1986-10-20 RM Exhibits ~ :..... f~\, ,',' ; :,,- \,:,,'" WHEREAS, "the, importance of" do\intowri,fr'evitalization and the 'economic impact of jobs and newconstruction'on'the downtown area of New Hanover C6untYf:i~, reCbgnize~:;:"a~1~:)3\}~:,;iY:i,,{i:~,;i,;';:' . "A" , ,'( . WHEREAS, County government,al agencies:, have ,invested substantial funds to stabilize the,::~,conolllyfof\ the downtown area over the past nine years : and'.':U'{;~'f~;\',' ""i"'" , , '<,F"',,;:' s'" WHEREAS, the U. S. '"Army Corps ,-of,'Engineers and other governmental tenants provide a str<:mg'support base for,' downtown revitalization providing, over' 300 'jobs ',' ~i.thin ,,' ,the the downtown ,1, area. '", """" . ";::) ,":l\i',' ! \~; ". .~, "., , " " :,\t~~,t~,:i!;: t,;'!':',,;,' ".',:" . '. '. . ""':';+;~~;\:":!lP'~'" N em, )lannutr,ar1!tmJJl/i~.f;'<:: , . . '" .. ~', -\ ' , ;'i; ~"'l ' . . ',I;", ,',~,~\i.,;jJ'r' 11Joarll of (!lomminuionern;;,tH;j';:/i, , - . '.' ". ~ ,.... 'n~iY:igJ~~;;!i~~:' i!{tn n luttnn';i\"""'-\"fi',V , ',:: r":,;",, i,:"1):,;,~",l,";i;~~:\~Y(;"i.,, {,,: '~."'I.: , .' l,,-'i:~'\ :1' ~ \'"~;: ;', ,; "..,,- "; I::"": , '~'(., '":.j ",,\;:,,:::',;"j',jd(\:';""':),\ l.,' :':;\ ..:v'-\;'; < l --, ,,,;,'-:",. NOW, ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that",the New Hanover County 'Board of Commissioners recognizing'the'significant negative impact of the loss of these jobs to the, downtown area, the positive impact of retaining these jobs and .the potential capital investment in new facilities within location for the U.S. Army Corps o~Engineers. "1'\,;,;.-': ~ '9 ~ ~ ~ ~} :-.. ,. - '!J ~~~. ............................................. .'....................................................... ....... . . Collections thru September 30, 1986 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS DA TE: Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1986 $27,236,624,38 287,979,85 $27,524,604.23 9,395,32 $27,515,208,91 - 3,643,042,25 $23,872,166.66 13,24% ITEM No. 1985 $25,267,542,71 258,153,60 $25,525,696.31 24,100,65 $25,501,595.66 - 1,614,024.44 $23,887,571.22 6,33% .. . . Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Fire District Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added $ 755,441.29 4,719,79 $ 760,161. 08 268.02 $ 759,893,06 101,478,61 $ 658,414,45 13 . 35% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 736,573,62 $ 802,564,29 Less Abatements 62.30 24,35 Collections to Date 163,840,51 169,339,09 . Outstanding Balance $ 572,670.81 $ 633,200.85 Percentage Collected 22,25% 21.10% Personal Property Taxes $ 1,199,783.04 $ 1,082,045,50 Less Abatements 2,473.71 1,262,56 Collections to Date 49,747,74 41,439.52 Outstanding Balance $ 1,147,561,59 $ 1,039,343,42 Percentage Collected 4,15% 3,83% Room Occupancy Tax Collections in September $96,399,56, fiscal YTD $279,986.69, Privilege License Collections in September $1,229.13, fiscal YTD $16,096,42, Emergency Medical Service Collections in September $150,00, fiscal YTD $594.00, Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach to date - $6,262,237.38, This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1986 (also includes collections for June 30, 1986), . Respectfully submitted, cPC<h-\Wa- 91 ~ Patricia J, ~ynor Collector of Revenue . PJR:lm ~) .",,:,.: ~. .... ';:-r:~~",. . ~f . FROM: Mr. G. Felix Cooper County Manager //"",C'I ", / A Roland ?'