leave the door
open to place them in Juvenile Detention Homes in event it is necessary. Mr. Metts asked
Mr.: Edwards if, with the changes he had suggested, he has sufficient help. Mr. Edwards
answered "Yes" if they complied wiLh his request.
Mr. Spotswood H. Huntt, Director of Civil Defense, reported to the Commissioners
IChat his Budget Request was no more than last year even though the Training Officer has been
reclassified as a Deputy Director and entitled to a salary of $5,904.00 under the Merit Sys-
?tem Council and that the typist had earned the classification of Typist I and entitled to
i$3,132.00. He hoped the Commissioners could see fit to approve his request. (Aft.er dis-
,cussing the request and approving it, the Board asked Mr. Huntt if it ffiould be possible for
him to have the Merit System Council notify the Board of Commissioners when there was a .I
'change as they occur in the classification of employees.)
Mr. John R. Hicks reported that he had been working on a General Liability And"-'
and a Workments Compensa,tion Policy for the County employees and stated that a General
ILiability Policy written on a 50,0001100,000 with a P.H. in the amount of $5,000.00 would
cost the County $1,571,00 and that WorkmenTS Compensation was quoted at $4,924.20 sub,ject
Ito an audit at the end of the policy year. Unofficially, it was reported to him that the
County had experienced claims amounting to $500.00 over the past three years and since the i
premium would be based on experience, in his opinion, there would be considerable reduction
,in the premium quoted above but that it would have to be figured by the Industrial Commiss-
ion. W. Metts stated that he felt very strongly and definitely that the County should
icarry these coverages and asked to be recorded in the minutes as having reiterated his pre-
ivious statements to that effect. Mr. Metts then moved that $5,000.00 be put in the Budget
for public liability and workments compensation coverage. It was seconded by Mr. Braak.
When the bailot was taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted against the motion, Messrs.
Braak and Metts voted for the motion and the Chairnan stated that he would vote "Yes", de-
claring the motion prevailed, by a ma,jority vote. He then authorized Mr. Hicks.to bind i
the insurance coverage for the County.
Minutes of the Budget Disaussion Meeting - continued July 27, 1964
INSURANCE - Duplication,by error, of this paragraph,
Mr. John R. Hicks reported that he had been working on a General Liability and
a Workmen's Compensenation Policy for the County employees and stated that a General
Liability Policy written on a 50,000/100,000 with a P. D. in the amount.of $5,000 would
cost the County $1,571.00 and that Workmen's Compensation was quoted at $4,925•20 , sub-
ject to•an4vd1t at the •end of the policy year.i Unofficially, it was reported to him
that the County had experienced claims amounting to $500.00 over the past three years
, and since the premium would be based on experience, in his opinion, there would be con-
siderable reduction in•the premium quoted above•but that it would have to be figured by
the Industrial Commission. Mr. Metts stated that he felt very strongly and definitely
that the County should carry these coverages and asked to be recorded in the minutes as
having reiterated his previous statements to that effect. N,r. Metts then moved that
,-$5g.000 be put•in the Budget for public liability and workmen's compensation coverage.
It was seconded by Mr. Braak. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan
voted against th'e motion, Messrs. Braak and Metts voted for the motion and the Chair-
man stated that Ile would vote "Yes", declaring the motion prevailed, by a majority vote.
He then authorized Nr. Hicks to bind the insurance coverage for the County.
Messrs. L. C. Legwin, the President and W: C. Mitcham, the Director of South- I
eastern North Carolina Beach Association, appeared before the Board in the inter.est of a
larger aliotment for SENCBA. They reported the financial support which they received
from agencies other than the County which indicated that it is being supported more heavil,t
by New Hanover County agencies than by others and Mr. LeGwin stated that they are launchin'a
a campaign to see if the agencies outside of New Hanover County want to maintain their I
support and keep it an area association or if they are not willing, then it would be con- ,
fined to a strictly local =promotiona2 activity. The Chairman promised to'give it'full i
consideration . '
The question of an allocation for the Centennial celebration of the Fall of
Fort Fisher which will occur during the current Budget year was discussed and the Execu-
tive Secretary authorized to invite its Chairman, Henry J. MacMillan, Jr. to appear be-
fore the Board and advise them the amount of funds he considered sufficient for this
The Chairman again reminded the Board of the requests by the Federal Aviation
Agency for additional space at the control tower and he urged each member of the Board
to give this matter serious thought.
• Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Welfare Budget stay as is. It was
seconded•by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted
"Yes" on•the motion and Messrs. Braak, Hall and Metts voted "NO". The Chairman declared
the motion failed.
