1986-10-06 RM Exhibits ,', l' ~_:- " - .~.......~..........................................................................;.......~............... .~~ '. N rID Jlannurr <trnuntn ' 1Boar~ of Qlomminn iontrn 1!\rsulutinn WHEREAS, our public hospital, New Hanover Memorial isin excellent financial condition, having achieved this as a publicly owned and supported hospital, and ,- " , WHEREAS, current investments over $12,000,000 in accumulated funds are being spent to further ensure patient numbers and revenues in the future, and " '<; );,.' WHEREAS, a study committee did not find convincing facts that the hospital could not continue to prosper in its present:, public ownership, and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners looks on our public hospital as a cooperating hub of the entire network of health care providers and not in isolation, and WHEREAS, we have confidence that all elements for continued ,succ~ss of our public hospital exist among our county's people, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we charge the hospital Board of Trustees to continue to focus on the present and future management of New Hanover Memorial as a successful,' publicly owned hospital in tune with the changing times. We further charge ,the Trustees to re-unite the cooperative suppor!: - of all h - heal th providers. Signed this 22nd day of September, 1986. . .' , ~': .. - . II , t, I , .~ - ~............................................................................................................ . ~ ~ " i .......-\.:~_.......~,..._-:-:~<\-.:'.- -,-;'--:--- -'- .,.-~-;--.... ,---: ..~ ...----". ----_..-- , : .. ~, ., i' BOtiK - ",>-'~- P,~GE " l341 0680 HE[;()i;-:;U: Idtt:; YI=f:jt:',;::r; o ,- ... r- "". ~ - ~ , . - 4. ;. t t, t ~~I ~;)~ r.... lue ~ ER REGiSTEi1 CF f\,:-::-O<:: NEW Hf,!1()VER 'G-C~ NC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA .... _ . _>oJ OCT 15 J 31 PH 'Bh BEFORE. THE !30ARD OF I ~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of Poplar Street ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent ~o close a portion of Poplar Street was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 2nd day of September, 1986 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 6th day of October, 1986, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of Poplar Street in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing: the lega~ description of said road being as follows: fti Being a portion of Poplar Street in Cape Fear Township, beginning at the intersection with Castle Hayne Road (Highway 133) extending due east for a distance of 305 feet to its intersection with Blossom Street duly recorded in Deed Book 993, Page 551 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the t'm day of rfJe./~) , 1986. ~~ 3 ~l~ --;;..,"- -,~J 0:::/ 0' I _, I ; [<0, , .~. .f ~O~ r- :/j.ij ". I STREET~~ ~ 8 ; , ;i CD i! '" t "......1, ' @ ,. ":.::::(:::::::::::::::::::::::: POPLAR T r- @ w w ~ .@ if) W <..? Z <( 0::: o , fs:r jl · L!, · """'--t . . I --! I .. I .--' 2 8 5 '-CHARLES BELCHER 2.JAMES MERRITT 3,ROBERT HORRELL 7 ~ 6 4.3 4.2 4 1.1 4.1 PROPOSED RO o f Poplar Str et Scale: 1"=4001 :3 ~ Cf) .~ 4 0-1 2 :Ji '~ @] 5 6 P 'i~ E. 681 " '~[.1 ... _~ - .\NE' ~ !~ i i t ,.. " -..J c.s Vj '~ " i II I ., " . PROJECT ORDINANCE HUGH MCRAE PARK SOCCER FIELD PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the construction of the Hugh McRae Park Soccer Field Project, which capital project involves the construction and acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~159-13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the construction of the Hugh McRae Park Soccer Field Project, which capital project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from General Fund $175,000 $175,000 TOTAL 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Engineering $ 25,000 ~ Construction $150,000 TOTAL _$175,000 ~ '- 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted thisfo ~ day of t) (f'/.k, b,..# , 1986. ~L0G~~@t1[E[Q) t85V .(;:;{'f'~"'F? r^....r-.....'"."'---:r~r,^,.....~,-....') c:'J~~vUJ C'J_..",..~~~\~_~.._~~~3 0-"'") J i ~ A' l--,___..-'C:.--^-LO -~J~' . ." ~~-~ ,....-~-...'ll-~"',.-.,.-....-..-;;;-...~_.,~-.,--..