1966-06-22 -30 Budget Discussions'[.,~ a~ ~ . Minutes of the Mteting June 20. 1966__Continued °ROOF REPAIRS - y ' The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. J. T. Watson had submitted an esti- ',mate of $424.28 for furnishing materials and labor to repair the roof which has been leak- I 'ing on the old section of the Court House. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the proposal and authorized that the work be done. I REPORTS - ! The following reports were reuiewed and ordered filed for future reference: i 1- Home Economics Agent for May ~ 2- Grand Jury Report for June. 3- Report of the U.S.O. Club for May. 4- Wilmington Pub13~ Library for May. !RECE55 - There being no further business to comt before the Board, Mr. Bowden moved that the meeting recess. It was scconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously recessed to reconvene at 7:00 P. M. of June 22, 1966 for the purpose of considering the 1966-1967 Budget. I~ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary BUDGET DISCUSSION June 22, 1966 ~:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 20th, 1966, the followfng mem- ~ bers of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the annual Budget: Dr. Joseph "6d. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and M. H. Vaughan; County Auditor T, D. Love, Jr.;Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. and County ttorney L. Bradford Tillery were unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCATION - The Chairman reconvtned the meeting and asked the Executive Secretary to give the invocation. Before beginning the actual discussions, the Chairman announced that he would like all the Budget Discussions to be official meetings of the Board and that tonight he intended to recess the Board not later than 10:00 P. M. BUDGET DISCUSSIONS - Coroner - Mr. L. S. McMillan stated that 3n 1965 there was a total of 157 cases hich he had to attend and that the first 5 months of this year he has had 114. He pre- sented the Budget Estimate for the Coroner which was approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following exceptions. The Coroner's salary was increased from $3960.00 annually to $!},080.00. The Chairman reported that Mr. McMillan had agreed to take his vacation in ew York observing the work of the Medical Examiner in an effort to strengthen the present Coroner~s assistance in this County. He recommends that the County pay the Coroner~s expenses for the two weeks in New York which he estimates will amount to at least $500. y unanimous common consent, the Board agreed to includc $500 in the Budget for this pur- ose. Museum - The Board of Trustees of the Museum, by its Chairman, Mr. T. O. Page, who acted as spokesmen, along vrith its Director, Robbi L. Nurberger, presented the Budget stimate for the bJilmington-New Hanover Museum. They reported the usc of a free employee nder the Cooptrative Training and Office Practice Program. The item of Janitor~s Supplies as rcduced from $200 to $150. All other items were approved as submitted to the County uditor, • Airvort - The fdllowing changes were unanimously agreed to in the Airport Budget: II Easement Lights from $1,000 to $7,000. ~ Electrical Supplies from $750 to $1,000. Lights 8 Power from $3,500 to $1~,000. ~ Repairs to Building from $3,000 to $2,500. Capital Outlay from $1,1}60 to $4,500. , Miss Davis- salary~from $3160 to $3388. Green-Control Tower from ~1397.35 to $1760. ( This salary is paid by thc Control Tower). J. A. ~i.estbrook, Manager of the Airport, was present and explained the items not entirely clear to the Board. Sheriff - Sheriff Marion W. M1111s presented the Budget for his Department which was approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following exceptions: Dues 8 Subscriptions from $18.50 to $20.00. Uniforms from $3,00 to $3,300 ~The Chairman informed him that no action was being taken on Salaries at this time but asked him if he had any comments to make on any salary adjustments. He particularly pointed out IIMr. Evans from $1~,1}50 to $!},950 and Mr. McCartney from $4,169 to $4,200.' Clerk of Superior Court - Miss Lois J. Ward presented the estimated Budget for this Depart- ment and the following changes were unanimously agreed on: continued- I 6.~`~ Minutes of the Meeting June 22, 1966 Continued _ --- -- - , - - __ I CSC - (continued) Binders and Record Books from $700 to $850 Travel and Convention Expense from $200 to $400 Capital Outiay from 0 to $12,2~0 Salary - Balch from $3150 to $3388 Salary - Davis from $3150 to $3388 RECESS - Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board voted to recess with the understanding that th~y would meet again on Friday, June 24th at 7:00 P. M. to continue Budget consider2tions. