1986-03-24 RM Exhibits /," (/- " TAX ADMINISTRATOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER L-..- OFFICEOFTHETAXADMINISTRATo~ONSE~NT AGENDAi 320 CHESTNUT STREET DATE:' L . ..f f: WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 284qI-4090 - / )1 Telephone (919) 341-7131 ITEM No. _ . ~ l. .. ,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS I Collections thru February 28, 1986 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1985 $25,267,542.71 2,518,099.71 $27,785,642.42 105,049.91 $27,680,592.51 -26,117,848.93 $ 1,562,743.58 94.35% 1984 $23,308,884.49 2,348,328.25 $25,657,212.74 84,619.16 $25,572,593.58 -24,156,053.26 $ 1,416,540.32 94.46% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 802,564.29 3,790.04 - 406,727.57 $ 392,046.68 50.92% $ 816,37.3..08- 2,273.94 342,033.75 $ 472,065.39 42.01% $ 1,007,748.29 36,187.12 99,572.59 $ 871,988.58 10.25% Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 1,082,045.50 16,618.67 109,987.32 $ 955,439.51 10.32% Room Occupancy Tax Collections in February - $20,186.09. Privilege License Collections in February - $ 207.50. EMS Collections in February - $642.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $40,066,833.19 This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985. Respectfully submitted, ~(o /I P"-tn(~ C\ ~ Patricia J. ~nor Collector of Revenue A.PPRO\f[)" 8\' ~;~;~s~rf~ ~~f~~a'~ ~ 'MW[~~ ~m y&. PJR: sw ~ '. r . :' ',' / / ./"! : Ie! .j i I 'i 'I I I i , ~ '.:1 ~. If j FROM~,? /7 .;' 1. 2. .3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. '11. .. 12. n. 14. 15. 16. 17. MEMORANDUM A f"l-f) n, rH cr,' ; " fJ").~ ~ ?1'\ff "f ~..1'\~1 ~;~,u,~n i tb~?~j.\\~~j~'11:,d~' 1!~-3/-~ ~ 1 ~'-y ~ TO: Mr. G. Felix Cooper County Manager Roland G. Register ~JJ;J Tax Administrator r I .CONSENT AGENDA DATE: '=5'71. '-( ITEM No. ~ SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: March 17, 1986 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: Alabaster, Michael Gene Bass, Adley A. Brown, Thailia Ellis, Harold G. Ezzell, Charles E. Gregory, Robert Leonard Hobbs Aviation Enterprises, Inc. Jordon, Robert L. Jr. Martin, Charlene B. HcDonald.,John Harrison "Mills ,Wilbert Jack Montford., Geor,ge Clifton III Hoare, James E. Oakley, Leroy Jr. Robbins, Debra Cothren 'Sout-hco International Williams,' Lela $ 46.89 391.54 4.13 56.91 Refund $2.48 56.98 Refund 2.09 82.28 24.58 239.89 288.16 12.64 45.10 36.50 10.55 11.22 102.37 16.06 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Blanks, Constance $ 30.21 2. Bonitz, Dorothy 1,181.41 3. Bowden, Lewis 63.87 4. Canady, Joseph Lindsey 28.63 5. Cannon, Linda 17.99 6. Carter, George C. 3.75 7. Farley, Timothy James 31.64 (1984) 8. Goins, Carlene 67.26 9. Hartman Perkins & Associates, Inc. 213.29 10. Hazlegrove, George Warren 12.64 11. Herring, Clark Darryl 26.09 12. Johson, Fred C. 73.30 Refund 13. Leeuwenburg, Eunice B. 34.29 14. MacFarlane, John B. 30.71 15. Mintz, Eddie Arthur 7.03 Refund 16. Murray, Silas 32.76 '17 .. Padrick, W. Ray 52.93 'l- Page 2 Mr. G. Felix Cooper March 17, 1986 18. Parnell, James 19. Reams, Johnnie S. 20. Richardson, Patricia 21. Riley, Chuck 22. Roethlinger, Richard Jr. 23. Whitfield, H.A. 24. Woodard, James D/B/A Request the following taxes be released as the within city or town limits: 1. Associated Utilities, Inc. 2. Atack, James Pennis 3. Country Music USA, Inc. 4. Henderson, Vivian 5. Hinson, Jean 6. Holland & Son, Inc. Ray 7. Howell, Tina Louise 8. Huntly, Edwin Brooks D/B/A Brooks Carpet Service 9. Livengood, William Charles 10. Reynolds, Elliott B. 11. Riley, Bruce T. 12. Trash~Removal Service, Inc. $ 7.00 53.56 26.51 41.44 ,.. 90.85 (Refund $14.44) 1. 65 1,979.58 property is not located $ 3,310.36 85.95 47.25 26.66 32.41 10.89 81. 90 2.64 26.60 35.78 36.17 3,710.61 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayers certify they mailed their listings during the listing period: 1. Deitz, Gaither Jr. 2. Hudgens, Maynard J. 3. Redwing Of Wilmington Inc. $ 59.00 (RefJ.md) 96.95 (Refund) 204.65 . Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of annexing in error; charging in error; penalty charged in error; mispriced boats; incorrect acreage charged; incorrect map number assigned; parcel dedicated as street and charged in error: l. Associated Utilities, Inc. $ 700.87 2. Blake, Eugene Sr. 26.97 (Refund) 3. Collins, Clarence Franklin 5.88 4. Franks, Horace Ray 27.77 5. Hinson, Jean 7.67 6. Holland, Erwin Frederick 187.61 7. Koontz, Edward L. 416.56 (Refund) 8. North Shell Island Devel. 2,339.88 9. Riley, Bruce T. 11. 91 (Refund) 10. Whiteville Plumbing Co., Inc. 178.06 (1983, 1984 & 1985) 11. Willoughby, Larry M. 96.00 12. \.Joodard, James D/B/A 197.96 (Refund) , 1:, 1 ~I '..j. , "1 ' :" ~.. .:~ t t~ :!~ :t :A s;,~ ~~ ' : '- ,. ./' Page 3 Mr. G. Felix Cooper March 17, 1986 Request 1984 and 1985 taxes in the amount of $2,003.16, charged to Coastreco, Inc., be released as this is exempt property. Request 1985 taxes in the amount of $56.10 be refunded to Tabb Mansion Trust as this is exempt property. t Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of March 24, 1986. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw Copy: R. Pope County Attorney L. Harrell Clerk to the Board C. Beatty Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue A. Mozingo Internal Auditor /, I 'I '. ... ...; t, " '1' NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description Graystone Road, in nrickstone Estate, Div. File #529-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlOn that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOVi, THEREFORE, be it reso 1 ved by the Board of County Commi ss i oners of the County of Nev llanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTI FI CATE The foregoing l~~solution was duly adopted by the B9ar;:lof Comllliss~jSlners fJf ~~eg~u~ty of ~ 1dMUY1-~at a meeti ng on the qJ -:L.'..# day of /~ WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 02 ,)'d day o.f ~, 19 f<b Form S R - 2 (7 - 77 ) PLEASE NOTE: ,,\' t JIll I ~ I' ~' I"..., ~" ." \'\(11( r r, ~, ~~ ,)I. r' - ~r ~.. ..~~ ~ 00,'100, (' .,.'.... .. ''.of o~.) i 'J'J ().."" ~ 'v 0 ')0 ".. :'~ 00 ... (I (......./,~ : . 0 OQ ?,,~ :: : .~-\: =1). /e'-<: : ~ . : : : ? fi>: (t S -:... ""0 . __ :..--- _' .0 ~ ~ 1.. ~ ~PO"t)'h,s:o-.f"". ~ ,'...'(; 0:) .'Ov"",. ~. ~ ~ . <r":,.;P1' (')oJoo;oooo. ~ \ ....... ~, . Iy \.> .... '~~,~ C A. 8,0 ",~~ 1;'.(1111........" ~ Coun ty Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways 'r 'r Jt NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM .. OJ. North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Descri pti on Greem7ich Lane & Derb'l Dmvn Hav Extensions. LansdoHne SlIhdlvi si on Div. File f.!541-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Boafd of County Commissioners of the County of Nelv Ilanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondal'y Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of T0ansportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioriers of the County of Nelv Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets establishe~ standards and criteria. CERTI FICA TE The foregoing r:e,:;olution was duly adopted by the ~d of Commis(~,i9ner:;... ~f the hpunty of 7i~ ~ at a meeti ng on the ,;( L/ day of ?~h-/, 19~. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the C2.:;d day of~, 19 f(, 11\'11111'." ","'" NOli r:.:"",,,, ,,"- 0J' 'r, ", "".."'...\ 00000000 CO'" ~ ~~ Q 0 ~ ~ "".. . 00. (... "'.. ~ ~ :0. ... 't.~ E : ...~; :>>: I: = .. .'" . :: :. ~ fI:{t:: -:. o. _ -~..: ~ ~ 1/ · ...o;""Al'-o.,~ · ~ ":,.... 0 0.0 ~1It, .... ~ ,,~ Form SR-2 (7-nF../?;- ,....... \~........ '"'' f.r c p... RO \,.. "" III, 'II II. ......"'