~~"O. Ntw 3J{annurr <trnJj1ltl1 1Boar~ of Qlomluinn iontrn 1Rrs n lutinn ,I WHEREAS, Alamance County has construct a 400 acre expansion to nearSwepsonville on the Haw River, announced its intention to the Alamance County,,'Landfill and . i, .,. ' ..:. .~\ ' " " , 'to WHEREAS, the Haw River is part of our mutual watershed, and WHEREAS, much of this watershed draining into many pounties' already contaminated, and , WHEREAS, it is to everyone's benefit that t:q~J_;'sape Watershed does not become furthercontaminated~ ' NOW, Board of withdraw River. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ,the New Hanover County Commissioners hereby request that Alamahce County their 'plans for a landfill on' banks ,of "the , "~ Signed this 6th day of October, .~. , ":~ . . ............................................~.'..........................u................................... '--=' " . ~'\...>---.....'-,-"-,;:.r...'...__. ,.. ,,' _,,___.__'_'_._'_ ..___n_.___..__...__....____,__.___._...'. . ~ ' " , " . ff: ., --:., . ~, .' Resolution Approving a Request for Energy Monies in Support of an Area Wide Bicycle Facilities Plan WHEREAS certain TIDnies are available through the State of North Carolina; and '! WHEREAS these monies are to be spent for projects which save , , energy; and WHEREAS encouraging the use of bicycles as a mode of. transporta- tion will sa~e E?I1ergy. NG'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carmissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina: 1. That New Hanover County supports a request for energy TIDnies to fund an area wide bicycle developnent plan. 2. That Ne\'l Hanover County supports a request made by the NCIXYI' for various state-wide bicycle programs including facility developnent and encouragement. &(~ rreeting on k. ~. , 1986. ' Adopted at a ! . , A'ITEST: ~~~ ~ \\~:ltkc~.~e Board ~~.\ .~~_,~D~Q"OD co....... ....., 4J.~ . D.. c:/ .. ~~ .., e. ~\ E : . e. ---'\ .. . ..-<- I: ..... · ,.. · = .... : - . .:::1 , ~ .:..1 '=' · __ .~ -/ !Ii ~ ~ ...-fl.......'.. I ~ 0 ........ .. . ~#. '9,. ....:;.... \~ 't'.... -""'" '" C A. R 0';,,'" ............- : 1 '[ ( ",;",,,,,-~-,,,,,,:,,".,--,-,,,_~ '~--'-""-""'~""._'~'~--~" . j'l ,",. . . ,.-. '. ,~ Nrw 3J{unnurr arnuntn., , '~:': : 1Boar~ of Qlomminniontrll ..' ,'. I, .',i .', llroclamation' WHEREAS, one of our society's richest strength of our families, and . ,'t'. c' WHEREAS, the values and qualities of community'life begin with the family, ~and good citizenship can best be:t~ught~within. the walls of the home, and '; :":':,,"~:fti': ';."'(~ ,WHEREAS, among the most pressing problems which threaten the stability of our families, is that of teen-aged pregnancy"Lcmd,. :, , ..... .... . ,; ';"". ", .1 WHEREAS, with the grow ing problem of "chi ldren having children," it is increasingly important for parents to keep the :':>lines of communication op'en with their youngsters. "1/ It is:. :';:important for young people to be able to' come ,to their parents" LYwith their questions, problems, and concerns. '. Tpe' abilitYifbr<;\.,,,~\ ~:::';:'family members to talk among themselves is':' more>"important,if'how;:--':}:1"': tt~,anl,ever before, and:' '~;~[.); '?;i~tf,~!0;~)\~:, :::" -- '-'WHEREAS, through interaction by"the County'Parinatal'" :",:..Committee, they have found ,a community willing to better,' ;'. collaborate and coordinate efforts between support services, and:c.,,~t the' medical" community. All citizens can be' pro':1d of' the:;,~~~I;~ ;:.:~-'; Committee's continued interest in the primary goal "of" improving;.;i~:~'2r. ~~1(;:~,a?d.inc.reasing awareness ,of parinata,~~ ca,rE,: ,~in, N~w),H~~.g"..~~>;,S?:~~tXi':4"\17 i ,:ii,"H ":.<:' "O" ':., .' , , "'.' -'''' ' ' --, ":~-"~,';;J:' ',,'q ,C ~""; >,1(;..:3". __ __ ~" f~'.:;jr;t~:NOW, THEREFORE,i!'. the New' Hanover countv'::.!fBoari;'i'bl'<;';i'!/ '1:~:ij:Commissioners do herebY..proclaim the, month of ,October'~:h:1986 ,/fi,as r,~'" t!,.>:, ~i l'p;;'", "'LET'S TAUt MONTH r:~;;/ " ';5~f!":~~rlt.~~~ :tf~;~:~\n:"New Hanover County, and urge all family, membersto';open ;'the ;r+:lines of communication in an effort to,,:,solve,:.,tl1e ;t=:,~~adolescent pregnancy in our , County. : <,., ' ::::,;,.:"; ~ ,:,.-). "r:' ~JF!:;~":Signed; ~~~~ ~.l.(. day of october, ,1986 .'. !. .................'.............................................................. ~\:';/ .j ',~ . ': ~1 -.:: t:,;~~~}t~ . .'., "~ '