1965-07-06-14 Budget Discussionsr°,,'°,,r~ eJ~ ~~ ~~ _ M;~~a e_nF.-#_.b.o._(Waal~an-_~,i~~ _~ =~~~r-r`-~r~~=1~~8~ _ . ° - _I__ _ s-- - - Jurors for the 1Veek beqinninq Auqust 30, 1965 - Civil Sanderson, Charles R. Sasser, F. R. Savage, Earl W. Sealey, Mrs. Elmer J. Shepard, Betty Carolyn Sidbury, David Singleton, Richard S. Sloan, Alex Small, Priscilla S. Smith, James E. Snukals, Fannie Sondey, John T. , Southerland, Charles L. Stein, Esther Stevenson, Johnny A. , Stokley, Jerry idayne Swart, Kirk Taylor, John Tillery, Wade H. Todd, Mrs. Jeannie Truesdale, Lillie Turner, James Leon Van Ulack, SLanley Vereen, Willie E. Vogels, John W. P.o. aox 526 Wrightsv, Beach,N.C. 3921 Carolina Beach Rd. 1902 Carolina Ave. P. o. soX bo5 306 N. 21st St. RFD 1 Box 186 114 St. James Ave. 726 Wood 5t. RFD 3, Box 162 124 Dare st. 641 N. 4th St. Castle Hayne, N.C. 124 Arlington Dr. 6 Keaton Ave. 4028 Cherry Ave. RFD #2 B l}79 2811 Wayne Dr. RFD 1 Box 356 1215 Country Club Blvd. 617 S. Sth St. RFD 1 Box 82 304 McMillan Ave. 1201 S. Herr Ave. 112o s. 8tn St. RFD 2, Box l~1~0 Wallace, Charlie M. ~RFD 1, Box 257 B. Walker, Curtis J. 307 Dawson St. Waller, William C. 308~ S. 2nd St. Walton, Elijah 312 S. 4th St. Watts, Elbert 228 Dixie Ave. Weeks, Jesse M. 2002 Metts Ave. Welker, Clarence E. Box 276 W l d M S Wri ghtsv. geach RFD 62 i lar , . . 2, Box Williams, Dixie 605 Swann St. Williams, James RFD 1, Box 127 Ydilliams, Mrs. Mary Murray 2516 Adams St. Williams, I~ry Sutton 810 S. sth St. Williamson, John R. 515 N. ilth St. Wood, Alton Ellis 2210 Princess P1 Dr. Wood, W. L. Jr. RFD 1 Box 310 B Woodle, Emily 2935 C Adams St. Woods, Mrs. Neil M. 507 E. Shipyard Blvd. Woods, Mrs. Ben RFD 2, Box 356 A. Woolard, Winifred 132 West Shipyard Blvd. Wroton, W. W. 2510 Harrison St. Waters, L. H. Jr. 2305 Princess St. Rd. Wright, S. D, P.O. Box 102 ro ch C a Yovngblood, Richard Q Box F, p. 1266 Yopp, Esther Naomi P. O. Box 357 Zurcher, Leman 2219 Dexter St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. alaughan, the Board unani a~djourn the meeting. ^ I /A/ ! J cutive BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 6, 1965 7:3o P. M. ly voted to retar~ RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the ad,journment at 6:30 P. M., the entire Board reassembled at 7:30 P. M. and met with the Public Welfare Board and Director. Mr. F. P. Fensel, Chair- man of the Board acted as spokesman of their Board, ass3sted by Miss Lela Moore Hall and Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot. WELFARE DISCUSSION - ~ Mr. Fensel explained that tY~e Welfare Budget Estimates do not include $2.00 per day anticipated Hospital reimbursable costs. The total overall increase for Welfare programs amounts to 13,8~1.00 hospital days at 25d per day which wouid be about $3500.00. A general discussion of the indivual Sndget items was covered and any questions were answered. A discussion arose with reference to mailing Welfare grants direct to the re- cipients. Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Bcaard empower and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to confer with Miss Hall about the program of sending the checks direct to recipients. Miss Hall suggested that the State Association of County Commis- sioners should get behind it and see that the $2.00 reimbursable cost be sent to the County to reduce the County cost. The question of payment for the use of automobiles by the Case Workers was dis- cussed. After thoroughly exploring the situation, Dr.. Hooper offered a motion that auto allowances for Case Workers be set at 7¢' per mile and that a total of $3,500.00 be appro- priated for that purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Bowden, Hooper, and Vaughan voted for the motion and Messrs. Hall and Braak voted against the motion. The Chairman declared the motion carried by a ma~ority vote. The item of postage brought a motion from Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak 'I that $3,500.00 be inciuded for postage and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Hooper,and i Vaughan voted against the motion and Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried. I Salaries - Mr. Fensel informed the Board that in working up their salaries I on professional workers, they had put them on Lhe minimnm classification step^of the standard pay plan and that all clericai workers were submitted according to the minimum , pay plan before it was changed. BUDGET DISCUSSIONS CONTINUED July 7, 1965 7:00 P.M. ' COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Mr. Edward B. 9nlard, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and E. M. Butler, Admin- istrator of Cominunity Hospital, prefaced the presentation of their Budget Estimates with the remarks that nothing is included for Equipment in the Capital Outlay Fund, realizing that Community Hospital is gradually phasing out of the picture but want it understood that if an emergency arises such as a ma~jor breakdown, they want permission to come back for funds to cover it. He stressed the fact that the Board of Directors have always continued- II I I.