The Chairman then declared the Board recessed until 8: 0 A. M. Tuesday Jnly
28th, 1964 at which time they would resume Budget discussions.
. q
W. G. oucc; Exe utive Secretary '
Commissionecs Room Special Budget Meeting Wilmington, N. C. July 28,1964 8:00 A.H
Pursvant to recess of the Special Budget Discussion meeting, the Board met in
special session on the above date for the purpose of further discussing the Budget items,
with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H..
Braak, L. E. Broadhurst., Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor
T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery.
The Budget proposed by the Board of Directors of the Community Hospital was
reviewed item by item•and approved as recommended by the Auditor except for the Fuel item
which was changed from $9,100.00 to $9,500.00 and the matter of supplies in the X-ray
Deparmtant from $2,000.00 to $2,300.00. In reviewing the salary schedules, it was.noted
that many of the full-time employees were paid less than $1800.00 per year. After a dis-
cussion of the situa9.ion, Mr. Metts moved that $(},000.00 be added to the total of the
Salary item to be allocated by the Board of Directors of Community Hospital to employees
making under $1800.00 per year and that a list of the adjustments be furnished the Board
of County Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed.
• The next department that•came up for revieur was the Health Department. The
Chairman again reiterated the running fight which he had experienced last year with the
State Board of Health and the Merit System Council relative to placing the Health Depart-
ment employees at least on the minimum salary range for their particular.classifications
as recommended by both of these agencies. The first quarter contributions by the State
were withheld until satisfactory arrangements were made. He recalled that this sub,ject
had been discussed with the Board at the time and while no official commitment could be
made, it was understood by the individual members of the Board that they would look with
favor on placing the Health Department on the first s•tep in the salary range for each
classification and that he had committed the Board to that program and would entertain
a motion that this be done. He did not receive one and vacated the chair and asked the
Vice Chairman to preside, after which Mr. Hali moved that the salary schedule of the
Heaith Department be approved on the basis of the first step in the Merit System's salary
range for the classification of the employees, excep.t for those who are already up to,
or above, the minimum range. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and when the ballot
was taken, Messrs. Braak, Mayhan, and Hall voted for the motion; Mr. Broadhurst voted
_ Mim-tes of the_Mset3,ng_Ju1y 2$._1_9_6L Cont3nue_d
against the motion. The Presiding Officer declared the motion carried by a
ma jority? vote.
At this point in the discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Boar.d
authorize the spending of $5,500,000 by the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial
Hospital. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman declared it dead.
After a brief discussion of the various items in this department, it was decided,
by common consent, to put $100.00 for repairs tb leaks in the roof. Mr. Braak reported
that he had discussed the Commodity Supervisor's position with some of the State officials,
as well as made his own personal investigation and observations at the warehouse for the
necessity of a supervisor. He is convinced that the salary of $2100.00 being paid to Mr.
J. E. Holton, Jr, is unnecessary and therefore moved that this position be deleted and
that Mr. Holton be relieved of his responsibil•ity. There was no second to this motion
and the Chirarman declared it dead.
The operating statement of the Public Welfare Department was next reviewed and
the following changes made:
Auto Allowance Case 4Jorkers From $2500.00 to $3000.00
General Assistance " 6200.00 " 7200.00
Postage " 2500.00 " 3000.00
5tationery 8 Supplies " 2500.00 " 2800.00
Telephone " 1800.00 " 2200.00
Capital Outlay " --- " (}000.00
After the ma,jority of the Board members agreed on these item changes, Mr. Metts offered
a motion that Page $3 of the Budget for the Welfare DeparLment be approved. It was
seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute
motion that only two Publi,c Weifare workers be approved for the Medical AssisLance to the
Aged Program. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was taken on the sub-
stitute motion, Messrs. Sroadhurst and Nayhan voted "Yes", while Messrs. Braak, Hall,and Metts
voted "No" and the Chairman declared the substitute motion failed. Mr. Metts then offer-
ed a.motion that Page 53 of the Budget Estimates for the Public Welfare Department be
approved with the exception of two home makers. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, and Messrs.
Braa}i, Hall, and Metts voted in favor of the motion while Messrs. Broadtiurst and Mayhan
voted contrary to the mbtion. • The Chairman declared the motion prevailed by majority
Mr. Mayhan observed that in his opinion the Welfare Board should be increased
from three members to a five member Board. Nir. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the
Board appoint five members on the Public Welfare Board of Directors. It was seconded by
Mr. Nayhan. When the ballots were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Mayhan voted for the mo-
tion and Messrs. Braak, Hall and Metts voted against the motion. The Chairman declared
the motion failed hy a majority vote.