. Registet A ~y Tax Admlnlstrator\J:~1 , MEMORANDUM .. TO: ITEM fio. SUBJECT: Abatements and, Refunds DATE: October 13, 1986 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Allen, Stanley R. $ 61.81 2. Baxter, . James W. 68,87 3. Bowen, Charlie H. Sr. 3.07 4. Butler, Algernon Lee Jr. 2,02 (1983 ) 5. Canady, Peggy T. 49,49 (1985 - Refund) 6, Cavenaugh, Larry 61.28 (1980 ) 7, College Acres Housing Ptnp. 6,031.30 8. Cooper, George Dewey III 13,39 (1985 ) 9. Dorney, Donald A. 279.56 (1984 & 85 - Refund' $105,48) 10. Ginn, Jeffery Steven 75.47 (1985 ) 11. Henderson, Johnny 42,57 (1982 ) . 12. Henderson, Johnny 19.14 (1985 ) 13, Hassani, Michael S. 1,755.00 14, Howard, George Joseph Jr. 54.45 (1984 ) 15, Howell, Charles 5.90 16. International Aircraft Sale, Inc, 1,377.32 17, LaQue Center for Corrosion 2,593.31 18. Matthews, Hansen S. Jr. Etux, 50.14 19. Moreau, Pierre Mario 44,16 20. National Cash Register Co. 123,32 21. Paoloni, Beverly Bowen 40.77 (1984 ) 22. Poineau, Mary J. 53.93 (1985 ) 23, Reyna Financial Corp. 1,089.99 24, Rowell, Mack L. Jr. 19,05 25. Ruke, Mabel 95.22 (1985 ) 26, Stubbs, Leigh M, Hrs. 51.44 (1985) 27, Sutton, Robert Park Jr. 23.56 (1984 ) 28. Trundle, Albert S. Jr. Etux, 49.99 29. Wittler, Howard Carl 63,43 (1985 ) 30. Wright Chemical Corp. 43,06 . Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: . 1. Brisson, Houston N. 2, Citizens & Southern National Bank 3. Clemmons, Terry E. 4. Davis, Calvin Coolidge 5, Duncan, William G. 101. 49 451. 93 85,84 26,22 99.71 -:. . Mr, G, Felix Cooper Page 2 October 13, 1986 6.r,Fitzgerald, Edyth -, ,~ ~~ ,~, .-, r'r ~$ 33, 26 r,~, . -. ,~, -- . 7 ~ Honeycutt, Annie Jordan 54,53 8. Jones, Donald W, 49,70 9, Jones, Edward O. 15,98 10, McLeod, Alger C. 59,64 11. Melton, David Dewey Jr. 2,09 (1984 ) 12. Osborn, MichelleM, 8,26 (1985) 13, Ruiter, Hartger G, 51,67 14. Southern Accents Florist 164,08 15. Watkins, James Daniel Jr. 1.12 (1985 ) Request the ~ollowing taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Baldwin, Joseph 27,69 2. Beck, John D. 28.90 3. Bierwiler, Celeste 34,36 4, Bradsher, Linda L. 71. 71 5. Chrysler Corporation 89,30 6, Clayton, Bettye Smith 44.51 (1984 ) 7, Container Products 9,960.27 (1984 & 85 Refund) 8. Cross, Kimberly Renee 67,81 . 9, Dickens, Larry D. 14.14 (1985) 10. Dickson, Emory S, Jr. 159.61 11. Doetsch, Gary Lee 130,38 12. Duncan, Le Neue Davenport 55,47 13, Fast Fare 298 696.49 14, Floyd, Jerry Wayne 47,72 15, Fowler, Allan Gene 2.84 16, Fraley, Charlcie Willene 98.76 17, Garris, Gina Lynn 84,06 18. Godwin, Roland Victor 92.91 (1985 - Refund) 19. Gore,Stephen Alric 25,77 20, Gray, W. F. Insulation Service 238.21 21. Peterson, Robert Kelly Jr. 28.20 22. Pigott, Warren Elijah 138.45 23. Schoenick, Terry Wayne 36.10 (1981 ) 24. Simmons, Samuel N, 146.40 25, Stanley, David J. 101.61 26, Trash Removal Service, Inc. 6,641.06 27. United Parcel Service, Inc. 262.90 28, West, Susan Kalve 11. 57 29. White, Clyde W. Jr. 91. 93 . Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayers certify they mailed their listings during the listing period: . 1. Coleman, Charles Jr. 2. Flowers Metal Works, Inc, 3. Howell, Charles 4. Johnston, William McKay 5, Korb, Carl W, B, III 6, Miller, Sam Etux, 48,52 35.35 5.09 24.25 (1985 - Refund) 9,55 49.50 . Mr, G, Felix Cooper Page 3 October 13, 1986 . 