1966-04-18 Board of E&R~f ,L, i~ Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1966 Continued _ _ - _- - - - - -- i J~rors - continued Taylor, Salome 715 Red Cross St. West, James T. RFD 3, City I Turlington, Roy Thomas RFD 2, Box 382 Wilson, James B. 11!} Parkwood Dr. Wade, Alirst 5. RFD 2, Box 337 c. 4linkle, Lucy L. 2802 Ches6nut St. Wadt, Sadit 0. S. RFD 2, Box 332 .~ ADJOUANMENT - There be3ng no furLher business to come before the Board, they voted unzni- mously to ad,journ tha meeting, upon motion of Mr. Bragk, seconded by Mr. Bovden. , . / \ . . - .~ - -, - - . ~ _ .~ ~ .ti . ~ ... . • ~. /I ~i ( ~~~•~~ ~~~~ II W. G.6Houck, Executive Se¢retary • BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW I April 18,1966 11:30 A. M. At 11:30 A. M. on Aprii 18, 1966 the Chairmzn convcned the Board of Equalizatiol. and Review with all members present except Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. who was out of town. ~ The Tax Supervisor presented 1!} requests for reassessmcnt and recommended that the Board refer them to the County ProperRy Assessors and the Tax Supervisor for investiga tion and recommendations to bc made to the Board of Equnlization and Review at their next meeting, scheduled for May 2nd, 1966. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden the Board unanimously approwed the recommendation of the Tnx Supervisor above. Rectss - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Bbard unan!- mously recessed until the3r next rcgulzr mceting scheduled for Ma3~ 2nd, 1966 at 11:30 A. M, unless called sooner by the Cha;rm~n. /! /!1 // ~ . /../ / ' ' ~'~'-A~ I'. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor r~ . Wilmington, N. C. Nny 2nd, lqb6 ASSEMBLY - ~ Thc regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover Gounty Board of Commissioner> met on t'ht above'date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room with the following mtmbers ~~ in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooptr, Jr., Coaunissioners Peter H. Br~ak, Lnurence O. Bowden, znd J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bra~ford Tillery and County. Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Vaughan was absent from the meeting since hc was out of the country. ' ~~ INVOGATION - ~ • I The Chairman czlled the mteting.to order. For some unexplained rezson, the Chaplain schedule~t for today failed to comc to the meeting. Hc was Reverend A. J. Biake, Pastor of St. Luke's A.M.E.Z. Church, The Chairman cailed on the Fa~ecutive Secretary for the invocotion. - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' _Befor,e.npproving the minutes, the Board requested chznging the word."fezsibilit~~" to "visibility" in the paragr~ph headed "GARBAGE DUMP ~- SNOKE" zfter which Mr. Ha21 moved ~:. Lhst they be approved as corrected above. It wzs scconded by Mr. Brzak and unanimously passtd. OLSEN AIRCRAFT CAMP7~IVY - p The Chairman observcd that many people have been talking about the.contrnct between thc County and the Olsen Aircraft Company. Mr. Hall addressed the Chairman and ''~ stated that he vould like to makt a statement for Lhe records ani ma@e the following remarks: ! "I noted in one of our news mcdia that you stzted you .did not anticipate any discussion of the Olson Aircraft deal at our meeting this morning -- I think the news item vas captioned something like "County Chairman Sets the Record Strsight". or words to that effect. , In that item, I believe you wcre quoted as saying that the County~s interests wtre fully covered sind that we (the County) do not stand to lost anything in this somewhat odiferous case of doubling dealing. , r continued- .