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING ,Tune 2(}, 1966 7:00 P.M. RECONVENTION Complying with the recessed notice given at the last meeting, the following members of the Board met with the Vice Chairman acting as the Presiding Officer: Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and M. H. Vaughan and County Auditor ; T. D. Love. The Acting Chairman requested Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. j Recorder's Court - Miss Lois Ward, the Clerk of Superior Court and Col. Wm. D. Gnau, ~~ Deputy Clerk assigned to Recorder~s Court, presented the Sudget which was unanimously ~, approved as recommended by the County Auditor. Cape Fear Technical Institute - Mr. Fred J. Galehouse, Chairman of the Board of Trusteesi and Mr. M. J. McCleod, President of the Cape F¢ar T~chnical Institute, presented the I Budget for that institution which unanimously approved with the following exceptions: Insurance-Liability-Burglary from $50.00 to $378.00 I Social Security from $300 to $518 In discussing the Capital Outlay for new equipment, a lawn mower was included. Mr. Vaughan voiced his ob,jection to approving this it.em, however, other members of the Board agreed that it should be included and it was left in by a majority opinion. II , Planninq and Zoninp - Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairinan of the County Planning Advisory Com- I I mittee, recommended that the County go along with merging with the City on a cooperative basis until after enabling legislation has been passed permitting a full merger. The I County's share of the total cost would amount to $25,800. The Board members present i unanimously agreed that this sub~ject should be reviewed and reconsidered at the time the ,joint meeting is held with the City Council. Chamber of Commerce Bills - Mr. T. D. Love, County Avditor, reported he had received a bill from the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $4,999.98 and there is insufficient funds lcft out of the allocation of $20,000 to pay the bill. Their invoices were separated into two parts, one amounted to $2,!}67 and the other $2,532•98. After some discussion of the sub~ject, the Board was unwilling to appropriate additional funds for this purpose and, therefore, no action was taken at this time. Court House - The individual items in this Budget were considered and all of them approved as recommended by the Auditor except Repairs to Buildings which was left as a question. The Executive Secretary recommended that sufficient funds be included to lower the ceilings and improve the lights in the Tax Listing and Assessing Department. Bonded Debt - The County Auditor reported that all of the rzcommcndations for Debt 5crvice werz exactly as recommended and the Board unanimously approved them. Huqh MacRae Park 8 Oak Grove Cemetery - The items in this Budget were carefully reviewe3 and ali of them approved as recommended by the Auditor with the exception of Capital Outlay which ~as set at $2,500 in order to complete, as nearly as possible, thc moving of the remains in the graves at Oak Grove Cemetery: RECESS - , The Board recessed at this point to meet again at 8:00 A. M.~Monday, June 27th at which time the Board of Education is invited to present their Budgct. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING June 27, 1966 8:00 A.M. RECONVENTION - Complying with the notice given at the recessed meeting on June 2(}th, the following Commissioners met for the purpose of continuing Budget considerations: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden, PeLer H. Braak, ~ J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, and the County Auditor, T. D. Love, Jr. ~~ The Board of Education presented their Budget through the Chairman, Mr. Emsley A. I Laney and the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Wm. H. Wagoner. Chairman Hooper explained I that it is the policy of thc Board not to set salaries but any comments would be welcome with reference to them. Mr. Laney prefaced the meeting with the rcmark that the School Board had spent much time in getting thefr Budget together and he felt that it had been pared to the minimum and still maintain the high standards whd~h is char~cteristic of ' the New Hanover County School System. Dr. Wagoner then spoke for the Board on the in- ' ~ {dividual items which were reviewcd ~nd considered item by item. No ~ecord is being made ~of zny of the items zgreed on by zll members present but only on those where there was some question. _ continued- ~~ ~ o~ f , B.udAet_DSs.c.uss.i.on-Me_t_#.