\. ~ Boa~~o~ County of . ~ PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways n . . NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM j '. North Carolina County Of New Hanover Road Description Noland Drive, GratlnoJol Drive, ,Jamey Court, Robin Dale Court, Beach iiourrtain Court, in Churchill Estates, Div. File f1542-N ~... WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County C0l111llissioners of the County of He,", Hanover requesting that the abuve de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road Systelll; and '.. <, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. Nm~, THEREFORE, be it resol ved by the Board of County Commi ss i oners of the County of Ne,", lIarrover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The forego~2g r~sp 1 uti on was duly adopted by the Bp5d of COlllmi s310ners j)f the.Jjounty of .lJ&!l. ~at a Illeeti ng on the ;:2 '!.z:A- day of ~ 19 ~ 0 . ' WITNESS my hand and official seal this the c;:2.O--d day of ~ , 19f'-6 ,".u......4'4' ~~"~N 0 V f i/"#~## ~ ~ ........ co~~ .... '" fl- I' ~ .":,.,r Jr.. f-.A,~'. (/ ":. : '.'. J,~..., t,1. :f, "I')~ -1-:' : ~/; . ~~'o" ~Deputv "*' ,.-<. J 5 : - : :: ;.~. 9:0~ ... · _." 0 ... ~ 1: .. ~".,,,~..-.. ~ ~ 0 ... ~'"'' ,~. ..,.: "'; 1'... ...:..... -" ~.... " / LJ \ '\~ ~~ '" 'l C ARO\.. ~,,~ """........." Clerk, Boar County of Form SR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways Ir ,. i-t . [" '. 0551Y CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTIONS AND INCUMBENCY , do hereby certify that I am the duly r appointed and a ting Secretary/Clerk of New Hapover County , a political subdivision or agency duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carollna {the II County "}, and that the following resolutions have been presented to and duly adopted by the County Commissioners at a meeting dUly and regularly held and convened in accordance with applicable law on the day of 19_ - . WHEREAS, the County Lease/Purchase Agreement dated dated January 17 1986 , -' has entered Qr is entering an Equipment oeptember 1 ,lge3, and a Commitment Letter wi th Firs t Un i on NaxlOnal Bank' . , NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the Agreement and Letter be, and is here~ approved and that the action of the official or officals of the ounty in signing the Agreement and Letter on behalf of it be, and is hereby, ratified. comfirmed and approved; and be it further RESOLVED. that an official of the County be, and is hereby. authorized. empowered and directed to sign on its behalf the Agreement and any addenda. schedules, notes, UCC financing statements or other instruments issued under the provisions of the Agreement and any other instrument or document which may be necessary or expedient in connection with agreement upon or fulfillment of the provisions of the Agreement. RESOLVED, the individual{s} named below are the duly elected or appointed officers of the County holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names. I further certify that (i) the signatures set opposite their respective names and titles are their true and authentic signatur~ a~d (ii) such officers have the authority on behalf of the oun y to enter into all documentation connected with the Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement. NAME TITLE ~ SIGNA:~RRcQ i Y}"1:~ (jLC!u,~9/crillJ~? ~ G. Felix Cooper County Nanager Andrew J. Atkinson Finance Director ,.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, J.. have duly executesl this_ certi ficate and affixed the seal hereto this ~~~day of ~ . 19tf~ tt..III1U..,.", ~t1t '" N () V f L'> "" "," ,>,1"' . '1' C' 'to' "''-;':...\ ' <,)000"'>.('10.,. .'0". .... '\&. ".. ~. ~ {<I . . Oct VA ~ :: 2=" .e_ o. (; ~ -. 0 . ...~~;... : tI ~. ....-: u $ 10 .~- :~:. . .:: M . I. - ':. · '- {t: ",. . .- .. -:. Qo ~-~- ':....--::;..... : ,. 1: · ~'I",~,~.. ~ ~, 0 -.. """",:-' .0- ~ $' ';. Ii>,r 00..... ,~...... ""'" H C f\ R 0 \.............. ...~81~.1D.1........~ \ t'.