7. Murray J. Fred II 8, Silverman, Marc H~ Trustee 9, Thompson, Lynwood P, Mrs. 10. Wright, Douglas S, $ 38,97 1.12 38,85 121,79 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers were entitled to the Senior Citizen Exclusion and did not receive it: 1. Loftin, Dan Life Estate 2. Pastis, Artemis M, 3. Sloan, Adele 4 ,Waller, Zena 138.00 138,00 138.00 125,18 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of incorrect encoding and penalties charged; mispriced vehicles, boats, trailers, and equipment; property charged to wrong taxpayer; no house on real estate; annexed in error; error in trans- ferring figures: . 1. Alford, Charles 2, Allison, Thayer Stern 3, Carney, Lois H, 4. Dean Hardwoods, Inc. 5. Downing, George W. Etux. 6. Downing, Karen Lynne 7, Dyson, Roland Evan 8, Fryar, Harold A. 9. Grady, Shirley Moore 10, Griffin, Randolph J, 11, Hicks, John Russell 12, Hinson, Walter L, Jr, 13, Horton, Myrtle Lee J. 14. Madison Publishing Co., Inc. 15. Manock, John J. 16. Manuele, Martha K. 17. McCown, Richard 18. Milde, Mary M. 19, Nesbit, Ralph 20, Nixon, James R. 21, Noremac Realty Corp, 22. Pettus, Eguene F. 23, Register, Ross 24. Senter, Meredith S. 25. Spear, David Mayo Trustee 26, Strickland, Joyce Smith 27. Tarheel Knitting Co, 28, Tohlease Corporation 29. Tripp, Ronnie Pershing 30. Truitt, Maria P, 31, Wilson, Robert J. 7,76 64.64 27 .31 29,433.80 4.26 29,32 38.56 45,18 39.57 35,40 24.14 23.46 90,29 430.76 (1984 & 85 Refund) 11,04 1,771.42 79,51 108.55 11. 21 77.84 (1984 & 1985) 56,80 128,30 9.58 (1985) 51.48 1,697.08 39.41 9,660.00 1,278.00 (Refund) 40,16 83.07 55.10 . . . Mr. G, Felix Cooper Page 4 October 13, 1986 . Request 1986 taxes in the amount of $1,803,39, charged to Christs Sanctified Church be released as this is an exempt organization and should not be charged. Request 1986 taxes in the amount of $181,61, charged to Trinity'Ind, F, W. Church be released as this is an exempt organization and should not be charged, Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting October 20, 1986. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw Copy: R, Pope County Attorney L, Harrell Clerk to the Board C, Beatty Listing Supervisor . P. Raynor Collector of Revenue Internal Auditor . . t, f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF NAMING A ROAD ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that'consideration has been given to the naming of a road, located in Federal Point Township approximately 2,800' south of the Carolina Beach/Piner Road intersection and recorded as part of Deed Book 888, Page 159 and it further appearing that a public hearing was h~ldon Monday, October 20, 1986 at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the naming would be in the public interest, ,and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinio~ that said road in New Hanover County should be named and the naming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road is hereby named Rosa Parks Lane. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that notice of the action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to the postmaster having jurisdiction over the road, the North Carolina Board of_~rapsportation and to any city within five (5) miles of said ~B~d. inl~c~ordance with N.C. General Statute 153-240. "...'J"tf;,~ ' ,>:.)O?-'Qo.' I (,' ",.-.,..... .