~~9 ~,~^-~~=~~~~b-6e~.~~.~es1= ~Repular - Under Travel, Mr. Vaughan questioned thc flat sum of $1500 ns Trzvel Expenses for the Superintendent and suggested that it shouid be paid on a voucher basis and offered a motion that.this be done but received no sccond and it was ruled dead. Mr. Hall then , 'moved thzt the item be approved as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Brank. Before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that Dr. Wagoner be asked to keep • a voncher record of all out of town expense but thnt the Budget items be left the szme zs lzst year. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughzn voted "NO" but the Chairman declared the substitute motion carried by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Vaughan offered z mot3on thzt the schoo~ officials furnish to the Bo~rd of Commissioners z record of lzst yezr~s travel expenses, Thcre was no second to this motion and the Chairman de- clared it died for izck of a stcbnd. The btem listed as Miscellaneous Administration Ex- penses was reduced from $1500 to $1,000. Under Instructionai Service, the item of Supplies was cut from $45,000 to $1}0,000. Undtr the operation of Plant, Wzter Sewerzge, Lights and Power from $~5,200 to $72,000 and Telephones were reduced from $11,300 to $10,000 znd Ithe total Regular Budget incrtased from $235,000 as recommended by the Auditor to $250,672. ~Canital Outlav - No question was raised on the items included in Capital Outl~y until they rezched the additional classrooms. Dr. Wagoner stated that 4 new classrooms are needed at Alderman School, 6 classrooms at the College Park 5chool znd 4 classrooms at Ogden ISchool. After some discussion of this sub,ject, Mr. Brazk moved that the request for addi- 'tional classrooms be approved as outlined in the Capit~l Outlay Budget of the School. It ~~rzs seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. Library books in the amount of $5,000 was questioned and zfter the expianation by the School Soard, Mr. Vaughan moved that the $5,000 included in the Capit~l Outlzy Budget for Librzry books be cut out. It wzs seconded by Dr. Hooper. When the ballot wzs taken, Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vzughan voted for the motion iand Messrs. Bowden, Braak znd Hzll voted against the motion. The Chairman declared it fziled by a ma~ority vote. fPensions - In reviewing the School Pensions, item by item, and receiving explanztions for ~hose which seemed to need clarification, Mr. Uzughan offered a motion that the retired ~ tezchers pensions be increased to z minimum of $150.00 per month as informally endorsed y the School Board. It rras seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. y!Suuplementzrv Budqet - The Board was in unznimous agreement on all the items pr¢sented in the Supplementary Budget. ~tECE55 - The Board then recessed for lunch to reconvene at 2:00 P. M. znd hear the pre- ;sentztion of the public Welfare Board. ~2ECONVENTION - The Board reconvened zt 2:00 P. A9. with all members present except Mr. Hall who could not attend the aftcrnoon meeting. Public We2fare - The Public Welfarc Budget was presented by its Chairman, Mr. F. P. Fensel, zlong with the Director of Public Welfzre, Miss Lela Moore Hall and the other two members of the Board, N, P. Barefoot and L. O. Bowden, Mr. Fensel reported to the Board that their ,budget could be presented in the totals,or item by itcm, if the Bozrd of Commissioners desired. Chairman Hooper explained that the Board had set a policy for this year for not ~Idiscussing szlzries until zfter zll other Budget items had been settled. I,Hospitaliaation - In discussing the hospitalization for indigents and Pubiic Assistance 'pztients known as MC-1, it was brought out that many of tht out-p7tients were abusing their admittance cards to the hospital by going to the Emergency Room instead of to the regular Clinics ~nd that it was costing the County considerzbly more money th~n it should zctunlly cost. After z thorough discussion of this problem, it was unanimously agreed that the ~hospital should be notified not to accept Public Assistance patients in the Emergency Room but to refer them to the Out-Patient Clinic unless it was zctually an emergtncy. The fol- lowing changes were then approved in the Budget Request: Indigents MC- 1 from $32,000 to $40,000 ~ Public Assistznce from O to $!}5,000 iThe other items in this cztegory were approved as recommended by the Auditor. ?dministrztion - With the exception of the following changes, the Administration Budget ,.