1964-07-14 Budget Meeting353I BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING Juiy 14, 1964 8:00 P.M. ASSEMBLY - ' The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at 8:00 o'clock P. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. N. Hall, Jr., • II Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and ,]ohn Van "B'.'.Metts, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. V INVOCATION - Vice Chairman Metts called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secre- tary to give the invocation. • HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Chairman welcomed Dr. C. B. Davis, Director, W. H. Cranford, Sanitation I Engineer, Mrs. Mabel Price, Office Manager, and stated that the purpose of the meeting , was to hear the presentation of their Budget Estimates. Dr. Davis acted as spokesman and each of the items contained in the Health Department Budget were considered with proper explanations where necessary. After making adjustments where considered advisable and agreeable to all concerned, the Director requested Mr. Cranford to present the esti- mates for the fresh water drainage program and the Insect and Rodent Control Program which were both considered item by item and explanations and adjustments made where feas- ible. Nr. Cranford presented a film strip showing some of the activities.in the drainage and other departments of the Consolidated Board of Health. PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEN,ENT County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported that he was in a position to close the law suit instituted in behalf of Robert H. Walker on account of injuries received which resulted in the loss of hi's hand while serving a prison term at the New Hanover County Prison Farm for an amount not to exceed $975•00. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authorized him to make the settlement and appropriate $975•40 from Unanticipated Funds to County Aid for the purpose of settlement. I ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board adjourned to meet again at 9:00 A. M. in regular session on July 20, and authorized the Executive Secre- tary to arrange a joint meeting with the City Council for the purpose of considering mutual problems at 9:00 A. N. in the City Council Chamber on Tuesday, July 21st. , Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 20, 1964 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Gommiss- ioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners+ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendancet Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners P.eter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Nfayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love, ,Ir. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery was out of town and could not be present. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. G. Connette, Pastor of Sai'nt Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 6th and the special meeting on July ll}th, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. JWENILE DETENTION HOME Mr. John S. Gordan, Chairman of the Community Development Committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, reported that their organization was 'fnLerested in the recent critical reports of the County Juvenile Detention Home and had taken the following action in the form of a Resolution which he read as follows: WHEREAS, By means of the news media it came to the attention of the Community Develop- ment Committee of the LJilmington .Tunior Chamber of Commerce that the conditions of the New Hanover County Juvenile Detention Home were being brought to the attention of the citi- zens of New Hanover County and the Community Development Committee feeling that'it should investigate the conditions of the home has investigated the same and, WHEREAS: The present Juvenile Detention Home is located near the New Hanover Coun.ty Prison Unit cofttrary to North Carolina Manual for work witliLChildren, Division of Child Welfare, Chapter VI, entitled Juvenile Detention Homes which set forth the North Carolina Minimum Standards for Juvenile Detention Homes. Article III, Section C-(2) of the above manual in part says, "It should not be atxached to or in the general area of a,jail or prison.unit of any type." W}{EREAS: The present home lack's adequate outdoor recreation space as called for by Article-III, Section B, which reads, "Outdoor space should be ample in size and contain paved areas. It should have an ample supply of fixed and movable play equipment." ? continued- I ???