~~ -<> .,"0.' J, \;'0 0 ~ ,(~Tla ' ~~~ day of October, 1986. E' . -/' ~ -\ ':. ~ . .. . ::: ""- . ,. ~: :~:. . : ! ;. ~ .....S -. - I ?: ~ 1-:... ~~... I ...... 0 ... ~~. 'r-II , -1'1' ........ ~ ~f/i ""'" I-{ C ARO\'~,.,.~ "'............~ BOARD'OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY:~ ' AIRMAN " , ~~: --~ iL/~ ' C K TO THE BOARD -_._'-...'-.,.~..-. ~~.. .,:;0,.-...----...,--,..- --., ---'_,-.'- .. ~ STREET NAMING SN 31 10/86 APPLICANT: Barbara Dinkins, et al REQUEST: Road Naming to Rosa Parks Lane (see attached map) . ANALYSIS: Located approximately 2800' south of the Carolina Beach/Piner Road intersection, this road naming proposal consists of a 50' right-of-way and extends 1,450' east from Carolina Beach Road, A field examination reveals that this road is unimproved and accommodates approximately 4 homes. Said road naming is unduplicative and will serve as an identifiable means for the various County services, post office and the public. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends approval. \. ~, I~ PROPOSED ROAD NAMIN~ Ros.a Parks Lane ,'Scale: 1"=400. .21.1 19 /8./ 116 I. RAYMOND STEVENS 2.CLYDE DINKINS 3. HUEY BOYKINS 4,SIMON CHANCLOR 5.RANDOLPH ROSS 6. WILLIAM HENRY 7. J. W. HEGLAR 8. WILLI E HASSELL 9. ISAAC MOORE 10. MELVIN JOHNSON II. W. H. WRIGHT 12. GASTON NEWELL 13. DONOVAN TAYLOR, JR. .>' 14.KERMIT WHITFIELD ~ 15.JAMES NIXON ,. t. 52 . .. . . . . . . II . . II . . . II II II II II . II . . II . II II II . . . . II . . II III II II II II II II . . . II . III . . II II II .. .. . II . . . . .. II . . II II. . . II a II II .. II . . . . II . II II II Q II a II II G II . 11 II . II a a II II . iii . iii.. . :::v:::;;~::".<-1 1!anarb of QIommis!iinners ,. New Buttoner OIountU iIl.e5nlutinn PERTAINING TO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT i3 WHEREAS, language of the North Carolina State Constitution, as interpreted by recent court decisions, is not sufficiently specific to permit seaport and airport authorities to use revenue bonds for building needed facilities and leasing them on a long-term basis to public and private entities, and WHEREAS, the jobs created by commercial and industrial activity at North Carolina's seaports and airports play an important role in aChieving the state's goal of providing productive employment for its people, and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has recognized this problem and voted overwhelmingly to present this amendment to the state's voters on November 4, 1986, in order to clarify language in the state's constitution to permit North Carolina's seaports and airports to use revenue bonds for needed improvements, and WHEREAS, the proposed constitutional amendment pertaining to revenue bond financing for North Carolina seaports and airports would encourage development of such facilities and would result in the creation of more jobs, and WHEREAS, approval of this amendment would not result in any additional taxes for the citizens of North Carolina. Both the amendment and enabling legislation specify that all obligations created by these bonds must be paid by the users, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO SUPPORT PASSAGE OF THIS PROPOSED AMENDMENT walCH IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC AND STATE. this the 20th day of October 1986. i............a.................II.................................a.a..................... . Jonathan Barf'eld, Chairman