1965-03-22 Board of E&R???4 Special Meeting Narch 22, 1965 Continued ? RECONVENTION - BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND RME.W ine Chairman tnen aeclared the 8oard of Equali2ation and Review reconvened as per recess taken above. QATH OF OFFICE The Chairman was absent when the other members of the Board took their Oath on March lsth and the Tax Supervisor had arranged for the Clerk of Superior Court to administer the Oath to the Chairman as reqvired by GS 105-327 (c). The Oath was admin- istered and signed by Dr. Hooper. COMPLAINANTS - 1- Mrs. J. M. Newbold, #1 Church Street, explained that her property in Block 99, Pt. of Lots 5 and 6 is valued too high in comparison to surrounding property. 2- Mrs. M. E. Pearson, 313 Oranoe Street, reported that she had purchased property in Block 157, Pt. of Lot 5, which is really in an undesirable location and she has been unable to rent it. She reported the heating system obsolete and beyond repairs. 3- Mr. D. A. Herring, 238 Princess Street. Mr. Herring owns property in Block 76, Pt. of Lots 1 and 2, which he has recently purchased on the open market for $1400.00 and thinks the appraisal value should be adjusted. 4- Mr. Richard S. Rogers, representing the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee for the following properties: (a) Block 72, Pt. Lot 1. The house is over 75 years, impractical to repair. (b) In Block 178, Pt. Lots 1, 3 and 5• The building has been vacant for 2 years and almost beyond repair. It has been offered for sale for $60,000 but no buyer. (c) Block 72, Pt. Lot 1, located at 602 S. Front St., Building is 75 years old and beyond repair and will be demolished this year. (d) Block 49, Pt, of Lot 5, located at 816 S. 6th St.; building is beyond repair, will be torn down this year. ? Mr. Rogers particularly was anxious to have the property in Block 178 given special consideration in an effort to help rebuild the uptown section. The Chairman thanked each of the above applicants for their information and assured them that their properties would be inspected and their request given a reconsideration in ? keeping with G. S. 105-327• GENERAL APPLICATIONS - The Tax Supervisor recommended that the County Appraisors accompany him to inspect these properties, along with all of the other applications for adjustment, and bring back their recommendations to the Board. After a brief discussion, it was agree- , able and the Chairman declared a recess of the Board until 8:30 A. M. Wednesday, March 31, 1965 when they would meet again to receive the reports of the Appraisots and Tax Supervisor. The Chairman requested the Tax Supervisor'to send a re er t each mem- ber of the Board on Monday, March 29th. / ? e ?, xecuti`ve Secretaryi , - ?I? . ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER MARCH CRIMINAL TERM TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF , COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, GREETINGS ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE ? IT APPEARING TO THE COURT, That upon the convening of this Court only seventeen jurors are sworn and available to serve as Jurors at this Term, ' IT IS NOW ORDERED, That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of New I Hanover County, or some one under his auLhority, shall bring into Open Court Ballot ' Box Number One of said County from which shail be drawn thirty-six scrolls, a list of which shall be furnished to the Clerk of this Court, and to the high Sheriff, who is hereby instructed to summons the jurorswHosenames appear upon said scrolls, and list, to be and appear forthwith to -act as Jurors and of this writ make due return. This the 29th day of March, 1965• /S/ W. H. S. Burgwyn Judge Presiding Jurors for week of March 29. 