1966-05-02 Board of E&R~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 2, 1966 (continued) ~ MJurors - June 20, 19b6 - Civil Special (continued), ~ ~ Edens, ~ilmar D. 502 Park Terrace McLemore, ~ohn G. 103 Francis Mzrion,Dr. Edwards, S. M. 105 Lee Ave. Morsc, C. R. 1932 Church St. Eldrldgc, Orville E. 3210 CarolinaR$ezch Neal, Jesse D. 3903 Carolina Beach Ri. Farrow, Clyde Lee RzyRFD 3, B 196 Pierce, Mrs. Laura C. 711 S. 4th St. IiFo2kman, Robert Alber t 215 Robert E Lee Pressley, B. L. Box 55, Kute Beach,N.C. Harrell, Henry 1921 Pettder Av~r' ~ Ragin, Wallaee E. 90~ N. Iqth St. Hayes, Henry H. 554 E. Shipyard Register, Oscar'E. 2035 EastWOOd Rd. Henry, Wesley J. Sr. 221 N. 22nd St. Rivenbark, E. A. RFD 1, Box 62 Herrin, ~illiam'T. P. O. Box 308 Roberts, Lee Roy , 208 Sunset Avt. ch,N.C l S 1n Rogerson, Percy E. 218 Hvntington Rd. IHill, Ethel S. ta S~ ~th S1 Sandcrs, H. L. Jr. RFD 1, Box 41~ Hill, William T. 221 N. 26th St. Sidbury, Lillie I. 807 S. sth St. Holden, G. P. 101~ S. 4th St. Skipper, Wm. H. ~90~ Pine St. Holmes, 9liliiam D. 613 Jennings Dr. Smith, Lnln ~. 225 S. 12th St. Hulon, Haroli G. 121 ~~~~~~+anl~r. Smith, Mamie 1501 Rnilroad St. Hutchinson, George..T. 125 Stonerrall Stallworth, James F. 1l~J+1 Knoliwood Dr. tt M in H JaCkson Dr 8 RFD B ` Sweeney, Gertrude Price 1920 Nun St. , ann g yz 9 3, ox To~d, Donnie P. !~1}2~ Moekingbird King, C. J. 2402 Princess St.Rd. Toomer, 5arah 1205 S. 9th St. King, Mrs. Jesse L. 309 Willard St. Waish, Wtlliam E. 17 I vey Circle Kohler, Mrs, C. H. 715 Country Club Rd. Ward, Hcnry Vance 3922 Wtnston Blvd. Jackson, Earl Able 205 Eastwood Rd. Watkins, Thvrston ivan J4.103 Robert E. tee Dr. Lassfter, L. I. 1910 Mun St. Williams, James 5. Jr. 2529 Harrison St. MacDonald, Thomas H. 81$ Market St. Willonghby, B. B. 3411 winston Blv~. Mclnnis, Calvin R. 2950 Cambridge Dr. ~imbish, Luvenia W. 715 Hanover St. MeInnis, J. H. 217 N. 2~th St. Windham, Eu ene g 414 Swann St. ~McLamb, A. F. 1619 Grace St. IIREPORTS - The follow I ing report was reviewed and ordered filed for futur e referenee: 1- Wilmin gton Public Library ADJOURNMENT - There Dein g no further bnsiness to come before the Board, the meeting was ~~ad,journed upon motion of h7r. Bra~k, seconde~ by Dr. Hooper. ~ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary II • Minutcs of the Meeting ' BORAD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ~ - May 2, 1966 11:30 A.M RECONVENTION - ' Complying nrith the recessed meeting on April 18, 1966, the ~h~irman reconvened the Board of Equalization and Review at 11:30 A. M. today xith the fol3owing members prescnt: Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Chairmzn and Messrs. L. O. Bowden, P. H. Brzak, and J. M. Hall, Jr..Mr. M. H. Vaughan was out of thc country: County Attorney L. Braiford Tillery waa also resent. ~ EPORT - ' I The Tax Supervisor reported that the Property Assesaors,~Raymond E. Blake, Jr. land J. G. McDaniel went n+ith him and eaamined ihe following propcrties on which they recom- mend no changc ~uring this fiscal year: 1. Hyton W. Babson, Lot 716, South Oleandcr, Wilmington, N. C. '2. Mrs. Mollie H. Boney, Pt. Lot~1~, B1 78, 611 Quecn St.,'Wilmington, N. C. 3. Jerry Butler, Pc. Lot !~ a 5 in ai 1~72, 305 rr. i6s.h st. n ~. Mrs. Nfary E. Gano, Pt. Lot '7 in B1 1, Sunset Park " , 5. Mrs. Ruth S. Casteen, Pt. Lots 1 b 2, B1 l~92, 1506 Dock St. " . 6. James D. LeGwin, Lot !~lEB, B1 A Forest Hilis n 7. Mrs. Elise J. NkKoy, Pt. Lot 4, B1 127 212 S. 3rd St. " 18. N. W. Mintz, Pt. Lot 5, B1 286, lOth E Fanning Sts. " ~ 9 ~ . Mns. Vera Pi~for~ Pt. Lot 1 d 2 in B1 498, 1313 Cape Fear Blvd. . Pt. Lot 1 d'2 in B1 498, 1315 Cape Fear' , Blv~. ~ '~ n ° " pt. Lot 2 d j ° B1 I}98 1317 Cape Feat' Blvd. ~' ~ lr~. Leo P lisco, Pt. Lots 18 d 19, B1 10 Fox Division !}36 Clay 5t. 1,1. H. E. Rogers Lot ll}, B1 3, Hanover Heights, 206 Midland Dr.' 1~2. T. S. Ramseur, Lot 9, B1 7, Carolina Heights, 220 N. 17Lh St. 13. Mrs. Taman M. Saleeby, Pt. L ots 18 ~ 19, Carolina Place ~ 1;1~.. 5. E. Cooper, ~idg. Only E1 373 Boyle Ice Co. for 1965 I contirnued- : ~i I ~~~~~ _ Board of._Eauali_2ation.d~ Reyiew May 2, 1966 continued ~ Chznges ns follows are recommended: 15. Jzmes G. Henderson, Sr. •Lots. 8 E 9, Section C., College Park, Randall Dr. a, minus 5% in thc plus factor. ~ ~ 16. G. H. Peterson, Lot 125 x 85, B1 22, 5ummer Hill, Wilmington, N. C. Drop corner incluence in the sm ount of $8j0.60. 17. Atlantic Rcfining Co.,. Pt. Lots 1 S 2 B1 34, Cor. Dawson b 5th St. Recommend functional depreciation of additional 109 for removing gas pumps. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously agreed with the recommeni~tions ani instructed the Tax Supervisor to notify those who mnde applications for ra~ssessment to thzt effect. ' UNFINISHED WORK - ~ The Tax Snpervisor reported three parcels of propcrty in Carolina Beach which had not yet been exzmined by the Assessors and himself, and two pieces of commercial property in Nilmington, North Carolina,to be investigated. RECESS - The Chairman then dec2ared the Board recessed to reconvene on Monday, May 16th at 11:30 A. M. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1966 8:00 A. M. i~ ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board oP Commissione~~, was held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jos. ~P. Hooper, Commissioners, Laurence O. ! Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Uaughan ~aas out of the country and could not be present for the meeting. County Auditor T. D. Love and Connty Attorney L. Bradford attended the meeting: , INVOCATION - The Chairman calied the meeting to order and asked Reverend James C. P. Brown, pastor of the Sunset Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MIMUTES - i7pon motion of Mr. Braak, secottded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the meeting of May 2nd, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. CAUNTY PROPERTY LEASE - Messrs. Charles ~@. Brown and Charles T. Pappendick, President and Secretary of I the trlest Coast Lumber Company, a~peared before the Board in the interest of renegotiating the rental lease in response to the letter suthorised by thc Board to notify them that on and after June 30, 1966, their rent would increase from $110 per month to $200 per month. They expressed their agreement with raising the rent to $150 per month but felt that $200 was excessive and while thcy would be ferced to accept it untit other arrangements could be made, if the Cotronissioners do not see fit to reduce it, they do not feel that their present volume of business would justify that amount of rent, however, they do need the storage space. Mr. Braak observed that the original lease agreement stipulzted that the lessee was to keep the buiiding !n good repnir, however, in his opinion, it needs a new roof coating and one of the weight bearing posts needs to be replaced and he thinks that some agreement shou2d be made as to who would pay for this maintenance and repairs. . Mr. Broum stated that as far as Lheir business is concerned, the condition of the buildin I is satisfactory. After a discussion of the r~tter, the Chairman suggested that the ' Building Inspector be instructed to go out and make an inspection of thc.buiiding and bring back his estimate of repairs necessary to put the building in good condition. ! THE NEW HANOVER FIRE TRAINING SCHOOL Mr. Leon G. Thomas, the Coordinator representative for the Nea Hanover Fire I Training School and Mr. 'Wiiliam M. Dillon, representing the Volunteer Fire Departments I~ in the Coc~nty, reported that there is a letter in process for each member of thc Board i advising them af the progress which has been mude in clesring and laying out the area I which the Board has agreed for them to use as a site for training in oil fire fighting. The only problem noMr is reactivating the old well. They propese to instali two 10,000 tanks. The present capacity of the well is not exactly known. Since it is on County property and will remain so they are asking the County to reinatiLnte the well. After ~~ a discussion of tha matter, Mt~. Bca9k.~moved that-$90D.be'apprap'riated.~f.far~:Ait`port~Easemen R3ght5 Fund to r.eaoti.vate=:the~weli,w3tfi the'~understanding ~tliat` tif1e::Capi~ Fea'r Techn3eal' Instiiute wid~-supplyCthe`ptimp'~at-no;cost:to-~the Couniy: _ OPTIMIST CONCESSION - HUGH NacRAE PARK Messrs. Charles B. Bridges znd Edward A. Wilson, rtpreserif.fing the Winter • Park Optimist Club, came before the Bo~rei and requested approval and assistance in build- ~ ing a concession stanai fi-ear the baseball diamonds in Hugh MacRae Park, They propose n ' cinderblock building 30~ x 18~ to house a eoncession and washrooms to include hot and ~I cold water. The present temporary buildings will be demolishtd nnd the new builiing ~ will be in keeping with good park facility practices. After a thorovgh discussion of V the svb,ject,Mr. Hall offered a motion that the request bc granted provided it is not in- compatibie with the wishes of the Hugh.MacRae heirs. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and ' continued'= \ ~ ~i