\~p ~l ~! ~ J ' Budget Discussion Meeting July 6, 1965 Continued COMMIJNITY HOSPITAL - continued i ~ prided themselves for not spending Budget items just because the money was I allocated. Dr. Hooper complimented them for saving money and feels like much of it is due to the efficient administration of the present Administrator, E. M. Butler. ,. BUDGET DISCUSSION July 8, 1965 7:00 P.M. WILMINGTON-MEW HAMOVER MUSEUM ' Museum Director T. A. Price, Jr., accompanied by a group of the Board of Trustees for the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum, presented their Budget by first giving the Board a bPief resume of the beginning and development of the present Museum operatio . The records show that attendance has increased from an average of approximately 189 per- sons per year, when it was located here in the Court House, to an average of 200 per week, up until about a year ago, after which the average is now running 200 per week. It is the suggestion of the Board of Trustees that the County Commissioners and the City Council each appoint a member of their Board to meet with the Director in an advisory capacity to study and plan for the future growth and development of the Museum operation.l In considering the Capital Outlay items for additional display cases and exhibit rentals,~ the Board of Commissioners feel that the City Council should participate on a 50/5o basis' because of an original and mutuai aoreement that the City wouid furnish the space and lighting for the Museum while the County would supply $S,OOO to offset their portion of the~6perational expense. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confer with City Mana er E. C. Brandon, Jr. to see if a mutual agreement could be worked out on these particvlar I items. JOINT CITY-COUNTY BUDGET DISCUSSION \ Council Chambers July 12, 1965 10:00 A. M. Wilminqton, N. C. ASSEMBLY All members of the Board of County Commissioners and all members of the City Council, together with their respective attorneys and clerks, met in ,joint session for the purpose of considering and deciding on the amounts each would approve in their fiscal year Budgets. No record is being made on the action on various funds which were agreeable to all present. The following action was otherwise taken: TAX COLLECTOR After considering all line items and the request for Extra Help in the amount of $600.00 to be shared equally between the Covnty and City, Commissioner Hall moved thai the Covnty would approve the salaries scheduled by the City for the Tax Collectorts personnel, plus $300.00 for Extra Help. It was seconded by Councilman Symmes and when ' the ballot was taken, Nir. Vaughan voted "NO", but the Chairman declared the motion pre- vailed by majority vote. Supervision - Councilman Symmes recalled that at the Joint Session of the two governing bodies last year, they mutually agreed that City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. would supervise the Tax Collector's Office and see that the instructions of the two Boards were carried out and offered a motion that tihis same arrangement be entered into for the present fiscal year. It was seconded by Commissioner Braak and unanimovsly adopted. Records-Modernization - During the discussion of the Tax Collector~s operatici Mr. Brandon informed the Boards that in his opinion the record keeping methods were anti=~ quated and outdated. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Vaughan moved that Mr. Brer~~ be instructed to bring in a recommendation for the mechani2ation of the Tax Collector~s record keeping to tie in with the proposed data processing system at the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Computer Center. It was seconded by Councilman Symmes and unanimously approved. , on CIVIL DEFENSE - ~ After a thorough discussion of the various functions of the Civil Defense Budget Estimates, Commissioner Vaughan moved that the responsibilities of the Director and Training Officer be combined and that only one be retained. It was seconded by Councilman Batuyios. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Batuyios, Hooper,and Vaughan voted for the motion but each of the other members of the joint Boards voted against the moLion and the Chairman declared it defeated. A discvssion arose with reference to I the salaries and after reviewing the various factors, the Boards agreed that the salary I of the Director should be reduced from $!}860.00 to $3600.00 as it is only a part-time ~job and that the salary of the Training Officer be set at $590!}•00 and the Secretary- Typist at $3132.00 after which Commissioner Hooper moved that the Civil Defense Budget be approved as submitted, after making the above adjustments. It was seconded by Councill- man Cromartie and unanimously adopted. WELFARE- JWENILE HOME A mutual discussion with reference to the problems surrounding the handling of juvenile delinquents was considered at length and after it seemed unlikely that a solution mutually agreeable could be arrived at today, Commissioner Hall moved that the Boards approve the appropriation of $l~,000.00 for this item and that the City and County continue to operate the Juvenile Courts on the same basis as in the past which would ailow time for further study in the hopes that a solution might be found that would per- mit them to make it effective Janvary 1, 1966.. It was seconded by Commissioner Bowden and unanimousiy approved. x,~;t-~h~;r.t r~ ~„ ' "M ~~~~ " BUDGET DISCUSSION ~~ July 12, 1965 7:30 P. M. The Board of Commissioners reconvened in the Commissioners~ Room at 7:30 P. M. to continue their Budget discussions. RURAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - Representatives from each of the Rural Fire Departments appeared before the ~Board for a discussion of their needs for the current fiscal year. They outlined for the Board the reasons for their request of an increased Budget from $17,000 per annum to $30,000. The Chairman explained to them that the Board is well aware of their needs and personally would like to go along with their request but because of the Hospital Bond lssue and the Technical Institute Bond Issue, the tax levy is necessarily going to be in- creased. After satisfying themselves of all the facts surrounding the requests, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion for the purpose of discussion, that the appropriation for the iRa~a~-ue~xREeePRural Volunteer Fire Departments be the same as last year. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and before a ballot was taken, Mr. Bowden offered a substitute motion that they appropriate $22,000.00 for the current year to the Rural Volunteer Fire Departments to be allocated by the Fire Inspection Committee headed by Mr. George Cayton. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the ballot was taken on the substitute motion, Messrs. Bowden, Braak, and Hall voted for the substitute motion, while Messrs. Vaughan a~nd:Hooper.udte:d:against The Chairman announced it carried and that there was no necessity f.o.r further discussion on ` ;the original motion. • ISURPLUS COMMODITY - 4~ As arranged the Ekecutive Secretary, Mr. J. E. Holton, Jr., Svpervisor of th~ Surplus Commodity Distr Program came before the Board and explained its operation. After , considering all the factors, Dr. Hooper offered a motion seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the ' item of Extra Help be deleted. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall voted "NO", but all of ~, the other members of the Board voted "YES" and the Chairman declared the motion carried. ~ 'ADVERTISING AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - By common consent, the Board agreed to make no allocation of the funds in this item but upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board agreed to set up a total of $25,000. ~SALARIES - The Chairman observed that no stand had as yet been taken with reference to salaries and after a brief discussion by various members of the Board, Mr. Vaughan moved ,that the Board set up $30,000.00 for salary raises and asked the County Auditor to recommend 'where they are deserved and bring back his report to the Board for salary fixing and firming ~up. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. BUDGET DISCU55ION July 1!}, 1965 7:30 P. M. IWILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM ' ~ The only item in question in this Budget was the fund set up for Capital Outlay which the Board felt should be shared along with the City on an equal basis in view of the arrangement previously made for the City to furnish the space and lights and the County to furnish $5,000.00 per year. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confer with City N'~anager E. C. Brandon to see if the City would be willing to•go along on paying $587.50 as their one-half of the Capikal Outlay for increasing the display cases. PLANNING AND ZONING - ~ It is the consensus of opinion of the Board that before setting a definite allocation for the items budgeted for County Planning and Zoning, the Board should be con- 'sulted. The Executive Secretary was instructed to get in touch with Mr. Tinga and have him come down and appear before the Board. ' SURPLUS CONN70DITY Additionai information received subsequent to the action taken on July 12th in ~deleting the Extra Help convinced the Board that it was unfeasible to cut out the Extra Help but it raised the question as to whether or not the Commodity Supervisor and the Dis- tribution Officer could be combined into one operation. Mr. J. E. Holton, .)r., Lhe Com- modity Supervisor, was present and explained his position with reference to the Svrplus Commodity Distribution Program. After answering the questions put to him by the Commiss- ioners, Mr. Holton offered his verbal resignation as Commodity Supervisor. Dr. Hooper then moved that the resignation be accepted, effective August 1, 1965 and that Mr. Harry ~~'Thomas be appoint'ed the Commodity Supervisor in addition to his present job of Distri- ,butor. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall voted "NO" ~while Messrs. Sowden, Hooper and Vaughan voted "YES" and the Chairman declared the motion Ipassed. SCHOOL TEACHER PENSIONS The question of pensions for school teachers who retired before the present provisions of the law entitled them to receive Social Secnrity, as well as Retirement, ~was discussed. After thoroughly exploring the various costs to the County, Mr. Hali offered a motion that if it is legal to increase all retired teachers pension, drawing a total of less than $100.00 per month, be increased to $100.00 per month. It was second- ed by Mr. Bowden. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan stated that he would vote for the motion provided that it does not set a precedent and that it will be reviewed again next Budget time. It was unanimously passed. There were two employees otiher than teachers who receive less than $100.00 per month pension and the County Auditor is to get additional information and bring it back to Lhe Board at which time they will act accordingly. ;~,~t:a~~,: . ~