1965 - Speciai Venire Allman, Kenneth C. Atwood, Adolph Bell, Lawrence R. Blanton, D. J. Boney, W. J. Brand, J. N. Jr. Cooke, Forrest Martin Davis, French I Farrow, Gurthy Lee Flowers, 'rYilliam Spencer Floyd, Murray M. Gantt, Donald H. Gideon, James C. Goodson, Glenn W. Sr. Guyton, W. W. Hartford, Charles E. Hewett, Homer Linwood Jr. Jamison,Helen T. Jordan, Eleanor 1203 5. 6tn st. RFD 2, Box 339 147 Colonial Cir. 3905 Cherry Ave. 1106 Magnolia P1. io6 s. 5th st. 2208 Barnett 316 N. 6th St. 60 Lee Dr. 1307 Oxford Rd. 111 Bryan Ave. 528 Bonham Ave. 5740 Park Ave. 5429 Andover Rd. 124 Wayne Dr. 2221 Acacia Dr. 2938 Adams St. TCaro??na BeachEst. 212 S. 3rd St. RECOAIVENTION OF Long, J. V. 4012 Wilshire Blvd. Fershall, John 0. 1601 Princess St. McLawhon, Rodney R. 1707 1- Princess St. Miller, Morris E. RFD 3, Box 162 A Mathis, Melvin 308 N. 6th St. Merritt, Joseph T. 209 Castle St. Newkirk, Katie Belle RFD 1, Box 175 Pearce, Albert P. 606 Wright St. Pluta, Joseph A. 419 Pine Hill Dr. Robinson, Bessie Wells 365 N. 9th St. Voller, Johnnie C. 41}07 Peachtree Ave. Washington, B.T. 1417 Queen St. Watts, Clyde RFD 1, Box 267 A. Weeks, Jack W. 527 E. Shipyar d Blvd. Willetts, LeRoy 6009 Oleander Dr. Wilson, B. B. I2FD i, Box 317 Yeaoer, Charles E. 244 Oak Crest Dr. BOARD OF EQUALI2ATION AND REVIE4f ON , March 31, 1965 8:30 A. M. ' A&SEViBLY - In accordance with the recessed meeting held. on March 22nd, the Board of i Equalization and Review reconvened with the following members present: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, Jr.. Mr. L. Bradford Tillery, County Attorney, was unab2e to be.present for the meeting. ? REPORT - i i The Tax Supervisor reported that he, accompanied by Messrs. Blake and McDaniel, had inspected the properties described in all of the applicati.ons for reassessment and recommend no change in the following: 1- Maggie L. George - Block 95, Lots 8,9,10 and 1L, Carolina Beach. 2- J. Rohert Sneeden, 309 Ann St., Wilmington, N."'C. Block 128, Lot s 5 and 6 3- J. Robert Sneeden - Block 156, Pt. of Lot 5, `1lilminoton, N. C. 4- Mrs. Bess N. Smith -#24'12 and #2414, Oleander Dr. " " 5- Mrs. C. C. Lemonds. -B1 3, Lot 9 and 14, of Wilmington Beach. 6- G. J. MacMillan - 105 Borden Ave., B1 90, Brookwood, Wilmington, N. C. 7- D. A. Herring - B1 76, Pt. of Lots 1 and 2 at 410 Castle St. ' 8- Williams Building Corporation - B1 2; Lot 6, Wilmington Beach 9- Mrs. C. C. Brown - B1 217; Lot B, Carolina Beach 10- Catherine B. Mag2enn - 505 S. Front St., Block 117, Pt. of Lot 1 11- M. T. Ridaught - B1 213, Lot 17 - 20 Carolina Beach ?12- George G. Shore 2 131 73, Lots !} and 5, Carolina Beach '113- Walter W. Hines - B1 2, Pt. Lots 15 and 16, Carolina Beach 114- Donald W. Baldwin - B1 183, Pt. Lot 4, Wilmington, N. C. I15- Roosevelt Peebles - B1 199, PtrLots !} and 5, Wiimington, N. C. I16- A. V. Thompson - gl 104, Lot 2, Wilmington, N. C. I17- Nrs. Molly H. Boney - B1 78, Pts. of Lots 4,5,and 6. I18- M. H. Hilburn - B1 74, Pt. of Lot 3, Wilmington, N. C. 19- G. H. Peterson - B1 19, Pt. of Lot 1, 't continued - I ???