~as zpproved: Auto Allowanct from $4,']00 to $5,000 Bonds from 0 to $20.00 • Dues and Subscriptions from $350 to $~}'~00 Sanitorium Inmates from $2,000 to $1,tl00 Stzty. & Supplies from $3,200 to $2,500 Trzvel (Out County) from $2,000 to $2,400 The Chzirman of the Board of Commissioners stated that zlthongh no action would be tzken on salzries at this time they would be glad to hear zny comments with reference to employees lor szlzries. Miss Hzll explained the personnel changes recommeded as follows: Melv2rene Howard 8 Lzrue Foust zre now Supervisors znd merit an increase from $6,324 '$6,~3~i. Elsie Huband, z Typist III, has been with the Department for 19 years and deserves a service raise from $3924 to $4320. Shirley Johnson, Clerk II d¢serves z service inerezse Ifrom $3408 to $37!}!4. Miidred Greene, Homemzker deserves a merit raise from $2832 to $296!}. Jezn Fitzgerald CWS is entitled to z merit raise from $6960 to $7296. Grace Hixeon, PWW II I,deserves z service raise from $5481} to $57!}8. Ronald Knopf, PWLd II is entitled to a merit reiae from $5748 to $6021}. Lucille Piner, PWW II is replacing Augusta Cooper, retirtd, ias Acting Supervisor which entitles her to an increase from $5!}84 to $632l~. Eva Scott, now a Supervisor, merits an increzse from $6321} to $6636. The following persons have 3 year~s ind have been reclzssified nnd zre entitled to increzses: Peggy Lewis, June Stallings, ~osephine Huntt, Juanita Blair and Billie Ann Burnett all PWW It, from $498o.to $5484• deline Lawson, Typist I was pointed out as having 3~ years service, from $2964 to $3252• ~ continued- I ~~~ Budget:Discussion_M~et,ing June 2~, 1966 - Continued Administrztion - (continued) Ella Uirginiz Spear, CWCW II has had 15 yezrs experience, 11 of which hzs been with New Hanover, is now a Supervisor and should be increased from $7296 to $7656. Mzrie Johnson, Homemaker II is entitled to z merit raise from $2832 to $2q64. This concludtd the remarks relative Lo the pcrsonnel. Rents - Housinq Authority Public Assistznce Miss Hall reported to the Board thzt the Wilmington Housing Authority is charging tenants receiving Public Assistznce more than the regulzr tenants. After a brief discussion of this subject, Mr. Vaughan moved Chairman Hooper advise the Housing Authority that th~ Public Welfare Board will not pay more rent for tenants rcceiving Public Assistance thzn they charge for their regular tenants. It was seconded by both Messrs. Bowden and Brzak znd unanimovsly zdopted. Vzrious Budqets - The following Budg¢ts were approved as recommended by the Auditor by complete agreement of the entire Board:. Aid to Blind, Aid to Families and Dependen~ Children, A.P.T.D., znd O.A;:A, and Rev~luation. I Surplus Commodities - The following changes were unanimously approved in the Surplvs Commodity Budget: ~ Repairs and Maintenance increased from 0 to $100. Salary, Miss Boone increased from $2430 to $2556. Vacation and Sick Leave, increased from 0 to $500. ~Salary- Thomas, increased from $2790 to $3228. ' RECESS - The Board recessed to meet again at 7:00 P. M., June 28th, to receive the Mental Health Center and Consolidated Board of Health Budgets. BUDGET DISCUSSION N~ETING June 28, 1966 7:00 P.M. RECONVENTION - Complying with the notice by the Chairman, the Board reconvened its meeting to study the Budget. All members of the Board were present except Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. County Auditor Love was also present. Mental Health Center was represented by its professional staff, including Dr. Fisscher, Dr, Knight, and Mr. Thompson and the Mental Health Advisory Board Co-Chairmen, Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Mrs. W. E. Sisson and Mrs. Henry M. Von Oesen. Mr. Kallman acted as spokesman for the Center and stated they would like to go over the Budget item by item if the Board desired, however, it is a minimum Budget. Since contracting with Pender County for professional services, they need an additional staff inember and re- quested the Board to approve it. In reviewing the individual items, the following changes were made by unanimously agreement: , Contingency from $1,000 to $500 Capital Outlay from $1,000 to $750 Telephone from $1300 to $1200 Dr. Hooper explained that any salary ad,justments or changes would be considered at a I later date, however, if they had any remarks to make regarding any particular employees,! the Board would be giad to hear them. Dr. Fisscher explained that Mr. Morse had been ~i reclassified to C1. Psy. I and is entitled to a merit increase from $5481~ to $~296. Chamber of Commerce Bills - Mr. H. Van Reid, Director of the Greater Wilmington Chamberl of Commerce, appeared before the Board in response to the advise by the County Auditor of the Board~s feeling about the bills amounting to $!