At this point, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the salaries of the Public
Welfare Department h^.emain as is. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan. Before the ballot was
cast, Mr. Metts offered a substitute motion that Miss Lela Moore Hall's salary be increased
to the first step in the Merit System pay range for her classfication after certification
by the Merit System Council. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. When the ballot was taken on
the substitute motion, Messrs. Braak, }iall and Metts voted for it while Messrs. Broadhurst
and Mayhan voted against it. The Chairman declared the substitute motion prevailed by a
majority vote so it was not necessary to vote on the original motion. Mr. Broadhurst then
moved that the salaries of the Public Welfare Department remain the same as last year ex-
cept for Miss Lela Moore Hall. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballot was
taken, Messrs. Broadhurst, Mayhan and Metts voted for the motion and Mr. Braak voted against
the motion. The Chairman declared the motion carried.
It was noted that two vacancies were scheduled in the Budget Estimate for the
Public Welfare Department but not recommended by the Auditor. After discussing this mat-
ter briefly, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the two vacancies requested not be
allowed at this time. It vras seconded by Mr. Mayhan and approved by a majority vote. Mr.
Braak voted "NO".
It rras noted that Mr. Willetts and Miss Peterson had both earned a re-classifi-
cation to Senior Case Workers. Mr. Metts moved that both of them be placed on the stand-
ard pay range for their classification as recommended by the Merit System Council,which is
$6,204.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Braak,
Hall and Metts voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst Mayhan voted against it. The
Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote.
Mr. Broadhurst again brought up the matter of Capital Outlay in the Public.
Welfare Department amounting to $4,000.00. He offered a motion that a motion that the
Capitai Outlay be limited to $1,000.00 for the Welfare DeparLment instead of $4,000.00.
There was no second to his motion and the Chairman dec2ared iL dead.
Minutes of the Meetinq__Julv 28, 14611
A discussion arose with reference to the action taken in the ,joint meeting
with the City Councii in which some of the members understood that they had approved the
5% increase in the salaries paid by the County in order to bring them up to the same
salary level as other employees of the County who were given a 10% increase last year
but through a misunderstanding the Tax Collector's Department was only given a 5% in-
crease. In order to Clear the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the action at
the joint meeting approving the 5% increase be rescinded and that no increase'be allowed
for the Consolidated Tax Department employees this year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak
and unanimously approved.
After a majority of the Board members had agreed on the Budget items as re-
viewed, the Chairm2n requested a report from the County Auditor who staLed that after all
of the adjustments and revisions were completed, the total amounted to $10,385,436.09
and he recommended, along with the Chairman, that the Tax Rate be based on a valuation
of $168,000,000 and set at the rate of $1.45 for the year 1964-65. W. Metts then
offered the following Resolution:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the fisca2 year beginning July 1, 1964 and
ending June 30, 1965, the follotiring appropriations are made to the various funds which
we deem sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Hanover County
General Fund
Agriculture & Economics
Aid to Blind
Aid Dependent Children
Aid Permanently 8 Totally Disabled
Old Age Assistance
County Home
New Hanover Memorial Hospital
Hospitalization - Indigent 8 Pubiic
Hospitalization - Community
Workmen's Compensation
Wilmington College
Industrial Education Center
Bonded Debt
gchool Book
School Building
School Bond Building
School Capital Outlay
School Driver Education
School Lunch
School Pension
School Regular
School Supplement
$ 876,124.66
512 ,1}Oa . 00
asst. 179,430.00
492, 000. 00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a tax levy of
taxable property in the County as of January 1,
County government for the fiscal year 1964-65.
$1.45 per hundred be levied against all
196(} to support the activities of the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED h"tiat the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in the
amounts appropriated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County
Board of Commissioners. This Resolution was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously
There being no.further business to come before the Board, it was ad,journed,
upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimou approved.
W. . ouck, xec ve Se tary
Wilmington, N. C. August 3, 1964
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioneis
was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman '
J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and
John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford ?
Tillery. I
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Paul Stevens,
Pastor of the Middle Sound Advent Christian Church, to give a prayer for guidance. lApPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -
The minutes of the regular meeting held on July 20th and the special meetings
held ott the 21st and 27th, copies of which had been mailed to each of the Commissioners,
were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written.
A petition was received from the property owners living on Kennedy Drive, a
neighborhood road which runs off from the Rock Hill Road in the Cape Fear Township, for -
adding it to the State maintained Secondary Road System and a request for improvement by
paving Randal.l Drive were both considered hy the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst,
seconded by Mr. Metts, unanimously approved and the Executive Secretary directed to send
.^ :