~ s ",- A. ".t APPENDIX V Budget Amendment # 1 New Hanover Administralive Unit Current Expense r und County/City Board of Education at a meelinq on the March, j9JL6 passed the following resolution. .. New Hanover 4 The day 0 f ge it resolved that the following amendments be made 10 the Hudget Resolution for the fiscal year endi ng June 3D, E86. C'Jde NUl'1ber Description of Cude A m 0 u n I I nU":.I:." i:ccrl'JSC 2-5100-14-000 Vocati ona 1 Non-Matching 42,696 2-5200-15-000 Vocational Handicapped 11 ,948 2-5100-17-000 Vocational 60,545 2-5100-19-000 Vocational Dropout 31,704 2-5100-21-000 Vocational State Equipment .46,370 2-5100-23-000 Vocational Special Programs 7-8 40,023 2-5100-25-000 Vocational Disadvantaged 27,796 2-5910-01-232 Worker's Compo 11 ,383 Exp 1 ana! ion: To adjust to actual Vocational funding levels Total Appropriation in Current Budget Amount of fncrease/(Decrease) of above Amendment Total Appropri ation in Current Amended Budget. . . . . . . . . . .' $ 16J111R,4R4 ( 41,?1Z) lh,ln~,?f)7 Passed by majeri Iy vote of the Board of Education 4thday of March 1986. lie the Uuard of Cuunty Commissiontlr!; ufNew Hanover hereby approve tho chanf)CS in Ihe CllunlylCi ty ~ct;uul J und:. Hudqo! as.indicated Juove, Jnd havu milde enlry ul lhe:;u chanljBs un the mi nulu:; uf ~.Ii d IIllard. thi:; Itll: 241;1ty uf March , 1~86. - of New Hanover County/Ci ty on the ~~ Cnai r::1an, :oarll 'JI Ed J on ~~. Vice Chal rman, tJo;Jrd at Cuanty Commi S~i ooers ~ Secretary. ;;Ji3ra at ( 3 i) .. '" " APPENDIX VI Budget Amendment # 1 New Hanover Administrative Unit Capital Outlay fund The New Hanover County/City Board of Education at a lIIeclin!) 'bn the 4 day of March ,1986. passed lhe followinQ reso]ution. ge it resolved that the ,following amendments be made to the Hudget Reso]ution for the fiscal year endinQ June 3D, 1986. Cade NUl'lber Description uf Cude A III 0 U n I lllu".'.,:.,: i:l!crCJSC 4-9101-01-500 Northern/Eastern Elem. School 378,020 4-9101-02-500 Additions: Bellamy Elem/Carolina Bc 54,685 4-9300-01-551 Purchase of Vehicles 16,500 4-9102-01-522 Building Upgrade 248,190 Explanatior:: To adjust budget to actual carryover and to increase for change orders. Revenue Adjustments: 4-4910-00-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 365,000 4-4810-00-000 Bond Proceeds 223,025 588,025 Total Appropriation in Current Budget Amount of Increase/(Oecrease) of above Amendment Tolal Appropriation in Current AllIended Budget. . $ 9,960,000 ~~~,UL~ . . .'. .10.548.025 Passed ~y majeri ly vote of the Board of Educati on 4th day of March 1986. We the Uuard of Cuunty Commissionllrs III New Hanover hereby Jpprove tho chJn')es in Ihe C'Junl y/Ci t y jcl;uu I I und.. Hudge I JS i ndi cJted Jbove, :HiU havu m.HJe entry ul l/ll':'O changes un ti,e llIi nulus uf ..Ii d llu.Jrl1, lid:; Ilu)4tJ;hy ur March , ]'.)86. - of New Hanover County/Ci ty on the ~!::e~ C'L~ ~ Secretary, ::Jard of [\lucalion .~~.~ VlcEChairman, doard 01 CIl:Jnly COlllmisslur.ers CU!!lml ss I uncr s " . (3 I) ,..... SCHEDULE E FIXED BASE OPERATORS' INSURANCE Lessee shall maintain the following insurance coverages: A. Fire and extended coverage written within limits not less than 90% of the replacement value of all improvements and structures owned or constructed by Lessee in maintaining business operations at the Airport pursuant to the rights granted in this agreement. B. Comprehensive automobile liability insurance coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles. liability insurance shall be at least in the amount of per occurrence, combined single limits applicable arising from bodily injury and/or property damage. including Limits of $1,000,000 to claims C. Comprehensive airport liability insurance applicable to Lessee's operations, including independent contractor operations, products/completed operations, and contractual liability applicable to the indemnity obligations assumed in Section 11 of this Agreement. Limits of liability insurance shall be at least in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence, combines single limi ts applicable to claims arising from bodily in jury and/or property damage. D. Aircraft liability insurance applicable to owned or leased aircraft providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence applicable to claims arising from bodily injury and/or property damage, including passenger bOdily injury. E. Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance in com~liance with statutory requirement, including other States' endorsement. If County's current or future comprehensive airport liability insuror adopts underwriting requirements establishing minimum amounts and/or types of insurance which County must require of fixed base operators, County reserves the right to revise the minimum amounts and/or types of insurance stated herein in accordance with the insuror's requirements. ',t': ..... ".\<.~i" ,~1l'i<"'I,, :'... .. ~..,........"-.,~..~"-,,,, "'.~~vr1'i~"''r:l<''~~~.~'''( . .l 1>, INTRODUCED BY: G Felix Cooper, County Manager RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF WILMINGTON FOR WATER METER VAULT March 12, 1986 WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns a tract or parcel of land by virtue of the deed recorded in Book 817 at Page 868 of the New Hanover County Registry; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington has requested a grant of easement over this tract or parcel of land for the purpose of installing certain public utilities therein, said easement being more particularly described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the effect of the conveyance and the associated construction will not significantly impair continued utilization of the County's facilities which may be located on this tract or parcel of land; and WHEREAS, the City will execerise due deligence to insure that the tract or parcel of land affected will be returned to their original condition upon completion of the construction activity anticipated; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County believe that it is in the best interest and welfare to grant unto the City of Wilmington a perpetual easement over the tract or parcel of land identified in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Board of Commisioners of New Hanover County hereby authorize a grant of perpetual easement to the City of Wilmington over the tract or parcel of land identified in the attached Exhibit "A" for the purpose of installing a water meter vault. 2. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents associated with conveyance of the easement identified in the attachments hereto to the City of Wilmington for the purposes recited herein. ATTEST: ~\;( Y""'-/A ./ Co ty Clerk - A~~./t a ~ meeting ~ c!(f ' 1986. -2- on EXHIBIT "A" Description of easement to water meter vault on New Hanover County Airport property said easement containing 0.03 acres. Beginning at a point on the boundary of the New Hanover County Airport; said point being on the easterly right-of-way of Twenty-Third Street and located approximately 200 feet northwest of the centerline of Garner Drive and having North Carolina grid coordinates of North 190, 209.24 - East 2,325, 548.20; thence N 580-31' E 40.00 feet; s 310 -29'-45" E 32.00 feet; thence s 580 -31' W 40.00 feet; and thence N X310-29'-45" W 32.00 feet to the point of begining. DENSE TREES ,---. ) ~~J/ I HYDRANT I~S(EMBLY --'), - r II . ~ CONNECT TO EXIST. 12" W/L 1-/2I/GATE VALVE-- EXISTING 12" W/L x27.0 ft-r-l lJo__ " . NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL BYLAWS Article 1: Name and Purpose Section 1. Name - The name of this organization shall be the New Hanover County Emergency Medical Services Council (hereinafter referred to as EMS Council). Section 2. Purpose - The purpose of the EMS Council shall be to: 2.1 Provide continuing review of the effec- tiveness of the consolidated EMS system and to make recommendations to the County Commissioners when and as the Body deems necessary. 