},999.98 which exceeded by abQUt $2500.00 over the $20,000.00 which was allocated to the Chamber for their use. Mr. Lov~ had presented these bills at the meeting on June 2!}th and the Board was reluctant to approve them at that time. Mr. Reid explained the reason for overspending the amount an felt that the results obtained were well worth it to the County. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Hall moved that they pay the bill amounting to $2,532.98 , the Auditor havir.g stated there was enough funds to pay this amount in the original allocation. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the balance of the total bill in the amount of $2!}67.00 be paid out of the 1966-67 Budget appropriation. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. Board of Elections - In response to an invitation to discuss the personal bills of the members of the Board of Election still unpaid~ Mr. O. K. Pridgen, Chairman of the E2ection Board and Aaron Goldberg, a local attorney, appeared before the Board and formally requested payment of the unpaid bills for the personal services incurred by the Election Board. Mr. Goldberg, speaking for the Board of Elections, stated that the bills were just and should be paid. Dr. Hooper, speaking for the Board of Commissioner:,, explained that there were some discrepancies in the bills which the Board had not been abie to reconcile and requested a detailed, itemized statement to ~justify their payment. i, Mr. Goldberg explained the continuous service of the Chairman of the Board of Elections I and the muitiplicity of duties and functions necessary to conduct clean elections. Mr. Hall stated that there had never been any qvestion in the past of the Board of Elections in conducting its affairs but he feared some politics might have entered into the picture. After a discussion of the pros and cons, it was finally agreed that the County Attorney i would confer with the Attorney for the Election Board and report back to the Board of Commis~sioners whatever progress he was able to make in ad,justing the differences between ' the two boards. Board of Health - Dr. C. B. Davis, Director of the Health Department, accompanied by Miss Annie Lou Davis and Mrs. Mabel Price, presented the Budget for the Health ~, Department. The Budget Estimate, as recommended by the County Auditor, was reviewed item by item and all of them approved by unanimous common consent, except as follows: The items of Travel of 'Staff, Retirement and Social Security, all agreed were questionablle at this time but no Further changes were made in the recommendation. T. B. and X-ray continued- ~ ~~~~ Budget Discussion Meeting June 28, 1966 Continued ~ Board of Health - (continue~ ~ _ ' Clinic was increased from $2700 to $2900. Public Health Meetings in- creased from $1500 to $1750. Contingency was reduced from $3,00o to $2,500. Elec- tricity and Gas was cut from $900 to $850 as was also Laundry. Insurance and Bonds was reduced from $100 to $24. Equipment- Capital Outlay was~reduced from $1,000 to ' $750. II Drainaqe Program - Repairs and Parts were reduced from $1500 to $1,000. Dynamite and Caps from $400 to $300. Insect & Rodent Control --. D. T. and Dust increased from $21}00 to $3,000. Fuel Oil reduced from $1,000 to $500. Gas and 031 from $1100 to $750. General Supplies from $600 to $400. The Chairman of the Commissioners explained that no action is being taken on Salaries at this time but if they had any comment to make the Board would be pleased to hear it. Dr. Davis explained that Mabel B. Price had been grossly under- paid for a long time but recently has passed the M¢rit System examination and reclassi- fied. She is entitled to a merit raise from $3924 to $l}752. Willora G. Faulkner has been reclassified from Supervisor I to Supervisor II and entitled to a merit raise from $6024 to $6960 which is.the normal range for her classification. Clifton N. Dixon has been reclassified from 5anitarian I to Sanitarian II by passing the Merft System examina- tion and is entitled to a merit ra'ise from $5220 to $6024. It was noted that during the review that an item listed as Noise Control was'recommended by the Board of Health but deleted by the Auditor and after discussing the matter, the Board unanimously agreed to leave it out of the Budget. RECESS - The Chairman declared the Board recessed with the understanding that it would reconvene on Thursday, June 30th at 8:00 A. M. and instructed the Executive Secretary to schedule the Electrical Inspectors, Building Inspector, A. 8 E. Extension Chairman, the County Prison Supervisor and the Community Hospital for consideration at that time. