1986-04-28 SPm Exhibits . .. .. ,.'! !. :'- (j. ;I .~. =:--....~.r--? a.. aDD a II" DO II". a. a II III lIaD .... D ...1I1i1 atl a a a 11.11 II. a II DO 11'11 all D a II a. DIIDII. alii all aD a II" II a II all D III iii..."" 1111111 aDII D II II all D a 11"11 II.D iii... a.. D II . a' ~ 1 N em ){annutr OJnuntl1 iSoarb of Q!ommiasinntfs mt5 n lution' WHEREAS, The General Assembly of North Carolina will meet in short session in June 1986, and WHEREAS, issues of finances concerning local governments will be a major concern during this session, and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners of New Hanover County have met in special session to discuss these concerns as they pertain to New Hanover County; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the New Hanover County Commissioners endorse, recommend and urge their legislative delegation and the remaining legislators of the State of North Carolina to support the following; 1. To allow counties to adopt an additional one-half cent sales tax with funds to be used at the discretion of the County Commissioners. 2. To increase the room occupancy tax from 2% to 3%, with no change in the formula for distribution. The New Hanover County Commissioners are committed to use these funds for tourism and beach protection. 3. To provide for taxing vehicles at the time of license acquisition. 4. To eliminate the taxing of personal household property. 5. To continue the Clean Water Bond funds. revenues costs. 6. To to help the facilities fees or other pay for increasing jail and court increase counties 7. To support the Governpr's proposed increase in the gasoline tax. ~~ :-.. II . ;; I~ . D II .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. II II II a .. II II II .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. II . II a .. .. . .. .. a .. .. II .. .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. . II .. II .. .. .. .. .. II . .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . 1.3,=,= . . . . . . . . . . !: ~ 8. To support the League of Municipalities' and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' goals and legislative recommendations to allow cities and counties to reserve Rights of Way for the construction of roads which are located on master thovoughfare plans. I 9. To votJ against H.B. #1314, the so called "Mavretic proposal" to replace property taxes with sales taxes. Signed this 28th day of April, 1986. :1 ! , I I I I . ' I J : I i~ ii, ; I I '.! I' I " ~ ! j ~ I ,I r , '1-1 I .f ,I ~~ I I ~, I I' \ 't : :, ~, i ~ 'I ~ Ii <li I r :'1. ,\ .Ii ! II j I .Ii Iii H .Ii J 'I L , I ~ I II I ~. 1'1 I ~ ~i ! I 'i ~ ,t'~ : i I . . , . I ~, 'I' , !l ~ I ,'I ii' I I " :11 i ~ ~ rf i fl' ., [. I' 'i, . II ~I , I I ! ' I it I ~ , I I r I ,~ ! . , I I . r ( , I I ! ~ ~ I . 1 ~t. r. (j. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... ...... II .... .. .. .... ... ... . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. ..... . .. .. . . . . . ". . ". ." """ "" . . . .. "" " . "" . "" ". .".. ". ".". ". . ~~ iloar~ of Qtnmminninnern ,. N em ){annuer OInuntl1 1!\en n lutinn WHEREAS, New Hanover County is experiencing a traffic crisis in several areas; and WHEREAS, Highway 132, Market Street and Gordon Road, particularly, will reach the acute stage when 1-40 is completed unless something is done to alleviate the traffic problem on these streets; and WHEREAS, the projected date for opening 1-40 is 1990; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Smith Creek Parkway is scheduled to begin in 1995; and WHEREAS, no definite plans have been made to lessen the traffic congestion in the interim; and WHEREAS, neither the engineering for the project or the environmental study'have been made and right-of-way has not been secured; and WHEREAS, all of the aforementioned must be done before the highway can be built. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereoy reaffirms that Smith Creek Parkway is the County's highest priority highway project; and BEl T FUR T HE R RES 0 LV ED, t hat the Bo a r d 0 f Transportation is hereby requested to accelerate the Smith Creek Parkway project in the Transportation Improvement Program and that the Department of Transportation is hereby requested to make the necessary studies to begin securing right-of-way for Smith Creek Parkway at the earliest possible date; and .~ . AJ'V . ~~ /- . .,: -~ \ Jl"R"-L . ."..".......""..""."".""..".....""."..."..""." '. " . " " . . " " . " " " " " . . . " " " " " " " " " . " " " . " " " " " " . " " " " . . " " " . " " " " " " " " " " " . " J_.:r',-"=-.. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners reaffirms its endorsement of additional' high~ay projects for the Wilmington area, in the following priority order: Widening College Road from Shipyard Boulevard to U. S . 4 21 ; State Ports Access (Front Street and related intersectional improvements); Outer Loop, segmented as follows: A) Shipyard to Highway 132 B) U.S. 421 to 1-40 C) 1-40 to U. S. 74 D) U.S. 74 to Highway 132; arid Widening of Gordon Road BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that our needs for completion of a coordinated thoroughfare system in New Hanover County becomes more acute daily and it is our desire to see that these needs are satisfied as quickly as feasible. Signed ~his ~day of April, 1986.