2.2 Provide a forum where open communications can take place between all the groups involved in the delivery of Emergency Medical Services in New Hanover County. Article II. Membership Section 1. Membership shall consist of representatives from each of the following: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 New Hanover Memorial Hospital Emergency Room Cape Fear Memorial Hospital Emergency Room New Hanover County Manager's Office Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad Pleasure Island Volunteer Rescue Squad City of Wilmington Fire Department New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, Uniform Patrol Division New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, Communications Division City of Wilmington City Manager's Office State of North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services City of Wilmington Police Department New Hanover County Board of Fire Commis- sioners Transmed ~ 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 ~ State Highway Patrol New Hanover County Commissioners and the following individuals Region 0 Medical Director Director of New Hanover County Depart- ment of Emergency Services Chief of New Hanover County Division of Emergency Medical Services New Hanover County Medical Director Cape Fear Council of Governments' Emergency Medical Services Project Director Section 2. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the existing EMS Council. Section 3. Members may designate an individual to represent them when they are absent and the representative shall be a voting member of the Council. Article III: Officers Section 1. The officers of the EMS Council shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Coordinator/Secretary. The New Hanover County Director of Emergency Services shall serve as Coordinator/Secretary. Section 2. Candidates for the office of Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be nominated from the membership. Section 3. A majority vote of members present at the nominating meeting shall constitute election to office. Section 4. All officers shall serve a one year term and may succeed themselves. Section 5. If the Chairman vacates the position before the term expires, the Vice-Chairman shall serve the remainder of the term. If the Vice-Chairman vacates the position before the term expires, then a new election must be held to complete the year. Section 6. The duties of the officers of the EMS council shall be as follows: 6.1 The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the EMS Council and shall exercise all rights and functions usually prescribed for the office. - ...' . ,~ 6.2 The Vice-Chairman shall in case of the absence of the Chairman, perform all duties of the Chairman. 6.3 The Coordinator/Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the EMS Council meetings. These minutes shall be kept and reported at the beginning of each EMS Council meeting. Article IV: Meetings Section 1. Regular meetings of the EMS Council shall be held on the first (1st) Tuesday of each month. Section 2. The December meeting will be used to elect officers for the upcoming year. Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or by three (3) members of the Council acting in concert. The business of the special meeting shall be limited to the purpose for which it is called. A 48 hour notice shall be given for all special call meetings. Section 4. Nine (9) of the voting members of the EMS Council shall constitute a quorum for all EMS Council meetings. Section 5. All action taken by the EMS Council shall require a simple majority vote of the members present at a meeting where a quorum is present. Article V: Committees Section 1. Standing and special committees may be created by the Chairman as needed. Members on all committees shall be appointed by the Chairman. Article VI. Amendments to the Bylaws Section 1. The Bylaws may be altered, amended or rescinded at any regular meeting of the EMS Council by a vote of Nine (9) of the voting members present, providing that two weeks written notice, including the proposed changes, is given of the intent to alter, amend, or rescind the Bylaws at any such meeting. Approved by EMS Council Chairman