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING lune 30,1966 8:00 A.M. ,RECONVENTION - d . Complying with notice given when the last meeting was recessed, the full Board reconvened to r¢view and consider the Budget Estimate for the Board of Elections. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR - • Chairman Hooper informed thc Bo:ard that it is time for them to appoint an In- Idependent Auditor. After a brief discussion in which it was pointed out that an Auditor ~familiar with the accounts and records of the County would probably be able to complete the ,job in less timt than one who is unfamiliar with the accounts and records. It was ~also po3nted out that the ethics of the profession prohibited competitive bidding inasmuch as all C.P.A.~s are bound by professional standards. After a full discussion on the sub- ,ject, Mr. Braak offered a motion that William C. Barfieid; C.P.A. be appointed as Inde- pendent Auditor for the fiscal year 1966-67 to audit 1965-66 records. It was stconded by Mr:. Hall and unanimously adopted. ~}2ETIRED TFACHER~S PENSION - ~ A discussion was resumcd on the pensions of retired teachers who, becavse of the low pay at the time of their retirement, are receiving much less pension pay than a !living~. 1'~~.. .':. ._ :.. .. . After a thorough discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the minirtium be set at $137.50 for all retired teachers receiving less than that amount. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. RETIRING TEACHERS' PENSIONS - . At the end of thc list of pensions in the Budget Estimate, there were 10 cur- Irently retiring teachers whose pensions from the County had to be estimated because the State had not yet received their actuari~l compensation and could not determine the exact lamount. The total estimated for the entire group was $13,321. After reviewing past iexperience, it was decided that the estimate was high and Dr. Hooper moved that two-thirds of the $13,321 be appropriated to cover the estimated County portion of the retiring ~teachers listed b~tween the names of Gladys 5. Smith and ~illie B. Snipes. It was seconded ,by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. IBOARD OF ELECTIONS A discussion of the outstanding bills presented by the Board of Elections was scheduled-at this time. Chairman O. K. Pridgen II, accompanied by Attorney Aaron Goldberg, ~presented themselves before the Board to present the Board of Elections' view and ,justifi- cation for the costs included in their invoices. After clearing the fact that Mr. Goldberg was representing the Board of Elections, he presented the bills of Mr. Pridgen, Chairman of the Board of Elections, for personal services and office expenses. He stated that the Board of Commissioners are obligated to pay these bills unless two things are evident. Either thcy are fraudulent or in error. He pointed out the difference between the respon- sibilities of the Chairman and other members of the Board. Since he is constantly sub~ject to interviews, telephone calls from tht public, the news media, day and night, this type of work is not readily put down into items so that it can be computed on an hourly or daily rate. Mr. Tillery pointed out the previous actions of the Board, as substantiated by the minutes, were that they would pay any bilis itemized and ,justified in the~opinion of the Board of Commissioners. In the discussion of this matter, Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Pridgen if he had billed the County for 2 days service during any of the time that he might continued- ~ c~~4~ ~I Budaet Discussion Meetina June 30th, 1966 Continued BOARD OF ELECTIONS - (continued) have spent in the same calendar day working for the Board of Elections and on the permanent looseleaf voter registration system. Mr. Pridgen stated that the normal service is entirely ,separate from the duty rendered on the permanent looseleaf voter registration system which is billed in addition to the Election Board duties. Mr. Vaughan then ask~d Mr. Pridgen if he had resigned as Chairman of the Board of Electic Mr. Pridgen replied that he did resign, providing it was acceptabie to the State Board of Elect,tons, but that they had at no time r~cognized any other Chairman of the local board, and that his resignation was not accepted. At this point, Mr. Goldberg asked to be excused as he had a case scheduled in the Court. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden agreed to ad,journ to meet again in regular session on ~'jde,sd~ G( HAue1c, unanimovsly ~~ ~ / ~~ cutive ecretary Wilmington, N. C. July 5, 1966 8:00 A.M.~~, ASSEWiBLY - The New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners, Lavrence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hali, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the mceting Episcopal Seminary student from Alexandria, for guidance. to order and asked Mr. Keith J. Reeves, an Virgina to open the meeting with a prayer APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - After making a few grammatical corrections in the minutes of the meeting of June 20th, they were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall. ROAD PETITION A petition from a group of property owners asking that Woodhaven Drivt be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that two previous petitions had been submitted to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. He read the reasons outlined for not accepting them in 1962 and 1961} and cited the conditions which,must be met before they can be accepted into a subdivision. After some discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the rcquest be resubmitted to the State Highway for their further consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. IdON-1.ISTING PENALTY - The Tax Supervisor presented a letter from Mr. W. A. Walker of 711 Country Club Road explaining that he has been a resident of Florida for the past 4 years and Moore Fonvielle Realty Company has bcen his agent for listing taxes and collecting the rent. He listed the propcrty where he lives on January 6, 1965 but thought that his ~I agent was lising the property he owned 3n Carolina Place described as Lot 6 in Block 22, i He has rcquested a waiver of the penalty imposed for non-listing Lhis property in 1965. After a discussion of the Board, it was its consensus that the fault is with the agent 'I and they did not fecl that they had ,justification for waiving this non-listing penalty. TAX REFUND - ~ Thc Tax Supervisor reporttd that Mrs. Vera Garncr has requested a refund of '~ taxes which she has paid under the following circumstances. In 1946, she and her husbandy David Garner, both of whom zre illiterate deeded !} acres of land out of their original , 56 acre tract to his mother, Mrs. Vernon Kerr, as a life estate. During this time, Mrs. Fannic Kerr received Assistance Grants from the Public Welfarc Department in the amount of $4,565. They later sold what they thought was 52.acres to J. P. Newton, Jr. ' After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kerr, thinking that the 4 acres originally deeded as a lifetime estate revertcd to them, they paid the taxes for 1963, 1964 and 1965•• Since that time, it has been discovered that Lht attorneys who drew the decd for the sale of the land to J. P. Newton included the entire 56 acres that they original2y owned. I Both of them denied making their marks or being aware of the sale at the time. Through a compromise settlement, the questionable conveyance has been settled and they are askin9l that the taxes which they paid on thc 1~ acres bc returned to them. The Tax Supervisor recommended that 2 years only bc returned. The County Attorney ruled that the General ,I Statutes prohibited the return of m~re than 2 years taxes regardless of the cause. Upon I motion of Mr. Vaughan, second~d by Dr. Hooper, the Board unanimously agreed to return the 1964 taxes amounting to $5.80 and the 1965 taxes amounting to $7.48. TAX REFUND - I The Tax Supervisor presented a request from Mrs. John H. Tasker of 1015 Caroliha Street, Greensboro, North Carolina for the return of taxes in the amount of $27.82 paid I in error. On December 11, 1964, she sold a parcel known as Bird Island to the Town of Wrightsville Beach. The deed was not recordcd until January 1965 and, therefore, the ' property was listed for taxes which were prepaid on April 7, 1966 under tax receipt #26271. Thc Tax Supervisor recommends the return of the taxes for 1965 under G.S. 105- 33o ~4}• Upon motion of Mr. Hall seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board approved the recom- i mendation of the Tax 5upervisor by a maJority vote. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". ACTUARIAL STUDY - Employees Retirement - The Executive Secretary presented a M 11 from George ; B. Buck, Consulting Actuary,in the amount of $500.00 for professional servic,es in the ~